r ' liiiMMiii - xtCHEDULES. umn . T EcoHonr. 'ISO: Ult.iKWVfVmiO 1 h Ann in ll ieol. i Professor &nn wrn wAMau . .MLveAwiHrwh Academy at Exeta., (.i,.)oewu l"a r" , v.,"' rj to niase a pounu oi mji n. t hogS' were allowed to run at large than when they were confined in the pen. It does not pay to keep poor stock of any kind. If every animal is good of its kind it is always saleable, and can be turned into money at any time that it is desirable to do so, while an inferior one is alwajrs a drug on a farmer's hands. .It never pays to underfeed any thing. Even if the animal is only kept in store condition that is, neither giving milk nor fattening a little grain will do no harm. Young heifers, however, should not be given fattening food before thev have their first calf. Hence oats and bran are better than corn. An experienced farmer says that oats should be soaked sufficiently to swell before feeding them to stock. When soaked the husk is partly torn away, and facility of digestion in creased. Poultry will carefully pick out the soaked grains from the dry when allowed a preference in the matter. Members of the Elraira Farmers Club advise the mulching of wheat fields with straw, saying the cost is small, the benefit sure, even in fa vorable winters, but greater in win ters like that just ended, when nearlv every dav after the first freezing was a strain on the p:ants exposed. HOW TO BUY A HORSE. An old horseman says : "If jTou want, to boy a horse, don't believe 3-011 r own brothers. Take no man's word for it ; jTour eje is your mar tot. nn'f, hnv a horsfc in harness. Unhitch him, and take everything offlout of the cir umstanccs of a people, but hi baiter and lead iiiin sround. and ofte "utia.sts the circumstances If", he has a corn, or is stiff, or has that caused it. am- other failing, vou can sej it. Let There was a time when salt, at hiui no by himself a little way, and places distant from a seu-port, was if he staves risrht into anything, you i worth its weigiit in silver if n-t its in.iv L-iww i.p u blinii ' m Qt.tr weight in gold, since it had to be how bright his eyes are, he can't see J ' no more than a bat. Back Ir.ra, too, Some horses show their weaknesses! or tricks in that way when they dou't j in any other. But be as smart as you can, you'll get caught soine-j times. Even an expert gets stuck. A horse may look ever so nice, go a good pace, and yet have fits. There isn't a man could tell it until some thing happens. He may have a weak back. Give him the whip, and off he goes for a mile or two ; then, all of a sudden, he stops in the road. After a rest he starts again, but soon stops for good, and nothing but a derrick could move him." GREEN CORN FOR PIGS. American Agriculturist. In the summer and early fall feed mg otpigs, we have found sweet corn one of the best and most con venient kinds of fodder. Pork is made to the best advantage by put ting the pigs, as soon as they are weaned from the sow and have learned to eat milk and meal, into the pen, and keeping them there un der full feed until they are ready for slaughter in November or December. Vith a good breed of swine there is no difficulty in making March pigs weigh from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds at eight or nine months old. With plenty of Indian meal and skimmed milk they will grow rapidly until the corn is large enough for cutting. About the first of August this should be given as an additional ration. The pigs . will eat the green stalks and leaves with the greatest relish after the ears have been plucked. It is an excel lent appetizer, helps the digestion of more solid food, and promotes the thrift of the animals. Field corn na ijfi Jbe i quite so nutritious, but no better use can bp made r.f that after the ears are in milk, than to cut and feed it to fattening swine. It costs much less to make pojk in summer than in cold winter weather. FRUITS AS FOOD AND MEDICINE. Now that the fruit season has about arrived, it will doubtless be interest ing and highly useful to our readers to learn something of the nutrive ncss, digestibilitv. ffhnlMr.mnoQ medicinal action, and proper use of the fruits and vegetables with which God has so -abundantlv htA9dal earth! The fruits-consists m crowding the stom ach with them when it is already full, and m eating them at all times be tween meals when there is no natu- 1 deJm,an ?r desire for them When taken along with tho f7,.wi iwuu, m immerauon, or as a dessert when the stomach is not over-full they are highly conducive to health and, as a writer truly says, "they ap' pear to be providentially sent at a season when the body requires that cooling and antiseptic aliment which t"iey. are so well calculated to afford M j i i . The correct rule for the use of fruits is to use them moderately betwoon meals, and at meals, as a Dart of the meal or as a dessert, when the stom aoh is not overloaded with other food. Thougn qesserts are, as a general thing, objectionable, because taken when the stomacn is already full, fruits are mucn more wnolesonie when taken in this way, than the s pastries, cakes, etc., generally used as desserts. iiuuiu vv-.r . - ii - hn. wajr mnrv nf -wftrithrfbr h4a school in his lifetime, beside',! quea thing to it a large sum in his will. To keep the back-log of the fire from burning away too fast, the old gentleman would soak it in water for some hoars before bringing it into the house. Moreover, he brought it in himself, dripping from the pond. A more curious instance was his economy in the matter of candles, an article of extreme scarcity in coun try places often impossible to be procured. At family prayers in the evening, he would read the chapter by the light of the one candle. Be fore kneeling for prayers he would blow the candle out, and light it again on rising, thus saving a frac tion of candle, and not a small frac tion wither, as the old man was not an economist in bis prayers. It was not uncommon in the last century to split a wafer, and use half at a time. Still more common was it in remote parts of the country to dispense with wafers ard use paste instead. We have sometimes heard this practice mentioned as an evidence of miserliness ; but, in fact, all writing materials were expensive and hard to get. In the British Museum there are preserved manjr famous manuscripts, and among them are several which show that the authors used paper which had been uset before. Por tions of Pope's translat'on of IIo nW were written upon backs of let ters, the creases of which can still be discerned. Jonathan Edwards, when he lived at Stockbridge among the Indians, wrote a gieat part of one of nis most famous books upon odds and ends of paper. Such strictness of economy grows carried on pack-horses,pt-rhaps across a range or mountains. One grain of salt was a treat to people who had not tasted it for six months. In the course of time salt became ery cheap everywhere, but J 1 I those who had been reared in the period of scarcity could never get over ine nabit oi using salt with needless economy. It is impossible for us to realize the intense and grinding poverty which many people have to endure in the early settlement of a new coun try, where nearly everything they have fuel, food, apparel, house, fur niture, utensils, decoration, artificial light, medicine, etc., have to be wrung from the soil about them' with their own hands. We should therefore be careful how we call people miserly. Economy ordinarily becomes excessive only in those who have had to struggle for life unaided. The cure for it is a generation or two of prosperity. KIND WORDS FOR THE SOUTH. Frank Leslie's Illustrated News. In one sense the growth of this fraternal temper is more creditable to the South than the North. It was easy enough for the North, victori ous, to forgive : but for the South, defeated and humiliated, to forget her smarting wounds, and clasp in friendship the hands which inflicted them, proves a magnanimity of soul which is far from common, and which may well rouse in ns a warm glow of fraternal pride. There are indeed qualities of the Southern charactir of which we have only lately become aware, and among these the wonder ful elasticity and recuperating power they so conspicuously displayed, must compel the admiration of all right-thinking men. Eighteen years of utter "uin. the flower of her man hood destroyed, her people demoral ized, her most valuable property sud denly become worthless, her occupa tion, with her social system, gone, her heart embittered by deadly 1 j' t r, . ... " uatreu, me nouin is. to-aay recon structed, her people placated, pros- perous, nopetui. rne celeritv with which the change has been wrought may well surprise the most optimistic of political economists. So lately as 1876 one of her most intelligent writers prophesied that she must needs for a generation eroDe Dain fully in the darkness attendant uron seeking new methods of subsistence. often experiencing failure and defeat. beforcsuccess could be attained, and yet, in 1883, wc find her beyond the danger of either failure or defeat. the problem of subsistence solved by small farms on the one hand, and manufactories on the other, and her business prospects on- a firmer basis than thev ever were hefnso Rnh an experience is wonderful and with. out parallel, and it goes far to prove and wrongs, and sectional bitterness to the snntrarv notwithstanding how large is the ability, how versa tile iue genius, how generous the temper of the Southern people. Whoever haa a contented mind hoa an ncoes. 10 him whose foot is en uiuseu ui a snoe. is it nnt. a ihnnr.i. the earth were carpeted with leather? Those with whom, we can appa rently become well acquainted in a few months, are orpnofuii ti IsUnd. 8 ' y knowand nder- 11 if. St it i I - '(!! 1 ' ;;! in S -ftffiH?rt -it- t? i ntCTCH err?1; .a lihf'-f .".!? -irn j-'l! i-. V4 PIANOS -AND ORGANS. S. A. STEM & Co., NORFL.OK, - - Va. THE OLDEST, THE LARGEST, THE CHEAPEST CARPET A N D Furniture House IN THE SOUTH. Over 27,000 square feet of floor space in our snow room, ror over eiemeen j'ears we have enjoyed an extensive trade T . IT 1 I C in namax couiuy, auu ruici w uuuuicuo of people whose houses we have furnished. 11 4m. W. W. Gwathmey. Chas. Q. Elliott. Temple Gwathmey. W. W. Gwathmey & Co., COTTON COMMISSION MERC HANTS Norfolk, Va. Cash advanced on consignments. Cot ton shipped by Railroad delivered at our wharf free of drayage. I. LEVI, WITH J. L. STRAUS & BRO , Leading Grocers and Commission Merch ants. Dealers in Salt Fish. 156 West Pratt St., Dec. 7, 15 ly. Baltimore, Md. Agents Wanted lor handsome illus trated standard BOOKS BIBLES woras oi cnaracier, great variety, low in Erice, selling fast, needed everywhere, iberal terms. B. F. JOHNSON & OO., 1011 Main St., Richmond, Ya. Jan. 11, '83. 19 ly. i . .. . 5IOOO REWARD r ear awUae kmUiM elMabsj flt tar MalWr. II hasatade 1100 lUa IU.V8T1UB ?aamhlal a&sUUst NEWARK bMCHIHI KIWiU, O. N. W. STAGE, General Southern Trav. eling Agent, Louisville, Ky. TAYLOR PFG. CO. Charlotte, N.C. d J a week in your own town. Terms yJ V J and 15 outfit free. Address H. Halle, t & Co . Portland, Mline. NAVALiSL3BATTLES. New antl graphic Plctori&l History crfth. neat Sa ftalita oftM World. IrViedical Disccta SMirrni. U. S. N. Oddissa m a co.. wnaaiBi at.. rniiaaaBjiiia. ra t't 9C)f per day at home. Samples lO to iyJ worth $5 free. Address Stmsa & Co., Portland, Maine. fJNIVRaUUTT Forl!luatomteaClrcnlaT. Altveavrtw 9m. imavlBuc' wm.SchooL MttMiaUd tomtit 'jean. OUR PATIKT8W MILL As&drM. TAYLOR MFC CO. ri Vterieitet jr. c. T ssaranV Add.caa, i freight y I '.'Xkmm'ishsM I ; ,aifMiH .--r-T. ..... v'-' I - vl I I' k 1 X 1 kfi i j PTL"-'m:l?Mi'!EyA . til MMmmmmr' V Lenir,h M (o. is. U6HHLNIKG SEWIIIGMACHIIIECO' f i?iMi?iiiiitiaiw;i.iitj CHICAGO. ILL.- "ORANGE, MASS. I sav al M r J-. M M f sF a J. L. STONE. Raleigh, N. C. IT STANDS AT THE HEAD ! THE LIGHT-RUNNING n n A TIT T? U T T n JJ J J 1?X JJ.OJL.JV That it is the acknowledged Leader- in the Trade is a fact that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT ! E The Largest Armed, ine Lightest Kunning. r;The most Beautiful Wood-wcrk, Ari IS WARRANTED To be made of the best material. To do any and all kinds of work. To be complete in every respect. For sale bv N. B. JOSEY & CO.. Scot- iana xvecK, jn. u. R. H. Daniel & Co.. Halifax, N. 0. Daniel & Norfleet. Dealers in General Merchandise, Caledonia, N. C. Agents wanted m unoccupied territory. Address, DOMESTIC S. M CO., Richmond. Va. THE, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE, J- H. Beal, Agent Hackney Bros. Buggy iv o r k s , J. H. BEAL, Agent, ' Enfiele, N. C. BP" These Machines, Baggies and Wagons can be had of J. H. Beal at lowest cash prices. Reasonable terms on application. PfcrrMPRWtMEn5STr,iSUr III iW "S-T ' fOUWBVU, 1, ... wilt, w.,-rr- Si. a It. ton. 4- VifJ twievJfhGjfJd ExprwjjpBB. i Sawn. M-Krtio.ft. tone. lS-Dulcian.l (t. toix Jf-fJi? 4 ft. tos. It-Vos Jubilaatw 8, ft. tene, Ail tuife. 1 tone. -SiHhu.i Ejiprtioae. i!-Fre Organ knee Scop, 'hiEifd-eiiwn iiiinn-iir' ire ust. OranJ VIT9 9f art 3V OctnTei eaeh of Uegnlar GOfcUEN TOSUOB HEEDS. Besides all, tins, it will be ttted ap with an OCTAVE COUFi.KK. which doubles ih power of the iostrumeat. i Lump irtumlB,' Picket f.r Music. B-ttys PatonC Siou Action, also souuditg Board. &e. It lias a Slid Bp Lid and convenieutly arranged Handlei for moring. The Bellows, which are of the upriKhc jiatten.. are made from the best best quality Pedal Straps. The Met .1 of neat design, and never SPECIAL TEM-DAY : SII(1II9 F COUPON press Prepaid, or br the date hereof. I hereby aaree to nrenav frela-ht . gip .JteMSSf&aHLW AddVeV.orTa.lon Weight, bosad, about M ji I the Manufacturer, EACH NIGHT FROM ONE TO TWELVE WEEKS, (Si nd Will rnmnl.f.l. rh.n.. h. Klnnil in .1.. .ntr.. a...m .1i.AmA.l.. l..F.nn nlin will t.k. t V P PIT.T. , r or cnu p tnue tompimnti tnese nils nave no equal. t .rut oj ami u,r :5 cenu in irampi. aena lor f.ampmec. i. o. JuaxiBUi 1 s U.r Indian Cures all diseases of the stomach., Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Skin and Blood. Miliums testify to its efficacy in heal ing the above TK.1K MARK. IXTA GENTS WANTE D.-$ Laboratory 77 W. 3d St., New York Cito Druggists sell it MWtM BMajaJkMaaaMOsK REV. A. I. HOBB3 Writes: After a tboroas-h trial of IRON TONIC, I take pleasure in stating mat X nave Deen greatly benefited by its use. ministers and Pub lic Speakers will find it of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. ZouistrilUs, Ky., Oct. 2, 18S2. the TSSF1SZS B7 18X DR. HARTER MEDICUIB CO., 213. ST., ST. L07I3. FiainEtigSi JS HERE EZFB.CS 1 Itbuxmmk DUB FREE CIRCUl-K i LL3 .H; . Kansas. June h. lf Harrth Hkmf.dt Co. Gents 1 used the P:isrille"5ii dlrcted and they completely cured me. 1 n :ihout one weak from the time I commenced usini; thiti I tvnn to sleep well and I continued 10 use nil rb- box v.i'b constant improvement and since tbnl time Ort. .wl I hare felt like a new man. I truU hoie tb:it many . the anffwera will find out that yon tiave : specific nervous weakness And lie cured by the same. liespectfnlly i'ciur. P. S. You will not publish my nnm bat jmrson visit ins you muy be referre 1 to nl 1 -vMl answer ihir. To every younir. miucUe h.;e or old rrnn troubled withnervoua or rhyfical deKiii ty or impotence sealed circular is ser-fi-fie. Send full address on postal cart t HARRIS REMSOY CO. St. Uo"!" " We want your acWrei-a. Yoa nvii . Bond and be couviuced oi th: - And Morphine Habit can be cured in from 10 to 30 days no pay till cared. Established 10 ears. 1,000 curen. Refer to patients in all parts bf tbecountry. Dr. F. JE. Marali, Quincy. Mich. Paynes' AUTOMATIC Engines. a to ioo Horse Power. Will furnUh a hone CMMtm. B. W. rVKXS0KS. Box Lioa. Coni.rK Us. not fitted wftbsa Mi BUT OCR ENOIWR n of conn ii trrvnmmsntt fouudi no other ' , , '!r 'oniphietsand Price f l-l), address ."' s MR Mansfield. Ofaia 1 TUSIWI IP ! Si (JO Bll I MWES VNCIE ALL till FAILS. 5 . I BesAOonKh Syrup. TamcsiKood. a J Use In time 8oldbydrargista. f lib. 4.unr. - iim' f Mwps-'vsj CottfS Graod tirlor. ud won id ornament tlii ueuiTes. uanasoue appeurnnce. n- win & mc airi. wr It.cnteii)9 thMet VEXCWE9iUrffp.the fmyu. Oreao. Kteht and Left Knee S PjU j i nirai tbs eB6i 0T VVlill3. ABb Pedals, instead of being eoTcroi with e&rpet, are Polished get out of repair or worn - OFFER. If yoa fill rrmlt m 50 and tke annexed Coupon within lO days firm the date of thU Mewimi r. t will box and ablp Sib) tbl Organ, with Organ each. ;Book. dtt., exactly the asnte af I avll for Vow ahould ftWIer Immediately, and In no ce later than lO day. One yer teat trial gtvea and fkdl warrantee for lx Tears. Given fcnder my Hand and Seat Or. receipt of this Cnpok and M10 in cash b Bank Drnfttfort Office Moner Ot.W. Iff isterf.i l.erter. r r- S24 Check on your bank, if forwan for f24, as part pay mem d within 1 0 dava from tench Hum. f. tony, li-Hurw uii.ul I3-VoxJ H on my celebrated S4 Stop Parlor Orrn.i. vri aench. l.onk. ate., pro vided the cash balanea of S9 acc-mpanies this io.ii ' t and 1 ViH send you a receipted bill in fall for and box and shir yh2 ?Wn 'l!,t , vertised. fully warranted for six years. Money refnaaed with lutt-rest trom the date of remittance if not as represented after one vf s use. agree to nccepe tKs csapoj (SiKned.l 1 F " imu - . ti tun ii i . BVDK7lrUr DDCDAin Asa further taaenementtur yoa (provided t f 1 rnCrMlili y(ra orderimii'li'atciy.wuh!n the 10 days.) on the above organ to your nft railroad freich t etatiot. any point east of the Mississippi River, or that far o sygomg wesi oi i ma is a rare nawrttnalcr to place an instrnment. as it re e. at your very door, all freight prepaid, manufuctnrer'a wholesale prke Order now ; nothing aved by ewrreanondence. r , Linu Tf nDHCD Enclosed find 5 for organ. I have read yonr ty w TV I J J rT S- & r . gtatement in thi. eavertisement, and I order ono on condition that it must prove exactlv as represented in this advertisement, or I ball return it at the end of one year's use and demand the return ot my money .with Interest fmm the very moment I forward it. at six pe;nt;. according to yonr offer. Ha very particwlnr to give Name, Pout OJflre. Cfmp.trit'-ate,rnamf Station, and on tthat Railroad.. faprBe snre to remit by Bank Draft.jP. U. Money Order. Registered Letter. Express prepaid, or by Bunk Check. Yon .iy accept by teleeaph on last day and remit by mail on that day. which will secure this special offer. 1 desiro this magnificent instrument intrnduced without delsy, hence this special price. DANIEL F. BEAm,Washington,N.J These Goods,ure sold under an Absolute Guarantee That they are the f inest and PUREST goods uaon the market; They ARE FRKE from DRUGS and CHEMIC- iLS of any kind; They consist of tl t Finest Tobacco and Purest Ri w Paper mad?. OUR SALES EXCEED the products of ALL leading manufacto riesKombioed. None Genuine without the trade-mark of the BULL. Take no other. t W. T. BLAtKWELL & CO. I Sole Manufacturers, DURHAM, N.C. P PURGATIVE; A, err aVjr mnvbe restored to soumferalth. if such a thin is possible. Fftysieians nsettiemj m tatniir practice. Sold eTerywhers JK s i notion, jaaaa. EJlocd Syrup named diseases, and pro u II mi nounce it to be the p BEST REMEDY KNOWN TO MAN. Guaranteed to cur a Dyspepsia. A. combination of 1'ro tirxiUe. of' Xron, lJttruvian. t-firlt at id J?hosphoris in a palatable form. For Hebililj, Jjoss of Ajrpe tote. J'rvstration. of Vital Powers it is indispenaa- LOOS ' ' ' - 4f 4.T - - 1 x consider i ra most excellent remedy for the debilitated vital forces. TORPID DOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, MAI ADIA- WrTntanriJ?Srailsotluee-rourth8o the diseases of tlie human race.neM pirlta, A feeling or having nefrlccted mom) ditty, Ilzziiiess, Fluttering at the Heart, Iota before the eye,hlsniy col ored tTrine, COITSTIPATIOiV, and da xnand the use of a remedy that acts directly on the Liver. As aLiver medicine TUTT'S 111.1.8 have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys a lid Skin is also prompt ; removing; all impurities through these three icst. engere or the system," producing appe tite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vigorous body. TUTT'S PttliS cause no nausea or griping nor Interfere with daily work and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, Bold eyry whf rp, aSc. Office. 44 Murray S t.,N. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or Whiskers changed in stantly to a Glosst black by a single ap plication of this Dye. Sold by Druggista, or sent by express on receipt of SI. Office, 44 Murray Street, New York. TUTT'S MANUAL Of BSEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Wrights IndiahVegetablePills fob the And all Bilious Complaints 8816 ,S.iaketi?JnLp1Iy vegetable; no grip ing. Friee25ctl. AUUruggiats. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite nnturirtiA. r-r nA nr S!l'5.'a",l icce,,8fu spwia'ifts In the U. P. lr Zl f,rih.urp "f JVe-tw IteMltty in plai n sealed en velope..,,.,. iiruggiataciu fi 11 It Addrm OR. WARD 4 CO., Uritiwa Mo. VMyM'M BILLS c."rtlon or bod, or mind, Eructatloa . in.lt.knu. ttmncr. JuOW r? UPERINTENiUfr COMMENCING Monday, Oct . 8HririS"e!!4d wilK.7. lollows : tfDWW.SuUfli; (Stops only at Relfielc iieave Petersburg dailj at :09ro. A rriva ah TVrfJrrti Tf K .Kit ni NEW YORK EXPRESS, Leave Petersburg daily at a i lir l I l.ootP. m arrive ac n eiaon at t , Freight. ; - Leave Petersburg (ex'pt Sun Arrive at Weldon at GOING NORTH- 3.10 P. M 5:3(1 Pm am 11:04 Boston & Savannah Fast Mjfl. JLeave vv elaon daily at 12 :0ii A i 1 1 . w Arrive at Iretersburg at 2 :23 5 NEW YORK EXPRESS. Leave Weldon daily at Arrive at Petersburg at Freight. Leave" Weldon (ex Sun.) Arrive at Petersburg First-class coaches will between AVilmington and :.io p 11. -21tU 2 00 7 33 rui thr '0 i ..i i , . , as urn itoii auu sieeuiiiK cars on nicnt, ana lav Sleeping car oertns can De hal for lollar lrom Richmond to Bait more fie ;hange of cars. Through tickets sold to ill Kvt fed through. W. J. BLOWN. Dispatcher i Trains R. M. M'LLY ' General Superintendent W. P. TAYLOit,gf?n. T'-Vet Agt, Office Superintendent T! tation, S. & It. R. 1 Portsmouth, Va., November QHANGE OF gCHEDL j On and after MONDAY, trains will run as follows: 'u. J.S?.l. i ilierlo, LEAVE PORTSMOUTH III V fcj CEPT SUNDAY. Mail train at Accommodation Train ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Mail train at -Accommodation Train 9 25 a. ii 2 0(1 l'.M l'Aii.y. 11 53 pm Mail train connects at Weldon with the Mail Trains of the Wilmington & Weldon and Raleigh and Gaston Railroads. And on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Franklin, with steamer lor Edenton, Plymouth and j Lani'higs on Blaekwater and Chowan rives and lor Washington and "stations ou Jamesville and Washington Railroad. Through tickets on sale to Taiboro, Goldsboro Xewbern, Wilningtoii, tlo! umbia, Augusta, Charlestoa, Savannah, Jacksonville, Fernandina, aad all imints in Florida, Raleigh, llamkt, Charlotte, Statesville, Marion, Hickory. lil Fort, Asheville, Warm Springs, Atlanta, Ma con, Montgomery, Columbus, Mobilu.iNew Orleans, and ail point in South and Southwest. Freights received daily, except Sundays, from S A.M. to 4 p.m. E. tE. GI1I0, Superintendent of Transportation. Wilmington & WeliknU. It. Co., Office of Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. lily. 14, iss . CHANGE of SCjlEDULE. GOING NORTH. Express, Passenger aiil Mail trains. No 47 1 ; Leave Wilmington daily,1. at G.40 A. 11 Arrive at Goldsboro, at 9.48 A. M :: Enlield at 12:07 p ra Arrive at Weldon, at ; 12.50 1' M No. 43. Fast .Mail. Leave Wilmington at 5;35 p ra Arrive at Enlictdat 11:10 am ' at Weldon at 12-00 am GOING SOUTH. Express, Passenger and Mail trains. No. 4S. Leave Waldon daily, at Arrive at Enfield at 3.37 f. M 4:43 p in 6.43 F. M 9.55 P. M Arrive at Goldsboro, at Arrive at Wilmington, at No. 40. Fast Mail. Leave Weldon Arrive at Wilmington at C; 10 pm 10:55 p m TAKBORO BRAXGII ROAD. ' Arrive at Tarboro 110 p m & 8 3o pta Leave Tarboro 0 00 a m ami 3 00 p m The tlav train makes close connection at Weldon for all pomts North, via Bay Line, daily, except .Vmday, anil uai.j via Richmond and all jrail route. Night train makes Hose connection ai Weldon for all poii N.vi.h, via Kich mond. Sleeping-ca.f-i attached to all night trains. JOl? F. 1JIV1MJ. . Gentril .Sujierintendent. A. POPE. Gen'l Pasen"r Agt. OEABOARD k ROAD CO. & RALEIGH RAIL- On and after this date, trains will run on this Road by the following Schedule: November 20th, 1SS2. TIME TABLE. P M Tarboro (Lv.) 8 45 Little Creek 9 15 Tarboro (Ai.) Little Creek Hethel Jvobersonville 93a 9 05 S 45 8 20 Bethel 9 35 Rober'nville 10 00 Everett's 10 20 Everett's 8 00 7illiamston(ar)7 30 The 7 30 a m train from Williamston will arrive in Tarboro at 9 35 a m., allow ing passengers to connect with the 10 00 a m train on the W i WRR for Rocky Mount. The 8 45 p m train from Tarboro con nects with the Boats at Williamston for Norfolk via C & N Railroad and inter mediate points, also at Jamesville with the J & W Railroad for Washington and all points below. This table may bt changed at anytime as necessity or circumstances may rejuire. P. DORSCII, Gen. Sup t. Tarboro, N. C., oy. 20th, 1882. SCOTLAND NECK RAILROAD. Trains on this road run daily as follows : ; GOIG WEST. Leave Scotland Neck at 7 :30 a.'m. Arrive at Tiller j's at 8 :20 a. m. Arrive at Halifax at 9 :00 a. w- GOrKG EAST. Leave Halifax at 3 :25 p. Arrive at Tillerys at 4 :20 p. Ar at Scotland Neck at 5 :00 p. m. m. m. Nervous Exhaustion, Premature Decay Xoss of Memory An 80-page Cloth-bound Book of whnleso" Advice to Youdr Men, by a Kegular fbytiK'ia"- RI? MT PDPCoo reoeiptot two thr-"0 TKS HEALTH JOilRNAt, KflWAUKifc, W Office of Superinten

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