THE COMMONWEALTH. Thursday, Sept, 1883. GEO. M. CARR - - Editor Index to New Advertisements. P. E. Smith Gin Sharpening. M. Yovn, Cut This Out. Klinoer. "Webster & Co. Furniture. Clarke & Jones c?am Tlefined Candy J. E. Bell & Co. Commission Merch ants. Walker & Williams Drus, Paints &c Mud'e, Smith & Co. Flour, Grain c. Gambrill M'f'g. Co. Patapsco Flor--ing Mil's. Cushings & Bailey Publishers and Booksellers. kulel; and r :gulations or Sc'tland Neck Post Office TO TAKE EFFECT SEPT. lst,lSS3 Hamilton Mail clc. " " Northern Mail closes, - G,30 A. M. 7 A. M. Northern Mail opens ,30 P. M. Hamilton Mail opens 0,30 P. M. Money orders issued from 9 A. M. to i P. M. Office opens promptly at GA. M.. closes S P. M. Jno. T. Brinkley, Post Master. Rain fall for the week ending Aug. 25th 1SS3, .20 inches. Highest range of thJbnometer, 92 ; lowest range of thermometer, 70. Local Items. Read ! Read ! our Baltimore advertisements ! Thirty new subs and eleven new advs. in a week. How high vas dat ! Eh ? Ye ecV willbct-w-e-n-t-y-t-h-r-e-e years of age next Sunday, if it.don't rain. A good shower Wednesday laid the dust and refreshed vegetation consid erably. When is a man not a man? When he wont pay his subscription. Now doncher feel bad. The satanic representative of the Commonwealth ever sigheth for Ham ilton. What's the Mattie, Jim? It gives us pain to hear of the illness of Mr. Asa Bishop. Mr. Bishop is in the neighborhood of a hundred years of age. Air. It. C. Jose v. of the firm of Noah Biggs & Co., left this morning for tlie North where he expects to purchase a large stock of goods- We tended the pic-nie at Dup lin Roads in Duplin county last Friday, and by so doing increased the CoMMON "weALTii'ai sub. list twenty-four names, The editor is called to the bed side of his wife in Duplin County, who is quite ill. We offer this as an excuse for any deficiency that may be found- in the local columns of this number. In another column will be found the card of Mr. J. C. Spiers, who desires to inform the public that he is prepared to make contracts for buildings of any description. Mr. Spiers needs no com mendation at our hands-as his reliable ness is well known in this community. At last the rocks have begun to turn ! For several C s past the wheels of the Brick Mill have been stopped ow ing to the scarcity of corn1 No will this be the casi, since Noah longer Biggs A- Pn have iust received a car load of corn. Vine Hill male Academy opened on Monday with twenty-three students ; the female with thirty. This is a good be-'ummg and we hope to see the number thribb.d1 ju tne course of two or three weeks, parents desiring to educate their M not send them to a better preparatory sch.ol- We opent last Thursday evening most delightfully at a sociable at the res idence of Mr. C. T. Lawrence. There were quite a number of J young people present and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. As for ourself well we are just beginning to 'tumble' to the true meening of 'good time' since we haTe cast our lot with the clever people of S. IN The first new bale of cotton "wa9 received in this market to-day (Wednes day). It was sold by Mr. Wm. Hodges and bought py N. Biggs & Co., at 9J cts. per lb. As many of our readers probably know, a silver watch was offered early in Spring by some of our most enterprising merchants for the first bale of cotton this season. Mr. Hodges, of course wins the premium. A more worthy and success ful farmer can not be found . in Halifax county than Mr. Hodges. Personals. N. B. Josey Esq., left last mon day Homing for the North. . W. A. Dunn has gone to Norfolk on a business trip. Will return Friday. Mr. 11. L. White, left for Hor ner's school, Oxford, Monday morning. Miss Bettie Cotten left this (Wednesday) morning for Panacea Springs. -Miss Mattie Nichols left for Salem Monday. She graduates there next June. Messrs Willie Grimes, and Sam. and Willie Kitchin left Monday morning for Wake Forest College. Mr. Jesse. E. Hancock, of Ber tie, and former student at Vine Hill Acad emy, has accepted a clerkship in the store of Mr. F. Stern. We are happy in welcoming our old friend and brother Euzelian, W. C. Allen Esq., as a citizen of our town. He is clerking for the firm of N. B. Josey & Company. -Miss Blanche Baker of Norfolk, is lisiting Mrs. Isaac Smith. l-We were highly pleased to see Mr J. II. Mills, the well known Super intendent of Oxford Orphan JAsylum, in town Monday. t Mr. J. C. Pittman and lady re turned froni the Louisville Exposition Tiesday evening. They are much elated ovir their trip. i-Mr. Herbert Hyman formerly of place but now of Hamilton, was on a visjt to friends and relatives in ims piace last week. Come again. X-C. T. Willis Esq., formerly of theTarboro 'Guide,' now representing J R. r ioimnw. of Portsmouth, was in town Tuesday night. !i,. Walter Burrows and latff of 1A 1 Newberne passed through town Tuesday evening enroute for Bertie county to visit f.'iends and relatiAes. --Mr. Robertson, the clever Gen eral Agent for the Domestic Sewing Ma chine being in town Monday on his an nual round, renewed his advertisement for aqother year. We were delighted to meet Mr J. W Collins, one of Wilmington's, most estimable citizens, in town last Sunday. He came up with his son, Master Robert S., who will pursue his studies at Vine Hill this session. Corrsepondence- Crowell's, N. C. Sept., 4th 1883 DeAR Commonwealth: It is with pleasure that we notice the improvement in your looks, under your new management. All success possible to you ! Mrs.j Annie J. Pope and daughter, of Weldo, who have been spending some time inj our midst, returned yesterday. Miss Annie Tillery, of same place, was the guest of Miss Katie Tillery last week. Miss Ptttie Manning, having spent sev eral weeks with friends and relatives in Rocky Mount and Tarboro, has returned. Masters Henry Futrell and Sam. Grego ry left last Thursday, and Miss Lou. Ran dolph yisterday, for Oxford, the first two to attend Horner's, the latter for O. t . SeminaiV. We miss them 'right much." Cotton lias begun to open largely in some places. ? . C. J. U. j Wallace, N. C, Sep. 3rd 1883. Mr. Editor. Did you eyer see such dry and dusty weather? Perhaps though it is not go bad around Scotland Neck as it is dowi here in old Duplin. Everything is suneriBg lor rain, even tlie wens are drying u$. The fanners are nearly done pulling fodder in 'this section an I are now turn ing their attention to the cotton patches, which are! beginning to put on their man tles of white. The baiet pic-nic at Clement's, in this place, last week was je, grand success. There were at least 800 people m atten dance. Ptsquali's Italhn string band of Wilmington made music for the occasion. Every thing passed off to the entire satis faction of the managers and all present, except that a few representatives from 'Grab All' made themselves sick at the bountiful feast spread about one o'clock. The following business men of Duplin, Onslow ani Sampson counties leave for New York nd Boston this morning to purchase their fall stock and attend, the Boston Exposition : Col. S. B. Taylor, J. E. Pigford, M. T. Horn, A. E. Calwell, A. J. Johnson, Henry Grimes, J. E. Sprunt, Joseph Carroll and Dr. N. E. Armstrong. We hope they may have a pleasant and profitable trip. Prof. S. W. Clement opened his male school at this place this morning. We wish him the patronage he deserves. Saul Wright. Fredericksburg, Texas, Gillespie Co. August 2Cth 18S3 Editor Commoxwcalth : As I am a native of your flourishing little town, strayed . 'way out Here in Western Texas, I will give you a few items about the sheep and cattle interest of this great State. When I came to Tex as, a little over three years ago, the stock business was in its infancy, but in that short time it has grown to be the princi pal industry of the State notwithstand ing the fact that last year Texas raised something over a million bales of cotton. When I came here cattle were only worth from three to ten dollars per head, and dull at those prices, now they are as good as a bank check at from fourteen dlars for yearlings to thirty-five dollars for four year olds, and cows and calves are worth from thirty-five to forty dollars. Lands were then worth from ten to fifty cents per acre for the public domain now the cheapest land the State has for salc is two dollars per acre on thirty yeu'rs time at oner cent, interest, payable annua and from two dollars up to five. Sheep JTe one of the leading industries of the State. A show you how fine sheep are appreciates X enclose a clipping from the Texas 'Wool Grower' o a sale of rams in San Austm a mon u or so a. Mr. Griner bought 29 rams rel"en"y and paid nearly five hundred dollars r one of them. Mr. Cerf is on h; a.. France with 150 more of the same kind of sheep, also twenty thorough bred Ar abian Stallions. lam interested in both sheep and cattle, live one hundred miles trom the railroad and twenty-five from a post office. Still J like ranch life, it is so free, plenty of horses to ride and go and come as you please when you get home you do not have to bother about feeding your horse, simply take the bridle and saddle olrand turn him in a pasture : when you want to go again, go out and rope the hrst horse yon come to. You can't hurt a Texas pony in one day, ride as hard as you please, and at night he is ready to buck with you. Game of all fiumui uera, mena 01 mine went out one night and was gone only an hour and a half and killed three fine deer. Fish are very plentiful in all the streams, but very wary, therefore hard to catch, the water being limestone is as clear as clear crystal and 'the fish can see you before you see them. The climate in the mountains of Western Texas is so delight ful ; never too hot, rarely too cool. We never feed cattle, Summer or Winter, all the trouble we have with them is keeping the screw worms out of them. We herd our sheep in bands of from 1000 to 1500 Our sheep fleeces averaged last Spring 6f pounds and we sold them in San An tonio for 22 cents per pound. This is a grand place for a man who has a few thou sand to start on, but for a poor man to come here with expectations of getting rich in a short time, he will find it an up hill business. But after a man once gets a start in the stock business it is all fair sailing. 'TAK HEEL.' Special Business Locals. Joyful. News ! ! ! A car load of corn has just been received at the Brick Mill. c The most attractive place in the town is Peyser's Central Saloon. Every thing is first-class. Something New. Call at Pey ser's and see the latest thing on legs amusing, fascinating and entertaining. Illustrated Book of Caere Birds mailed for 3 cent stamp. Bird Food Co., 237 South Sth St., Philadelphia. The highest market prices will seed t be paid by Noah Biggs & Co. and lint cotton. for J. Nicholls & Bro. have just re ceived a large lot of Fancy Toilet Soaps Lall and see lor yourselves. .For pure druers, and accuracy in compounding prescriptions, go to J. Nicholls & Bio's Drug Store. 'Tis a conceded fact that the only pure whiskey in town is "Old 9," for sale only at Peyser's Central Saloon. For Sale. Store- and residence on Main Street, in Scotland Neckf N. C. Apply to G. W. Gay, marlo2Btt Sherry Cobblers, Mint Juleps, Port Wine Sangarees, Claret Punches, Stone Fence, Cocktails, Lemonade, &c, at Peyser's. , Positively So. D. Edmondson has just received another car load of Corn at his mill in Greenwood, where he is pre pared to furnish all kinds of mill stuff ow for cash. 2-2 1 N. B. Josey & Co. will soon move to D. Edmondson's New Brick Store and open their large Fall and Win ter fetock ot Goods. t Go to E. H. Hight's barber shop in postof ice building. You'll feel better, ook better, and have a pleasant time at home and elsewhere till you need shaving again. Cheapest Fashion Magazine in the world, 120 large pages, 4 pages new music, 1000 enqrravings each issue. a0 cents per year ; single copies 15 cents. Stbaw- bkidge & ulothier, stn & Market sts., Fhuauelphia. Wallace, N. C. April 20th, '83 My hogs were taken sick witn vomiting with every symptom of Cholera, and I applied to A. H. Morris, of Teachey's, obtained his remedy and gave it accord ing to directions and I will say that my logs all improved, and are doing well, and none of them died. I believe it to be a good remedy for sick hogs. W. JN. Elswoeth, IIEI, August 26th 1883, at the residence of her father, in Scotland Neck, N. C. after a protracted illness, Isadell Ballard, aged seven years and two months. She was a bright and promising child, comely in person ami engag ing in manners. Her death i a sad affliction to her parents and many ardent friends, who have the sympa thy of a large circle. But the loving Savior said : "Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid the not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven and he has taken her from ''the evil to come." Mav this blessed assurance lead the fond pareuts to surrender her to the arms of ihe Savior, for his bless ingis paradise. And since she can no more come to them, may the' so live that when their probation ends they may go to her. "Thf Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." H. NOTICE. fhe undersigned having bought proper- ty elsewhere; the irm of Biggs Owens, by mutual consent, propose to close their business at Palmyra, N. C. on the first day of January 1884. Thei stock now consist of a good assortment of gen eral merchandise, which will be sold off 'till January 1st at extremely low figures and the excellent store house and lot will for sale or rent. The undersigned having conducted the business for the last seven years-would say to any one wishing to engage in the -l XI A- i .1 mercantile Dusiness mat owing to ine many large Shingle Swamps now in op eration m ine vacinity wnose nanas are paid a large amount of- money every month, the cheap water transportation and other causes, Palmyra is one of the best places for a successful business on the Roanoke. Also for sale or rent a very convenient family home, consistinir of a cottage dwelling of five room and all nec- essarv OUt houses, a POOd enrden im nrrtv, 1 7 - C3 O - fm vd clover lot &c, all in good repair. The 0. oi uooas can oe Dougnt very low. anAth bouse can be rented or bought . terms. Property subject to ,nHoi:.'1orresPonde.nce solicitecLand communications -----r--j 1 nnctvarpd Annlv to either Vtcmucr 01 M,e llam- Apply to either & OWENS, ? . Palmyra N. C. rag-9-6 . - N )Oi&ruof) 0 SuipioooB auop ?jom. JlV 0 K 'Hoax OKYHODS New Advertisements. First Class Restaurant- IKU?A FIRST-CLASS RESTAU rant at my old stand on Main St., near the Brick Mill. Lodging can also be had. Meals at all hours. The best the market affords will be given you served up as well as in any. similar house in North Carolina, and at as reasonable rates. Beef, Fish, Oysters, &c, always on hand at the lowest figures. Meals may also be had at all hours at my other stand, first door South of K. Alsbrook's. I cordially invite and ask the patronage of the people. Will guarantee satisfac tion. JACOB D. HILL. Feb. 8, 23 tf. Executrix's Notice HAVING QUALIFIED AS EXECU trix of the last will and testament of William E. Williams, deceased, all per sons indebted to his estate will please come forward and settle, and those hold ing claims against the estate are notified to present them for payment before the 10th day of August, 1884, or this notice will be plead in bar of their payment. FRANCES WILLI A Mis. S. S. Alsoh. Att'y. Executrix. Enfield, N. C. Aug. 1, 9 H o iIOt.i:itA! Farmers', save your hogs by using Morris' Vegetable Compound. This wonderful remedy Svas discovered in the forests of Eastern North Carolina. For sale by Bryan & Whitehead, Scotland JNeck , s. s. Nash ic Uo., larooro Brown & Simmons, Weldon. N. C, and by all druggists. aug 16 3m D UPLIN ROAD HIGH SCHOOL.. This school opens annually on the first Monday in September, and closes on the last Friday of May. Tuition $25 per session. Board, including washing, lights and fuel. $8 00 per month. The cheapest male school m North Carolina. For further particulars apply to S. W. CLEMENT, Principal, Wallace, Duplin county, N. C. aug l(j 4t M US1C SCHOOL ! Miss Kate Fenner respectfully nounces that she will commence Music School September 3d. Will teach either at the homes of pils or her own residence. Terms $15 per 20 weeks, aug 10 4t an her pu- Notice- I HAVE QUALIFIED as executor of P. II. Whitmore. Peisons having claims against him are notified to present them to me or my attorneysf Kitchin & Dunn, on or before Sept. 1st, 1884, or this notice will be used as a bar to recov ery. Persons indebted to the estate must make early payment, or action will be taken against them. R. II. SMITH. Jr. Executor P. H. Whitmore. Aug. 14, 1883. 4t Notice- I HAVE QUALIFIED as administrator J of H. F. Ware. Persons having claims against him are notified to present them to me or to my attorneys, Kitchin & Dunn, by the 1st day of September, 18S4. or this notice will be used as a bar to their recovery. C . W . D UNN, A ug 14 4t Adm'r II. F. Ware. Notice- BY VIRTUE of power in me vested by a decree of the Superior Court for Halifax county, granted in the case of R. M. Johnson and others against John F. Howell, lately pending in said oourt, I shall sell in the town of Scotland Neck, on the lath day of October next, that land bounded by the lands of J. T. Brink ley, Windsor Evans and others, and known as the Joe Shields tract, and con taining fifty acres more or less. Terms half cash, balance in G months. Title retained, and bond to carry 8 per cent, interest with good security required for deferred payment. Wr H. KITCHIN, Kitchin & Dunn, Com'r. Attorneys, aug 14 4t Notice. IH AVE QUALIFIED as administrator of Mary Price. Persons holding claims against her are requested to present them to me or to my attorneys, Kitchin & Dunn, on or before Sept. 1st, 1884, or this notice will be pleaded as a bar to their recovery. C. W. DUNN, Aug 14 4t Adm'r Mary Price. SEND IN YOUR JOB PRINTING. NOTICE. WE have one hundred town lots for sale in this town. Some of them are very desirable. This is a rapidly- growing town, and persons wishing to secure good places lor resiuences ana bus iness stands, and to make good invest ments, will do well to call on us. IVlTUii l.N & DUJNiN. July nth, 1S82. NOTICE ! PERSONS wishing to buy. sell, lease, rent or exchange real estate any where in this vicinity, will do well to communicate with us. figy Terms moderate. KITCHIN & DUNN, Attorneys-at-Law Scotland Neck, IN. U June 29th. 1882. JP ARM FOR SALE ! A eood farm of 183 acres. One-half cleared, other half well timbered in cy press, oak and pine, with a three-room f. ' 1 1 . 11 . p . frame house ana goou wen 01 water, in the healthiest part of Greensville county, Virginia, immediately on the Petersburg & Weldon Railrond, half way between Jarrett's and Bel field depots. This land has enough timber on it to pay for it, and is well adapted to the growth of cotton and peanuts. Parties wishing to purchase may write to the editor ot the Biblical Recorder, Raleigh, N. C, or call on Mr. George II Bailey, near Belfield (Va.) Possession given 1st January 1884. aug 10-8w gALEM ACADEMY, SALEM, C. The 80th Annual Session begins Sept. F or new catalogue containing Ke- quireTnents for Admission, Courses of OtUQy 111 uic ucpaiuucuu, J. CI 1113 and Expenses, address the Principal. au61g lm. Scotland Neck Ilusiness Jl tu. J . G. CLARKE. n. R. JONES, W. H. JONES. CALRKE.& JONES, MANTJFACTUReRS OF mil :miti cwy AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CRACKERS, SEGARS &c. NO. 15 LIGHT ST., Cor. GERMAN BATIMORE, Mr. JOHN E. BELL. CECIL C. BUCKMAN. J.E.BELL &CO ANli WHOLKSALE FIMHT& lISOIl! i: 1A 1?UN No.s. 4 - 6 .;,' J "'id), BALTIMORE. MD. S)0t i:il attention i:iviMi to tl alo of Southern Fruit and VeoHhi,lv;s. and Orders solhdtel for SKID PO TATOES, Apples, Potatoes, Cnions. Oranges, Lemons &e. 'J Gin Klipper. Webster & Co- wholesale AND RETAIL FURNITURE, No. 7 South Calvekt St., BALTIMORE, MD. lyr Notice. Cotton Glnners. To Having procured the right for Halifax County, to use Wood's patent GIN SAW FILER, I am prepared to whet gins at short notice for ten cents per saw. Also to repair Gins in every respect, when sent to my shop in Scotland Neck. Sept. 6th 1883 P. E. SMITH. JfOW IS THE TIMK To have your pictures made while you have the opportunity to have them made well. We are prepared to do iirst-class work in Tin-Types, Photographs, Porce lain and Penellographs. Copying and enlarging a specialty. Give us a trial. Respectfully, NEWELL & WEST. Scotland Neck, July 31, 1883. xoTic:. Branson's N. C, Directory, 17th year of Pub , cation. Gth Edition, will soon be issue d. The only reliable Di rectory of the State ever published. Price $5.00. Order of L. BRANSON, Raleigh, N. C. A NEW INVENTION. I PROCURED a patent the 9th Jan., for my Machine to measure Cotton Bagging and Carpeting, which the owners of gins, and retail merchants need to save labor and do away with the trouble of rolling the bagging on on tiie muddy streets, and the carpets on the dirty floor. With this machine you can measure 100 yards within five minutes' time. A boy seven years old can execute the work easily. From the present prospect, mil lions will be sold South. Otters have been made for the patent right, and to give enterprising men an op portunity to purchase, I will leave the sale open for other bidders 90 days . 100 or more testiminials can be given that the measurine is done accurately. For particulars, address J. C. WILLIAMS. Scotland Neck, N. C. Feb. 22, 1883, 26 6m. HAVE AH HIVED, AT NEWELL'S PHOTO' TEN T. COME ON -WITH THE- BABIES. REINFORCE PATAPSCO FLOURING M'LS PATENT ROLLER-FLOUR. PATENT CAGAM BRILL ' kCJL6ANBRIU.MFG.C0, . A, JMITIMOItE.y- w 'Extra .WARRANTED 'WARRANTED LCA.GAMBRILLMF6.CIK G.K.6AMBR1UMF61C0 k A BaulMORE. .( , . AHDIMDRC. J 'iiMunMTi 114 n h WARRANTED A Bsi'!r,"'Li'lFSi?: ASK YOUR GROCER FOR THE ABOVE WELL KNOWN BRANDS. This Companv owns and o ertitos Tinvo Mi Ik-, a fallow- : PATAPSCO MILL A at Kill. !t. Vitv, Md. PATAPSCO MILL 11 at U.-iltimorp. Md. PATAPSCO MILL C at Orau Grovo, Md. hatvins a daily capacity of 1500 Barrells. R&U3SIE ROLLER EKffRK Manufactured from Maryland and Virginia vho:i', i-elobr:ilo 1 for its purity and richness ot" Gluten, Phosphates an I other nutricious Properties. 9 Cm DR. V. A. WALK Kit DEALERS IX xi wmwm mm m r OTJXER WATER ST. & UOAN )KE SQR. NORFOLK. VA. 0 lyr MUDGE, SMITH & CO., FLOUR, GRA TA 1 ? I'll OD UCK COMMISSION NO. 53 SOUTH ST., 9 lm. ,r O H o BAPTIST FEMALE INSTITUTE, ji ',i v ii v. a: One of tlie ol L't ul It offers facilities unsurpassed in i Culture. Charges very moderate. FALL SESSION' HEIilN.S For catalogue i- informal ion, a l I A use. 2-2iii W. M. CRUMP! "M-nin Street. - - ii a s ' Atu k i: se or OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, All of the Latest Styles with Timkin. Hrcwster A Defter Springs always on i hand aii oi me i,a UVH1 cpoKR WAGONS. FARM WAGONS CARTS. &C SBf All wort? Warranted as represented. Prices as low as can 1 found in the State. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PATRO.E SOLICITWJ. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SCHOOL UNDAY SCHOOL BOOK Be sure to examine the new Catalogue of ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., RALEIGH, JN. V' Feb. 1, 22 3m. Ml 'AT MF6.C0. Family WARRANTED I C.A.GAMBRILLI a. uaiiiaar m m m v ssy 49a: warranted.' kCA.GAMBRIUNK.HV MW 1 X Extra J 1 WAKHANTED CJLG AMBRtLL MFG.C07 CAjGAMBRILL MF60J Baltimore Gr. A. G-AMBRILL M'F'G-- CO.. Ao. :t ( niimcr ( Si m I MSAIriHORR. I. X. WILLIAMS. M ANTS 1 JL w an y zt o c: o . lu'st equipped institutions in North Caroiin;. Sl ue for Moral. Mental and Physical OX WEDNESDAY. OCTOB EH J. It UREA' Eli. Presidi-uf.. Scotland Neck, N Si-. -O R . c. BOOKS f