■ - . r-" _ _ , _■_ ^I GREETINGS TO LAROR JOHN A. HOWARD electrical contractor . Phone 3179 873 Arbor Lone o ’ — — Wil-Mor Pork CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA " t HENRY RIVER MILLS COMPANY HENRY RIVER, N. C. ♦ Green River Mils, Inc. t FINE COMBED YARNS Tuxedo. N. C. * . Greetings To Labor Young Construction Company . Loon R. Young Ed. G. Young P. a BOX 1S44 PHONE 3-0822 CHARLOTTE, N. C • 900 West Main Street Phone 2344 ROCK HILL, S. C. UNITED FREE WORLD CM DEFEAT RUSSIA Washington. — The AFL La bor's Monthly Survey said in its current issue that the industrial strength of the United Slades and western Europe democracies is 4 or 5 times that of Russia and its satellites. The democracies have used their industries to create higher living standards while USSR has diverted her production to military equipment and left her people in direst poverty. The charts show that while the steel production of USSR and her sat ellites is scarcely more than one fifth that of the democracies, ' she has almost 7 times as many tanks, a larger air force, and is maintaining and equipping a vastly larger army. History has shown an inter esting parallel to the present sit uation. After the Napoleonic wars in the early 1800s, Europe was threatened as today wth ag gression from powerful Russian forces. In those days the same European nations which today are. members of the Atlantic Pact, made a united and un yielding stand against her imper ialist drive, with the result that Russia finally withdrew to her own boundaries. Stalin is a realist and under stands determined resistance as was well illustrated in Berlin on May 28. Although the commun ists had boasted that “by Whit sunday all Berlin will tie ours,” the planned invasion never came off—because the three* occupying powers stood their ground and backed the voluntary resistance of the free Berliners with armed force. .This experience is a good guide for the future. Russia to day is under a red czar, but as in 1800s. she understands the meaning of united resistance. We cannot forget that being1 ready to resist armed aggression! is only the negative part of the free world’s task. We are en gaged in a crusade for human betterment. Our first task is to insist on principles of law and justice in international relations, whether in the United Nations or elsewhere, and to provide a w*y of life that gives opportun r- 1 ■ » GREETINGS Rice Printing Co. Ill No. Brevard Tel. 3-7286 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS Wm. Rhodes Co. Air Conditioning 5314 Wilkinson Bird. Tel. 4-45 f4 Charlotte. N. C. ■ 18 REFUSES lH; t Geneva,—The credentials com mittee of the International Labor Organisation secom mended that the conference refuse to seat vw Venezuelan worker delegate, Teofllo Morales, and his four ad visers. The committee found that the Venezuelan government had not discharged its obligation to choose the worker delegtien in agreement with the mast repre sentative workers organization. The committee’s report recalled that a Venezuelan decree of 1948 had suspended certain constitu tional safeguards which were “especially important for trade unian activities.” A year later, the report continued, the Ven rsulean government dissolved the Confederation of Workers of Venezuela and its affiliated "un ions. In March, 1949, the report add ed, a further decree added other restrictions to the independence of the unions. Furthermore, the committee said, the government had imprisoned certain trade un ion leaders. It followed, .the report contin ued, that the Venezulean work ers delegation “has inevitably been chosen from among the candidates put forward by or ganizations which do not have the representative chorait^r’’ re quired by the ILO’s constitution. Declare your independence by buying Independence Bonds. ity for spiritual and intellectual growth for every individual We of the West are materially powerful. Our moral, intellect ual and technological heritage is overwhelming. These resources should be wisely and fully used to build a world along Itfies which will benefit all, not just' some, of mankind. Such a pro gram wil have all the strength to beat back the incursions of barbaric ideologies, and in the long run will cause them to wither away because they ignore the truth that man ia a spiritual aa well as a materia] being. I Joanna, S. C. - /.' ; . * . ,, _ ,t:._____ : • ••• . : ' ' “ ■ % - ' • — ' ... • / Greetings Pilot Full Fashioned Hosiery Mills » •