fcnumea.u of her sister Htates aml! The Mormons nave w . , - I f vpt Wn Lad. though all the sgns liUJ'l"-u" somo honest democrat who .mi " in i in-:"-. " - N. B. JOSEY & CO., ! in ii in 1 n niw m . iilimiiiiww1i1: . pmiUAJNJNlUUNCEMKv TH K I'M U KM. ! GUtoc tl.eal acrtvly at vror.no - v - nth. 'nt toward such an cud. K peace laborer foe our &!de last year. - A JihJL ! rZ tnod The great j i-,g Utah with ignorant viU tu 0. a , there are pri ; Too often: do p:UW men rT ;:;.;.. t . 07 0 Mir af- ,a"ta ... from Europe and Amcr.ca, u ,.,.,! last, fail VvoJi.a fW.:.'..;,. ..I... .... CK Aac;Hicj,A5 Mail Mwieh. vor&rdy 30. If pes-i fcisy hve bv . ." -Rares la'div years and in the mean lime j pursue "their own. course because they -f-T fi the;terntor7 th tueir lti f ,;li3U Lior. aad I?'u35?P.n Bear j Joa outlook out for gain. And .Wcnviliv E.rxon.j ; l-ted to in-U final tcst wLleh decide : .nr confines -er Jhli . .. f 'ine ew ioik wiuo . Uu. - aad Territores and whether the control 01 Aia eaau w ; iuesuoi.iioijg wiiuptM-uuugeineoi. u'siTrr I edition now amounts to over 150,00, vftje ether Slates am J j , tle han,i3 uf enlightened England ! upon the present Adfrtiaistration. e. coPieS.Qi Tu-iti- -seals caV " Iterprise. The barlr.oku Kvtai W5tllOUt loct-cn. , ,rtf 3 Uralk eonc.d th Euia has act- ;n:r?ud yviil he tisfctoiy to the Take UaBe sure to get hcne.l, j f-" i f! l?" 'ly at OzibJo 1 a Ul, rweive pArt in this real-1 .llgwump, and etill be not sotes faithful democvau, then Knn. j icorctaan 0,0. action, o u,cv esccn. Uer and that Errand h.,s acted a ',able as to nake democrats lcSve the Every true publican espsctsthis. J'.encucg to tue fnr.u. uuaa, . - , Slates ! tcoi, detnw:;d, peace loving.thoo. i iirty. They scea to forget that tle - i r i ' . . - . r- iti l: v - ; ! i n P oOEXER MAIN & 10TH STREETS, SCOTLAND livery Siciiin pu2 ueuccrau isandts thlJ. tiii3. schange sys that more delud-1 d ii-eatcn dealb to ail officers oi jed North Caroaat. negroes are going jlUg Gosrcnnnent that shall attempt to v Liberia. They seem to consider j tho sc0,inc?rCh who are living ; ihrt a glorious i-2nd V7here they can j ojCn aisreguarJ of decency ad in lent. drkJ-h sleek and be merry.; violation of a Uw of Kf tlie nadersigned, having unit- j ffijrn they get lo Mcon"re9 It ill be inU-resticg to ea as joit stock holder, have o e,, for la lid My ilnd out too late J . j, wiU come of ail thi3.- Chased THU Uiauu:., u.m n.; """it!. olaee the pap.er a solKl oas,3 wn a capital ste. k sr.tikent to insure iti I Tl.rt'r.jli.rrns cl' V.'akc counfv who onuoie the stock lav had a bi'jr meet ii Leal asd uLccon-.. I ara uret prindpl c-d to bo defended ing part. England desires peae. and ?reat U.4;s to be done by the permanency. We do u imoug! patriotic principles, being interred in the town and oominuuity ami in iLe reat cruse of democracy as well. And we take tlii-s meaiu of assuring the public Uuit this paper shall con tinue whi-ther it is soli'-MUstaining or not. But it i3 well kuowu to the pub lic that no paper cm be successful without the hea ty cooperation and steady support of the. people. Every Loiuiaanity oug!it to be and is able to sustain a fir3t-ciaa ucw-paper ; and t he ocuiiuuiiiiy that fails to do this is rightly considered bchiiid tlie limes iiud w.iiti.iu'T in euterjuise. If (he pa per should fail to be self-sustaining, it will iucur loss both lo the stock holders and editor. V.'e, therefore, appeal to our friends and the public generally to give their Enpport.und this-? aid us in the ccntin uanee of this eritf-rprise so needful tc lit? roruiuunif y. We assure the public that they need n-.t hraitale to patronise the pa per cither in subscriptions or adver iitn, for it f-hali not be allowed to suspend to the disadvantage of sub sciibera and advertisers. The polities of the paper is outlin ed in aiH.liur column, concerning wLioh we &!1 agve1. We again ask the public to aid us in establishing in our midst a firnt-clas paper, and we 'niSdent!y believe that Ihey will do to, In. B. Jo.-j v &Co. F., Ih llri.LIARD. Yr. H. KiTCiiiK. W. A. Dckj. nj-L-.i .mi ...i.'-i , -j .... , , , i note ,at there too they b?& i'ebJ U,30r SJcr dv. Work earns the h1r every- on where. Waks Forest College. iuzir. Raleigh last week. They adopt ed resolutions, one of which is as fol- lONVd i 2. That Si law-abiding citizens we counsel obedience to law ; we never theless call upon all pe men to nuiie and by such lawful mc RS arc left to' the people, attempt at ,cas to protect ourselves, our -neighbors aJu our posterity- IVorn such unholy inva sions of our lime honored rights aad privileges. The Representatives of 'Oiorthcru Civikaiion" who delight to sneer at "youthcru Lav.'leou3?," had belter put up sLutler over their own glass window:i. The telegrams within the past week tola of the capture of four members of the Pennsylvania Legis lature ia a low gambling house : the arrest of neveral members of Illinois ! Legislature for rowdjisra, and as- . . sault, while on the excursion to New Some of our exchanges think that j Orleans : the arrest of a son of the -ur. uayura 13 .osmg popularity. c :Xew York Secretary of Stale for hope not. Peace across the sea. (Mini lot te has had a big dynamite -xplosiun. The Democrats will not be satis tied if the Republican officials in the South are retained in cilice. At the rate they are being turned out it would take eight or ten years to clear the deck. We do not know that it is possible to do the work faster, but we do know what was paid in the Int caiGpaiin find what Southern . , . 'y muasium Democrats expect and have a pc-ricet - right to exf?t if the Administra- tion does the beV it can in driving from oflice Republoac pfEcials then no complaint can be made 3 justice. But the South has borne much tnd The prosperity of Wake Forest Colli"0- is a source of pride no less than pleasure Id & Xortil Carolin ians who are interested ;,i the tlcvel" opment of our educational ja-'it0-tions, and who see in the growth of our colleges an index of a strong in clination among young men to lit themselves at ail points for the race of life that lies before them. The "Langea made at Wake Forest Col ..vr, -u:hig tlie last decade have ots worthy, and the' are democrat v demand3 and let republi cans and mugwumps howl to their fill. Th Adai'nistrauen. oeen very l all in the right reel ion. Availiug . e lind in the I , 1 1! William E. Gladstone, the groat ? democracy waomer any repuuueau -jr Piime Minister of England is a pure, j mugwump in the land is satisfied or ceacc loving patriot. II- kr.ows th: j not. We sy to all that Mr, Clevc J liocda cfE.Uuid, h. Imd should htw to vhe line which the ktott-s how and v, hen to strike, and when he once believes it hia duly tf plunge England into war, Russia ! will feel her own inferiority and, we j believe, will withdraw from As'a aKj together. tVar now-a-days is hiuribie. T;:o engines op war are destructive. A Splendid pe.-s4-0-cc' E.ist week in the presence of a d;siinguie'ed company a memorial of tlie pCf'-Xir Alien To? was u fi ve iied in the Metropolitan Mussum of Art, Incw York. The occasion Las served to revive the controversy as to the great pcet's manner of liv ing and Lne manner of his death. An autograph letter from him written r ihorfc time before his (Jth, repudi ate with warmth the charge that 1st ta aillictod with imtemperate habits "I assure yo, my dear s-ir," he writes, "n tL? honor of a gentleman that nothing st ronger tni: water has Jn 9f Recorder, it may be noted tlm 'ie course of study comprises eight schools, and instruction i3 imparted by a learned and progressive facult-. Students have the advantages of a well conducted 'reading room" an ex cellent library end a well equipped i he reaumg room is large and comfortably furnished. The best periodicals in the United States are found on its tables. The library contains more than 8,000 well selec ted books. The gymnasium has ail ; variance with tha fuc-ts. Tuis seem? passed my lips for many ye v-orrohoralion of this we hive the sol emn assurance of the venerable Dr, John J. Moran, in whose arms Poo died, that the statement that he dice ia ft drunken stupor or at-ail under alcoholic i':---ce is directly at thf onrdiannca neeessarv for oh v si- borne it for a Ion -2, loner time. It i( " . , , . . Vi , . , . t.r.i r-'ercises and development, ihe "n ihly sick" of Rad cahm. It h -1'- . 4 j two literary cvtinto tvnai m looks to the Administration eiec as Democratic to give it deliverance and at the earliest possible day. St.ir. r rrr la this country, i.jso oi any college and the Wale Forest Study1- Pu5)w very strong testimony ; but if Edgar Alien Poe was as he himeh'deolared a maligned man, the victim of veno mous enemies, we fear that tls false impression !& too di-eply srt in the ""lllc Hiind ever to be eradicated. lished by the societies, is pronoun- i , by competent critics one of the best It is imp;,";1-Ie to associate the college periodicals published in the name of the lamented poet vnth any ITnitfd Ktatns. Hr.re. t.hpn wf have i mode of living but that of a Ctltsed an institution which furnishes ad mirable training in every depart ment, and whose good work is always seen at her commencements, for no boy3 makes a better appearance on commencement days than thos3 of Wake Forest. Neiva- Observe!'. Kleptomania. 'Various indeed have been the nu merous comments upon the work of the Administration, ail ahmg the lists of the democratic party from Maine to California. While we do not care toydraw a distinctionbetween the supporters of the Administration and thosv ho slightly differ, we would yet ssy that it is rather strange that the so-called "grumbling" i from democratic States for the most part. If men would follow - leaders eves shut and with never a then and Vance be followed? Where can you show three truer democrats or or more trustworthy leaders? JNbt all the good democrats worship the gourde of our President and his lieu tenants, Ifecan read aright and understand what w ? sec in me papers ' wehave lng been convince dthatsuCj' men as the three named above r;nd ARE DAILY 'KEOEIVIWG SPR1I 1 H GOOD CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS, ITE OOTS, S ARB WA & 2 HA is a OB OW WARE, FURNITURE EDDSNQ, HEAVY tt P ft v N with eves shut and with never a I- ; .Mfai oaurtothe,rIrtjoCER IES IN EVERT V Umf-'i as lo svh.it woisia be exaoily conect, -..-.vM j. - why cannot Blackburn, Beck TEN THOUSAND YAKD3 DRESS GOODS, SUMMER CASHMERES IN ALL COLORS A1'L OF EVERY STILE, papers Idee the U. t?. Dtmouxit f,nd the Star to say not.hing of ,md!ei men and papers, by the thousand, would not hold and so plainly ex press their opiniou-J unless (hry wtr. baed on roaioaaaud principle which; SILK & WORTFAD PL A IDs; PF.ATV slavc of strong drij'.k and opium It is impossible to pit in th? face ef history by supposing that all his con temporary writers could have been either deceived in tbe man, or parties ho a villainous conspiracy to blacken his character.. The judgement cf hiitory is apt to he t rue. Po-i was brave aad yenerous. Despite the sneers of the would-be ( tutored and reOni-d an i possessed of knowing, the disease of kleptomania : thootin"1 another : The breaking noen I has an existence. It is usually exhib JO o , of two jails by mobs of Lynchers ; i ted by persons who have no motive the murder of two express messen-j to steal. Sometimes there exists in gcra by train robbers; the outraging j the mind of the sufferer the delusion of a young girl at a public ball in that what he steals is his own prop- Mr. John S. Long's Memorial Ad- iew f'-y a PiJCe omcer ioar ai-hl" imo "cv" owlcu dressatWihninotonisa-rand pro-lsniciics m oue city in one single j and that he merely reclaims bis own. duetion. Vir-inlahasnorainh- or-,la' etc" -Farmer and Jlhcca; Sometimes he imagines that Provi- .'c. Idcnce orders hira to steal. The case It appears that tho great Illinois humbug is about lo cease and a re publican senator will be the result. Postmasters are being changed at Ready. is recorded of a Scotch clergymau, ! distinguished for his learning, piety, i he rate of 100 a day. Pretty good Why is if that papers cannot act Ud charity ; he stole Bibles with a for Vila's, but it will lake along time! with consistency? The Wadesboro j special view to the glory of God by lo do t hi ood work at that rate. i InteUifjenceryZnd we believe it to be as the propagation of the Gospel. II is j true, as bold and a outspoken as any ! manse was & attic "missionary soci paper in t his Stale, thinks that the iety of stolen EibleS' and he was as Cupt. Sam Ashe.odilor of the Kews-Observe-, has been appointed post master at Raleigh. An honor deserv ed. Ife was ike choice of the citizens. Tlie Clinton Caucasian says if s lat ectnameis Gaucassia:n. Our latest name is Cimmon'jceal'h. Of course any body can look at the loo of cur State Press should have denounced social equality as was once practic ed at Weldon, It has been slopped. But why did not papers whhh cer tainly knew of that state of affairs open their batteries against it? The Lildiigencer published the editorial first page3.and never miss our names. I ? uie 'ockat styia, "An lu suit, r-n i .j;-- J Deep and btingni?." Our State reeds T lie United Stales and Canada lose yearly over one hundred million dol- lars worth of property. This is a great loss. We 'suppose a large per cent, of this' is caused by the incendiary. The United States Democrat with Brick Pomeroy rm its editor. U cer tainly a bold and outspoken demo cratic weekly. It ' takes the rbdn view of civil service reform. Such a paper deserves success. Why is it that most of our ex--hanges have in eyery issue some thing about U. S. Graat. mncli about him, and nothing about other men whom we are sure the people would rather learn about. How Jeff Davis? A woman's suffrage bill bus been killed by a large majority in lassachusctta. Jlassa chnsotts is that highly educated ."State She has killed this bill several times since 18(15. But the advocates of the bill briug it up every year. Tho vote was Ul in favor of the bill and 130 against it. They still have hope. We are afraid that a few of tho 3adie3 ol Massachusetts will have U wait a few year3 before they can lawfully cast heir voter;. They'll wait. p-pc-rs all over it, that are not gov erned by fears but express their own thoughts without fear or compromise Wc believe this is one sad deficiency in the Prcs3. Cholera Rivaled- much in earnest in the t aversion ol soula by the contraband proct as thei in thc "aJ's of Lis youth. -Falcon. t of "rest strength and beauty-. In the respect! of briliisct. fancy and originality his coir.?osi- are not easily set aside. Madam Rumor says that some of those who are eecon d in of.h.-e s.'uly to Mr. Cleveland jiie r.G f.ltogelhf r sat-j-tied -with the acts oK tho Adminis triicios. It is aUo tU -3 ? t lliat dif ferences ; eiw?eii . :rtiun Chbinet of ficers whhj'i sire to vn:. as to wf.rYun th.: 3.:;:a;: tr.;l th-': present st of Ca-bln-il cili-jsrs vs iH v.i long remain tluit soaie will resign , We do not know the history c-f ?dr. Eus tis but we think he has been unjustly & DOri'i) v.- I . T HkT : . -r . . ' uu i & UNS VEILING OF ALL COLORS a , SHKPUERD PLAIDS, MOHAIR GLACE, AUSTR '" H r MOSSSKLINK, RAYEE. ENGLISH BEIGIL PLAIN, riuuu.i; b t-. E i la U CK.E RS , ETC. censared cxprcssm: o: lnions which are not discarded by all of the pure and ' true supporters cf Mr Cleveland in the last campaign. We see it stated in a Lo?t reliable ex change th it Ike rate at u re- wsi-' tions are indisputably at the head of: publicans hsve been amoved so far, it will tr.'i'i eight years to clean out the fdthy A-:gcr.ii stablsa. Perhaps if American literature. Their strange beauty stands out as a 'Ihiug by itself, the like of which ka i not before been known, something to j she ha?,Ui ; romipsa rew rd ;1vies not our couctry u;3 no Hercules and 7 love and to worship, but to copj which would be a profanation. Yet Poe the gifted, brilliant writer whoi,e plaintive veises touch the chord of human passion and sympathy, was certainly Poe, the confirmed sot, who deliberately plunged into the wildest exercises, making his life one burden of sorrow, dying heart broken and al most friendless, an eld, decrepit man Yellow fever and the cholera have long been dreaded as contagious dis eases. Smallpox alone has pretend ed to rivnl these as an epidemic. There i3 an epidemic at Plymouth. Pennsylvania, which ia causing as great consternation as any of the fore going. A body of Philadelphia physicians'- Lave pronounced it typhoid fever. They say that the germs of the disease found their way into the wa ter of the town. And thev think the i disease will not be confined to Ply month. People dying by the dozen. Constantly are people warned to take all possible precautions against sick ness. Impure water perhaps causes more sickness aaiong human beings than any other thing. It conveys many of the Lilliputa hostile to health into the human system. We can not be too careful in defending ourselves from such horrible scourages. The summer is upon U3. Take care. Take cat p. . most cnthosiastic foreigh missionaTv could be in his calling. He was at last detected in wholesale Bible-stealing, It was farther discovered that be had orgauized a wide missionary district, and left a Bible or a testa ment at every cottage where it was needed along the route. When ar rested, he could not be persuaded that he had done wrong, declaring he had obeyed the will of Providence. There is this peculiarity sometimes in the case of klcptomanics, that their purloining is confined to single arti cles. 'Ihe case is reported of a lady who could net resist the temptation to steal silk stockings. Another Isdv would steal gloves whenever the op portunity was afforded. More curious than all, a wealthy English baronet had a mania for collecting pieces of old iron and broken crockery. JL.es otnger. Peace. Is it Profitable? A few weeks ago it seemed that a struggle between the English nation and the Russian was inevitable. All Europe seemed to think so. Amer ica thought so, even ..so much that business men all over our land made their calculations for this year upon such consideration. Home of our State papers came out and advised the farmers to plant certain things, feeling sure that the wcr would briug those things ia great demand, 'sow these hopes, it appears, have been This is a question that is not easi ly decided. Wili certain thing be a benefit for the present, Tr Will something else be a greater benefit in the future? Prudence advises us to pursue that course which will in the long run be to our advantage, though it may be through thorns and thistles in the present. Bat men, un able to deny themselves and obey prudence, sacrifice certain happiness of the future to pett y temporal whims. Profit to men may be of many differ ent kinds. It may conzc in the shape of money by far the most desirable to the average man or it may result in mental happiness. At this dsy every thing it seems has its price. Yes everything i3 bought and sold. Friendship, goodwill, self respect, politics, suffrage, public opinion and it seems ail can go for a. price. The mugwumps had a price. They it seems from the general turn cf affairs left the g- o. p. in hope that when the change came they would get of fice. Whether thr-y a-jted their part for this consideration or not, they have been paid in such currency. Why certainly the mugwumps r-.nst be satisfied! Why, didn't they give New York to the democrats? Who would be President to-dsy if the mug wumps had not sprung up? Etc., etc. Yes give them all their wishes I Ab surd it 13 to pay attention to the 1 -:ia-..iuie to warrant the grecttiot e;Jbi ts The Administration has gradually improved since that heroic appoint ment was made postmaster of New York but even since then a republi can has once in a while been the lucky man, and for mugwumps to get ofliCts seems as easy as for demo crats and, we might add, a little eas ier. Thi3 seems to be a wayward Ad ministration. It wanders off from the old democratic paths, then returns with repentance and "that is an ex ceptionable case." The mugwump is but little less than the red hot Blaine .-publican. Let him take a back seat. FIFTY-FIVE HUNDHSD YAHD3 WHITE GOODS, NAINSOOKS-PLAIN, CHECKED AND KTTHlTrh VfCI fNDIA AND LTNEN LAWNS: END FA MFN Ku vW. PLAIN, CHECKED, CORDED. STRIPED AND V.Y.mvA PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS u EL STRIPED PIQUES. TWELVE HOT THOUSAND FIVE YARDS OF pt? t tND IIAM1JURGS, CREAM AND BLACK SPAXB& EN TAL, VALENCIENNE, CLUNY, AMERICAN, VENICE BIU NOTICE. 33 YEARS AT THE BUSINESS. Look to your interest and don't be DECi:iyD. NEW MAN but an OLD BUSI NESS. R. B. Pierce can be found at Mr. P. E. Smith's shop where he has a Good Stock of the best Material whieh he wiil make up in Buggies, Wsgons, Carts, &c. at short notice and offer the . most reasoable Terms. Horse Shoeing a SPECIALTY. Call and see me, it will be to your Interest, Respectfully, R. B. PIERCE. T k -r-v-r-w-... iAUUSS' PARASOLS AND I BRELLAS AKD mtY oLS. C''0B !?'"0M FRTT CE:;TS T SK f v,TPEJltVE TnE UP'G!SI STCK OF-JERS1E3 EVES EI-OWSl M At UAi X DENNIS & HORN blasted, and "Blessed Peace" will tnn,!ro,, T...t . , , , S" oust turn out every re- aAamruie. A goal settlement, with- publican officer in North Carolia :o: unci isnr?nos Keep constantly on ! Wagons, Carls &c., which th.ev v. ill sell cheap for Cash, or on time to re sponsible parties. We are thankful to our friends for past f&vors and hope a continuance of tho same DENNIS & HORN. Enfield, N. C. W. IX. KITCHIN. W. A. DUNN, KITCHIN & DUNN ATTOKSEYS & COTJNSELXOES AT LAW Scotland Neck, N. C. COffice on 10th Street, first door above Maim MILLINERY! MILLINERY! MILL' WE HAVE IN ADDITION TO OCfi GENERAL STOCK OF MEfJ Rl -fcCTAL- DEPARTMENT DEVOTED EX0LUS1VFLY T' -l HAVING PROCURED THE SERVICES OP MISS BURNT.TT& '; MOKE, A LADY OP MUCH EXPERIENCE AND GOOD TA- A jtaAftuu IN ASSURING THE PUBLIC THAT IN THIS V'i L HAVE BUT FEW EQUALS AND NO SUPERIORS WHHI 1B OPnrrppsTnnvifip .1 - vvuiiuuiiauu, - 1 iru l reA mirn ur mnio t,. . ....rrrtl P'' J "HAiiouumx.Kx xino uiLfiVitTiMJSJAT FIVE 11 Uviu . tJ Auusy JWLSL1JN UiSDEKW ARE, WHICH WE ARE QLV1' BALTIMORE COST. ALL ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY AND FAlTB&ll ECUTED, XL.