VOGLER SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS—AMBULANCE SERVICE Dial 6101 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. HANES Hosiery Mills Co. Manufacturer! el LADIES' CIRCULAR KNIT HOSIERY Winston-Salem, N. C. Pine Hall Brick & Pipe Co. WINSTON-jjiA LEM, N. C. Manufacturers of FACE BRICK COMMON BRICK SEWER PIPE, ETC. * . 1015 Northwest Boulevard Phone 4002 * LEADING THE NATION IN CIGARETTE PRODUCTION! North Carolina, aa always, continuas to load tho station in cigarette manulactura... in 1951, our ■etate mada ovar hall tha 409•billion cigarattaa producad in tha Unitad Status. Contributing tre mandously to tha farmers’ and factory workers* incoma, this important industry halpa maka North 'Carolina a batter place to work, play and baa. Also contributing to tha pleasant living that is North Carolina is the brewing industry's self* % regulation program where brewers, wholesalers and retailers-in counties where malt beverage sales are permitted under state control — co* t operate to maintain wholesome conditions for ‘the legal sale of beer and ale. North Carolina Division UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION. INC. Truman Denies Plot To Gain Nomination President Truman reported at his press conference that he w»i not a candidate for re-election. He < barged that accusations of the type made by Rep. Daniel Reed (R., N. Y.) that Mr. Truman was resorting to a "sinster and un American” plot to gain the Dem ocratic nomination usually origi nate in a warped mind. The President told reporters he would remain neutral during the Democratic pre-convention cam paign. He refused to say how long the neutrality would last after the convention starts July 21st. • -1 Mr. Truman implied that he was happy to see the Republicans fighting among themselves, al though he was not interested in the GOP pre-convention contest. He said it was up the people to decide whether the Democrats had been in power too long, as Gen. Eisenhower contended in his first campaign speech. He refused to say wether he would use the Taft-Hartley Act in the steel strike, but added that he was not planning to ask Congress for new legislation to deal with the steel problem. He said he would never comment on the Supreme Court's decision that he had usurped Congressional powers in seizing the steel mills. The President said he did not expect a war to break eat this summer, else he would not permit Margaret Truman to visit Europe next month. WAGE BOOSTS WON IN BUILDING TRADES Chicago.—A FI, building trades workers employed by the Building Construction Employers Associa tion here won pay boosts of 15 to 25 cents an hour. Raises and new hourly scaler for 28,000 carpenters are 25 cents, $2.95; for 1,500 cement finishers. 15 cents, $2.85; 1,450 hoisting en gineers, 15 cents, $2.80. Employers also will pay 5 cents an hour into the welfare fund of the carpenters and hoisting engi neers. The contract runs for 5 years, with annual reopening on wages. More than any other emblem the Union Label insures security for America. LOOK FOR THE LA RBI. Wfc«a shopping always look for the union label. It tells yon that yon are getting a good prodnet carefully made by onion men and women nnder union conditions. Three members or the House baee served as chairmen of the Republican National Committee. They are Joseph Martin (Mass.), Carroll Reece (Tenn.), and Hugh Cott (Pa.) IT PAYS TO TRADE With DOMETT LUMBER GO. Ml E. Park Aee. Phone 81T* * WINSTON-SALEM JOURNAL (Morning) TWIN CITY SENTINEL (Evening) JOIWNAL and SENTINEL (Sunday) WSJS — WSJS-FM WSTS — WSTS-FM WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. “ONLY THE STRONG CAN BE FREE” Piedmont Federal Savings and Loan Association ASSETS OVER )15,00*600 Member F. S. & L. L Corporation WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Han pi heard ihe |omI news? A NEW LAW MEANS YOUR SERIES E BONDS CAN NOW GO ON EARNING INTEREST AFTER THEIR MATURITY DATE k Ten years ago, did you go to the defense of your country with ► the purchase of U. S. Defense ^ Bonds? If you have kept those ^ bonds here’s good news for you. Congrats hat passed a law which makes it possi ble, now, for your Defense Bonds to go on paying you interest longer than was originally planned— with absolutely no effort on your part. And there is nothing for you, as a bond bolder, to do. You need not exchange the bonds you hare. You need not sign any paper, fill ont any form. You simply keep your bonds as you have been keeping them. You may Still redeem any Series E Bond at any time after you’ve owned it for sixty days. But holding on to your bonds is the smart thing to do if you can. For in U. S. Bonds your money is safe .. ..^our government bonds are as safe as America itself. And don't forget that the money you put into U. S. Bonds regularly and leave there is steadily growing into a larger and larger sum. Before you know it you’ll have money enough for a home, a business, a retirement fund, an education for your children, or whatever really big thing is your per sonal dream. Now, remember, your Series E Bonds earn 3% interest compounded semiannually when they’re held to maturity. Band* ora safer than cash, tea. For once lost, cash is gone forever. But if your bonds are lost or accidentally destroyed your United States Treas ury will replace them at no cost or kiss to you. So if you ha«• bonds which are comihg due this month, remember the new money making chance your government is giving you. Just hold onto your bonds and they’ll go on earning for you. In the meantime keep up your regular saving with more U. S. Defense Bonds—through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. It’s the easy, systematic sav ing plan that lets you save before you draw your pay. Thousands say it’s the one sure way to save! 3 NEW MONEY-MAKING OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOU I New Series H, J, and K Defense Bonds pay 2.76% to 3% I If you want to get the interest on your bonds in the form of current income, or if you want to in vest more than the annual limit for E Bonds, ask at any Federal Reserve Bank or Branch about these new bonds: _ Series H. A new current income bond, available in de nomination* of $500 to $10,000. Sold at par. Mature* in 9 years, 8 months and pays approximately 3% interest per annum if held to maturity. Interest paid semiannually by Treasury check. Annual limit, $20,000 maturity value. Series J. A new 12-year appreciation bond, available in denominations of $25 to $100,000. Sold at 72% of par value. Pays 2.76% compounded semiannually if held to maturity. Annual limit, $200,000 issue price jointly with Series K Bonds. Series K. A new 12-year current-income bond in denomination* of $600 to $100,000. Pay* interest semiannually by Treasury check at the rata of 2.76% per annum. Sold at par. Annual limit, $200,000 issue price jointly with Series J Bonds. Now even better...invest more in Defense Bonds! H. A. Stalls 1733 STATESVILLE AVE. -Printing CHARLOTTE, N. C.