GREETINGS BOU TAILORS CLEANERS AND LAUNDRIES 130 E. Main Are. GASTONIA, N. C GREETINGS Greasman Steel Roller Machine Co., Inc. Wilkinson Boulevard Telephone 5-3312 GASTONIA, N. C. GREETINGS Improved Tension Co. Specializing in Small Parts For Making Better Yarns 213 North College Street GASTONIA, N. C, GREETINGS Hoosier Scale Shop .1821 Wf. Franklin Phone 9791 GASTONIA, N. C. GREETINGS Mrs. W. 6. Hamner MILL SUPPLIES Representative of GILL LEATHER CO. Salem, Mass Phone 5-0861 GASTONIA, N. C. MANNING’S “What We Have Is New and What Is New We Have” 1216-18 W. Franklin Ave. GASTONIA, N. C. and 169 Virginia Avenue BESSEMER CITY, N. C. Declare your independence by buying Independence Bonds. AFL Convention Call Labor Omnia Vincit AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR A. F of L. Building Washington, D. C. To All Affiliated Unions Greet ings: June 30, 1950. You are hereby notified that, in pursuance of the Constitution of the American Federation of Labor, the Sixty-ninth Conven tion of the American~ Federation of Labor will be held in the Civ ic Auditorium, Houston, Texas, beginning at 10:00 o’clock Mon day morning, September 18, 1950, and will continue in session from day to day until the busi ness of the Convention shall have been completed. Many interesting developments have taken place in both the in ternational and the national fields since the adjournment of our last convention. The extension of pid, assistance and help to the im poverished people of Europe through the Marshall Plan and otherwise, has been supplement ed through the organisation and establishment of a irew world confederation of free, democrat ic unions, the International Con federation of Free Trade Unions. All of . this must be interpreted as a contribution toward the pro motion of international welfare, good will and co-operation. No one can adequately appraise the value of the service thus ren dered in the promotion of international peace . and security and in the determination to pre serve freedom, liberty and de mocracy. GREETINGS Ruetln’s Furniture Co., Incorporated Complete HOME FURNISHINGS 270 West Main Telephone 6366 GASTONIA, N. C. GREETINGS T & I Gash Grocery. Company Strictly Fresh Vegetables and Meats It Pleases Us To Please You We Deliver 1201 W. Franklin Phone 5-2521 GASTONIA. N. C. .AGAIN FOR FALL 1950. The Fabric Is (he Soul of the Suit “BOTANY” BRAND 500 r i Just in! Our newest collection F of “Botany” Brand 600 suits I ... in single and double breast ed models, in all wool worsteds and gabardines. Solids and mixtures of blue, brown and | tan. Regulars, longs, shorts and stouts. *60 In the national field, our un ions have succeeded in maintain ing the economic and social gains which they have made, and in raising their standards of life and living to somewhat higher levels. In this respect we have not lost but instead have gained mush. Through the enactment of improved social security leg islation, the establishment b' higher minimum wage rates, the extension of a shorter workday period in many instances, and the development of a favorable public sentiment in support of adequate retirement legislation, the social and economic welfare of the masses of the people has been - advanced. In fighting for the realization of these social and economic gains we have learned that we must continue as aggressively and militantly as ever for the' preservation of freedom, liberty and democracy. Even during this i period when we meet again in annual convention, * there is abroad throughout the nation a clashing of governmental ideolo gies and controls. We of the American Federation of Labor who cherish freedom and liberty as a priceless heritage can not! and will not surrender to totali tarianism or the totalitarian form of government, Because we cherish freedom we will fight to , maintain it; because we regard liberty as a priceless heritage we will sacrifloe anything and every thing to preserve it and transmit it intact to succeeding genera tions. We call upon the representa tives of government to termin- j nate the second World War I through the negotiation of an agreement and through such ac tion establish international peace and security throughout the world. Our fight for the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law must continue until we achieve our purpose to wipe this objectionable legisla tion from the statute books, of the nation. We must plan to mobiliae our full political strength in order to accomplish this highly commendable pur pose. At this historic convention we will plan to go forward, never backward; to hold fast all the gains we have made and fight for improved conditions of em ployment and higher standards of living; to maintain the free dom guaranteed us by the . or ganic law of the land; and to refuse to accept legislation which will limit our legal, free trade union activities and thus hinder and hamper us in our efforts to lift the standard of life and liv ing of every American worker to * high and still higher level. Representation in the Conven tion will be on the following' ba sis: From National or Interna tion Union, for less than 4,000 members, one delegate; 4.000 or more, two delegates; 8,000 or more, three delegates; 16,000 or IN THE SUPERIOR COURT State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg. Edith Louise Ivey, Plaintiff, vs. Marion Eugene Ivey. Defend ant. NOTICE The Defendant, Marion Eugene Ivey, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Mecklonburg County, N. C., to obtain an absolute divorce from the Defendant, Marion Etfgens Ivey, on the grounds of two years continuous seperation prior to the institution of this action, as by law made and pro vided, and the said defendant, Manon Eugene Ivey, will further take notice that he is required to appear at this office of the Clerk of The Superior Court of Mecklenburg County. N. C, in the Courthouse at Charlotte, N. C., on the 17th day of August, A. D., or within* twenty days thereafter, and answer or demur to the Complaint in said action, or the Plaintiff, Edith Louise Ivey, will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. r,'nliUhe 18th ^ of Ju,y. A. 1950. , 4 m/UKE,, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court,. Mecklenburg County. N. we .* .. ■ . - ^ ^ 7-20. 27; 8-3, 10c. noted commentator from Washington M0& Monday thru Friday ON RApIO STATION WAYS, 10 P. M. 1 wore, four delegates; 32,000 or more, five delegates; 64,000 or more, six delegates; 128.000 or wore, seven delegates; 256,000 or nore. eight delegates; and so on; ind from Central Bodies and State Federations, and from local trade unions not having a Na ional or International Union, ind from Federal Labor Unions. >ne delegate. Only bona fide wage workers eho are not members of. or eli gible to membership in, other Frade Unions dull be eligible is delegates from Federal Labor Unions. Only those persons vhose Local Unions are affiliated with Central Bodies or with State Branches and wno are delegates ;o said Central Bodies or State Branches shall be eligible to rep resent city Central Bodies or State Branches, in the Conven tions of the American Federation >f Labor. Organizations to be entitled to representation must have obtain ed a certificate of affiliation (charter), at least one month prior to the Convention; and no person will be recognized as a delegate who is not a member in good standing of the organiza tion he is elected to represent. Delegates must be elected at least two weeks previous to the Convention, and their names for* warded to the Secretary-Treasur er of the American Federation of Labor immediately after their election. Delegates are not entitled to seats in the Convention unless the tax and assessments of their organisation have been paid in full to August 31, I960. The importance of our move ment, the duty of the hour and for the future, demand that every organization entitled to rep resentation shall send its full quota of delegates to the Hous ton Convention, September 18. 1950. Fraternally yours, WILLIAM GREEN, President. GEORGE MEANY, Secretary-Treasurer. BOGGETT til B. Part Am_ Phase tiff! LUMBER CO. U P*y*-T» Trad* Will : “PERFECT PROTECTION’* -that EXTRA something In your life insurance policy! -your OCCIDENTAL representative will fladly teU yon about it. . . . that “extra something ” that will make your family secure in years to come. life insurance is a “top-notch” investment today ... for your future ... as a guard against dangerous inflation. —--If there is no OCCIDENTAL representative near you write for particulars to: -4. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY _ RALEIGH. NORTH CAROLINA DU* «A ’'UM-.s Some of The Things We Lend Money on Sllv«rwar» Riflw Trank* » Addins Machine* AH Business Strictly Confidential. When in N< sf Money We Never Fall Yon. • a* far hartals in dU moods, watch**. J*w*hry. Bags Sait Musical Typewriters RELIABLE LOAN CO. Ml BAST TRADE STREET GREETINGS Kings Mountain Foundry^__ Specializing In r SAND-TOOTH GEARS For All Makes of Frames TEXTILE WORK IS OUR SPECIALTY WE DESIGN WOOD AND METAL PATTERNS Alf Classes of GRAY IRON CASTINGS Telephone 5-0255 834 North Marietta Street Extension • GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA 5-PIECE MAHOGANY VENEER YOU SAVE *70M IF YOU BUY NOW. Expert craftsmanship throughout this suite plus rich mahogany veneer make it an excellent value even at the regular price . , . but we offer you a »70.f0 aiving. Includes Chat on Chest; Vanity, Vanity bench, Poster Bed and Nite Table. Be sure to see this suite. 18th Century design. CONVENIENT TERMS Originally Priced At $419.50 NOW ONLY $34900 SEE THE ACTUAL SUITE IN OUR WINDOW Charlotte'a Largest Independent Furniture Store 123*125 SOUTH COLLEGE ST. ' * • vs ' ; r'. • ' . .