E COM M O H W g A HVT 11. Thursday, Feb. 1, 1883. Local Items. Dos't thou love life ? Then do His inscrutable wisdom, has seen fit to irom our miust wur esieenieu -Eggs 15 cents. -Cotton 8 cents. r. Nicholls & Bro's Red C. Oil coming. -Improvement is still the watch- of our town. -Iu passing J. Nicholls & Bro's lot fail to call and 'Hake a Punch, Lean a Cigar.) -Mr. L. S. Wood, Newberne, N. says z i iutc luunu v " - crs an excellent tome ana appeuzer. , . 3 L-We liave decided not to oruei turtles from Weldon to macadamize streets, as some of the mud has disap- ed. LThe Sheriff of Halifax county I ttkd the State tax ot the coumy. his the forty-third to make Ins set- En ts. -What is the legislature doing ?' only question of State interest at kf W c reler our reau.eis iu .i" tf this body for an answer. hie of our young sports says . -ii t .. t 1. ke kiiici in j"ii? in "-'- They were too many for his g in. he jut "slaved "em'' with the id. lead the new advertisement of Williams & Co. in to-day's paper. may he purchased from this house lap as at any wholesale northern Jtore. fresh lot of choice Cigars just d at Bryan & Whitehead's Drug nrect from the manufacturers. It one you will smoke them always rd lie Scotland Neck Cotimox- , since E. E. Milliard has taken it. is improved m every par- -New .South. fcks, Bro. Oldham. I Then weddings are ripe lights Wed. Call on J. Micholls & Bro., inenean candidates to buy your They have just received a large mdsome supply. Fhat was it that was neard a s ago at the front door from a irrevocably pierced by Cupid's lie careful, boys, "the very walls ive ears at times.'" Ve understand that while Mr. iNevill near Enfield was returning Ion last Saturday, his horse took and ran home, throwing him against killing him instantly. j... i.,m for that is t.hfi remove irom our miasi our UOl SUUauuci aiuauiv nu. .v. - t , .... , y-, Branch, who departed this life at his residence on Sunday the 21st day of Jan nary, 3883 : stuff life is made of but procure at once a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough Syruy for your Cough and be cured. Your druggist keeps it. The present tendency is to spell according to sound. As a proof we pub lish the following note received by a friend in town a few days ago; "Kum 2 C me.' Respekfulle, of he Scotland Neck Common- Tth'S head is level on the subject of rilf and the internal taxes. Wil- fen Morning Star. appreciate very much remarks from such a surce. Jaw-breakcrs" have not quite played yet. One of our townsmen tells us how one of his correspondents had his ardor cooled ; for he says that after he wrote '"his girl" a well no word can ex press the sweetness, he received from her a " don't-care-if-you-do-have-the-braiii-fever-and-die-letter." Come, k knights ot the quill," can you beat that? The Musicale at the residence of Mr. W. H. Shields on last Tuesday night. was one of the pleasantcst of the season. Really -weariness seemed all a dream and life nothing but pleasure" to those present. The spacious parlor was entire ly filled and the occasion will long be re membered by those present as one of the oases of life. Would that we had the opportunity of attending one all the time. The following dialogue took place between one of our merchants and a colored customer the other day . Customer : "Boss, is ye got any boss ye'd sell me?" Merchant: "Yes, sir, I always keep them on hand any kind you want. How much can you pay for a horse ?" Customer. "'Well, Boss, I hain't got no money now, ye can take my no " "Merchant : "Some ot the horses sick and will not do to sell just now We have noticed the following questions : Small boy to papa : 'Papa, when you kill a cow it makes beef; when you kill a hog it makes bacon ; when you kill a sheep it makes mutton, but what does it make when you kill a goat?" Some one answer, but don't all answer at once, Owiug to a press of business the editor of this paper asked a friend to write a lew locals while he was preparing for the Sabbath. After a continued, labori- 1 1 Al ffrt.f Vl ons, ana over exerieu im-mai vuun- n fcvote, "l am busted." and retired to dream ot the days wtien ne too woum have to fill such a chair. Please ask no questions as this friend is anxious that his name should not be made public un til he has had another chance at this de lightful employment. Second attempt Question by friend; 'Do you notice ladies when they visit this place?" Ediior; Always, sir." Friend; "Well, I understood there was one over here at the Calisthenic ex ercises the other night from Petersburg." Editor- "We have noticed her arrival Resolved, 1. That while we bow in submission to the infinite goodness and wisdom of our Creator, yet we feel most poignantly the sad blow that has been inflicted upon us as a Club. Resolved, 2. That in bis death we have lost one of our most esteemed and useful members. Resolved, 3. That we have been called on to mourn the loss of one whose very impulse was that of frieud and brother to our institution. Resolved, 4. That we feel more sensi bly this sad affliction, because at his death he was President of the Club. Resolved, 5. That not only the Enfield Agricultural Club feels this sad bereave ment, but also the entire community, of which he was an useful and charitable member. Reselved, 6. That in his death his fami ly has sustained an irreparable loss, and in its circle a void has been made which can not be filled. Resolved, 7. That a copy of these reso lotions be published in the "Roanoke News" and in The Commonwealth that a copy be sent to the family of the deceased, and that they also be spread upon our minuter. are re call attention to the notice Lsolution of the firm of Edward & Co. Mr. Shields announces tie will continue tne business and re sure his frien is will be glad to jinis. JWe learn from one of our ex fees that, in a quiet, way. one of our ids was married a few days ago. about it, "Bone?" Did you forget "We promised you a local, but where we locate you ? We made a mistake last week ia totice of the debaters at the Anniver- of Wake Forest. Mr. Jenkins and Marshall will discuss the Aff. instead Ir. Jenkins and Mr. Austm as we sta in our last issue. -In to-days issue appears the pro bation of the Governor, offering $200 ard for the apprehension and delivery aton Mills, charged with the murder enry Ponton. Description is given l the proclamation. -Elsewhere we print the resolu s of respect from the Agricultural b at Lnheld, relative to the death of j Branch. We failed to receive them j ime to publish them last week We der sympathies to bereaved ones. We call attention to thecommu ition on our first page entitled "Old ir Celebrities." Mr. Osborne is one he best writers in the State of his age. pse pieces will be continued from week week and will possess rare literary pty. The New South, published at ilmington by Mr. E. A. Oldham, lias pended. The press generally will re- t this ; for Mr. Oldham's paper was a feasant visitor, and its publication. fcugh short, reflects much credit upon e editor. Can not some one let a horse Oirn a i 11 ""j uiuie kick some one so at we can try our hand on writing up en accidents ? No matter, however, we v..ucu lur pace so many inmgs kppen worthy of journalistic record that almost induces us to issue an extra r . - wur county commissioners meet fextweek. Dr. W. R. Wood nf i,5 ace, who has always shown so much terest in State affairs.is always on hand, okmg to the welfare of his county. ficn men at. all times do credit to what er position they are called upon to fill. The mail through the country uui nere to Jlaluax which is run tri. eekiy is a "dead-failure." Hannenino: some weeks ago." Fiiend; (after meditating long enough to have tilled a small sheet.) "I 'clare I'm busted ag'in," , We offer our would quote for though true lines congratulations, and his benefit the trite, "If at first you don't succeed Try, try again," FERSOfiAL Messrs. Noah Biggs and N, B. Josey left for Norfolk last Monday. Miss Bessie h fanner, ot JNewberne, is visiting Mrs, R. C. Josey and Miss Min nie Edmondson. Our young friend, II. S. Hyman of Ham ilton, soent last Sunday in town. Glad 1 M. f to see him among us and looking so well. Mr. John W. Wood, son of our towns man. Dr. W. R. Wood, has returned home. He has been at the U. S. Naval Academy for the last two and a half years He resigned to engage in the study of law. He will remain at home until next September, at which time he will enter the law school of our University and take his degree. We welcome him back among his many friends, and predict for him a bright future in the profession of his choice. "Rev. W. P. Blake, of Weldon, N. C, has been appointed by the Home Mission Board, of Atlanta, Ga., the successor of Dr. H. F. Buckner as a missionary to the Indians. Several years ago brother Blake came to us from a distant State, and has proved himself an earnest laborer, a good preacher. and a most consecrated servant o the Lord. Possessing these qualifi cations, as he does in a rare decree possibly no worthier brother could have been secured to take tho place occupied so long by the lamented Buckner. For some time brother Blake has expressed a desire to en gage in missionary work of this kind. little dreaming that he would so soon be called upon to succeed one so good and great as bis predeces. sor. W7e yield to this call as we would to no other. The Tar River Association can ill afford to do with out the devoted pastor of the Weldon church but this seems to be a voice to which none should object." Bib lical Recorder. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SCHOOL BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Be sure to examine the new Catalogue of ALFRED WILLIAMS Cc CO., liAJLiJUlU-ii, JN. U., Feb. 1, 22 3m. KgaMQg-aa 'Yj::yxj&z mxzg.osaag-sg g??:?z:ziK)r?g i D. E. STAIITOACB, WITH AUGUSTUS WBIGHT, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, LEATHER SHOE FINDINGS. GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. Solicits Consignments of Country Produce. Cotton. Corn. &c. -KEEPS ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF- G-roceries. Provisions. Molasses. Nails. &c Which will be sold low for cash. GOOD FOR ALL TIME. the Calisthenic exercises were held m me llifl iemale Academy on last Friday night. An extended and well selected programme had been arranged for the occasion. Tiie Halls were filled, the gallery crowded, and the exercises were highly interesting to all present. The training of the girls, including the very smallest, bespeaks for the teachers of this institu tion the perfect satisfaction of all their patrons. No one who witnesses these exhibitions can fail to see that the teach ers are eminently qualified for thorough teaching ; and that they spare no effort in their work, both in caring for the smaller girls and in preparing young ladies for higher institutions. The influence of these schools, both male and female, can hardly be estimated. We recently heard the President of one of the leading col leges in the State say that "Vine Hill Academy is doing more for higher educa tion than any similar institution in the State.',, There are at present no less than twenty students in the several colleges of North Carolina who were prepared for college at this institution. It can also be said for this school, that it prepared some who now occupy honored positions in the councils of the nation. It can also boast that it has trained fa thers who have trained sons, to become 1 i. 1 i t ,i i -i . iub iirhi euucaiors oi tne land, ana m confirmation of this, we can say that the father of the honored and beloved Presi dent of the University, Kemp P. Battle, was once a student of this Academy. There are many boys in this yicinity who have talents which ought to be cul tivated. Times are hard we know. We feir that parents may become too mindful of this, and forget their duty. If you have anything to give your boys or girls, put it in their heads and not iu their pockets ; for this is by far the best estate. We cannot conscientiously fail to commend this school not only to our own people, but to the State at large. Listen ! All kinds of Wood for sale. Best Heart-pine and Oak Post cheap. Also 240 acres of fine timbered land, with new buildings within two miles of town, which I will sell on good terms. J, L. Whitehead. If3Touwantto raise fine hogs, call at Bryan & Whitehead's Drug Store and get a package of Morris Vegatable Compound. It is an infallible remedy for cholera and other diseases of the hog. THE CELEBRATED WEBSTER WAGON. Manufactured at ItfanmlsTille, West Virginia. Each Wagon Sold, Accompanied with a Warrantee for Twelve Months. FIVE HUNDRED BUNDLES DELTA COTTON TIES. Forty Top and Open BuffgieB. m -Hides and Furs wanted. F. Stern. At Cost, Ready-made Cloth ing, Ladies' Dress Goods. &c. N. B. Josey & Co. Large Stock on Hand for Sale by J. T. COOCH, WELDON N, C. Tsotice Locals wdl be insert ed at ten cents a line for first insertion Afterward at five cents. W. M. CEUM P ! Call on N. B. Josey & Cc, to find saddles, buggy-whips, carpeting. blankets and quilts, at lowest prices. PLOWS AND PLOW CASTINGS, Sweeps and Half Sweeps, Prepared especially for the cultivation of J Cotton, Coin and Tobacco. First-class Work at Reasonable Prices. W.B.DUNN, Wake Forest Collese, N. C. Jan. 25,21 lm. NOTICE ! TY mutual consent the firm known J heretofore as Edward Shields & Co. has this day been dissolved. I will continue the business at the same place, will pay all claims against the hrm and collect all that are due to the old firm. I desire to thank roy friends for their past patronage, and ask a continuance of the same, promising that I will do all in my power to please them. EDWARD SHIELDS. Scotland Neck, N. C. Jan. 29, 1883. 22 tf. Resolutions oT Respect. At a called meeting of the Enfield Ag ricultural Club, held in the office of J. J rpHE largest house ef the kind in the A city. Merchants of North Carolina should examine our stock betore going farther North. Petersburg, Va., Jan. 25, 21 tf. 16 & 18 Sycanore St. FARMERS and FARMERS' SONS CAN MAKE Per Mh During the Fall and W inter. For particu lars, address, J. C. McCURDY & CO,, Jan. 11. '83, 19 lyd Philadelphia, Pa For Sale or Rent. kPHREE STORES on Main Street,, in -L good business places, on easy terms. A lso for sale s, complete set of Fixtures I for a tobacco factory. Apply to W. K. W ALSTON, Scotland Neck, N. C. Jan. 8, '83, 19 3m. Carry The News ; to SaUie." New Store. New Goods Daniel & Meet, Caledonia, N. C, on th Scotland Keck R. R. Just received a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES and CLOTHTNG. And everything usually kept in a general stock. Agents WanM' I for handsome illus trated standard BOOKS & BIBLES works of character, great variety, low in price, selling fast, needed everywhere, L,iuerai terms, re. jr. juhjn&ujn & CD., 1011 Main St., Richmond, Va. Jan. li, '83, 19 ly. I. LEVI, WITH J. L. STRAUS & BRO , Leading Grocers and Commission Mercn ants. Dealers in Salt Fish. 156 West Pratt St.. Dec. 7, 15 ly. Baltimore, Md. P. E WELL, fraciiml atcf4gar AND- JEWELER, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C., DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, spectacles, Eye Glasses, &c., &c. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry renaired and warranted twelve months. Old Gold and Silver taken in exchange for work or gooas tf. BE NOT DECEIVED By Plasters claiming to be an improve ment on AL,LUUUli.'s POROUS PLAS TERS. ALLCOCK'S is the Original and only Genuine Porous Plaster ; al ocner so-caiiea jrorovs wasters are imitations. Beware of them. See thatj'ou get an ALLCOCK S PLASTER, j which we gurantee has affected more and quicker cures than any other external Remed3r. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Mwanfactttrem Acrents for Kinds oi Machinery. iU Sewing Machines &c. always on hand. Highest cash price paid for seed or lint cotton. ' A TRIAL. GIVE US Oct. 26, 13 tf. Bryan & Whitehead. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Cor. Main and 10th Sts., opposite Pom umce, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, AND DEALERS IN Stationery and Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Paints, Oils, varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, &c. State Agents for J. W. Weakley, Jr & Co' Electro He Bui Country Merchants will find it to their interest to call and examine goods and prices before buying elsewhere. Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours, day or night, and orders answered with care and dis patch. Stock kept complete by frequent arrivals. THIS PAPER BTIB1NG B HlEUYOnil Nkwipafbb Aptebtibinq tract), who adyer- tuutt contneta may m snot sx n m 1m fotmd on fiU t GEO. P. HOWELL ft CO'9 Bttrkau (10 Bpraos $f f a week in your own town. Terma JJ and $5 outfit free. Address H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. SAVAGE, SON & CO., 30TTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 77 Water Street, NORFOLK, Va. Strictly a Commission House for the sale of SEgg P.EiVNUTSIlIiC: n Liberal advances on Consignments on hand. , . . Produce held subject to order of shippers. KEEP A FULL SUPPLY and OF BAGGING and TIES, PEANUT GRAIN BAGS. Orde sfor Standard Fertilizers and Chemicals ... . . M - J I filled on most favorable terms. Weekly papers witn mantel rcpon. maiieu to our patrons. m- CORRESPONDENCE AND PATRONAGE SOLICITED. M. L. T, DAVIS. B. D. THOMAS. jESTABUSIIjED IMS. Main Street, - Scotland Neck, N. C. MANUFACTURER OF OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, -r ., i :n. T;miri T?rowtf A-; Timrt.fir Snrincrs always on hand nrvrcD'c nuccN du ffT(iN I IRHT SP RNG WAGONS. FARM WAGONS, CARTS. &C. . x . , T-.:rt 1 r- n ho fminri in t.nfi IY1- L - T c DAVIS CO., WHOLESALE G-ROCERS, South East Corner Water and Commercial Streets, Norfolk, Va. Always on hand a large stocn oi waio, iwun, xa. u A General Grocery Stock. J O N E S. L E E & C O., (Successors to Savage, Jones & Lee.) COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 28 Rothery's Wharf, NORFOLK Va. ing NOTICE. All work Warranted as represented. State. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PATRO.GE SOLICITED. Prices as low as can b Repniriiig Done at Sliortt Notice WE have one hundred town sale in this town. Some in. t ,i .a. . ... i me omce wnen this mail arrive Robertson, Esq., on the 22d inst., Col. D ingnts since, we had some curiosity JC Clark, in a few well-timed and feeling "iquire as to the amount of matter re- riSnarks, stated that the Club was called - e were creditably mtormed Wgetiier to express our feelings relative to Pj it liail in fact brought oxe i uttkr hp sad tierMwomunt wKi, v..c f..n .. 1 c " . ... . uivnv tmvu tcio uvimivu was cot much to the publjc,howev-4 us. cmi 7 precious to the lucky Upon motion, D. C. Clark. William 1 m. Uur post-master informed us Rimnett. nnrl .T M Parlor us was a large mail for this Ymc. n. nnmmin rV. cnKm'.tf i. . i --.. xvr w&uii.vvi bilV iviiv V rw smce we have Railroad transport- ing : ... - - I 11T . 1 Hr.R&A8, an AUwise jrovidcnce, in lots for of them are very desirable. This is a rapidly growing1 town, and persons wishing to secure good places for residences and bus iness stands, aad to make good invest ments, will do well to call on us. KITCHIj & DUNN. July 5th, 1882. ST. M ARY'S SCHOOL. THE EASTER TERM, the 82d Semi- Annual session ot St. Mary s school, will begin January 25, 1S8S. For cata logue and other information address the Rector, REV. BENNETT SMEDES. Jan. 18, 20 lm. - If Mf n V voir a T HnmtS Writes: After a tnoroug n trial of the in stating- wax x uavo ju mwtiv benebtea u v nM. Hlnisters and J?a" lie Speakers will find it of tne greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it hs a reliable remedial agent, possessing- tin doubted nutritive and restorative properties. PURIFIES LOO A. combination of Pro toxide of Iron, Peruvian Bark atuL Phosphorus in a palatable form, for Debility, loss of Appe tite, Frustration of Vital Powers it is indispensa ble. . REV. J. Ju. TOWNER, Industry, HI., says: "I consider it most excellent remedy for the debilitated vital forces. WHS BABTE3 iTEPICirrc CQt na m CT. MTO. IDo exclusively a Commission Business, neither buying nor speculat- g in Cotton. ' , . . rsTvfoir t;wo! ironoa nn pnnsiPT.ments ordered to De neici. Advise shippers of the state of the Market by postal card and a weekly Norfolk paper. ) - fSolict the patronage ot all wno aesireio euiruat, iuch uuDao -House of large means, long experience and established capacity and re sponsibility. lDr. i n i Lffls- IBH Indian ESIood. Sjrrup Cures all diseases of the Stomaoh, Iaver, Bowels, Sidneys, Skin and Blood. Millions testify to its efloaoy in heal ing- the above named diseases, and pro- nonnoe it to w mo - BEST RBUEDY IENOXTN TOMAK. tbadbmabk, Quaratiteea to cure uysyvymi. p-TA GENT B 7 A N T E D.- taboratow 77 W.3dSUIIevycrkCtty.prtt5