V i' iv r it t T f b 1 - 1 ' ah 1 i i HVXTIXG HER MOTHER, f a Connecticut girl's story about HER 3IISSIXG PARENTS. A New Haven (Conn.) specia. savs; 'lwenty years ago ou Waterbury's society belles visitea Governor's Island. Sbe was young , f nnrl not without taieut. o.U . llictui) ... . C . d,Ai,ul suitors without ai.cruurj - it. inland 1T1(1 number, and upon among her many admirers was a Lieutenant Palmer, fresh irom mi four year's study at West Point. He was a dashing young officer, and the two frequently met. They danced together and were happy. Their acquaintance ripenea iuw and from friendship inxP !ve One bright morning the bell in the little hnnpl was rune and a mama,.. re was " r O - a solemmzea. iuu um.ie ni bury's belle and the groom was Lieu tenant Palmer. After a honeymoon trip of some few months tbe young soldier returned to his garrison and. his wife to her friends in Waterbury. There she was visited frequently by her husband, and his face and figure became familiar in Waterbury streets. Mrs. Palmer lived at the house of a friend, a Mrs. Phillips, who has since moved to New York. About s months after the marriage there was a sudden falling off the young soldier's visits.Weeks passed by arid the Lieutenant failed to put in an appearance in Waterbury. His wife waited in vain for his coming. As the weeks and moaths passed her repeated disappointments told upon her strength, her health gave away, and she seemed to lose ground stead ily until a daughter was born to her The child was something to live for, and Mrs. Palmer gained in strength tvPTV dav. She heard nothing: from her husband, but she was not unhap py. Her daughter seemed to fill the vacant luot his absence created in her heart. But a time came when Mrs. Pal trier had reason to complain of her state. Every day she lived her stock of the world's goods became smaller. What to do with her child she knew iiot; She made plan after plaDj but east them aside as impracticable and foolish. At last she struck upon huppy expedient. She had always had a taste for the stage, and why hot now turn her talent to account.? Leaving her little child in the care of George Todd, a man living at that lime iu YVolcott, she started for New York to seek employment. There she met with more trouble and disap- poTntment. Too proud to stoop to menial work, she was about to start for home a broken-hearted and dis. appointed girl when she chanced to toeet an old friend. To him she con fided her trouble. With him she again made a tour of the theatres, yd was this time more fortunate. She secured an engagement and went to work with a will. Her sal tafywas small, and she could do lit tiefor her child. Mr. Todd cared lor it as he would have for one of his own. Years passed by and Mrs. Palmer did not appear to claim her daughter. Eight years ago Mr. Todd and his family moved to West Haven, where they livo in a cottage on Brown street. Jeunie Palmer, then a bright little school-girl, , moved there with iiim. Up to last summer she was one of the family . She came to New ilaveu, wuere she secured employ ment iu one of tue large stores. This suimmr she is a bookkeeper for F. Lucas, proprietor of the Lucas House, W est Haven, but has begun ats tempting to find her mother, telling the story that is recorded here, but aa yet has been unsuccessful. . She is a slender girl, with clearcut leas tures and dark eyes aud hair. X. An Enterprising, Sellable House. K. T. Whitehead & Co., can always be relied upon, not only to carry m stock the best of everything, but to secure tbe Agency lor such articles as have well known merit, and are popular with the people, theieby sustaining the reputation oi uemg always enterprising, ana ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and every aifection of Throat, Lungs, ana ihest, and to show our confidence, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bot tie Free. VERY REMARKABLE RECOVERY Mr. Geo. V. Willine, of Manchester. Mich., writes: "My wife has been almost helpless for five years, so helpless that sne couia not turn over m bed alone. She used two bottles of electric bitters" and is so much improved, that she is able to do her own work.-' Electric Bitters will do all that is claimed for them. Hun- areas ot testimonials attest their great curative powers. JJOTICE. By virtue ot the power conferred upon me in the mortgage executed by John A. White and wife Lucy, dated January ISth,, 18S4, and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for Halifax County Book 7, Page 314, I will sell for cost in the Town of Scotland Neck on the l4th day of September 1S35, at public auction, the property described in said mortgage, to wit: Lot No 9 on Block 54 as designat ed in the Polt of the town of Scotland Neck. Said land will be sold to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage. This August 14th 1885. F. STERN. by R. U. SMITH, JK., ATT'Y. Milk, Claret, and Whisky Punches, Mint Juleps, Sherry Cobblers, Lemonade. &c, &c., at K. Alsbrook's. Little Cooke beats the town making them. Try one. The Monarch Grain and Seed Fan and Bugger. Call and sec it. For sale by J. II. Lawrence. VALUABLE real estate. T(W n Lots and pleasant Homes for All who Desire to locate. , pEKi;riLE AND DeSikai ?le FARMS I will sell cheap for cash the house and lot npon which I now reside in this town containing three- acres rood water, all necessary outhouses, eiht room3 to dwelling homie. One dwelling on Greenwood street, six rooms lot 100 feet by 200 feot. One dwelling on Seventh street, six rooms lot 100 feet by 200 feet. One dwel ling, cottage style, four rooms, on Roanoke and Seventh streets lot 100 by 200 feet. One dwelling on Main and Seventh streets.four rooms. , -t 50 by 200 feet. One dwelling, it. -ns.on Roanoke street lot 100 six roou Fifteen tenant houses, ch. brick chimnev in by 200 feet. ' two rooms etu ar depot and on middle, situated ik new road, 100 feet & quarc to eacn store house house. One fine two story on Main street, 24 by 80 fet. r., ware house in rear of store store now oc- cupied by F. Stern. Also the stort. I now do business in on Main street, with two store rooms ninety feet'ong and twenty-four feet wide,main store room sixteen feet pitch. I also offer tor sale mv brick mill, grist mill, wheat mill, saw mill, with two fine eno-ines fortv horse oower each, one hni it. hv ' 'nnnfir: the other tv Aai- . ..-... m 1 I i, oolu .a. u in s;oou oruei aim num every day. steam supplied to ootn , engines irom tue Dest iuu norse pow i er boiler in the South, made by Tal bott, of Richmond Va. ; Planing mill machine shops, wood shop and black smith shoo all attached and on the same lot. All located in the heart and business part ot tne town ana on ATo?n anA TT.lovpnf-.h ef.rpot.s. . T also offer for sale twenty-height vacant lots nn TVTnin st.rfipt. eiorlit on flhnreh street, twenty-six on Roanoke street ana mty-six on ireenwoou street. Also one lot adjoining the corpora tion containing 21 acres, lying on Greenwood street and the new road. One other lot of fifty acres lying on the new road and on the rail road t t n, 3 1 m. I and the road from Mrs. Johnson's by L. L. Kitchin's to town. This lot is partly in the corpoiate limits of the town. Also one other lot of thirty n'ue aeres on uie ran roau, just uauK of the new EDiscoDal church, this lot also is Dartlv in the cornorate limits of the town, I also otter for sale the O ftflvflrrft farm rf 5? fifi n proa Irkw cated two miles and one quarter from of the town of Scotland Neck, on the Tarboro road. Location healthv. Water fine. Also the Ben Smith plantation four miles from town, ly ing on both sides of the rail road, containing about 1,200 acres, ten horse crop in state of cultivation. This can be made the finest stock tarra in Eastern North Carolina. Al so one tract of land known as the Shield's land, lying on the rail road irom Halifax to Scotland Neck, sev- en miles from Scotland Neck, cons taining five hundred and thirtv two acres. None of this land is under fence. I will also sell the place known as Gall Berry near town. This is one of the hnest cotton farms in the county, and the most delightful place to live at water excellent, buildiner now in course of construc tion, located on the most elevated spot in this section. All wSto desire to purchase any of the above proper ty will please call on me. This is the most pleasant town to live in in the East healthy and water good. The moral and religious tone of the peo ple is equal to any iu the State and tar superior to many. One splendid male school in town and one female school and one or two other exeellent schools in the town, also four churches. W. H. KITCHIN. THE ARKANSAW TRAVELER. The most refined and most popular of all the humorous journals. PRICE, $2 A YEAR, POST-PAID. By special arrangement with the publisher of this paper, Tiie Arkan saw Traveler will be clubbed with the democrat for $2.75,thus affording an opportunity to secure both papers for about the price of one. This is a rare offer. Take advantage of it at once. Sample copies of The Arkaksaw Traveler will be mail- ed on application. 3r We also furnish the two large and splendid Colored Engravings " TnE Arkansaw Traeler" AND The Turn of the Ttjne," Which, together with the ortgintl story of the "Arkansaw .Traveler," as told oy LOionei bandy Jbaulk- ner, will be mailed to any address ob receipt of 40cts ; postage stamps taken. Thes pictures are not given . . as premiums, but are mailed, post- . . . . t . . . , paid, only on receipt of pnce.Ad. Littie Rock, Ark. NOTICE. Two iron runnineeears and wood wheels for ginnine cotton with horse power all complete for sale by W. fl. KITCHIN. rl y vi,u uAiuuAUM i wy- AiiX W. U. JVllUmJN, , . SUB .SCRIBE ' F OR THE DEM OCR A T. $1.50 A YEAR. A Weekly that is just what its name implies. Situated in the health iest section of our State. Scotland Neck is acknowledged to be the Gar den Spot of Eastern North Carolina, long noted for its high social, moral, intellectual and religious parts. A rich cotton, corn and general farm ing country surrounds it, The DEMOCRAT proposes to give this section and its lie a fair showing to others, to ipeoj. the public its merits. lay open to ' o be democratic in yye propose also u. - -1.-11 aa we uu 'ear- all our uf"" - Wc shall icooxj UPHOLD THE RIGHT- w - ta au our might. We belong to no clique, nor clan, We are the npnnie'a Darjcr, and shall honestly represent their views, their wishes, land their sentiments as far as we can. HiCouoiujr io of National Prosperity We oppose onh t.hinors as tbe Blair Bill, tne manner of collecting Internal Rev- enue, Protective Tariff Bills, useless public expense. Corruption, i?ree . T-1 Tuition at our University, &c. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DEMOCRAT and learn all about it, its views, this section, &c, and see if you do not find us an outspoken, fear- less, Democratic, weekly newspaper. -TRY US- THE GREAT FAMILY PAPER IS THE NEW WEEKLY DISPATCH. ONLY PER YEAS. Eight Pages of Solid Readi-g Matter THE BEST PAPER IN THE SOTJTn. Tiie Richmond Weekly Dispatch. Is now published in eight page form. It 1S Just double its former size, and contains about .sixty-four columns of solid reading matter. The subscription price remains the same one dollar per annum. It is our intention to make the Weekly Dispatch more than ever a first-class home and farmers' paper. It" will con tain each week complete market reports, State and city, together with iHterestin miscellany, embracing special features in the farmers' department, housahold matters, ladies' fashions, an interesting story.a"dthe like- In a word, it is our aim never wj let wen ci uucu aione. Ane .-. ,u"c AU paper will be improved m mattea and typographical appearance just as in size. fend in the future the fair name of Vir- gnia and champion the cause of right for her people as it has always done in the past- Daily $fi.00. per year, weekly l.OO.Der vear. Address THE DISPATCH . Richmond, Va. SEVENTEEN MULES For Sale bv r W IT KITHHTN. SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT! -N. B. JOSEY & CO., q ORNER MAIN & 10TH S7 ARRETS, ABU DAILY RECEIVING- SPUING GOODS CONSISTING OF DRY G'OODS, WHITE GOODS AND NOTIONS, CLOTHING, P.OOTS SHOES, IATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, TENT WARE, QUEENS WARE WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, FUUNITURE AND BEADING HEAVY AND FA'CY GROCERIES, IK EVERY VARIETY. W.LJ30UGLAS' $3.00 SHOE WARRANTED, TEN THOUSAND YARDS DRESS .SUMMER CASHMERES OF EVERY SILK & WORSTEAD PLAIDS, PLAIN & DOTTED "BEREGES, BUNTINGS & NUNS VEILING OF ALL COLORS AND GRADES, SHEPHERD PLAIDS, MOHAIR GLACE, AUSTRALIAN CREPE, MOUSSELINE, RAYEE, ENGLISH BEIGE, PLAIN, STRIPED AND FIGURED SEERSUCKERS, ETC. FIFTY-FIVE HUNDRED YARDS. WHITE NAINSOOKS PLAIN, CHECKED AND STRIPED. VICTORIA- INDIA AND LINEN LAWNS ;INDIA LINEN AND INDIA MULL PLAIN, CHECKED, CORDED, STRIPED PIQUES. PLAIN aND TWELVE THOUSAND YARDS OF LACES AND HAMBURGS, CREAM AND BLACK SPANISH, ORI ENTAL, VALENCIENNE, CLUNY, AMERICAN, VENICE, BRABANT ETC. LADIES' PARASOLS BRELLAS OF EVERY STYLE AND COLOR FROM FORTY CENTS TO SIX DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS. WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK MARKET. MIZ.LINERY ! MILLINERY ! MILLINERY WE HAVE IN ADDITION TO OUR GENERAL STOCK OF MERCIIANDLSF A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO AULLINERY HAVING PROCURED THE SERVICES OF MISS BURNETTE OF BAT TT MURE, A LADY OF MUCH EXPERIENCE AND GOOD TASTE WF FinrT WARRANTED IN ASSURING THE PUBLIC THAT IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE HAVE BUT FEW EQUALS AND NO SUPERIORS WITHIN THF H A rvmt OF OUR PATRONAGE. AnjKADIUS WE ALSO HAVE IN THIS DEPARTMENT FIVE HUNDRED PTFOTT ni? LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWARE, WHICH WE ARE CLOSING OUT at BALTIMORE COST. vaiflu uutAl ECUTEDDERS BY MAIL FR0M?TLY A FAITHFULLY EX- SCOTLAND NECK, K. C. W.LDOUGUS $3.00, SHOI GOODS; IN ALL COLORS ANE STYLE. GOODS, STRIPED AND EMBROIDERED DOTTED SWISS & ETC. ETC. FIVE HUNDRED AND UM- OF JERSIES EVER BROUGHT TO THIS I w- H- kitchin, DEALER GENERAL MERCHANT IISK, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C Keep constantly on hand a full line of Ready-made Clothing, from boys' size up. I b.siye on hand a large . and select stock of Calico. Ladies' Dress Goods, including, Plaids, Lawns, Buntings, Nuns ' Veiling, Trim mings, Notions and Fancy goods, Hats, Boots. Shoes &c- HEADQUARTERS FOR Pant Goods of all kinds, aDd Hard ware of all kinds, including, AXES, HOES, NAILS, TACKS CARPEN TER'S TOOLS, LOCKS AND HINGES, of every description, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, TRACE CHAINS, LOG CHAINS, ROPE AND TWINE. BOLTS SCREWS AND FILES, hollowwareU.. AND WOODEN- WARE, SHOVELS, PLOWS, SPADES AND FORKS, And five thousand other articles. :o: OILS. -o- Linseed, vlinder, Machine Oil and the Oil of Gladness. :o: My Gristmill, Wheat Mill, Saw Mill, Cat off Saw and Lath Saw, all at work every day, turning out the best Meal and Flour made in the country. Lumber and Lathes always on hand. Can get your Meal, Flour or Lumber at any hour in the dciy. Black Smith Shop connected with mill. Work done at low rates for CASH. Horses and Males shod. This is the place to bring your work, if we can't do it, Pearce, one of the best Smith's in the State, just twen ty steps distant, in Peter Smith's shop, can. CARTS and WAGONS Always on hand and also made to order as cheap as you wish. We also have on hand cheap for cash, one Forty horse Tanner Boiler good as new, one twenty-five horse Engine. Also one Two-Year-old first class Tanner Engine and Boiler twelve horse power, ready for work Also one Tanner RachstPsw Mill. Saw and Carriage. Also one twenty hone power Tal bot Boiler, Engine, Saw Mill, car riage with screw head blocks. Also one driving wheel eight feet in diameter, twelve inches on face, six inches bore in bub, weighs three thousand pounds, good as new. Also one driving wheel ten inches on face, eight feet in diameter, four inches bore in hub. Also one driving wheel, seven feet in diameter, ten inches on face, five inches bore. Weights of last two seventeen and thirteen hun dred.". -'.' RAIL ROADS. A LBEMARL RALEIGH IAL iUROAD CO On and after this date, trams will P, on this Road by the lollowing Sch Tarboro, N. C. April 1, i' TRIE TABLE. P il Tarboro (Lv.) C 00 6 I. Tarboro Raj.) liarreliss j, ' Wftrrnnj ... liarrens Warrens G2-3 G 50 7 15 -7 35 8 05 v arrens Bethel Bethel iiobcrscnville V. I'nvi.tt' t. 1!) 1) liobcr'nville Everett's - !2J Wil'ston (ar) W llhaiuston (lv) s CONNECTIONS : At Tarboro, with W. W. & It T? . . Willianiston with Roanoke, Norfolk Baltimore Steam Boats for Washing, and Jamesville R. li. At Jamosvili--' Norfolk Southern K. li. at Edenton. Subject to change without Notice. JAS. li.' PETTY, Gen. Sun't Tarboro, N. C , June1-1 st, 1883. Wimington & ' Weldon R. it- uo. TRAINS GOING SOUTH, No. 48 No, 40 Dated July.l2,isS5. Daily. Dailj. Leave Weldon i 215pm 538 pm Arrive Rocky Mount 3 33 Arrive Tarboro 1 4 55pm 1 ijeave larboro 1150 " ! Lave Wilson 4 0, 05 p m G 5G pm 54 I 7 3 " Arrive Goldsboro 4 Leave Warsaw 5 54 7 00 750 Leave Burlaw Arrive Wilmington 9 55pm TRAINS GOING NOKTH, No. 47, Daily. No. 43 Daily 8 53 p iu 9 50 " 11 03 " 12 0-1 am 12 58 ' 1 33 ; Lv. Wilmington Lv. Bnrgaw Lv. Warsaw 9 27 a m 1013 " 1117 ' 121Gpm 104 " 137 " Ar. Goldsboro Lv. Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. Tarboro Lv. Tarboro 4 55 p m 11 50 a m Arrive Weldon 3 05 p m 2 45 am Train on Scotland Neck Branch Tlomi leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at A im Returning leaves Scotland .Yeci- lrain JNo. 4J North will stop at all su. Train No. 40 South will Ston Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes close rnnnppHnn n4 Weldon for all points North daily. All ran via lucnmona, ana aany except un- day via Bay Line: Trains make close connection for pll points North via Richmond and Wash ington. All Irams run solid between Wilniin. ton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleepers nftached. John F. Divine, Gen'l Sunerintendf-n T.M. Emekson, Gen'l Passenger Agent. Richmond and Petersburg) Kaijlkoad OOjIPAXV. l Commencing Sunday. Julv s. s::. i Trains on this road will run as follows- leave ktciimond south 30 A M daily, connecting for Norfolk, Kalein, Charleston, avannaij and Florida. Stops at Vn-vr ry's Biuft', Central ia .a;id rio ter, piil'm.in sleeper Nevr Voik to Savannah. 2:50 P M Fast Mail,, daily, connecting lor C-narleston, bava:i:iii r.iil Florida. This train make- v- iocal stops. PrJImci .-!iep(.r Vasiiinurton to Chark-st'"'!i. G:0S P M Accommodation, dni!y (cx- cent Suivif (3:58 a. At lreicat. ctaiiv! except Suiv' 9:18 A M ") c 5:58 P M jSunuay excui-Km LEAVE PETEKSnURG XOKT:f.rAKI FROM AITOMAXTOX J JCi T. 1:5S AM Fast Mail, daii- Mriiu'S no local stops. Sleeper Charleston to Washington. 7:30 A M Accommodation, d.-ily (cx .cent Snnday.) 3:27 P M daily. Stops at Chester, Centra lia and Drewrys Imuu. Fnil man sleeper Savannah to-Nov York. 5:08 P 51 freight, daily (except V'.'. 'hy) 7;3S A M 1 c , 4:23 P M SumlaT excursion. All daily passenger trains make close connection at Iiichmond i''-.r ali po;;;t3 north, east and west. THE N LY ALL RAIL ROUTE TO NORFOLK. Leave Richmonb 1130 A M daily. Arrive at Norfolk at4P M. Leave Norfolk 12:43 P M daily. Arms at Richmond at4;29 P. M. J. R, KENLY, Gen'l Sup t, SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager, M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Ag't Petersburg Railroad .d Company, srixtexdext , NOV. 2, 1884. J Office Gen'l Supebi Petersburg, Va, Trains on this Road will run as follows GOING SOUTH. BOSTON AND SAVANNAA FAST I" MAIL. Leave Petersburg daily (Wash'n st. depot) at - - - 3:39 Pm (Ltops only at Relfield) Arrive at Weldon at - - -5.10 p m Mew York Expres laaves Petersburg (Washington'St. Depot) daily at 11.54 P m Arrive at Weldon at - - - 150Pm Mail train leaves Petersburg, (Washing ton JSt. depot) daily except bun days at - - - 10 50 I'm Arrive at Weldon at - - 1 00 y "i Freight Leave Pltersburg daily (except Snnday)at - - 913Pm Arrive at Weldon - - 12.)Aw Local Freight Leave Petersburg 7 12 a-a Arrive at Weldon at - 1:02 V. m. (" oIXG NORTH. Bostox axd Savannah fast mail Fast Wail leave Weldon at - 2:4 A a " " arrive at Petersburg 4:.w A m New York Express leaves Weldon aai lyat - - - 3:03 1; m Arrives at Petersburg at - - ol31 m Mail train leaver Weldon, (daily cxcejis Sundays,) at - - 7 20 ani Freight Leave- Weldon daily (except Alonday at - - - 2 55 a m Arrive at Petersburg at - 7 00 am. Local Freight Leave Weldon daily (ex cept Sunday) at - - 2iS.l5" Arrive at Petersburg at- - - S V Sleeping cars and tirst-class coacljei. on night and day trains. . No change of cars between Wilni'i'o" ton and Washington. , Through tickets sold to all Eastern ana Southern points and baggage cbK-ea through. , Passengers gohig South will purc'ie tickets and check b'agage at Washington street depot. . T Passengers going North and sloppa at Petersburg, will claim their ha-Z4 at Washington street depot. offices for the sale oi tickets for jrr- rn 11 ct ii .;o-i,f r Alt.. Airv. ana an 1 1 Dasseneers will be discharged that wtQJ. Brown, R. M. Sully Dispatcher of Trains Gen al bupert

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