1 A; t3 ,r 7 Ii. fife ! THE DEMOCRAT. W. W. KITCHIN, Editor. Thursday, Hfov. S, 18SS. IKE'S EEPENTANC E. AN AMUSING REMINISCENCE HAMPTON'S CATTLE EAID. OF Hampton's celebrated "Cattle Baid,'' in the rear of Grant's army, was regarded by Lee's starving solOiers as a triumph of genius. The 3000 tail steers that -were brought back as the spoils of victory, were started at with as much delight as ever a triumphal procesieon along the Alpine way. The achievement was not without bloodshed. For a brief space the lighting was sharp and decisive. It is known that Hampton planned the expedition only after having "scouted"' over the ground himself. The writer of the following was one of the raiders. Asthe gray morning lifted its curtains, and the smoke of the con flict floated away revealing the wounded and the slain of friend and foe, then lay at full length the apparently lifeless form of gallant "Ike." His frien Jack was first to discover and approach him. "Ike, my boy are you dead!" said Jack, with feeling. The slow response was a loug sepulchral groan. "Ike, old fellow, are yon much hurt!" repeat ed Jack taking him by the hand. Jke, with languid, half open-eyes drawled out: "Mortally wounded Jack; I'm shot through the body The country through which our troops passed the day before, abounded in large orchards, the fruit of which had been distilled in to apple brandy an I our boys, being good forgers, had secured a fair supply. Both Jack and Ike were fond of a "nip" and like many oth ers ff the command, passed the canteen freely tha night before the attack. Jack had some left in liis canteen, and raising Ike' head, e aid to him: "Take a pull old fellow, it will do you good." Ike motioned the canteen away, and said with a reproving look: "Take f Hhat canteen aay, Jack, and don't be offering liquor t a dying man. Take warning by me, and let liquor alone. O, if I oaly had a Bible." Jack thought that Ike's voice it her .strong and weli sustain 4 Gf ftMEtti ahnnr, to riennrt this lidTlWan to look for his wound. Vfrfceither Mood on his jack- ir uuiiet HGi( tnrougu re, ne Q2fiA3ottgL and lo! uoth i Qtrtrulse on h:s side rt XC uJ3et, whieh h id stun ThiijSrhe shock & jnrrtmpresferr'him with tJuOicon badly .1 -v 1 iy, ike," sa!Trcs6Vre not ctsaimrji; there's noMc-ihrouirh t it np a; .UL-ijd hy it np amVSTOor your- the confident uii & d & t aa in on i irirh 1 1 u sf.l, raised to a sitting pos- jjrnj looked sor liiia.si it. bce aaibelievt inr. and so elated 1 , IT the discovery that he t. V TCucd his vttrte' rae to a holr ,likiH5n-.w;itini and ssiiil tn O GjSw, I think I was out awhile ago. Didn't I t.y jttip of nons t3u saying abour, ensef what were some apple brau ackk'ina there was to be an indeQnftpostpnnemenl of the fui t ra! .jqSidiebJ 3 owu spirits siifflS cieulfyf rf)cVpe?trate a joke at Ike's expense. So, instead of replying to his inquiry about the brandy, with a mock-serious air he took out pocket Testament, and turning the pages, asked Ike if he had any fav onte place he should read from to comfort him. Ike could stand it no longer, but rising to his feet said "Jack, stop your blamed foolishness, and hand'me that canteen-" C7oi. cofi;ikic iti: i;sio:vs. TO TIIE PRESS OF TlIE STATE. Jam directed by the State Board a uuiuuer o appiiranis lor pensions have failed to furnish the auaitionai testimony required of them through circular letters mail cd to each several weeks ago from this department; that unless this tes timony is furnished the Board on or before the 15th day of November next, their claims for a pension wil r.ot bo considered the preeut fisc year lnc board is desirous that the ap propriation ($80,000) should be ap portioned before tho close of the fis cai year, i.ovemocr 3U, 1B85, aad t this end these proofs are necessary W. P. Robekts Auditor. tdtState papers please copy. Well done. A Cleveland man heard a noise in lis kitchio at night, and went down to eee about it. When lie opened the door and asked "Who's there??' two revolAcrs were presented at his ead with the remark : "Your mon ey or jour me. rue tjiereiana man does not hear very well, and he asked:" What Is that you say?" 'he robber in a laud tone repeated : Ycur money or jour life.' still hold ing thepistola. Then the Cleveland man said: "What noiisense,"and gave :iim a push and went calmly op stairs gain. The burglar was so a6touish- cd at this singular proceeding that he departed, taking nothing, after scribbing on the wall : "Well done, old boss." And of Sack Is ike Itcw r Ckl- 'How it i," said Oopo'' Town- send, rom clerk at lhn. palmer yes terdaj. ' that a woman can draw a revolver and shoot a man in front of the Columbia Theatre with hundreds of people around and not a word of t get in the newspapers is something am unable to understand." "Did such an affair occur?' "Why, of course it did. Mr. Pal mer, there, in charge of the keys, was on the ground and saw the whole thin?:." Mr. JTalmcr was seen and askedr How about shooting?" "V "I didn't see it," replied the name sake of the great hotel man, "but one of the bell boys who did told me all about it. The bellboy in question was muted up. He remarked ; "I didn't see the shooting, but heard the report of a pistol, A woman tore a man's ollar off and I heard the man say, I'm shot,' and went down into the saloon in the basement.- The pro prietor of the saloon alluded to, who was on duty until midnight Monday knew nothing of the occurrence, but nvestigation developed the fact that a dude, who belongs to the enrbstone fraternity organized to stare at the adies when the theatres dismissed their audiences, went a little too far, and the lady who was insulted took iiim by the standing collar and tore t oft, very much disarranging his lumactilatc nhirL-front in so doing. riiis is the true story of Mr. Town- e:i1'." report about the "mn who as shot in front of the t'olumbU riicntn. mid not wrd of it eot into j We papers." Chicago Inter 0:eun. 'Ti night ; In Oatcsville. The moon i.i prcast fiiilly fur tliR nK. Lcufans and Opem-l-ioc. Two cuts Thorns cat Appear r-i.-. r. wrd-heA- roof. 'iirJl" . unfurled nd sil iiplir-rd liiti in 'tic :dr, emc r. with ""k unb-nt nnd ranli jor- trt-.tOU.H. l):V.O KR to ),jcd' ld'C. "Kow, tminor'nl trMr, lork On i They buoklc. v Spit. I Sjiit U.S;.i 111 Bifl-!!!! Hark! A wm "w is lifted, an-1 a wil-i -vitl m.in -appear. wi.' a iniiKket ir. land- Bang ! 1 Scamper Lveurgu and Opedcl loo from the woudsta'd roof, crjing: "Saved !" "Saved !" But the man Oh where was hef Kicked clear across the hall into the next room. Musket hadn't been fired since the war. Finis. ESTABLISHED IN 1865. II. B, TALIAFERRO, W3T. P. SMITH. of Orange Co., Va. of FrodcricksW. TALIAFEKRO & CO., OXKERAL Commission and Produce Merchants KO. Ill S. 12th St., RICHMOND, VA. "Strict personal attention given to the sale of Tobacco, Grain. Cot ton. Lumber, all kinds of Produce, and to the purchase of Supplies. A full stock of Flour, Hay, Mill feed. Seed Wheat, Rye, Winter Oats, and all kinds of Grass Seed alwayi on baud and orders will be promptly Blled. JJOTIISCIIILD HOUSE. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. , I. ROTHSCHILD, Proprietor. This Hotel is situated in the centre of the business portion of the town, 'and ic specially adapted for the conveni'tnee of tbe traveling public. 1 he table is sup. piiea wiiDiiae vry oest, pleasant rooms and attentive and courteous servants, afiy Sample rooms for suestsr Bar Room, stocked with Liuest Liquors, THIS IS FOR YOU! Bitng yimr enrn ami wheat to W. H. K1TCHIN. Bring yotir cotton to be gluneti or sold to th gin of W. H. KITCHIN. Hoy yonr lamW of, atrt tare W. H. ItlTCHlN. If yon want harass, horse collars, saddles, bridles, or the best Irtnfcs, go to tt H. KITCHIN. C mA! wgons bnflt t rrlr In a best timber, If not W. H. KITCHIN. If yon want to fen J" or rent a store, tation, or svhserlbe for a good Democratic family paper that does not h- 0 Hv la fflnjtwnmplsm, kufc believes lengs fee the victopns party, and that eon n try and not GALLON W. H. KITGHIN, ou W W. KITCHIN, Editor of tub D be ground to the ailll of it foBgaetl aa grooved by 9tnr of short time, at bottom fgaret, and of oa hand by a dwelling house, a town lot, a plan' the patronage of the gorernrrenlba the people afe the sovereigns of this theCflSee tK)Mers. E O CR A T. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TOP HEBE. BEAD TSTS Will W ise folks before our day have said COMPETITION IS THE LIFE OP TRADE, The proverb is old. but ever new, Ana out proves it bh mo i u. A 11 t.nAtt a t-o mailp. to sell. All jvvtJ w.w But bow to buy, please learn as well. Come Buy of me. you'll have no loss. And find I am still of trade, the BOSS. Take care of the cents and the dollars will take care of themselves, and right Ko T Kncr laavn t.n ufat.Pl that a VIS it tO IT1 V UCIC - -'H " ' ' w " - store and inquiry into my prices will con Tince vou of the fact that no where else can you save as many cenis in one aoi lars's worth of trade. CLOTHING I CLOTHING ! roR MEN, YOUTHS, BOYS A CHILDREN, which I will sell at a very low price. I I hate the largest stock ever brought to Scotland Neck. A large assortment of the celebrated Zirgler Brothers shoes. I also Keep a large assortment of HATS, TRUNKS, . VALISES and a great many other articles too nu merous to mention. I also call tne auen tion of COUKTRY MERCHANTS to the fact that I can sell them goods cheaper than they can buy them in North ern markets. Give me a call, examine my stock and be convinced, as it costs you nothing to look. M. HOFFMAN & CO. Cor. l2th and Main Sis., Scotland Neck. E. B. HIGGS & CO, IS THK PLACE FOR GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CLOTHING. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, &C. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Groceries. Hardware, Crockery &c. Por to Rico Molasses a specialty. We guar antee satisfaction to all who favor us wi h their patronage. E. B. HIGGS CO., General Merchants. Scotland Neck, N. C. N OTICE ! NOTICE I ! Having qua! i ted as executor of the last will and testament of Nancy Strick land, deceased, before the Probate Court for Halifax county, I hereby notify all persons holding claims against thrts estate of my testatrix to present them to me dulj proved on or before the 20th day cf July. 1SS3. A 11 persons indebted will please make payment. This July 20th, 1885. JOHN L. WHITEHEAD, .Executor. V INE HILL FEMALE ACADEMY. 8COTLAtrr KECK X C. Fall session opens 31st of August 1S85. Expenses per terx of twenty WEEKS. Higher English.- - $14.00 Intermediate.- - 11.00 Primary. - 8 .Oq Latin. - - - - -2.50 French - -2.90 Music. - -1S.O0 Board si 2. 00 per month. For particu lars address Miss Lena n. Smith. Miss Euxicb Mcdowell. Principals. CORRESP ONDSlfC B0LICI1ED. WIRE (PLATE) fHE miCKTHOR.1 - SOLID STEEL XAIIBKD FENCIKG This Wire is unrivalled I) Barbs 1 inch apart. For sale by 1DMOXDSON k JOSIT call and examine. This flat strip of steel makes a cheap and lasting fenee. Q RANDY t TAYLOR.- KXCLTJSrVELT WHOLESALE DEALERS IK MOTIONS. i MAIN 8TREBT, NORFOLK, YA. BP Will guarantee Good, Qualities ai.d Pricee. SHOES J K. NELSON, DEALER TN GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERIES. pes' A full line carried, whcih will be sold at close prices. Scotland Neck, Sept. 7, 1885. QEORGE A. NEWELL, WATCHMAKER $ JEWELER, (Sign of the Golden Spectacles,) MAIN STREET, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. A specialty made jti Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry and the best Ten Dollar Silver American Watch in the country. BRUNHILD & BROTHER,- Importers and Wholesale Dealers in FINE LIQUORS UD CIGARS 805 E. MAIN STREET, lilCHxMOND, Va. Hicks & BruuLild Bros., TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS, 24th and Franklin Streets. Call in at Kelson's and tree his dtock of Confectioneries and Groce ries in the Brick Store, Main Street. Just received at the Old Brick Store a full supply Bananas, Oran- Tf Annlna l.nmnna Art 3 Ti Nelson. CALL AND SEE IF YOU CANNOT GET ANYTHING FROM E. N. NELSON, IN THE RETAIL AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR LINE- My Stock contains the best brands of Old Monongahela Furo Rye Whiskey, Fine Gin, Rum, Apple and Peach Brandy and many other brands too numerous to mention . .Natural Leaf Tobacco and Cigars a Specialty. Remember E N, NELSON'S Is the place to buy good Liquors Cheap. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, SNUFF, CONFECTIONERIES, GROCERIES, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Can alwuys be Found at the CHEAP CASH STORE K. JENKINS. Cor. Main and 9th Streets, Scotland Neck BfaTThe Eagle Mills Bolted Corn Meal a specialty. J HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE And well selected Stock of Goods, bought for SPOT CASH PRICES and at the very lowest markets, consist ing of the following goods : CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOKS, Hardware, Cutlery, Cigars, Tobacco. Whiskies, and all articles usually found in a GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. U you want to know how T can sell cheap goods, you can easily find out by calcula ting mv expenses, and then you will plainly see that I am not talking to hcar myself, but for proof of the above call on me at the corner of Main street, opposite the Brick Mill, where you will always find me ready and prepared to wait on all my friends and customers. EDWARD SHIELDS. SOMETHING ATTRACTIVE AND NEW IN THE LINE OF GROCERIES, TCB&CCO, CIGARS, LIQUORS, AND EVERYTHING TO BE FOUND IN A h irst-class Establishment. A call will convince everyone that we can offer extra inducements to pur chasers and satisfy all who may favor us with their patronage. Country Merchants will find it to ttieir interest to call and see us be fore ordering goods from abroad. A. C. PETERSON & CO., Main, Street Scotland Neck, N. C. q 5) n a IT IS REFRESHING TO CALL OK The Originator and Leader of LOW PRICES In the Town of Scotland Neck R. W- HARRISr Who keeps always on hand the Finest Domestic and Imported Whiskies, Bran- UKO) " "ica, aim, etc., is a candidate for me patronage i the public. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES fnd the best grades for the least money My leading brands are Goldsboro. My era i PitU' Barlev Malt, Monticello, Uval Oak. Jfcc all niir tr.;.ri,f w,:.. . . - T . i - ' i ma's lties. 1 keep everything in the Liquor line and would be glad to have all call and sami)!e. Every imaginable drink which can pleusc F..v w.ii uc M-rvea in uc most tistic style at my Bar. If you wish keen cool call and sp mo ar- to If you wish to feel bouyant and keep uiwji iu at any lime. CIGARS AND TOBACCO IN GREAT VARIETY. look tor my sign and give roe a call flcu, a. good Kestaurnnt attached R. W, HARRIS Mam Streot. Scotland Neck, N. C. ONE SIXTY AND 0 SawJ Gin for sale by ONE FIFTY FIVE W. II. KITCHLV m nistty runcnes, Mint Juleps. Sherry Cobblere, Lemonade, Ac, &c.. at K Atshrook's. Little Cooke T11t "11 l 3 Tin 1 1 oeats tne town making them. Try one. The Monarch Grain and Seed Fan and wugger. Call and see it, or sale by H . Lawrence. RAIL ROADS. Wi1 & llALKIG RAIL ALBEM. ROAD On and afl.nr ihts rlnfa ... on this Road by the following Schedn0 xaruoro, . u. April I, 1885. TIME TAELB. P M Tarboro (Lv.) 0 00 Tarboro (At.) 1035 Harrells 10 20 Warrens lo lft Bethel ojj Robersonville 9'j -j Everett's 0 to AVilliamston(lv)8 30 Harrells 6 15 Warrens 6 2; Bethel 0 r.O Rober'nville 7 15 Everett's 7 35 Wll' ston (ar) S 05 CONNECTIONS : At Tarboro, with W. W. & R. R. At Williamston with Roanoke, Norfolk & Baltimore Steam Boats lor Washington and Jamesville R. R. At Jamesvi!lf Norfolk Southern R. It. at Edenton. Subject to change without Notice. JAS. II. PETTY, Gen. fcup't. Tarboro, N. C., Junc-'st, 1883. Wimington & Weldon R, t- uo. TBAIX3 GOING SOUTH. No. 4S No, 4(j Dated July.12,1885. Leave Weldon 1 2 13 p m I 5 c'S Dm Arrive Rocky Mount j 3 iid ' Arrive Tarboro 4 5 "5 p m 11 50 " Leave Tarboro Lave Wilson 4 05pm I C58 pm 4 54 136 " 5 54 7 00 7 5 0 9 35 p m Arrive Goldsboro Leave Warsaw I nfivp Rnrtraur Arrive vVi?niington TRAINS GOIlfO NORTH. I No. 47, I No. 43 I Daily. Daily Lv. Wilmington 9 27 a m 1013 V 1117 " 121Gpm 1 04 " 137 ' .8 53 p in 50 " 11 03 ' 12 04am 12 58 " 1 33 " Lv. Bnrcaw Lv. Warsaw Ar. Goldsboro Lv. Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount Ar. Tarboro Lv. Tarboro I 4 55 p m j I 11 50 a ni Arrive Weldon 3 05 p in 2 45 a in Train on Scotland Neck firancfi JJn leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3 00 P. M. Returning leaves Scotland Neck at 8 30 A. M., daily. lram No. 43 North will stop at all sta tions. Train No. 40 South will Stop only t Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 47 makes close connection at Weldon lor all points North daily. 411 rail via Richmond, and daily except Sun day via Bay Line. 1 rains make close connection for all points North ia Richmond and Wash ington. All Trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, and have Pullman ralace bleepcrs attached. John F. Divine, Gen'l Superintendcii. T. M. Emerson, Gqm'I Pasheiisrer A Kent. Richmond and Petersburg) Railroad Company, Commencing Sunday, July s, 'S3.J Trains on this road will run as follows ; LEAVE RICHMOND SOUTH 11:30 A M daily, connecting for Norfolk, Raleigh. Charleston, avainiaq and Florida Stops at Drea ry's Bluff, Centralia and Ches ter. Pullman sleeper New York to Savannah. Fast Mail, daily, connecting for Charleston, Savannah and 2:50 P M Florida. This train makes 110 i .-cal stops. Pullman sleeper Vashington to Charleston. G:0S P M Accommodation, daily (ex- cent Sunday.) G:58 A M freight, daily(exccpt Suncav.) 0:18 A M 1 c , 5:58 P M """""J LEAVE PETERSBURG NORTHWARD FROM APPOMATTOX DEPOT. 1:58 AM Fast Mail, daily Makes no local stops. Sleeper Charleston to Washington. 7;30 A il Accommodation, daily (ex cept Sunday.) 3:27 P M dailv. Stops at Chester, Centra lia and Drewry's Blur. 1'uII nian sleeper Savannah to Kcw York. 5s08 P M freight, daily (except Sululay) 4-23 P -il f Sunday excursion. All daily passenger trains make clo;s connection at Richmond f?r all pomts north, east and-west. TUB ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE TO NORFOLK. Leave Richmonb li:30 A M daily. Arnte at Norfolk at 4 P M. Leave Norfolk 12:43 P M daily. Arrive at Richmond at 4-29 P. M. J. R, KENLY, Gen'l Sup't, SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager, M. EMERSON, Genl Pass. Ag t Pktersburg Office Gen PETERSBUI! Trains on this Road will run as follows GOING SOUTH. BOSTON AND SAVANNAA FAST MAIL. Leave Petersburg daily (Wash'n t. depot) at - - - 3:39Pm (Ltops only at Belfield) Airive at Weldon at - - -5.1C P m Mew York Expres loaves Petersburg (Washington St. Depot) daily at 11.54 P m Arrive at Weldon at - - - 1 50 P ra Mail train leaves Petersburg. (Washing ton JSt. depot) daily except Sun days at ... locorm Arrive at Weldon at - - 1 00 y m Freight Leave Pltersburg daily (except Sunday) at - - 8 15 P iu Arrive at Weldon - - 1 i'5 A m Local Freight Leave Petersburg 7 12 u Arrive at Weldon at - 1:02 P. m goino north. Boston and Savannah fast mail. Fast Mail leave Weldon at - 2:45 A xn " " arrive at Petersburg 4:57 A m New York Express levcs Weldon dai ly at - - - 3:n5Pm Arrives at Petersburg at - - 5 13 P ni Mail train leaves Wei Ion, (daily except Sundays,) at - - 7 20 u i'r-;Kht Leave Weldon daily (except Monday at 2 B5 a m Arrive at Petersburg at - 7 (M m Local Freight Leave Weldon daily (ex cept Sunday) at - - a IS p m Arrive at Petersburg at- - - 8 CO p El Sleeping cars and tirst-clans caches on night and day trains. No change of cars between WilmiI1" ton and Washington. Through tickets sold to all Eastern and Southern points and baggage cljnkc through. Passengers going South will purchase tickets and check bagage at Washington street depot. JPassngers going North and stopping at Petersburg, will claim their baggage at Washington street depot. . Agents are not required to open their offices for the sale ol tickets for freight trains- North bound Freight Trains will stop all night at Mt. Airy, and &U passengers will be discharged at that point. W. J- Brown, R- M. Sully Dispatcher of Trains Gen'al Super. Railroad Company, "l Superintendent ;o, Va.,Nov. 2,1SK4.J

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