THE COMMONWEALTH nmrsdaj, Sept. GEO. M. CAIiK, - Editor. KNTERED AT THE POST OFFICE AT SCOTLAND NEC K, N. C, AS SECOND-CLASS MAIL MATTER. ViiF WK DEiSiKE A C ORRF.SrONDENT IN EVERY SECTION OF OX RCOLNTY, A?1 AVE WOULD RE GLAD TO RECEIVE ANY ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM ANY ONE DISPOSED TO FAVOR t'S. Vol- II. o-1 With this issue the Common wealth enters upon its second year nf publication. As the salutatory of ihe present editor has been so recent lv read, we wmltl deem it a waste of space to occupy another half column in uivini; a prospectus for the ensu ing Suftice it to say that in the future, as in the past, this paper will he devoted to the agricultural, educa tional and general development of the Old North State, this portion especial ly. To the people of Halifax and ad joining count ies we look for our pat ronage, and we promise to publish for t hem a paper that, will do good to t heir own individual interests and help to boost forward the dear old State of which we are all rightly proud. The South has been burdened and cursed with a High TarilF for more than twenty-three years. Is it not high time that the honest and hard working tiller of the soil gets some re lief? The captain of the steamer which was in the strait of Sunda during the recent volcanic eruption, says that ashes fell on the deck of his vessel to the depth of sixteen inches. He es timates that 10,000 lives were lost at Tjiringin and that the total number of persons killed by typhoons and tidal waves amounted to 30,000. VVe notice from one of our ex changes that OTIara, the representa tive elected from this congressional district was recenth entertained in line sVyle at a dinner given by prom-, incut colored citizens in Boston. O'llarais surely one of the head lights of his race as far as brain-power is concerned. The Commonwealth while under its present management, will ever be found fighting that hideous and abom--in.ililc foler mother of monopolies the Republican Tariff which comr j.cis the laboring man in the cotton of the South and in the grain fields of the west to pay an unjust tribute to the few rich manufacturers of Xew England. A liailroad 2000 miles long was u'cenut, limsnevl; and yet as great enterprises are so common and occur so frequently, its completion created j -'"l't"1-1" newsiii uie papers. lWthnul, Oregon is i-ow connected bv a through line from the lakes The second great railway band, the .Northern Pacific Kailroad, stretche ; . 1 1 a i ..--! a.-ioss ine continent and fur nishes rail facilities to Minnesota .)akoia. Montana, Idaho, Washington an.! Oregon. Imini-'rants will "5 iind new territory and our North Western lands will be filled with col onies from tiie Kaster.r States, and from the old country. What a na tioi wil! this be in a few years ! Says the iarboro 'Southerner : One of the crying evils of C towns is the ball pool-playing y hoys. A few of the more respectable saloons and billiard rooms will not allow (toys to play, but in many of the beer saloons where pool tables are kept 'kids' are permitted, and there is no better school for training lip the boy in vice than pool playing Let the Legislature interfere. Very sensible remarks these, and we wish that the saloon keepers would realize the great evils that the Southerner speaks of in allowing kids to be trained up to pool play ing in their saloons. We do not know to whom the 'Southerner's' remarks apply, but we hope they may be heeded in every necessary case. Tut; following from the New York Woild" is too good to go undipped : There is one National Treasury ill t'na m.ul I. ,. J ... i.. -iuiui wnere no stealing goes on, whore the treasurer gives no bond win-ri i 1 , -! 1 i. - mi; mu eiiiinuub vuuii is never locked, where there is neither scan dal mr suspicion. No unaccounta ble packages or funds are ever found lying around loose, no compromises arc over made with thieves ; the par i-y in power lias its honesty proved without oetense ; the party in opposi tion cannot hurl defiance at any one tor robbing the btate. This is the lreasury ot the United States of Columbia. The cable gives us the regular report oi its condition as follows : -Ihore is not a dollar in the lreasury of Columbia." ' The White Republicans have Warmed a Serpent that Stings. It has been said that the Southern people are warm blooded and intol erant. The former is true, and it is attributable to natural causes; the latter is untrue, and the saying is attributable to sectional hate and prejudice. The North, since the war, has arrogated to itself superior wis dom, stperior statesmanship, superior learning, superior manners, and supe rior mur ;ils. Like all the claims of arrogance their claimed excellencies onlv have an existence in the won-: derful self-esteem of its people. We have been lectured upon our morals and manners ; persecuted for our po litical convictions and abused for our ideas of a proper social life. The South was out-numbered upon the battle field, and her people with God-like heroism have endeavored to please the victors. We have been patient, when we were maligned and persecuted ; magnanimous, when we were reviled and traduced ; and gen erous and merciful and kind, when we were slandered, condemned and misrepresented. As an astute lawyer endeavors to engage the attention of the jury and divert it from the weak points in his case, so the Northern politicians and writers have steadily sought to divert the attention of the world from the real issue involved in the war be tween the States and to have it re corded in history that slavery was the cause of the unhappy struggle. And even blatant demagogues, born and reared among U3, succumbing to the evil inspiration of the moment, join in the same hue and cry. The Southern people fought for the right of local self-government that dear est of all rights guaranteed by the constitution. And many were the brave men who never owned a slave who fell a martyr to there principles which ther had imbibed with the milk from their mothers' breast and which grew as they grew and strengthened as they strengthened. If slavery had been the issue, few would have been the battles fought, and long betore the battle of Malvern Hill demonstrated to the world of what stuff the Southern soldier was made, the wounds would have been healed, an 1 many brave men that now sleep Li unmarked graves would be living and pursuing peaceful voca tions. The very wealth that the North has accumulated by an unjust princi ple of taxation the verr wealth that she has extorted from the country in a spirit of greed and avarice, under the guise of a protective tariff has done more to shake Republican In stitutions than even the zealous fa naticism of Northern misrepresenta tion has ever claimed for the South. But t.lirj war has ended. A new gen eration has sprung into beiug. It is time for both sections to forget the past, and we of the South are content to let the unhappy past rest in obliv ion, but the North, as if desirous to ever keep before our eyes the bloody conflict, in a spirit of dictation and haughtiness tells us what our morals are and what they -ought to be whom our associates should be ; i -i i.i wiioiu ve suouiu receive into our homes and around our firesides ; J whom we should wed; what relations we should maintain toward the nero. t teaches by precept, but example is ar from it. It abuses the South for being solid, as if virtue and integrity and dignity of character did not al ways stand solidly together. It abuses us for thinking little of our native born white people who have joined the Republican party, as if it expected any good people to think well of those whom they suspected of being actuated by sordid and mer cenary motives. This last thought brings us to our subject proper. I he Democratic party South is composed of white men. It repre sents the virtue, the intelligence, the true manhood, the wealth, the states mansliip, and the morality of the South. The Republican party South is composed of negroes and a few white men. It represents the ignor ance, the immorality, the unholy am bition of the South. The ignorance of the land is led by white men who for the sake of an office have left us We say this because we don't believe there is a native white Republican in the South to-day from pure and un adulterated principle, and because . 1 1 we never ueara oi one who was not an office holder, acrndidatefor office or who had not held an office. As soon as tliey are turned out of office their flight from the Republican party is n Ke mat oi rats trom a sinking 1 rr. snip, men we can see no grand achievements of this party South, ""it does not cherish one single principle of good that the Democratic prtrtv aoes not advocate and practice, its pretensions arc manifold, but it 1; , . uu iW complishments are few. s ac What is the grand distinguishing diffierence in the two parties South? What is the difference in the respect ive tenets of the two? The most no table difference that we now recall is this: The Democratic party believes in tvlute man supremacy it believes thst white Men were made to rule this country that it is their birth right that the negio race is inferior to the white race. It does not believe that the negro ought to come into our schools ; it does not tolerate matri monial alliances between tiie races. It believes that the negro is incapa ble of self-government. The -Republican party believe in negro suprem acy, for it is composed of negroes. It secretly favors mixed schools ; it be lieves in intermarriages ; it favors social race equality ; it believes in elevating the negro at a grievous ex pense to the white race. It is true the white Re publican sav that there is no such thing as so cial equality enforced ; that a person chooses his associates, but this spe cious argument only serves to ease a sore and troubled conscience. They know that when they place negroes in office above us, they compel us to respect their official positions. They tell you again that tne cardinal vir tue of a white Republican teaches him to ignore the" negro when offices are to be distributed. This is so, but the negro is waking up ; he is de manding office ; he says through the press of his race that the white Re publicans must go ; he says thayou are with him for office's sake alone ; he proposes to take the office awa3r and to test your party fealty ; he abuses you worse than we ever did. Well, white Republican friends, don't abuse Holden too severely. He is only a little in advance of you. You will come soon. He led you in to error, now he is leading you out. Your condition is indeed pitiable. Even the negroes abuse you. Bear the burden with patience. You have warmed a serpent that stings. Some time ago there appeared in the columns of the Commonwealth an article depreciating the intense de sire of our people to become sudden- y rich by fortuitous circumstances. t would surprise us all to know the amount of money annually received br lottery companies from the foolish and unwise all over our land. Young men struggling withpoverty,as well as those in comfortable circumstances, alike expend their spare money with the hope of immediate wealth. They forget the injunction of the wise man to make no haste .to be rich if they would prosper. It is probable that onlv one out of several, thousand get the worth of the money invested. It is hard to oeac a amoier at his own game. We commend to our readers the candid expression and good sense of the Kinstou 'Free Press' in attempt ing to open the eyes of the people by putting this matter in its true light before them : 'Whenever some gambler gets a few hundred dollars from one of the gam bling concerns known as lotteries, every newspaper in the State up holds it through its columns and con gratulates the lucky man, when they should look down on him as a gam bler no better than the man who spends his nights in the gambling dens that infests every town and city. Give things their right name and call such luck, gambling and con demn it accordingly. A Good San Gone. The Rev. Dr. John M P. Atkinson, late President of TIampden Sidney College died Tuesday of last week. He was a very able and devout di vine and a dignified gentleman of the highest order. His declining health necessitated a resignation from the Presidency of the Hampden Sidney about a year ago. The following from the Richmond 'Dispatch' will give an idea of his life and character : Dr. Atkinsou wft the son of Rob ert Atkinson, Esq., of Mansfield, Dinwiddie county, Va., and we s born about the year 1816, His mother's maiden name was Mary Mayo, and he was one of a large family six sons and five daughters, Three of his brothers also embraced the min istry Bisnop Thomas Atkinson of the Episcopal Church, and Rev. Dr. William M. Atkinson, and Rev. Jos. M. Atkinson, D.D., of the Presbyte rian Church. The latter is still alive, and is a highly esteemed pastor in North Carolina. InJune,1861, Dr. Atkinson organized the students of Hampden -Sidney as an infantry company, and being elected their captain, reported to Richmond for ser vice. From Richmond he was sent w.ith his company to West Virginia, and with it taken prisoner at Rich mountain. While awaiting parole in the enemy's camp he frequently dis cussed the causes that led to the war with the superior Federal officers, and was so bold and outspoken as to incur the bitter personal hostility of . ijhvu,l ssoituera anu suuoruinaie r n n i-n.1,-,.4 it- l I i i officers. To seh An extent did this feeling obtain that when he was pa roled two United States officers were sent with him to the Confederate lines to protect him, as they stated, from the Federal sharpshooters. GENERAL NEWS. ...Wil. Star: We learn that Rev. F. W. Eason, recently pastor of the Baptist Church at New Berne, has been called to Jie church atFayette ville whose pastor, Rev. Mr. Ebeltoft, recently resigned. Rev. Mr. Eason, rolr wria liict" nhnn t. tftkincr UD Ms residence at Charleston, was former ly pastor of the church at Fayette- ville and was very popular with his people there and the community gen erally. ...Charlotte Journal-Observer : In E. C. Worthen's machine shop yes terday, while a party of workmen were casting the moulds, a pot filled with molten iron was accidentally overturned, and -a quantity of the burning matter fell upon the foot oi Mr. Harry Plummer, one of the work l3 men As a matter of course, it burn ed through his shoe and into his flesh instantly. A large piece of flesh was burned out of his instep, making a horrible wound. The injured man was taken to his home and medical assistance was summoned. The burn is exceedingly painful, but not dan- a orprnns. Public Tsbt Statement. Washington, Sept. 1. The public debt statement issued to-day shows the decrease of the public debt during the past month to be $6,671,851.71 ; cash in the treasury,$251,503,986.22 ; gold certificates outstanding, ?9o,- 651,980 ; certificates of deposit out standing, $8,299,274; silver certifi cates outstanding, $92,651,981 ; cer tificates of deposit outstanding, $12,- 145,000 ; refunding certificates $334,- 850 ; legal tenders outstanding,$346, 681,016 ; fractional currency $6,997, 796,631 ; decrease since June 30, 1883, $14,572,442.39. ..Raleigh Neivs-Oaserver : On the Raleigh & Gaston train this morning Gov. T. J, Jar vis leaves for Boston, to be present at the grand exhibition there on the 5th inst., when he makes the response to Gov. B. F. Butler's speech of welcome. Gov. Jarvis goes to Norfolk, thence via Old Dominion steamer to Aew York. In that city he will arrive Sunday evening and will stay a day, reaching Boston on Tuesday. At Boston he will be either at the hotel Vendome or the Revere house. He will probably be absent three weeks. Mrs. Jarvis accompanies the Gov ernor, as do also Mrs. 'Stonewall Jackson and her daughter, Miss Julia Jackson. Mr. Montford McGehee, commis sioner of agriculture, leaves to-day for Boston and will be there several weeks. He will havo special charge of the North Carolina exhibition, be ing aided by Dr. C. W. Dabney, Mr Bruner and other gentlemen At 1 :15 this morning fire broke out in tne wooden ouiiding once used as a kitchen at the penitentiary, but late ly in use as a place for making soap The long row of wooden buildings burned fiercely, though there was no breeze, and about one hundred and fifty feet of them were in two hours nothing but ashes. The double-tank Chemical company made extraordina rily quick time to the fire, thanks to the good driving of Sid. Solomons. The citizens were present in con siderable numbers. All worked splen didly. About 150 convicts were turn ed out of the cells to fight the fire They behaved well and worked well The Chemical company checked the fire, which had attacked the old cells used as stables and saved them. The Rescue did not have enough hose to reach the fire by about 200 feet. At 3 :15 the danger was over. The old buildings we're situated 300 feet in the rear of the main buildings. Mr. Hicks desires us to thank spe cially the Chemical company ; also the citizens for their assistance and aid. CELEBRATED IfJ fcferer anfl agne districts, In tropical ana other regions visited by epidemics, ana indeed in all localities where the condi ions' arc unfavorable to health, this fa mous vegetable invigorant aad alterative, Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has been found a potent safegauxd even to feeble contitutiona and fragile frames, While as tcure for indigestion, biliousness and kin red complaints, it is without a rival, fog. sale by all Druggists aad Sealers generally. FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite nreserintin of ono nf thn most noted and successful npcialists in the U. 8. (now retired) for the cure of Xervoua Debility, IjOHt Jlttnhootl. Wrames and Mtrcau. Sent in plainsealed envelopeVee. druggists cau fill it Address DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo SEISM tnA!d2hme Habl ,.can " cured In from 10 iZZJZ V11 Established 10 years, 1,000 cured. Refer to patients In all Darts ot the country. Dr.F.JB. MSQincy.jSiS! Is LUTHER SHELDON, -h SASHES, DOORS AND BLINDS, Mouldings, Brackets, Stair Rails, Newels, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Pat.. Oils, Glass, Putty and BuiWng Material of 'every DescripUon, Nos. 16 W Side Market Sqr. & 49 Roanoke Ave., NORFOLK, Va. mar22 291y. EVANS, BUR WELL TAZEWELL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, &C., GENERAL AGENTS Standard Fertilizer Company, 6, 8 & 10 ROANOKE SQR., - - NORFOLK, Va. mar22 293m SAVAG OTTON FACTORS AND . . i n Water Street, Strictly a Commission Liberal advances on Consignmenon hand., rf ' AnPTMfL nn,1 TTTCS. PEANUT KEEP A FULL SUrii ur . and GKAiiN riiAo. Orders for Standard Fertilizers and Chemicals filled on most favorable terms. Weekly papers wiui muiu - to our CORRESPONDENCE AND M. L. T, DAVIS. KSTAMilSIIED 1865. L. Te DAVIS CO., WHOLESALE G-ROCERS, South East Corner Water and Commercial Streets, Norfolk, Va. s on hand a large Stock of MEATS, FLOUR. FISH and SALT, as well a, Alway: A General Grocery Stock. TAYLOR, ELLIOTT & WAITERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARDWARE GUNS, COB. MAIN STREET & MARKET SQ'R., NORFOLK, VA. -AGENTS FOR HOWE'S S UAL J a W. F. ALLEN. W F ALLEN WHOLESALE GROCERS, 99 Water St. & 18, 22, 26 & 30 Rothery'a Lane NORFOLK, VA. BP FLOUR AND MEATS A SPECIALTY JONES,, LEE & CO., (Successors to Savage, Jones & Lee.) COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 28 Rothery's Warf, NORFOLK Va. EDo exclusively a Commission Business, neither buying nor speculat ing in Cotton. -idFMake Liberal Advances on consignments ordered to be held. SdP Advise shippers of the state of the Market by postal card and a weekly Norfolk paper. KfSolict the patronage of all who desireto entrust their business to a Houseof large means, long experience and established capacity and responsibility. i3v.Vy of YLI, PI-ANT8, for Grain and Farm Seed r uitiirf of OraiiiB. Root ,f ATI-'.M. All are terted: only tne Dest sent out Planting,, etc. only lOctg. several tn iioueand varieties. FKE sTbuy's seeosT H I RAM SIBLEY WAKE Wr ... itia I 3 FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER Ut. FOR CATALOGUES OR PARTICULARS, APPLY ALER IN SON&CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. "XT I r T71 r IT XTn xs vivc v;, . House for the sale of pairons. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. B. D. THOMAS. .7. T. HORUJr. CO., AM. CROP!, for ALli CLI Manual ; History and best methods Croua. Grasses. Fodder Croris. Tree Annval Catalogue and Prict List of POOR SEEDS. & CO. Rochester, N.Y. : Chicago, I :F01?i F.ST CUTLEY & C, Spring and Summer GOODS CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, AT N. B. J0SEY &-C0'S. We have just received our stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Black Buntings, Black Nuns Veiling, Black French Buntings, Black Cashmeres, Silk Suitings, Andll colors of nice Dress Goods. Our stock of White Goods is unusually large. We offer great bargains in White Dress Linens, Linen Lawns, Piques, Dotted Swiss, Nansook, Jaconets, Vic tor, Lawns, Lons dales, &c, &c. Laces, Laces, Ham'ourgs, Insert ings, &c. We propose to suit all in this department. Neck Wear, Ribbons, Kid Gloves a specialty. Keep Cool Fans ! Fans ! ! and Parasols. CORSETS AT ANY PRICE. We offer you Dr. Warner's HEALTH NURSING CORSET. Ladies, Children and Men's Summer Vests. We offer great bargains in EEADY-MADE GLOTHip, and Gents' Furnishing Goods. -A complete line of SSHOEAND MEN'S STRAW HATS. Lies' Msanft Bouts. We are glad to say that Mrs. Perkins, of Baltimore, is with us again this Spring, with a large stock of MIL.LINEHY Latest Styles of HATS, BONN TS AND FANCY GOODS- Orders received by mail or otherwise promptly filled, P rices lower than ever before. New Life ij given by using Brown's Iron Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the system; in the Spring it enriches the blood and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tone to the nerves and digestive organs ; in the Fall it enables the system to stand the shock of sudden changes. In no way can disease be so surely prevented as; by keeping the system in per fect condition. Brown's Iron Bitters ensures per fect health through the changing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consump tion, Kidney and Liver Dis case, &c. H. S. Berlin, Esq.t of the well-known firm of H. S. Berlin & Co., Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washing ton, D. C, writes, Dec. 5th, Centlemm: I take pleas ure in stating that I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for mil iaria and nervous troubles', caused by overwork, tvith excellent results. '-' Beware of imitations Ask for Brown's Iron Bit ters, and insist on having it. Don't be imposed on with something recom mended as "just as good." The genuine is made.only by the B. . Chemical C& cubic wurer ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. OOT.LFAF. W. B. ROYAL If, Chairma of Fac

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