HOME SPECIALTY SHOP flnalr— Linoleum Tile. Aaphalt Tile, Rnbber Tile, Phrtic Tile, Venetian Shades and Blinds IHI Battleground GREENSBORO, N. C« AMOS INSURANCE AGENCY Lloyd C. Amos . . . Herman L. Amos COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Phone 2-4654 Greensboro, N. C. S. W. DAVIS, JR., no. Tyler Commercial Refrigeration and Epuipment 520 N. Spring St. f Phone 3-4864 GREENSBORO, N. C. GREENSBORO FARM EQUIPMENT COMPAHY 627 South Elm GREENSBORO, N. C. H & H CLOTHING COMPAHY LADIES’ AND GENTS READY-TO-WEAR OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT Stores At: Greensboro Reiduvifle Leaksville Asheboro MclEOO LEATHER & BELTING CO. •10 Scott Avenue Phone 7047 GREENSBORO, N. C. LUMBER — MILLWORK NEW HOME BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY 625 S. Mendenhall Phone 2-4101 GREENSBORO, N. C. COMPLIMENTS HU6HEY TILE COMPANY i -1'* i Burlington Road GREENSBORO. N. C. 6. P. BULLOCH PLASTERER 420 Lindsey Street Phone 2-0497 * GREENSBORO. N. C. GEEEKSBORO MARBLE & TILE COMPANY CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS Tile, Bathroom Accessories, Medicine Cabinet, Marble, Linoleum and Rubber Tile. Flagstone Work, Composition Floors 1711 Spring Garden St. GREENSBORO, N. C. LW.Routh Construction Co. Builders of Power Lines — Telephone Lines And Cutting Right-of-Woys PHONE 3-6927 GREENSBORO, N. C. ■« t • FINDING THE CHRIST Memory Selection: "We Here found the M —inh, which in, being interpreted, the Christ.”—John 1:, 41. Lesson Text: John 1:35*49. The Gospel of John was written long after the other three gospels and omits much of the contents. However, John supplies certain details connected with the life of Jesus which are not to be found in the earlier accounts. For example, John tells of the visit to John the Baptist of tho priests from Jerusalem. These I leaders did not come in an atti tude of truth-seeking, but rather j to place John under their critical . scrutiny. The same spirit on the part of the religious leaders was later manifested in their attitude toward Jesus himself, for they rejected him and refused to ac cept his truth, because it ran counter to their own teachings. When the religious leaden asked John the Baptist about himself, tha great prophet was quick to deny that he was tha promiad Messiah, but just as prompt to declare that he was his forerunner. John told those who came to him that he was not even worthy to unfasten the shoe laces of the coming Messiah. On the following day, John th© Baptist was standing with two , of his disciples when Jesus passed by. Whereupon, John made it clear to these disciples that Jesus was the promised Messiah, when he declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin df the world,” W'e should appreciate the greatness of spirit of this rugged prophet, who was not only willing but anxious to play a subordinate role to the Master and used his own influ ence and power to persuade even his own followers to turn to Him. Andrew and John, hearing the words of the Baptist, turned and followed Jesus. Noticing the two men following him, Jesus directed a question as to the^r motive and desire. “What seek yer” This is a question which could be asked of every i Christian today. The answer to it would indicate the spiritual state of any follower of Christ. For, there are many professing Christians who claim to follow the prophet of Nazareth, but for purposes other than spiritual growth and grace. Jesus is not‘ | pleased to have such false follow- ( ers misrepresent him to mankind. ’ Andrew, after a long conversa- ' tion with Jesus, set out to find his brother, Simon Peter, and, im- j mediately testified that he had found the Christ. Satisfied with Jesus himself, Andrew was not ashamed to testify about him to his closest relative—his brother. This is oftentimes a hard thing for one to do—some find it much easier to win strangers than their own loved ones. The next day,* as Jesus was going into Galilee, he saw Philip and invited him to become his disciple. “Follow me,” j was the terse' and tender invita- : tion to discipleship. It was START THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Charlotte, N. C. readily accepted by Philip and. neof of the genuineness. °f his \ icceptance is found in the only record of his labors. • Philip immediately contacted Nathaniel and told him that the long looked-for Messiah had been Found in Jesus of Nasereth. Na thaniel knew all the prophecies concerning the promised Messiah snd also knew of the contempt in which the Jews held Nazareth snd Galilee, so he naturally asked, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Answering, Philip said, "Come and see." His linger ing suspicion of the correctness of his friend’s report was com pletely banished when he came into Jesus’ presence. Seeing him approaching, Jesus said, "Behold an Israleite indeed, in whom U no guUe!" What • wonderful tribute to • moat Na thaniel waa surprised that Jesus knew him and expreseed - Ms amassment. Jesus said, “Before that Philip called thee, when thou west under the fig tree, 'I saw thee." Nathaniel recognised the diety and messiahship of Jesus in this declaration and acknowl edged them when he said: “Thou are the Son of God, thou are the King of Israel.” Through personal discovery, these four men contacted Jesus and, as a result committed their lives to him. Happy for always are those who find him and, through faith, yield their lives to ihim. (These commentaries are based on the International Uniform Sunday School Lesson Outlines, copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education and used by permission.) Listen to Frank Edwards Mon day through Friday — 10 P. M. EST—Coast to Coast over Mutual, Sponsored by American Federa tion of Labor. i - Every Kind off Insurance May Be Bought From CHAS. C. WIMBISH INSURANCE AGENCY Southeastern Building GREENSBORO, N. C. THE GUARANTEED WATERPROOFING ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, Aooustical Treatments, Rock Wool Insulation, Steam Cleaning of Buildings, Industrial Mastic Flooring Waterproofing, Dampproofing, Caulking, Reintegration of Concrete Structures, Sand Blasting, Gunite Industrial Painting 1425 Westover Ter. Phone 3-3491 GREENSBORO, N. C. ' Starr Electric Co. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, AND RESIDENTIAL WIRING 1421 Battleground Avenue Telephone 2-2175 GREENSBORO, N. C. I I I GREETINGS FROM Greensboro Daily News un The Greensboro Record LISTEN TO WFMY-TV I BREWER PAINT & WALL PAPER COMPANY, INC. PAINT fir WALL PAPER CONTRACTORS 1612 MADISON AVI. TEL. I-2III GREENSBORO, N. C. BINSWANGER fir CO. Incorporated Window Gloss — Plate Gloss — Mirrors Auto Gloss Installed While You Wait Sash - Doors - Blinds 211 S. Macon St. Phone 2-3107 GREENSBORO, N. C. .... GREETINGS FROM HUNTLEY’S (HUNTLiEY—STOCKTON—HILL CO.) HOMEFURNISHERS IN NORTH CAROLINA FOR 50 YEARS 209 North Elm Street GREENSBORO, N. C. F. D. LEWIS & SON READY-MIXED CONCRETE—ASPHALT Phone 2-1506 601 Tipton Place GREENSBORO, N. C. PHIPPS HARDWARE CO. The GENERAL ELECTRIC Store 211 N. Elm Street GREENSBORO, N. C. J. A. WILLARD COMPANY MACHINE SHOPS Sine* 1921 GENERAL MACHINERY AND REPAIRS NEW MACHINES TO ORDER Free estimates on machine work of all kinds 210 So. Forbis Telephone 8735 GREENSBORO, N. C. "I Cno&iwt ENRICHED WHITE BREAD JONES BROTHERS BAKERY Greensboro, N. C. J DIXON & CHRISTOPHER CO., INC PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL 1005 East Bessemer Arcane Dial 4-3208 GREENSBORO, N. C.