LABOR DAY GREETINGS BUENSOD-STACEY, INC. AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT . 1001 North Church Street Telephone 3-4120 CHARLOTTE, N. C. ANNOUNCING OUR NEW LOCATION CHARLOTTE F100RMASTER COMPANY Steam Rug Cleaning, Moth proofing, Sizing and Re pairing, WaU Master, Wall Cleaning, Pick-up and De livery Service. Phone 4-8430 1721 N. Dayidson St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS CAROUNA TRANSFER & STORAGE COMPANY 1230 West Morehead Street Phone 2-5131 CHARLOTTE, N. C. AGENTS ALLIED VAN LINES The Finest Moving Service Costs No More” ’ " LABOR DAY GREETINGS FRESTOIE STORES, IRC. 120 Wilkes Place Ph«*e 2rlll« CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS TO LABOR ' THE BQWEN-HA1I0R CO, WC. PJUUT, GIBS, MIRRORS, WATEBPR0QFIM6, mo floor mmm y «f*V ' <'* *' **•*■>' «*v>« Vi f: 2500 Lneena Street ■ ' Phones 0-3603—6-3604 P. O. Box 1S53 CHARLOTTE, N. C. m 9— - A Dixie VINTAGE ... I (But whtrt'i th# UNION LABEL? HAYES PICKED NEW YORK.—Election of Al. J. Hayes, president AFL Interna tional Association of Machinists, and David J. McDonald, secretary treasurer CIO United Steel work ers, to the board of directors of the American Heart Associntion was announced by Dr. Louis N. Katz, association president. “Labor participation if the heart program is especially im portant during the present crisis, with its tremendous demands up on the nation’s manpower,” Dr. Katz said. “Together we hope to demonstrate to the American people that- cardiovascular (pa tients constitute a productive source of manpower and that re habilitation programs for the worker with heart disease are a primary need to help him main tain himself as a self-suopovling member of the community.” When you see a Union Shop Card you know the firm which displays it pays Union wages and observes Union working condi tions. Non-Union firms do not display the Shop Card. Look for It! Election day this year in sev eral states and cities will bo November 8. Git CITINGS Berlin's Clothing Worfc^OotliMif Our 227 Km* Ts«*fe. Tol, 9641 . CHARLOTTK, N. C. —* GREETINGS Brumfield Studio Portrort* With Personotity 325 East Boulevard Talaphoae 4-7415 CHARLOTTE, N.,C. Charlotte Auto Parts Co. "Tfc# Home with Porkioe Facilities" 121 No. Iravard TaL 3-tSll CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS Cbarkitte Dm Co. 200 East Trade St. Mow*, net Sedition Dm Co. 2801 South Boulevard Pheoe C-1&89 Charlotte, N. C. MODEL BUILDERS SUPPLIES “Your Hobby la Oar Basine 131 West Fourth Street _Charlotte N. C. LABOR PROTESTS ATTEMPT TO REINSTATE DR. BRIMLEY (Continued From Page 1) racy, where the Unions have sup ported the public schools to the very limit. Some weeks later newspapers carried the information that the Army had named this same Dr. Ralph Brimley as a member of a mission of fifteen educators to spend seven months in Japan, to instruct the Japanese in demo cratic education. When this an nouncement was made. President Fink very properly advised Presi dent Green of the AFL to inform the Army of Brimley’s statement of May 8, “warning” teachers under him against having any thing to do with the Union. President Green very properly and promptly, after havirfg been furnished with the facets in the Brimley tirade and his threats to the teacher# of Forsyth County, entered a protest against a man of Brimley’s autocratic and un democratic nature being sent on a mission to Japan to instruct the Japanese in democratic education. President Green’s letter was as follows: THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR William Green, President Washington, D. C. July 2, 1961. Colonel Robert Outsell, Chief, Reorientation Division, Office of Occupied Areas, Office of the Secretary of Army, The Pentagon, Washington, D. C, I Dear Sir: «, Recently I was called upon by President Fink of the North Car. dine State Federation «f Labor, to protest in the name of the American Federation of tabor against the appointment of Balph Bii&tley, Superintendent of Schools of Forysth County, North Carolina, to a mission to instruct Japanese in democratic education. I was advised that the opposi tion of the organised labor move ment of North Carolina to tho ap pointment of Dr. Brinsley was based upon the fact that when a teachers onion was organised in the district where Dr. Brimley serves, be threatened these teachers with (1) he would not give them * second chance after they had made their first mistake; (2) he would not recommend them to lobs in other counties If they had been active hi the Union In Forsyth County: (S> he would not appoint union teachers to admini strative positions. Ail these threats wera made publicly. In view of this biased attitude of Dr. Brimley to union teachers and to the unionization of teach, ers, I voice to you my personal and official protest in tho name and behalf of the American Fed* rration of Labor, against the ap pointment of Dr. Ralph Brimley to serve on a mission to instruct Japanese in democratic education. Very sincerely yours. (Signed) WM. GREEN, President, American Federation of Labor. The Army very wisely recog nised the justice of President Green’s protest, and the invita tion to Dr. Brimley was recalled, and an alternate named in his place. Then it was that North Caro lina’s two Senators and Represen tative Barden became angry and intemperate. They charged the Army with having taken dictation from the American Federation of Labor. Tbeir cries and fiery ut terances were duly recorded on the front pages of North Caro lina’s daily newspapers. Editorial writers on these daily papers, with but few notable exceptions,1 made repeated vicious attacks up- j on the Army, the American Fe