DEFENSE IS YOUR JOB, TOO • __ ....IF - THEY COULD International Sunday School Lesson For September 23, 1951 MEMORY SELECTION: "Have we not all one father? Hath mot one God created us?”—Mai jschi 2:19. Wesson Text: Isaiah 65:17-25; Acts j 17:24-28. Narrow nationalism was the curse of the world in the days of Isaiah - and of Jesus and of Paul, even as it is still today. Every .nation was convinced that it was hCbe finest nation, the noblest in the world. The Jews believed themselves to be the “Chosen Peo ple” of God, which they were, but their actions did not match their contention. Isaiah criticized them Tor this and, certainly, Jesus dis liked their attitude in this re spect. Isolated, bitter, armed to the teeth, pfoud, cruel and narrow visioned was the world into which Isaiah, Jesus and Paul were born. They were all jeered at, perse cuted and even slain by those who ■denied all brotherhood with those of ether nation*. Only recently, and then only in part, have some rations cast off their fatal isola tionist nationalism to move out on equal footing among; the the nations of the world. Isaiah looked forward to the day when brotherhood should reign over all the world. He Yioped the time would come when the fierce passions of hate and destruction would be subdued by Yhe power and grace of God. When the day arrives, there will "he joy, a sense of security (so absent today) and peace will per suade the earth. The human life span will be increased because «of these improved conditions and ♦Shore shall be no more war, and wveeping and weariness. Isaiah also prophesied that there should sibn> be more intimate fellowship between God and man. How shall this come about? 'Scholars do not agreee. Some wxpect it at the second comin* of dhrist, while others believe that A will come about through the process of love, enlightment and regeneration as a result of the preaching and practice of the gos pel of Jesus Christ, However it comes about, Christian responsi bility is the same. Each Chris tian should do all in his, or her, ■power to bring about a world of peaae, plenty, and the reign of God's power in the lives of men. Paul’s message has much mean ing for our day. He presents God as ruler and owner of the START p •Nccxui+tti ’ NOW THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Charlotte, N. C. j universe, who has been working through nations and their peoples to accomplash His will. Paul de clares, “He has made of one blood til! nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.” This concept of "one blood” has not been generally accepted "Tw' the people of the world. --- It is said that the Koreans have a humorous legend Al though it is legendary, it has a sharp point to puncture the the ory of race supremacy, particu larly our white pride: It goes something like this: When the Creator first made man, he mixed just the proper ingredients, poured it into a mold, tnd put the ingredients into the oven to bake. Upon the first trial he left man in tfcf btk& When he took him out, he was too black. But God didn’t throw him away. He used him to start the Negro race. Then the Creator mixed another batch of material and put it in the oven. This time he took it out too soon. He was disap pointed that it was not dark enough, but he didn’t throw it away. He used It* to '“stfcrt * the white race. But the third time-the >£aeathr was entirely successful. He took man out of the oven at exactly the proper moment. At last he hhd succeeded in making a man just the right color—yellow. From a Korean’s standpoint, this is a good story, but each race is guilty of the same racial “pride.” and has its own way of saying, “We are superior.” While most of us are big enough to laugh at these absurb prejudices and unfounded assumptions, do our actions towards others dis pell their feeling that we think we are superior? Let us remem ber that wherever the gospel of Jesus Christ is truly preached and Practiced, it inevitably leads in the direction of true Christian brotherhood. HOSIERY WORKERS VOTE APPROVAL OP CONTRACT -Philadelphia—(LPA) — % a \ote of S to 1, AFL Hosiery BOGGETT 111 R. Park *»*, Phaas tin LUMBER CO. It Pays To Trade Wftk Wm B«cia i| T||aL m$S25.00 ^ ^ WHU. WW, n« Wm toltltf Parkar-Gardnar Co. Workers approved wage increases of 7 to 13 cents an hour in a new contract with the Full Fashioned Hosiery Manufacturers of Amer ica, the union announced Septem ber 17. The two-year national agreement covering about 20,000 members also has better holiday and vacation provisions. SEN. JAMES MURRAY TO RECEIVE ANNUAL PHILIP MURRAY AWARD New York ‘(LPA)—The third annual Philip Murray award of the National CIO Community Service Committee will be pre sented to Sen. James E. Murray (D., Mont.) at a dinner Oct. 2 in Detroit. Sen. Murray will re ceive a plaque and a check for $10,000. The award is made for “an outstanding contribution to the health and welfare of the American people.” Previous win ners were Gen. Omar N. Bradley and the late Sen. Robert F. Wag ner (D., N.Y.) The Detroit dinner will mark the tenth anniversary of the Com munity Services Committee which is the CIO’s official agency in the field of health, welfare, com munity relations, foreign relief, civil defense and servicemen and veterans programs. Irving Ab ramson is committee chairman and Leo Perlis is national di rector. (Continued From Page 1) are securing valuable battle expe riences in Korea. The longer the minor war continues, the greater the number of experienced fight ers we will have for the major conflict. The reader should not lose sight of the primary facts in connection with the Korean venture. The fighting was precipitated when the North Koreans attempted, against the decisions of the United Na tions to invade South Korea and consolidate all of Korea under a Communist regime. The United Nations employed force to stop this aggressive enterprise and, up to date, they have been eminently successful in thwarting Commun ist ambitions. This is a great gain for us. It has been accom panied by the infliction of terrific losses upon the Communist fight ing forces, r ! WHO KNOWS ANSWERS (Continued From Page 2) 1. An estimated 700,000. 2. 1,052,000, according to the Census Bureau. 3. Literally, “Those things which need to be changed having been changed.” 4. Russian for “truth.” 5. Herbert Hoover, who first used the phrase in a campaign speech on October 22, 1928. 6. In Pennsylvania. 7. Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands; daughter, Juliana, suceeded her. 8. At Baltimore, in 1797. 9. A 810,000 gold certificate. 10. On September 9, 1850. Fresno, Calif. (LPA) — Miss Barbara Wilburn has just been intitiated here into the Sign Painters’ local of the AFL Paint* ers, Decorators and Paperhangera. She has just completed her five year apprenticeship, which she entered shortly after graduating from high school. First woman sign writer in the San Joaquin valley, she’s one of the few of her sex ever to take up the trade. * II N V 1 I Ofly "Re says he won't quit hollering until his Dad bays him a Defense Bond too!" For Indigestion, Sour Stomach and Gas, Take NA-CO TABLETS MONET BACK GUARANTEE SELWYN CUT RATE DRUG STORE NEXT TO POST OFT1CI I. Some of The Things We Lend Money on Ota* aim WttcLa Jewelry Mer'i Oothiag loala Silverware Shot Gan* Rifle* Ptetob Trunks Addins Mar hi nee Ban Salt Caaaa Musical Ii Kodaks Typcvriten All Btnineao Strictly Confidential. When in Need of Money W* Never Fail Yon. 8m as far bar*aie t* diamond*. watches, jewelry, detains. etc. RELIABLE LOAN CO. Ml EAST TRADE STREET SERVING THE SOUTH WITH GREATER FOOD VALUES! • Shop And Save At The Sip Of The CS Rooster • Colonial Stores t Uncle Sam Says Make today year “D” Day. Today aa never before the thrift dollar la a defense dollar. The dollars yoa save today are building power for the nation. No one eaa escape the fact that defense Is everybody’s Job, whether It be in uniform, In a de fense plant or In providing defense dollars. Ton should sign ap today for the Payroll Savings Plan where yon work or the Bond-A-M onth Plan at yoar hank. Either way year sav ings will work for freedom — yoar country's freedom and yoar own fa tare freedom. u. s. d ALVANLEY JOHNSTON, FORMER PRESIDENT OF R. R. ENGINEERS, DIES Cleveland. — (LPA) — Alvan ley Johnston, 76, longtime Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers, died of a heart attack September 17. He had been an official of the union 42 years and its chief executive 25 years. He retired July, 1950. Known to all of his friends as “the Chief,” he had a stormy ca reer in union politics and three "We better bay him i piggy bank. Re's determined to have one to pat his new V. S. Defense Bond in.* r times called nation-wide railroad strikes to support wage-hour de mands. All three strikes were blocked by the government and a 48-hour walkout in 1946 led Prea ident Truman to ask Congress for powet to draft the strikers into the Army. Childless husbands to lose de ferment under draft rules. BIBLE VERSE MSWBS , (Continued From Pig* *) 1. I Corinth ions 16:41. 2. Paul. 3. The funeral service. .4. To the Church of Corinth. - r; Federal spending1 on education ■i960 set at $3600,000,00©. There i$^ Nothing Finer * than to Live in " North Carolina October ushers in our most spectacular season —and anyone who ha# never seen western North Carolina in Octo* bee is missing something eery wonderful right here at home. And, for those natives who like a change from mountain scenery, you oan't beat channel baas fishing on the North Carolina ooast in October ... and in between more than 20 county fairs will at* tract many thousands. In fact, anywhere you live or go in North Carg> line in October makes yon glad to be alive. ’ And almost avarywhara too, you can anjoy a cool, tom* parata glass of baar-sold ttodor oar Stato ABC sya torn o! /ago/ control that to working so wolL North Carolina Division VN1TID STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. EACH DAY’S WORK gives satisfaction to the man of Ichor who sees hi hie wages payment for his skill —the chance to en;oy In this country the highest standard of living in the world—an opportunity through waving to build a back-log to sustain himssli and his family in illness, emergency, end old age. Each day's work neons more money, more clothing, more has been a dominant factor in making production a tradition in through which CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA Hum HillH —