II M HE WEALTH An uncompromising Democratic Jour Advertising; Rates : nal. Published every Thursday morning. 1 inch 1 week. $1.00. $2.50. 1 "I month. D. E. STAINBACK, "Editor. " THE LAND WE LOVE. Terms : $2 00 per year in Advance. Subscription Rates : Contracts for any space or time may be made at the office of The Common wealth. 1 Copy 1 Year. 1 " 6 Months, $2.00. $1.00. VOL. I. SCOTLAND NECK, N.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 24; 1882. Np. 4. Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. r ii 1 m1 Ma GENERAL DIRECTORY. SCOTLAND NECK. Mayor W. A. Dunn. Commissioners Noah Biggs, J. R. Bal lard, R. M. Johnson, J. G. Savage. Meet first Tuesday m each month at 4 o'clock, P. M. C hief of Police C. "W. Dunn. Assistant Policemen -A. David, W. D. Shields, 'C. F. Speed. Sol. Alexander. Treasurer R. M. Johnson. Clerk J. G. Savage. CHURCHES : Baptist J. D. Hufham. D. D Pastor. Services every first, second and third Sundays at 11 o'clock, A. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night. Sun day School every Sabbath morning. Primitive Baptist Eld. Andrew Moore, Pastor. Services every third Saturday and Sunday morning. Methodist Rev. J. Crowson, Pastor. Services every second and fourth Sun days at 11 o'clock, A. M. Sunday School every Sabbath morning. Episcopal Rev. II. G. Hilton, Rector. Services every first, second and third Sundays at 10 o'clock, A. M. Also at Pittman's Hall every first and second Sabbath evenings at 4 o'clock. Sunday School every Sabbath morning. Baptist (colored,) George Norwood, Pastor. Services every fourth Sunday morning. Sunday School every Sabbath -o- COU3TXY. Court Clerk and Supcrior Probate Judge John T. Gregory Simmons. Resrister of Deeds R. J Lewis. Solicitor A. J. Burton. Sheriff J. T. Dawson. Coroner J H Jenkins. Treasurer Dr. L. W. Batchelor, School Examiner W C Clark. Keeper of the Poor House W W. Carter. Commissioners II. J. Harvey, W. II Shields, F. M. Parker, J. II. Whitaker, Sterling Johnson Superior Cour'c Every third Monday in March ard September. Inferior Cou.rt Every third Monday in February, May, August and November O E3F1EL.1 Mayor B. F. Whitaker. Commissioners John J. Robertson, E. T. Branch, J. B. Hunter, R. B. Britt. Constable J. C. Derr HOTELS. Caledonia Hotel. Peter Forbes. Boarding House Riddick Burnett. CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal Services every first Sunday, at 11,00 A. M., and 7.00 P. M. Rev. W. II. Watkins, Pastor. Baptist Services every second Sunday, at 11.00 A. M., and 7.00 P. M., and third Svjiday at 7 30 p. m. Sunday school at 9 30 a. m. Rev. W. J. Hopkins, Pastor. Protestant Episcopal Services every second and third Sundays at 11.00 A. M. Rev. A. S. Smith, Rector. Methodist Protestant Services evry fourth Sunday, at 11.00 A. M.. and 7.00 P. M. Rev. W. H. Wills, Pastor. County Appointments M. Chucrh 1st. Sunday, at Eure's School House, at 3 P. M. 2nd Sunday,at Pierce's at n.oo A. M., and at Smith's, at 3 .00 P M. 3rd. Sundxsy, at FjDeneezer, at 11.00 A.M. 4th. Sunday st Havwards at 11.00 A. M. Communio n at each appointment in Feb nxaj. au-. ana jnov. iev. W.l. Wat kins, Pastor. i. P. Church 1st. Sunday, at Brad ords, at 11.00 A. M., and at Reid's School House. 3.00 P. M. Whitaker's Chapel, every second and fifth Sunday, at 11.00 A. M. Roseneath, 3rd. Sun day, 11.00 A. M. Baptist Church. Every first Sunday at Uonoconary at 11 00 a m and 7 30 p m Each third Sunday and the Saturday pre ceeding at 11 00 a m. Prayer meeting each Wednesday at 7 30 p m Sunday school at 9 30 am. Dawson's Church, Dawson's X Roads, every fourth Sunday at 11 a m and 7 30 p m and the Saturday preceeding the fourth Sunday at 1100 a m Prayer meeting lhursdays 7 30 p m ounday school at 30 a m. Rev W J Hopkins, Pastor. Colored Churches 1st. baptist Every first Sunday, at 11.00 A.. M. and 7.00 Jr. M. C. IS. Oibbs, Tastor. 2nd. Baptist Every second Sunday, at 11.00 and 7.00 P. M. Rev. W. R. Shaw, Castor. A. M. E. Church Every fourth Suudav, at 11.00 A. JM. and 7.00 M. Kev. J. H Merrick, Pastor. LODGES. Knights of Honor Meet every second and fourth Tuesdays, at 7.00 P. M. Legions of Honor Meet every first and hird Tuesdays, at seven P. M. EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Southern Express Officer-Open all day. i Jj Wiu taker, Agent. . Railroad Freight, and Ticket Agent, L W. Batchelor. ; No freight for shipment received after .00 P. M. I TELEGRAPH. Western Union Telegraph Office in the Railroad Warehouse Open from 8.00 'A. M, to 9. P. M. T B Hale, - Operator. NOTICE ! PERSONS wishing to buy. rent or exchange real sell, lease, estate any do well to where in this vicinity, will communicate with us. figgf Terms moderate. KITCHIN & DUNN, ' Attorneys-at-Law. Scotland Neck, N. C. June 20th. 1882. NO TIME TOR HATING. Begone with feud ! Away with strife ! Our human hearts unmating ; Let us be friends again ! This life Is all too short for hating ! So dull the day, so dim the way, So round the road we're faring Far better weal with faithful friend, Than stalk alone uncaring. The barren fig, the withered vine, Are types of selfish living : But souls that give, like thine and mine, Renew their life by giving. ' While cypress waves oe'r early graves, On all the ways we're going, Far better plant where seed is scant, Than tread on fruit that's growing. Away with scorn ! Since die we must And rest on one low pillow ; There are no rivals in the dust No foes beneath the willow. So dry the bowers, so few the flowers, Our earthly way discloses, Far better stoop, where daisies droop, Than tramp on broken roses ! Of what are all the joys we hold, Compared to the joys above us ? And what are rank, and power, and gold, Compared to hearts to love us? So fleet our years, so full of tears, So close death is waiting , God gives us space for loving grace But leaves no time for hating. A VICTIM OF CHARITY. It was at a church fair, and h e had come there at the special request of his cousin, who was at the head of the flower table. He opened the door bashfulty, and stood, hat in hand, looking at the brilliant scene before him. when a young lady rush ed up and grabbing him by the arm said," 'Oh you must take a rhance in our cake. Come right over this way." Blushing to the roots of his hair, he stammered out that "really he didn't have the pleasure of know ing" "Oh, that's all right," said the young lady. "You will know me better before you leave. I'm one of the managers, you understand Come : the cake will all be taken if you don't hurry," and she almost dragged him over to one of the mid dle tables. "There, now; only fifty cents a slice, and you may get a real gold ring. You had better take three or four slices, sure. It will increase your chances, you know." "You're very good," he stammered "But I'm not fond of cake that is, I hpven't any use for the rin "That will be ever so nice," said the young lady, "for now if you get the rinse you can give it back, and we can put it in another cake." "1-e-e-s, saia the young man. with a sickly smile. "To be sure ; but" "Oh, there isn't any but about it," said the young lady, smiling sweet ly : " you know that you promised. Promised ?" Well, no : not exactly that ; but you'll take iust one slice ?" and she looked her whole soul into his eyes "Well, I suppose " "To be sure, lhere is your cake," and she slipped a great slice into his delicately gloved hands as he handed her a dollar bill. "Oh, that is too nice, added the young lady as she plastered another slice of cake on too of the one she had just given him. "I knew you would take at least two chances." and the dollar bill disappeared across the table : and then she called out to companion, "Oh, Miss Larkins, here is a gentleman who wishes to have his fortune told." "Oh. 'does he ? Send him over," answered Miss Larkin. right "1 beg your pardon, but I'm afraid you are mistaken. I don't remember saying anything about " "Oh, but you will," said the first young lady, tugging at the youth's arm. "It's for the good of the cause, and you won t reiuse, ana once more the beautiful eyes looked soul fully intu his. "Here we are. Now take an envelop ; open it. There ; you are going to be married in year. Isn't that jolly ? Seventy-five cents, please." This time the youth was careful to hand out the exact change. "Oh. I should, like to have my fortune told. May I ?" said the first young lady. "Of course you may, my dear," said Miss Larkin, handing out one of her envelopes. 'Oh, dear, you are going to be married this . year. too. Seventy-live cents more," and the poor youth came down with an other dollar note. "No change here, you know," added Miss Larkin, put ting the greenback in her pocket "Oh, come, let's try our weight." said the hrst young lady, once more tugging at the bashful youth's coat sleeve, and before he knew where he was he found himself standing on the platform of the scales. "One hundred and thirty-two," said the voung lady. "Oh, I should like to be a great heavy man like you," and she jumped on the scales like a bird "One hundred and twenty. Well, that is light. One dollar, please." "What !" said the youth : one dol lar ? Isn't that pretty steep ? mean I " "But you know it is for charity," said the young lady ; and another dollar was added to (lie treasury of the fair. "I think I'll have to I have an engagement at "Oh, but hrst you must buy me a boquet for taking you around,"- said the young lady. "Right over here," and they were soon standing in front of the flower table. "Here is just what I want," and the yxmng lady picked up a basket of roses and vio- ets. "Seven doll irs, please. "Oh, Jack, is'that you ?" cried the poor youth's cousin from behind the flower counter ; "and buying flowers for Miss Giggie, too. Oh, 1 shall be terribly jealous unless you buy me a basket, too," and she picked up an elaborate affair. ; "Twelve dollars, Jack," and the youth put down the money, looking terribly confused, as though he didn't know whether to make a bolt for the door or give up all hope and settle down in despair. "You 11 excuse me, ladies he stam mered, 'bnt I must go. I have "Here, let me pin this in your but ton-hole," interrupted his cousin. Fifty cents, please," and then the youth 's broke away and made, a straight line for the door. f ; I "Well, if ever I visit another fair a at 1 j 1 1 may 1 be r ne ejaculated as ne counted over his cash to see if he had the car fare to rid& home. BOY WANTED. There is a gospel tent at the corner of Michigan avenue and Fourth slreet, and of a Sunday evening there is considerable passing in and out on the part of pedestrians. Last Sunday evening a boy 01 14, who had just left the tent, encountered a stranger, who stopped him and, in quired : ' - " v A "Say, bub, what sort ot a perform ance is going on in there, r "Purty good thing ! was the re ply- Td kinder like to see the fat woman and the living skeleton and the Albino children once more, but I'm pretty near strapped. Is there any way I kin work in ?" "Us boys crawl under the canvass. "Anybody around to knock you stiff f" "Never saw anjrbody. Til show you where to go under." "By hokey, I'll try it ! It's no use to throw away a quarter when you you can beat a side-show." The boy took him around behind the tent and saw him safe under, and then crossed the street and sat down. He waited just exactly three minutes, and then the stranger came out of the tent by the door. He looked up and down the street, closely scanned every , youngster about him. and hnallv said to a bootblack : "Bub. I'm looking for a youth about two heads taller than you peaked nose, brown straw hat, hair cut short. I want to see him so awful bad for about a half a minute that I'll gie you half a dollar if you can find him around here !" Detroit Free Press. - - THE FAT MAN'S SPELL. Two or three years ago there lived in the lower oil country a prominent oil producer who was a notoriously bad speller. In a letter, among other errors, he spelled water with two ts. A party of gentlemen were discussing this peculiarity in the bar room of the Collins house. Oil City, one evening, when the poor speller himself chanced to come in 'Hello !" said one ot the party, a corpulent gentleman, now remotely connected with the New York Petroleum Exchange, "we were just talking about you." "Is that so ?" was the reply. "And what were you saying V "Why, some of the boys claim that you aie the worst speller in seven teen States." "They do ? I think I can spell about as well as the average produc er." "I'll tell you what I'll do with you." said the first speaker, "I'll bet the champaign for the party that you can't spell water." "All right," replied the producer, and he proceeded to spell the word w-a-t-e-r. "That's the way I spell water for money," he quietly remarked, "but when I spell it for fun I sometimes use two ts." The corpulent gentleman paid for the wine, and the silence became so great that you could hear a house fall down. Bradford News. THAT UMBRELLA. During the shower yesterday a cit izen carrying a very wet umbrella entered a hotel to pay a call to some lone up stairs. After placing his um brella where.it might drain, he wrote upon a piece of paper and pinned to it the sentence : "N. B. This umbrella belongs to a man who strikes a 230-pound blow back in fifteen minu. s." He went his way up 'stairs, and after an absence of fifteen, minutes returned to find his umbrella gone and in its place a note reading: "P. S- Umbrella taken by a man who walks ten miles an hour won't be back at all !" Detroit Freress. HIS LOyE. It was evening in the country. The moonbeams peeped softly be tween the leaves of the pulseless elm, and kissed the song-birds lost in hap py dreams. The rose and the lilly were asleep, so were the parsnip and the string-bean and all the amorous air was toned with languid scent to the sublime alitude of a swell drug store. They were walking up the shady avenue from the village whither he had taken her to prove his boundless admiration and love at a five cent soda-water fountain. 4 "No," he commencedlor he knew they were getting near her vine-clad cottage, and he hadn't much time to ose, "my love for you shall never wane, wilt; or grow less. With you shall sail through life as tranquilly as over a placid l )on-lit lake in a flat-bottomed boat, with a virtuoso at the stern playing the "Old Folks at Home" on an accordion. You are my evening star this evening and every other evening, and you shall have a seal-skin sacque every Christ mas. She clutched his ready-made coat or rather its sleeve in a wild ec stasy of ineffable delight, while he continued: "You are the sweet par ticular idol of my life, and I shall take you to the circus next week. My love for you is deep as the ice man's cunning and the plumber's pocket, which, like a spring, refills itself when drained. Mine is a wild enthusiastic passion that will with stand the rigors of the arctic butcher and milliner. The strawberry vender may lose the cunning of the hand that arranges the meaner specimens below the large ones in three-quarter pint measures which he guarantee to hold a quart ; but my love you will never lose, even if you bet it on a horse-race. Ah, yes, fair Imogen, while life lasts you shall have in me a defender against all the trials and tribulations of this vexed, and uncer tain life. My love for you burn's like a dollar in a poet's pocket ; it also burns like yon snowy star, and not till that goes out " "It has just gone out," she broke in. "Alas, too true !" he sighed. "I have been swearing by a Fourth-of July balloon." And he didn't say another word until he good-nighted at the gate. FICTION OUTDONE. eformig the World A Utopia Love and Lucre Married by Wire Life in a Tree. A certain telegram which appear ed in the leading papers of the coun try some two years ago announced the marriage by telegraph 01 reaer- ick Moulton Shaw, of Los Angeles, to a New Jersey teacher. It has been left for the Chronicle to supply the world with the missing chapters and sequel to this singular rom ance, Not far from half a century ago the hero of our tale, a fair-haired youth, ascended the educational ladder in the academy located in the small town of CasLleton, Rutland county, Vt. Young Shaw was a very ordi nary sort of a boy in those days. Time went on and he drifted to Cal ifornia after a thrice repeated trip around the world. He became en chanted with the climate, the scene ry, the productive soil of Los Ange--les country, and selected it as Ids future abiding-place. Grand 'enter prises and Utopian dreams chadded and matured in his brains. Out in the canons intersecting the foot-hills to the northwest he would establish a sanitarium, were the maimed ar.d halt, the weak and the ailing of all the world should come for rep,t and recreation and the joys of congenial companionship. Shaw's plans expanded. aid grew in importance until thoy embraced the most extensive and varied oper ations of any proj ect evef conceived upon earth. There - ere to be model dwellings, manuyael0rieSj -water-works, schools, colleges, and, most important 01 au a great line of steamships, which were to ply back and forth between all the great port of the world. At this juncture. cautiously but eloquentlv, he un folded a portion of his plans to some of the most prominent citizens of Los Angeles ; Gen. Stoneman, the prospective Democratic candidate for governor, among the number. He talked persusively, wrote logical ly and well, and managed to imbue those whom he approched with some degree of faith in the success of his scheems. A company was forthwith organized. The chairman of the board of directors was mayor Tober man of Los Angeles. Geo. Stoneman was another member, and Thos. E. Garey, the famous orange-grower; Temple, at that- time a flourishing banker; and Gen. C. Gibbs, a well known Los Angeles attorney, were also included, while the name of Frederick Moulton Shaw figured as general superintendent. The compa ny was Incorporated on May 8, 1873, with a capital qf. $250,000, and de nominated 'the 'Southern California Sanitary Hotel aiid Industrial' Col lege association." Shaw went to London to float the stock. But the glittering allurments of this prospectus did not have the desired effect upon the minds and purses of the British public. Never theless, the "''general superintendent was not discouraged. He at once divined the reason, and wrote back to the directors, urging them to im mediately increace the capital stock to $2,000,000, as the English people would pay no attention to anything backed by a paltry $250,000. By this time, however, the board of di rectors," never any too sanguine of the success of this project, had tacit ly agreed to . drop the matter, and no attention was paid to the commu nication. Being left in London without a dollar, Shaw got into the good grac es of a wealthy widow, and by repre senting himself as a California capi talist, induced her to marry him. The' wife's money brought them to California, but when she arrived here, and found that she had been duped the poor woman died. Then the stricken widower, who had been a widower twice before, retired to a little canon eight miles northwest of town, where he took np 150 acres of woodland and made a practical though solitary test of some of his pro gressive sanitary ideas. He grubbed a meager living from the soil, living on beans, cabbage, popcorn, and slept m a tree. In dress it is asserted that he returned to the habit of a primitive age, and the story is told and vouch ed for that when parties of stylish young Los Angeles people went out to the canon picnicking it was neces sary for some of the masculine ele ment to go ahead and reconnoitre, and persuade the "sanitary" to done his clothes in honor of this occasion. One night he fell out of the tree and hurt his back, and after that gave up his habit of sleeping aloft. While living in this aboriginal manner he opened a correspondence with a Vermonc girl who was teach ing school in New Jersey, and they were married by telegraph. This new wife paid her way out, and to the surprise of all, decided to live with Shaw. This was two years ago. To-day they are living in the little canon, a sunny, picturesque spot, well wooded and watered, and with a handful of sickly -looking fruit trees planted about. The wife is a little wisp of a woman, with peculiar, sharp eyes and a ready tongue. Shaw has succumed to feminine rule so far as to wear a suit of clothes, but still goes with uncovered head. They have a house built of rude redwood bo ards, with one side in the solid rock of hillside and no one gazing at its rough exterior would t . 1 I. . 1 Jl 1 oe tne anoue 01 a man wno once un dertook to reform and rejuvinate the world. San Francisco Chronicle. ANXIOUS TO BENEIGHBORS. He was a small bov, with dirt on nis nose ana a iaa.ed straw hat on his head, and feet long unwashed, He walked boldly up the steps, pull ed the bell, an.d when the ladv came to the door he said : "Say, cai yOU en me your teie phone for a few minits "Why, I can't !" she gasped out. w e 1: oring it back in half an hour J "But I can't lend it, child. You d'on't seem to know what a telephone is. Who are vou r" "We live around the corner, just moved in, and we Want to be neigh borly. I tried to bnirrbw your wheel barrow and shovel, but your boy wouldttt lend 'em, and our hired girl has been over to borrow tea and sugar and couldn't get any. We kinder thought we might borrow your telephone or something, and ma would bring it back and get a chance to see youi Style and ask you to run right in with your old clothes on !" Detroit F)'ee-Pre$s, A LOVE AFFAIR WOUND UP. "I should smile." AS Bertha Reding ote spoke these words she lay coquettishly in a ham mock that had been ftwuhg between two giant O0.M Vhat reared their tall heads aloft in the broad lawn, at the edge of which stood her father's stateiy residence, a little loot, en meshed in a silken stocking, whose delicate texture displayed to advan tage the trim ankle within peeped out from beneath a fleecy-white dress. while the laughing eyes and fair fore head of the girl were surmounted by a coronal of sunnily gold tresses of which any hair store might have been proud. "So you like ice cream," said Har old Mclntyre, bending over the ham mock and looking tenderly into Bertha's blue eyes. "I should smile," said the girl again, getting ready to put on her slipper and start. "You are right," said Harold. "Ice cream is. a' good thing. Perhaps some day next week I will buy you some." The look of happy expectancy faded from the girl's face. "What time is it ?" she asked. "Ten minutes to six,"replied Harold. "Then," said Bertha, -if you start right away you will get home in time for supper," BILL ART'S PHILOSOPHY. It don't pay to get mad about anv. thing, much less about politics. Getting mad cheats a man out of nis time. He can lose a day or two days or even a week, thinkina ahnnt. it and fretting over it, and that in- terieres with his business and his di gestion, and makes his family un happy. He had bettei go dead for a while and come to life aanin. no ting mad is the poorest way to get YYiuu au eucmy 1 ever tried, it don't pay worth a cent, finrl a 1 TOO it a makes a man loose his own self-rp. spect. Now a man may get mad with himself for being a fool and it will do him no harm. In fact, it may do him'; good, for it's a signl'of re pentance. I knew a young man to go to a church and the girls honey fuggled six dollars out of him he went home find 11 nrlrnaaarl . v vauvaj. vaovVA Oil u tied one arm to the bed-post and whipped himself with the nth fir n nrl as ne cut himself around the legs he uj wuuiu say : "You so to armt.hAr cnurcn lair ? You let them girls iooi you out ot your money again ! You pay ten cents for evervxfool let ter thev stiek ni. mil t Yrm " s JV I-VCs uau a aoiiar tor a little dah of cream I'll learn von some rptirp t will," and as he talked to himself he kept the switch going lively, and would dance up and down just like ne was anotner tellow. Now that is a'good idea. When a man makes a fool of himself and ffoes rinnincr around let him tie himsp.lf Tin anrl give himself a good whiDDine-. and then take a fresh start in the morn- kg. If a man gets into a fhrht with another man he might accidentally get whipped, and then everybody would hear of it. but if he whins himself all by himself it will do more good, and nobody would ever know anything about it Atlhnta Consti tution. A STORY OF UPPER EGYPT. The Despotism, of the Khedive An Arabian Girl s Marriage. Correspondent at Alexandria. . It is not always safe for a govern or 01 a province to reside among the people whom he has plundered and oppressed, and whose families he has entered with the lust of that most loathsome of all creatures, the Turkish libertine. It also not tttt frequently happens that the govern ors are noth ing but common assass ins, who are called upon to execnte the summary and secret vengence of some minister or favorite at court of whom they stand in awe. A case that occurred while a correspondent was in the upper country is directly to the point. A Turkish official of high rank he was a bey had long been a favorite of the khedive at Cairo, for they had been educated together in France. This official was, therefore, a great deal around the palace, and it occurred to the khedive 's mother that she would like to marry off a favorite child of the harem to a gallant officer in receipt of large pay. The bey was sum moned by the khedive and told that his mother had found him a wife a wonderous creature. Of course in the east such an intiniation to a sub ordinate is simply a command; yet while the bey submitted he secretly chafed at what he considered a gfdss imposition upon a friend, a Turkish aristocrat, and an officer accustomed to European liberties and customs. The marriage took place and a grand fete, costing many thousand dollars. Of course, the bey had never looked upon her face until after the nuptial knot was tied, and when he did neither the countenance nor the owner thereof was to his liking. Two years went by and the khedive's mother Perceived that the young wife was slowlv oininsr away. At last, nprsistp.nt inouirv made the girl Uonlnap fhnt. frnm thf very hbtlr of the ee?emonv the bey had declined to treat her as his wife. The khedive's mother a perfect tigress hastened to his maiesiV 5nd de manded that the bey should be put to death instantly. He could not refuse. The bey was immediately seized, conveyed by a guard 1,800 miles to the Soudan, and upon his arrival the governor general was ordered to strangle him.; but the governor general happened to be a life-long friend of the condemned man and allowed him to live. Six different orders were sent to kill him, but not one of them was obeyed. The writer was the guest of this gentle man in the Soudan for over two months, and these facts came from his own lips. A better educated man one would seldom find in the world's travel. His books were Mitchelet, Victor Hugo, About, Schiller, Goethe, Heine, Irving, Ds Tocqueville and others. He finally joined caravans with the writer on a journey of 1,500 miles to Cairo, aud returned to Khartoum toj become governor general in the xery capital where he had been sert to ne put lo death. II p hn 'mce Ie'n ministei of iMiMiei instruction s in the sen-ice of the prrsent khed"VT9-. DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Cae. For Scarlet and Typhoid Fevers Diphtheria, Sall vatlon, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Small Pox, Measles, and Eradicates MALARIA. all Contagious Diseases. Persons waiting on the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Fever has never been known to spread where the Fluid was used. Yellow Fever has been cured with it after black -vomit had taken place. The worst cases of Diphtheria yield to it. Feveredand SickPer sons refreshed and Bed Sores prevent ed by bathing with Darbys Fluid. Impure Air made harmless and purified. For Sore Throat it is a sure cure. Contagion destroyed. For Frosted Feet, Chilblains, Piles, Chafingg, etc. Rheumatism cured. Soft White Complex ions secured by its use. Ship Fever prevented. To purify the Breath, Cleanse the Teeth, it can't be surpassed. Catarrh -relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Scars prevented. Dysentery cored. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvy cured. An Antidote for Animal or Vegetable Poisons, Stings, etc. I used the Fluid during our present affliction with Scarlet Fever with de cided advantage. It is indispensable to the sick- room. Wm. F. Sand ford, Eyrie, Ala. SMAIX-POX and PITTING of Small Pox PREVENTED A member of my fam ily was taken with Small-pox. I used the Fluid; the patient was not delirious, was not pitted, and was about . the house again in three weeks, and no others had it. J. W. Park inson, Philadelphia. Diphtheria Prevented. The physicians hers use Darbys Fluid very successfully in the treat ment of Diphtheria. A. Stollbnwbrck. Greensboro, Ala. Tetter dried up. Cholera prevented. Ulcers purified and healed. In cases of Death it ,. should be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleas ant smell. The eminent Phy. sician, J. MARION SIMS, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a valuable disinfectant." Scarlet Fever Cored. Vanderbllt University, Nashville, Tenn. I testify to the most excellent qualities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent -it is both theoretically and practically superior to any preparation with which I am ac quainted. N. T. Lupton, prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is Recommended by Hon. Alexander H. Stephens, of Georgia; Rev. Chas. F. Deems, D.D., Church of the Strangers, N. Y.; Jos. LbContb, Columbia, Prof.,University,S.C. Rev. A. J. Battlr, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F. Pibrcr, Bishop M. E. Church. INDISPENSABLE TO EVERY HOME. Perfectly harmless. Used internally or externally for Man or Beast. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and we have abundant evidence that it has done everything here claimed. For fuller information get of your Druggist a pamphlet or send to the proprietors, J. H. ZEUJN Sc CO., Manufacturing Chemists, PHILADELPHIA. W.H.ICI&W.A.B11, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLC.IST-LAVV. (: o :) fig?Office on 10th Street, first door above Main. EDWARD T. CL.ARK, Attorney-at-Law, HALIFAX, N. C. Will practice in Halifax and adjoining counties. Claims collected in all parts of the State. E. T. BKANCn. DAVID BELL. BRANCH & BELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ENFIELD, N. C. Practice in the courts of Halifax and di oinins: counties, and in the Supreme and Federal courts. Claims collected m any part ot the state. One of the firm will always be found in the office. DR- E. :L. HUNTER, Surgeon Dentist, ENFIELD, - - N.C. Oxide Gas for PAINLESS L Ul i.' ivi v v.j Extracting always oil hand DOLISOX WHITEHEAD, TONSORAL ARTIST, Main St., Hear 10th. I KEEP a first-class houae and sharp razors. The patronage of my old customers and the public generally so licited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Jive me a call. lioFHEIMER, SON & CO.. MANUFAC1 OREBS 4 WHOLESALE DEALERS 11 BOOTS 1 SHOES 122 Summer Street, Boston, Mass NOS. 84 & 86 WATER STREET NORFOLK, VA. W. M. Gwathmcy. Chas. Elliott. Temple Gwathmey. W. W. Gwathmey & Co, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Norfolk, Va. Casb advanced on consignments. Cot ton shi pped by Railroad delivered at our wharf f ree of drayage. BE.! TT1 ORGANS 27 stops 10 Set a .-creeds only $90. Piano -, $125 "I. iare iiouay inauccments Read V. write or call on V DtAI IT, wasnmgiuiJ. a. MNjsKiNGKcn fTTTTTi atentcd mprvntvniU found is no othtr ntkemrtd. For PampbleU and Pricaj AN St TATLO. ), ldr IBCO, Mansfield. Ot' - " .a .-a. '-;- , - - .

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