THE LARGER FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS International Sunday School Less©* for September 16, 1951. Memory Selection: “He that ia not against yon is for you.” —Lake 9:50. Lesson Text: Acts 11:27-30; 15:1-2, 22-23, 28-31; II Corinth ians 9:1-5. The persecution which followed the martyrdom of Stephen caused the disciples to flee from Jeru salem. Some of them went to Antioch, in Syria. This city was the capital of the Roman province in Syria and was situated on the River Orontes, about twenty miles from its mouth. The disciples who fled from Jerusalem to Antioch first preached the doctrine of the new faith, as well. The church at Jerusalem, hearing of this, sent Barnabas to investigate the new development but he rejoiced in the work when he recognized the genuineness of the conversion ex periences of the Gentiles. Fifteen years of the Christian era had passed and Antioch was to become the second birthplace of Christianity through its vision and wisdom in sponsoring the first missionary program of the new faith. It was in Antioch that the new believers were given the name “Christ-ans,” first as a sign of derision but later it was accepted as the name to designate believers in the new faith. It was from Antioch that Paul and Barn abas launched their first mission ary tour. , Everything, however, was not going: well with the believers in Jerusalem. A great famine, pre dicted by Aga*bas, had swept over the land and the people were in dire distress. The brethren in Antioch, hearing of this great need, collected funds for their relief. Of the generosity of these early believers in Christianity, Dr. G. W. McDaniel has this to say: “Liberality thrives In an atmosphere of evangelism. The heart that is warm with the grace of God is generous toward every human need. Money flows freely from Christians in a state of revival. The financial prob lem of any church is fundament ally a spiritual problem. The first act of the Antioch church was to takers collection. Agabus predicted a dire and distressing famine. Barnabas was qualified as an authority in beneficence. He probably led in this offering. The man who gives can induce others to give, anywhere, every where, for any object. The people know. They cannot be camou flaged by the preacher's talk or pretensions to liberality. They measure him by what he is and does. When he leads unselfishly, heroically, they follow. A liberal preacher makes a liberal church.” Opposition to the missionary -labors of Paul and Barnabas was encountered from two different sources in the Gentile world. First, the orthodox Jews rejected the new faith and their hostility often caused much inconvenience and trouble to the missionaries. Second, in seeking to propagate the new faith in the Gentile Fidelity Van & Storage, Inc. 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Paul suc ceeded in establishing Gentile churches of the nqw faith, as others had done in Palestine proper among the Jews. Soon these Gentile Christians found themselves the subject of a heated and bitter controversy waged by the believing Jews in an effort to subject the Gentile Christians to all the requirements of the Mosaic law. Thus, early in its history, Christianity stood at the crossroads, compelled to decide its future course — whether it would be bound and shackled by the exactions of Jewish legalism or be free in the new liberty of grace. It became necessary, in order to settle the difference, for Paul, Barnabas and others to make the trip back to Jerusalem. There, Paul had a preliminary meeting with the leaders of the home church. The problem was feeely considered, with “much disput ing.” The final decision was greatly influenced by an elo quent and impetuous declaration of Peter against the binding of the Gentile converts with a yoke which he declared the Jewish forefathers had been unable to bear. He testified as to his ex perience with Cornelius and logi cally inquired why the church should prescribe requirements so patently ignored by God himself. The decision was a simple com promise of the conflicting ex tremes and while it recognized the freedom of the Gentile Chris tians from the yoke of the law, it tequired them to meet the same conditions as formerly were re quired by the Jews of proselytes admitted to the synagogue. Thus, the Christian world today is in debeted to Peter for having courageously opposed and con quered at this time the Jewish attitude and hostility to other races. Paul carried the applica tion of this doctrine to its full logical conclusion, representing the surprising reality of a Jew, who had been reared and trained for leadership of an illiberal group becoming the champion of human brotherhood and equality of all men before God. Christians today need to fully appreciate the error of holding contempt for other races and peo ples. It should be realized, too, that God loves and accepts right eousness, clean living and pure thinking, and an honest search for truth wherever and in whom soever these qualities are found. COW ADOPTS FOUR PIGS Zelma, Sak.—When she lost her young calf, a cow adopted four young pigs. The pigs started nursing when the cow was lying down one day and have been fol lowing her around the pasture ever since. U. S. group in Spain ready to begin detailed military survey. Inspired Defense Bond Theme of FaN Camnaim ■ all valll|lalgll | Listen to Frank Edwards! 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