TUCKER-JONES FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE. CARPETS. STOVES, RANGES AND ON EASY TERMS See Ut Before Buying Good Furniture ot Lowest Price 341-343 S. tint St. Dial 3-1308 GREENSBORO, N. C. j GREETINGS TO LABOR Prescription Specialists A COMPLETELY EQUIPPED DRUG STORE FREE DELIVERY 10 A. M.-8 P. M. 123 N. Elm Street Phone 7123 GREENSBORO, N. C. Starr Electric Co. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL WIRING 1421 Battleground Avenue Telephone 2-2175 GREENSBORO, N. C i LABOR DAY GREETINGS IMSCO, INCORPORATED Manufacturers and Wholesalers of REFRIGERATION AND OIL BURNER SUPPLIES 714 West Market GREENSBORO, N. C. BRANCH 94S East Main Street, Durham, N. C. BRANCH 321 S. Liberty Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. GREETINGS TO LABOR TURNER TRANSFER, INC. P. O. Box 175 GREENSBORO, N. C. (Lorane) Box 61—Telephone Birdsboro 2-2451 i Reading, Pa. General Offices and Terminal: High Point and Pinecroft Roads Telephones 2-0171—2-0172 GREENSBORO. N. C. RED CROSS HOUSED FOR HELP ADMINISTERED FLOOD SUFFERERS The special $5,000,000 flood re* lief drive which the American Red Cross is now conducting will probably continue all summer ac cording to surveys by prominent authorities. Praising the organisation for its effective assistance, Raymond M. Foley, Housing Administrator and Federal Emergency Flood Re lief Co-ordinator, points out the different functions of the govern ment and the Red Cross in this mammoth disaster. “While federal funds arc avail able to restore basic facilities for community operation and to as sist in emergency housing, health protection, farm aid, and other needs,” he said in a statement is sued for July 30 release, “thou sands of families will be depend ent on the response of the Amer ican people to the Red Cross ap- j peal.” As a supplement to local and state resources, he gaid, emerg ency and rehabilitation help is needed by thousands of stricken families who have lost their be longings, their employment or crops, or their homes, and have little resources to keep them go ing. “There is no agency better suit ed for rendering this personal and effective assistance than the Red Cross,” he said. “Its serv ices are indispensable if assist ance from federal and state sources is to be effective.” Co-ordinating the work of the Red Cross with that of the Fed eral Government is Clarence F. Rowland, assistant national di rector of the organization’s dis aster services, who is a veteran of 25 years’ experience. Mr. Row lan00,000 has been spent on domes tic, insular, and foreign disaster operations. Only nine times in the past 30 years has the organi zation had to make a special ap peal. This year, because last, year’s fund campaign was not! fully subscribed, the extra drive was necessary. The last special disaster appeal was made in 1938 following the New England hurri cane. In 1937 more than $28, >00,000 was raised for the Ohio Mississippi Valley flood relief operation. i comfortable for you and for all the citizens of our great land. “Labor Day is a day upon | which a grateful Nation gives, recognition to the achievements and contributions of the men and women of our work-force. It is a day given over to the further ance of the brotherhood of man: to peace, tolerance, freedom, and hope for all. GREETINGS John R. Renfrow REGISTER OF DEEDS MECKLENBURG COUNTY GREETINGS Reliance Engineering Co., Inc. P. O. Box 1292 Tel. 2*0533 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ■ GREETINGS RAYLASS Shop Where Your Dollar Buys Most A. Y. Hamrick, Mgr. 121 Wes* Trade St. * CHARLOTTE, N. C Fleming-Shaw Transfer Co., Inc. GENERAL HAULING "W# Move Anything" 310 E. Sycamore St. TeL 3-6934 GREENSBORO. N. C. W. H. Sullivan W. H. Sullivan, Jr. W. H. SULLIVAN COMPANY HEATING. VENTILATION. AIR CONDITIONING AND SPRINKLER CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS Greensboro, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS L B. GALUMORE General Contractors GREENSBORO, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS PEERLESS SPINNING CORPORATION LOWELL, NORTH CAROLINA LABOR DAY GREETINGS MOORESVILLE IRON WORKS ALUMINUM, BRONZE AND GREY IRON CASTINGS ~ TEXTILE MACHINERY PARTS Phone 49 -P. 0. Box 246 MOORESVILLE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS HICKORY TELEPHONE CO. THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES HICKORY, NORTH CAROLINA ■> 9