THEDEMOCRAT. XT. II. KITCHIN, - Proprietor. Thursday. July 3, 1885. Here and Hereabouts. Ham! Rain! Runaways are becoming less frequent now. Why can not Scotland Neck have a Bank? The 1'lant says crops are good in its .section. Over the country the corn crop seems to be a little short. Mr Willie White, who has been s; in Palmyra, is well. -Mr. Walter Dunn is sick .g ing chills and fever. Pamlico Enter that section r Mr 01 vacci- jjrise says the crops in -re sorry. W. H. Smith and Family are at ;n Alpine for the summer. Mr. E. B. Higgs is still sick, we hope Jic will be up in a lew days, Mrs. Carey J osey is still confined to Jierroom witn sickness. Mrs. L. W. Basle y is visiting her sis ter Mrs. N. B. Josey. The Smith field Herald says the corn crop is short in that section. Rev. Mr. Dowsll attended the Baptist Union meeting at Littleton. Eev. P. D. Geld was in town Tues day at Mr. J. C. Pittman's. Mr. Bryant ant Lady, of Hamilton passed through Scotland Neck Monday alternoon on their way home. Last week Mr. la. J. Deberry lost, by death, a good horse valued at 150. Mr. W. T. Whirhead left, for Rich mond Monday morning. Mr. Baird's famity left Saturday for Petersburg for a visit with relatives. ElMahdi is dead, lie died of the small pox. He should have been nated. Mr. Balfour Dunn was taken quite sick last Thursday morning but he is quite well now. "The melon crop of this section is al most a complete failure." ' Tarboro Southerner. Mr. and Mrs. J' C. Pittman and rs Knffin Vinvp rfitiirnoil frnm Springs. Capt. Shotwell, ofRlcigh? is about to determine to keep tho name Farmer and Mechanic to hi pper, The WihrJington Eerie says light ning last w-ee demolished the storehouse of Mr. cxair, of Laurel Hill. -Messrs. Lee Dunn and Claud vithin who went to Littleton last week through the country have returned. The Goldsboro Argus tells of a stone to go in the Bank Building there which it cost fifty dollars t get on the cars. There is said to be a baby twelve months old in Rockingham county that weighs over 100 lbs. Western Tribune. Messrs. Henry Futrell. Charlton Pope, Albert Pope aad Asa Pope attend the meeting of the Baptists at Littleton last week. The Warren-ton Gazette is thirteen 3'ears old. It is a weekly newspaper of merit and may it live many more 'thir teen years."' The Gold Leaf says that though the season is dry and unfavorable still the to- Mrs. J. C. Randolph and Misses Lulu Randolph and Pattie Cotten and Mr. J. H. Lewis and Lady attended the Bap tist Union meeting held last week in Lit tleton. Prof. F. P. nobaood, of Oxford, spent Tuesday in town. ne came from the Littleton meeting. It is well known that Oxford Female Seminary under his control, is one of the best schools for young ladies in the South. We understand that 0t .r 0 . .wn; urip and that Capt. -To irAf l i """" W ; , A, it the continue me ousmcss -name place. Weather Report for week ending 11th, 18S5. Highest Thermometer 95 degrees. Lowest ' 72 " - Amount of rain fall 1.70 inches. For the last ten days the Mercury ranged from 1)0 to 95 except on the and 24th. . llerrine &, Cotten. Ilassai'd-Short and Mr. July has 23d Panacea Prof. E. E. Hilliard, who has been in the mountains and at his home during this much of the summer has .returned looking as well as ever. ' Our readers re member well his Black mountain letters We hope he will give an account of his time since he left the mountains to our readers. Last Monday just before sunset we had a big rain, but we noticed and called me attention oi several getnlcmen to it that it was raining heavily on the west of the town and also on the east at the same time and not a bit along Main St. It seemed that this street divided the cloud for it was raining considerably on both sides. Scotland Neck can almost he called a Summer Resort and if judged by the health of the community, it can be. Mr. Adams has moved his family to town for the summer, so has Mr. Brown, As we said in last issue Mrs. Dr. Thomp son and her charming daughter, from New Orleans will spend part of the sum mer here. W e learn also that Mr. But tcrworth and several others have engaged rooms for the summer. I Miss Maud Grimmer, of Gilmer, Texas, who has been in this place a few months making Mr. D. Edmondson's her home. lu,3 returned. We hope her a hap py tr'ip. Miss Maud has won the esteem of all whom she has met while here and all who know her sincerely regret her de parture, and while away in another state she will doubtless remember many hap py hours spent in our town, and our peo ple will remember her charming face and graceful manners with pleasure. No one else ever has enjoyed so universal friend ship and esteem. This place was once her home, her, family having moved to Texas several years ago when she was quite young. A Supper. Last Thursday night the young la dies and young gentlemen of Scotland Neck were invited over to Mrs. W. D. Joyner's to an Ice Cream supper com plimentary to Miss Maud Grimmer, of Gilmer, Texas. Something was said of dancing but after getting there, and knowing for a certainty that Miss Maud was going to leave so soon, no one felt like dancing. For an Ice Cream sup per it could not have been better. The table was fixed with taste. But how could it have been otherwise, with such a charming young lady at the head. No doubt the one the supper was compli mentary to enjoyed it. She seemed to. No doubt she dreaded bidding Miss Bet- Tacco breaks are heavy and pi ices are j tie good-bye. But the best of friends satisfactory. Wc have had plenty of rain now, and crops are booming. A good cotton crop is hoped for while the corn crop it is thought will be shoit. Mr. Brown and family, of Tarboro, have moTcd to Scotland Neck. Mr. Brown lost his store in the big fire a Tarboro last winter. Wh' do not the business men of our town take steps for a bank? If they will start it we will venture that capitalists from cities will gladly take stock in it. Joe Pugh. colored, was tried Mon day before Justice White for stealing a beef two years ago from Mr. Howard. He was bound over for next court. Mr. Jake Higgs. who has been in Greenville about two years is at his home. He came on account of Mr. E. B. Higg's sickness. We were glad to see him. The following frm Scotland Neck at tended the LTnion Meeting at Littleton; Rev. J. D. Hufham, Messrs. S. W. Ed wards, R. R. Owens. B. D. Gray, W. H Kitchin. Noah Biggs and Miss Annie Biggs. Mr. A. C. Peterson went to Wilming ton last week for a little rest, while there he helped kill a shark which weighed four hundred pounds. Now he has returned and his partner Mr. A. S. Peterson is down on the seacoast. Such is the excellence of the growing crops that no two mn meet these days without discussing them. The only com plaint is the corn and the gardens need rain. They say it is hot weather. Clay ton Bud. Last week Willis Bradley shot at Mr. Fed Whitehead. Bradley had been cut ting up right disgrace fully and this fact was at the bottom of the shooting. We learn that part of Mr. Whitehead's whis kers were singed by the firing of the pistol. It was a harrow escape. Brad Jey, it is thought has left the county. "I here by Give Notice To the Public that I am prepared, to Doe any Man's sick horse Good If not cure him. I all so offer my service, as being A Horse Doctor, and also for snake Bites. I warrent and Garantee to cure any snake Bite provid ing I can get to the patient in 24 hours af ter beneing BitUn on human or Dum boast any one should want my Services """iU find me Liveing ia the Town of Rox tel tf. c." The above is a notice placed in a pub lic place by an Ml D. in an adjoining coun ty. A gentleman handed this to us, he seized it. . must part sooner or later. The Ice Cream supper will long .be remembered, also the complimented one. 1 heard that night expressions of sorrow uttered by sincere and truthful lips ; sorrow that none but friends can express. We know not of a young lady that has ever visited Scotland Neck, and leaving, left so many friends.; Everybody seems to regret her departure so soon. We hope she has had a pleasant trip. We know she has made it pleasant every where she has been Now, we must with sorrow bid her good-bye, hoping her a safe and pleasant trip to her home, Gilmer, Texas. ... .- e itesire a correspondent ar ey ery postoffice around liere, at "Wil liamstou, Hamilton, Palmyra, Til- lery or Crowells, Whitakers, Enfield, Halifax, Roxobel and other places. We would like to have weekly let ters Horn these and otherplaces. The Democrat is a newspaper and therefore we want all our readers to be posted on the news from these different places. We want a regu lar correspondent from each place, one who will send us a letter every Saturday this is the day for com munications of any kind to come. We have plenty of space now, and let the letters come. We desire to know of the health, the crops, the visitors, &c, of every community, and any strange thing or rare occur rence &c, &c. !News letters should be short always. Now we would like to have some young man for this. We must know the names ot our correspondents. Though they can either sign their real names or fictitious ones. M ;- NEXT FAIR, j We are' in receipt of a copy of the pre mium list and regulation- of the twenty fifth annual fair of the North Carolina State Agricultural Society, to be held at Raleigh October 12-17 inclusive". The whole number of premiums offered is 724, aggregating over $6,000, divided into fifty-four classes. Some of the more im portant premiums are as follows: Cotton Aggregate cash premiums $180, to which arc added special premi ums amounting to $197, making cotton premiums $377, ' t V ' -. Tobacco Cash premiums $225, special for tobacco $50; also two gold medals and four diplomas, WHEAT--Oash premiums $85; special $7.00. For corn, oats, rye; rice, field peas, ground peas, hay, garden crops, &c, &c, the premiums range from $25 to $100 each. : ; Cattle In this departmeut the pre miums are especially liberal," amounting to $1,014, divided among the breeds of Jerseys, Guerneys, Devons, Ayrshires, Short Horns, Holstcins and Grades or Natives. ; Horses The premiums in this depart ment are also very handsome, aggrega ting $5g5. This does not include the amount offered for trials of speed. Sheet,Swine,&c. In this department the premiums are also liberal, and will no doubt insure a good exhibit in these departments. Poultry In this department the pre miums are quite liberal, aggregating over $150. In the departments of Orchard Pro ducts, Pantry supplies, Sbc, &c. the pre miums are good. WV note butter4 to which have been added some special pres miums for second aud third best. In the department for manufactures, we note liberal cash premiums. Good cash premiums are offered for carriages, buggies, cabinet work, leather, textiles, carpentry, &c, also gold medals for best displays of carriages and for best display of farm wagons, In the department for ladies' work the cash premiums are quite good, as also those for the department of fine arts. Under the heading of "Special Prem iums" following are noted specially: For the best oil painting, subject to be North Carolina scenery, picture to be not less tlian 24xoG inches, open to all artists, $50; in addition to which the successful com petitor will be presented with a hand some picture frame, made to correspond with painting, value $15. For best water color painting, any subject. $25. For best crayon drawing, any subject uy a srirl under 14 years of age $15. For the best crayon drawing, any subject or any pupil in any school in North Carolina the map drawn to be of the county of which the teacher or pupil is a resident, and on m a scale of one inch to the mile, a copy of Webster's unabridged diction ary, value $13. donated by G. & C. Mer riam, publishers, Springfield, Mass' These premiums will attract the atten tion of our female schools, and a lively competition may be expected. Under the machinery head, premiums as usual are very good. We note for the best display of agricultural implements $50 and diploma. In the department of Trials of Speed, a number of provisions have been iuserted, which will guard that department from some of the impositions heretofore prac ticed; and under the judicious manage ment of the gentlemen who have this de partment in charge we may expect some specially fine racing , without the attend ing objections that have at some former fairs prevailed. Take it all in all, it is an admirabla ar ranged premium list, and one that we be lieve will meet with almost universal en dorsement. Persons wishing a copy of the premium list can obtain it by writing to the Secre tary of the Society at Raleigh. I HAVE fitted up a nice place between my shop and Allsbreok's- saloon for. the purpose of keeping Ice. I will always have a supply on hand, and will sell at all timesj in such- quantities as the pur chaser may desire, from one pound up, and as cheap as any ice dealer in town. soliciting your patronage, I will always try to retain your confidence ; by; giving good weight, and a superior quality of ice. Give me your patronage. J uly 20, 1$85. D. WHITEHEAD. ; I have just received a nice lot of Ladies' nnc dress goods. w . II Kitchin. The Stern. cheapest cash store in town F. Buy 'Best in the World' flour at N. B. Josey & Ce!3. ? ' Buy your goods cheap for cash at F. Sterns. Fine Farm for sale, situated two miles faom the town of Scotland Neck. Con tains four hundred acres Seventy acres cleared, remainder in woods easy to clear. Good hoUsef good Water, fine young or, chard Terms one fifth cash balance on long time. For full particulars apply to Noah Biggs. Bargains in Millinery!!! Miss Burnette is now offering her entire stock of Millinery at very reduced rates. Call and see her at N. 13. Josey & Co's while she has a nice assortment from which to select Highest market price paid for Hides at Sterns. I ; 48oo yards of Calico just received at W. H, Kitchin "s The best and largest stcck of gents straw hats in town at JN. B. Josey & Uos. Call at Stern's and see offered at Stern's. Near Cherryville, i:i Lincoln Coun ty, a few days ago, Mr. Chas. Beam had the. misfortune' to' get his house burned and'jnany valuables destroyed The loss amounted to about $900. Editors, as a general thing are not easily " killed out ." The profession, which is attended with hard living and great tribulations, makes them able to overcome the dosing of the average physician.---Kerwsville News, When a boy has new clothes he is afraid to meet his companions for fear of being Ridiculed. But when a girl steps out in new garments' she makes it a point to go where her ac quaintances may see and envy her. Wilson Mirror. It is reported that during the storm on Wednesday night, the light ning struck a tree, some two miles from Apex, under which Albert Mer ritt and another colored man were seated, instantly killing the former and stunning the latter. Neios Observer. MISCELLANEOUS. STOP HERE BEAD THIS NOW! some Bargains A good supply, ofseed rye on hand aad for. sale by J. II. Lawrence. Rev. Mr. Hilton preached at Ham ilton Sunday.he returned to Scotland Neck Tuesday. We are sorry to hear that Dr. Batts of Edgecombe county is dead, and also the wife of Mr. Joseph Savage, of Tarboro. On a certain iarm near town it is a daily sight during the working days to see an old colored woman plowing a steer. The steer is very combative and therefore the old wo man turns a cotton basket over his head and fastens it to his collar ... .. t. 1 in whih consists ot several oiu news naners. socks, pants and a piece of bagging. Rev. Mr. Enbank's, of Georgia preached at Kehukee Tuesday morning- The Recorder has it -'Prof. .J". M. Hilliard of Vine Hill Academy." The Scotland Neck Democrat and the Wilson Advance are'having quite a spirited, but friendly controversy in regard to th old Jacksonian Dem ocratic policy To the victor's bes long the spoils. lhis was taught us some years ago by the Rads., whei we were kicked out of the postofhee at Harrellsville, and a miserable, un principled negro appointed over us and like most things learned young, it is lasting and unchanging. The Dem ocrat is right. We have advocated since the electinof Cleveland a clean sweep and we shall never be satisfied until the Democrats inherit the land which they have so long and so nob ly fought for. Albermarle Enquirer. OF Wise folks before our day have said COMPETITION IS THE LIFE TRADE, The proverb is old, but ever new, And but proveft it still is true. All goods are made to sell, But how to buy, please learn as well. Come buy of me, you'll have no loss. And hnd 1 am still of trade, the BOSS. Take care of the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves, and right here I beg leave to state that a visit to my store and inquiry into my prices will con vrace you ot the lact that no where else can you save as many cents in one dol- lars's worth of trade. CLOTHING! CLOTHING FOR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS & CHILDREN, which I will sell at a very low price. SHOES NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -SUBSCRIBE FOR THE I have the largest stock ever brought to Scotland Neck. A large assortment of the celebrated Ziegler Brothers' shoes I also Keep a large assortment ot HATS, CAPS TRUNKS, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CARO U LIN A. Six new Professors have recently been added to the Facully, making a total of seventeen instructors. All the uourses of Study have been enlarjred and strength ened. Post-graduate instruction is offered in every department. The next session begins August 27. Entrance examina tions August 27, 2S, 29. fc or catalogue containing information in regard to tuition, board, terms of ad mission, &c, apply to UUJN. MMP, P. BATTLE. LL. D., President, Chapel Hill, N. C. V INE HILL MALE ACADEMY, OF Scotland Neck, N. C. FALL SESSION BEGINS 31st AUGUST. We shall make every possible efFort to have a better school in every particular than we have ever had. W e have reasons for congratulations in the work done last year, our patronage having been bcN ter and more regular, and consequently more and better work done. Board will be reduced to the lowest possible rates, and nothing will be left undone to make ours one of the best schools of the kind in the country. Correspondence solicited. Write for catalogue or particnlars to E. E. HILLIARD, Princh'AU OOK HERE ! STOP J ! 100 Heifers Wanted from 0110 to three years old. Also, 10!) Steers from one to three years old. All persons wishing to sell will please call on W. II. KITCHIN. Scotland Neck, N. C. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR THE PEOPLE. DRY GOODS, VALISES DEM OCRAT. $1.50 A YEAR. A Weekly that is just what its NOTICE. We, the undersigned, as stockholders in t.h Democrat 9tock comoanv. formed February 19, 1885, and under name implies. Situated in the health- whicb name The Democrat has been s Our rates for advertising are very lib eral, which will be made known on ap plication. Home Items. published ever since, have sold the pntire stock, with claims for and against the Democrat, to W. H. Kitchin, who was one of the original stock holders. "The Democrat, therefore, is no longer under our control as a company, but under his individually, and we hereby signify our withdrawal from the company throush his purchase The Democrat. We heartily recommend the paper to the public bespeaking for it that prestige, which is due its able man agement and editorial ability. fi. E. IIlLLIARI, N.B. Josey & Co. Noah Biggs, W. A, Dunn. Raving sold my interest in the Democrat Stock Company, as an nounced in a card elsewhere, I sever my connection with this issue, as manager of The Democrat. E. E. IIlLLIARF. J and a great many other articles too nu merous to mention. 1 also call the attens tion of COUNTRY MERCHANTS to the fact that I can sell them go ds cheaper than they can buy them in .North ern markets. Give me a call, examine my stock and be convinced, as it costs you notmng 10 iook. M. HOFFMAN & CO. Cor. 12th and Main Sts., Scotland Neck. -AND- G-eneral Merchandise, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AT STARTLING LOW PRICES. " Beware of- any paper handed you on the street. It is a petition asking you to help uniform the 23 base ball teams in this town. Washington Gazette. The All Right Self Feed Cutter is well made, simple, durable, and not liable to get out of order. It is all right. For sale by J. II. Lawrence. Last Tuesday afternoon the light ning struck Mr. J. P. Savage's house iu Greenwood and did considerable damage though it hurt no person. It knocked the plastering off, ruined a tohio it tore to oieces one corner of the house. The lightning struck the ximeovpniiKtMr. Bumess' house and f.uix iVnl - much damage. - No one was there at the time. 1000 WINTER CABBAGE Plants for sale bv J. Y. SAVAGE. FOR SALE my two year old Jersey Bull "Emulation,, his color steel gray. He has been pronounced -by competent judges, by men who have attended the the cattle shows in this state to be the finest bull in this state. I have shis full pedigree Call and See him. NOAH BIGGS. DONT FORGET that I deliver Ice on Sundays from 8 to 9 o'clock a. m. only. G. W. BRYAN, Milk, Claret, and Whisky Punches, Mint Juleps, Sherry Cobblers, Lemonade, &c, &c., at K. Alsbrook's. Little Cooke beats the town making them, lry one. The Monarch Grain and Seed Fan and Bugger. Call and see it. For sale by J. II. Lawrence. ; The 'All Right' Self Feed Cutter. The best in use. For sale by J. II. Lawrence. Try a bbl. Stern's roller patent Hour, Finest wines brandies whiskeys at Har ris' that can oe louna anywnere. jrive him a call and satisfy yourself. N. B. Josey & Co have a large and well selected -stock of Lawns' Which they are selling cheaper than before: Prices from acts up. Now is the time to buy Bargains at Sterns. I have in store a cargo of Ice. Will deliver in town daily, except Sundays. Special Contracts made for large, quanti ties, , . , ! ... U. W. Bryan,. Bring your Beeswax to Stern's. Sangarees Juleps Cold Tce LEMONADE, all in the best style,. - ; : Ladies remember that N. B. Josey & Co's is the place to buy your dress goods white goods Lawns etc. Car load of cook stoves just received at Stern's. ! n x We still have a large and1 handsome stock of white goods which we are now offering very small profit N, B. Josey & Co. To get the Best and Cheapest Flour, the best Plowt the best Corn, Meal and the best leather -collars in the market, go to W. II. Kitchiua j Everything sold cheap at Stern's, During a thunder storm on Friday night, July 10th, Washington Scarbo rough and wife, of Big Kinnekeet, were struck by lightning aud instant ly killed. It seems that they with their children, two of whom occupied the same bed with them had retired to rest for the night, and were wrap ped in sleep when the lightening struck the end of the house and pass, eddown killing father and mother instantaneously, and leaving the chil dren uuhurt. In the morning when the lifeless bodies were discovered by the neighbors, the mother was holding the youngest child, a mere baby, in loving embrace. Death had sum moned the mother to the other shore without waking the child. Husband an! wife were buried together, both tfiA same coffin. Thev can. had trod the path of life together and both been summoned to appear before the Omnipotent at I the same instant. As iu life so in death they were not seotirated. Mr. Scarbor ousrh was about 35 years of age, and a member of the Kinnekeet Life-Saving Station. He leaves five children alf under twelve years of age, almost entirely unprovided for. E. City Falcon. . : Messrs, J. N. Maffitt and J. A. Corbett were fishing outside in a pi lot boat, three or four miles from the rocks, yesterday, when they discover ed a large shark. Thev commenced firing upon the monster with a rifle and suceeded in killing him upoa the twelfth charge. Upon examination he was found to be what is known as a tiger shark a, native of the coast . of oouth America. , . His sharkship was ten feet long and five feet in circum ference, and weighed four hundred pounds. It took the united strength of five men; to get him into a , boat. ' The Passport brought up the vict ors and the vanquished yesterday afternoon. We learn that the shark will be skinned and his hide tanned. Star. iest section of our State. Scotland Neck is acknowledged to be the Gar den Spot of Eastern North Carolina, long noted for its high social, moral, intellectual and religious parts. A rich cotton, corn and general farm ing country surrounds it. The DEMO CR A T proposes to give this section and its people a fair showing to others, to lay open to the public its merits. We propose also to be democratic in all our opinions and we shall fear lessly express them. Wc shall E. B. HIGGS & CO., IS THE PLACE FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, : NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, &c. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Groceries, Hardware, Crockery &c. Por to llinrt Molasses a soecialty. w c guar antee satisfaction to all who favor us with their patronage. E. B. HIGGS &CO., General Merchants. Scotland Neck, N. C. C. T. LAWRENCE. Who is located 4 miles from Scotland Neck and one mile of Spring Hill, in Hal ifax county, is now more than ever, pre pared to oner extra inducements to the public in the mercantile line. Everything sold guaranteed as represented and the most liberal terms offered to the purchas ing public. Don't think of going else where until you have called at his store and seen for yourself that he can beat the world selling goods for the least pos sible margin. The people generally are invited to call and see him. I have in connection with my store a Grist Mill for the accommoda tion of the public, which will grind on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Also, in season, I will Gin Cotton for the 25th. Your patronage is respectfully so licited. C. T. LAWRENCE. EDMONDSON & JOSEY DEALERS IN N OTICE ! NOTICE ! Wovinir rmalitied as executor of the last will and testament of Nancy Strick land, deceased, before the Probate Court for Halifax county, I hereby notify all holdiner claims airainst the estate of my testatrix to present them to me duly proved on or before the 20th day of J uly, 188G. All persons indebted will please make payment. This July 20th, 1885. JOHN L. WHITEHEAD, Executor. THE GREAT FAMILY PAPER IS THE NEW WEEKLY DISPATCH. -UPHOLD THE RIGHT- with all our might. We belong to no clique, nor clan. We are the people's paper, and shall honestly represent their views, their wishes, and their sentiments as far as we Economy is the corner-stone ef National Prosperity. We oppose such things as the Blair Bill, the manner of collecting Internal Rev enue, Protective Tariff Bills, useless public expense. Corruption, Free Tuition at our University, &c. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DEMOCRAT and learn all about it, its views, this section &c, and see if 3rou do not find us an outspoken, fear- OXLY $1 PER YEAR. Eiht Pages of Solid Reading Matter less, Democratic, weekly newspaper. J Scotland Neck, N. C- Keep Constantly on Hand and Re ceiving Daily Dry Goods, Notions, Clothiag, Boots, Shoes. Hats, Hard- ware, mieenswarc, rurniture ana thousands of other articles too nu merous to mention. Ladies' Novelty Folding Work Table. The Household Sewing Machine, which is Light Running aud Easy Motioned and Makes less Noise than other Machines. Miles Hand Made1 Shoes a Spe cialty. DEALERS IN STANDARD FERTIL IZERS. We have a very fine Licensed Hall with nice stage &c. Seating capacity six hundred. D. EDMONDSON, Runs a Grist Mill daily at Greenwood. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. ADVERTISE IN T1IE- Tbe drought has injured all the crops, even the fruit, T. R. Talker -TRY US.- THE BEST PAPER IN THE SOUTH. The Richmond Weekly Dispatch. hnnnr nnblished in eieht Dase form. It is just double its former size, and rontains about iixty-four columns of solid reading matter. The subscription price remains the same one dollar per annum. It is pur intention to make the Weekly nianatfif?more than ever a first-class mr home and farmers' oaoer. It will con tain each week complete market reports, the latest news, foreign and domestic, State and city, together with interesting miscellany, embracing special features in the farmers' department, household matters, ladies' fashions, an interesting story, and the like. In a word, it is our aim "never to let well enough alone. The paper will be improved in mattea and typographical appearance just as in size. Above all, the Dispatch promises to de fend in the future the fair name of Vir ginia and champion the cause of righ. lor ner peopie as ib u one the past- Daily ?r..00. per yc week l.yu.per year, auuiw PfSPATCH,' Richmond, Va. DEMOCRAT 1,000 CIRCULATION, AND RAPIDLY INCREASING. If you wish to increase your business, you can find no bettor medium than this journal. If you wish to purchase anything, you should let the people know it through these columns. ; - "i you wish to sell anything make it known through the columns of the DEMOCRAT, -TRY -IT.

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