WASHINGTON WEEKLY COLUMN All la Same Boat Rep. Robert Ramsay (D., W. Va.) points out the peopla are behind the demands of trad* un ionists for • democratic defense program. "Labor ... is not asking too much,” Ramsay told the House March 20. "I find its program not very much different than the demands of aU the people, judg ing from the letters I receive from sny constituents. • '‘Labor, in the field of waffS control, wants a formula which will assure economic justice. That is pretty much what my contin ents want. Labor wants a more realistic price control program ' rather than one full of loopholes. p . . That is just about what my constituents want. "Labor wants a tax program that is more equitable than the monstrosity we passed in Decem ber which falsely carries the label of excess profits tax. Labor wants loopholes plugged in our tax bills. That is just about what my con stituents demanded. . . . “I have referred to the things labor asks and the thing my con stituents ask. I doubt if my Con stituency is much different from any other.” Stopping Speculators Housing Expediter Tighe Woods mats Congress to damp down on hooting speculators. Woods said March 20 the Gov ernment must be able to eontrd rents in new defense or mUftaiy areas just as soon as a new camp or plant is announced. Here’s what’s happening now: As soon as the Government says it is going to build a camp or plant, rent gougers and housing gamblers get set for a killing. Servicemen and defense workers are stabbed in the back. Rents shoot op and house prices increase before a single service man or defense worker is on the scene. Byrd “Economy” The machine controlled by Sen. Harry Byrd (D.) runs state and local government in Virginia Byrd is a loud shouter for “econ omy." Last year the number of state and local government employes in Virginia increased by 3,800—or 5 per cent. The government pay rolls rose by $13.6 million—or more than 8 per cent. What’s that about “economy," Senator? Ireland Adopts Government Boosing Program \ Socialism has come to Ireland. “Impossible!” you say? Read on— The Irish Government is now sponsoring -~M housing program similar to the middle-income plan in the United States. And everybody knows middle income housing is Socialistic. The National Association of Real Es tate Boards (NAREB), the Na tional Association of Home Build ers (NAHB), Sen. Kenneth Wher ry -pries fmte January M. The rise moans that under a contract ne gotiated March 1 at ths Whits House, and praised by President Truman himself, 1,000,000 rail road shop and terminal workers are to get a 6-cents-an-hour pay raise which would pierce ths government’s own 10 per cent ceiling on pay increases.” Ray mond J. Blair, New York Herald Tribune, March 24. “. ... But Johnson Is Oppos ed.”—Wall Street JouraaL “Enforcement of government controls during the present emergency has been much more gentle than tha policy followed during World War II, a survey by the Journal of Commerce indi eates- Tbs policy of leniency has been carried to the point where some businessmen believe that non-compliance is increasing rap idly, particularly in the materials .controls issued by the National Production Authority and in tha price controls issued by the Of fice of Price Stabilization. Thus far, 6 months after the controls begin to be issued in Washington, prosecution is virtually nil.” Sidney Fish, New York Journal of Commerce, March 26. REIT BILL HELPFUL OILY UNTIL JUNE 30 The House passed a weak rent control extension hill March If which will protect tenants in con* trolled areas only until. June 30. The Senate approved the measure March 18. But the extension isn't strong enough and the real estate lobby already is Aghting every effort to defeat a strong rent bill after June 30. Congressional action will keep controls on where they already exist. But towns and cities cap take them off between now and June 30. There will not be con trols where they do not now ex ist. So if controls are lifted in any city, they cannot be put back on—no matter how high rents climb. Speeding The Parting Gaeat • You’ve got a pretty place, Frank,” said the departing guest. “But it looks a bit bare yet." “Oh.” explained Frank, “it's because the trees are rather | young. I hope they’ll I to a good sise before again.