BKM0CBA1 W. It K ITCH IX, OWXKlt )VR MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE, sibsc'tipi'icx sun pt;p yi-ar VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FllIDAY MARCH 2o. 1S87. NO 20. town .vi;i;nmk.'T. Ik. N. P. Hoi.dik. Noah 1 . ! LT . I o W :.':(,.. , AU.-l.r.j'.k, i Iv II. Smith. Jr. )' I. I.. Dunn. Sr. - - - Mavor'. ' ''nuinissmiier.s. Chief ofPohoe METHODIST CHURCH 1st Sun !aj, William's Chapel 11. a. m. J'alni yr.i Shetland Neck Palm yra Palmyra Scotland Neck 1 1 obsjoO'i'S So ,tland Neck 7 1 p. ii. II, a. tn I !, p. II). :ii 1 -1th 11, a. m. : 7.1 f. in 1 II, a. in T. P. BONN Kli P ( ' i j j . .. I. III. i UFT.li TJvn-PMnrRATTfTWVTTTFWPt? I j approach the point. K jiilli-:in. Wit Are Kt'pt in father is a fanner, so w re liis Oliiee ly lmoci alic on- i ancestors. He is a man of ill lef'at i greiueu, j gable energy, and as long as his 'attention was din etod to his farm To the Ivliter of tlie Starh-: 1" r 1 the !a-t eiht'.'cn months we have heard from ConzresMnen and road in Ibmo e ratio newpant-rs ilenunoiations of Pre : d;.iu (Movolaiol for his lack of activity in mukii reumvals f Koiuhliean ollices li'ilders, and yvt we have t hear of any deiome.aLiuii of Boinoeratie Conreis-!;.i.-n who use their iiitiucnce to rota n Jb-puhlieans m oili .e. It is well known in this oity that auv attempt ro remove a KelMil lio;iu from o!li(( is uttVot hv snn- Jdioations of Demo, ratio Cnngressmen t . : all trained to habits of industry and ! Vy uA I, 1,.! tluy are mislead t.y their Wa'shi igton I "orrespeiidents, and it they know of this t hv'. ale to tihoMtf ',,f not leii.iiie;ii-' t'oiixri-stnoti lor doing that which tin y ceiioinuc rre-i'K-iit t eve and lor. () ucv.ounce I re-Ment tleveiamt lor. o 1 ";:,ehm!! SIIm bSL Fr.! rou tor not irryi;, on a wholesale j sianjt.uer is that such a course Wi-uld 1 work an injury to the public service, in am:ie';i that ho woui.l ho forced to re- O'l'-e MiO 1. 1111...! iU ii... ! t...rsf.ns. .im.i tut ir ;c ..i.. ,,. i ....... . ....... lUlU li I.) tl'MIK.. Ullll II' ti'Jieh that n rhintrri nf a 1 .1. n-o! ra ( in.i Li;ai f o;MIft iiH-llis vomellling oeltt man a mete . ...... ... v r .. .11 v- . 1 1 lainoie 1 or omjes. noi a ua i reason, i ei'i-sdei. d in the abstract. 1 ..... 1 ...... . ... 1 ... 1 ... mo mi,u o asons no our uem icraiic v,.rstM (... jf, VD I ,, Iw.it- nil V0'-;.-V of jlei udican- boi.ojj retained in oi'e-e, out- sale of the fact thai thev and the lie- j ,,.,!,,-.! c t-,.. . ti,,. ...... ....... i. u-l 1 oi .-hoot marbles or play base' ball 1 " '"i" ''!1"is ;":-pI.heT-r I rp-.il lent Ueve- i ., tii ... i o ,,!.' .,itr.. ' ! Uhat'.s tic niatiir wuh Deinoeratic Uu-u for !.,,., i,..i v;.,ni i,.,,,. i hii u for wlioni ve yote-b what ridit have j i'ev M' -to;v thnt iiiifufap uohn imn i . ; , , ' " ' .. ' ii , 1 loi , o; io'h anl vouu aam-t me ii.:.'!-' ei.-iiH- puny? they believe, with j Ki--hard 1 1 1, in the elav. that we can feed 0... ,, 1 ...... 1 .: ...,: .. l". "- 1 1,1 t tiiio ai in w .lit, oiiu 111m. I'll) thoy bi-hevc that personal" feeling has i ! 1,,; ! uomgeverv nay in this city. Do they h tht ,uas. m'ths Democratic; Party are s him 1 that thev rannet ec. 1 , -e M laehinjr m inden-ndenre of j j ::.M,t ht il.e wtl! a.erent Jeudefs j ''..'ii vv .10 oetia v toe ir-n-t oonu.teu to tlo.n. Urar.-ihev misted by the notion 1 or.iii. or ur: mev misiic ov me notion that the masses of the Deniocratic party j i,I always en lorse a resruiar nommatton. 1 r;;her than vote the Ilepublioan lickefr : J ,n ti-ov net s- W he .Kenublioans ;..ive 1 urn islieu a n.nlule groumi 101 (.i ( all' eted Ptmoerats. for what other eon- sir .etion is the foimation of the habji j p;u ty eaiah!e ot.J U 'ia a fact well known here that the j i'oure siha-e;- of the Pemorratie party pr-ss. it thev "will be as bold 1,. their deouioMu'ions of recreant Conirressni 11 ' a- they are to .Mr. Cleveland there will be le--dicontent anion ' the masses f! v ' - . " ..vii.! i.iviv ! . ,,. , 1 c 1 . .. T. : : 1 ..... ('. 11 somo ie.i'oer:o.i: .uuniui: v..ul.. to!t secure c.ies of the arm! c:v ' ! ' 'u p'r.vVt.pedm i n -etuents ami pu!ni.-h the same, sotiio , i ""n ;!'; uSf Sy'S ftesp.-ct fully yours .. , l.'OI'lil.ASS. ." ' . '. ...... i the above is taken Iron, tb N. Y. v-T. l IPs letfei' woul't u ive oeer; treason in our paper if c.dors. d by ns. It strikes Cleveland as vii,o.-O'j-! .- as we ever struck uim, and it a ays no m :re aboiil Congressmen i , , , , i :n we Have said h nc and ag i t! i.. , x !.-. i 1 . t iii.iii-Muiiiiiij iienouiice :is u.i do.n ;ratic the rotontioa of Kcpuh!:- f iiis .n olii-j under a D.-mocri.tu' ;. ' ! a bui.i'.stration to th i oxc "usion o hoiicst, competent Detnocrats. lint if it 's a sid truth a chariii-d or alleg'dby the C'le'Vi l.-in.t s ip- poit-rs and charged by Iig.lls.j l'b. miner and o'J.e-s in the Senate ! I th .t there is not m iter i il of ! he righ Kiicl in tne lKmOTatic i.ir:.y ne;- . r in the North nor S n!h t re- j iacc the liepuiditMn o.'licl ils, ib ni i we shall h ive m o' l to r p .v.t o.' in the fu'u-e. We ad r.i vv re..U i thought :.h this li n ,tl:a', the I) mu i- : c: atic juirty pos,es-ed .j i ibii.:. 1 oi- , ! : s.t.rs a' i.i -t a !n!! .i-! atesin ill- su. 'i tlie oo veru men t . . . o in ; s' -i : foi o wis an . rr.ir of v ;.e id. We -.re nov i 11 'ivo of free 1 ii'in for Demo-r'it-ov'-!-!-i wlv iiiii! t'-ev g'" on : level wnh II ., -ib: c-.:, tii edtut iti-iii ; t r ssoi fits.;: :im- As our naner is -ilto"other devot - ed lo the legitimate interest of the ' rapidly sprcud thiough the en. i;e play writers Lope De Vegano doubt-i count, for he will be on the curb tillers of the soil in smestin ' and ; family, insomuch that Le hinted to I less carried olf the cake. lie xvas co- ; stone. It is as impenetrable as the pointing out the best mesns of pro- met. n: prosperity and comfort of LtrmciV families, by improving audi beautifying their I omes and farm-,- whil in co i i le rat ion o. this, i, a f armor's d inj l.t r , hi e taken tlu linelty of stating- tdio unfortunate con htion of our fauily, a-id solicit - ing your advice. I am prompt d to adopt t his course by reason ol the conviction reposing m nr. nun 1 me nee 1. It had been usual for u of t lie universal confidence in ro!a in former times to have for m ti;ii to our op'mi .ns entcrtai-. -d b father's and ProC o. Sand -y v.eai the community wherever the '-Jfoinc 'coats and pant doons cf warm home fl f7 iu circulates ; consequent I v ' made joan s at this sit. son of tin wliatvoi may express ; - -j ne ! oar, nwi for mother and sifters may perhaps le iho i'.v.r my father from the . reCu commission of a second error, which is pending !.,.. i . : . 1 I. ...; l l. . iaiiiii, taai may result more fatal tiian the tirs-t.which have must pecuniarily ruiucl us. Thismucli in advance I now I v 1 1 f, o C a rittTlf.l ol! liia t (V, rra I I r -.IywV-OCT '.i W If UV. VI a I I llf.J in.il tr1 IJt. possesses a fa. r English education and Or joys an average share of com-inon-s( ne. The family consists of three daughters and four son. V'hen we nwvl from Alabama to Texas we had m i.iey sullicifch.t, to ! pay for 320 acres ofland. We wore I daughter.", made all the clothin" j r,jn,,; , o,... i. , r.. :,,:iir o.i.-i., I ' .c.....v, "... oh' alio rftV brol Ii .T opened th land and prepare ( it for t crop but In ! husy times whenV.c grass and j tveeds were liked',' tn ain an ad van - I . . . , . . 1 I t ige , 1 alii mytv.o sis.ers wotiioi'-- ' ; take the hoe, and work late ami t B"'" f, ur H :irs n"re early in coin vtion with the others j 1 .1 ii t i I wo horl rrn.lrr.l t!irm 1 1 1 f . . 1 subjection. In the fall season ail j with the exception of mother as-! ajte in picking out tie cotton 1 e:rop I Wf nl,l -lt n-n I,. chickens, butter and eiigs, and the ; consequence was in a few years my 1 father i. relied and hwI inni.r! hundred ami twenty additional acreS 1 ...f..,f.,i,i.. r,...., , .....c .Kii; comfortable fr:iHK; housp, embellish- i . i i .1 , tug f ml 'mpr'iving the .-urroui.d-1 w .nu.., , iegs. He had horses , oxen, ca'i.V, , ,,.-.-..,1 t, . , n h igs and sheep to sill every year. " ind pendent of the crop, and paid i Wo were truly in a htpy and ;iroS- ' condition, if we out v .mill ; a . 1 ,t . f r t H :.! have apprecia.ed it; for, at. this. perind, we had no aspirations bey.e d f - licence. Wo attended chare!. " ! ngencc. v e iiiijuuen i;:iurcu rog ufur, on Sahl,ath. and when crops J were cleaned, went to school, where , a.,h of us .utaine.l a comm .n edu I ... i C -tion. v heii rVc v5't.d. we dressed, aj was tiC cUtori, w;ti, people in 1 1 our i? Cams' v Os, in plain , gen'.elj calico, while my lather and brothers' wotO good ho::c-raad; ch.t.hPs; e were indeed a hanov :i:h1 contented . .,. ....... ..." " ., . o I .- 1 4-11 iatuhy, uliii some ot signing cv u . i ami y, u 1. 111 tome ut .si" u inig ev u , " e : .. . ... .1 ..... . 1 1. .1 1 . .. 1 ! s''i us eiufsen uu imesnoii ami 1 . , ... .. . ambition hy per-1 sii oling hhii Ut teM.n; ft Candidate , u a i" ' As soon as ho consented to be- f come a candidate the feelings of his f.i.oile n,i..fcx-i... f .. ,rt;:.Tf .ow.1nf:nni ' - : oil- domrstio flffiiis upvp nntirolv ch tiiged ; our ideas magnified the imoort.ltit s;?v!:d Position in' which t Ips n'Hee would olac i his famil v our former in lust ry and frugality i were exciiangeu lor w.is;e an,? crre- , .7 ... . . , , . .... ' 1.14JI i.cw i t oi oatni n it i- ' were rcrJ.lv in tidssession of his of- ! rice; he calculated how much the of- .' ........ .v... ...... . tice woul 1 annually b3 worth, and , 1 s,v tlwt. hid hitherto i wo: ke.i hard we would now ca-e oil', j of themselves, is scarceU an ex:'g Our house prior to the electio.i xvas Lrera.ion. Tiie catalogue of I is crowded from day today with pre-' tended friend-: indeed, it rtS -mb-ed a tree tavern , oat they g.ne.aiiv ! hro i d.t him tie; most flatterin- -.' . . .... ... telligence of the wonderful m j .:.tv : . ! ... -cot .ni r.. iivo .in tho o ec- tion day. His friends would ask favors of i.im, which, if he had not b en candidate, he would Without an ceremony haw prouip.ly deoiel. i'lo y tiorn.ivt il ins leiMjev, never in- rndin-r to reo v. He could not or--1 ' " ' i 11 . -,t t-.. w t.k ....! i. r ? M .4. lit I'll? "V . 11 l . . II 1 . . 1 t in. lie ios l lints iii i c j o' di.ioi. nt iin-etiiios aii l m t h-ctioneer- i ri r ; so that his tanning interest w as ilv nelec.od. From the. favor- able reports ia respect to mv ia - , therN popularity, hrought by t h ,se , . who yisite.l our house ami ate our meat and bread , his ainon no, i swelled a.ii mavum-o: ..ut ..f ,b i o..- ! son ible o.-oi.ortinli s. which feel; . li us his next ttep of advancement nii.d.t bea seat ia Coi:jrress. This idea 0f preferment elevated our H - , viws of coning grandeur to the I s ime den re as his; I ence an artif:- cial change of manners ami tire-1-, j pretens n aid affection muci e dc j a a r.t-.tural result. The eloctio ; w is to lake lace in November. 'I I j cold . weather Is .(I already con. iinsey.with fancy stupes of red. bine and white. This description o apparel, since iny father hail coau out a cari'tidat, was cast asilt wi'h suprette cp erapt, as onl suitable for vulgar people. He and my' brothers now wore broadcloth. land mother and daughters wtie arrayed in merino. Finally the election day came. This ivit.i a day 3f great exciteun n' to the whole fhiiuiy. My father was in high spirits, c jutilent o!" his suc cess ; but on counting the polls he was defeated by a small number of votes. This was received asa death blow to all our fine pro.-p;cts, ye my father did not succumb : he p se superior to the disaster, and applied himself t leovering what he ha 1 lst by retiring on his previous economy a,d perseverance, and re- qidrlng US to do tlu; same. Tnis took nlaee four Years aG . and we i - . nave nearly recoveie : i;iv sm.cvo,oi 1,1s i.iei.d Kjgulus getting a reporting to our prior habits. j Vou wl .1 discolor from the lore-j reporting to our prior habits. ' 8"g ttiat, lor tlie pieasun; oi ia-; ihor liinr n eandid'ito . for four i syveiv labor than we h:ul ever per- - l" f . If to . I 0( 1 . 3lv lather, 1 lllOUglil, WtlS U - ureil 01 being a candidate. as , 'e ai4iJ a-ked to take t,e field, j aI1'' lur fear he might, I have given v',u ucts and desire your opinion. -'iAIiV MlUNTAINK, Cal!ovay , Up-hv.r -',Hi'ity, Txa. ' ' II on but give the experience ot i U ol" "thers who neglect ncbive honors aul emoiumeiua of nU uu,,,Mi iodines We h " ivo ourseive.3 CCCll 'lt f V a hi asl)Ut"' 10 an on,ce Ll h?lji. Politica each, and had 1 honors in these days are td very doululul i worth, and obtained at the sacrifice , , . k . .t ' true manhood. l:i a va-t mjo:ity of caes. Like all o- her evils of the , . . , , "r1,1' 1 et and conquered 1 ! h' a s, 'S in" res Ive IU-" ri-"1t- Get thee behind me, and in no other ay. Ed. Home $ tar,n. w I'rolilio tmlior. It is wonderful, savs a writer in the i'Pihtdelnhia C.ill. how 1, I ,. t. 1 i ,.,1 i 10 in. .. . ; in 1 ai y wui k can ue one in an 01 o j t 1 1 . . I 'peraiy wotk can ue none in iinuiii- . .. ,n ."- I... ... .. lnarv lile-ttme. lucoiviuc. im ' this I will rnenlion eon.8 of the j prolitb writers, :lCiC"t and tno lem, or their work. Thomai JJilief, aiithor j f i.e..:. i .,.,.v,.t i v iii nrli- .finp I Ol X il n vsaiuuu ., x.'.tT t.' error p 101 i-nliracs in ! - ; r i hvcntvvcift. Tlieoliore llOOK Pro- duced thirty-eight looks m Sliteen i years, r nd f.s he was an editor ot a j ooef dtithi that time ar.d ft con- tnbutor to the magazines l- MI.1V I " t . . -I. i ;., i well nave o?er. consimeieu u oo.t-irw , ,AU.. ....... . . - ..t.cro iL. worker. n.'ivier was 0110 , of flic itif.st x ohi:iiuovis writers in the Kn-lis!i I.nguaeP. The rematk j of one of his biographers that Ids j m.rL- im sntlicieiit to form ft library j wo ks contains no fewer than 108 separate publications. Dr. twen ii. t. as an lnitustnous writer. ue pun- a.hid s-vill volumes in (olio.twentv in (juarto , and about thirty in Y)Ks .1- . i i:. v-. wrn S Mill Till U U' ami HiS works lacked vigor. Samuel ( lark was an indofnti.m- aitl worktr- His splendid editions of Cifsat's (mtnei.taries his o. f-.-on sermons, his twelve bi.oUs " ... -- 7 - of the "Iliad' etc., prove the fa t. Amonj th orolitic writers of reliu- ' 1 r r-.in-f ol our eountrv were M " " " - " i t ... I Or Irt,.,il,i.a ..; .1 vtr .Aiiii t ia. i.e.-. ui . v ao'-'u ...... o;lu r-. j p'ecunditv is Pu-,P,.i,lh- notable 4 ; among writers of f.ction. Scott and ! Dntuas each wrote one hundred voN ' uni.s, Dickens wrote 30, Thackeray . , . 1 'JO, llulwer i0, James L ooper, I 32. Irving 16, Mrs. Southwo: th- wed. IM mi say any thing about her until she's done writing em. Am on" ! temporary with Shakespeare and I wrote 1500 dramas. 518 of which arc still in print- Jacob Abbott, j author of the Hollo l o's , wrote more than lof volumes for LisjuVe- j nil sc-rie,and Ohver ) th- 1 as d- in I nearly as well. Ah, the gt a beard.- i remember the Hollo book?, tl.t Ion ih books, the Kranco iia s t-r ie- )f their child! O id ! At)1 o'.t warn" i literary hack ; I e was an artt vivid in ids traii-eriplio-.s o! nature and I think it is lobe re-jn 1 1 d t hat h:s children's nooks are not n ai with the avidity with wl.i.-h they ee read almost a oil irter oi' a century aj;o. We read of ancient authors l. av- i;-g behind ttieni hundreds of vol iimes, The works of Epicurus amounted to 300 vo'uiu-s: tho-e ol ('hrysippus are said to have reached 70! volumes; Varro wrot 4;'(. 'Why, if this is so." I In arson s;.y, th. mi the ancient writ ts werj f r more prolific than modern writers."' No, they were not. Von mut n memi.er that, in their day a m -re es s:y or t-e.t;se vva called a rolume . ''I never heard of ti.ose three writ - ers,"ousiy. Well , m ty be not.! j Of: 11 they wrotj very little has j come down to our day, with the ex-j i cej.tion of Vano's "I)j Rusttea," and tie Hercuh.ne in fra-m.'.its Epicurus. oi In the time, of Pliny the work of! ! trantc ibing books was carrii d on noon a verv lar'e sinlc. Ho L- . - --- - tl o isand copies transcribed of a tl onsaiid c hook which he had Written. The in in ;er oi ctques ol th f-ilse Sibyl- M1.0 books whwh A i,-n..t..o r.ira - t ..7 .,....1,, , to be burned amounted to 2,000. AsJ I do net believe that any 'manifold'' process was tnen in vogue, each copy mu-t ha e been transci Pied fur its sclr, T,,U i,u ,VC(1 1Vat htlor, a lid j"'1 on Pr) Oo 't will be sur- lrised w!ien (.(l her how cheap miss it or Le the worse olf for an one ih kill, d, and our tr;.i. e -tiiey were in price. The fat i 00k v.'Mir- 51 ''1 the intoxicating drink in 'cap. d out in I. The Almighty must of Mattial'a Epigrams (210 ia nu"-1 the vevMi ('iained into the lo.Ve can d fr big Tom.tlie drun! en ,t50 in MS. and hands, niely bound Was sol i (of fl ilonari (within a fraction of thiee si l ling.), and in cheaper binding from a shilling Ut) cme !ml ojoht-penc". At that time j the trade ori.'e.of MSS. man I -j do ! ponded on the number of s!.Cts, the sextern sheet of six leaves b -ing cb':rl!nody valued at t.vo or two auel a had' Mil. di. MiiUV old MSS. ttill con' ain the trade pi ice as originally niarked unon them. Kx .Ta s: . '"IU ; sr:t i tubs!. i '1 lit President lias at hist reached I the mood 01' It'Iiectioti, The time' has ab.ut e me to set tlx machin-! cry in motion for a rcnomiuation, I fitid thisis specially coveted bv him. To he a little retrospective, the out- ' look from the President ia' eye can- 1 i.a iu,mi,f n il io i M ur iue. j-vi uiv mi l.. .. ... , . . 1 t 1 ,i;....,.i. ... . .,.,,1 .n ,..1. . 1 in v ei in mi v on 01 1 .en cmvi tut o..- i-.... ... , i,,,.,.,!.. .-1.1,1 m i.ltl. 1 uaiti 111 .no iiiiauiui nm uhum.. .IUim. r . t..t-t- .r l..i n.. iiiiuu; v .'mi. imv. , . ...ii,- .1 1.. 1.,. most magiu'?,,.v fhangel. own St .te of Nev- York, Instead ol , being the idol of his party he ,a an - -a tagoiied by the present Governor! n( t Pn Ktnl fi- tt-ho lui.4 leaned into ui un, uii... " 1 - - nnmi'nr favor an , .:, x I tne uvini 'iauin i-. - . ......itr., wr 00vo,tnr,i min.s bte, eC Sol. V PeCaUSe ill C X CI I U I U H . . i-. ! which applies to jrac ical pennies Govt lhoT Hill 1 the very ant it lie-; sis of (iiOVCl C'evcland. t a ...... .i? (t i tii'lllllO n ili "l. . JHf luaiw I .1 I I I I I I I K.ft . Jll. -'is a. i t. t . x. . ; J- ' " 1 r.iin.ami. i ... i . ........ nv.s,.,J x. ..a. .-...' l i.. .it.. 1 i f v ntioti. ,. -- -- - ;i i e r.oi". i u; v,o en i . -v- tor 15a: num. to- lay t h-Miio t active; n- as smooui asou p.case. of Democrats, w.:s a lab,iiig oarltrui . tomiig ea-.t was to meet us for Cleveland's success. In return be has recetveo no lecogmtion. On n.o ooi.Mnrv. he ha, boon trerded with contumely. In Maryland, St-nati r Geiman xvas a j.ower in Cleveland's interest. He, too, lias I . . . i ... .i... i ....1 .1 1.-. .....!.. .inii rasieu oi me o.i i .-t m'i" has been pihoried us a spoils h - tn - 1 . .i : .... tt... fl, I HV ill. I. v ... .i ..e rt. vv i o.. ii.uk.. vriV l ill CMio.ti oi i ii "...v . ..y.. v . In Louisiana, Senator Kustis. a ,.,n of lesOlUCCS 1-O.tCaPV ailtiiOVCr two I ll 1 1: u i ' . . ' . v. i., I otlu r-A-ise, seconth d by Kdrtor , iv m ....ti.i ifi:. purke, gave Mr l.leveiaua tne soiui i Mitnioit of the (!eh gMtioll. ill spite i' ii - of th'.- al! of the pationage ot the : IVlu-an State has been turne.l (.ver , . . i:.; ' to bis enemies. 1 n iinioiin'ii oi. .. IT..IIV II till' 1 ) O ! 1 1 OC I it t 1 C Stat..' Of ,n. .. ------ Iud'.ana would hardly now t x r i l ad the admin :tiatnm gi-en il!e;o;:er . - Letnocacy ;v.tn'.nlt e mlltlfs Urv aid and t s.ciatiou tt hail been V111'" " " ' . i ! Xo expect , and had the right tt. e.v he wires w re held aboNeor t i nutil ni xt moriiing. hen I sight- ' peet. - On the other hand, upon whom ( ed the station I saw a red lantcn ! does the President ley lor aulf, .wingir.c I etween t he rails Beat ! 1 he eU'eiiiiiiate Mugwump will not laud of Nod to ate wbeie the i rest dent can reasonably expect to iiud support, and by what those who arc lsi-i senators s vehemently el.rm his lenominati on. j A ga n th? quest ion suggests it 1 self. li shoti d Mr. Cleveland be renominated? A scon 1 teim of j the Presidential otliee is only vu to a i incuniN-iit asa reward I h logically fol'ows with th4 quelv: Foi wliat i- the Democratic party, undi r obligations to n-warl himf lias lie incna-el the pa;! .strength? This might be ansneied I "No lioui th; Democratic sf in! point, and "Yes' bom the stand- J point of the Mugwump. If he al andous the mugwump, i their ci y u i 1 le that In; is not a true iefonner. 1 f tie keeps them i n his c uifidei.ee, he drives awa the Demo-rat who dees not beheve C: c..t Us any wnere except at Por.jlcin M, .;1,k, and dry them. ..rk and cannot be made U believe the t. Six miles ta-1 her down was t Le j,,., t . m it!, the hinds Urn uei-essiiy ior a po incal eiitangliuy; alliance. It is a race between am bition a el the record thus far made up. The d.vorcenient must -non j .!. e ! ! C iitciiii.uti Kn j ' t ;?. THE ENGINEER'S STORY. ''Let me put my name dovn first I CMi't stay lui g." It was a blue iibbon i! ee'.'ni', and il e iim. vr.s n !(eonotne en"ineei b:oizid and stun c. ai i huvbio- ev os I i'u 1 of dim (U tt I n.ir.at on. He i u.r , ,1 .;Q ;., i.. i.i ..i..:.. o .,, .o, 1 1 o ;i 1 11 j hand tied a blue libhon in his buts ton-hole, and as 1 e left the hall he, said : -'As the Lord looks down upon me. I'd never tot ch linuor a ain."' .01 1 1 . ..1 1. u m c ou u on a ; : mi mower: queri.d a man uho va:kid besMe the ei g'l.eir. No, I have never been drunk in , and was piled in'o th'idi'eh iu an my li e I've wa liowi d coi sidera- awful mass. Some of the coaches hie whisl-.ey, 1 ut I i.owr went farjwite con idcrabl v smashed. : nd eniMigh to ot t drink. I shouldn't ; some f t i e people bruised, I ut 10 oceai . ''3 at. you se?T3 .'d eaer to sign the pledge." "S I wish and I'll keep it through thick nnd thin, and talk temperance to every man ori t lie, roa.l 7 Y u must have strong reasons-?'' i ' 'Well, if 3011 will Walk dovwr to! the depot, I'll toll on a story 011 tl c wi-3'. 1 1 hasn't bcc-il in the papers. ! and only a few of us know the fi.cts. You know I run tlie nijiht express on t,e p. -iv. We always have at least two bl.-epers and a coach, and sometimes we have as m.afiv as a two hundred passengers. I . s good road , level as the Moor, ami pretty straight, though there is a had spot or two. Tne nigh, express has the 1 lght of way, and we make time. It is no rare thing to skim along at the rate of fifty m tie's an hour tor thirty or forty mih , we 1 1 t . f A... ..:..!. raieiy go oeiow u.tny. vru ; o. IuuIIhI out 01 Detroit with two 1 t .. . . . . .1 , . 1 , 1. u ..,) tu t. aleeners. two coaches . and the h.;g- , ., , ,1 p IT II 1 3. L ' W VWi.llVi UIIM Lov anil m.iu c u .rai 1 v "i u.e berths in both sleepers were full r . .1 . , . .1 ... ...-T-TTIti:t:XltTw:kI OO WillfW ana mv - were occupJ-L It was a cold night i hrpfif .Miino- nil l. e nine 10 rain, ami a lonesome wind Wu'h'd alound . i i i t -..1 ..fill n w. on. rh eiiv nnnm - j ' - n I !!..it innont f i-t timo qll td'C !1. - '. - t'ouon Kverv thinsr ran along all nr. I .I'iii . i - vv as Keot c ear lor us. inc ms"" the engine- . wa. in -nod quits, and ran mo m i . 't"i. ! t.iteen m 1 s wesi ot U , u. ue j th.' perator at tlu stutr n Iim. i I"dl2d to receive his usual report t c- h-w . Th: t v. a .trang . ' was o..t, ;.n 1 alter a little i nd ct it consu'.ta- ,tion the e .i dm t .r sent me al i U'i. B.im in LeP'i the main I l'ttck , - . ' vv i i e t he ot h. r 1 1 : i. s vv, uld run u. tho sido Pu.'K. JSiaut altoi : r.i.'ht. our t me i ad teen o cose , .. that we tint i t Keep tnt m wa.i.oz I . . . . siht when Ui-'V swi'ehed m. en wo l it I) we wen' :.h : i at a r-'i-ii,..' spot ,. 1 if: ii;, sliced, fill! V t C .a n r i!...r. i..o other train won hi t; it. on time. Nino ,;.ib s from I : tn. i.r-v iiia'-o of l'orio. There w as a teu-. :. n oim i..e.-, ... . - 1 ... 1 . .. . I .. tl.,l O " I a ! I IO Jin wins. m: ii.:. 4; .t-..l I tii 4 ? ilu.-on e m'.i.- "-'- ....... iv asionisueo, j .uimu ut, ...v. ........ train, and got a bit oi news th-it ai- moat lifted me out of my boots. It was God's mercy as plain as a bijj de-Kit. It was the operator who was swiii 'in" the lantfcin. He had been .1 fr O'l hi !. p Ov Hie w ; l m t: e her. Ihrr tie wsMi'l I'D'' w.tkin P n miles nf i.nr. H" I card (in t ' t -, : t, o ! wh;i. lie a d n s - i j and -. 1 , f " e n a - he rut. to ! 1 e tati- I h !! 1 s hr l.a'i I e n -'na''d. It! then- hj no tr ue. F.ve- ihu g was as .j ,w as thv. i.-r:it. lie u 'ti Ictrd l h!- ii .-tri;ii t !.: i- K kii g aH, nr;d en: in 1 i - e:ir a .t i it the wu'o, l e cauizht the wor.ls a- t'.ev .s.d throuijli to I ; -Swiicli t-e i ,t em exp-ns t-tf quick ! I-'nuuir oi the western exp-ess crazv drunk, alid luunilig a mde a minute.' M.e oi rator sinnbil lH ftt n.v i l,a.i bft I) nine miles :.vav, and the i.,essaL'o louldn't lie j io,,.; switch. Itwastm we wen thro lacking oy,e minute. We hi -t two or threMiiieut -s in underra .d- ing o ir situation and consulting, ami 1 a 1 just fj,t ready to switch in w hen e wire when the headlight f tin o'.lu r train c: me In view. (i:eat heave ns, I oa that train was living, and the whistle fereaininir, ami no a m:i p. coeld rai-e his hand. We stood tie re on the main track si ell hound, us it weie. The." wouldn't e have been ti ne, anyhow, either U ! have w t hnl or mi! th. i,-msrn o: s out. tt was.-, 'f o or sixiv h. nmk ; t.iv.,. .i i ; w-1 w: ut 11:1111 iqim 11-. 1 prayed to C, for a bretd h r two. and tlen s! ut w eves and waited. ! for I htdu't stren.th to g t (.'.it ..f the cab . Wei!, sh, Gill's ir.eiey was 1 e- ve:dcd atain. Poity rid above us t he h ('omot i e jumped the t::ik, ! enoinci r. He didn't get a 1 rinse. but was up and across the fields : bke a (let 1 scream. ng and shruking l'M a mad tiger. It look five men I to hoi- him alter he was run down , I ami lo-uay ne is u.e wursi lunuc in the St Oe. Tom wa? a eood fellow." coi t in - ucd the, engineer alter a pause, -and he used to take Ins glass pretty n g- ! ularly. J imur saw him di unk , but ! liquor kept working away at h?s t ucrvtHti'l at last ti e tremenc caught 1 him wl i l.e lu d a hundred and lib, ty lives bi hind his engine, and st-am tormd on, r nd then Tom danced , and seruaiEid and carried on like a 'fund. He'd have made awful woik, 1 dr, but for God's mercy. I'm trim- I bling yt t .over the way he came . down for us, and I never think of it j w ithe-ut my heat t jumping for my j throat. 'ohodv atk d me to sign .1.1.- I.nt ! uni t.n( trw me u.-.m-. ...... , - then. One SUt li nl'thl on 1 ne. nuoit ! i.,r,.r.i f.r..i,t intoxe:tii.o ! has turntd mo .'g.Mhet intoxic:tui2 , , . . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . 1 in., il .1 I 11' lV ' t . m . ( 1 illll!l. li'ni nun m r ' 1 ... ' ,ibt,o:. . 1 an talk to the ooys I . . T ... if1fltt)li. 'TrIMI' I Dili 1. I .1 I ' , - I ' - j as Moid vo.i. and the doctor, rax , ne ii never u-l n s h-mih o-in. . OuoiUn'fc' fir : my t.ain oe.s i; ten mil.. .ti s.'' - () ;cl-ut. Ji :iot! ;il IIiioInliI IIimi-. . In vDtibvtiug a room - n hie , windows a top , ... . - ,;il..,r. i' t.o. nd lotion.. i .e i . .i,, : tie?, uir rushes in . n .x .1; wiuu in fou! air in ikes its tx.f 1 1 ' t. or. I bus nil lft in a fr.ti tl ' ' xpel an enemy. Lace mar be wr-hed bv windiri'.-! it riound boltb'T or s-'wlng b oo inu-l.Ii anU b )'lin' it iu ott v. .t. r witli w h to cast ije so- p . It u'.: le rinsed in soft wnt ,-r alter i'- i.. -i ng it fi o.n t h i sud . A damp cloth enveloping the broom heait will be loil-nl 'ln-tr-iia . . . ... in remov l-.g ttie .iui iro n :i S u. n .00... m . , ' - ' small artich-s to c'l'eh t'.o dirt i a i . v ' I..- ., , . r-,1 -y an o has V s'.VVo". in. rreserviii' -jars sh. ui i !. s" . -. . on uic.r ue:o.s .... .i.:l.... l.o.r..r .... ! i . in :i ' toi somui- t. , . ... ... . ...i ... .i .. i . i : i t :.e j r contains air. I. r n1 rr ilv mixed with hi witei in k -v - rcfi-vshini drink for the si, k Silv.-r shciul I be w.t rhaiiiOis skin. s;it ni' .to. .e 1 w W i : h i a t 'i .s Win- aoap. each time ifter u. avolding a genel'ul c'raniiig lows should never b.: xvashod while the sun -shines upon them, as it is . roust iinpoible to i ohh t'nem witl.out . ,,lt(Sbft.r w j,,, na?uiy old sweet leaviug blue btreaks. , altf fo clean kid gloves rub them with very biightly dampened crumb j of bread; or bcruoc French ctiulk up- mi !l.''!n wi.il on 1 1 ! st d. n4 wh tl.eiu in a i A-iu ro.t ain in lt;t-'t piit ol :.u t! o a. Snuif :'lr nn ! ; j i ! w.lh n.slk witli rich pulp i r i!h ? u : j en;ii;. I l C r v often in dlftv lis! clot is , n ;r ?s u .-, ttn uio 'eta if iliflt'c .ni'i a jtM.ily vent '.l'od I'vcn. F!an neU l .on I 1 tn- !. J hi Li t i'3 !i.l, Mi i tin' d a oi .it-r r ii.taiuiiij k i.om-Ii io -oft. n It a I t I . A t aril rt.etr i invalii-it'Ir in di on en wiu re siii.oi chil Ireo ( a', V . io ;"d rcrr tie used for genera' wirpu-g. lr on nre trout I d with im-th in on r feat I t r b ib, I oil t ho lev. i era in ;et.r : s s'n I ti:ii : n I 'hrn Lm time. Silk dros -s b .nl i n vor ho j,ru-hod n h u wl.t-k boom, but .t. ojtrefullv tut.b.d with velyrt !Ul!tot. kt pt f. -r tii it urj ose only. i ... ... 1,1 prevent lb " j i c. o: i s .;k- on: n f i th nndor o u', be it tl whi'e i t ojg and l ?iis 't uto crust w;;h it. I: f' e i. ven i s r i i ho' when b .king, la ? a sin t!l ,im i of cold wa!T in it. W I veiitibtted bod- rooms will prcxen? mo-ning h ad- i allies an I I.is-i' -i de. Powdeel rico s. iinkh'd upon lint ami :qj I -. I (o f'o-h womds, will s'oji !.!e '.Ji -ig A o in lie i I" p'ece ol fa' low w I q p d lit lissne pap !" and laid iib.hu; f.irs or other gniuiMte will pr, vent the r:n ' '"t'''. i Si bi w ill i loan t iriiolu"! tin. Vinegar an t salt wdl olo in cpj -. i I'utti r is t ' 1 1 bi -t i - 1 i ! io joit nito si ;i! c i. 15 ik i -ig s I t on' 1 1 i :i It i r ti vv ill take e ut th- ho i ' . . h. t -d knif' will cut I oi l.roa t with o.t mak ing it sigg v. ( 1 i f e I .i sur .h:.h to vtrui'i wlieh infos I chain- ! bers. Toilet sots an I a!! chamber art ieles .should b ,-!e mod 11 cold water. While lea I wdl ct in lit Ii.- ke.i eioekoly a t -n-a nl PoJlle I it , i;ig bit' a 3 o:r. A mi.I! pa: -it ' I ish : should be u-'e 1 iu era k ati I cr.-vi- ' cim while dusting a no a. i A .simple w ty of Itik-ii i n i a rust y -crcw is lo a; ply ho t to the head ; it. When tlie biieri of lamps i.e.ome dog-ed w .th .har, bo I thoru i,, 1011 n q.Mids. uiug soda w.,f , or as a wash v on e in ( 11:111 coi .1- , ;n2l. tint I :ivi t-en s not e I by a kcros. ne lamp. If oidio,i s,,ot on the caiort, oner thick lv wi h salt, I aI1, ,t mihv be nwept up without f,, -m- K ung the eai;ii. A lew oy-ter t. shells mixed with the coal ns-d for - ,'urnac.! or large tov.; wdl prevent the accumulation of cin ker . To 0! an brun bir d caen 11 .c t idd. j spoonful of 1 alt and a n.-.coorul of vinegar; beat and app'y wrh a vvv? ()f fl-innfd and rub til! d . s 1 It . """ """''""'' ,., . . . . . , , .. . I o wibh sdk hail bverclnet , folic . . , , . , .. . t. no mi h r mi. 1 n eo I s;i 1 1 w ao r I .r 1 1 n . .. : t ,1 1 ; t ".ooot o. .0,,,. no u . ... the same Water and iro 1 i .imieriute iv. C'urpets m-iy l greatly I right eiied by lir-.t svepiu thorougUly all 1 tlen gol i; (nor t !i : n with a . .'can cio'h and clear s It an I water, l.'-o a cupful of ar salt to a large tia-in of wati r. .s;ilt iu whitewash wi.l make it stick ln-Utr. Uheli the mica ot t! e -.tove floors with slt and vn.egir. J'.iilHS woik can be kept he:. ii lfully litiht by coa.ionally rubb.iig with sf.lt :md vii.eg:r. To clean widow fur.ii.i.te use sa t and vv t or. Appiy it With a i.jiI brush scrub well and dry thoroughly. 'tf.r Ilr-t. u ooii I'uriilli-ii. A xoung man and a xung wo man Iran oxer the liont ;ate. '1 hey aiv lovers. It is moonlight. lie in 1 .th to leave, as the parting is tho kir,t. lie is about to go away. She ts leluctant lo mi1 i.li.i dopaif. Tin y wing on t ho g.i'.f . i d mail lo.gir o:i." lo- .as, and it (U. alii s..o ;! i il.Mui no-, my ia-.f t : o.iglit will be f oil." T il b. tine- to y. u." s!i- sob", I'll never-see ai. I i.ly ed-e or love . ,i ..i.s long as I bve."' i ney part. .S.a xeais latei he ledums. His sv vet heal t vl loimer years h;is liiai lied. Ti.e loeot at partx. Lolwei-n ti dancos ihe n cogni tion takes pla e. "Let me see,' she niii-es, with Inr lan beating a tattoo on her tuottv hand, "was it you or votir "Keally 1 lon l Know, ne says. 1'robablv my brother." 'J'he o.iVcroatloJi cmU. JJx.