ii : t f .11 Ti .1 vt r. . tj - Thursday. August 24. 1882. ENTERED AT THE TOST OFFICE AT POLAND XEt'K. N. C, AS SKCOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER. ' J3. E. STIINBflCX, F.DITOR, The whit and colored Republican aspirants tor ntate L.cmsiaiive uuu ors are having a lively time of it. One of the best men the Republi can party have nominated, for office is .Tno. A. Moore, of Halifax. He is far too good a man to be in such bad company, and the fact that he is on the wrong side of the fence will in itself defeat him. And then, jU9t look at his opponent, Capt. Fred Phillips, bur gallant standard bearer. His name is a tower of strength in this section, ami the good people everywhere will rally to his support The Democrats of the second dis trict made a wisa and judicious se lection. Capt. Phillips is a man be loved by the masses, and his many friends will have the pleasure and the satisfaction of seeing him lead them on to victory in November next. Hubbs' friends have published card to the effect that he (Hubbs) is the regular Republican candiate for Congress in this district, and O'llara's friends and followers have done the same thing. Hubbs is backed bv the revenue officers, but O'Hara is backed by the colored voters, and, if we mistake not, they are largely in the majority. Thus the color line has been drawn, and drawn finely. The white Republi cans are beginning to wear long faces. They find that the negro can longer be put off with the "white man this time, negro next time." The darkies think they have been used as cat's paws long enough and they rise up and say we want these offices ourselves. The golden ap ples that the while Republicans have plucked so long have now all turned to Dead Sea fruit in their hands. INTERNAL REVENUE. If there is any system practiced among men that is hateful, it is the Internal Revenue, or we might term it the Iitfern'il Revenue system. It is based upon the trade of spies, eavesdroppers aud informers, and the Democratic party demands its entire abolition. The features of tha system, involving as it does, the employment of epies and detectives, and the payment of rewards to in formers, thereby creating a market value for "testimony," are odious and hateful in the extreme. These Internal Revenue taxes, it should - be remembered, are not poll or per sonal taxes, but property taxes. Why, then, should North Carolina, with a total assessed property valu ation of less than $170,000,000, pay to the Revenue officers ?u?ie tenths more than Kansas, with a valuation of property exceeding that of this State. Is Connecticut any better than North Carolina, that with nearly twice as much property as we have, pay barely one eleventh part of what we pay. Look at Radical Maine, Iowa, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, they all pay less than we do, yet they have property double aud triple what we have. If the Internal Revenue tax is a tax ou production, why should the Federal government tax North Cam. lina productions more than the pro. ductions of other Si ates ? The system is administered in an outrageous and oppressive manner. Kaids are organized whenever the officials choose to order them, and armed men go about the county ask ing nobody's permission and without consent, poking into peoples busi ana mere is no law to stop uiem, tor they are above the Irw Upon the slightest irresularitv. and in all cases the dealers are innocent, our business men are dragged from their business and from their families aud taken to Raleigh or Newberne They may have sick wives or child ' "ut it is an the same with the officials, they-uiust go. - Tucso things have been done and th-y -.nay be done azaiu. to-day or to morrow. Think o"t!ie h us ,n g (r men ,n the Re,-o:jn i service, and the v r thoy are doing for the Radical par ;, They are ohiMied and i'eU out of the Uses paid in as full measure from Democrats as Radicals . Is it right to take Democratic tax money to put Republican canvassers in the field ? Is it right to take our money to buy up votes and to inter fere with the freedom of elections ? This system has cursed this State for twenty years and it should be Abolished. It is a fearful nest from which patronage hatches the instrn. flients for controling elections There can never be local self.gov era- j went until these Federal officers with their Federal Courts are sent adrift. Our State courts are stripped f their sovereignty, utterly set a' efi:uv'e and subordinate to tin- meanest revenue officer in the service f tins be not centralization in its worst form, we would like to know what it is P The Democratic party says down with such a system, down with the advocates of the ruinous Internal Revenue system. PLANTER'S ANNUAL CONVENTION AT The approaching Convention of the National Cotton Planters' Associa tion, at Little Rock, Ark., on October 16th, 1882, promises to be one of the largest and most important ever held by the Association, It is a matter of regret that a com bination of circumstances have pre vented and will continue to prevent that thorough organization of coun try and parish branches contempla ted by the Association untill after the meeting in October. The various counties of tae cotton States, however, wil 1 hold meetings and select delegates to represent them in the Convention this October after which a most thorough system of organization will be instituted by States, aud a strong effort made to reap the advantages that must ac crue to the planters and landhold ers of the South thereby. have grown with time, and though circumstances, as w remarked above, have combined heretofore to prevent our realizing all the benefits that ere this should have attended its work, the members are none the less determined to carry out the or iginal plans which will give to the agriculturist of the South the great est organization for general good that has ever been inaugurated President Morehead has just paid a visit to Little Rock, Ark., to confer with the officers of the State Fair Association in regard to the transpor tation of delegates, their reception, entertainment, etc., and was greatly elated over the effort that is beinsr C7 uinue uy tuose gentlemen as well as by the citizens o Little Rock, to make great succeed of our October letiiiJ- 1 lie lair grounds of the Arkausas State Pair Association, are ii,fc. euiy cue nantisomest in the South II .1 i - I and beautifully located with a very handsome mile race-track attached. a grand display of improvt!d machia. ery and blooded stock, and as one of thp 9tif,.fi,mQ , . oi me attractions, the best runmnd and trotting races ever before seen in the South. Transportation over all the lines wiu oe reduced one-half, and a strong ? 1 1 i I effort made to have President Arthur and distinguished men present We risk nothing in savinsr the An nnal f V yi fn1,4.' 4. r , i ""'"nuu itt JLiillie ItoCK. in October, 1882, promises in all its re suits to be the most important and largest ever before held bv the A. " sociation, and believe it will mark a new era in t.h r,.MQ . rwS,Mii tu practical work of the Association. ' 'I. . a welcome oy the citizens of Little Rock and the State of Arkan sas, will be unbounded. Overworked men and women. Der. sons of sedentary habits, and others whose system needs recuperation. nerves toned, and muscles strength ened, should use Brown's Iron Bit ters. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. TI7ISHING to devote my attention to -i ,r bufiness, I offer for sale that valuable farm known na v, 1.1 uc urn urecn- wood place containing 268 Acres, 180 of oi cultivation. 125 vrs 01 as gooa cotton land s there is u uc ouiie. Ane sou is Wheat and rlnvar n-;tK in the State. The soil is also a riant , low grounds to make sufficient com for the use of the plantation. There is a line dwelling con taining 8 Room, with Dining-room and aiiacnca. ine whole tarm is under a good fence, half of -h walling. It has all necessary out build- an ui iiici arc comparatively new including H tenant houses, four of which are plastered and nrlit ir,di.j wm . - - "'UCU. II 111 separately 1 his p3ace is adjacent to the town of Scotland Neck an,j partJv with- 1 v. iai in wiLii Krfirir I- r, A ..t me uuinire limns, a live and thrifty town with a branch of the W & W R K just completed anI to which place trains iPn rt it. 1.. t . . mi also a good school on the premises un- k-r the control and inmiPt;.m r xt:., u"n iuiiiiiii rfguiany. mere is bailie vSneed. whs last soccinn incnj with 44 pupils, and has just opened with "7 "altering prospects. Also in sight of a churches, vi Pi.h.v.' . -7 1U1111.1IU Jaubisu l """M7 ayn&i, xuemoaisi, jpisco- palian and Catholic. Anyone wishing to invest in such nrnnert,, A ..n invest in such nronortv will An n come and examine the nrnmisea fnr tlism- selves. I invite inspection of the present oiup, jLerms win oe made liberal and easy. DEDaIONDSON. 2 2m Scotland Neck, N C. tO 30 Um DA MV Mil MMf. RtjaKIlahtf M 'thooontry. Pr. r. E. Sill. Qotncy. Mch. D. EDMONDSON, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, Still at his old stand on the corner at the X Roads. DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, Sfl HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c, &c. In fact evervthinS keP4 in first-class Also handle several leading brands of Fertilizers. Such as Lister's Guano as good as the best. Lee's Pre pared Agl. Lime. .Nothing to equal it for the price Kainit Acid, Phos phate and Chemicals &c. All at lowest market prices." I also have in daily opperation first-class Grist Mi'l All k may patronize me, I will guarantee satis- iaciion. In cotton season I also, run a first-class Gin with the capacity of ginning 17 uaies couon a aay, and keep on iianu sagging ana lies tor my patrons at the lowest market prices. All who may favor me with their patronage I will promise to do in the future as in the past, use every endeavor to give satisfaction. Thanking my friends for their liberal Peonage in the past, I hope by fair ueaim ana ciose attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same, and ma.Ke many new and valuable custo mers. ki! t?llTTea 10 furmsh "sponsi- , L r mmi MCa Mil LI lilt. .NOTICE. 1YTE have nn hnnHroH TT sale in this town. Some of them growing town' aiid' p"sos" ?ecure god places for residences and bus- 11 mess sianas, ana to make good ments. will rfn rn t -.11 invest- I V W in w m -m- . KITCUIA' & DUNN. July 5th, 1882. A NEW DEPARTURE . FROM THE SAME OLD STAND. ' Competition is the Life of Trade.' o: I TAKE this method of informing my Friends, Present and Former Patrons ! 7u" t,Sc lJv"1 ana tne public general! 11 it . i i .-ii Kja.nj w ii ui.jxiu ai Urxi.Ej.Eji- WOOD, where I am still doing all kinds of work usually done in a Country Shon. I - " " -"- ifevwvo no an v uuuu inH of nc I F.rr,.0 j Workman will do it. VEHICLES CONSTANTLY ON MAJJJS TO ORDER. REPAIRING KEATLY, QUICKLY and KJUKA-L'tiX JJUJNJ5. NICE PAINTING A -SPECIALTY. UNDERTAKING AS LOW AS THE .LOWEST. COTTON GINS REPATRRTV AM J) iSAWS WHETTED AT BOT TOM PRICES. 'lre Arms Neatly Kcpairctl. 1 mean business, if you don't believe me iust call anrl fv- .,...,if Very respectfully, J. Vv SAVAGE, Scotland Neck, N. C. ATTENTION, GUN CLUBS ! GUN CLUBS ATTENTION! ! ' Lallin & Rands Orange Nos. F 2 and 3 Sporting and Duckinsr GUN VOW DER, SHELLS, nnirr en c,rm-n WADS, jiijiJJj iliU. n A tTi rni AND qv,,... , O JIOQ LlTl V Motomol "J mhwwjjAu on hand and for sale bv w MC McOWIGAM. at Enfikld. Administrator's Notice, HAVIJG qualified as administrator of the estate of J. Albert White, dee'd, 1 hereby notify all persons havins claims gainst said estate to present the same for navment on nr KofAro mt j . . August. 1883. All nepni,a ivTA ? nAnKM,!,. Adm'r. ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. THE OLD RELIABLE HOUSE OF 'SHU Is still ahead and up to the times with the largest stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS DR Y GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, &C, CtC. We are determine not. fo h unilnranlrl. and will eiideavor to give "Rock Bottom" Prices on all goods purchased ol us. We offer for sal a at all times th limnct - . ...u .w. O and best varied stork of &TIV Vintlfia in town, and are constantly adding new and 1 Z 1i" i i . cnou-e uovemes 10 our aireaay immense and attractive st.ork. All w cL- ; ' v win o c fair trial and thorough examination both H . 1 li. . 3 : i i in quality ww puces, wmcn we guarantee in every instance. Don't fail ti rnmeinW fViat wo BM f V. ' " m VIXVy only house in town that handle ZEIGLER ijvo. veieoraica nana iviade jsoots and Shoes for Ladies. Gents and ChiMmn Tto sure and buy Zeigler Bros, make, and uuu i, iei omer aeaierspaim on an inferior article on vou. Give them a trial inrl you will buy no other. Don't forget that every pair is warranted or money refund' ed. Zeigler Bros, goods are only to b had of M.HOFFMAN. Lbader of Low Prices, Scotland Neck. June 28th, 1882. I A Hnnlifil Matinn M WWX U.1U1 U1IUUUVUI M. D. ALLSBROOK, At JB. Allsbrook's Old Stand, Scotland Neck. N. j:aVLUr ii DRY GOODS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE. LAMP GOODS, TIN WARE. 500 YDS. SPOOL COTTON at 5 CTS Harness, Saddles, &c. A full line of CONFECTIONERIES, FLOUR, SUGAR. COFFEE, and a nick UjVE of STAPLE GOODS, CHEAP FOR CASH. SX!s: our st pr DO YOU WANT Tp BUY DRY GOODS, NO T10JYS, Fancy Goods, Ready Made Clothing, GROCERIES ANU PROVISIONS, of all kinds, cheaper than vou can at anv place South of Baltimore ? If you do, call on N. B. Jf. Sky. I am closing oui my stock preparatory to moving to the large and commodious store now being built by 1. Ftcthsehiidi I f ht&hd to Sell COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! Your purchases will bring joy to your homes and peace to your little ones. My rule is to please my customers. My motto is quick sales and living profits. J. NICHOLLS & DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN General Merchandise. i WE guarantee all Drugs, Chemical and PrtA.raia.r.iiiirjftl nrpnarnfinnc f n r .. jjm. VfH. U.V.U m. V I Ta1 ira 1 licaao f iAmnlir t:f iirf 1 it wit Vi 4-V a I requirements of the Official Standard. F1.1F.TOBACCO. CIGARS, Sec, always on hand. Our Sweet Oaporal Cigarettes, with Cork Mouth-Piece, is unsurpassed. FAMILY GROCERIES, Low for Cash. Prescriotions carefullv comnonnd- ed at all hours. . CJIVK US A CALIi. Headquarters For FAMILY GROCERIE GfillS & NELSON. Scotland fteck, W. C. WE keep on hand at all times the best Family Groceries to be found in this market. We make a specialty of FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES AND MEAT. Horsford's BREAD PREPARATION at Baltimore prices. cbaeec, $nuf$ and i$ar always on hand. Nails, PowAur ai Sit, and everything usually kept in a first- class house. All goods so ld at bottom prices lor cash Selling Out, Selling Out MY ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS SHOES. Hats and Caus. Also my entire Stock of r in sisting of fine trimmed and untrimm- eaJjADIES, MISSES' and CHILD RENS' HATS, AT COST to close business. ISCome and crive me aii le YTlgJIj f save money. BRO W. M. CRUM P ! Main Street, - . Scotland Neck, N. C. OpESI AND TOP BUGGIES, All of the Latest Styles with Timkin, Brewster & Dexter Springs always on hand DEXTER'S QUEEN PHETONS LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, FARM WAGONS, CARTS, &C. IggT All work Warranted as represented. Prices as low as can be found in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PATRONAGE SOUCITEll. Repairing; Done ftt Short Notice ROANOKE FURNITURE CO., SCOTLAND OH If PARLOR SUITS, chamber Ui every description, bpnng Beds of I !..( J Hf-lJ f i , . 1 oLLon iviatiresses irom cneapest to Chairs, Office Desks and LadiesWriting Mattresses and Chairs wholesale and retail. Metalic, Walnut and Im. Rosewood Burial Cases. In ordering Cases send neat measure We make all allowances. W. F. ALLEN. IV F ALLEN WHOLESALE GROCEUS, 99 Water St. & 18, 22, 26 & 30 jjfelothery's Lane, NORFOLK, VA. FLOUR AND MEAL A SPECIALTY JOHNSOM The Racine Farm & Warehouse Fanning Mills. Uoe Lawrence & Martin's sffl For COUGHS. COLDS SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA. PNEU MONIA CONSUMPTION. DiAnane nf thraat rutST a un-i iia.OR BALSAM OF TOLU CONSUMPTION in its incipient and adv!inced Xat nvni Lif 'iPJ18 lnclPleJit and advanced ivrr il "" "ever ueen 50 Huvaniageoiisiy compounctea as in the TOLU, JUiuiv ana III. l sothing Balsamic properties afford a dilfusive stimulant and tonic to build up. the system after the cough has been relieved. Quart size bottles, Trice $1.00. .1 O All T I O HI T P not be deceived by dealers who trv to palm off Rdofc andBre xtvntnvT Srr !r 1 in- P' 01 Hr TOUT, UOCK ANli HYK, which is theNLY Ka2lc,15he5.enu,ne.nas a Pnvate Die Proprietary Stamp on each bottle, wWch permits it to be Sold by JDrnggUts, Grocers and iSealcrst Everywhere, .L WITHOUT SPECIAL TA2 OS LICENSE. The TOLU, ROCK AMD RYE CO., Proprietors, 41 River St., Chicago, III. PUIigSag. Habtek's Ikok poverighed cotloi orSe blod Sfi?SI?i"8. . I'rt!?llo,n ' ?cma1?. Dt?eea, Dyspepsia, and an S5 Sses that have baffled soe JrJUmieif d3'.bas ln,my hands, made soiAe wonderful cures, able remedy. I prescribe It In Drefr tJ?" Physicians, have yielded to this great and Incompar s DK. HaktbbXbok ToJaJ ron praratton made, jfe? ltvUe.rU.theotoodX i: Mitral healthful tone to the digestive organs and wo system, making inapplicable to General JteWffcy, Zom of Appe tite. rhufanW.ii. ,i f toUi Mruwers ana impotence. I - -w . y ' P. WELL, fmctieal aUk-igr AND JEWELER, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c, &c. Watches. Clucks and warranted twelve months. Old Gold and Silver taknn in pvr.iianra fiw nmrt MANUFACTUIED BY THE PR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 218 W.MAIN SfTsfX NECK. N- 0- IT OH suits, & dining room suits every style and make, Hair and mgnest grades, iieadsteads, Bureaus i . i m . - Desks. J. T. BORUM. CO.. & FIELD, These O-lohrntBrI Mill - hnvnlnrw been used by the Farmers and most WllW-mL. PK"'" MilUTM and liiain dealers mriteiiyS-5?3Sm, m the UniU-d States, vho recora- ujvihi uieiu us OVIUK IIIO BUST Ma- if4 chines ever produced for cleaning and graditiR Wheat, liarlev, (mts, S-i'tli I 1 '" an'! "eeds of every description. ESS W.sn-i They d( tlie work more irfietlv and biive greater capacity thuu any other machines They are strongly built ftf tboMcry best material, highly rii:islici' nl provided with Superior Attach ments, Sieves, and are inii'le in three different sizes one for f;irm use, and two for Warehouse, Elevator and Millers' use. They are wabbantkd to give sat isfaction. Correspondence solicited and de scriptive c.rcular and price list sent lree on application to JOHNSON & FIELD, KACINE, "Wtt xj.m iins.ivM ueen one 01 ine mosi iiR-,HirL,iiii. weapons wielded by the MEDICAL FACULTY against the encroachments of COUGI1S.COLKS, Ritor:nTTi . asthmi korr throat. stapes, and all diseases oi the THROAT.CIIK8T A. eotnMnation t I jBorfc and, Pltoantu I a wtlatable form. I that voill nnt hlar.ktm otUU mmaaration of I I teeth, mo eliareteristU Tome in n,y wJttrTSS 1881 8104 WMh Aver Why Such a B-tish Wilson BECAUSE HE DRY GOO GROCElR Boots, Sho and eyervthinirusuallv 1.. 1 Alsftroiik's ? : I I fJELLS , ; toS, I e s , jjna first- v V J' t i V V IT I. ROTHSCHILD, goods. i tf. P