THE DEMOCRAT. "liHrMday. . If. Here and Hereabouts. Subscribe now. Bring eggs to town . Head "As Oihcrs See Us." "What weather we have had! Advertise your Xmas goods. It takos a big turnip to weigh 14 pounds tnd 13 ounces. stores look like Santa Claus has psiu thcra visits. Mr. 1!. R. Owens loft for Baltimore TucsJa' morninff. A coHtribtuion by A. StC B. came too late for this issue. Tnc Cincinnati Weekly Enquirer and the rioc'8.T for $2.50. Misses Mollie and Katie Tillery are visiting Mis Annie Duun. Messrs. Josh Nichols and Duke Battle, of Tarboro, were in town Sunday. The Baptists hold a festival in Edmond soa hall to-night. Go up and feast. There was Tues lay night a very nice dance ou at Mr. G. T. Cobb's, we learn. The Democrat and the Wcevly Xeics-0b3crcer one year for 2.75 in acK vance. Miss Nettie Savage, of Van Buren. Ark. is visiting the family of Mr. W. T. Whitehead. Will Hancock, a student of Horner's school at at heme fertile Christ mas holidays. Mr. Henry Robertson will merchandise next year in the store now occupied by W. II . Kitchin. The State Prohibition party which met in Greensboro last week decided tj put oat a State ticket next year. We loam that Mr. Thomas Lewis last week lost a very tine horse. The horse ran away and broke his neck. Rev. Ed M. Poteat has been elected assistant professor oflanguages at WaKe Forest College. A good selection. Parson John Jasper, of Richmond Va. has been olierea to aeover m a Northern city his sermou on the '"Sua uo move." We have received the first copy of the Plymouth Sun, Ed. L. Foster, editor It is the successor to the Examiner. We hope it success. Festival in Edmondson Hall to-night. They say the ladies have tried themselves this time and will be prepared to furnish cheap anything you want. The Henderson Goll' Leaf has entered upon its fifth volume. It is one of our brightest, spiciest al most readable ex changes. It has our best wishes. We have received a complimentary ticket to attend the meeting of the Color ed Industrial Association to be held at Rocky Mount. Dec 23 25. Eider D. Hartley, of Indiana, is ex pected to preach at Kahukea on the third Saturday and Sunday in December. All who attend will hear good sermons. Last week Mr. W. C. Pendleton ac companied Mrs. A. Ferrall to Baltimore whither she went to see her neice, Miss Amanda Lawrence, who lias been at tending scho jl there. We notice that two of our exchanges are claiming the best lookins Chief of Pulicc in the State, Tarboro and Green ville respectively. We'll enter W. E. Whitmore for the prize. The Baptist Almanac for 188? is out. It is edited by Rev. C. T. Bailey. Every Baptist should have one. From it we learn that there are 112,000 Missionary Baptists in the State exclusive of colored members. They will leave mules standing untied. And mules will seize opportunities, and mules will run and kick and turn buggies over. One ran over one of Mr. C. W. Dunn's buggies Satur Jay, and it cost the old colored woman $2.00. Weather for the week ending Dec 12 1SS. Highest Thermometer G7. Low est Thermometer 2l3. Amount of Rainfall 1 72 inches. On the 8th at 0 A. M. the mercury was 21. On the 8t'.i at G A. M. it was 60. A rise of 30 in twenty-four hours. The editor of Scotland Neck Demo crat has a poet employed to arrange the advertisements of his paper into verse. It would be interesting to know what he has to pay his patrons for this privilege. Kernersville News. Wrong brother, we cliarge a good deal to print such poetry. Married. Yesterday afternoon at o'clock in the Baptist church at Dawson's X Koa Is, by Rev. C, A. Woodso n. ol Enfield, Mr. Balfour Dunn and Miss Annie Vanghan. The waiters were M". C. W. Gray and Mi-s Annie Dunn, Mr. .L B. Dunn and Miss Mary Barnes, Mr. S. B. Kitchin and Miss Susie SJiields. Mr. Burton Ed Wards ani Miss Mattie Nichols, Mr. CJus White and Miss Nina Manning, Mr. Will Applewhite and Miss M Bryant, Mr. E. Barnes and Miss Mat tie Cutchin, and Mr. Bud Cutchin and Miss. Mollie Tillery. After the ceremony the happy couple proceeded to the home of the groom's father, Mr. J. L. Dunn, o; this place, where a nice wedding supper had been prepared. The best wishes of the Democrat attend them. The IVMtival. At the Festival last week held in Pittraan's hall for the benefit of the Methodist Church of this place, we Understand that sixty-live dollars e cleared. It was certainly a nice and well conducted festival. V u ln,g'it see everything you on the tables, and the waiters 'nw all about their business. On 11: UrSdaV ni.rlit. notns u-nru 1 V J ' . V. - lor one of theui the boys voted at ten cents a vote for the prettiest jriri ami the girl getting ihe largest number of votes "took the eake" you know, ami for the other the girls voted for the most popular young man. Miss Eva Kitcliin received one of these cakes and Mr. Gus White the other. The S. N. L. Society. This Society met Tuesday night. Wc are sorry to say that the. audi ence came in for the most part rath er late. The hour of meeting is seven. Aficr roll call &c.," the question for debate, "Which is the greater figure in history Caesar or Napoleoi;?" was read and discussed by the following gentlemen : Af firmative Dr. W. O. McDowell (2), Mr. W. A. Dunn (2). and Mr. J. K. Nelsonj Negative W. W. Kitchin (2). Mr. A. McDowell, Capt, W. H. Kitehin.(2). Mr. T. llufha n and Ma After a highly instruct ive and very spirited debate the ques tion was deci led in the Neirattve. Napoleon. After the debate- the following menibars were appointed for duty at the next meeting, Tuesday, Do. 29 , 7 o'clock, p. m. for reading selec kious, i. iu. iiui.iam, a. L. lias s::rd Short, W. II. J-.sey, E. K. Hil- : t ii. . - . Uird, ana Misses Annie .Shields, LilJte Shields, Miry Lawrence, Eu nice McDowell and Mamie Perry for composition , W. II. Kitchiu, falter Gray. W. M. Davics, and Missps Rebe Smith Lelia Shields, Sallie S:eed, fciisie Shields and Lou Randolph. Come one, come all and be on time, IV C. CO.n3E.C13. Appointments for this year; iu this district Waerehtox District J. S. Nelson, P. E. Warren ton circuit 1?. O. Burton. "Warren " L. J. ITolden. Ridgeway Jno. N. Cole. Roanoke T.P.Bonner. Weldon and Halifax station "W. B. Sorth. Scotland Neck mission J. S Nelson. Halifax circuit J. R. Brooks. Wilson station J. R. Brooks. Wilson mission B. B. II olden . Nashville circuit Z. T. Harrison. Edgecombe circuit A. R. Raven. Central Institute for young la dies J. M. Rhodes, principal. W1.1TO.T ITEMS. Mb. Editor: Nothing of much ; . - importance nas transpired since my last letter, save the "Major's' continual issuing of licenses and the many improvements being made in our (already) little city. Marriages are becoming the most frequent occurrences of the day they being too numerous to men tion. As to improvements, Win ton is not excelled. We notice the new millinery establishment on Main Street, near the Post Office, is near completion, presenting a ve-y hand some appearance. We are glad to see Mr. John F. Odom of the street, fast improving from the wound received at Taylor's mill a short while since. The steamer Keystone. Capt. Per ry, has made a success of her semi weeRly trips, making it more con venient for the public, leaving Win ton for Norfolk on Tuesdays and Saturdays, heretofore leaving Satur days only. The Wiiiton fertilizing Co. is pre paring to manufacture guano the en suing season. This is a reliable com pany and I hope the farmers will ren der them their patronage. We hear a tobacco warehonse to Ix erected here very favorably spoken of, tliis is what we need, it will be beneficial to the town, and conven ient to the farmers of this aud ad joining counties. We learn a Railroad ere long will connect the Chowan and Roanoke rivers. Via. Winton, X. C. By the aid of this Winton will became one of the most prosperous towns in eastern Carolina. Christmas goods arriving daily. The thr.-e negroes convicted at tin fall term of court 1885 in Gates county were executed on Monday the 7th, in Gatesville. N. C. With this Mr. Editor, I bid adieu, 'loping the Democrat will ever be crowned with success and p'ospcr ity. ... Yours as ever, Frank. J AS OTHERS SEE US. ' The Scotland Neck Democrat which entered on a new volume last week i a live paper. Long life to it, say we ! Baleigh Chronicle. The Scotland Neck Democrat has completed its first year, and bids fair to live many more with a corre spouding increase in its reputation. Rocky Mt. Talker. The Scotland Neck Democrat ' tiao nnmiitntAil ifa fir at- xri!nm. It. U4o Will W KUtfU I9 lit ' ' m u. . . nals in the South, and it has our UvbI wishes. Rocky Mt. Clipper. Ihe Scotland Neck Democrat has entered upon its ; second j-ear" of usefulness. A bright, sparkling journal it is, and we wish it contiii- ued prosperity. Greenville Reflec tor. The S Neck Democrat lus entered upon its second volume It is a bold and fearless defender of the people's rights, and denounce wrong from whatever source it comes Long may it live. Smithfield Her ald. The Scotland Neck Demochat has entered its second year, and not withstanding it has always felt large enough to speak out in meeting it proposes to widen out into thirty six columns" soon. Our best wishes. Hickory Carolinian. The Scotland Neck Democrat has entered upon its second year under its present management. The Dem ocrat is a true blue Democratic pa per and gives out no uncertain sound upon all live questions. We wish our contemporarjr unbounded success and along life. It is a well edited paper. Roanoke News. Th Scotland Neck Democrat has entered upon its second year. What ever else it may be it is a genuine Democratic paper and no mistake. Its young editor sets some of the older ones a good example in faith fully upholding sound Democratic principles. We wish it the greatest success in the good work it is doing. "Wilmington Star. The Sootl md Neck Democrat is one year out. it nas been our lot to differ with the Democrat in several matters but we take pleasure in saying that the paper is always read at thi3 oflice with interest. No matter how much you differ with the Democrat you can but notice that it always cou:ains something worth reading. The paper, at least, is not common place. Wilson Advance. The Scotland Neck Democrat is one year old. It. has been our lot, to differ with the Democrat in sev eral matters but we take pleasure in saying that the paper is always read at this office with interest. No mat ter how much you may differ with the Democrat you can but notice that it always contains something worth reading. The paper, at lea-t is not eonrnon place. Kinston Free Press. A SOLD IE 11 OF FORTUNE. This is the play selected by the committee appointed by the S. N. L. Society. It will be played in Edmondson Hall Friday night fol lowing Christinas. Don't forget. It is a comedy. The players are Messrs. Charlie Speed, E T. White head, Gus White, W. W. Kitchin Charlie Gray. Leart Pittman, W. E Whitmore, and Kobt, Collins and Misses Lou Eaudolpli and Eva Kitchin aud Mrs W. A. Dunn. Here .is a synopsis of the play: Act I. General introduction of the characters. The Colonel recounts his war reminiscences. Pitroui, the gentleman from California, plots his future villainy. Ida's terror at his threats. His quarrel with Dr. Fargo. Act II. Belmont on the verge of bankruptcy. The great robbery at the Bvlruont mansion. The Colo nel's grand lottery prize.- Refill. The villainous attempt to blow up Dr. Fargo's oflice. Frtd's remarkable progress in his studies especially grammar. Snowball has a tooth drawn suddinr. Act IV The proposed duel. Serious wounding of the Colonel by Patroni's treachery. Death of the latter by lightning. Act V. The great generosity of the Colonel (soldier of fortune) dis covered and rewarded by Delmont liecouciliation of Agues and Dr. Fargo. Happy denouement. HOTEL AUKIVALS, ROTHSCIIILD nOUSE. A. C. Prior, N. Y., C. A. Campbell Tarboro, W. G. Peterson, N. 0., J. B. Cutchin. Bait., John Mahony. Ports mouth Va; J. R. Tillerv. N. C; W. T. Grimes, Hamilton; M. Weslh iner Phia; E G.'Curne. Oxford; A. M. Wall Halt, W. !B. Rodman. Norfolk; W, J. Statcn, Tarb rn; Levi Branson, Raleigh; D.J.Aaron. N. C; J. W. Railings, Richmond, V. A; H. M. Robinson, A. O. L. t r Lea GJsinvtle" In the issue of The ArJcansaw Traveler dated December 26th will appeal the chapters of a new serial, by the Editor of The Arkansavo Traveler, entitled "I;en Gansette; A Story of Arkansaw Life." The characters in this story are :drawn from life and will be presented iu the author's happiest style. The short sto ries which have Ion?, been a feature of The Traveler have been widely copied, and "Annie Green," the serial now run ning in that paper, is a story of absorb ing interest. ' Len Gansette," is a work of wider scope and stronger character than any of the original stories that have yet appeared in The Traveler and it will doubtless receive a hearty welcome from readers of fiction throughout the conn- There will bo a meeting of the Bar in Halifax next Monday to ar range the Calendar for court. Prince Albert's n vine in full would fill about three of these lines. Don't forget to call and see the Au burn Wagon when jrou come to town It is the bust wagon made. C W. Dunn. "Wfcat Tom in y lia." The Chicago Tribune pronounces it a book that "will delight every boy and girl, and every mother too, who will find in it a book that cau be read over and over again to suit the insatiable ap petites of j'outhful listeners, and yet nev er sicken the reader with any weakness or nonsense in its composition'" It has just been published in dainfy delightful shape, fine cloth, richly ornamented binding by Alden the ''Revolution' pub lisher, at half its former price, 50 cents, A Men's 148-page illustrated catalogue (prioe-i centscondensed catalogue rree,) of his immense list of standard books, is a wonder as well as joy to book lovers John H. Alden, publisher. New York. A Varil. I sincerely thank my friends and the public generally for the patronage I have received. I shall leave this place on Jan uary first and I desire to close out my entire stock of clothing before that time at prune Northern costs. All will profit by examining ray stock which is still very select. Very Respectfully. Sol. Rothschild. IlURilAII-FOR CHRISTMAS. ' Jut received from the New York mars kets an elegant line of Hobday dry goods consisting of plush and morocco dressing case;, order cases, picture frames, writ ing desks, work boxes, fine stationary &e., &c, &c. Toys of every description in endless profusion and prices to suit the times. E. T. Whitehead & Co. Executor's Aotiee. Having qualified as executor under the will of Alvania Bell, deceased. 1 here by notify all persons holding claims against said deceased to present them to uie for payment within twelve months from this date. All persons indebted will make payment this Nov. 10, 1885 KlCHAltD HELL, by R. II. Smith, Jr., Att'y. HEADQUARTERS. IIo! This way. everybody And listen to what wc have to say. We d') not deal in shoddy, But sell honest goods in every way. Our stock we do now assert Is better than any in this town. Which we will sell as cheap as dirt And none to compete with to be fonnd. Just give us a call and you'll find That "what wc say we will do, We'll se'l anything in our line As cheai as the cheapest and cheaper too In our stock you will find Everything in the dry goods line. From a spool.of cotton to a suit of clothes rrom a ladies cloak, to a pair ot nose. In our groceries, we arc KHre to please From a barrel of sugar, to a pound of cheese, CofTee, crackers, cakes and Candy sweet And the best Hour on the street. In hardware, wc carry a full stock -Of everything from a pen to a lock, We'll sell you a shovel, a hoe or a rake. And plows of all kinds of the very best . make, Now just drop in if you choose And examine our stock 'of boots & shoes We have them on hand of ever)' grade The cheapest and best olFercd to the trade. And now to the public we will say If you want fair play and honest deals, Gentlemen just walk over this way And call on the firm of White & fchiclds. F OR SALE OR RENT! In Palmyra, N, 0. One very convenient cottage dwelling, containing four large rooms, with kitch en and dining room attached, and all nec essary out houses, a good garden and a good well of water also one vacant lot containing one acre. All situated on main street and a very desirable vil Inge loca tion, for one wishing: to enjra?e in public 1 business. This property can be bought at extremely low rigures. Apply to R. R. Owens. Scotland Neck, N. C. N' E W! In the new store, just opened, near the depot; we keep a select stock of CON FE CTIONER IES, LIQUORS AND GROCERIES. Our-stock of candies of all kinds is by far the bestiu town. All kinds of, whiskies, brandies and other drinks, are always in stock. In the grocery lino we keep the best and the cheapest. Jellies, canned goods, and other things you want. CIGARS! CIGARS! We pro pose to keep every variety and at al most every price. We have the best and most complete lot of 'cigars in this market and von can get the best smoke in town from us. All are cordialby invited to come to see us.. We are always ready and willing to-give you the best bargains. T A . TTT?FT,T, TiROS.' 1858 SAVAGE'S SHOP. 1885 The Oldest Establishment in Town. ALWAYS Still stands where for a quarter of a century, or more, Work of every kind has been done, Pro Bono Publico, When Still for a fair and reasonable price, You can have any thing you want done in a Trice. We do not propose to compete with a Botch. Our aim is to reach up to u h'ujher notch. And for fair chaiges, good work we give As our Motto has always been to liveand let live' Vehicles of all kinds known to the., trade, On hand. Ordered, or to Special Order made, Nice painting, is a specially in our line. Will paint you a wagon, a buggy, or a sign. Horse shoeing, correctly done and with dispatch, By G. W. Bracy, who for such work, has no match, Other workmen may come and others may go, Other shops may rise, and others may fall, But Savage's Shop, still holds the fort, Aud for first class work beats them all. Just give us atrial and see for your self. That we laj' all others on the shelf, That which other workmen may fail to do We promise surely to put it through. And '"in view of the fact'' that in this town No4, regular undertaking Establishment'' is found We will still continue to make as heretofore, Nice Coffins, as we have done, for 30 years or more. We keep no Metallic crees, (oerbuin sap)yoi know. But just go to the establishment of N. B. Josey, and Co. Whe-e you can get ihem, both costly an I line, Or anything else iu the undertaking lin. It is a new feature recently added to their store And all as you will find, "Pro Bono lVolioo.' And In case,. with a case you want a Headstone Just apply to the "power behind the thror.e" To friend Biggs I refer, you will fiad him- very kind, And !?e will supply, your watns in the Headstone line. Pre said ra' say. and now I'll take my go I mean no offense to either friend or to foe. I merely wish that my friends, and others may know That all 1 have said, I can prove to be so. J. Y. SAVAGE. Home Items. Stoves low at F. Stern's. Fine caudles and nuts just received at F. Stern's. Seedless and Stem'.css Raisins at A. 0. Peterson's. One Car load salt at $1.00 per sack at A. C. Peterson &. Go's. 5,000 strawberry plants for sale, choic varieties by J. Y. Savage. J. II. Lawrenee has a fresh" supply of clover and 0. G. Grass seed. Hominy, Grits, Oat-meal, and Buck wheat at A. U. Petersons & Go's. The Democrat and the weekly News Observer for two dollars and seventy-five strictly in advance. Weather for the week ending Nov. 22, '85. Highest thermometer 61; lowest 29. Rainfall .02 inches. . Cfcll at S. Rothschild's and select from the big bankrupt stock and save 50 per cent. in your purchases. Malaga grapes just received at F. Stern's. California pears and bananas justs re ceived at F. Stern's Seedless raisins and currants just re reived at F. Stern's. Mince meat just received t F. Stem's The finest French candies at F. Stern's. A good supply ofseed rye on hand and for sale by J. II. Lawrence. Louisville, Ky., hams just received at F. Stern's Send j our order to N. B. Josey & co's for a pair of their Douglas $3.00 shoe. Bargains in flour atF. Stern's. Call at N. B. .Tosy & co's and examine their line of Ladies Dress goods.. Bargains m trunks at F. Stern's. Jerseys at N. B. Josey & co's in great variety. Bargains in notions at F. Stern's. N. B. Josey & co's is the place to buy the Expanding Side corset. Bargains in shoes at F. Stern's. Bargains in dry goods at F. Stern's. Bargains in groceries at F. St rrn's. Bargains in stoves at F. Stern's. . Boots very cheap at F. Stern's. Everything sold cheap at F. Stern's. See the bargains offered at F. Stem's. Nice assortment dress goods at F. Stern's, Be sure and eall t F. Stern's. A pretty line of calicos afc p. Josey & co's. Bargains in boots at F. Stern's. A variety harness and saddlery at N. B. Josey & co's Bargains in blankets at F Stem's. J Try a bbl. Stern's roller patent flour. A splendid stock of hardware, hammers locts. ap:ece at E. B. IIiggs& Co's. To get the Best and Cheapest Flour.the best Plow, the best Corn Meal and the best leather collars in the market, gj to W. II. Kitchin's. A car load of the best Timothy Hay just in and for sale by "J.II.L.vWltENCE. Another car load of Stoves just receiv ed at F. Sterns. If you want any live goose feathers ap ply to J. R. .Nelson Wanted to buy 10 car Ioa Is of staves. J. R. Felson. Just received a full assortment of can goods. J. R. Nelsm Have you seen the bargains at b Sem's. OTIiSCIIILD HOUSE. SCOTLAND fcECK, N. C, I. ROTHSCHILD, Fjtm'RlETOR.. This Ilotel Is situated in the centre nt the business portion of the town, and i .spvia!ly adapted fir the- eonvonit nee ff the traveling pnbiie. The tabl is sup plied with the very best, pleasant ro -ins. and attentive an. I court eons servants, tfiir Sample for quest 8. Bar Room, stocked with Rnst Liq"" RCI.I iHLG. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOV THE PEOPLE. DRY GOODS, .VXD General Merchandise, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS AT STARTXTNO LOW TRICKS. C. T. LAWRENCE . Who is located 4 miles from Scotland Neck and one mile 'of Spring Hill, in Hal ifax county, is now more than ever, pre pared to offer extra inducements Ut the pubbc in the mercantile line, 'ivcrythinj.' sold guaranteed as represented and the most liberal terms offered to the purchas ing public. Don't think of g -ing else where until you have called at his store and seen for yourself that he can beat the world seiiin? goods lav the leat pos sib'e margin. The people Generally are invited to call and ace hi:n. I have in connection with my Ftore a Grist Mill for the fiiooimrmda--tion of the public, which will grind on Tuesdays, Thursdays r.-d Satin days. Also, in season, I will Gin Cotton for the 25th. Your patronage is respectfully so licited. C. T. LAWRENCE JIGSITNING RODS. Persons wishing to protect tbeir property from liglitninar will, find it to tbeir enterest to consult me before having rods erected. I put up rods upon the scientific principles adoped in London at a meeting of Electricians, upon the non-insulating plan. I have both steel and copper r copper is the best of all conductors. My work shall be aithfulh executed and npon reas onable terms. All orders shall have prompt attention by applying to 15. II. Tyson, Wilson, N. C. Buy your watches and jewelry o George A. Newell, ttie Jeweler who will sell you a Boss rateut, filled goht case war ranted for twenty years and a rt-lia ble American movement, warranted y a perfect timer for 825,00. Orders by mail promptly filled, pE T E R P A U U . II ORSR H A N D V L K s . Wliolefftlft ao,a Retail. iJ SutiCkci'im Guaranteed, 44X FhakklinSt,. WE ARE HERE TO STAY! We respectfidiv invite ti" a!'. :;- tion ol 1!iOp;iMie i our r - .no of n" w Dry Gool-. N'-.l'.ons. !; , Shoo. Hats, Clolhinir, Hi;1.. . t'nu-l-ery. G!a, Tin. W..-..I : Willow, Furniture. M i Uv.- -. ind a great many :v ro r.r; ; ; .' lumcrons to lut t!o:. GROCERIES. t !, -i .-.)!. i;, We earn f-.t'l lit round. We oiiVr tin se i - .. as the lowest. Yon ca i m ;. by calling on us before ir.ji.5n:' ;: purchases. We keep a f.l! a:o. all times, and ue constanilv r ing new -rood1 and are selling t a vety small profit. We also Sell the .'llu Machine, whit. , unvy pair.'.. excellence. It is running, : -setting: neeuie, -boih as to height a-.i 1 sitter, with rcfrreri'-e. to the shuttle. 1' sell' threading', excepfinsone eyelet i:i : needle bar. it w;'l bar.d itself iu : either way. The attat-i.a.ti'.T.s of t tie i s chine are complete and of ti.e hi test ;. best paUen;.-u The ii-iise',- !.i i. " 1 of i.eainess and beaniy. '!'' :- a,:..:. is guranteed for live years. MILES' hand mads Kaglc shoes a cialty, every pair warranted. Competition is the hie of : .idc V i char-evs will go where ihey can t--t t: best goods for the least muney. Given to suoplving the wants ef i. iii-'s. Our deh'xry wagon U :i th at the comman 1 of our customers, t; delivered loany part of the citv. m will receive caret iii attention. jcs'. ame tis if thy are given in pcr.. i We also have over our stove a tii; censed Hall, with good stat'. :r :! ful scenery. Seating cadcii e:.-.i dred. Travelin'' troupes will 1 visit our city. Thanking our friend for IV- ' they have given us. br striet :iul!:i,u business, we hope to inervit th" ED Jl ON I ) SON & JOSEi Main St., SeHbiivl Neck, N. i L. Edmondson runs a Cotton (iii-t Mill daily at Greenwood, wi, gives his entire attention. Orders . ited and prouitly attended to. 4JD. Money is saved Yy ;joodS from me at TILLERY. N. C. 1 keep. on htind a- fnV. ' er:il mrrcJifindise which I r.. celling at prices v.l.iee - it 1 1 - seiier aim uuj. ei. t GHOCEIIIF-S, ,C CONFEC nONKIM BOOTS, SilOKS, JJSJ CLO 11 lit V.'. J.-'n 1 fl DKSCmFLj: KVERY Knives an and ay th 'fS mercantile lin Come .and see nv LUMBERS ami tjr i i. rj lAj.-v"t -uw-' eral supplier nQj)Vdu,is- f5 purposes, i ; Z2 Do you Fjfiw'c-!roun.-l4 ginned, lartfbera'.vsdL- a!l kinds at ra-" yon do call Sgj If 3'on waufi call upon J. l station. Lands rentC by J. R. Tillery ' If you will sell, 5) let J. R. TILLERY. know it a be wishes to buy the-n. . RESTAURANT. Wh-'n vou come to town don't ri i ti stop at I.J. PO WELL'S restaura:t. j.c fLirriss' for a fir-;tcla-s meal. Me:ili at all hours and tab'.? tcU n; lie 1. Scotland Nee' -x D yon want feathers'? has them for sale. I. "J. Xe's-iii Patents se-nired on reasonable t . Work reliable. Write for pari :',. L. Hhllamer. Solicitor of Pj,;e;its, AY pne''M-:r.I C. 1 l) LI 2 r" I vv, '. TV r e ' ,! :vi h..t exactly, but is one of the most ably edited jour-1 Jl fCH MOND, Va. Tf et jrr ten. D. O-- !.- -

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