THE COMMON WEALTH. Thundaj, Jnly 19, 16S3. Local Items. We're in trouble again. Bead our Louisville letter. Soda water and lemonade. Do you think it is hot now f Ice Cold Beer always on hand at E. Peyser's. Crops are looking well, and every body seems hopeful for a year cf plenty. Does anybody know whether Cute Carraway" saved his scalp among the Indians ? We heard one of our physicians say that Scotland Neck is a distressingly healthv place. j. Nicholls & Bro. have jnst re ceived a large lot of Fancy Toilet Soaps. Call and see for yourselves. See our advertisement of Vine Will A.ademv. Catalogues may be' had at this office or by addressing the Princi pal. Mr. Harry M Lowborn, Vance- hure-. N. C. savs : I have used Brown s Iron Bitters and was greatly pleased with it." Rain fall for the week ending July 14th 1SS3, 1.45 inches. Highest range of thermometer, 90 ; lowest range of thermometer, 68. C. R. F. Edwards, Newberne.N C, says : I have found Brown's Iron Bitters te we an excellent tonic and appe tizer." Have you pot in yet, Thad ? The Gold Leaf is all O. K., but you bavn't said much about the Pre. s As sociation yet. Now, Brother Jo. Daniels, why did you do us the injustice you did in claiming to be the one among the unmar ried editors of the Press Association who didn't have a sweetheart? For Ice Lemonade. Claret Punches, Sherry Coblers, and cool drinks of any discription, call at the Central Saloon, E. Peyser, Manager and Pro prietor. With all the beautiful girls of Waynesville and Asheville. and the South Carolina girls of the Press, who could blame some of our young brethren of the fraternity for making a mash? In passing through Weldon a few days ago we noticed some improve ments there. The shed has been newly painted, the railroad tracks haye been raised, and we understand they are to be graveled. We call attention to our new ad vertisement of W. T. Blackwell & Co. A word to the wise is sufficient. We believe it is said that this is the largest manufac turing establishment for smoking tobacco in the world. Ourcolumns of'Here and There" news this week is crowded out with edito rial matter. We hope our exchanges will not think we have slighted them. We have seen much to notice but the want of space keeps it out. Some young gentlemen and ladies whom we see semi-occasionally tell us that it is real fine amusement to play croquet in the moonlight. We suppose they enjoy it very much from the occa sional burst of triumph we hear in front of our window. We think that Mr. Jas. Hancock, who lives about four miles ftom town has the best cotton we have seen in the com munity. Farming is a paying business and we are glad that some men in every community learn it and make their farms exponents of the same. We noticed quite an improve ment in the way of buildings at Wake Forest College. The institution is flour ishing, the town is improving in business and enterprise. This is the place for the young men to go who wish to learn im provement in morals as well as intellect See adv. There was a hop at Pittman's Hall on last Friday night. There were many present, and the "we sma hours" warned them more than once that it was time to depart, before they were willing to quit the pleasures of the evening. We are told that it was quite enjoyable. An entertainment of a moral and pleasant character, by sfline young gentle men from Ohoccowinity. Beaufort Co., is expected at Pittman's Hall on next Friday evening, the 20th inst, at 8 o'clock. The proceeds are to be applied to a religious object in Greenville, Pitt Co. Since we met at the Press Asso ciation brethren, Eldridge, of the Davidson Dispatch, Lyon of the Ker- nersviue xvews, jfirvin of the Morgan ton Mountaineer, . we have received copies of their papers and like very much. We onter them at once upon our jl. list. tt"7T W..WE Slad to see brother nan m me w eioon News in town the other day. He failed t . . ress Association, but was well rer- -""v.v. UJf uui inena "oilie and as he was not married and brother Hall is, we suppose the mountain were giaa or the deputation. Brother Richardson, of the Clay ton Bud tells about seeing a church in the mountains built from the lum ber of one tree. He ' th u b 'V "" "lW5r Pymg what the Bvd says about the church, comments on it by saying, "Next! !" You need noi say -next r brother Utley, it a true statement, church too. ia for we saw the Ladies, we have received another lot of Fatigue Corsets. It is the best f i.w Dorset in- the country. M. Hoffman, Leader of low prices. We enjoyed a nde with Prof. Hobgood last Monday to see Mr. Thad. Vaughan. By the way, Mr, Vaughan is one of our best farmers, and his crop is fine He is evidently one who pushes bus iness, as any one will see who visits him. Why not all of our fanners keep the grass out of their cotton and make things move systematically? The Ministrel Troupe from Wei. don gave an entertainment in the Female Academy here on last Thursday night. The proceeds of the entertainment were given to the Female Academy. We had not the pleasure of being present, but those present tell us that it was quite en joyable. We are und.r obligations to the young gentlemen for taking interest enough in our school to give us the enter tainment. We are sorry to learn that there were not as many in attendance as were expected. We saw a young man in Weldon who related quite amusingly his expert' ence with a sharp young lady just an evening or two before. Their conversa tion turned on church creeds, and the young lady said that she was a Univer il ran sansi. xne young man saia ne never heard of that church' before, and wanted to ask something about it but could not speak such a big word, and so the conver sation was turned upon the weather. But how did he think to speak of the weather? Isn't it the last thing a young man ever thinks to talk about ? Y - 11 , j.ass oaiuraay evening was a very enjoyable occasion to quite a large number of the colored people of this place The old store formerly occupied by N. B. Josey, was evidently the centre ofattrac- rf i. ii . lion, uere unaer me management ot a portion of the members of the colored Baptist chur.h, was conducted a Feast Everything in the 'way of refreshments was served. During the course of the evening, the choir sang a number of pieces which added much to the pleasure and enjoyment of all present. Thus continued till a late hour one of the most enjoyable occasions the colored people have had in quite a long time. We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend a pic-nic at Tillery 's on 18th. As we go to press on the same day, and, of course, write be fore we go to press, we can only say now that we expect to be there. We will giye an account m our next issue. The following are the Managers and Commit tee of Invitations s MANAGERS : Thomas W. Tillery, H. H. Rasberry, Thos. H. Watson, John A. Nortleet, John B. Tillery, Charles P. Tillery. Benj. F. Tillery. S. Pittman, Wm. A. Cherry, Jas. R. Weeks, Jesse E. Whitaker, John H. Davis. COMMITTEE OF INVITATION: Saml Pittman, Jesse E. Whitaker, Benj.'F. Tillery, Thos. W. Tillery, Henry B. Pope, James M. Tillery. Manttfcturing. We had the pleasure last week of hearing a lecture by the talented Prof. Winston, of Chapel 'The Money Value ofEducation." He spoke long and interestingly. In the course of his lecture, he said : "the country that is always sending out raw material will always be poor ; but the country that is always importing raw material, will grow in wealth." We are quite sure that no one will think of dis crediting his remarks. This applies to communities, towns, and villages as well countries. Durham is a clear exponent of the fact. Can not Scotland Neck have some kind of a manufacturing establish ment ? DIED. On Sunday night last at his store in Scotland Neck, Mr. Pat. H. Whitmore, aged 43 years. Sympathies extended to bereaved friends. Frem IMfcTllle. Mb. Editor i Out of the four town ships which voted on the Railroad on the 14th inst., thre voted for the subscrition. 78. Nashville Registered Voted for, " against, Cooper's Registered Voted fort ' against, 227. 1. 246. 150. 13. Tie Panacea Springs These sprmgs are near Littleton, and their wa ters are said to be very fine. Several from Scotland Neck have visited these springs in former seasons and haye been benefited very much. There are several at the springs, we are told, and there are gentle men at Littleton making preparations to accommodate visitors . in the town and have them supplied with water from the springs. We are glad that the people in this section are finding out that they can spend the Summer at these springs and be improved in health as much as if they had gone to the White Sulphur or Warm &prmgs. We hope soon to hear that every convenience for accommodating visitors will be found at these springs. We clip the following from the Neios and Observer : "The Scotland Neck Gun Club author izes us to announce that it challenges the !tate to shoot a match for the champion ship of the State at glass balls. No en trance fee and no prize ; 12 bore guns to be used." The -Gun Club Association of theCar ohnas," representing nearly all the gun clubs m the two States, contests annually for the championship. The association has made rules and regulations which govern their matches and which are rec H 'i1 thc clubs- I view of this Club now holds the championship, we think the Scotland Neck club shoufi jo nilT001" contest for the cham oe proud to have their friends join the CsdUtmpi0n&hip Which BILL OP FABK Given to the Press Association by the P0 Waynesville Hotel, July BoUedHam, Roast Lamb, Barbecued RaoS .Shote- Bbecued sE? i ! ffi Boiled Chicken, Egg Sauce SSS ChkeD' Stewed kS , Fned Chicken, Mountain Trout, Chicken Safld, .fith DChees Cold Ham Stewed Mutton, Spring Chicken Cold Potatoes, Mashed w Utoes. BoUed 0n7 Roaio Green Corn, Stewed Tomatoes Snan te'618' ttuce with.ucP, .tef?? Cake. Tea C.JS Jellv f!.t. rZfZ i A e Vke. Beeswax wanted at . : :, - . F Stork's. Manning's township went strong for the Road, and Griffin's township voted against it. Registered, - - - 201. Voted for, - - - - 63. " against, - 82. Ex-Sheriff Uockrell, who disappeared mysteriously about three weeks ago, has returned, and those who have seen him say he is deranged. We hope he is only aruulc. Crops are extra in this county. Much success to jour valuable paper. R. A. P. C. A Welcome the Press ofT North Carolina, front Haywood Wlalte Sulphur Springs. I dreamed a dream: methougnt I heard afar The murmurmgs of mighty titan tones From giant mountains sleeping all around, as slowly they awoke from centuries sleep. Serbal to Balsam spoke Pisgah to each, "What, ho ! watchman on Junaluska, What of the night? What heard we in our dreams? A tramDliner as when feet of wiri-inr came ; A clattering as of hoofs and wheels, and men." And Balsam, dark and cold to Serbal fair Replied x "I only heard the water lap the crag; The night wind moan: the wild bird sweep its wing." And then did Serbal's watchman lift his voice, (The prophet-watchman of our lovely vale, .Prophet of shining brow and hopeful heart,) He said, and all his brethren hushd themselves to hear. "The old order changeth, ever giving place to new, And God fulfills himself in many ways , I see, I see, a new day-dawn at band. Attend ye all ! Wearily, pale I've stood Watching above the turmoil of the vale The coming of the younger day and lus tier life. The din of war hath echoed thro' our caves Leaving its scars and graves, aye and its blessings too, The sword hath cut and our brave sons have bled. Yonder an army, not on doubtful errand bent, But laurel-crowned each man of peace appears, "Thc pen is mightier" than all swords. Of all the nations of the olden world, inese be the knights-errant that never kill; Who ride on higher, nobler, truer quest Repairing ills, righting all human wrongs, Upholding all things wise and strong and fair. He ceased. An echo loud as thunder-peal Came back from Balsam, Lickstone Juna luska; Re-echoed by innumerable heights : "Welcome a thousand welcomes from us all, Ye harbingers of light and peace and truth P Then burst there forth a m unaer passing sweet, From mountftin turn and bubbling, gush ing spring, From rugged crag and rills and brooks and springs, 4.11 silent things, the dew and light and air, Each found a voice and chorused 'iWel- come all" In thrilling undertones minor and low, Until the listening stars did seem to hear, And everv leaf and tree sighed out "Amen." My dream is o'r. Good gentlemen, from near Or far, we echo all the welcomes of the the hills ! Welcome to our fair home, our lovelv spring, The spring of health for all who need her touch, Destined to fame wherever man is found ! Come often, come again : we and our western land Will stretch out friendly hands to you . for aye. Bring in your train the blessings of the time, And tell the world the untold wealth we hide In our deep vales and rugged mountain sides, Richer in mineral and forest wealth are we Than any State from Gull to Artie sea ! Let in, let in the light of that young day That has been flushing eastward while we sleep 1 So will we shout from vale and mountain top 'Tis morning ! mist in the valley, radiance Un the hills ! 'tis morning ! for the mind . and soul. Away all things that nestle in the dust And dark of error and of sin, away ! 'Tis morning ! lo a holier, broader More enlightened day doth gild our land, And men shall summer in true brother hood. Yes, there is glad rejoicing in our hearts The harvest time has come ; ye reapers all Trust in the sickle, reap, give thanks, rejoice! " , m Wuxouohby Kkade. July 6th, 1883. Joyful NKVfs ! I ! A car load of corn has jost been received at the PERSONAL We are sorry to note that Mr. J. B. Dunn, and Mr. Jas. A. Pittman are very HICK. Mrs. J, B. Neal returned last Friday from Murfreesboro, where she has been spending several weeks visiting relatives. Mr. Noah Biggs returned last Friday from Williamston, where he had spent some days visiting his mother and other friends. Dr. J. D. Hufham left last Sunday y for Hamilton. He expects to be away sever al days preaching there and at William ston, perhaps. Mrs. W. H. Kitchin, of Scotland Neck, and Mrs. R. B. Salsbury, of Hamilton, are at Littleton drinking water from the Panacea Springs. We were glad to see in town last Satur day and Sunday, Mr. R. B. Salsbury, of Hamilton. Mr. Salsbury is one of Ham ilton's cleverest gentlemen, and also one of the most enterprising men there. Prof. F. P. Hobgood, President of Ox ford Female Seminary, spent some time in town this week. He is at work in the interest of his school. He has a fine school at Oxford, and if good looks had anything te do with his taking the girls with him, we should expect to have more interest in Oxford next year than ever before, for we are sure he would carry some from Scotland Neck. We hope he is doing well for his school. Remember that we are the only House in this town that sell Zeigler's Hand made Shoes. M Hoffman. Leader of low prices. Cheapest Fashion Magazine in the world, 120 large pages, 4 pages new music, iuuu engravings each issue. U cents per year ; single copies 15 cents. Stbaw bridge & CiiOTHiKR, 8th & Market Sts., rnuaaeipnia. The Fittest .Locality In the State. Prof. C. D. Smith, after making an ex tended trip through the mountains of Western North Carolina savs. in a letter to "The NewSouth:""The White Sulrh r Springs of Haywood, is perhaps the finest locality m tne state tor a summer resor . The general altitude of the country and the particular topogranhical reliefs of the surroundings of the springs make the terr perature and atmospheric conditions all that reasonably could be desire i." RELIEF TOFAKMERS. The Maryland Eiive Stock Mutu al Aid Society. OKL'O W( fib s 9 wm or 7r i FREIGHT liv i4 I PREPAID. J J I i jpu i r u ,;v -jsry. - t m r - vv mm u jo - V 1 - J - r S a y j fc I I . a R .i!iiir .-. -iLMiKiii L II V '.IHIM'l-liiil' " 1 fr ir -"Igr J I ! r n1 n, l I f !FiST I r I V Mw Style N.l15.-EWht,7i.DepOi, I -lM MSUKWWm TT ClIU, WUXUH, UUU twb Beatty's Parlor Organs (EDnly $59 fH4L STOPS. I-Clo.8 r. t-n. f-Malodia. ft. to... s-CIarml -Mwrnm. W k.,k n..l. mm Wm. . " - - m. . ithoHl BENCEt, UOOS .H- .r. - .r . l ton. Huid u r ---.--- . u.. , V1..1 .. r c4n. be. ie-Graa4 K-pnaaisae. Il-Fraeb UorB.t tl. toaa. 11-Utrp J-l)t Bum, Ml. MM. I-T I4.rnn H IE CKk II ! .. n ! . m . .. m T.: -... . s . ."- i- ton. 1-V'..x Job,lnt. ft. ion. oliceolo. 4 ft. tuo. m Coapla noLlwMI8ni ursmiUM scop. M-Klgnt UrgSB K-C atop. vfn : n v! !. v 5Jtrt" VJ1W "Z.: A"-. IT IS VJKJCT BK-lUTIFUL IN APPK4B- CK. BLINO EXACTLY LIKE CUT. TIm (!in u of Solid Wu Bnfualv .! mttm. fnl itsum utaBV ' i priaevM. IX Cf tnc 8 to DO. to eoBtrol Ilia aatin B BEKD8. m follow.: A M ol ri ta flnnl ANCB. BUINO EXACTLY LICK CUT. bmad-caninc oad penti' faaey vonoen. The lluit Poaket Uaf thm Boat beam Jm . . " " e muuewnra pariar, ana weaia araaiMat la boadoir or . It Orm-4 Orgaa. jFIVE SETS l-y-p, bouob by the kMe. if a.couarr. Fia ( eat- vf GO ";"! oww-uaaa mow; mioi i Mair, Btatty'i aN ctaii The (:ao u vf Solid Walaat. profaaalf raaaeatad wltb an baadaoBM appeanaee. It will not take the 4lrtor ia. tba Sat Vi aad Left v-w vuifisia: one aeiai rMKHCH hom kkkiml Mb of Keaalar DOLD-H TOMOCK SKRDX RuMu .11 .ki. u 11 a.rv. f k.CO UfLEU whiah dyablae tlia puver of the iaatraaMBt. Laap 8 tea da. Peeket fo 1 Pateat Swp Aeti.a. also aaaatsajr ftoard. AaU hT. lllTrri.Ir. S.?P'V. !? pHaht patUfiTare Bade ftB tbebWt auality of Rabbar Cietb. are of mat fastaaalicy Pedal Svape. TbaPadall Met J of aoat daaiga. aad aerea fat oat aiahft nan ', P"". aaa.ara auo op with 8(ael Spriam aad tka uiuaa. 01 Mint eovcred with earpet, are PoUihed f aat of tapair ot wora SPECIAL TEH-DAY OFFER. You can insure your horses and cows at a small cost and receive their full value in case of death by accident or otherwise. For particulars call on O. W. Bbyan, Agent for Halifax County. PUBLISHER'S NOTICE. , Books and Periodicals. Space will be given in this column at at any time for noticing Books and Peri odicals. All books and periodicals sent to this office will be read and duly noticed heie. NOTICE. Branson's X. C. Directory. 17th vear ot publication. 6tn tdition, win soon be issued. The only reliable di rectory of the State ever published. Price So.uu. urderor L. BRANSON, Raleigh, N. U. Two hundred thousand corned herrings for sale. JNoah Joiggs & Co. are prepared to furnish corned herrings in . . " " . . . Tl small or large quantities, eimer ai rai mvra or here. Special arraneemtnts for large quantities can be made u you win call te see them. The large Brick Mill, owned by Noah Bices & Co.. is now prepared to . V. . . i i ajrn suddiv tne mcreasea aemana ior riui- Stuffs. A car load of White Corn re ceived this week, and as the mills run daily, all wbo need anything in that line can be accommodated. Notice Locals will be insert ed at ten cents a line for first insertion Afterward at five cents. - Fob Sale. Store and residence on Mam Street, in Scotland Neck N. C, Apply to li, W. UAY, mar.52Stt Go to E. H. Hight's barbershop in postofflce building. You'll feel better, look better, ana nave a pleasant ume at home and elsewhere till you need shaving again. Illustrated Book of Cage Birds mailed for 3 cent stamp. Bird Food Co., 237 South Sth St., Philadelphia. Bring your Hides Pelts to and Sheep F. Stern. Owing to the great demand for meal throughout the country, Noah Biggs & Co. have made arrangements to Keep at the Brick Mill a sufficient supply of corn, to meet tne necessity. For pure drugs, and accuracy in compounding prescriptions, go to J. Nicholls & Bro's Drug Store. If vou want the best Whiskey, for medicinal purposes, buy the '-Old Forty-Nine." E, Peyser, sole agent. To the young men who have not already supplied themselves with Straw Sate for the Summer, we would suggest that you call to see Noah Biggs & Co., as they are offering bargains both in styles and prices. A large lot of best Copal Var nish and Black "Walnut Stain, at manu facturer's prices, for sale by Roanoke Furniture Co. 42 lm. VINE HILL MALE ACADEMY. rpHE EALL TERM of this school be- JL gins on Monday. - September issi. Every areangeme-tiri9 Te made to give the school success eqaal to wbat has been observed in the past, Board may be had under the direct supervision of the Principal. Tuition flo.00 to 927.50 per term ot nve montns. One half tuition at close of the term. For further particulars, address the Principal at Scotland Neck ; or Mnd for Catalogue. . v E. E. HILL1ARD, , PaiwciPAJj. ' i .HAAa . dare traoa the data f L Torn thla Ontu. with tmmm j n r - : A U jmm wUl rcaatt aaa M mm4 the aJUMurad Omi wttkla 1 dare llewapaper. I wUl hoz aatdakJ am thla wntaa. Book, ata., exaatly tha i I aell far S8S. Tea la mm aaae later tmrnm ! daya. Om yeara teat trial gtrmm aad CaU wamutM far BU Teara. Given under mj Hand and SmL nlffPTTfcT Oa r-o.lpt of thit Cngnoa and dtt-Oe i m JKLT m. m aia m eaan o. nana tmn. rott unci pnat Prepaid, or br Chock oa .unr l.ank. if forwarded wltbla tbe date oeraof. I bavabv urrM in aMint thi. Minnn fn. aL . . . I 2!,77.?,ebrtli. fft?2 Parlor !, Vith Belch? Book. -- unwu oaianva 01 vv innupinm T,nis coupon ; ana i will tend Toa a I reeoiptadbill ia (till for 118, and box aad ship 70a the Organ Jnetaa it it ad-1 ertied. fully warns ted for sis yeen. Money refunded with inUrettfroM thai .vw.f.Mu.o. mm nunwuKv hhi oBefeare ate. taigaeq.) DAN 1Kb F. BEATTT. FREICH f1KCEf!tKSoTeo f thVMioi.ealppj Rlrei aare. to Dreoav any point east of parta irenAid. aavrd kv hhm HOWTOpttpitlt. on einaiuon tbat It mast prove t Ao a further indeaeaieBt for oa (nr-al.d a yon order immediately, within the iodaaa.1 oraan to ia ncamiet rafiaa ri.K ..! ilppi Riyer. or that far an any oia weetof it. Toil la arara aaioi taalty to plaee aa initmment. aa it were, at year very daer aU ""V .r1'"""' mwiw a wawaoaan anccai wiwmwi FaHoeed And S5V for oraan. I hare read wou J. etatamant in Lhi. d wni .nil t a.. exactly aa repreeeatcd in thii advertia.ment, or t hall retara it at the end of one year'e nee aad demand tbe return of my money .with "- . .u- wvmj b.d. . i. a via peracn.. accorain Be wmnt particular togime Jfawie. Pont Qtee. Conner. State. Freight waai Kaiiroaa. t"Be tare to remit br Bank Draft. P. O. Honpv OnlM K.i. Hi orwara it, at aix perernt. accordina to yoar offer. mt by Bank Draft. P. O. Monav OhIm . Letter. Expren prepaid, or by Bank Check. Yon may accept by telegraph on leaf day and remit by mail on that day. which will eecare thie special offer. 1 dtsir . : r . . . . . ""v " inirnuucen wunoni aciay. nence una special nrioa. PKOV1DINO ORDER IH OIVKN IMMEDIATELY! apasiai pno trifrr.Si DANIEL F. BEATTY.VashingtonJI.J 1 itw wrffurYtnw tm 1 These Goods are sold under an Absolute Guarantee That they are the Finest and PUREST goods upon the market; They ARB FREE from DRUGS and CHEMICALS of any kind; They consist of the Finest Tobacco and Purest Rice Paper made. CIGARETTES. OUR SALES EXCEED the products of ALL leading manufacto ries combined. None Genuine without the trade-mark of the BULL. Take no other. W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. I Sale Manufacturer-, DURHAM, N. C. fn n rMrmrn.oi raw. WHIM t nd will eompletelrehuee the blood in the entire system in.three months. Any person who will take ONE PILL ewmnuBt ibum vasiu iwiLvt wkbks. maybe restored to eneh a thing it possible, for coring Female Complaints these Pills hare ao equal. Pbysieians nse them in thi'ir practice. Sold everywhere or sent by mail for ft cents in stamps. Send for pamphlet. r OO.. Boston. Kaaa. I I I IUI ll II llll Ills I t" 1 1 I a F e Tiab.. MjfMr.iunr lrrniin 11 Indian JB)loodL STrrup Cures all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. JUiliotts testify to its effioacy in heal- inff the above named diseases, and pro- " a. . 1 nounce it, xo oe xne BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. trade mask. Guaranteed to cure Dyspepsia. C7AGENTS WANTED. Laboratory 77 W. 3d St, New York City. Druggists sell it in r x I if?J J BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SCHOOL B00O, O R SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Be sure to examine the new Catalogue of ALFRED WILLIAMS tt CO., RALEIGH, N. C., Feb. 1, 22 3m. C R U M P ! W. M. Main Street, Scotland Neck, N. C. MANUFACTURER OP OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, AU of the Utest Styles with , Timku.. Brewer i u.r jpn -y. ST All worWairantedaa represented. Prices as low as can be found in the tata " Satisfaction Guaranteed. - . PAXHOrioK OUICIXEI. eplrl-.g Ptie at Short Notice. jL coweofwariovt of -Tro-toxid of Iron, i"eruvxan, Bark tut rhoapKorMi a palatable form, for JDebilittr, Zom of -Appo-tite, Frostrmtioim of Vital JPoworm it isindiapuMBa ble. v w T y. nviiniTVi IlL, says: "I consider it most excellent remedy for the debilitated Tital foces. S?!? . t wrmTi5 Writes: After a tHorouch trial of the TROT TOHIO. I tasa pieasuiw lm statinsr that Z have oeen arraaUv benefited t7 l naa. Hiniaters and Pab- lie Speakers will find it Of the greatest value where a Tanio is neces sary. I recommend it Its a reliable remedial kffnt, poaaaasinir un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. iMtnilU. XvM Oct, t, 1882. BLOOD louiooTorroiami MfU ItAFVU v. J-flflrMs, TAYLOR E.TO. GO. la MmUUm tXU Paer.) Chlott, . 0. Bryan & Whitehead. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Cor. Main and 10th Sts.. ODDOsite Post Office, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C, AND DEALERS IN Stationery and Toilet Articles, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Glass, Putty, Carbon Oil, Lamps, Chimneys, &c. State Agents for J. W. Weakley, Jr., & Co'e Electro Magnetic Broi Country Merchants will nnd it to their : . i 11 j : j j iuw:re-b iu van aiiu eAauiiue goous uu prices before buying elsewhere. Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours, day or night, and orders answered with care and dis patch. mOf Stock kept complete by frequent arrivals. M-Cte RistniL I KEEP A FIRST-CLASS REST All. rant at my old stand on Main St , near the Brick Mill. Lodging can also be had. Meals at all hours. The best the market affords will be given you served up as well as ia any sim.lar house in North Carolina, and at as reasonable rates. Beef, Fish, Oysters, &c, always on hand at the lowest figures. Meals may also be had at all hours at mr other stand, first door South of K. Alsbrook's. cordially invite and ask the patronage of the people. Will guarantee satisfac tion. JACOB D. HILL. Feb. 8, 23 tf. rJAVALpMBAniES. New and graphic Pictorial History of the great Sea fights of tba World. By Medical Director SHIPFBN. V. S. N. Addtaat J. C. McCukdy Co., 633 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Fa. cfk 11 CHtfS WHIM All ELSt MILS. M Use In lime Bold by draggteta. ItM u J. C. Williams. Established 1872 Roanoke Fnrnitore Co., FURNITURE, LOUNGES. CHAIRS. MATTRESSES. BEDDING. CARPETING and UPHOLSTERING GOODS OF ALL KINDS. COFFINS. This Department is first-class in every respect. We keep on hand all sizes of Metalic. in Bronze or Rosewood finish. Also solid Walnut. A full line of cheaD- er painted. feb 22, 25 tf Scotland Neck, N. C. Sena to MOORE'S BUSIH ESS UNI VEKSrrT AtlnBita. . or Illustrated Circular. A live aetaal BiuJ - School. Established twenty ;rara. FflEE . E. TAI?IBACK, WITH ADGDSTUS WRIGHT ' Wholesale & Retail Dealer in BOOTH, KIIOKM, XUIJMfl. LEATHER 4' SHOE FINDINGS. THE largest house ef the kind in the city. Merchants of North Carolina shou Id examine our stock betore going farther North. Petersbubg, Va., Jam ao 21 t. w & w gycK&t st. Jmcfc Mill. V ., v. . nsiotssa cs sadism x is co mteiuatt, it. vmk