..: - F. D. LEWIS fir SON READY-MIXED CONCRETE—ASPHALT Phone 2-3506 601 Tipton Place GREENSBORO, N. C. J. A. WILLARD COMPANY MACHINE SHOPS Since 1921 GENERAL MACHINERY AND REPAIRS NEW MACHINES TO ORDER Free estimate* on machine work of all kinds 210 So. Forbis Telephone 8735 GREENSBORO, N. C. Every Kind of Insurance May Be Bought From CHAS. C. WIMBISH INSURANCE AGENCY Southeastern Building GREENSBORO, N. C. BELK-BECK COMPANY HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE Popular Priced for the Entire Family HIGH POINT, N. C. COMPLIMENTS THE BORDEN COMPANY 1900 N. Main St. Phone 2401 HIGH POINT, N. C. LOOK FOE THE CHECKER BOARD CARTON CLOVER BRAND DAIRIES, INC. HIGH POINT, N. C. Ice Cream and Milk h . .. m — Thrift Is An ImporUnt Element of Good Citisenship HIGH POINT SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY Serving Since 1905 Member Federal Deposit Ineuronce Corporation HIGH POINT, N. C. SHERROD SHIRT CO. Manufacturers of High Grade Work Shirts, Pajamas of Distinction HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA GREETINGS HIGH POINT, N. C. A Lamb U A Cake! You’ll be the left of the »mall-fry act If yxmr next ehllihwn’*p» elude* this utowy Httle coconut Umb cake. And don i think the i_ up* won’t lore it, too! Hooeeware* department* in any store carry the lamb mold. Then, with two package* of instant white cake mix and plenty of tender, shredded coconut, a lamb cake Is no trick at all. How to Do ft Turn 1 ravage whit* cake mix into bowl. Add 2 egg yolks and H cup milk. Biend, then beat 2 minute*. Add % cup milk. Blend, then beat 1 minute longer. (Beat cake vigorously by hand or at a low speed of electric mixer.) . . . ,, _ Pour batter into face half of well-greased lamb mold. Be sure some batter is placed in each car. (Top left) Cover with back of mold and wire mold together. (Lower left) Place mold face-down on baking sheet and bake in hot oven (450* F.) 15 minutes. Meanwhile prepare second package of white cake mix as directed on package. Turn batter into 13x9x2-inch pan, which has been lined on bottom with paper. After lamb cake has baked 15 minutes in Hot oven, reduce heat to 350° F., place second cake in oven, and bake both cakes 35 minutes longer. Remove cakes from oven and open mold, removing back of mold first. Allow lamb to cool in face of mold about 5 minutes. Loosen cake from 6ides of mold and remove carefully. (Top right) Stand lamb cake on cake rack until cool. Cool other cake in pan on cake rack for 5 minutes, then loosen from sides with spatula, turn out, remove paper, and turn right-side up on rack to cool. Frost oblong cake with Sfcven Minute Frosting. Tint % cup coconut a delicate green and sprinkle on top to represent grass. Then frost lamb cake with remaining Seven Minute Frosting and cover with untinted coconut. Use raisins for eyes and nose ana a slice of mara schino cherry fbr mouth. Place lamb on center of cake base, as pictured above. ' By GEORGE LILLE Y NEW YORK, N. Y.—For a good many years—18 in fact—sev eral million listeners have opened their day’s dialing (9 a m. EDT) with Don McNeill and his “Break fast Club.” This summer, going as — strong as ever, tne program may be the long est-lived (in total number of broadcasts) in radio. McNeill himself isn’t sure, but re I searchers are digging into it now. The show Don McNeill currently eon . . . not sure sists of Don » — himself—a deli cate purveyor of sentiment, corn and neighborliness—baritone John ny Desmond, songstress Patsy Lee, clownish Sam Cowling, and, three times a week, TV’s Fran Allison as “Aunt Fanny.” One of radio’s most fabulous successes, McNeill is 43, a graduate of Marquette University <*29). He li*es with his wife and three children in a Chicago suburb, Winnetka, 111.. . KNOW ABOUT LOVE? If you walked into a room full of married couples, can you pick out who is married to whom? If you can, you might do well on a new televi sion program — "Who’s W’hose?” Monday nights. CBS-TV. This one mark* veteran Phil Baker's debut as a regu lar on TV. He asks pertinent, questions at the * men and wives , Connie Bennett ... on view starring Con stance Bennett and Cary .Grant; “The Man Who Lost • — • * - ■ • Himself,” Brian Ahem, Kay Francis; “Turnabout," Carol Landis; “Hell’s Devils," Alan Ladd, and imaginative British im ports, “Man In Black" and “Room to Let.” At the culmination of "Film Firsts,” the show's sponsor will premiere (Oct 5) a new, hour-long dramatic show which, it is promised, “will reveal an entirely new con cept in TV programming.” WIZARDS OF TV A handsome and stalwart wizard of the future, “Captain Video,” has captured the imagination of several million television viewers, from the kiddies through to doddering grand pops Pride of the Du Mont net work, Monday through rrinay eve nings, the “Cap tain," piaved by actor A1 Hodge, is an electronics hero who streaks from one planet ,to another to quell evil every- > I righthand help i er and envy of "Video Ranger” juvenile lookers —kids’ envy across the na tion >s teen-ape "Video Ranger”— 37-year-old Don Hastings—virtu ■ ally as scientifically brilliant as the ‘Captain" himself. They invent their own weapons: opt icon scillom eter, Remote Carrier Beam, cosmic assentuator—names avid viewers \ rattle off in a breeze. When the I "Captain" and the “Ranger" once failed to don their special goggles to j tune in the Remote Carrier Beam, hundreds of letters of castigation poured in from the attentive au dience. MAC’S HOME SUPPLY COMPANY FURNITURE AN1> APPLIANCES "The Store With A Conscience” Woodburn Road Phone 2-8270 LELAND, N. C. I Ubor-luagcmeat Csunittee Appobted For New York Regno WASHINGTON, D. C.—Secre tary of Labor Maurice J. Tobin announced the appointment of a 10-member labor - management committee for Defense Manpower Administration Region II with headquarters in New York City. This region covers New York and New Jersey. The committee is composed ot representatives of labor and man agement from industry, agricul ture, transportation and retail trade. Paul M. Kenefick, DMA regional director at New York City, has been appointed chair man of the Region II committee. Appointment of this committee completes the first phase of the Nation-wide program for the establishment of regional and area labor-management commit tees to assist the DMA and State and local manpower officials in the mobilisation of defense and essential civilian manpower, To bin said. Regional committees have now been appointed for each of the IS DMA regions. PARIS — Trade union experts on manpower will be called to gether by the Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) some time in the Fall, somewhere in Europe, to work on the problem of how to produce as quickly as possible the goods and services required for an im mediate defense effort without seriously upsetting the complex relationships of normal employ ment. There are 18,419,000 women in the civilian labor force, according to the Census Bureau. Election day thi» yew in iw eral state* end cities will be November t. SUNSHINE LAUNDRY MONITE INSURED MOTHPROOF CLEANING PROCESS We Appreciate The Business of Union Labor Phone 3393 High Point, N. C. PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. / Points And Gloss 1 South Hamilton Street High Point, North Corolino LABOR DAY GREETINGS BARRUS CONSTRUCTION CO. Telephone 4075 PAVING CONTRACTORS GRADING AND DRAINAGE STANDARD ASPHALT PAVEMENTS KINSTON. N. C. Lambeth Construction Company GRADING AND UTILITIES CONTRACTORS Phone 5205 P. o. Box 1102 1071 RETREAT GREENSBORO, N. C. $ *r