THE COMMONWEALTH Thursday, Aug. 30 1 GEO. m. cAivii - - editoI! Index to New Advertisements. Thinlin Road Ilisli School. A. II. Morris Hog Cholera. C. T. Bailey Farm for sale. S. T. Alsop Legal roticc. Rev. J. T. Zo -n Salem Academy. 1'. Peyser Business Notice. N. 1. Joscy Local notice. Kitchen "Dunn Legal notice. K II. Smith, Jr. Legal notice. ( 'omnionwcalth Job Printing. (.1. M. Newell Plotographic, lil LE AND REGULATIONS OF Scotland Neck Post Office TO TAKE EFFECT SEPT. lst,lSS3 The poem on our first page was clipped from the first iasue of the New South, a paper published last year in Wilmington, now defunct. The printer neglected to give proper credit. The street force assembled in front of our sanctum this morning present ed a very dusky appearance, but the num ber answering to roll call is a Perry good showing for our 'city fathers.' It shows that they are determined to keep the streets in trim. -Ve extend the right hand of welcome to Mr. George A. Novell, fath er of our George, who has come to reside temporarily with us. He is thinking strong of locating here permanently and will no doubt" do so if he receives the" nmncr Piu-miv;v'cmont. We can commend r., him to our citizens as Hamilton Mail closes, Northern Mail closes, C.30 A. M. 7 A. M. Northern Mail opens ;;-30 P. M. Hamilton Mail opens C.30 P. M. Money orders issued from 0 A. M. to ." P. M." Office opens promptly at (JA. M.. closes S P. M. Jno. T. Brinkley, Post Master. Rain fall for the week ending Aug. 25th 1SS3, .20 inches. Highest range of thermometer of thermometer, 7U. 2 : lowest range Local Items. Ffder pulling time. Good nights for sleeping. Vine Hill Academy opens next Monday. Ten boarders at the county jail last Friday. The cotton fields around are be gimng to put on theis mantles of white. Mayors Court last Monday and Tuesday for the first time since we have been here. The steam engine advertised on our first page, to be sold by Mr. W. A. Dunn on the 18th of Sept., will be sold on the 3rd instead. Rev. C. A. Woodson, of Enfield, preached a very forcible sermon in the Baptisr church Sunday night, from II Corinthians, v. 20. It has been just too utterly too hot for any use, but Monday morning brought with it a cooi streak, and put us in a good humor again. Mr. Geo. M. Newell, having ac cepted the position of Foreman of the Commonwealth Office, his father has taken charge of the Photograph tent. We 'nave hva informed that Mr Gooch, one cf W el Jon's largest mer chants, made an assignment last Satur day. We failed to learn the particulars. Our weather reporter informs us that from Tuesday morning till Thursday night was the hottest weather, for the time of year, we have had in eleven j-ears. We are delighted to learn that Dr. Pritchard has accepted the call to thy First Baptist Church in Wilmington. 1 It will take charge some time in November. understand that a gentleman in every sense of the workf and that is say ing enough. Wc have had a long ac- tl; him and know whereof wc speak. We have received the premium list of the next State Fair which is to be held at Raleigh on the 15. 1G, 17, IS, 19 and 20th of October. Over $G,000 in pre miums have been offered, and the railroads in the State will carry articles for exhi tion tree of charge. The premium offered for the largest yield of cotton per acre from five acres is $30, $31, and 20, a -430 pound bale to be exhibited in each case, For thf birn-rf viold of corn from five acres, one bushel to be. exhibited, $30, $30 and $20. Dr. Ilufiiam an 1 lie v. C. W P.vrd have both been out of town during the nast week. Mr. Bvrd at Ilobgoods Fork. whore be together with Rev; C. M. Cook was conducting a saries of meetings He reports good congregations and seem ingly good results, though he is unable to estimate the extent of the work in as much as he did not open the doors of the church for the reception pf members. Dr, Hufham reports a glorious revival of re ligion at Sandy Run. There were about sixty conversions and forty- united with the church at that place and were baptis ed on Sunday morning. . There will be others that will unite ith the church at this ami other places. : The Principal of Vine Hill Acad emy wishes us to remind the readers of the Commokwi-ALTIT, that both Acade mies, Male iml female, will open on the 3rd of September, and that special efforts will be laadi to improve she schools, both in numbers and in manner of giving in struction. One of the Principals of the Female academy. Miss Eunice McDowell, has been spending her vacation in prepar ing herself for more thorough work in her school. .She attended the Normal School at the University, and will be up with the modem improvements in primary teachig. The IVhcipal :t the Male Acad emy also visited- the I'niver-dtv Normal 'Tis a conceded fact that the only pure whiskey in town is "Old t," for sale only at Peyser's Central Saloon. For Sale. Store and residence on Main Street, in Scotland Neck, N. C. Apply to i. W . UAY, marl52Stf Sherry Cobblers, Mint Juleps, Port Wine Sangarees, Claret Punches, Stone Fence, Cocktails, Lemonade, &e., at Peyser's. Positively So. D. Edmondson has just received another car load of Corn at his null in Greenwood, where he is pre pared to furnish all kinds of mill stutt" low tor cash. 2-2 1 N. 15. Josey & Co. will soon move to D. Edmondson's Brick Store and open their large Fall and Win ter Stock of Goods. t Go to E. II. llight's barber shop in postoffice building. You'll feel better, IV ew Atlvca'tisemeiits. First Class Restaurant I KEEP A FIRST-CLASS RESTAU rant at my old stand on Main St , near the Brick Mill. Lodging can also be had. Meals at all hours. The best the market affords will be given you served up as well as in any similar house in iovth Carolina, and at as reasonable rates. Beef, Fish, Oysters, &c, always on hand at the lowest figures. Meals may also be had at all hours at my other stand, first door South of K. Alsbrook's. I cordially invite and ask the patronage of the people. Will guarantee satisfac tion. -JACOB J). HILL. Feb. 8, 23 tf. Executrix's Notice 1 A Scotland :-k ISusinc :ow is Tin-: tijie To have your pictures made while you have the opportunity to have theiu aade well. We are prepared to do first-cla-s w . rk in Tin-Types, Photographs. Porce lain and Pen allographs. EOf Copying and enlarging a specialty. (Jive us a trial. Respectfully, N'v: WELL , W :" T. Scotland Neck, .July 1SS.5. Spring and Summer GOODS ! CHEAP. CHEAP, CHEAP, AT N. B. JOSEY & CO'S. look better, and have a pleasant time at home and elsewhere till yon need shaving again. Cheapest Fashion Magazine m the world, 120 large pages. 4 pages new music. 1000 engravings each issue. 30 cents per vear single copies 15 cents. Stkaw- ijridge & Clothier, Sth & Market Sts., Philadelphia. WANTED. A live, sober and honest man to thoroughly canvass Halifax and Edgecomb counties in the interest of the Commonwealth. Will pay such a man GOOD WAGES. Address this Office. Wallace, N. C. April 20th, '3 My hogs were taken sick witn vomiting with" every s3mptom of Cholera, and 1 applied to A. II. Morris, of Teachey's, obtained his remedy and gave it accord ing to directkms, and I will say that my hogs all improved, and are doing well, and none of them died. I believe it to be a good remedy for sick hogs. W. N. Elswortii. HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECU trix of tiiv- last will and testament of William F. Williams, deceased, all per-1 sons indebted to his estate will please come forward and settle, and those hold ing claims against the estate are notilied to present them for payment before the 10th day of August, 188 1. or this notice will be plead in bar of their payment. FRANCES WILLIAMS. S. S. Alsop. Att'y. Executrix. Enfield, N. C. Aug. 1, "8:5. : H Farmers', save vour hogs !- Morris' Vkgetaule Compound. using This wonderful remedy was discovered in the forests of Eastern North Carolina. For sale by Bryan & Whitehead, Scotland Neck, S. S. Aasn k Co., larboro: Branson's n. C. Birixtorv, year of Pub, cation. UtU Edition, soon be issued. The only relia rectory of the State ever published. $3.00. Order of L. BRANSON. Raleigh. :: Notice. BY VIRTUE of power in me vc! a decree of the Superior (. Halifax county, I shall sell for . the town of Scotland Neck, on f day of .September next, at 12 oV1h-' live-horse power steam engine lures used therewith, and cue gin. Persons wishing to see the prope; ' do so by calling on Robert iru :! art Hardy or Anthony .John. It '. ted at Anthony John's storo. W . A . Dl X A' K itch in & Dunn, Cr Attorneys. ai; 17th will We have ju-t receives! rpnng and Summer Goods, our o( Black Huntings, Black Nuns Veiling. Black French Bunting Black Cashmeres. Silk Suiting..' And'aiL colors of nice Di ess Goods Brown iv Simmons, bv all drmiii'isls. Weldon. N. C. and am: 1U :m D UFLIN ROAl) let .School this Minna er. Vine Hill AcaLmv bv Principal, E. E. llifhar.L alogue of atius-essmsj Hie Scotland Neck. a cf oi ss :"-i-:m5oi.-iis3-:s. Our siuceiv friend, E. A. Old ham. of the 'Wni-don Sentinel.' contem plates an enlargUii-ntof his excellent jour nal very shortly. He claims to have doubled the circulation of the 'Sentinel' since he took charge, a few months ago He has the vim and taL-nt to run a news p a p e r s u c c e s s f u 1 1 y . The 'Roanoke News.' of Wcldon, will Corrsepondence- Mr. Em tor : Inferior court convened on Monday the 20th inst. at Halifax, Judge Till 1 made an elaborate charge to the grand jury, which was the inos in telligent one we have heard m many days. There was no great deal of business before the court and we are inclined to think that two terms of the court would" be sufficient to transact the business, now that we have three week for Superior court. The chairman of the court was once a candidate for a seat in Supreme court, he received a flattering vote m the con vention. Associate Daniel is a grave looking lawyer-like gentleman-Associate Parker is a young man, and a stranger would take him to be a real judge. There were only three cases from this end of the county. This speaks well for the morals of our people. The young man Barnes who was indicted for steal ing money from Capt. Kitchin, was con victed. Tony Clark, the notorious cattle thief, who hails from the kingdom of Pal myra, was convicted and sentenced for five years. Haywood Harris, indicted, for stealing two sore headed puddle duck';, was a'cjuitted. One James MeGee was convicted of carrying concealed weapons, and sentenced to jail for thirty days. Joseph Bacey. the celebrated root doc tor and fortune teller was sent to the pen etentiary for twelve months for larceny. Sovor.-il rases wpro rontiimod. Tho. court adjourned after a very pleasant but This school opens annually on the first Mcnda' in September, and closes on the last Friday of May. Tuition $25 per session. Board, including washing, lights and fuel, 8 00 ncr mouth. The cheapest male school in North Carolina. For further particulars apply to S. W. CLEMENT, Principal, Wallace, Duplin county, N. C. aug 10 It .!'! lie IX- Cill! : w- 1 It i Our stock f White Goods is xmit 1-ivi.,. W .. r . i . ,v "er iii-va. wiriruiiK in U lute !! .- Linens Li:; n Lawns, Piques, Bottu'l Swi... .i:MHk. Jacon-Vie- ' :. Lawns. L.n. da'.os, lVi- . Ae. Laces. Law, iftnihur---.-. lu-sor-.-. . c. We j -v., :.... t)J m t tiepai tiin-nt. uir JiiObo,;.-.. ,;d i;;-,ves a ?',eeiauy. Fans : . ! ! an-1 Parasol I AT ANY !: I CM. ner von ! iv. ii -,., iiKAi,iii M'urlNU Uv cop Cool coi;-r W i,SK"! Ludit Cii! v,.. oiunnii r M USIC SCHOOL Miss Kate Fenner respectfully nounces that she will commence Music School September od. Will teach either at the homes of pils or her own residence. Terms $15 per 20 weeks, aug 10 4t an hcr pu- Notice- I HAVE QUALIFIED as executor of P. II. Whitmore. Poisons having claims against him are notified to present them to me or my attorneys Kitchin & Dunn, on or before Sept. 1st, 188-1, or this notice will be used as a bar to recov ery. Persons indebted to tho estate must make early payment, or action will be taken against them. R. II. SMITH. Jr. Executor P. II. Whitmore. Aug. II. 1883. -ft Notice- 1 HAVE QUALIFIED as adii.inisirator J of II. F. Ware. Persons haying claims against him are notified to present them to me or to my attorneys, Kitchin it Dunn, )y the 1st day of September. bSS-1. or this notice will he used as a bar to their recovery. C. W. DUNN, Aug 14 4t Adm'r II. F. Ware. A NEW INYSNTIO JPROCURKB a patent the 9th Jan., for in .Machine to measure C it ton Bagging and Carpeting, which the owners of gins, and retail merchants need to save labor amr do awa- with the tvihihio of rolling the bagging of,' .n the muddy streets, nnd the carpets on the dirty lioor. With this machine you can niisi uro 100 yavds within live minutes' time. A boy seven years old can execute the work easily. From the present pvospe! . mil lions will bp 80.11 South. Oilers have been made for tho pi tent right, and to give enterprising men r - p. poviuniiy to purchase. I will !e:. .otue sale open for other bidders 0.) day. i'!i or more testiminials can be give.; the measuring is done K-civnivly. For particulars. ail l) J, C. WILLIAMS. Scotland Neck, N. C. Feb. 22, 1SS3. 20 Gin. READY-MADE CIMQN&, oiH v- i.i-; ; i:rni.:'; A eomph-ie b: SSIIOFAND -N Li 1 J J S'i'KA W .1 Ooods. of 1! A TS. mm. o are uia s 10 sav of Haithnore. is with - n,..i v,. i ' - again thi erk ms. Spring, Willi a huge sleek ol MILLINERY Latc-si Styles of ioei n cc;v. ,; v u:: or ot lerwr. hile.;. . ccs lower thau 0e: ud'jUi- pron 1,. ptlv J. C. Wil HAVE AliUIVKD. AT heated term. W. A .D. We understand that about tW(; come out eniarg-u to m column.-, t-u thousand visitors have registered at Moren week. It will no doubt present a much head City this season. Morehead is cer-lneatcr appoHiaine, as we were told by tainly the Long Branch of Nort Carolina. 'Bro. Hall that they nad purchased an entire outfit ot now type The 'X. C. Press Association,' or as man- of its members as possible, will attend the Boston Exhibition during the first and second weeks in October. The Commonwealth hopes to be rep resented. Oh ! that we could realize the following dream of a brother quill driver: "We dreamed a dream last night, When everything was still. We dreamed that each subscriber Came up and paid his bill." Mr, Ililliartl, who has been in Norfolk, Baltimore and Washington City for the past ten days in the interest of the Conmonwealth will return this after noon. He will no doubt give our readers an account of his trip next week. Some six or eight of our ex changes have alread' noticed the death of our late young friend J- R. Herring Jr., and in each his life was pointed to as a model and his demise deeply regretted. In this age when so few are endowed with lofty ambitions we have cause for very sincere regret when such a young man as Bob Herring was, descends to the grave. The third quarterly meeting for Scotland Neck Circuit will commence on Thursday-night the 13th of September and will continue from day to day until Tuesday the ISth, including the 3rd Sun day in the month. Rey. D. R. Burton, P. E. of the district, and Rev J. II. Guinn of weldon will be here to assist in the meeting. C. W. Byrd Pastor. You have, no doubt, heard of the seven wonders of the world, but here are seven things of much more importance to one who wants 'to make the mare go ' Success The Wilmington -Weekly Star" is to be enlarged to a thirty-two column paper on t'ae first day of November next. Mr. J. G. Charles has purchased the Tirboro 'Guide from Messrs Willis & Ctke, aad assumes entire control of the pajier. Dossey Battle is still editor. Mr. Editor : I most humbly apologise to ye local editor for uncon sciously disturbing 3'ou while engaged m your laborious work 1 was not aware that your nervous system was so easily shocked, especially by the clarion notes from one of Scotland Neck's most famous musicians, nor that you possessed such musical talent as to observe whether or not a -fiddle' was half tuned when 'Shoo. Fly was successfully pla-ed. My friend, take some nerve tonic, get acclimated, and when at leisure come over and I will give you a Carr load of the sweetest mu sic 3ou ever listened to. P. E. Notice- BY VIRTUE of power in me vested by a decree of the Superior Court for Halifax county, granted in the case of It. M. Johnson and others against John F. Howell, lately pending in said eourt. i shall sell m the town of Scotland Xeek. on the loth day of October next, that land bounded by the lands of J. T. Brink- lev, Windsor Evans and others. ind Personals. Mr. T. J. Sherrotl, of Hamilton, was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. W. II. Willard, of Raleigh, was ii our little city last Wednesday, in the interest of Ins factory. llr. J. C. Randolph left for Rich mond Tuesday morning to be gone a few days. M. G. C. Lamb, of Hamilton, was in town visiting friends (':) Sunday and Monday. He returned Monday. Miss Mattie Parker, of Ilamil ilton was on a visit to our town last week, the guest of Miss Julia Perry. Our -clever merchant, M. Hoff man, Esq., went north Monday, to pur chase his Fall and Winter stock. Will return in alout ten days. We received a very pleasant call on last Saturday from Dr. J. II. White, of Elizabeth City. He is on a visit to his father, near this place. Rev. W. II. Lewis, of Littleton, who was visiting in and around Scotland Neck last week, returned to his charge Friday. Wo had the pleasure of forming his acquaintance, and found him a very pleasant gentleman. PPP P P P P PPP P P P ush, luck, atience, oliteness, r u d e n c e , ersevcra nee, rinters' Ink. We ara reliably informed that . the cotton-picker invented and patented I13- Mr. B. O. Savage, of this community, is proving successful beyond the expec tations of many. We have not had the pleasure of seeing the machine, but are sure of one thing if it is made to pick cotton successfully, Scotland Neck will have a millionaire in the person of Mr. Savage. We understand that he starts for Louisville next Monday to place his nvention on exhibition. Wallace, N. C, Aug. 2Sth, 1S83. Mr. Editob; From the extreme cal orific condition of the atmosphere last week, we are suddenly merged into a cool wave The change is so sudden that bad results are anticipated; at any rate abroad smile can be detected on the mein of our resident physicians, we hope though that their expectations will not be realized. The storm of Saturday night, which ex tended oyer a large area of country, touch ed this place slightly and blessed us with a very good rain. The pic-nic near Mr. D. T. McMillan's known as Duplin's farmers' dinner, was well attend but did not come up to that standard of excellence which was desired by the managers. AVe are told that a crowd of uncivil and hoosierbke fellows from 'Grab All 'and 'Hungry Neck' or some other outlandish place, who make it a point to go to such places to eat other peoples rations and do most of the danc ing, were there in full force, which of course detracted somewhat from the pleasures of the day. The basket jnc-nic to be held at Clem ent's, in this place, next Friday, will no doubt, be a grand success. Will report in our next, Excuse brevity this time for it is very hard to write when von have nothing to write about. Have you ever been in such a strait ? Phil known as the Joe Shields tract, and con taining fifty acres more or less. Terms half cash, balance 111 0 months. Title retained, and bond to carry 8 per cent, interest with good security required for deferred payment. W. II. KITCHIN, Kitchin it Dunn, Com'r. NEWELL'S PHOTO' TENT Attorneys, aug 14 4t Notice. I HAVE QUALIFIED as administrator of Mary Price. Persons holding claims against her are requested to present them to me or to my attorneys, Kitchin & Dunn, on or before Sept. 1st, 1S84, or this notice will be pleaded as a bar to their recover-. C. W. DUNN, Aug 14 4t " Adm'r Mary Price. SEND IN YOUR JOB PRINTING. NOTICE. w E have one hundred ; town sale in this town. Some lots for of them are very desirable. This is a rapidly growing town, and persons wishing to secure good places for residences and bus iness stands, and to make good invest ments, will do well to call on us. KITCHIN A- DUNN. July 5th, 1S82. COME ON WITH THE EuaiO FliriiltuTi d i- Co., New Life is given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from' impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis ease, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq., of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, i83i: Gentlemen : I take pleas ure in stating that 1 have used Brown's Iron Bitters for ma laria and nervous troubles, caused by overwork, with excellent results. Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good: The genuine is made only by the Brown Chemical Co. Baltimore, Md, FURNITURE, Ur;!". CHAIRS. Mrnn,x:.'. HKDDlX'i. CA:i:;t1N; and ri'HobsTr-Ki.Y,- .;oos (F Aid. KINDS. D. I. C. IB an absolute and lrrcslstable cure for COFFINS. f Department is iirst-chiss in vvery ;'cct. " kee p on hand all sizes of talic, in l'10-ie or Knseworid finish. !so soiid V;,h.ut. A fid' line of ehean- r. A cr nauiti-i -tf Scotland Neck, N. C. ienness, Tntcmppranrn and tlm tiso of Opium, To bacco, Kanotics riim Siiimilanw, rt'niuviui; li rasre, desire ana huoit of umh' ui: v of tlican. rou derlnf? the taste or desire for any of them pcrfertlv odious and dispustiiif. Oivinw cvei v one perfect and irresistah!" - ratrolof Ujo.sobi-'ety 01 tlicui selves or their : nils. - ... .. . -. -..j..ii- L.l,vrtl,.ll .(Jill UK'l.tID prostration that T i'owafiieiruwideii brt-akini? oat irom usiutr miiwuts or jw-ushk..- 1 ackape, prepaiti. to cure- 1 to e persons, fl, orl m, your urujiisrs, per nottie. TemperancH socio. :i s should, recommend it.1 It is perfect !yb;-nales(j and licver-failln;,'. Hop Bitters iV'g. Co., Rochester, N. Y. Sole Agents Hop CoiiDrli Curo destroys till pain, loosens the coupli, quiets tU uwvia, produces rest, and aevcr laila lo cure. The Hop Pml for Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, is superior to all others. Ca.'c by absorption. It lb perfect ask dru;:;;ista. The Hon Bit (era Jlfar. Co.. o! RifhKtn. T. Y. these reiiicilifs. also thw I1d Bitters, whit h arv? i it no s)Ub a iieverae or mto-ticani, out the I'urepi ana ittft Altaian Tir made, making more cured than 8 '2 other n mt-iies, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. t-rlrViTr-'-irSPTOffi38Sg NORFOLK COLLEGE FOB YOUNG LADIES Offers more advantages than any other Collejro for yoanjr ladies in tho Sooth. Modern in all its appointments, fine grounds, new and lcgantRnildim1;. Ac. Tnd-r Protest ant influences, bat undenominational. Full collesriate course of studv. Special provisions for best instruction in Music, Art, Ancient and Modern Lantrua-res : conversation in French and German dailv. Three hundred and thir teen Pupili last session. Charges verv low when superior advantages are considered. For catalogue con taining fuJl iaJunnillidii. luldxcsa li, IT. Wyxse, Sxcrsury, or liev. Ii. M. Salauliis, Principal, Nortolk, Va. APTIST 1 CHO W A N r FEMALE INSTITUTE, si r E2 e: b-: s it o , :v. . BABIES E S NOTICE ! 1JERSONS wishing to buy. sell, lease, rent or exchange real estate any where in this vicinity, will do well to communicate with us. Terms moderate. KITCHIN & DUNN, Attorncys-at-Law. Scotland Neck, N. C. Special Business Locals. Joyful News ! ! ! A car load of corn has just Leen received at the Brick Mill. The most attractive place in the town is Peyser's Central Saloon. Every thing is first-class. Something Kev. Call at Pey ser's and sec the latest thing on legs amusing, fascinating aud entertaining. Illustrated Book of Cip-r -Birds mailed for 3 cent stamp, linin Food Co., 237 South Sth St., Philadelphia. J. Nicholls & Bro. have just re ceived a large lot of Fmcy Toilet Soaps. Call and see for yoursii ves. For pure drujrs, and accuracy in compounding prescriptions, go to J. Nicholls & Bro's Drug Store. OniTUAUY. Died on August 12th, in Ilingwood Pattic B. infant daughter of L. D. and Mary B. Johnston. She was a child of uncommon beauty and brightness of in tellect, but, "death loves a shining mark and She is now a blessed angel ; Her home is in the sky ; She shines among those living lights Beneath her maker's e3'e. A freshly gathered lily A bud of early doom Hasbeen transplanted from the earth io bloom beyond the tomb. G E. M. - -PS1, CDS'S WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cont-h Syrup. Tastes good. Use in lime. Sold by druggists. June 29th. 1882. 17 ARM FOR SALE! A o-ood farm of 1S3 acres. One-half cleared, other hall well timbered m cy lircss, oak and pine, with a three-room Irame house ami gouuwenui no..-.-, the healthiest part of Greensville count, Virginia, immediately on the Petersburg & Weldon Railroad, half way between Jarrctt's and Beltield depots. This land has enough timber on it to pay for it, and is well adapted to the growth of cotton and peanuts. Parties wishing to purchase may write to the editor of the Biblical Recorder, Raleigh, N. C. or call on Mr. George II. Bailey, near Beltield (Va.) Possession given'lst January 1SS4. aug lO-Sw We are now prepared to do JOB'PRINTING of One id h? ol'k'-i and If oilVrs facilities ti;i Culture. Clian-'es wry no: FALL SESSION !i l:Uj!" 1 His! i' ii,;it' d an i i'n vsical r.-u.o iio- ;e or iiiionn:i. ion. ilNS ON : i !; - ;i).i-;sDAV. m;ru', En j. Ah; niiKW: Piv dent. W. M. C it U M P ? PUIN OR ORNI AT SHOUT NOTICE, AND AS CHEAP AS THE gALEM ACADEMY, The 80th Annual Session begins Sept. fith. For new catalogue containing Re- miireineiits for Admission. Courses of Study in the several departments, Terms and Expenses, address the Principal, aug 1G lm. i i i i i i i v Main Street, Scotland Neck, K. C. yj i i : i4.m r gg i : n o s - Ml of the Latest Styles with Tinikin. Brewster x, Dexter Sitrin;-; ahy D XTR 5 QUEH FHETOKS LIGHT SPRN3 WlfiOSS, KM WAGONS MR E?r All work Warranted as represented. Price-! as iow as an on naiiM. rs,ac . l l ill I ;i State. Satisfaction (..uaranteeu i at 1 1 o f i : p s " s 5 : i EEt-pniriii?;- Iom- U 3:;il .iii!- SEND TO Ull Ordt . S TO COMMONWEAL T3i 5 Scotland Neck, N. C. BEFORE if 1 iJ U U ii YOU UVV'Aa V 0 0 L UOOio -O 11- 3 SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS . - lie swe U examine the new Cut:ii-;iue of ALFRED' WILLI AI1S & CO. 5 RALEIGH, 1ST. C, Feb. 1. 22- m. IS