HI TM ri. III f TWFrsrirfimioe - - w exj&encc;' I i tuuamrlJeWnrv- Je w I lUZ it itkvi. "t Local Items. -. - - The seventeen ye;u- locust is due next year. 1SS4. Tii:inks Mr. B. AUbrook for a box of the tinest peaches of the season. Next day after the fish fry w thought of the brother who had such a hard time at the Union Meeting. The Wilson AdvRiu-e says thn John LJ. Ilussey. of the Greensboro Pat riot, is the Munchausen of the State Press. i Wa'ter S. Nelson, Esq., Monroe. Nl C. sas: "In one week Brown's Iron Bjtters cured me of indigestion and sicV rnach. - The Wilson Siftinss lias beei claused to the Wilson Mirror, edited by G4 W. Blount, and Dossey Battle says i is coming into the front rank. I W e are pleased to see Mr. Rioh ard H. Smith. Sr.. looking so well aftei returning from h:s visit to the Warm Springs. His appearance shows improve ment. We learn that the picnic aT rieasure Hill on the 2nd inst. was we!! attended, and was an occasion of much pleasure. All speak of it a quite a suc cess, j' -j-Thc-rfernersville News tells of" a doei'oi in Stokes county who has beei: practicing on one patient fortv years. Ann- still (mirabile dictu !) the patient i: livmjg. --The showers of late have bright encd the crops very mur h and the farm er cn the river, who were growing some whi anxious about rain, seem to be in better spirits. An exchange gives an atvoirti of the death of a glutton who ate at a single nural a whole turkey, a leg of mat ton. a pound of cheese, several pounds of bread, and a bucketful of wine. Most pco Ie in the community sa times are hard, bu; we are pleased to cote that almost everybody is cheerful and confident that times are growing bet ter. That's right. Look at the bright side. There wi? quite a large fire in Washington. N. C on the 1st inst. The ofii' of the Gazette v:9.5 burr.ed. together with many other building-;. The loss was not ciTen in the Gazette's account of the fire. We have on our table a "Coil per;d:um of the Tenth t.-nsus of the Uaitedl -tates. 1S j - We are indebted some as t& Republican eandidat for-At-.f.t' "iC bWl&g&m torney Geieral. "" Hogs prove to be a nuisance to our town.; Some of the strets are olfen sive on account of them HVould it no be well t ax them sufficiently to keep the streeu dean ? It is ie season of the vear now when it is necessary to comfort and health to keep b-k lo s aud otuer offensive i places clean- l se lime freely, for it costs iess than in dicine. Mrs.! Sumewali Jackson and daughter re given quite a Sue reception at tue A tbutic Hotel at Morehead last week. It i - said mat more than eishi hundred petrous were introducel to them "e btve received a copy of tii Monroe En-iirer and Expre.s published at Monroe. !y W alter J. Ho-lin, q !ro. Boylingtts out a paptr of toAlay ;iewsy, high-:oned and instructive. V ire glad to f .ter it upon our X lisi. I weeK. Lige ureen aui lutnor pencer 'MI - StHS,VA c OF VTBGEfl., BICB0.D ornl uilg- rick.MlI!'.-;. o nana dress. F. SixRX. oegin oOlot.dar. October 1st. T?r. For announcement or urther informaTioid M. L. JAMES. M.BXvrUz4 3s X.Z,hlm JClXtaQimtK. J reui; or exenanre esl wlie're'ia "fhls vicirtityVral T& communicate with us. . cy"Ji1orais. moderate. i Illustrated Uook of Ce?3 Birds mailed for 3 cent stamp.- - Bnti Ftoi Co.. 237 i t niladeipiiia. It , Dean of ativeworkonlinen. Rereived Cen leanialllEDAIi & lMplM. Etabli8l)iSOyr. .ld by all DraggittgJSUuoaers Kcwa Agt' fXH CAROLINA IIEXT SESSTO BEGINS AUGUST got into a dimcultv Saturday -nishf. SDencer receivwl iniiirios irhifn- mp very neaT proving fatal. The Board of "tb Sth St Magistrates wiii meet witn the county J T X77T r; I commissuinors nevt Mondav for th r.nr.i -J. iMcllOHS 6; 15ro. ftave 1USt re- 111 3:')th 13 T-.,1 pose of levying the county tax and elect-5 cf1Ted a large lot of Fancy Toilet Soaps. lead to A. B . Ph. B.. and B. S. Special ing a commissioner in place of Duncan J t-'a" ana see for yourseives; 7 Courses are opeirto Students. Schools of . J Law. Medicine and Puarmacy attached. for pure drugs,-and accuracy! A Teaclu-r's Course of two'jears has in compounding prescriptions, go to jjbeen established. For Particular--, ad Xicholls & Bto's Drug Store. i dress KEMP P. BATTLE. LL. D.. t president, C i It is yita pieasn-e that we ui rect the atb'Uicn of our readers to tbt tdvertistinen of the Norfolk College fc yoirig lad'es e-ntai:ied in this numbtrr oi ur paper. A college iske this, estah ished fur th higher education of th oung lad of the South, deserve -pecial notlc-i v us. We D.iii-r i i i our I -.- i---'ie ;i call jenti-in t- the a3vert:em?nt o Miirfree-horo -!apti-t Fvnia-e int tute This instiruti is tuo wei! known i; this v'ommunity fo: us i coinni -ut on it. merits. The :-.ataiogue .-hows well f-M the institution, an-1 Prof. Brewer savs thn he has mn :i caie to be- encourasred at the urosnefi- for tht- oin-.sr. r iic;,-.n . r r T' -r-jrr-tM We caH, :tti,.tiaa to thf- adver tise:nent of Yir? Hill Frwaie Acs iemv The piitrons of ne -tdioeUMTe K 3rd fore been pleased wih the work of the teach ers, and we a-ire that' th-re will beno want of energy n the paat of the teae-li"-ers to make the -ehoc.l as gc as fortar ly. -Miss Eunio? McDowell, one of fhe accomplished fincipa. Hti who tas Cameron resigned. Raleigh Visitor: Wesley Bun n, a white man. shot and killed a negro man named Frank Cruise, in Little River town ship, in this county, under the following circumstances a . Cruise had worked sev eral months ago and there was some dis pute concerning the work. - On yester day, after being sent for by Bunn. "CruLse went to Bunn's house, and Bunn in the conversation told Cruise that he (Bunn) thought Cruise had cheated in the work. Cruise replied that he would prefer to give him tiie work than have it said that he had cheated him. Bunn then invited Cruise into his house and treated to cider. Cruise tbeu started to go home, when Buna shot him in the neck with a snot JTdn. kdiing him instantly. Bunn then 3e i. Thcie were two white men and two colored men present. These are the facts as we heard them from the messenger who came after the coroner. -.lease. anr- h-rell to -. . . - Ta Aorney&jfL-aw. - Seotlana Neck, N. C. ' VT .-June 29th. 18S2. Uaitedi -tates. i to d H. M. W. 1 x I - 'jctn auenumg u.e .orttia: bchot t ; at Chapel Iliii, v 1 doubtless be able to make improver t-uts in h-r der.arrment. Her t:--iiniiig ii ca'i-th.nie- is all that childrcii need. , We heard it s ii.! b.- able to judge tit-her WTxhibittcn in calis thenics hero 1s t Ju.i-- was the t est he ever sa. - Per?'al.-t Ve iTttTtrv iuuc-h to leavn ol .the.sere illness -f' our friend J. Ii. llernnar. recovery. Mrs. J. nope to- una a M. B a er. who has sjteedy f-r -me Wil'iitiisfton Recieic: Consider- aiiie excitement was occasioned th otKr Jay among some of the residents on the creek between Wrigiiviiie and Green ville Sounds by the appearance of an al ligator iu t'tat locality. In the early part of last weex a colored hoy. who was oa a:s wav to the sour." I in a cart, arr.ved Jn.ijrinw residence oi hi-, eiiij-mw-r in -ric!jv!iie. in a frightened condition. He ueeiared that he hadejajijarie alligator in the road. wahj t tt L'is-poutn and snapped bis jrjsrtin. ' vHf l very muck fnglit hed."and thiriioW'iiv-eo ..ut Mm th, to a i ami made a Whiske t i For Sale. -Store ' and residence on Mam street, in Scotland Neck. X. C Apply to . - G. W marl52Stf If you want the best iwi uicuiiiiiai purposes, oiiv ine rorty-Ame. t. Peyser, sole a-ent AY. Hain July 21st fall for the week "SS3. .41 inches. ending Highest range of thermometer, 92 ; lowest range, of thermometer. 65. - Positively So. D. Edmondson has just received another car load of Cora, at lis mill in Greenwood, w here he is pre parei to furnisti all kr.ids of mill stuff low for cash. 2-2t Go to K. 11. Hiikt's !arber s!im u postoftice building. You'll feel belter, look better, and have a plea-ant tiirn :tt home and elsewhere till you need shavini asraiu. 4Vur to avoid tue Lrioi. we haw r-.-.-t-iv? t rT'Piiir itt of Fatigue Corstts. It w t!ie best 81.00 Corsc-tia tliec -un i v. M. Hoffman. Leaiier of low price . . Remember tuat w-- ;;re t!io on I House in this town thai -tli Zeigler"s tiaud made Shoes. M Hoffman. Lvader ot iow prices. kapel Hill. N. C. Hg l-JM. 1 i i I GOODS r CH EA P. CH EAP, CHEAP; of For Ice Leiroaa le, V Ciar? Punches. Sherry Coolers, ami cool drinks a.iy ti:scriptior.. eali at tiie Central - t.-.-'ii. E. feytc-r, Manager "ac i Pi;o- jjrietr. - ".-.' I Ransom lor these books. ! time ben visitin.- her dii.-.rr m. fjr wiich he will plea-e accept our j turned to her hen e at Wake Forest on titan ksi ; Tuesday last vVarrefon is to have a -rrau i Mrs. W. IT. K .chen has returned home of "onfederate S!diers" to- I roni Pai'acei Springs. the occasion Is to be a grand ! Miss Sallie See has rtume-1 fr -m otic. at, i ere is mucn i ittrst manifest- i M. I-ouis. whert she has been spendT.s ed. o-A y, amoiiT tiie citi ens aud old I her vacation, am: r-'jn tc'r,;r,Tf.n sclc.tri of anen c.-untv. ! day with a full atvI- 'netgtiborhood vi-tiie'tijifin. His story ra?-sietj-tJIMt an eiamina-tion- of ItiO u6raiiy ..o to pia'mlv the tracks Tof the ai nal. OXfis;rsday the juligauir atipeiwea aj:aia. oa tl.is latfei occaioa iu ts er. ek. au4 e was firei at j by -several -persokS- unwas not kiiie... j ai.J j-tii ruauka aboutthe heail water o; j ths creek an-the p ads in tliat vicinitv. ' " ' s . - . ' ' i t ' ) n..t i - : fr -t-: oui atHj fct-sssfpe r: i here were wateroielzin great pro:'u-.itn .u Walnut street la-t TueiiiMan i the wav they were b4saS dtiotv t e duskv .oei ine lascioifce 2irtle r.n.-.mi.:, ! u ot tne jontwrn-tnaftet scenes as rep- To th - yun: irea who have nor S j resented jt aim f sfusraphv. of udpv t.U- .til th'-.u v. r i scLil-.oj xtemjryj -Z4)n Wednesuav. '. H.r tr.rVw ....V -., ...-.-.a . 1 o the ur- at df Tuais l for rouhout the coantrv. N.ah B gs ria-i-reai-iits t keep PPi.v laed. t J: C. have ma ie com. to meet tr.e nefeitv. We have just received our stock -pring and summer ypodi. . , . v ri J Lilack Buntines. B3a k Xuns Veiling. Black French Buntings. Black Cashmeres. Silk. Suitings. And ail odors of nice Dvess Goods, ur: stock of White Goods is unusually large We otter jreat bargains in White In--s LinenSj Linen Lawns. Piques. Dotted Swissf - - Nansook, Jaconets. Vic- tor.' Lawns. Lons- iales. ic. Ac. " f.aCvs. Laces. Ilanibursrs. Insert i:srs. Ac. Ve propose to suit utt ni t'ii- department. Neck Wear iJibhons. Kid Gloves , a -pecialty. -ve p Coul Fans ; bans '. ! and Parasols. C'iETS AT ANY P.UCE. We offer voii Dr. Waiter's IIEALTii jkU USING CORSET. ''- ' t i. ' c i Ladies. Chi'.-lren and Men's Summer Vets. We offer ?reat barams in R N. NELSON, DEALER IN ! X Staple & Fancy Groceries Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Lager Beer, &c. Corner Sth and Main Street, marS271y Scotland Neck, N. C. First Class Restaurant- ... J Ut fecSTaUBACB. AnGUsyus wbight. Wholesale 3b Retail Dealer in BOOTS, shass 'jjD ggUNKS Leather and Shoe Findings. t; . - .j i& .i i mi, j TBIE IarKst.fto63e-!f the kind in the city. Merchants of North Carolina should examine our stock beiore going farther North. Jan. -25 ffl-Uf." 16 4" 18 SyrTaore St. JQOLISON WHITEHEAD, . Tonsorial Artist, - Main Street, - - Near Tenth. SCOTLAND NECK. v IKEEP a first-class house '"add sharp razors. The patronage of-my old customers and the public generally so licited. Satisfaction guaranteed. "Give me a call. NEW DEPARTURE From the same old stand. I KEEP A FIRST-CLASS RESTAU rant at my old stand on Main St . near the Brick Mill., Lodging can a o be had. Meals at all hours. The best the market atfords will be given you served up as well as in any sim lar house in North Carolina, and at as reasonable rates. Beef, .Fish. Oysters, dec, always on hand at the lowest figure. Meals may ' also be had at all hours at my other i ''Competition is the life of Trade. stand, first door South of K. Alsbrook's. j I cordiallv invite and ask the list rrm a trt. ! of the people. Will guarantee satifac-' T TAKE this method of inf tion. JACOB D. HILL friends. Present and Form t eD. 23 tf. forming my er Patrons and the public generally, that t am still ii me Si.UMM.U&mU at UKLL.V A NEW INVENTION " W,,f)- wh"e I am still doing all kinds i f work usually done in a Country Shop. I and at as Low Fiffurps as n v Gntxl J PROCURED a patent the 9th Jan..! at as Low Figi for mv Machine to measure Cotton i " orkman will do it. Basrsinz" and Carttetinsr. which the mrnt-r; i of g-ns. and retail merchants need to save' VEHICLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND labor and do away, with the trouble of j OR MADE TO ORDER. rolnnz tne bassms off on the muddv streets, and the carpets on the dirty floor. With this machine you can measure lf yards within live minutes' time. A bov seven year old can execute the work easily. From the present prospect, mil lions will be sold South. Offers have been made for the patent right, and to give enterprising men an op portunity to purchase. 1 will leave the sale open for other bidders i uays. 1J0 or more testimmials can be given that tiie measuring is done accurately. For artieulars. ad lrss J. C. WILLIAMS. Scotland Neck. N. C. Feb. -22. 1SS3.2 6m. Repairing neatly, quickly aud . cheaply clone, NICE PAINTING A SPECIALTY. UNDERTAKING AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Cotton Gins Repaired and Saws Whetted at Bottom Prices. FIRE-ARMS NFATLY REPAIRED. BRYAN & wniTPtii; a n Also Agent for the Excelsior Cook j Sroye. I 1 mean business, if you don't believe ! me just call and see for vonrself. . j Very respectfully. ! J. Y. SAVAGE, Scotland Neck. N C. WHOLESALE AD RETAIL m-rr .liji - - 'Si1- r'-enc-c ot: -at vu call to ee X .a , Ti- i the bnde s morherrtn t!nt . ProK M. Sthevare tV,r barti.s Clit A A. -Jt-ueS. oi Aie. w, mirritJ 10 Mi.s; " j :-hM utr of Mrs. Mary Mr. about six TliOs. hitei.ea-1, who live ; mihs from town, has the finest ! CT'i tjij ground-peas we have seen. He j fills u;ibat he has about forty-live acres. ! Laura r .. elue.-i tia Miiiara. e to ine aappy coap-e. a d .t t .em a ,,li.r: iUc ui p'Os-perity a . i iapp:ne.i. i a-s ;s iIm- s as:nt wuen t.iosv wao Dave beat a!i their energies to business curing the uar seek, recreation aiul rest at s.uie summer resortthat is. t'iose whose ap i.cauiia i. their bu-ines itas resulted 'ii ! i' l :i 'i . . . .-. i . . - . ; . . . . i I HE V. OMM' V StA LT H ws 1 s,H)n -nter t. And as su.-ees , hi,iv i... ah: call j atiaii.et wie huut -Tr:ct app;:cation. so it is ectuauv. It ra:iuoi be to ueeulv - - " PUBLISHER S SPECIAL N0TI3E. and t . they are maturing finely. We i . "f "f. ?r.5"H 1 were -apch pleased at the prospect of his Z 't to X Tv,lu cJn I aUi.!1 cottoa aad corn crop. V ! Z he ''V nfu l.ran?fOT 1 'teU HEA! t.T " ASH7 J 1 ' t elts.ntll lis iju-(; iS-i vear - ?.i!z!o c-i- 1 READY-MADE (HI, and Gents" Furnishing Goods. A complete line of ! '-HOES AND MEN- STRAW H ATS. ! DRUGGISTS, ! ;.t. - 1-1 -en-s?TiiAv UKitat jc CLoxiiiKK. t-ts: iai- -3 t'oii..e;y.:a. Two l.undrew tl.ousruik-o tt hern i jrepai tii a I We are gla I to Ba timore. i w: ilh a large stock that Mrs Perkins. agam this pnng ii.,i t., -xt- . S , ! atw ih wn,i ,y)t,riSseii on t,r . iauitiuc5, ui an. r oresi. ; we enrer upon oimext v-iiume wich w:' ! V. 1 . it.- II- A . : . i l - .' " ' ' aaa i c scetuett to emo ills visit i c in iu itks. -s r.ijr r-a.ir- a.i;p-.iia. . - v 1 i UlU i i- : ir'i Latest Stv es -Tvo Lundre,; thsko ne ". j HTS. BCflMETS A3ID Fl irg r,r sate. No.. sr d received bv mail ared to tumisa c,. ; a-,r.n pi lv SlleJ. pfjees lo MI LIN:RY. Latest Sty es of BOfiNETS A.HD FANCY GOODS- Vine Hill Male Academy- THE FALL TERM of this school be- Cor. Mam and Kth Sts., opposite Post ; Every arrangement will be made to give "1-ee- the school success equal to what has been SCOTLAND NECK, N. Cn observed in the past. AvnnrurRs 1 Buard niay be had under the direct AND dealers i supervision of the Principal. Stationery and Toilet Articles, Tuition 15.W to T..Vi per term of Shoulder Braces. Trusses. Paints, j fe months. Oi-S. Varnishes. D'f Stuffs, One half tuition at close of the term. iVlss Piim- rir'i.,n fn For further particulars. -Mtes the , . Principal at Gotland Neck ; or -end for iamps, immncys. &c. iCatalosue. Weaklev.Jr. E. E. BILLIARD. State Agents for J. W ) & Cof 1 or otherwise lower than ever Magnetic H. : ui r ..r uert. cue-.-.a; srra .t.,.. k-., me ut.iiuoi vo.uri tu-t ap-itarse cuautities isnDe inairf it V.-n wi: ;!'-a?;o;i is the price to- Wpa d for uien-ivaL 10 seeftem. 'I very isfcch. and we can assure him that i we have been cor -.e-i w-.th the mwIt., " : . : " ' ! we au enioved his stav with us. Now. 1 only about eitrhtrr.nth T.. w,.. 1 V "It i r . " IV ,wne,,u'l. tit.- iarje Brick Mill, nwEo-i b Paul. :f you had known how blue some ' taking this Danet when we tr--,k ,.cuuUtCflI. Noa?i fc.i-r ii'iiiiL ij 1 r aiit:x lull (uaic 'ccn kriiti 1 ma at. 1 f Ct -1 I - iliilu OI I J. C. Wiilim.. x--taci taved longer. left, yo'ijwouid have 0: friend. Mr. fioo. M. Neweil is spea it.g a few weeks in town. He i irepareil w take tiie beauty rrwai the e-rls fr -itii-.r. arrange it so tliev can share it ih rhfr sweethearts, aim u:i be as pretty as ever. We hpe he uiav have a liberal patronage, and r maiu with us some time. See his advertisement. We were pleased to have a call from P.c-y. J. M. Rhodes. President of i who have req.ie-i !n ;oi-n. YV I have sent al'i c t r' ... s,. ; and to t'- so wWt - t ; v alO s(-;n" Oxj iiaD-.- X - .! .i .u -. : 1 .. . i ' . ' p'.lb i-nit'i !e !- 1 -. : tliev in:g !t wjS :. .-o'..r;i -?-large proportb-i ; t" s. .-. .- send have ha I tl ;r Lirat- nt ; we came in char.-, sornt- for i some for six morhs. Tbe t:me for nt-t i of those who sul-cnfce.i for m.w.ti.s w - r. y- - f-i. e a ::: :fr 1. -w TV-1 sice vesr and wa rect.vcj .:i .,; t;,i- by a proininent busin i-.y a e- .?v-ej- 'X 1 a., J 1 rniritiou supply !v o.. is now prefarv-u t-.i the increased demand ;;ler Nlill- A car load of VYhitsCii-n re-1 ,i,.M8b Mitiirs Co., Country Merchants will nnd it to their .interest to call and examine goods and 1 k-.i r prices before buying elsewhere. n - Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours, dav or night. ' and or-iers answered with care and patch. Scotland Neck. N. C ST. MARY'S SCHOOL RALEIGH, N. C. th s K. a;?-i as i: e 5 ft J - veuirai inhume, at Littleton, lie spent has expired. A iwe Dikrae 1st re San day in Palmyra, and preached for ' quest that every -r.e who knows he has Rev. Mr. Byrd. Mr. Rhodes has a lino 1 riot paid his sub- ripnon will droj us a sc.iool f0T joung ladies at Littleton. J card stating w'it:ier or not he wi-hes hi wri; -"' has been prosperous th is far. and j paper continue; "I'v'.j J..-U51KI.U juw iur um session ( 1 nose wno ha- - ac5sF;Z l.i t .e cai.ailv o. a ;Ui:'-e of the 5- t:r peace. a;,-i p.ati n ih.c hia Js f r3iu an -!stai:t. KAN;' N perl OECcr. a ja with I soon be issiie-i. n. i i L :v. rector of t he State err e 1I- t r;ce EUKNITURE, ; THE ADVENT TEP.M of the th Semi-Annual Session o this School dis-!wi'l betnn THCRSDAY. SEPT. 13th, i 1S3. For Catalogue address the Rector. Stock kept complete bv freouent' Rfv. P.ENNE fT SMFDES. A. M. arrivals. ' July 12. 4- 2fni. NOnFOLIC COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES Offers more advantages than atr other Colleae for roanc ladies la the Soath. bil ttiiei!c.nuii.:;:skl- ik cwiciiie cscrs ot sod-. Seii pnriio?i5 Sr-r Bitftrac-vioC! ia Mist, Art, lod3t sjd 3E :-ira Ltiru?r: crTr:tia in Frnti J Gnsa iiiir. Ttrfefc&i:Tvi sA tfcir- - Utn AI Iwti WlftWTT lii. , Wtsss. Secretary, or Sit. g. X. SiXmjA. Friacaat Sorlsilu Va. ?tar:'l oji n the uis mi.gM:-it.- j vfc- : $3.iVi. i 'rder of 7 ' L. BRANSON. Ka -h. N tinued. from e -.oh JHE Common wealth ha- re- en new force, ar: we hor-e s.-i ., IrTr orr naner imrev.L We - h amisu j. - work ia a -liv-. -ur. Cross, who lives a few mils i !Honr,B' W!li aiSt 10 u fron: towa, was unfortunate in Laving hi ' t,mo,'- ous r P mules to run a wav ljtit Satnr.lar .,,.1 ! tvaetner or n-t t ev wi-"i g-tt:n? h:?Ieg brokeu. The accident is a serious oncland it is thought thai it wiil be so tue liae before he can work. No doctor had reached him when we heard from him iciniediately after the accident. The Xews-Observer savs thai Raleigh urt always hse a good time. -..- u,!.,.-.. .ou t. ,c.i enjoy a two I aoie to 1 weeKs airtation at the sea-iiue and not 5 be detectec. Wei!, we suppo5t trie irls who engage in the flirtations withti ' "e""i-''j'.i ti t-e Lime a tnucii as if they -ere. oamaiTiti . tne difference is they mast feei a little chagrined wi,.-, they nnd tLeicselv-s taktn oif jlr. i-nn.n.liij-.n" u ruu 3 ;i V i;.t.J now comp.eM-o. an! w receipt of aa i:.vitat;o grand ball tfetre t-r uatueu gecutiLe!! are tLe rui yitation Committee f ' v White. W. 31. ri;. ,;, . ' J-'L, 1 - - - if ' I -1 P .. C ar .... F. I,,; I. D. iV. fv. r. if t!irir a arl siatn -s ' te r pauer ton- s u. ie ,''a i ! have a r r 1 Appiewite. wi;o e n; -ir ur;S-r -. - T.?!t !l'vr-i t .c. "p al5 t--ne ,t riiiir-t t -ie OoitUis -kilt: Lrtcteicu t.i rxt-.re if;e i:.tni- uance ct nis pip -. titis i.s r-alfv necs- reces-jies oj tee o iu track the ma sni. lney n.:auy tra?i teui into i luir of ie tiee.i Swamp, abom e?ev m; es ir.-sa Ari.,:ty JMaiivn. v., citon. .iai 'tie nitai.iiiike t ie csr i:sl h?- papr ena- r-ru by Jutsee share r iHa?. at r-.ui.v, iu toat c u.-t. ani. i -.av;ri2 lr.,o.Ji-to a wair-.ii from a Mr a wii.aisnessj; A e sr? : r pared t dd-firj-t-clss v. Lrk LUl'VE. CHAIRS. MATTRE" t BF.lr!NG. CARPETING and " AM r mj- " -" " ES. C H O W A N ; iiru:- !T . THK 'I i ui: t"tres tif.ie Tvr zy to. nave ilm z: : welL iac; jo. :oie. BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITUTE, YKrRRIBOItO. .V 4. One of the o! lost an I f-sf e.-juippl instirution in North Carolrna. 'It o?er facilities unsarpa-e-l in the State for M.ral. Mental and Physical fan Ti.v-Tyies. Pk mtograpks. Po::ie-1 i ai-w a id r-tip .e cciipyng a Stare Newa, CJJLLE3 Fol STIT EIS-S i i n-w e a?a,-- a::t , : : 7 - 1 ' ut a Ccitam riO.i-e U;ev were ten !!.: c-y-ioiy and .roaii to ui ciiv. whrc the rttaa Lvi.clt wj. lcrjrej sit and the g"-ri wa take'o care tf. Wlrt-ioi Ss?4-- Fr-ro : o::-:.es cfw:.-st :r iirte :y:xS-z-. A C-ia-ai. K-o. reaj,i t..i sa u . M..-tes. un - usfc jt t'Oor o.a r - ryih ejj.ji-.ivr I e :-.:! catikr on tLt --j T -jt-.r - si; t j-s t 3-:e t ."ioCfci lise quoircit. and -laix and I'KNKLiiGiiAPH: COll'IXS. fcr Cop i i ns an 1 ealarsir.g a :ve s a tr: t". Respectf ul'y. wia.tr.f j Wetci i.TlaIi sizes of L Bronn? er 1oi finish, i Iounui.,!!!!!! -i r or CaiSlO - lie or iaiviuja;ivu. n 1 N ec k. Jul r Sir 'tlMf'Miv. N C. C-altnre. Charges very rcfierate. FALL SESSION BEGINS uN WIDNESDAY. 0 TOBER a. J. B Ati?- 2-2nt BREWER. President. .RELIEF TO FAKMpRSlrfe NOOtIC 15 I , - i Siii Ci is 27 rtf,--?,c- I'.i, s r;,- 35:irj I: ta It I A. I' L. Mili.:t Cir to . , . -f.-j- m-.tss.r iUy a 1 cii-jn " ho i-e ioid Bi nica 11 mi l.a: t oi Jf t; f:ul tlt ii,- r.T-.-r-A -i -;j;t: 1 til-'; l v-.- , ,, V.I;.. ,1 : - ' i -Z-l. I a. p - s ; -- -tar 01 Rec or : r. -v. C f. Sla'ii- 1 --. . : r A -- .; g;.v !U Ur V?'Sti-;i:u .r- -.ie ca.. . a: . i j . " - ,rtt pauy a party men irom jv?t tri- - & r--2 " r--4 f on ttie 1st in.-'.. T ce in tne lis.-, caught on the Wa-i-,n 0: foe njj.t botntsfiil a. io; '- r ? - . ua.jv. aet t'.'.r iJJ t;vf sf -i 1 witrt t; . 1-' mae titi. ; , ' - - me .iar axons:. iK at nn.iz tiie woods !). priai-4rqou i:raiKn m tne aid all h- me." sir V.j. , : 2-,e b-f-i t;i pit- - ' K . tr'nrj; taro vi.4 - 4. Ss -r iaj.t. is Uie -. J t.- ili.e tti.-lIO . . . i !r-j--ii:f f I. e .-L..i. v. ' -- "-:f-e 1- :5r:.a; s .;i 1. a - -ii --IV - XJeij.iVe -ej j - ' -s - fih-i : . " arf-i r.jj"5 - - titij t,t:a P j W . 31. (J K U .U f ! c. A V II. t t.l. , it i - r 1 &5h -? nrer rvan t VV "hiteea Is i SOTLAXI NfXK. N - C 1 IfH. t-s ;" iji s t.. .-."e.-vf;. - e i.-.Aki . A i;. a r:I. !; 1 wvirPAcriRKRof OPEW AND TOP BUGGIES, 1 H the Latest Styles with Timkin. Brtnu k Dexter Sprtr.s: r ' ' 0 ITR S 0i5E PHT0IS LIGHT SPR5 W3S54 FARM WlbORS. CP T$ . C . isnT Ail wori Warratued as represent e-J. Pnc a u a. can " fyaad ,n tne atiIact-.--i: uaraieeo. - .ILinTftfl. Rrpairiaa Ie St w' Sc&tlanti N . N. C S I'll k X was r-r.f i.. . . ' . . ' ... r mint ca: - : an-J select on- ofu-i, rwi lea wil'JwMi ' ? -rt. " : were rat tilt ?.. . - : i k Whhntore and o.r .'i " for t i. " ,V, "T m' keeper, aa l i as their nart ik. i.i a. SIJ Co iL ; ;:nL H.'l.L i .ALE A k p taxied 1 i itr il Crta3te l. --r.i- .i ri--? i--::aier at ; Havw Wb"?.- ij-i T. '.iifiiix .sf-riistfs. a:;i j i.sr!:ir l.-r it;-'. " cM resort I i-Tf-r a rr.iS-: -...i . 1 t skms 1. -."i n-m- I - - - - a . . . . j - - - - - ... . . - -. . . r y - iJ ". -.ps. 1 natj no particular i.ee ? to tbov Mam. lCnh jcet, iirsi aoor: -i..i .-- 1 e -f " 1 T- ... it- i 3. ten." : n -ay. -r;eia c-r 3. oI - -! l.ez f i.i. r: X. TV t3 - ry T l--:or-a ii: Am :f Ofl the Is: ; r" wtu- I hirn, reij tocatch the j nearer bts t a " !f ? "5l W?? f7ne. 5Te Properties m 4hi ; hill arooiMl 1 rfjK:" '.."'T- ae ,ae kaej.- Iirer ari ..,na.- a . . - "'"i IT All n.i s.aw1 . , w . . i turn. " ' " " " 1 . r-. AFi.Elji A. CjUitno Bank, Baleigh, X. C. Iligiorr E2L";t, Ititej tsieiiate. I'rijf ary. i5:jiajt. 4-a. ". 3Jnic I itst. at - 11 a-.. j-.S3. TERfS: ' r J ri s 10.30. I I3.f.- i 1 - No - -hu-liiw le in ease of ( JXasfcUNlC.F JicD:LL. pr'Br4 Uhfe.' - Pnncpala. July 11 It. it 3Tar. 15- 'ea'!!! Mrs; ""-- Hiiro'1 ' BEF0HE YOU BUY ANY SCHOOL BOOKS, SUNDAY SCHOOL ' BOOKS lie sure u examine tse t.-w f ;arHlKi of ALFRED WILLI AfV?S S CO., Feb. 1. 22 3m. a- r VERY POOR PRINT