VOOLER SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS—AMBULANCE SERVICE * Dial 6101 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Pine Hall Brick & Pipe Co. WINSTON SALEM, N. C. Manufacturers of FACE BRICK COMMON BRICK SEWER PIPE, ETC. 1045 Northwest Boulevard Phone 4002 HANES Hosiery Mills Co. Manufacturers of LADIES' CIRCULAR KNIT HOSIERY Winston-Salem, N. C. UNLIMITED //a LEADING THE NATION IN CIGARETTE PRODUCTION! N6rth Carolina, aa always, continues to lead the nation in cigarette manufacture. 1. in 1951, our state made over half the 409-billion cigarettes produced in the United States. Contributing tre mendously to the farmers' and factory workers* income, this important industry helps make North Carolina a better place to work, play and live. Also contributing to the pleasant living that is North Carolina is the brewing industry's sell regulation program where brewers, wholesalers and retailers-in counties where malt beverage sales are permitted under state control—co operate to maintain wholesome conditions for the legal sale of beer and ale. North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, INC. RULES FOR SAFI WALKING 1. Carry or wear something white at night to help drivers see you. 2. Cross only at crosswalks. Keep to the right in the crosswalk. 3. Before crossing—look both ways. Be sure the way is clear before you cross. 4. Cross only on proper signal. 5. Watch for turning cars. 6. Never go into the roadway from be tween parked cars. 7. Where there is no sidewalk, and it is necessary to walk in roadway, walk on left side, facing traffic. <@> I STEEL QUOTAS EASED Restrictions on the use of steel and other " materials both for home and commer cial construction were eased by the National Production Authority effective July 1. Copper and aluminum also were affected. The order will permit limited building of entertainment and amuse ment projects. Five tons of l carbon steel, two tons of structural steel, will be per mitted for such buildings. WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL (Morning) TWIN CITY SENTINEL (Evening) JOURNAL and SENTINEL (Sunday) WSJS — WSJS-FM WSTS — WSTS-FM WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. “ONLY THE STRONG CAN BE FREE” Piedmont Federal Savings and Loan Association ASSETS OVER $15,000,000 - v Member F. S. & L. L Corporation WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA (Jiuia (40 r ..‘"t+ZZ**** ":‘j °*4 yQ'jO ■idfeL ®**' * «&L mi Just a lonesome G. I. writing home. He's helping in the armed forces. But there are things you can do to help, too. One of the most important of these is buying United States Defense Bonds. • . l n** a>.iC.v. .s4 Ten* of millions of Americans own Defense Bonds now—more then 49 billion dollars worth! And every time you add to the total, you are helping to stabilize your country’s economic power, making and keeping it aa strong as the G. I.’s are keeping her military power. Remember, it’s yourbohdi and other forms of saving that’ keep your country strong. And in these troubled times, peace is only for the strong/ rrp .^So how about starting ft patriotic program Race is for the strong...Buy U. S. Defense Bonds regularly! Tka V. 5, Cwmanl dam mat matt fm **»> adamtiaimt. Tka Traaamt Prpartmtmi 6anka, fat thair pnt-i,4w jamatiaa. M* Adrattaima Cmmnl aaad of regular savings now—by buying U. S. Defense Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work—the Plan that let* you soie a regular sum out of every check —before you have a chance to spend it. No matter how small your income you can’t af ford not to save something for yourself. Join the Plan today. It’s one sure way to save! HUE'S HOW E I0N0S NOW EARN MORE MONEY FOR YOU! ^ Now safe, sure U. S. Series E Defense Bonds pay an even better return than ever before . . . thanks to 3 brand-new money-earning features just announced by ths U.S. Treasury. f« New every Series E Bead ye* bay begins eara sfter eety 6 months. It averages 3%. w winiiBiiiy• ii rcicnci mil ouiiiinfy 1 <0 years. S sMwths) a it sere is aew bigger at tbe start! iL Every Series Head yea ew* css kN iat crest lee 10 i it reaches the fiagert tbe 10-year band cars* at tbe eew, bit! innually). Year repsy »au $33.67. 537.50 (average 3% original $18.7$ can l*avs beck $67.34. Aad so ea. Start now? Invest more savings in better paying Series E Bonds—through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or the Bond A Month Plan where you hank!