Unionists Want Million To Attend AFL Show By DAN SMYTH. Chicago Cor respondent AFL New* Service CHICAGO. — The 1951 Union Industries show, opening May 18 at Soldier Field, will be the big* gest of all time, says William A. j Lee, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor, the host un ion. "We aim to break ail records,” said Mr. Lee. He expects at least { a million visitors during the show’s 9-day run. In the great stadium where Gene Tunney rose after a count of 14 to retain his heavyweight championship of the world there will be seats for 100,000 specta tors at nightly pageantry and outdoor displays. Under the stands will be a mile of exhibition booths showing the skills and products of American labor — tacks, trailers, pottery, cakes, clothing, furniture, radios, wallpaper, tobacco, candy, beer— the works. The Chicago Building Trades Council has reserved the entire east exhibit hall for displays of the bricklaying, plumbing, steam fitting, carpentry, electricity, plas tering, painting and other con struction skills. In aether section, a complete laundry will be running (wash your shirt while you wait if you don’t mind standing around without it.) The Stove Mounters will give away 100 stoves. The Bakers will give away bread, cakes and biscuits, made before your eyes. Visitors may enter free con tests and win possibly a pound of strictly union-made nails or a $1,000 gold-trimmed bicycle. Cooperation between labor and management in the mobilisation effort will be stressed. Gen. George C. Marshall, U. S. Secretary of Defense, has arranged for a dis play of some of the weapons now being used in Korea. The Army, Navy and Air Forces all will have their own displays. Petdr J. Bockstahler, president of the Chicago Trades Union Label League, said thg league's delegates are ready to pour it on for the big show. Committee will help distribute tickets, furnish speakers at logs! union rallies and help out at Soldier Field, he said. The Na tional Tea Co., has asked for 600,000 tickets. Laundry workers plan to put tickets into each laundry bundle. “We do things on the grand scale around here,” said Bock stahler. GET THIS BOOK ON BOWLING