MERRY CHRISTMAS KENDRICK BRICK fitTILE CO. MONROE AND MOUNT HOLLY. N. C. SEASON'S GREETINGS Once again IVEY'S wishes to thank all our friends in Organized Labor for their continued and grateful loyal support and patronage. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Industrial Piping, Inc. Steom Trops, Vo Ives, Etc. Contractors ond Supplies 1501 Dowd Rood Diol 5 3381 and 6-4064 CHARLOTTE, N. C. News And Views {Continued From Pan I) War II. nearly double the Sep tember, 1950, rate. Factory hir ing, for the third consecutive month, was at the lowest rate for the reason in over a decade, except for 1949. Many defense industries also reported reduc tions from the hiring rates of a year earlier. • • • Another admonition by John ston, namely that corporations and their executives should “regard a summons to government work as a duty owed their country,” deserves close scrutiny. To be » sure, industrialists — and that goes for labor executives, too— should be at the beck and call of the nation in any emergency. But when their participation merely serves to furnish the fumblers In | government with impressive ex cuses, I wonder whether both la bor and industry would not do better to let the administration straighten out its own mess. There is further merit in the commendation to rely more on indirect controls such as taxes, credit restrictions, etc. How to do so in the face of vested bu reaucratic interests and the tre mendous control machinery cre ated by government is quite an other matter. BIBLE VERSE ANSWERS (Continued From Page 4) 1. To the Prophet Samuel. 2. By Jehovah. 3. The anointing of David, the son of Jesse. 4. I Samuel 16:7-b. Hoskins Drug Co. 3626 RoimH'i Ferry ltd. Phone 3-5174 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Wm. Holsey & Son CONTRACTORS 2321 Booker Ave. Tel. 2-6703 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS Hoppo Motors, Inc. CHRYSLER—PLYMOUTH SALES fr SERVICE “Senrfeiag and Selling CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Sine* They Were Bern*’ 439 West Fourth St. Tel. 7161 CHARLOTTE. N. C. Horn Selling Service REAL ESTATE “If yea want to bay or sell Call Uan phones 4-8946 and 2-3435 221 South Church New Charlotte Arcade CHARLOTTE, Nt C. Wade Manufacturing —Corporation Manufacturers Battle, Store and Office Fixtures CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA WHO KNOWS ANSWERS (Continued From Page 4) 1 Hardin?, Coolidjre and Hoov er. / 2. The revolver. 3. Francis of Assissi. 4. Colorado. 6. Gen. John J. Pershing, upon arriving in France in 1917. 6. John Jay. 7 The letter E. 8. King Gustav V of Sweden. 9. Hartford. 10. Marion Hargrove. WATCH YOUR TREES! (From the Labor World, Spo kane, Wash.) District Director of the OPS Dave S. Cohn took time out to note that Chritsmas trees are exempt from prke control, so you’d better watch that pet tree of yours! As Cohn pointed out Christmas trees have certain characteristics which make the application of ceiling prices fros en at base period levels inequit able or impratical. This little incident of the Christmas tree is but an example of the vast detail that OPS must encompass. Locally and national ly ,OPS is doing a good job especially so when you consider that they are operating with in adequate legislation. Big busi ness is fighting controls and it is not strange that it is they who make control necessary. Take away greed and you can take away price controls. GREETINGS Little Hardware Co. PAINT. GLASS ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Phone 3-3133 133244 SoOth Mint St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS James Loo Loundry Hand Laundry Telephone 5-35$2 313 W. Seventh St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS John M. Little Distinctive Jewelry 221 North Tryon St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS Lincoln's Soda and Grill 1209 East 7th St. Rhone 5-9344 f Compliments L. S. KEUUUGH & SON >w- ■ Shop^ Over 25 Years Experience WELDING Portable and Stationery Equipment 415 E. 7th St. Tel. 2-0203 CHARLOTTE. N. C GREETINGS McKee Realty Co. H. L. McKee B. R. Cato 123 W. Fourth St. Tat. 3-1134 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS J. Clyde Hunter SHERIFF Mecklenbury County R. S. Head FLOOR SANDING fr FINISHING Work Don* Promptly and Efficiently to Suit the Individual Cuttomor 1521 Cliff wood - DIAL 1-5664 Wo Solicit Out-Of-Town Work CHARLOTTE, N. C. JULUIK'S LAUNDRY CASH AND CARRY »1S E. More heed Telephone 2-5954 CHARLOTTE, N. C. KERR HEARERS 1207 Park wood Avenue Phone 4-4196 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS L. E. Lindsay’s Cabinet Shop Bars - Back Bara • Formica Tops • Custom-Built Kitch ens and Floor Coverings 219 West Eleventh Street Telephone 4-8991 Charlotte, N. C. GOLDEN ROD, FLOUR Ami "* SQUARE MEAL FEEDS Ai ; Your Favorite Grocer * CHARLOTTI, N. C. FOR GOOD PRINTING AND SERVICE TOD CALL h. jl sinus nmmN6 company Phone 5-7060 AND ASK FOR A SALESMAN TO CALL P. O. Box 1061 CHARLOTTE* NL C GREETINGS TO LABOR SUMMEY DRUG COMPANY, INC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY 107 South Main Street Telephone No. 9 MOUNT HOLLY. N. C. MERRY CHRISTMAS V Ridgeview Hosiery Mill Co. Ladies’ Full-Fashioned and Seamless Hosiery NEWTON, NORTH CAROLINA CHRISTMAS GREETINGS Barger Construction * Moorcsville, North Carolina