G. G. RAY COMPANY ROOFING AND SHEET METAL CONTRACTORS 2508 Lucena S». Telephone 4-3018 CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS F. E. ROBINSON COMPANY, INC. Electrical Engineers and Contractors RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL 529 West Eleventh St. Charlotte 6, N. C. ROSS AND WITMER, INC. , “CARRIER” DELCO (General Motors Product) The Leaders in AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING 1641 W. Morehead TeL 5-3374 CHARLOTTE, N. C. SOUTHERN ASBESTOS COMPANY 1000 W. 11th St. Telephone 3-3112 CHARLOTTE, N. C. SOUTHERN ENGINEERING CO. Little Pittsburgh STEEL Phone 5-7761 CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS Y0UN6 MANUFACTURING COMPANY NORWOOD, N. C. Union Label Is Powerful Weapon RAY F. LEHENEY, Secretary Treasurer, AFL Union Label Trades Department Unions were originally organ ized for just one thing—to bet ter the wages, working condition! and living conditions of the men and women who toil. Whenever these unions reach . an impass? where the usual procedures of collective bargaining seem inad equate, then, as a last resort, the members are asked to demon strate their economic power by going on strike. The strike, and the right to strike, have neen recognized for years as probably the most powerful instruments in the hands of organized work ers. But there is an additional way to show our economic power which, if all members of unions and their families stick together, would also attain great results for all workers. It would pos sibly eliminate some strikes but there are no substitutes for them This other way is to take 4he Union Label Pledge—“I promise to patronize firms which display the union label, shop card or un ion button.” And then keep the pledge. If all union members decide they will get their shaves and hair cuts only at union barber shops, it will not be long until every barber shop in the city, county and state in which you live !s a union shop. If all union members buy only union-label hats, clothes and shoes, it will be only a matter of time until the only hats, clothes and shoes available will be un.on made. The same is true of all the necessities of life and luxuries also. Why? Because members of labor unions form such a mighty economic group that, without their patronage, non-un ion goods and services could not exist. So it is up to you! Particularly it is up to you to help celebrate Union Label Week. Sept. 2-8, 1951. September 2 is Labor Sunday, when churches all over the North American Continent will feature messages about labor; then Sep tember 3, is Labor Day, a day which has, from its first inception, been characterized by parades, speeches, picnics and other celebrations by the workers. After those two days have started off Union Label Week with a bang, it is up to every member of organized labor tc keep up the pace for the rest of the week, by insisting that every dime from your union pay en velope shall be spent for union label goods and services. All over the United States and Canada plans are now being ma