BLS Will Begin Study For Price Index Revision The U. S. Laiwr Department*! Bureau of Labor Statistics hai announced the beginning of a 15 month program of special studies of retail prices. This expansion in the Bureau’s pricing program is a necessary step in the revi sion of the Consumers’ Price In dex, authorized by Congress las: year. The index is being revised so that it will be an up-to-date measure of changes in prices of the goods and services that people buy, and will serve better to measure the price effects of the defense program after the out break of the Korean conflict. Committees representing business and labor throughout the Nation advised the Bureau in planning these studies. One study, which will help in determining which individual goods and services shall be in* clued in the final index, will cov er about 400 items not currently included. Another study, de aigned to learn what kinds of stores and what sections of a city must be represented to measure price changes accurately, begin in Chicago early in September and may be extended to two smaller cities later in the year. A third study will serve as a basis for (- -“ 1 determining which cities should be included in the revised index to represent all urban centers. The accuracy and efficiency of price collection methods and pro cedures will also be studied dur ing the 15-month period. One of the world’s most wide ly used statistical tools, the con sumers Price Index measures change in the purchasing power of the urban consumer’s dollar. It measures changes from month to month in prices of goods and services bought by moderate-in come families in large U. S. cities. Among its many uses, the CPI plays an important part in wage negotiations by manage ment and labor, in policy making by Federal, State and local gov ernments, in establishing allow ances by welfare agencies and other institutions', and in contract agreements of many kinds. SOCIALISM? Note to the voters of Harry Byrd’s Virginia: Vour state-- received more than 118.3 million in aid from the1 Federal Government during the t fiscal year ending June 30, 1949.’ Is that socialism? SOUTHERN LAUNDRY MACHINERY COMPANY 1005 East 7th St. Telephone 4-4864 CHARLOTTE, N. C. • \YurlFIzj r lanos * »K*. U k*52500 Write, WIm, Thmma r«r Chtetec * Parkir-Ganker C*. CAKES CANDY A GOOD PLACE TO \ REST AND REFRESH We wan* you for our customer MAYFAIR HOTEL NEWSSTANO Charlotte. N. C. Soft Drinks — Ice Cream BOGGETT 211 E. Park At*. Ph*a* 817f UMBERCO. t* INvh To Trade With ENROLL NOW WITH RESERVE HOSPITAL PLAN BENEFITS ABE NOT REDUCED r FOB CHILDREN OR ELDERLY DEPENDENTS ^ AGE LIMIT 1 DAY TO 80 YRR ACCIDENTS — SICKNESS ' CHILDBIRTH INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY GROUP PLAN PAYS IN FULL RECARDLESS OF ANY OTHER INSURANCE YOU HAVE LIBERAL CASH BENEFITS FOR POLIO PROTECTION $5000 f w- P**™**”* Boom, Anesthesia. X-Ray n ^■®^pr*JwyRxpenae, and Ambulance. Pays ""JLP"* to Accident* or Sickneo? 5S?d5Jc",‘* p" Dw *» ™<*« r*”"V. Cko^ VX DONT WAIT TOO LATEI~*?"'' - •. ’ ' MAIL THIS COUPON " • ' V! LIPR INSURANCE 00. ■end me information Phm. No obligations, j&T'a~ ^ ^■ "AM*. AO« •*••••••*. OCC. . .. STAIR cm — BUY! SAVE! ALL NEXT WEEK Monday, Sept. 25th through, Saturday, Sept. 30th BELICS Great Annual Harvest SALE A Storewide Br impet Crop of Bargainsl Fun, Maisic and Gaiety! BIG CASH PRIZE CONTEST FOR ’ BEST FARM PRODUCTS ENTERED D ,ONT MISS IT! * Jn Our 55th Year of Service to Charlie and the Carolina*! HOLD OH TO YOUR Social securitycard VOOR YOU MAY NEED IT AT ONCE WHEN YOU START WORK ON A NEW JOB*3 FILE FDR SOCIAL SECURUy BENEFITS. for Mo%e !n for nation Consult Your Union Social Security Committee Of tiie Nearest Social Security Office. PATRIOTISM “Be careful — whether or not you're in direct war industry— of any indication you are mak ing too much profit while U. S. soldiers are being shot.” —Page 14 o»" "'Nation’s Business,” official magazine of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, Sep tember. 1960. It’* okay to make too much boys. But for Pete’s sake don’t: show it. The guys in Korea might not understand. HILL BROS. FURNITURE, CO., INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE 110 No. Colin* CHARLOTTE, N. C. T*l. 4-2525 I HOWIE FOOD STORE 834 East 7th St. CHARLOTTE, N. C Tel. 9814 ROY DAVIS USED CARS The Right Place To Buy Or Sell Your Used Cars 710 S. College St. Telephone 4-4300 CHARLOTTE. N. C. MITCHUM & TUCKER CANDY CO. Manufacturers of M & T PEANUT PRODUCTS AND CANDIES "The kind that makes' you want more" 1218 (;