Fin 1I WJ i in. jry w. ii kTiciilw o.v.vhr WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. srnsc furrinx si.:n vv.w ykak VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FRIDAY MARCH 11, 18.S7. NO is. IdEIUOBIST CHURCH. jendle-ss cljain ai 1 cups here take the 'shot to the &jrt iir tylre in suo'lr 1st Sunday . V.'il'iam's ('lit pel 1 1 . a. m . par t of t 1j e I u i hi i i:g, Tl en tab! '!li ;;k1 4th I I m v ra Si '.'t land Neck 11. n . nc I'a'ih Tra 74 p. ru. 0f v. hieh there ;ire three , fomi e of t V tnot i'.t resting fi at un s ) the whole pro.-es-j. Tbe table Cm- .v!Ts of n frame, t . J'.tlm via 1 1 , a. in. Scotland Neck 73 r . t 1 1 . nb-good's II, a. m. i "hie, fo ::. an inclined phua Scotland Neck 7. p. m. i of a out. 1 degrees. TLe top is T. I IJONNKIl, I'.C. I forn t d of p!at ofreavy "la.- j nl out i fee-t breu 1 and as Ions; as the width of the tabic, which in tliit ease was 6 feet. Tbe table was Jiie-u wc 1, aii'l wliat of that.-' Didn bmev life-was spent on he-Is off 'n glass piate B an aperture O! ca'c j t'ri in 1 to 2 inches, uktl also a droj l'l'iU'-iii.; tl... luso leaves .scattered b j of atom 2 inches from the lower bre.- j ,.,i;,e of t.ell )jute to the n(xt TIj( Come, rouse thre! work while it is called , - . automatic cairier empties the shoi to Uav , r ,, ,, , upon tbe highest end of the table. uward, arise. go mrth tin- wav: 1 K i he. pi'-h starts the 1 it t It b( nclv! and wkat of thitt globes on a downward roll. Those Some niust G lonely; 'tis not piven to! perfectly rounrl spent alon-r mcnily, "uiidiig iDoincntum enough to jump each aperture and land in a kading trough ht the bottom. But tbe im perfect fchot, these flat on one side or othcrw ijsf iir. ei feet, show their weakness by rolling clum sily down and falling tli.'uuKli the, fir&t or, at most, the secon t or third ( aperture. And thin is what the ol. ss-top tables are fur separating tic perfect fclil imperfect phot. It lividuality about a a.Mis sendn-'j j the S-.-n ate, and ( ire-h r.i. : ru:,::!; lU th-i is a ;1- li !!'! em e . :h iv r:'- a- ' h r ! "' r .:"- ; ' j. aljout hi penmanship, tnl he c-un ! -i ht i . ; i"r-idei t ; ::! r :ii o .t hi ln p.i!-ut- :- to ;h tt I j 1 1 1 r w h cti ' ' r ... :,k- t k u v.u be as it-:i'3iiv d:siii''u'.N: e 1 by it. A ' li.a m- o.e of the l': i r i .-fn:ii r. Th' va-t in .j , . f , ; r ', :l. ;i r " , . ease in point is related bv A I f Sa !; -! r ;et .1 u i j- them want ih-ir l-. an1, ir:ri- ' n . i . :: i - . . i . . . . .;l",wl wf.rk d or,e ot' t. e ( H.v-rn- j Ti c ol ? --t ix Cub n-t i.iti.-t-r non ; k- p at eh.l n . h nT ; h ti t . a nt- w , r .... t ;. . f i;ent wires bit weeu Na&liviile j iu i: is (( re l:ii.To!t, who wa-. l o,uiit ( c th m t he ?n -t i;..r :itf r.-.t 1 : ' u .cl:-.- a t w L.-.-u'srille durinii the War. C):.e da j J shlcnt 1'oIa's T.' v of th" :;cee-ai'. .;. 'lh v ciiiai"! !.- to, ..( hiivl f..- j :V, t vhile the wires were idle, SO ire on Navy fe;r- wo years a,'". N. .t t. ' -Htotd to Mlppoit tb-in longer a: 1 ,o :,!-, ., - ?. ; i : - ! ht an 'nterniediate fetation callt-it ut hir. comes Jetf. l):t- , who served hu but need the r a:-ta e in the Nashville ollice, an 1 began usk-j end-jr Frank Pierce as Si-cretai v of for the taini wa s -:-. 1 ing Savillc a limiibcr ol -jLCtion A :.r , and then .Iudo- Holt :r, 1 llor I U hod li'an e , i n n too. I , cv .-It: ' ah(jHt the movement of troops and other mat lets connected with tin army. I5efore two minutes Saville re cognized his m en. ,-l.l ( -.! -o t a- 1 . v v i r i i . ii .. at io King, who w ( re Sevrttarv of : t hat so fai ;is cuoa i us the ) iai f ;-. a-; I t ! - : n I. ! U'ar and rostm at er-( It neral undt-r j ;eal -lu-ee m the occupation- ,o it.d. It vt n' o-:- .;..rl I.uchanan. Judge 1 1 oil and llor a! io ! wdiieh t he are to pur-tie. t lit' ehlh ,'ulU 1 t 'v:i . a d ! . o i 1 Iviia both live ill Washington. Hohi'lieii aie hkeiv to be hii!iei-d a- In- !..'. 1 -a I .-fo , , oa' 1 ' -1 say. Georje Ellsworth, what .lo-;s not talk verf mu.-li about tht ! 1 aT Jl r ,'1,n helj -d bv devoting ;.iuij ed th- o'A " a ," t : tbe devil are you diu'n there?' tla-.h ed Savi'le, cutting into the m ddle of a sentence:. There was a moment pause, and then came the answer, slow and hesitating : "ccompbslicd ' '"ore" y ars to st;idy :ii th - st b. he I a f . I r a g i ; . fa t -In;. U To feel a heart responsive rise and fall lo UiMi 1 .'liiullii-r life into its own I Work inay ! done in lonf lines-; weak eid l'arkl w-.d', ;iad what of that": lul.-t !' v die an the sun would t.,-cr si ;.' Dos! IVar I- -e thy way'r Tke courage Lean i th.a tu v, dk by faith and not bv :a. Thy .-:).- will tr'iidf d be. and guided light. 11.. i 11 ed. and what of that? l.d-i f'aaey lite i-r.e sannnt r liolidav itii le-si.ns. none to learn, and naught 1 i ! h : a ' No -f was ; ( iiasr, nia King u ae ."ccomo - . i. i itterateur, and dev-'d'.i a large part ! ru 11 's m" eesiialhl lor them d;t md o n : : t he . 1 ; . of his time to writing :.r;ieles for his- ' r liie ouiside th special - due- i,-.ul b n-k, th? c-...t -i lorica! magazines. His frann : is as j ;l' " ' M'iinal fr t heir 1' 1 w oi k. - :tad gi d.ed :t Pv th ; . k strong as that of I'. mend't, only :-, i Mar. part;afi may not want then ;, u'i, ,1 It ,,;! ; i- gro t "'I tut in'' on the wire two days ! trit'.e fatter, and h.s mind is a- clear 1 fhi'.-bni to undergo a a..Mc ot , triitting .tr a !'. ' rae. o v.,t ago and ha secured a good deal j as a bell. .lacoti Tnonips t., w ho j niaraial appro t iee-bip, as if th -ual bejgau I . ,1. of information . bui I mi l.t have et ; was a in. Milan- o." f !..-. .-ii.. (' .1 u. r wele id i;t- ss.U.v to by in- elian more if I had only kept ry mouth (ke) sLnt. Good by. Alf, I am going.' T here was a sudren eliek of the wire, aud then the circuit closed. ': Ellsworth was the celebrated Confederate operator who aceom psnicrt John Morgan in his raids through Kentucky and Ohio. Savillc nd he had worked together before y : U A : r . ;-t tii t ..f !.d ; ' i'g' I--' t 1 i ' e - i M ' I e ' i d ! , .' ol i . d : ; ft .. - j . i t i . - - I l h ! in - i I - , 1 1 ( 1 '. I 4', i a very simple device, but an ef-it'ie war, and bad become familiar fective otic, with each other's style." From the From the lottom of the table the J Ehrtric Aye. sLot are again picked up by the end less chain and cup-carrying system (h. set thee to thf tak. ('on.pnr or ' ;lui1 earrie d u!i abu.t te n feet whei. tie. j it ;:; ponied luto akVstcmot sep.arat-J It must be U- oaed. Learn it, then, ! ing cvIineh rs. Each of these e-ylin,!-' Among the industrial enlerprses I'ieutly. L.rl i, ,,,, nr.Wt i,n ..i 1f, (reported by the MuifacL HTrf Uut ila : The rov iiiir ohiIi. No help! r.av. 'tis not so- incbe in dialer at . -,c end a ,d I R":ord a3 "rgapizeil i;1 S .nth Tha.-b hu-..-,u e,! be far. thv (lod is at the oth. r, and each is closed v 1 ,,l,nnK the nre u,e n-h. irlorated, ordifTerent sized shetM L ans aml Aiabairft Coal and Coke W hu f,ed. th ravens hears his oh.lJrcn for UiC s!,ot .ife uot ahvavs of U;e j Company of Ji.rmingham, with a -am, siz, even from the 5aeshow-iI);tul ot 0,000, tne Jagger e;ing. When the shot are poured in-j C,l! i:k Company otb,. i.,o,l;; ,U.n,rfi,,l ,.,.! Montgomery, capital SWSKU, and lie's near the- wheresooYr thy footsteps Irani . A:ai he wiii guide thee, liht thee, help tilt- ! . o : I . livery (Uher Saturday. A at(l IC'kIt with him, di'ai only a year or so Kgi , j iea' trades. Th ma infe-ad them j . and I ie- lam living, so Casey Vo.-;iig tells me, a I ,"1 (,t!-''r bu-iiies-., and a)ae.pieiif J fortune uf about $!,( .10,000. J h oI,.i et very ehaddcelly to having Two onl men wlo were in Lm- t in it t ime s; ent in aea-ordaraa- wit b coin a Cabinet still ahve. ()..c is tho.-ies of industrial education. Uar,nibal Hamlin, who acted as his U 1,at ,ll,'-v lksiro 1,,r tm"ir hin j Vice-l'resident, and who iff very hap j (''"-'h ot frpicial learning. In ov amor, r Lis botiks and tn.ut ! countries where there arc fixed j .,f d pending exclu-ivi I , -ei t!,e u-e o n streoins in Main- and the othir is i a-tes ami an artisan -las to whi-h j of ta.inm.-iei il te ti!;.(-rs i,, the ci,l;i- any .: , r A ;'; 1 he1 FaruuTs id' Ninth Carolina sia rn to be a! las' rah ag the f.div 1 y. ! a', a ' t - , i I II CO ' ii , 'o ' vat ion o : t n.-ir . . ( ur J-'t utc e oil at gi s ia tll dillclt id H'-ioii- of t hi" State make bvipie:, u.t'i!iUi of Simon Cameroa, who is now in the ! relations are tie t down, it might He: in, das for his health. Scofi ,ld, ! w - visabic, as Dr. Dickinson re who was at one time S-ciotary of ! aiarks. fo provnie schools to tit a War, till lives. Harlan, oi.e jf " "nt i n uc 'i a that station J ! t : ;e fa ! t i. :i t ' ',e f;.r;;i r - n t h -i ,- t e Johnson's Secretaries of the Interior. I I'fc t which it has pleaai God toj-a, ct-v- h d l - a-e pur. having is a Judge ia Wcshh.-ton. and ' lli,n lmt 1,('IV' wll,lv t!i,'u' hutdiz-rs ;.e- r c I ..... .. 1 ... ........ 1 . .1 . ! i , . .. .. , I-'vart ivl.o wne nm .A' ! 5. Mt,m i nio l.o such c as.-e, ;ni a i o f ; t .viieoi I (nan I , ivtotore. Mi:r o! : lo o; no; !.:.- . Hni.t .;.,.! I i I ii-' r. . i :1 ' a g . r i i. c t .ii. ..; I i of- . M i i ii . a. , i I e ', . i- . I i a ; i ' . i I i i .... General0, is in the United '-dates Senj'.e. Flihu Washlairne, Grant's Si-c: t ...ry uf Stat-4, lives in 1 !i ('ago. and i wi 'tintt a !erie- of artiv h s on i i bo, s may in uf er li'c follow a- t vir:g tb t. ' aiit.e-l tcra the p man y dillVrrnt kinds of lat-in"-s. j 1(. ,.Ll ,;, f , ; , . , . , lh i i: ; . i . . i i . , . . 11 s sue-1. ei c : ; ne. eats c n o; i 1 ' -tea.. 1 n i e ; . - fi mad in i u C ! il at loa. The' tie I'll t he , i . - in tli: . t'era i- ii.;' - : Ii -e 1 1 , f : i a .g - t ' I , i ' e i. . c , . -( ! i s ii ti.-o ei im Hi; imim , i ii ;i Hi i -iv i.i . ' f r i - o . o ii. e s.cge oi i ar:5 tor t i i ') . ' ' ' 1 '" M 'ww:;,.... ! saw him a oar a-, mid ! ( nlu Se ' sUi iV Uiul " l,:i'' ! '"-,Vl !- 1 1 ' : " ir!1!f- of Nortli Ca ' me i he was then the oersotrljcarion of ! l'Vt r d,;ld 11111 n,V,,S ''v, anl j ilia had p lit om-hnlf ti.e n-'i.y ,,,. I t. good health. Jlainilio i Fish, an other of G I m.'s Secretaries, is liv ing in New York, a;.d crry one ' I e ' i - t , ! i I c i '. . a -' e i 'a i no m r in t'o' prod ctioa of Ii mi.' made III i- i i t .- .p.- As a practical inaltl,te o.mochan- j nnrc tlu.t. y ha,-e paid for imp r; r he ; o :n of p,. ;;, ii-al t'ilining cannot be lntrodtlevti i t., IV. Id e-rs. il.c r- farms would h.- i e:i; ... line gr.ele.Ji the shrlt of that fcize ! ll:C L'lkout VaIltV Iron and Coal ! k;,m8 (f nuhw txj.u .. ;U Autr. j ii't(. t! c ,.ub!ic schools w it hout in- I , , ,.!, be ,, r eoad.t oo, than t'c, are shaken out l.Vlhe revolving ed" j ;m"a;,-V "f C!ia:tanooga, cap tal . , y Ks cr-:VV of W:ir ' cnatsiog a hoi'h-n l abe.uly j are-, a,.el t!ey would i an- more ,,u; n a uor 'jjm:-ws;is. i-Hl I f Oil C';' lid OliO ....tnr-.l ,r.o- 1 " '"' J liulkiup, who was i!;Gic!'il tmIi an I oil eoirpasiv lias bvvn ire rpor- . . rtc w i 1 1 ! (.rni't i et c (TCP w m i . ! O "l 'l CI , 1 T I f ' v boder , id the others carried :ui toma' ically to the text cviir.edJ'r.t gr i.or:;tedtoU.keuL thh next large r ! :'',u in e" l,-kV' A a - 2'W'0,- t(ln lawver, and his Se-ntary of the i ti . i .i.i i . compjuv oryan zjo to cote tor uat-. ,, , . . 0, . , : sic. I his is n eated until the shot i 1 av-, Jlobeson, v. eigus 20'J pounds S ! . O .V i I : : ' . 1 ! i The top of the tower is reached by are all -e ci-af :d. E ecli gr;'ak' is ural gas has leased 100,000 acres ef 1 md in Alabama and Teiin-.s ee for , th;t 'turpose. Vi.e recent sale of anil home ;t Washingbm : - t . - . n 4. 1 ... .1 .. 1 I ... 'I I. ..I . . .. .. ;ooiua. upon i.a-e-o.ii.iie-11. l n v i e y t - ! W lor I lie I iitor tin-y Pave- ui '-t a'lh. '. e-: mo.e k now t ban they can j d me. Wc do n obj.o t :.ltogi ; b? i do well, an 1 their physical and it-j to e-ommerciai f i ' diz rs. Tia-v an roll-, ctut.l wedf.ttw reepiiiiS that it good'c:oi:-l , n ,-.l,;a nd jadc.oec s!,..ald bo l.-s.-et.etl rather than in-1 ly u-cd irctM u- d in c u;i.e-c! ion oi i.-- e r . le t a iiiuo e-ievuior aoout the size ol a , e arm d through to the floor ladow.i i which ought Ui ? dumb waiter, a.jd used orimariiv K is readc for nothing. t tht purpose. ii.ercc-.H -sa.e ot . .I-.e-.ob I). Cor., who was li.tintz iucuI to the top. A tries' At lids stcg- t(0 s;K;t ar- a ' 1'3.UOO acres of mineral and u'ricH-) oiC!f Ctr;inC. Sc,,rv , L , , u. ; oii;y provided b.y estabi i -hiug j t ors of g.ou t i. Pa y an-wer . bat t j'( ., ' i i' a;a (1. In j Hot ice. to the pcpMs . i -,vi h and i.-.t. as :. -uls'-o'e foi thcl l'-ti-, liKUt-I: nil eoiicatun; -o!!iii . ;,,,m m..'C mia ire-. As stiiu'i!;. a- to of ladders run up through the , h.he.-k i.i color, ami h.. e harrow tower. It is at the top tht poli-.Ued ami ut in sa -1 o 'o Fed- h . oral land m, including the own ot Culln.all, lias re.-ulted in the . to; -or, is pruet'::;.- ; . ! O i .... I ...i. . ii.'li, H 'il1,- . 1 J 1 I I . I I .1 . . .... - .i. i. i .-I i n I ill.-. ill . ui ' .mi. r i.,1 .in i..r I, hi wi.,i il.... 11.. .. n.r ! i .V at I I'll III- 1 1 - i 1 ' ' " - - v 1 " " . no. 1 1 : o I to ! I . ." I o - ; o ' - hi S , . I d 1 , ' :.( '. ! . - .'.'' ' . ! ! I I I ' , I ' , - , v . . I ll e e ! i luO ! : 1 j . wn lie . i an I t i . e i- ,,.. I I i.-., 1 n e :t,., , -' : I . . ! i' a ' ' ( ' il :i I i. O :e , ' t ' U- I 1 t .. , ' ' - :.. t ti, . - a , ii . 1 v tl n Ot Cullmall, lias resulted in the . , if u, , .,, i()n ,,f ();. i vote d to it ; but such rchools w o .Id ,!,, ,,t. They a Id i.othing to th tin t m norlo - i,t., ;,r. , : hoi muk ng begins. In the top ing is dimply rdI'-- m ' polisher ,r:ll',z ,uon ,u a W 1 '- ! t!m.Jll9 D il . no. rai cs tb e wo.J ! e -p ! vio.arc tne eii.o- o an eeiucauo-i , s., which is mt oisunied by t h. ' t n.-, hp !. s ; :.. , , dt a -;, k of tory, givmg a drop of 178 feet, is i an iron b,.x !..:!,.,- 80o" pouneis ! lftn' to 'k,Vt?Iol manufactures, build , ; lf (.,ilo T,.,.(., j lor which the whole cmt:. unity , rowing cro, which is ief- as p..or',nor,- ,ubM u.t.d I, I m p .4V ol be top furnage. This consi-t of a with and a tablespoo iful of ; railroads, Sc. A oO ,000 cotton j I', iT.ct isos ' ouli! to i,a-v- " tlic -!uU!1 1 1 U A ,f rt hen the crop is athere.I as it waH a -t , ay If or I s !( , p. f ,, ettie with n capacity of (he ton . , olu'ago . v. 1 J, 1 1 ing it revolve te.i j ,ni11 coapany has bevn organized at aw beie', and Judge 'I aft, Lis c. r the eqtial beticht ol a si:tii:r or a furnace., and on . .. k h f 1 1.-,, ,-omo ,,t Meliy, L-.i a Jiarjian.i cotton , .tli ..o-n I,,!.- f,m ou.ei og roe a n-paraie c ass oni . i ie good farmer wh , larrns inte-!li J ---- - " llilU IO o LU' o ''!.-. u i. j C I ill "t - L ' O l' V-i'lliv the out-i le with firs bricks. Through: with a bright color aiid are mill a.b.U 5j0 ,000 worth of new ma ginnery, aw) Columbus Gj,, ! his diplomatic por-l abroad, and i: all. I bey I i,(.forc. j-L ws planted , il not poorer e-'ass only. j ,e tr.)lll f-irn)er who lartns intidii Then, again, what v ill t he tr i.dt s ,0fl, jv ui; ,,, .,jit. ,is 1 ,tahs rid er D s'anc 1 the Ilorizo i. ..... .1 t,.t,..i ..1' ...ri.l. l.. , . 1 .. I livin" with his family at Cincinnati. l" ' l ,,"-i"," !:( IIi;,'-(S lils ( 'r"V "ger,n.,.i teal training at 1 Lie pu .die expense; rrom cl "e- 1 land will gather hi.- Chandler, A 1 1 Lllr " s Si ere t ary of tie Navy , spends t! c most ed' his lin e at Lima la, his See- W h t', i - t he d i - ( 1 1 i of the i.o; j- Wht'll it lias b- ell put ill actual Op-! tJ,,uut ;f0l nrve:-t; the poor farmer ' '1 ' 1 t' .--.:,-!",, ';' ().;,,: :,, itS. who has Iwarned not'iing by e.!eri liition and they bc-.n te sc e ' st il re of t'o- a r '. i .. i. w i . 1 . ? Tl.n i:iu- 1. ih.r i..ii-:i' -ul.-wi l i . . : ... i . . i : i 1 1 . . i i I -I f 1 1 i 1 i I ia . .i . i .. . f . . . ... of Wor is nro'lnimr 1 w- .n "v l,v" J"".' " " . CDe'e Will iHilllM.r I'l Owl oi I.I- Me,, the door, corccLly in the cgntr -, is a r.alv for outtnii? in sacks. Uo to hob- two feet, in diameter. Through : this i u.t e ver-thit g hara been ! mi:l tlle sa,ne amoUnt the next tluor. thirty feet below, is .-, ! done nate.m .Fcbv, Hat now the ! Extensive water Hvver is rpPorte1 similar apiiiture, and nearly ICO shot loue to be Land led in V.eghit g1 as U Nurthern laItie who l,n feet below is the opening of the tank and ,..,i,-, i l,ose t( hlllUl otUin mill-. Car ! ,r.r!.;? .in. In l,r, l;till!icl Lil ill I'llr ! ' C 1 1 I I 1 I U 1 1 ! I ! O t 1 0 1 ! I I I I t V I ' I' ,1. I ll' I . . I ...:!. I t . I . . . . ; . 1 . ... t ... 1 - . t !,! Pllf ! t lid t ( l! I . I.'' I -a woeuen case two feet in iliamf-i Tiicre a -e- tighteen s'zes of drop - 1 Chica-o. and Funk H;.ttor, kI.o ' " , ,nei vm. . o.-o-o. ..e,.-., (l 1 ! tin. v.'1.1lK..l e l 'lli'.V. tlflOOCfn 'I 11 1 !( T . . .:.. t . V i . I . ' . - I I 1 i t . , , . - '. ' Jiis ohl white hat and ri.lne-' shirts1 1 1 i 'u " " ' ' - back to his law practice in 1)hiht(,,i. ; hab be st rickly ii.uitnl. Do t hey , , ,,,,, . v. What it wa, the right lo the h.-ght i.ftle.v, , nhia and Teller is nair. in lhe rn. v;mt skbh d woi kmen to be t m iu-d kind of f ...d . at d .na-ugh of it to ?' to'd nail tl..- h.-:g!,!. : i, 1 , t(: t the eirifice in the floor. Tee holes in Dhjintclt v ...... ,,ii uui. irto i-f t 111 oiaiut- - i ucre a e tigoieen s zes en rop . , .nicago, ami i-rciiK u;.iior, wi.o - - 1 f fcDl reachiu- on down to the eel- 1 ?!!at. ran-.h.v from -.lust shot,- l-100 ! VVorh- Tcxa6 ; a 5(,'0(W fatt' suce GresLam as Fo-tmier- 1 -aiMl wl,-v th,'V S'lUU',1 11 ;ikr -i!iz,rs and exo-, t 5oo , crops. I; ar, where it end, in a ouple of of an inch in diameter and used in ory at Dallas ; a 100-ton furnace at ! ( , . ? ((ljtor ,)f , ,;0 ; the reaiuest when t pt.y ejemaml o-; ,is .,k pui(l. , : 1 :,ver g. t w, eet of water. i kiilin- reed bi. ,is and run oin -L.VJ5 ! 'ru9ka,ms"' AU; ; a CO'U0 coUi" Mot7. lh nj .rain L:ew:-te r h,s taken ! thin- ,mmi 'wr 'l ly d'd s'rMigaal-r S .a! .r-. 'CI - ii- i i."iii-j gr e-a'e i ; i-f-o: I ii ' !o I lo I git of t . .-. . :i- ,. feet Of In making shot the workman lakes to the ounce, to "buck shot." run- I t,rtb UL i'eCalu' : a 1UU-U,JU an iron pan with a perforated hot-; uii.g f,0 to the pu:,d ami 44-100 uf I ml11 uL 1)orrv v i!le' L l" Rml a ro!lin" t.,, r.n l ,-.b.,. it i.n .. fr..r,,u o.- . I. ;.. i., f ulna.,,, .i, : mill at Hirminghaui. A seven-tl?ry '.it i. l . " " i: aill n l :tl Hitil I .'I UUlI.r'll . L I115HUI -11 4 i itiori ii'.s r ti.m ;i:.4Ibii'. It:i lor. Learn to Stnow I'acli m I"-nl in i-Jl 'I 'I lie-r .iarr itlrel hotel, one of the largest in tl South, is to be built at Richmond During the week there were mcor porated thirteen railroad companies. There were also reported fire water works, tlnee cattou compresses, oi.e gas and two electric light works. the bottom of the pan are ef the siz of the shot wanted. The workman ladles this full of molten lead and kecpj it full , kil l the shot fail :; a continue.; -i e.over clear down into thr1 !.-; k b.-l-'W. The shot assume , .e. M a.1 d-e.p fii:,i th :: eadVegittorS. and the falling ha relet'.- ti'Cin It is claimed bv shot uianuf-'Utitr--, that it is the 1 . hni,.l' t-!.- o I I -i rp' S ri Cf ooi ' i ei ti i arsenic ;v:X,d with the lead tha hovv op-rators quarrel over the wire, j " v""1' ' ami many excellent men a- d wo- j i . r. i 1 1 . ii' ! 1 1 i o e . . I o , 1 -. i ... 'Pit.. I rrti . i . a i , : l i cvS . IjX. , i , . 1. .. 1 .. i . 1 . .... o I i v.v.- ... .,.w,., .-I...J. . i in n(. jiien win) are ei ie I . , co- . c- , , - o lout wholesale bv the public sciiool-? - ,riVe ii bi". . n I viror ited blades Senate. r rom tuct. leve-1 i -I, '-," it. ! jand lw,iY I '! 8" a t "V- the on'y system ot ; jj- !Wl :.ty ye-ir.s a-o the fan he -o : i -i re r o' o f t tie- k, i m II ..! c. .1.: -1..,, .i .., ... ..;..! -..,.. ..... tl:llt.-M "-ii I i it i-i I i 'n I lionirli ue ice lactones, in e niacin uu snu u Every telegrapher v i 11 tell you he most rjuiet and lead and ars-i ic are mixetl in this ; gentlmanh in their personal res way: The ter.-euie, amt lead are :) t ons are sometimes t he most dis placed ia an i-ain furQiiv. a heavy , :1oreeable to work wi'lo It is so ironeoYer ilcel ov.rit and sere wed j easy, ye.u know, to call a man a down, and ; L' 11 subjected to a j foed when several hundred miles of t'Od" heat, when it forms a coin-J wi e separate ou, anel, besides, tlto je.uad e: 'h-d -;ea.per." I IVar of the conseeiueuces is Wry This temper is run lf in shaj e slight. I hall neve r forget an .. ' , r i ......... i . . " . i- . KHTS i 11 u j',' i .i'.i - t- i- t.- i or i. public instruction which e-an be hp-: ;orih Can boa hail hatued Ho- vah ;,'-' the ; id of the .,, the dii icillv defended is one which idds' , .i I m o a mature pile. ' o vonl,l be tj.n; if Li Il4'4'lianical Ti-iid. in Hie i to oae and all the same advantages j .U(j .ylV) u liiri. ;iU, ..-, it in-. -n- ":.s te-, feet, a I on- the ,Vv.-1 of lirW-liool. a ul COI,,incs Itil'!r to wl;:,t l'v,'l.y i ste-d e f cemno-rclal izers there 'he i , t h- -li- -ok - won!-! he , ear" e-luld ill the community shouiel ha e j wnllp. p,. f, Wl.r abandoned "fU ' !'.cr miles, tia I -o on Pr .-.i.y !: i i . i :..i:... .1....1 . .i . , i i i ill tne eu me icom.oo.o '-.tu-- ,,,,, , ,,,, ,,. n. -i-gn :.o , e i ;m- 'eu .. v: ;. i. n :i-.igo red hii sides to bring rpio.c'i upon ! ''' "' md pr ia I .:u; t he lol !y of iii-n r. ho ; -pi nt tli'.ir Ii.t- in destroying tin , irdicrit a;,ee of their eliiidia-o. Tia-re ire millions of acres of Ijtid in Norta ' C-rolina ton e d oi.t as wortidc it ic tli f'l-liioo in-t at liie.-rnti and foundries, nineteen lumber mills, i , " ... . and cf -cict . S-m ' , to make much oT th proposition to two furniture factories, two wemlen . , , , , . . j ' .,, : introduce niauiial or industrial -r --.:::. uuis, ami a nnmuer oi nour niMj, : training into the public sciioo's, RA'i TIErNAKE AND COYOTE. TI - fed'owir-g rrpoi ted in t 1 EX CABINET OFFICERS Vi:Nt:i:Am.E Gkoi:(;i: Hani iioi t thk Oi.oest in Tin: List, and Dan ie. ManMnu iiie Last. men have ridden the hobby til! they have reached the e'onc Hsioa that it proviele's t he' lo g-soiight e:ure for ' San Fi ain-i.-eo ('.ill a- having be, ' that social eUse.lM' oi which the 1 told to a n; tur.-di-t 1 y no of ti i labor agitation is a symptom. . 5iatle" guide f t!ic lb -; o p.. an-'i a., the !)r. li-k:ii on. -T! t- o,-v el . i T !o k sic -; t . ' v. I t be Sea: ef ai v of t b- as-aehuse-tt -. .he wa t god- tetrode, f for e-u it i v it i '. w high - . It I , i i , . . j cioS a:ol u nic a i,av- i.e, ;, r.nt.ew b- -.! s,de-s !a rtiO'g, ii.'.d t,,ue b o t v. ido i now, bv p- ;. r mai'.'.g- n " , ,i. .' .t be re-' or i tie Ui ei a '-. J.-rtdity U : m it ill n'-or ;c .e HI t d ir farn.-r s , urn 1 In t ; 15 iarel of Kd'icat'o i . io- 1 ite'y a-'- stibli-.-, ; t V got a heap of -; 11-.--IH1 w-oiop ti'tiia s tb-t tna aoei : he r a e c.d. itv few ate- just like l 1 g :e a 1 and tctken to llic i.nnd.HT fi i! t I mn'C lioinl hetweeti 1 M-intdiio rptirrme lit aehli an - t .Ion ! it -. a - to tbe ii' tf.n can -e 1 t h bet ! r of h i :n . I ne " " ' 1 "''''' '' ' - la! -a here i .!'.-.; e - . a ho had ore di-!. of food t a', e-,-1 t)K' l ) ; uti 1 I.i-ii' ..'tu -a ho ! a pou t. f of h-ii wt,.li, j 1 7." .''',' i : a:. 1 Scorns v-. ho liongit a eoi'i'ry i-at tor gli''t, O- O.' OO ; at, i '1 do :;tU. who at Or- ?h P f: -i hcb.r.e ,,( J! ' . 1 i'O "air" W:...-re a e t!,e ? If a wirtdy day i t do V a', , I 4- di-t. tl a" is left of'!, in i n! 3 i .or e -t . t a ' . o ! I not a. ai. e f"i v : t. h ! v ; . . - - 'J '..-(. fur.oK-e. i't.c r.'ini?r a id pig lead j un operator at Xenia , Ohio., anel aro ihr.i-A n i-'gether in the furnace. ; ai.other at Cincinnati. After each t.... pro.o.-.iou 1 -ii:g ore of tie m- ' exhausted his vocabulary of e-r.r .iP r!i- tr.i ! . .VI the hir o r n;m, ti, nnominr t zed ' ! f t "showered" fre m t he ; cinnal i suddet! ly subsided and rc- and making a fortune a banker Tiievet-us sr. ' other to the number of ex-Cabinet; Va 1 uo ot their nostrum As h sa s. last tinie I was- ,:p in th- b e-k moii-;-oflice rs who arc now living. McCul-1 the jmrpose of ubhe relm-at on i.- taio-g ' la- v.--;- foil of -og -to- , loch, Lincol Ts Secretary of the , to picv- lit ibiterae-, , iorthif is a and eve-nthiug ! a to b? In-knl up Treasury, after goo g to London great am! a manifest public evil. 'or buried, or tia-v'd walk off w :t ': i'. Veraado'her nc-.telai- f r f- r'di zi'-g pa-po-t - wl.i..-b siio1 1! 1 ! e t -:nd i. poo or re iir t very tarn:. ' : -'' 1 or i.i' r . THEOSSiaCL-. TO CIVIL 1EhV.CE- eiight to -C V llO'.V ' Ti :t e tower one. wth fused to continue tiie contest, where-i there, came back to Am-.-rica, o'id rfvol atnl write ; a d. t--i t--. U c r ) 'oration? ;n t.l,t. pans b.r opon vnia snapped out served as Arthur's Secretary el iting ei --ira-de and even m c ssa i ) e :iiiii i l o in'; "v r ia t h. sea t .'; - : -' 1 i . ' l! a ii g , ' .ii V." i. ' - -v.- h a i ! Ojd i t Cgi ! i'd W:;- O; ; -o ii. he a 1.1 , Fooc the bottom of tin What's the di lfe re nee i-ctwec-n i the last days of ids administration, provide s in 1 occupation tor Hii!-, str-dl r a-.u s-.- !.-,t k an -,;C:e; - d.a.n, a se lies -. ou ar.d a iackassT' (')iiick a-! no I cop--, carries tic she.! slash came the; reply : lie uow bves n, ar Washington. G ec. die, not ei oi-t ell.) to Wer t'.o;v lo ! ! ; J3RAI.nI WEIGHTS. ( i .. of -f- ......, e- lo ., e i eli F.'et.i- :.-.,!. T!,i- o ;., - 1,4-' i . e ( 'o-t'-m i 1 . -o o . S. Iiou t well, one eif Giiiit's e..ret- Thcv n u-t be k Pt o:.i f e i I ,irn' -to ' p :.l'i)u' go be . heiv tlu-y ;.!(-, ' 'Jn-t sixty miles. Give rr.e a aeis of the Treasury , is pragtbn g -tree-ts. si d botti for thir .w e-n.p' i; d at ton'.Lit icaiiy upon a long , har.ler one ' ' v- !: ' i ' . I me high ro.-k -, i law in Washington , and you may sak" and for the general w lfat . i o: e--it n' eg oa t he g: ao. te la e- cine-:. tai V ' no-e op i.i the air barking. I ti. ought he W;-S .-i Ol I.;Pi i - -1 7 ot n e-':n-o'i.'.'.ori - . ; -. in ' a are , 1 .r lb P i? f . - an tour or a-, f. t u r,ra 1 h ian org-ili i .-i!,;' ab-opjteiv t.-av.. ban that i-l aia of th-- lower atr I -i -i i - e X ee i t l 'l ' e-,i -pri.ltit an ! t.o- oU .1.1 ..... 1 . I o i. i . ' f . . . T- , 1 -. . i 1 i J . , ... .1 ' 1 'II. . . ' I'll I 1.1. amu-e-ment, bu: crt-eptag ten. -i r, 1 :o;i.ei- resppctneiy. .is ;i run. mental capiigity atol size i i.-jrai t r Olio.. r..t, i. of '.!..- iiile i re t i. t co s-..y. coileo t'igiil ia iron', o op- t a.!', '1 pr -', -i - r,or place- tu tii"-.- a!r ady i oi bng die;- i'; tie- u f-i ior gta h 1 also '.hows tin: l'jttuitv of x. etti,g lic puhl.cin hea ls of divi-;o,i- to act ef the brain ', fairly toward Detr,o rat-. These i i toad, -heet or i on wiih a pitch cf '-Is i: true," asked one o'' t1-. b. see his dark, scholar !v face and Ins ' thev siamM h ne 10 or 12", ami cdied a lrii:g pan. sUi.der, ".hat an p rate,' as ;.., ed.- : K-an. bent-over form almost any day ' cducat.o-i. I i,is ts heat i it t.oderne: t!i, and the may be eu f. i mined I t,i-. :r. .: : e ten FennsyUania avenue. 15-Mij-imin ' The- bu ines- ed' the puld"c school soot e mptied in at the top re, 11 to the of u.-ir.g ti e k vl'"' Lristew, another of Grant's Secreta- ; system is to give that education not 1 1 hi i a 1 1 1 1 t ! : uiiar il r 1 1 il t.fT . I 1 ' .... . 1 . i .. i . i i . . i m . . ! . l .... ..tlim. ic i 1 : n r.,lil..r :. mi, u-.,nM v . . : In - v iioi':i!i ;o!i:uii!, was me iei i . 1 ries oi ene ireasury, inn aiaw oiuce : aim none n in-i , on n ,-in,i . - - , oi . l. . ... 1 r, i if , ' o; ..-a .-t.rt. ,.r. ,',,'. w.. .i,-..! iu t .. . - ' 1 - ! J , . j oiiife c!ose-lv e-orre-sporal: und it Pas ot.i .ei s h ere or ig. n . . , ,'") -i as .tt i ne bottom Mo sheit roll in . n ' f you h av , I n in the habit of in Xew York, and William A. Rich- mai.ete 1 by all alike, and tor m :n : meet a regu'.n end-timer. ! -oued - ; , ., ' (i'iji-.'vo i-t n ria nwe "la ot : part's ins iinif-r p.e, n , .1 .u.. i. ' -' !" micu uon, worl.tng : . ularlv witn a man, you I ardson s 1 11 feeds from the Govern-1 ot hr can t UC whole c mimuini v ;;kc mere- a as M.iiiuiiug e.-11-i; i lout 11 ne be sin (bame-ter ,-t one ' p.iti te-ll l.eioio .-.,n ,.vft,i., liJi ol ml. ' ' " . ' ' . - , . V, ... ... 1 1 . . UC.l 1. j i 1 . the who oioogu it any oi.-they r.viv ; or e.ut. of sorts by- his manner ofjin e iot iO ;m hec :.t ti.e . th, r. '.' his dozen messageo whether he is feel-r- vobes rtj i-iiiv. .- i d ; the -i,.f ing fredh and buoyant, tired or lazy. P have eol n-g. tl is .-! ake-.i Ml". The ( tr .ii--. ! ..i-.u. There is as much in- man, who acted under Hayes, is a .. n - .. ; . 1.1. I ...I.I....... ,,, , . I i ,i i i i- i i K' s tlinn ,).' i-nro-es in an noun . iinnmii atioe.- , .too ... i"..i i ut crib, and has a posit-on noon ! justly be taxed, lv.-cry parent wim turn up, mi I crept t.ehird a rock - . j w ..,;,.,,, , ri,fl 1 , . I per-on is ainavs accompar o-d bv a Tto-ir ,r:ic-.- now a- parti-an- in rne iniiiniori- li.;i,. i.' 'in...., .r,..-.. ,,,,,1,.. on- i.h'vetiiin to 1 1 1 s ! ni wKtcheel. I r. e-Aon tli:t c oi.e 1 - - . . J'-.. ""'l' ""'".io-i. uioo . - .i,f. er;,,. ir.t.llr., t 'IP., rue has 's e ffort to heir, the tb-ciiori ,1 another Im served uodr Buchanan, is liv- j chihlivn, wants them te learn t kept hi- no-e up m the air tor "-n, ',-rrtb' . , IT-. .Pbean Fresider e w York . cvoi'i Onna Inirplr ft riiitku. Ii ii' I,'- i1 a CUB I n.'SI'ieriit . - c v i 01 ft. g,I think, in Maryland plohn Sher- read and write, and to get at least ! : minute i at a strtech ; then he made . ' . .. kro c,' . . 1 , , . , . i .1 . -being that ol ( ambetta, eni tsinall i rudimentary instruction at school ; I a quick jump to ore side and thou