Pittsburgh Plots Gloss Co. 201 Em» Start. St. Fkonc 3-6624 CHARLOTTE, N. C. PNEUMAFIL CORPORATION 2516 Wirttimon BM. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PURITY MARKET AND GROCERY MEATS, GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES • ’ 202 Cm* Trade St. T*l. 3-9787 CHARLOTTE, N. C. "Hows tap the OM Mill plant went oat srttb tbo flood rites adventuresome tit|> naan btgao Is torn power wasting at fails and sltoais into electricity rhe> irsnanitlni M to sites located a sate dis tance from the rivers riteae sltes rapidly grew into towns Factory loss by flood ended Such river sites as could be reached and profitably de veloped were "used up" fw. It was found that, in time or drought streams proved to adequate is power needs m the awakened Piedmont DURE POWER COMPANY Jiiwiy. 1tC CLaima* NEW RADIO SERIES BEGINS ON MARCH 7TH WASHINGTON.—Here is tome more important radio news! Beginning March 7, the Ameri can Federation goes on the air with a series of eight weekly radio programs over 130 stations of the American Broadcasting Company network, from coast to coast. Names of the programs is "As Ve See It,” They originate from i Washington. Tuesday nights, at 10:45 P. M. However, please consult your newspapers for the exact local time of broadcast. The programs will feature in terviews with national leaders and labor representatives, with interspersed comment on top news developments by Phil Pearl, AFI. publicity director. According to present plans, the opening program will offer inter views with AFL President Wil Ijam Green and with Senator Claude Pepper, of Florida. Time for these programs is made available to the American Federation of Labor free of charge by the American Broadcasting Company as a public service. Business organisations also are accorded free time by the network in a corresponding program. For up-to-the-minute informa tion on labor’s nedrs and views, there is no better source than the “As We See It" programs. Make certain to listen to them regular- j Iy. Again we suggest that you consult your daily newspaper for the exact time of broadcast. AFL UNIONS SCORE •FIRST* FOR CHEST New York. — The Community Chests and Councils of America report that tho entertainment I unions of the American Federation of Labor scored a “first** over the Columbia Broadcasting System during the recent Community Chest campaigns. | For the first time an “all labor* show tribute to the Red Feather I was presented on a nationwide' broadcast, mad^ possible through the generosity and cooperation of the AFL unions. SAFETY PROGRAMS BEGUN. Washington.— Tho Department st Laker said that the program of the President's Committee on In> doMrfal Safety has resulted in in* Austria! safety training courses thus far in Florida, Oregon, Mich igan, Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island and Wast Virginia. Courses are scheduled to he glu* it soon In New Jersey, 8euth Cep •Una, North OareUaa, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, Colorado, Iowa and Florida. Mace lima SCO state personnel will he mined in the conrses in the It Bliln, A BUSY MAN O'CONNOR. Washington.—Here’s what hap pened to Frank O’Connor starting tho Now Year: He was alactad preaidant of Stone and Marble Masons Union No. S of tho AFL; re-elected secretary treasurer of tho Washington, D. C., Building Tradsa Council, and re appointed by the District Commis sioners as labor member of the minimum wage and industrial safe ty hoard for a full S-year term. HONOR NORMAN THOMAS. New York.—AFL Preaidont Wil liam Green la among the almost one deaea AFL rice chairmen for the testimonial luncheon to Nor man Thomas here Fob. 4. AFL Vice Presidents Daniel J. Tobin, president et the Teamsters Union, and David Dnbinaky, prsatdsnt of the Ladbe dormant Workers Un ion, are ethers. J ' * BULBS TIGHTENED ON EXEMPT JOBS Washington.—Adopt ion of revis ed regulations governing minimum wage and overtime exemption of certain so-called “white collar" employes under the Fair Labor Standards Act—the federal wage and hour law—was announced by Wm. R. McComb, administrator of the U. S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour and Public Con tracts Divisions. The revised regulations, which will continue to apply to about 2, 500,000 employes, will take effect on January 25, 1950, effective date of the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1919, which in crease the wage-hour law minimum wage to 75 cents an hour and make other changes in this law. Hie new regulations contain “tests'* of duties, responsibilities, salary levels, and other basic re quirements which employers must apply in determining which of their employes may be exempt from the wage and hour provisions of the wage-hour law as an' executive, administrative, professional, local retailing, or outside salesman type of employe. They provide a salary and five tests for executive em ployes; a salary and four other tests for administrative and pro fessional employes. FARMERS AND LABOR JOIN TO WIN LIBERAL CONGRESS (Continued Proas Page 1) to the farmers’ troubles and it will help to concentrate further Ms in terest in politics. “Labor’s primary Job is regis tration and getting oat the vote in the urban areas where, at pres ent, there is a very considerable “The fact that laher will benefit to I960 from the farm revolt agataet Republican Senate* to happen to bo labor’s chief enemies OUSTINGS CENTRAL LUMBER CO. 300 Se. Brmrf St. DM 3-5145 CHARLOTTE, N. C riTRw-cmmor Bteaa UH r* ijissr^isi H«yU t» WM ate gfcl or toy j It may bo just • Valentine With donkey! on the front But I’m w nice m yon most know I wouldn't bo oo blunt It may bo jost a Valentine With fancy, lacy trim. With cupids, hearts, and suck as | that And to a certain Him. It may be just a Valentine That our class made in art It’s sticky and it’s dirty too, But it might catch your heart ' j It may be any Valentine Under the heoosn abore. What ’ere the kind that it might be I hope it gats your lore. VakntiiM's Day February fourteenth. Is Valentine’s Day; It is usually eolebiutod. In more than one way. Sometimes far donees, Sometimeo 1m n gift, More often for romances. To giro it a Bfk i Usually ea Valentina, A meoeago to sent. If yon will bo min* We’ll aB bo osteMn*. MABG0LX8 RESIGNS CONCILIATION POST Washington.—William N. Mar roli», widely known to AFL union ists, resigned as assistant director of the Federal Mediation and Con ciliation Service effective next March 1. Margolis, 42, in th« service 0 years. will open offices as a labor relations consultant in New York, Newark and Washington. He is a lawyer, worked for the New Jer sey Unemployment Compensation Commission and was assistant reg ional director for the mediation service in New York City. Compliments of Credit Co., Inc. 534 So. Tryon St. Telephone 3-7141 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS Confection Vending Co. 220 W. Sixth St. Tel. 3-1816 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Favors For Your Christmas and New Year's Parties Some of The Things We Lend Money on DU. Witflwi Jewelry Men’s ('lothiag ‘loots Silverware Shot Gnat Rifles Pistole Trunks Addins MarKnea EP* M nsiral Intracnti Kodak* Typewriter* au DUBincss oincuj ^uniiurniMi* ▼▼ iiru in of Money We Never Fail Yon. Bm u far karfiia la Jiawda. walckd, Jewelry, clothing, at*. RELIABLE LOAN GO. Ml BAST TRADE STREET JUf jM ■TJr 0 f^m ^ i^j IJ fj Citizens National Bank South Union CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA ; 1 Mtmbtr: Miihir Fedora I Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Letter-Press Printing press prim the dinct a in the graphic arte tkm of inked type and engravings or ether type material te It is the simplest of all graphic methods ef reproduction and at the same time the most lasting. It was the method employed by the medieval craftsmen who lint ap plied type to paper and it has persisted throughout the centuries over aO innova tions, untO today, when the best of crafts manship is sought in a Job, there is no al ternative to letter press printing, along with high grade paper and typographic good taste. We suggest that If you have some print ing in view that you want weB done, you consult us. Simply telephone S-1776 or else call at the office, 118 East Sixth St, Charlotte, N. C. * ^ • & * H. A. Stalls Printing Co* PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE AT YOUR DISPOSAL ; p. a Box mi CHARLOTTE, N. G