GREETINGS FIVE POINTS Restaurant' & Drive-In 100 Hutchison Are. Phono 5-5709 Chorlotto, N. C. GREETINGS Garibaldi fir Bruns Leading Jewelers Since 1896 104 South Try on St. Phone 2-5822 Charlotte, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS Garrison fir Hopkins Company Best in PLUMBING fr HEATING APPARATUS 1501 South Try on Tel. 3-6604 Charlotte, N. C. E. P. NISBET CO. FUEL OILS ★ Williams Oil-O-Matic Heating * Dial 2-7755 1818 Baxter Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Serving Charlotte since 1927 * * Married Women Important In Country’s Labor Force, Says Women’s Bureau Head “That there is a place for mar- ] ried women in the labor force as well as in the home has been def initely established as more and more women with husbands take jobs where their services, are need ed in the business and industrial ms tint ions of the country,” said Miss Frieda S. Miller, Drector of the Women’s Bureau of the United States Department of La bor in her Labor Day message analyzing the most recent census Bureau reports on this subject. There has been a large increase in the ranks of women workers in the years since World War II, practically all of it due to the entrance of married women into the labor force. Miss Miller said. Throughout the postwar period there has been no material change in the number of single women workers, which stands at about 5.5 million. Neither has there LABOR DAY GREETINGS V. J. Guthery Sons REAL ESTATE Gutkery Apartments Phone 2-5009 Charlotte, N'. C. GREETINGS from Gilley Body Works 709 Forest Phone 4-5754 4 Charlotte, N. C. Mom hot Bottimore Local No. 101 J. L. 6UIN Quality Floor Sandinf and Finishing . "Your Floor Finisher" . Phone 2-3966 513 Ketonoh Street Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS HilJ Bros. Furniture Company Visit Owr Store Before Too toy Kosy Terms lor the Worfciee Me* 210 North College St. Phone 4-2525 Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS Hough-Wylie Co. Distributors Appliances Auto Supplies Television Seta — Porta, 2401 South Boulevard ! Phono 4-9748 Charlotte, N. C. Labor Day Greetings ROBBINS KNITTING COMPANY Spruce Pine, N. C. -----.-1 been any notable increase in women workers who are widowed or divorced, of whom there are about 2.9 million. The number of married women workers, on the ether hand, has grown from 7.5 million in 1947 to 10.4 million in April, 1952 (date of latgst figures released). There was a smaller increase between 1951 and 1952 than in earlier postwar years, but over the rest of that period (1947 to 1951) an average of 650,000 mar ried women was added to the la bor force each year. The num ber of married women who were working in April, 1952, exceeded the World War II peak by almost 2 million. Today there are 19 million women workers producing goods and services in the United States and slightly more than half are married women. The Women’s Bureau Director colled attention to another signif icant trend in married women’s employment as revealed by the census figures: the tendency dur ing the past decade for women to return to work—or, as it may happen, to take jobs for the first time—after reaching middle age, whereas before World War II it was largely young wives in their twenties and early thirties who went into outside employment. The April, 1952, figures showed that the greatest proportion of working wives were those in their early forties <33.3 per cent were working! and even married wom en in their early fifties entered the la1>or force in about the same proportions as those in their twenties and early thirties (around 25 per cent in both the younger and older groups.) Married women living with their husbands are still much less likely to seek employment than single women or those who are widowed or divorced. Single women, in fact, are almost as likely to be working as single men, Miss Miller said. Only teen age girls and women over 65 are GREETINGS Hoverty Furniture Company 227 North Try on St. Phone 2-7144 Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS Hardee's Pharmacy 2907 Selwyn Avenue Phone 3-7729 CHARLOTTE, N. C. Put Your Dollars to Work BIGGER PAY «§ PAIR TAXIS 4H PAIR PRICES SOCIAL SECURITY jj UTTER SCHOOLS • BITTER HEALTH TAFT-HARTLEY REPEAL STRONGER U. S. A. f Help Elect a Friendly Congress Give $I°.° LABORS LEAGUE for POLITICAL EDUCATION in the labor force in much small er proportions than single men of the same age. About BO per cent of all single women are working, whereas only 28 per rent of mar ried women living with their hus bands are in the labor force, and 3£ per cent of those who are wid owded or divorced. Women whose husbands earn the least money are the ones most likely to be found on jobs of their own and. conversely, the propor tion of wives who work dwindles as the husband's salary bracket rises. This is a numerical indi cation, Kiss Miller pointed out, that married women work pri marily, though not necessarily, because their earnings are needed for family support or to supple ment the family income. Around 6.3 million women work ers have children under 18 years of age and 2.1 million of these Horkey Nurseries WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Park Road Tel * 2-1969 M. Luther Harkey, Mgr. CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS from Hall Taailorfng and Alterations 206Vz South Church Phone 3*6673 Charlotte, N. C. COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND have youngsters below school age for whose care the mothers must provide during' the hours they spend at work outside the home. Miss Miller pointed out the urg ent need of dgy-care centers to help working mothers solve this problem which she stressed as of community as well as family sig nificance. SECRETARY OF LABOR DURKIN’S ADDRESS (Cost, from Page 1. This Section) stantial gains have occurred in the past year, and their effect may easily be seen in the busi ness totals. Industrial production has reached unprecedented peace time highs, and the gross national product has expanded by $25 bil lion, mainlly because consumers have been buying more heavily than ever of durable goods, non durable goods, and numerous serv ices.* Yet, with personal expendi tures so heavy, the total of per sonal savings has continued. We are firm in the knowledge and belief that if men and women are free they will work unceas ingly to improve their lives and their homes, and to create a bet ter future for their children. LABOR-MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP NECESSARY FOR NATION’S STRENGTH (Coat, from Page 1, This Section) those who seek justice and fee dom. We of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, whose every effort is devoted to foster ing and promoting the cause of industrial peace, proudlly salute ' the American worker. GREETINGS Hoppe Motors, Inc. CHRYSLER — PLYMOUTH SALES fr SERVICE "Selling and Servicing" CHRYSLER PRODUCTS Since They Were Born" 439 West Fourth St. Tel. 2-7161 CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS J. M. Herlocker Fainting Contractor 112 North Myers Street Phone 2-5766 % Charlotte, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS INSECT CONTROL Soles & Service 312 East Moreheod St. Phone 3-1577 Charlotte, N. C. New Dry Fog—Harmless to Humans -and Pats LABOR DAY GREETINGS from W. T. James Shoe Service 513 West Trade St. Telephone 5-9573 Charlotte, He C« GREETINGS Julian's Laundry CASH AND CARRY 918 East Moreheod Telephone 2-5954 Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS Frank A. Jones Auto Repoir Shop 314 E. Fifth St. Phone 2 6862 Charlotte, N» C. GREETINGS Koy Jewelry Co. 4# A 1,^.^.,^ AMM oik A €h■ agtt s a,* * AI WCly 9 ail twf tHfUOrc 111 South Tryon St. Charlotte, N. C. GREETINGS C. W. Kirkland Co. Inc. Plastering Contractors 501 East MorehooE St. Phone 2-1132 Charlotte 6, N. C. Thomas F. Kerr fir Company REAL ESTATE Fire Insurance and Property Management 134 Brevard Court Telephone 2-0568 CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS I J. O. JONES, Inc. 208 S. Tryon St. Phone 3 7747 CHARLOTTE, N. C. GREETINGS M. E. REILLEY Kalman Floor Co. Room 217, Wilder Bldg. RE"?!1*’** Phone 2-8941 Charlotte, N. C GREETINGS W. A. Kirkley CONTRACTOR Sales and Service on All Makes of Water Pumps 409 E. Kingston Ave. Tel 2-2961 CHARLOTTE, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS A. R. Lankford 1018 Eost 7th St. Phone 4-2171 Charlotte, N. C. LABOR DAY GREETINGS MORRIS O BARNES Groceries - Moots - Produce 227 WoN Trade St. Phone 3-1116 Charlotte, N. C. * P o Wl R ianos Ui Prices bruin at fMSJO Terms $25 Cosh, $20 per on. Write. Wire, Phsos for Calais* Parker-Gardner Co. Since 1898 118 W. Trade Phone 3-8257 y ww H PINE STATf ICE CREAM in tko fity* , li-iirvi from ^ cartons PINE STATE CREAMERY RALEIGH, N. C.