Wonder Cotton wrnmmrnMmsmmma Newest of fabrics is used by Fashion Frocks of Cincinnati in a youthfully styled dress for the hslf sizer. The crisp cotton taffeta is wrinkle resistant.', quick drying:, with permanent evergrlased sheen finish. On Guard VERY L£AiT YOumaI CAN DO TO HELP DEFEND AMERICA.' \nsur I AMERICA// OUR Klt>S ouTP^ry FINE FISH STORY Syracuse. N. Y.—When a mo torist, arrested for speeding, was taken into court, he told the judge that his wife had became ill after eating fish and he was hurrying to take her home. The judge commented, “Some fish story." So, William Fish, of ,104 Fish Ave., got hooked for a $10 fine. FALLS, LANDS ON HEAD. Louisville; Ky. — Wesley Hull, 38-year-old Nejrro construction worker, fell five floors down as abandoned elevator shaft, landed on his head and then walked away, apparently unhurt. Debris at the bottom of the shaft cush ioned the fall. BALANCED RECAPPING (Kraft System) ' : ' r-% The Finest Recapping | Your Money Can Buy! I • General Tire Quality Rubber. • Factory Trained Men. • Factory Approved Equipment. • Every Tice. Thoroughly Inspected and Balanced. . • Uniformly High Results. I New General I ires Are Now Available MYERS TIRE CO. “MYERS FOR TIRES” 432 South Tryon Street at First Street ' Phone 4-4736 news report from WASHINGTON (Continued From Page 1) *ir supply and other functions. The youngest military service also cites testimonials by the Army’s own ground commanders, to show how effective the Air Force has been, tactically, in Korea. And the Air Force says fighting over a long front is far different from support of a single amphibious operation. Yet' the issue came to a boil in recent North Carolina maneuvers. The Navy and Marines had been invited to join in the games. They took it that they would be al lowed to run their air show the way they wanted to. The Air Force took the view that the ma neuver was ovcf a iodi irCfti front, one over which there had to be a central command to direct operations. Rather than take orders from this central operations for air, the Navy and the Marines withdrew from the games. Of course, that was salt in the wounds of the Air Force. The Air Force believes the les son of dispersal of tactical air power was learned in North Af rica. Top officers feel they are beset by Navy insistence that it handle more and more strategic air functioning, while the Army insists it handle the tactical air job. If the trend goes far enough, the Air Force could be abandoned, they say. They see the right solution as one wherein the Air Force works out more efficient tactical support methods SIX—The Charalote Journal . (which they think they have now) and wherein the Navy is not al lowed to usurp the strategic bomb ing function. Air Force men say with much pride and truth that our air support is the best the world has ever seen, was in World War II. They are nervous today less instead of improving the tac tical system the two older services take over much of the service. The United States, officially— that is the top command in Wash ington—i® disgusted with Prim« Minister Nehru of India. Thej think the Prime Minister is i "rascal,” in one official’s words and see in his boycott of the Jap anese peace treaty signing in Sar Francisco an open play for sup port from Russia and the Rec stooge countries. They think th« Indian is blind, thinks he can d( business with Communism. Nehru, they believe, is jusi about fifteen years behind th< time, not remembering how Cham berlain and others tried vainly t< do business with Hitler up to th< last moment. Today, Nehru ii trying the same old discredite< system. And, is so doing, he ii giving the Russians great propa ganda opportunities, for the Red! can wail loud and long in Asii that the Indians oppose the U. S —sponsored Japanese treaty as imperialistic and oppressive. Th< effect is felt in U. S. consulate and embassies everywhere am especially in the Far East, where western relations are already at a low ebb, ~i, ~ Time is on the side of the Unit ed States in the international turmoil of today, Washington sources believe, and many mili tary men are now saying that unless a war between this coun try and Russia breaks out soon, there may not be any war for years. They base this prediction on the fact that the United States —pitifully unprepared when the j Korean intervention was ordered in 1960—has now had over a year to rearm. While progress has been disappointing in many cases, much progress has, never theless, been made. 'v In another year, the United States will be strong enough to give an aggressor fits from the first, even though possibly not strong enough to lick Russia at once. And in Europe the general belief is that if General Eisen hower has another year—until next summer—to mold his Euro pean defense army into shape, he will have a force that idftght be able to hold a line in the event of Soviet attack. The one thing which may be working against us is our super iority in atom bombs. While the percentage lead we maintain might decrease, our numerical lead' should not decrease greatly in the next year, AEC officials say. This lead in atom bombs must be given credit for the prevention of World War III during the last three years. Had it not been for the U. S. stockpile, and the heavy bombers to deliver them on Rus sian cities, the world might today be at war again. The big question in everyone’s mind is whether the Russians are I outbuilding us in the atomic wea pons field. No one actually knows, of course, but that is con ceded to be the “big race.” The U. S., some officials hint, is close to the use of atomic weapons in ground fighting, and this may have spurred the Reds on in their recent peace efforts in Korea. The trend of thought in Wash ington is that if we do not quick ly become embroiled in a war, we might escape one for a number of years, despite warnings by many that when we get ready, and Rus sia is ready, something will touch off a third world conflagration. President Truman is due for a tough battle in Congress in his ef fort to get new anti-inflation con trols legislation. Though the President is sincere in his ef forts to nullify the so-called Capehart amendment, allowing some price rises, and to have beef slaughter quotas re-author ized, he is up against a Senate which is inclined to give the pres ent law a chance to work before changing it. But if prices go up sharply, the President will win a psychological victory, which could be important at the polls in 1952. >/ - Are some of your Series E Government Bonds maturing this month? Now they can earn more money tor you! NEW LAW PROVIDES TEN MORE INTEREST-EARNING YEARS EOR YOUR SERIES E BONDS . . . AND YOU NEED NOT DO A THINOI Are you one of thoee smart and patriotic Americans who began an automatic saving program with Series E Government Bonds in 1941? Then you’re one of the lucky people who can profit by a new law now! A bill recently passed by Congress now makes it possible for your United States Defense Bonds to continue earning interest ten years longer than was originally planned. For example, a Series E Bond which cost you $18.75 in 1941 will pay you $25 in 1951. But if you hold that bond ten extra years, until 1961, it wiH pay you $33.33, an average interest of 2.9% compounded annually. You get similar increases on Series E Bonds of every denomination. And there is nothing for you, as a bond holder, to do. You need not exchange the bonds you have. You need not sign any paper, fill out any form. You simply keep your bonds as you have been keeping them. You m-y still redeem any Series E Bond at any time after you’ve owned it for sixty days. (The tables on this page show what you can get for it.) But unless you really need the cash you’re much better off to hold yftur bonds. For U. S. Defense Bonds are as safe as America itself. When you buy your bonus regularly and hold them, they •re steadily building a Hum big enough to buy something really worth while—a home, a business, a retirement fund, an education for your children. And bonds are safer than cash! If you lose or accidentally destroy cash it’s gone for good. But when you have your cash in Defense Bonds, the U. S. Treasury will replace lost or destroyed bonds at no cost to you. So if some of your bonds are coming due, take advan- „ tage of this new offer of your government—just sit back ami let them go on making money. Meanwhile keep adding to your savings by buying more United States Defense Bonds regularly—through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or the Bond-A-Month Plan where you bank. System is the secret of saving. II jmi want to be pmid jour infereat a* current income— The new law also allows you to exchange your Series E Bonds,in blocks of $500 or more, for Special Series G Bonds which pay interest semi annually at the rate of 2H % per year. For full details, ask at any Fed eral Reserve Bank or Branch. m Now look how your maturing bond* go on owning undor tho now lawl O'>«'*nol HiwVy hr foul In** pri€0...... *23.00 1*7* iso oo 37.50 1100.00 75.00 1200.00 150.00 1500.00 375.00 *1,000.00 750.00 •r fix 11 mo...... 12 )rnn.. 15 m". 14 ywr«. 15 y»ar».. .... >« y«"». 17 fMI. 10 iftari...... 10 yar%. 20 y«an. Ea«Mt4«d msiufilr MrfwaUO y*er> from iu 125.31 25.94 24.36 27.19 27.11 28.44 79.0* 30.00 31.33 v 32.47 33.33 *50.62 51.17 53.12 34.37 55.62 56.87 58.12 60.00 62.67 65.33 6447 *101.25 103.75 106.25 10875 111.25 11375 114.25 120.00 125.33 130.67 133.33 *202.50 207.50 212.50 217.50 222.50 227.50 232.50 240.00 250.67 261.33 264.47 *504.25 51875 531.25 54373 554.23 54873 38125 400.00 67647 65343 66447 *1.012.30 1.037.30 1.062.50 1.0*7.50 1.112.50 1.137.50 1.14240 1.200.00 1.253.33 1.306.67 1,333.3* Buy U. S. Defense Bonds today— Now they earn interest 10 years longer! The U. S. Government doet not pay for Hue advertising. The Treasury Department thankt,) for their patriotic donation, the Advertieing Council and