r VOL. XIX; NO. 33 Labor Weekly, Presenting Labor News and Views Without Fear and Without Favor CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, &BC&MBER 22, 1343 “ Dedicated to the Contiamed Indwtrtal Growth el North Carotin* Subscription Price 12.00 Year Season’s Qreetings To OUr Subscribers And Advertisers! ■ r ■■■ I .-. New Scamp to Carry Gompers Likeness WASHINGTON.—Postmaster General Jesse M. Donald* son has authorized issuance of a new 3-cent stamp to com memorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Samuel Gompers, founder and first president of the American Fed e ration of Labor. The stamp will be placed on sale for the first time at Washington, D. C., on January 27, 1950, the 100th anni versary of Mr. Gompers’ birth in London, England. The size, color and design of the stamp will be announced later. It is expected to be the size of the “famous Ameri cans” series and will contain a likeness of Mr. Gompers. Mr. Donaldson acted on a request of AFL President Wil liam Green and Secretary-Treasurer George Meany made in hnfrijf of the AFL committee for observance of Hie Gom pers* centenary. President Truman threw his efforts behind the request, one of 490 pending for 1950 commemorative stamps. The President was, understood to feel that if only one commemo rative was issued next year it should be in honor of the man who founded Hie AFL, the most enduring, oldest and biggest national trade union center in American history. Plans for the first day sale and appropriate cachet will be announced. _ Here’s How To Get Coopers’ Stamp Washington—AFL stamp Ml* lectors »4 members who want copies of the now Samuel Gem ■tiro iasuo can by writing to the Pontmnoter. Washington, D. C. The posteffice deportment an nounced that anyone deairing first-day cancellations of this now stamp may send as many as lfi self-address ad stamped envelope* to the pent master at Washington. D. C, together with mittanoe to cover the cent of the stamps to ho adzed. The stamp honoring the AFL’s fonndor and first president will he parple and printed fa sheets ef 7*. It wiU he ptaeof so sols for the frat |1m on the 100th anniversary of Mr. Gaatpera* birth on January 27, 1050. Tha stamp b MS by 0J8 inches (Famous American sisa) in dimension*, arranged verti cally. The central design is a portrait of Mr. Campers, framed by a border of colonial design with a spray of laurel leaves ever the lower left portion. Below the portrait Is the name “Samuel -Compere” in white Gothic on a dark background. V The denomination “3 c“ in the •'•Une style appears in the lower right corner. Above the por trait in dark Gothic is the wording “United State* Pest GETS It CENTS BOOST. 8m Francisco. — AFL Paint, Varnish and Bruslunakars Union won a 10-cent-an-hour wag* raise, retroactive to October 1, in a * year contract with employers in this ana. The on tract also pro vides 40 hoars annual sick leave. ENDORES FUND. Austin, T«. — The executive board of the Texes Bute Federa tion of Lebor urged affiliated un ions to contribute to the Texas Conferences of the National Asso ciation for the Advancement of Colored People. AFL-CIO Leaders Happy Over Big Job Well Done • 1 AMKRICAN ft Oil notwd commentotnr from Washington NIGHTS Monday rhru Friday Green Given Place In New World Union LONDON.—AFL President William Green was chosen a member of the top executive board of the new anti-Com mnnist International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. AFL Secretary-Treasurer Georye Meany and Irving Brown, AFL representative in Europe, were named alter nates on the policy-making panel which will govern the confederation of 48,000,000 workers in 53 countries. Percy Bengough. president of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress, was named to the executive board. As the new organisation formal-1 1 ly came into being, AFL Vice Pres idents George George Harrison and David Dubtaslcy said that the main American objectives had been sup ported by the founding conference and are incorporated in the consti tution. The confederation pledged to fight for workers and against to talitarianism everywhere. One article in the constitution which did not mention communism by name, called far establishment of a world system of collective se curity and urged support within the framework of the 'United Na tions for measures against totali tarian aggression. The confederation elected Paul 1 Finet, of Belgium president, Dutch 1 Delegate /. R. Oldenbroek of the 1 International Transport Workers i Federation as its first secretary general, selected Brussels as bead- • quarters and named a 19-man ex ecutive board, including 2 Ameri- - tans. < Green and Murray Elected. < President William Green of the 1 hPL and President PhBip Murray J if the CIO were elected to 2 of the i World LabofeHcad - ~ : Green Participates In London Ceremony London.—AFL President Wil liam Green participated in the opening ceremonies at the new medical and rehabilitation center in South London built with $200, $00 raised by the AFL and oth*r American trade unions. Mr. Green said in a speech that Great Britain had made great progress in hesKh and social aero ices. “The reactionary press of our MMintry call it all socialised modt :ine and chav^o us sdth trying to ihanre America into n ueMero itate,” Mr. Green said. *a say that w would ratter have the UaMod lutes as a welfare state thea a Fall Street itate.” North American seats on the ex cutive board. Their alternates are Ir. Meany aad Mr. Brown for tho lFL and James B. Carey aad EL aer F. Cope for the CIO. 1949 National Income Probably Be 220 Billions THIS COMPARES WITH 87 BILLION DOLLARS IN BEST PROSPERITY YEAR BEFORE WAS. Unemployment Rone To 3 Million In 1948, Compared 1W 17 Million During Peak Depression Years Out Of A Labor Force Of 51 Million'—Present Labor Force Is 64 MUUhl have acquired the conftdence that ther win not be left in despair in an economic emergencjf and, with the elimination of that basic fear, people can j| ahead and advance and prosper. If President Truman sets a truly liberal Democratic Con gress in 1950, this industrial stability should become stronger and stronger until it will have become impregnable. State* Start Organizing Drive For 1,000,000 More Members WASHINGTON. — Harry O’ Reilly, AFL director of organization, announced that state federations of labor art setting January dates for Samuel Gompers Memorial Organ izing rallies in the drive for 1,000,000 new AFL memben in 1950. Ohio will noid its roily Jon SI ond 22 in Columbus. Indiana will moot Jon. 28 ond 29 in Indionopn» is, Southorn ototos oro sotting dotes other in Urn with the recommenda tions et the successful 14-state held in Mew Orleans. The rallies as* the opening features of the Samuel Compere renteMilel Year to ho eh Hmd throughout 1050 by thu American Pederatioa of labor in honor of tbo 100th anniversary at <ho founder and first president at tho API* Gompers Dinner sd Hotel Sutler, Washington, on Jam,, A h advance of the January ST birthday of Mr. Compare. The 1,000,000 member iipdl in* drive is linked la with efforts of APL’s Labor League far Politi cal Education U elect a liberal Congress in the 1900 campaign. Building Trades Show AFL Hospitality Waafclattaa^-Taa aMdab af three Aft fcalldiaf aal tfca lataraatianaf iMuditlw af M*ehiabu inrt aaleaiata hi that has kmai a trtJUiraal aurfc af l ... aMl Left la Natiaml ^ab Uaiaa af The NelkerUad*; Viee-Preeideat Baw B. Walker af tfca ffl rfcjalata. Secretary-Treaaarer Jaha i. Manky af Mm Bricklayer*, Maaaaa aad Plaatarrra; AFL Vica-Praaidaat Daa W. Tracy, praaMart af the IatinaMaaal Bntfctrhaad af Birtriwl Week era; Jaa Vaa Eyberraa. rrcrtlarr af tfca Caaatractiaa WarIan af Mm Cfcriatiaa Natlaaal Tra4a Uaiaa at Tfca Nathariaada, aad aa they «. iTc -a te atady aar---.— (taper af tfca Caaetractiee Worker* Uaiaa af tfca fcaiMiaa trade* ■Patch ifctH Freer, P era; faa Mertia P. Darkia~af tfcaT V

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