W. H KITCHIN, OWNER WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. 8JTBj3CRIPfIQN SL5Q PER YEAR, VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C,. FRIDAY JANUARY 21, 1887. NO 11. A Woman's Bargain. Madeline S. Bridges. You will loye me? Ah, T know As men love-no better, dear. Worship? Yes, a mouth or so. Tenderness? Perhaps a year. After that, the quiet sene Of possession; careless care, And the calm indifference That all married lovers wear. Blame you, dearest? Not at all. As Fate made you, so you stand; As Fate made you, so you fall, Far below Love's high demand. - "Yet how strange is Love's deep law! 1 can look you through and through, Tracing plainly Nature's flaw In the heart she gave to jou; Knowing all my heart must stake, . All the danger, all the fear, And yet glad, even so, to make This, my losing bargain, dear! The Pod's Wall. Henry Tholens. O. the autumn dys are coming, when the bees have stopped their hum ming, and the partridge lone is drum mingin the copse upon the hill; FERTILIZING WITH DRAI3T. We do not believe the tim" has come when the email farmer can successfully conduct his business without performing some manual labor , nor when the large farmer can attain marked success without thtt intimate knowledge of his work that comes from actual partic ipated in it. But we do most fully believe that the day is forever pass ed when the chief reliance of the suc cessful farmer, whether his acres be fw or many, can be placed upon manual industry, however pesi6tent if undirected by a mind conversant with the progress of the times in all that relates to his business. In tbe past, when apparently- unbounded West offered its fertile soil free for the taking, and when America held aaonopoly of tbe railways and im proved implements of husbandry there was some excuse for the hand l to-mouth Dolicy which has been the chief characteristic of our agricult l i j. I j r . When the leaves are slowly falling, and ure ' out tue uaJ' U1 iree the sable crow is calling to his" mate '3 almost ended, while the extension to stop her squalling with a wild and of the use of agricultural machinery mournful thrill; throughout the old world , the devel- Autumn winds the boasrhs are rustline. ooment of agricultural resources ol and the towns again are bustling, the southern hennsphere,and especi- while the countryman is hustling allv the brineing of the half-naked with his apples and his corn; Days of Johnny-cake and bacon, when the woods are all forsaken, and the meadow-larks have taken flight a cross the fields fcrlorn; 'Tis the season melancholy, days when nature is not jolly; soon the welcome Christmas holly will be hung o'er banquet hall; Snows of winter will be o 'er us, and the season soon will bor e us when in manner quite decorous we must seek ( the evening ball; farmers of India into direct and close competition wun eurseives through the medium of the railroad and steamship all these are stead ily and surely faking from us the vantage ground we feave heretofore held as food producers for the world. One thing is certain, and that is the American farmer would retain this vantage ground, he must bring to his work something more than brawn something: more than brawn I rkinfnrfoA Kw m ooli a n ! 1 incroniiit'tr Vnr , mmer davs are over, withered j - J . are the fields of clover, and each These have served us well in the merry woodland rover on his haunts past , but henceforth they must take no more does dote; J a secondary place, Yielding the first And the question now, my dearie, that rank to a still Li?her exercise of the dotn make me feel so weary, is the intillect than that which has given old one, dark and dreary; Can I wear J u3 the steam engine and the modern last winter's coat? harvester. Farm, Stock and Home Undying; Ugnt. R. W. Gilder in the Century. I W hen in the golden western summer skies A flaming glory starts and slowly fadea Through crimson tone on tone to deep er shades, There falls a silence, -tfhile the day light dies Lingering but not with human agonies That tear the soul, or terror that de grades; A holy peace the falling world psr vades Nor any fear of that which onward lies; For well. ah. well, the darkened vale re calls A thousand times ten thousand vanish ed suns; Ten thousand sunsets from whose black ened walls Reflamt lhe white and living day, that runs, In lisht which brines "all beauty to the birth, Deathless MR CLEVELAND RUST HARMONIZE THE DEMOCRACY OR HE WILL' BE BEATEN- Fermenting nannrr. By our Agricultural Editor. All kinds of vegetable - matter, straw, leaves, weeds, grass, hay,&c. when piled in bulk, soon begins fer menting or decay, and the ferment v tiou is more or less rapid according to the presence of htat,moisturo and size of the pile. Green matter in hot weather , piled in blk,begina to ferment speedily, and decay . soon I follows. Tn winter, as there is less teat, decay is slow, but it is going on all the same in every pile of vege table matter. . Fermentation is' tbe agent by which matter is reduced for plant food, But fermentation is combus tion , and during toe process the er cranio material is tbrown off and dis ?ipted in the air as carbonic acid ammonia, etc., to the detriment and injury of the manure. Much valua ble fertilizer is, undoubtedly, lost in his way. But the farmer has it in his power to retain this vohtile matter, and prevent its loss. Nature has given him more than one substance seem- ingly for this very purpose namely. dry earth, charcoal dust, and gyp - sum or land plaster. The latter es pecially is the farmer's friend, his little detective, to arrest tbe truant gas arising frem decay of organic manures, and hold it till wanted for use, Plaster scattered over the heaDS as thev are thrown up. will prevent the escape of the ammonia that would otherwise be dissipated in tbe watery vapor constantly rising from tbe piles. All fermenting ma nuresshculd be covered with pla9ttr so Ion? s thev lie in bulk. With- out this they lose half their value in a very brief period, as we have de monstrated by caraful experiment. Petersburg Index. CR ICE-ITS CAUSES. cinna hams. One thins is certain, and that is that if we are to Bonainate"Mr. Cleve land to bs his own successor, which at preseut seems to us inevitable, we cannot elect bim unless we come to some better understanding than now exist?. In truth, if he is net with us heartily, and in good faith, and all along tbe line, We do not care to elect Hm. Between a Mugwump in ths Whu-3 House and a Stalwart Republican, we should prefer to take our chance of the future in' a square hand-to hand night on principle with the Tit-publican, a change of public policy, rather than to eke out preca rious milk-anl-water servrtude o a fast-and-loose, pig-and-puppy, now- forever round the ancient I vou-see-it and-now-voa-dan't, too- eartn, srood-to-be hones''. and too-zreat-to h-iispfiil Administration, of Cueao ,t .1 . t i j i c i:r j I - KJ tnOU lue loru auu uiao.er ui mo uiu , ,. , . iioian statesmen, neanui: accuuu " ... t j : i. u 1, s -i Fullheavv are the burdens that do nanu appurei uu pmcuwava. jenci- weigh ry Our spirits earthward, as through twi- This is the feeling among I he msss light gray of Democrats. Courier Journal, We journey to the end and rest of night; Thouzh well we know t the deep in ward sight Darkness is bat thy shadow, and tbe day Where then art never dies, but sends o-u I L i ... . J. S., "for the pleasure of the society Through the wide universe with rest-1 ' . . might. I send you tbe following about curing hams, as the practice of a good house-wife known to life in my younger days, whose bams weie much prized. -This was her rule: For every four hams of moderate size she took 1 lbs. of fine salt, six ounces of saltpetre, one pound of brown sugar, and after mixing them thoroughly together, rubbed the Lianas therewith on either side; Thev were then pacKed in a box, and placed in a cool out house for about three weeks, when the hams were taken out and put in a pickling tub or hogshead, and covered with brine strong enough to swim an egg. AN ter remaining in the pickle for about three weeks, they were taken out, tborongb'y rubbed with fresh Salt, and hung up in a well Parlor Game for Conntry Folk. Jl Tbe members of the society were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. O Lord of light, steep thou our souls- in thee! . ' That when the daylight trembles ' in to shade. And falls the silence of mortality. and the prout ct the minister,'.' as the good man put it. A day or two before the time appointed a note was sent to a score or more of people asking them each to write an answer in rhyme to the question , enclosed, A r.A all is rlnnA .w sha.ll nnt hf nfrnifL But pa$s from light to light; doth seem Into the very h eart and dream. heaven of our ventilated house for a few days to dry, after which they were transferred to the smoke house, where they were hung up and smoked with oak sawdust until they had acquired the color of bright mihogony, when each bam was sewed up in canvas, the cover ings whitewashed and hung op to dry, after which they were white, washed again and packed away in hogsheads with oatmeal until want ed. M. i. in Scottish Agricultural Gazette. There is no paper thatis'prcmptei or more certain to defend the South aga'nst unjust reproachor aspersion than the Star. But it is neither wise nor necessary to shot jour eves 10 glaring facts and ostrich-like think the body is bidden because the head is stuck in the sand. The way to correct an evil is to look at it steadily in the light ef open day. In matters of public health as ii. crime no good will come from deny ing plain facts. You must first see an evil before you can apply a prop er remedy. ' It is a fact that crime is steadily increasing in the South. Frior to the war. m slavery times murders among negroes were comparatively rare ; among the whites they were very rare indeed as compared witb the present. In North Carolina, we are pained to say, crime is much more rife and aooundiug than at any former time. We have but little doubt that in the last hve years there bave been more murders, er aitemcts to kill occurins in North - ' Carolina than in the receeing ten years, or in any twenty years before the war. The Raleigh Biblical Re carder thus dthvers its own opinion. It says : "It id probable that more murdera were committed ia North Carolina during the past year than in any half dozen years since 1865. Near ly every county has bad its criminal and its yietem. Nearly every conv munity in the State has been shock ed bv tbe terrible announcement that ome one of its citizens has been murdered. The number of thece terrible ex-! periences have rapidly increased du ring the last five er six years. The people are becoming alarmed and are asking not only for tbe causes that bave ted to this deplorable and ruinous state of public morals , but are equally interested in discover infi some remedy for the evil.7,i Whatever the causes of this alarm ing and dreadful increase of crime the fact remains, we take it. We could again discuss tbe causes as we have done In former editorials. but it would probably do no stood. As we look at it the chief causes for in cre'ase of crime, aside frcm natural depravity and widely prevailing ten dencss to evil, are the following : Firsjb, defects in tLe criminal law and tLe failure of Courts to render speedy verdicts. Second, a false public sentiment that condones crime and symprthi Z33 with villians. This is seen in numerous implication? extensively signed for executive clemency, and in bestowing floral tributes by fool ish women uuon such red-handed murderers as Cluvcrius. Fourth, the one-man power. Fifth, the failure of prosecuting officers to do their duty. Sixth, the jury system. The list might be extendcd.but these constitute tbe chief causes of crime, and until they are corrected there will be but little abatement of crime. It is simply most.de plor able that in State that has been always so law-abiding as North Carolina so many incarnate devils should de-. spoil and kill and deflower nd sow the whirlwind . Wilmington btar. . for the average Legislator to. vote away money but not so easy for hi? constituents to"! foot the hiU.The Clinton Caucasian. Average Duration of Ofe. The average duration of life has been made the subject of fresh in vestigation by a German statistician, who Bnds that the lowest average is is for the day laborer (82 years), and the highest among those who engage ia manual toil is among tbe garden- er?, sailors and fishermen, 58 years. The professional "occupations , come even above regular open-iir occupa tions, as the averages show 49 years for physicians, 54 for jurists, 57 for teachers and 67 for clergymen. TOE It is sad, but a fact, nevertheless, that nowhere does so much of man's innate eruelty manifest itself, as in the treat ment of domestic animals, especially of the horse and the dog. The faithfulness. the submissive ne s, the intelligence of these friends of man count as naught in the estimation of many a two-legged brute to whom the animal which may be temporarily confided to his care is infin itely superior in every respect. Not a day passes tu at these assertions are not verified by occurrences unde. our very eyes. Day after day overwoiked and undertea Horses ana mules, witn sores concealed by the harness, ( may be seen toiling, almost staggering, along the streets with loads far beyond their strength, while the stupid and bruta driver mercilessly plies the whip, and, if the poor animal falls from sheer exhaus tioni only adds the kick of a hobnailed boot to the sting of the lash. The treat ment bestowed upon dogs in many in stances is similar jn its character, though it varies in kind, adantinz itself to the greater or lesser forbearance of the dog: for be it bnown, that the cowardly spirit which shows itself in the ill- treatment of an unresisting animal, fears to proceed to volence when it is likely to meet with a resisting force. A Newspaper supporting the Principles of a Democratic Administration, " Published la the City f New York. WILLIAM DORSHEIMER, Editor Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Edjtions, THE WEEKLY STAR, A 16 page Newspaper, issued 1 every Wednesday, A clean, pare, bright and Interesting FAMILY PAPER. It contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press : Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial TJenarhnents. all under the direction of trained Journalists of tbe highest ability. Its sixteen pages win do iuuuu truwueu wun gvua luiugs from beginning to end. Original stories ny aisiingxusnea. American, ana foreign writers of fiction. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR to Sub- SCBIBEKS. FREE OP POSTAGE in the uuited States and Canada, outside the limits of New York City : Peryear , .,....$1 23 Clubs of Ten 10 00 Clubs of Fifteen (and one extra to organizer or vuiDj..,.,. 10 no For THREE MONTHS, on trial, SS CENTS, THE DAILY STAR. The Dailt Stab contains all the news of the day !q an attractive form. Its special correspondence oy cable irom ixnuon, rang, jternn, Vienna ana Dublin is a commendable feature. ' At Washington, A I ban v, and other news centers. the ablest correspondents, specially setained by Th staii, lurnisii the latest news Dy teiegrapn. Its literary features are unsurpassed. The Financial and Market Reviews are unusually full and complete. Special terms and extraordinary induce ments to agent and canrassers. Send for circui- TERMS OF TKfc uAILY STAR TO Sub acniBSRs, free op vistamk in the United States and Canada, outside the l.mits cf New York City: KTery day for one year ( .'licludin Sunday) 00 Daily, without r-uuday, one year 6 00 Every.ditj-. six months 3 5 Dally, wnhout Sunday, six months. 8 Ou Sunday, without Daily, nc year 1 50 Til -Z STAR, Broadway and I'nrU 1'laee. New York. WHAT XII E DA BY C l.T DO. The baby can wear oat a new pair of kid shoes in twenty hours. It can keep its father busy adver tising in thcnewspapers for a nurse. It can occupy both sides , of tbe largest-sized bed manufactured, simultaneously. It can crowd to suffocation ; the smoking car with indignant passen gers between two stations. It cau make itself look like a fiend just at the moment when mamma wants ' to show what a prcltv baby she has. which was also sent in the note These productions were to be read for the entertainment of the people, the game being called 'Crambo.' Tbe evening came and the houee whs filled with a glad compiny. There were humorous readings and qutet games. Une or tnt se games engag ed both old and young,tnd we call it 'What is it like and?': One person is sent ont of tbe room and tLe oth ers agree on a subject to talk about. This time the .word 'Mttoa'. was chosen. When the person was call- ed in the aeked a little hoy What is it like?' He replied, It is like the sun; 'Whyf 'Because it rises. An other said 'It is like a cow because it has horns and a face.' She asked According to our esteemed Be publican content poratr. the Mail and Express, "there has been a general raking up of resignations in the Treasury Department during the past week. The letters written bv nearly all Republican officials early in the Administration expressing willingness to sever their connection with the department are now before Secretary .Manning, and those who have not already received permission to depart may expect their dismissal in the near future," The near future ought to be the immediate present. What earthly reason can be found for . keeping thtse Republicans in office? It seems that they have long been wil ling to go ; and certainly the Demo cratic party is more than willing that they should go. in deference to whose feelings, then, are they kept in? Grover Glevelan i, MUSIC STORE Richmond and Petrrsbubq ) Rail ho ad Company, V Commencing SuxnY .July 8, '83. J Trains on this road will run as lollows; . LEAVE RICHMOND SOUTH ' 11(30. A M daily, connecting for Norfolk, Raleigh, Charleston, Savann&q and Florida. Storjs at Drew ry's Bluff, Centralia and Ches- -? ter.-Pullman sleepsr cilew xork to Savannah. i:50 P M Fast Mail, daily, connecting lor unarieston, savannan ana Florida. This train makes no itcal stops. Pullman sleeper Vashinzton to Charleston. - 3 3 P M Accommodation, daily (ex- cent Sunday.) 6:53 A M freight, daily(except Sunday.) 5-58 P M Sunday excursion . LEAVE PETERSBURG NORTHWARD FROM APPOMATTOX DEPOT. l:5S.'-A JI Fast Mail, daily Makes no local stops. Sleeper Charleston to Washington. 7:30 A M Accommodation, daily (ex cept Snnday.) 3;27 P M daily. Stops at Chester, Centra lia and Drewry's Bluff. ' Pull ' man sleeper Savannah to New York. :0S P M freight, daily (except Sunday) t-23 P M Sandy excursion. All daily passenger trains make close lonnetion-at Richmond for all points north, east and west. THE ONLY ALL RAIL ROUTE TO NORFOLK. Leave Richmonb li:30 A M daily. Arrive at Norfolk at 4 P M. Leave Norfolk 12:43 P M dailv. Arrive at Richmond at 4:29 P M . J. R KENLY. Gen'l Sup't, SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager, M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Ar't KITCHIN &DUNN Attorneys & counsellors at law Scotland Neck, N. C. CdF'Olfice on 10th Street, first (loar RAIL RQADS LBEMARLE & RALEIGH ..RAIL iLROADiCO. And after this date, trains will run in this Road by the following Schedule farboro, N. C. April 1, 1885 TIMS TABLE. PM Tarboro(Lv.) 6 00 Harrells Warrens Bethel Rober'nville Everett's Wil'ston (ar) 6 15 6 25 6 50 715 7 35 8 05 I A M Tarboro (Ar.) 10 i Harrells K) 2 Warrens 10 1 Bethel 9 42 Robersonville 9 05 Everett's 9 0( Williamston'lv)8 3G CONNECTIONS : At Tarboro, with W.W . & R. R. At Having taken the Agency for the sale of all kinds of musical instruments, from a iewsharo. to finest piano or organ, with samples on hand; we cordially invite the adies and public generally, to call atour music store; cor. Mam a tenia or, ana examine for themselves. Miss EvaM Kitchin, a musical exbert, will have charge, and order promptly any thing not on hand. Every thing sold at factory prices and no deception. For cash or on the instat inents plan. Nothing but the bost standard goods are kepc. 15 days trial given on Pianos or Organs, to re sponsible parties and six month privilege to exchsge them. All freights paid to your nearest sta tion or landing, and return freight's it' it fails to give satisfaction. Now is the time to buy" a harp ot a thousand strings" and cultivate your tal bling gift of nature. John Li- Kitcnm .& uo- Scotland Neck N. C. April 27 1886. SALARIES. Williamston with Roanoke, Norfolk & Baltimore Steam Boats for Washington and Jamesville R. R. At Jamesville Norfolk Southern R. R. at Edenton. Subject to change without Notice. JAS. H. PETTY, Gen. Sup'L Tarboro, N. C., June" st. 1883. NOTICE. 'Brick" Pomeioy is not content with laying a foundation for a fort une in Colorado, in connection with th Atlantic-Pacifi ? Railway Tuiw nel, lut has opeued up a new office at 234 Broadway, New York c.ty, from which he is issuing J'omeroy's Democrat, a hamlsome sixte n paje paper, in etter style than ever be fore, aud is a making a great suc cess of it. In it defence of the prin ciples of Democracy, the rights of la bor and its opposition to Cleveland in all that pertains to the Mugwum piuess of Ins administration, ani to his reuominatio i. Pomero.y's Dem ocrat i as hot a? the rear end ot a hornet, and as sol d as the front end of a buffalo buU. And the pa per is hav ng a widesp ead influ ence The prtce,ot tb3 uemockat is on'y two dollars a year, and a va'uable preseut in additional, to every subscriber. Agents are wants ed in every town to canvass for the paper, and to make money by so doing. Sample copies free. Address M.M. PO VIE ROY. 234 Broadway New York city. NOTICE. It can make an old bachelor in a third aDd receiyed the answer , 'It the adjoining room use language , that, if uttered in the street, would get bim six months. . It can go to sleep like a little an gel, and just a mamma and papa is like bread because it rises.' The one giving the most information by his answer had to go out tbe next time. George Washington and oth er historic characters : were talked The Omly Place It la Used. are starting for tbejtheatre, it can aout, and such things as the human wake up"; and stay wake until the hair, -artesian wellaletc.JZuraZ New This "vital priaciple of ciyil ser vice reform" this competitive hum- bag, is recognised nowhere, and is used nowhere except, " as Senator Voorhees, of Indiana bas partly pat it, ander Democratic administration of government to keep or. put Re publicans in office. From the JRecli ester Union and Advertiser, Already our exchanges are dis cussing tbe propriety of an increase in th salaries of onr Judges. At present they receive $2500 per year. Out of this fund they have to pay their expenses and their board bills around on the circuit. This will co A them about f loo leaving fl5oo as iha net salary. We do not believe in the proposition that large salaries must be paid in order t secure com petent officials, lo the best of our knowledge the Judgeship has never gone a begging. At the present sal ary low though it be, aspirants of eminent fitness have abounded and do still abound. Our Congressmen receive double what our Judges get but the Judges as a body are certain ly equal in character and ability to our Congressmen. In some other States the salary of the Judges is much higher than in ours but none of them have a more able and incor ruptible Judiciary. Times are hard and as long as such men as Gilmer, Boykin, Clark, Connor&c are willing to serve at at the present salary we see no urgent need for an increase. The State might provide for the payment of their travelling expenses but while onr hard working farmers are raising Cotton on poor land at 8 cents with the aid of mortgages, ne groes, and mules it behooves the Legislature to go slow in the matter COFFINS ! Good Coffins and Wood Caskets FINISHED IN CLOTH AND WALNUT. FULL OUR MACHINE SHOP IS NOW READ FOR OPERATION- Work done at LOWEST figures and on SHORTEST TIME. STOCK METALLIC CASES. PROMPT DELIVERY. E. A. CUTHRELL. BUOKLENS ARNICA SALVE TflE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sares, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.. It is guaranteed to giva perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 2d cents per Tox. SALE BYE T.WIIIT hEAD ACo Steam always on; ready to jgrind your . corn bolt your flour: turn your shaft, bore cylinder fit your pipe, coupling: or Steam joint. - r J For all kinds of Maehlne work . fittings or supplies , APPLY te who has charge of tb3 shop aa l will order anything mt n hand .0. -. o.....o...... . GIVE US YOUR GRINDING, SAWING, GINNING UUiiu, ara PATKQNAGE'IJS OU K L.1JNK. LUMBER AIEUCHAlVT. Sells Absolutely on Commissions. Consignments Solicited And Sat isfaction Guaranteed, Han an experieuce of forty years in the Lumber business. LJ. MERCER 313 W. GRACE STREET, RICHMOND, Va. I am still in the market t biiv your cotton and will pay you tbe high est price . each day have plenty o currency to buy all that , come to our CARTS AND WAGONS BUILT ON SHOK'I o o o 0. All under chare-e 01 MS. PITT SCOTLAND NECK, N. (.: vl begining cf tbe last act . ;; . , Yorker. of heaping up taxation. It ' is easy place. ; UABIUGS.