1 TFH IF1 EMOCBATJ W. II KITCHEN, OWNER WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. srnscnimoN i..-,n phi; yi;ai; VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FRIDAY MAY 6, 1SS7. NO -J5. TOWN ;() KRX.MKNT. - - Maor. Dr. N. I Boilik. Nua'i Ibggs, i ; s. White, r n. Aii-i.T-M-.k, i II. Smith, Jr. i' ( 'uinuiissioncTs. f. !.. Duim, Sr. - - Chief of Police. METHODIST CHURCH. they were, as my insane reader have already guesed "Our Hero, and the other fallow'' thej bad met at last, Aurelia quickly divining that there would be the D Ifct Sunday. William's Chapel 11. a. m Palmyra 71 p. u. :;nd Scotland Neck 11. a. in Palmyra 1 p. m '. " Palm vi a 1 1 . a. m Scotland Neck , p. m -Uh 1 1 1)(?-1", 1 1, a. in Sc tland Neck 74 p. m. T. P. IIONNKU, P.C. ti, pa v , threw lier mother under ti e red , carefu ly wrapping rlie ham 'One up in an oM dignifier, which J sd seen refter days, deposited il C the o'u , threw the cat fn to keei for the crank. In f-ct the world itself has no place for him , and jet it is he who generally occupies tin eminence while those who could do t wholesale traffic on his capabilities it apart in some darkened corner and watch his efforts like soap nubbles rie and swell and burst atout tiie heads of his adherents There l s brass enough on a crank's I company , ai d jumping up or. the ! faee to make- a twentv-gallon kettle, bureau awaited with g'eat anxieu the result of the combat, not that -ht: car? J a particular continental P. in. iK'li whipped, she was Lou.id to am a man by the operation and A IlrKen li-:trl. one, fat a time'. though Cvvas your 1 blame you not, hllld Tliat blighted all my bnyi.-h life, j :'n "he Wanted to he That tuM.t-i the hours f j-.y and peace, ! sou1 actually ciaytd I'o Id hours of darkness, gjnoui ana sir :1V. -he only wanlG 1 'The poor girl had had no tn.i-c-ine-nt worth mentioning since her grandmother died, when she manag ed to gt a pretty good days fun on ill - stiength of the old la.U'd Inner- unUsed, t.fj it, s.11.1 si e w.-.s ou can gamble on it. Net a "ivis nut a hihiih love I gave, A soho'i buy's fancy flitting past, But n..iri's p'u e. true am! tender faith, A lve that now must always la-t. You bid with cruel, cutting words That I should tear you from my heart, That now the fancied plaything won. Its luster lost, and we must part. Forget you. would to Cod I could Forget the sweetness of the past Hut memory with her golden chain Will hold remembrance firm and fast. So fare the well, our golden dream Is over now. and we must part, 1 blame you not, you're only done What others do, you-'ve broke a heart. Ceil. OUR HERO, AURELIA, AND THE OTHER FELLOW. A NOVEL. By Seror l)(r. Aituro San Clara Kdu arbi Co'otfniias llucinelaa El Lais Ab jukah Buncos. CHAPTER I. OlTi 1 1 EROtN'E. AnrcHa Holystone was seated in h-r :pai tuienU , in the garret of a 11 !ory tenement heiisf, sur rounded by In r :r.(iMk-r and a: out everything e:si thnt makes life mi-eiih!e. F -in ti e d-j-cted appearai ce of a hain boi.e win;-!! hung from the ehand'. lier she had evidently been p-rtaM!'i of hi r evei ing meal, she was ceitai.il fi.il of r-omethingj but no too full for uttt ranee for rising suddenly fn in ill" cUese box, in which -ho h.,d he, sitting she ex- word Was sj oeji by either as the n;ils (i..r;e to tune for the first rnu-.d, they w.-ie toth in prim con dition , if an thin the other fellow had u little more oda water in him, but to balance this our here had been trained by Prof. Dot. II. Cor reili U T F, while the other fellow had receivd a few hints from Senor 1 n GuiileriEo Spruilli P I) D. Hut wiiv tire the reader with a descrip tion ot the contest ; at the end of the third round the other fellow suc ceeded in setting our heroes left ear between the thumb and forefinger of his right foot, anil not minding the screams of Aurelia on the btreati , j the groons of her mother under the bed, or the prayers of the po.r lone some, homesick, burning cat in the oven, he whirled our hero seventeen times around his head then letting go his hold eent him crashing through the side of the house to the pavement below, then suddenly Seiz in; Aurelia by the hair dragged In r off the bureau exclaiming. Mine at last, my huckleberry, but blast my iopiights how your breath smells, he uid if all ihe vinegar in his system vas extracted it would make enoujil to sour all the people in all the State? of the Union for four hun dred and fifty years. The appellation of "cranks;'' is no convention term. The true signific ance o; the word is a " cheat' or 'impostor" ; and dates from the earliest days of humanity. The pen of Hurt n in the very infancy of lit erature denounces the character of uch people when he sajs : "Thou art a couuterfeit crank a cheate." Possibly you think the charge is un just when he tinctures his denuncia tion with the idea of cheating. It is not ! The dew clothing mai with all his characteristic faculty for com mercial chains is yet embryo a pupil in tLe primer-class of hum buggery when I size him up with the raan who cheats hunest humanity with that which thev have no power to evade his life. He advertises to be w hat he is not ; and in doing thus does he nut cheat all who place their confidence at his disposal? ''He sure you're right, then go ahead.'' There is mucii more in those words than most people real ize. When you have satisfied your own miu 1 that you are naht in your conviction, stick to it. But in so doing don't make a crank of your self! Although confident of your position if yDu cannot by any rea sonable or honorable manner con vince others of the fact just keep still. Don't endeavor tn draw peos pie over on your side bT talking them to death. It is only like lasso ing them into your corral. It stamps who have a secret desire for easy : ful friend. I u: this make i.eitii- r J u.d hit. m a-id ' a t.i- cut -m ' positions f-hould let short-hand alone. ' rep-rter r.or secretary. In'e!iig nee. j peg sml j.i'n t.i. vah-e oa Cio -r. The stiort-'isnd writer, like the ' c'o-e attention, familiarity with gooei j wnlk hthin 1 ti e counter, tfke o.it typical newpaper man, wants to j usage in phrae and fpHhiir, iihis' all tie letters and road tl. aJ lr. . have the widest intelligence possil h all go before the lean. in or tli. ; (loin eery l open tbo draw, r to know something ab Ut every- me jt.anieal art or te painfully ac- ' kt'd A in, then jou'il know st tiling, at least, enough to know what ; quired after it, to be of any real u- ; dru turner, g-n.d for one niUi's T Ig is talked about. For not only mer- in ti.es? vocations X hants an 1 lawyers, but physicians editors and literary m-n, to say no- 4n I iiiii- I ttl Sri ttf It-l . n or ; . 1 1 ! .-i j . hing of politicians, are coming to ind t!ie services of a short-hand writer of reat ue in their p-ofes-sions. And to be f use be mut be a man who takes thingi at a word, who knows a geographical name or character in history or fiction when he hears it, without stopping t ask A To the editor of the Sun Sir : I it proper for a joung man to wer co'ored trousers with a Prince Al tert coat to an informal atrur, or siiould thev be olack like tt e coat'r I f a gentleman takes a lady to i what that word was, and bothering i private reception is it proper for hei si.nulhd a balloon which was at i you a craik , and the revenue thus i hat momf nt passing the window, j incurred will cause you a Mfe-long J they jumped into it and were speed- I impoverishment of that which no ily wafted by a delicious breeze t. person in ibis world can afford to Ins mill and cottage, where we will lose your friends. If you are a i leave them for the present and re-j crank your friends will We cranks, 'or :;urn to :ur heto whom we left fall-j " this rilation there is so such thiog : iug to the pavement, Irom the garret j t'e lion and lamb iyicg down to i of a 22 story house, as we are anxi-' gether. on, io ki.ow if ne got there and how !n: jtij--.e,l himself on the way. TO BK UNTINUKD.j talking to (.' i ;i 1 1! 1 1 o h osv hrippV otdd I by CRANKS. He a man! Don't be a cnnk ! I sh ill never fo'g t the words of an old clergyman who. in ine of life and its ot.ject sa.d : ':Voun uian, if in all its require ments ou make yourself a man you will at least have peace of mind in I this world and a pretty fair prospect of the same in the next." Put yourself in your plac1 , an 1 t, i , The world may not smother H 1,1 tfBB. - her na ; ti, lot olace u rorv newsoaocr io this Or! ... i ivor, out u ju with nonors arw, , fact, all the rest of her , from j an, other county : ! wilt .fstct vu ait i fesltect on t... u.- iixie.-e.i remains oi a iu cen?. nat i i !:e most ihoiougiiiv ttisgusting ; to the soles of h r :d woolen shoee, 1 specimen of humanity is a crank. It wih eitioT t I'e ihe other old snooz ( uwav The above r myrk o A c. t-iia !im(! rrf. rei.r.e to both our hf'ni 1 the other iVIlow who w.re "''' eh. : mi 'h s 'or b Tt. following from the pen of I.. Wri .or. editor of the Aex'.s . .... - j - - - Union, New Yor-, has ser se therein ti at it is wcd-l at h ltoo ! to have tt spelt a process which goes to drive the principil dictating out of his senses. Ti e secretarx needs such keen and close attention as to catch ttie direction and the ex act words without having to utter that irritating 'Whatl every tea minutes or ofta ier. breaking the thread f thought and wasting tune when his express business is to make tin? most of it fT an ove weighed princpal whose moments are pre cious.Then,as corresponding clerk or secretary, he muit have the forms of good business address at command , so that he can put curr, directions in to courteous arid well-turned p'arase An order worth thousands way be lost the h'use by too stilf a tone, the olfensive independence of a phrase, or one which has something over polite or solicitous about it. 'I want a man' said a Tioston merchant, asking for a stenographer, 'who can take my idea in three words and put it into shape in a letter, neatlv written, spaced and directed. II I call get such a man he's sure of a good place as long as I'm going.' Hut the clever head of a reference oflioe he applied to could onlv shake his head and say : 'If we h id twenty such men they would all fi.id places to-morrow , and as many the day alter.' A keen business man of wide ex perience in many kinds of work says : 'The trouble with three fourths of the young men and girls who learn short-hand m type-writing is t.hey don't know anything. They expect to get along by knowing their own I ranch, and nothing else, and it is no ue. You get a clever girl as a type-wnter--one who can rattle off eighty words of the De claration of Independence a minute, or Longfellow's -Psalm of Life,' or anything she knows by heart and set her down to write a business let ter from dictation, and she has to stop and turn her machine up every ; ing and s? eral drinks Ilr gei . r ' il' v ietf vTvbod Lnw ti at IV ! -old a lot of tuff, and be talks er ! loud about the fun be' h . 1 so I times. Hut the? toli me of a drum mer w-l.o eailed him-elf count, a id j wore a long fur In 'd ul-ter and u j imposing foreign looking mustache, i He came in ike suiuu r season and ;s:avedaLng tnu . He ws ihe ..luum.-y Leu Mm- U-.t. rage ; the girls fel. in love w?t!i b in ; i ar- to ! :. be ; the mammas admired hiru ; be w a- l ' t " r t !; r , 1 . on ttie eve of gttling engsged t a making :! t if :; ii . . b rer f Cup' a n II ;! f;-r . d i , , j jn.M i , . . it s sera r i! t t ' a k - M rre w I . o . I !(' I, :"' r o t ! r ip okd n urne-i r m For v p-ir i t w from t-r. her ti . - i cnn.' sj peul - to i. f. e Iff b the pi' ! c ho wet it. til1 w i .. came lijtck on .t i. tills C' 11 I ' t , and o r said, as I r :i- w wv nt' luilnii !. It to go supper with another gentleman without her PMort's rnnsi-nt? Sho.iM i haugfety .San Francisco belle, when the .-rntleman ltrooosp .mim- hon e : lady walked into a diu- store one u.ir e er or tihould he wait until the U ly says j ,J:4-V and found him with a lot ofsam No .! i ! ! ''. C 11 i I I . -o? Thankful Leader. Unless a man is an undertaker, or old, or in mourning, he should not we tr black trousers with a Prince Albert coat. He should wear trousers having a distinct, though not loud , fcCipe; and they may be dark or light. It is perfectly proper for tt lady to go to su per with a per-on other than her escort, though if h-r escort signifies his objections to her doing so, it will be in good taste and wise for her not to do so. The lady always gives the signal for gong home ; the escort must not yawn or look bored, but must show himself her devo' ed servant, even though she try his patience to its utmo-t. New York Sun. los of soap, trying to tie!t the r prietor with his stock. i hat let him out ami he di-app-i. red. Hut the the profession disowned him, for a rule tl. drummer in a ftraightfi r- ward, open, honest and enthusi ist ic i route fr Hiriniulnim nuisancw. San Frneico Chr-mi--; Kcecn'U Mrs. seeon 1 l-lt to ! I. p .mil 1 by a be u of l.-r mi on : ! e K d :i - a - o -! i u !-! o; i on lie 11 . i '. : I 1 ( l : j i m : ill P-i-s i r. t .in A WESTERN TERROR. us -he is - aid U) h 'V U - ; 1 u hu-band. e do not k:.ot i i' Ie.nll v live III 1 '.i I m i u ! i i ri .. : i not iitl h b I le ve I ' , 1 1 , t it iii w ort ' i t he w In !e i: ',, I i til uut horit les In I 'i . -! , th-r . :! . An amusin story coir.es to from the ft-r West. Not a long tiin-; m ,tter nllJ mHke kit an outlaw, named Poach the Terror. ; ,.U,j ,. tu. h. ir had been the scourge of the moun-j o., imrnt vi,-.ei-. tain districts of Idaho, and last i w,,. b-crui lto di-tu t ii i : i .. . i . i i monill lie ;iy lai I :uiu pioeeeiieu io ,,,,,, -(. 1 v -n i :u e If f II p. Ill 111 !iO v. t v I O :iie H it le-ooll!1 j Territory on mining Itiisincss. While i j the two were thus employed, the one t)11, Mi:iti.ii.' d.-i . r. . tr i rob one Uiteas, a wealthy gvutlc-(ti man who was traveling through the it i s ; I in robbing and the other iu being From 1,000 t C 000 emigrants pc r i rnl,,)tll t!l,v sU(l.lt.n!v became aware day arrive at Castle (iarden in this ff. aiM,ri,.1;Il r a llniUIltai,, li,;, ck, chiitiy from continental . En-1 ()ne of ti os. s.thy, cruei ll:nn,ters rope. The East appears to bo clean-1 that iflll.lMt an, iy W;l.t(. r;,sliie-.s ing house and ridding herself f 1 e9 of tv. i,.okv Mountain region, much worthless material, with some j Koacll i)niedi ately dropp-d his that is good and welcome Pom- l)()0,v ... , k jlin H tree as ni n- I !, it a li , an I u :.a t 1 ' t . 1 . now 1 1 ' t h i n g of t in i r !'.- .. i - i no , . I . ' I l b : II sen'.m e-it nil i ii;g j r i - i ,d avows t hat 1 !' ( 'ar t .1 i ; II . Il d i t n n r iK r Ins w i f th it he 1 1 n . h l t i'n a i . -other, no matier boa !. a it. in a V ha ve bee n ; !io i ii i ! ' i I v '. fern l v the rseutlon o!" tin s'.oid l I I -Toy's Democrat. 'Flie Driinimer. gists into the various races ami their history break on an inexplicable in to ju-l;ce, that i:nti! down thi bly as he ever c mid: as for the other nt,v nlnch, for a do. I ..or man, he didn't stop f i pick up hi property, he followed Koaeh up the tree with marked rapidity. The fierce lion, daunting his tail savage- All investigations hy arclnco'.o- i v picking his hideous fangs and rolling his glassy eyeballs suggest ively, looked up at the two men ' n I I !...; ' ! ! 1 - I ' III lit )i"s . . s cried to Heaven, may l Wad-shoro ,. ','. 'I'lie pi--:it I ! x I i I i t f it of i t e the l u u.' I France kt-i p- r :gi D.s; cone. preparation for t h- I nli i n H 1 1 I ' ion whn-h w II i n i 1 1 ii to ! IT :ol.-l! Fx in I ' 1 1 is fluence that seems to connect widely j t!P tree and prepaied to join tin m different places, periods and peoples, i uave you a pistol? Asked They find old jars in use in India : iV(KU b. that the mound builders had here,! x, said PivenJ. the traveler, MI t ; ' rl y in t he spi l ig of 1 s it,,to and thev come across iron teaspoons ! in iny U(,t j carry a Knife fourteen in the primeval forest beds of coal. 1 i n e 1 1 e e? lonr. They are astonished to find the gnd-j Th(n s,iigested the Terror, Hip iron of North I-eland figuring in the )oae yo,, s,-..k the i-0 in.0 tha' social life of China three or four 1 venninf when he reaches out for us. thousand years ago. I lie Uedoum Yes. but if I Jeave the knife Arab has the army blanket of the ; t,e lion said iive,)9 an,j he fills three lines to ste if she has spelled a j 1-,l,Hnmux' an(t l!J tlie ri,lnS r w.th it, what protection have I from word right. It put me out and I Fompeii they come across peanut ;0u? Xo, Fll keep the knife and makes the mail late. Or she lets it shell like what the swe:p?r sweeps 1 jpt you sl(.ot ,10 critor with your :er of your career confits up J go with a blunder that would dis j grace an infant scholar, and there , , rime to write it over. Some- out of the galley of the theatre to-; pjtol. -lav. Weil, why is this? Archa-ol-, Ye, but supposing I lo shoot him ogistS Cannot tell. I Can. The ;lVl,,i, w,t nrr.t ftion have I ....... v.- , - - ioth. si n- viif'i:r that 1 understood . t:i nriiMpnx hi--r w ding dress of vr . o c-.-i.ts a ard, ri'ui iaiiS-, faded I mlo '.' n'i-o. 'j 1 H.'tii h 1 nnth'ng but h sown s;iony ( seemed to know everything a s.rt . h rt-;; tii to hpcivl on, while the other : of a human henonienon as it were?.! faster than all you could say or do . tunes th" tHo.v batch of a morning ! mysterious ubiquitous influence that; a,",inst your knife when my pistol is me tisr; alter the term r. era ,lv,,,wure ..!, ts co-rpct aHmci. .ion, Kvery now t(te dsgruce r a crAIU poor tmt wei.lthy pan uts. Oui and then I s-. i uid meet people nlio ) De,ll0CyU(- Ci,"'ewith our soul full of venomous. siingers and your life curtained with -Pomei o Iiiteringf Siliorl-IIaiid. b V:ow !:ad. in addition . in ! vi ut I 'jnder '' if these peorde wt i e ! tru 1 1 a bcautifui cottage, and his b"ru with suefe n,urai capabilities , if I'm dictating on time for my paper enief ambition in Lfe, m xt to liliino : or wors they cultivated by indomis, 'If a vouiig m9n Wanted to be al- -not a nrnute to spare and it isn't his capacious stomach and keeping! able tn-rgy. At first I would tit "ays sure of a good position,' said a S Ue least matter how it looks, and it fuih was to install the (air stony- i iet and give them my attention ; business man in Hoston lately , 'I j the proof-render minds the spelling. hV.l JUoielia. our heroine, as boss i hut after a while WLefl i t-nifi came would hve him learn hort-hand, ten to one she'll have her eraser out female h-sh fiend, and grumbler in ! mi that existed within the radius of learn the type-writer, and book-keep- .... - I - .. .( 11 i fi.w , lli4 t Q ) i Vi tn rn t lint r.llr Iwvn wql .-w lm.it, A n i.tiArtuiolinir T n?fii td ' inor . so that he could keen i ue" sc - - - ' .H'iJtll.j.aVy.riU'l lit. I W " J I i 111 I 11 14 UllU'Li-WlAIIV'ailA OIIIVJ j -" J B in t .o way. The rivals had never j try to bring in a point or two, but! counts at a pinch. Then no matter met, and it was this dread of their it was like setting fire to an endless j hOw hard the time were, hs would coming in contact with each other, ! prairie ; lik winding up an ever last : be sure of work. If he got out of a that ti,ok away Aurelia's anoetite ! inir machin : like touching off a plaCn , I'd agree to take care of him , pri i Tl1 on.l L-ni.t llwiiwwr- rrw fo f A 1. f d In. Tf w-h ti.ii tbof : until dp fnunfl AnotlnT. eVfiff tilDe.' What 1 CSli hum i-v '.iii; itu'ii ( i ci iat nu ; ita iiniuut iiviuu. it n3 uiLm - - - j little did she dreuru that I e tore she every other line to correct eome fancied blemish, and you can't get it Tr iompliM and t i- w 1 Flu ill-t'l : cii'ili would again veil out to her moth, r I - . , . . 4 . i .. I learned to discriminate cranks I Now, observes .sinriev uave m me from the rest of the world. Chicago Inter-Ocem, don't rush off to keen 1 1 -t- Idfitfod td -dil foot I U" .vi r m r .-. f a r.f enn vort a ion ! T r 'Pitman' or ioin a short halid 1 herself, while layin in bed together,1 with a a:an Will tell jou wl ct' i t a has to bt' dr'n ovef. say Huenos Ay re. sli . riu , 'mmer founded don't know what heathen ,'- I'm naramv. and must write it out thot cu.'"- u,lUJ" 10 to grow three f.-et ev ry way as before she knows vhat it meant, and j Egypt , he crea I,,ose hieroghph- j advanced loot tjy foot. Chattahoochee wool 1 floor her for- i ics on the rocks of ancient Britain;: (:,iless we can come to a compro ever. That's fof business. Now. J he is the man who introduced Frc"" ; rajse, S:ljd Roach, the vermint will candy into Hcculaacum and stuck ; ea Ul; both. Let's agree to shoo., the mound builders with iron tea-j njm a ,iny rate, either we folks spoons. jor thai :ritter ha got to die. Do you know what becomes of aj That's so , said Iii vens; and I ac drummer? Not that you can, but ! Ctfj)t the eomprraise. have von ever seen a dead drummer! i $,t wijen tje iin got within range I don't believe drummers die. I be-; i?()u,di blazed awav at it and Livens - . . i - a. 1. i i i aii ii..,t .,11 , K.-n. tlior timnh- t dt thpintplc in- . .1 .1 . 1 l i.i. i- e,. : v el iiecn III ' lnld lltT llt.ni or iifl ruin , i na e ao j i o - .j ..... ... . . . - . .. reacueil uunn una u i 'M c nn i ii 1 1 1 , : , . .1 ? . i. A ,i..,f i.. ,roc 'Oiu tlmii art to taa rp- ..i. ... . . . i . u ; i . ; .. i ,..tt,.r' 1 - tefiCi1 ire. OH wan l is to n 1 1 e. a nvau aim jo j uj ........... . v . . . - c i c a 1 1 n ;i 1 1 1 l i le n 1 1 l i i i of moo -... that, manuscript ierked j to the i turnest,' was written of the drum- t,roast 'The lion fell to the groum inters in fifteen seconds. 'I hat si mer. 1 Lave met one or two men , wjtn a bullet hole in bis bead and want of intelligence, j who have been drummers, but they j eeveil inches of -te 1 in his lungs . ..ii i . U It. 11 t 1 . . And out cf two hundred young men do noi laiK mucu auour. n. urn u xiien Itosch and Hivens desceinied ai d women we tried to fit for t pe- drummer gets tired of talking 1 ; fr,,m the tree. They had escaped o ! . . T . i . . . I there were not j just disappears. be under the direction . f M. A! photise, who, it. is claimed, i- the aut bor of ths mot i, , ;i 1 1 i ' 1 1 ! Mr. els in modern Pari. Tiie I. ml 1 1 1 . -. is io Im on the fan. ou- Champ d- M rs. I I u i hn will r f- e 1 1 . 1 1 1 k 1 1 1 1 1 1 hat. the alace oi ers.-ib-s- t lo: h to say, a central buildin,' vm !, vn wings surrounding a v a-t. to be con vel ted into a gar b n C '!i will haruion .',! wph l'"' gai d t he Troeadrro o:: th-- olh-r-i the riVer. To tin; r.V : U will be the sections of th" li liberal art-, surmounted l- !' d cor f . j. I lfloroi r.i I poiilr c'li'i II,., w.1.. ; i nappen o o-' o' tou mm ic i'm..i, simply the drummer. It was the ! M,.'.!r,r, 'e tie bon was com-ng nr. ! "JV' n W'U l''1' r it all. He h'ft : lhe tree with ra'd.ity. He MM-meil Grecian scrolls in .i , . trv w .v n- of of .'t id c s t The central bul ding v , b- d. todiibueut indus ii s, a d 'o will 1)' th- imruc n -.i Uii.eiiin. ; I ry luiininz parallel within .Miiitaire. Tiiis g-illery will rnarvi I.of cons! rue-' ion, in th. I- W II I!.- l , put I '. d md it gr.i - i; Are easily. 'J'I.e roof of th,s : b carried on ginb 's of spin and ab mt Ib:; ! ( i irders f such a (j Pancras spa. i nay T if i.i'jfs' I am to.d. ' b',s St ::t ion . Lo bn. - . . , ! I . L, -...WArI r a-rit o tin), ,.,.llr ,.!.l Ko il.b -.r i : i- if i, ; c, i fi aor.d dea more noes toward maKing couiu ins n u. i .... - - ".'. ''.-iihi iuv; OO.I.1, ui mc m a mmi ui 11 Un. ii uc is a "inn - b . 1 , , I,-,; , i mpnooraidur than knowlelre o I without s-me Shai.oy tlunaer m i counny piaee , u nr,, ...lo h.c- re6o!ved not to separate, ami now u:o-t terrific knockouts, in three, ten his influence will make you feel like a CHAPTER II. The Comc.at. s c nd rojnds, on record in all the I a man: if he is a crank Lis words annals of ministry. Put let us not' will sting and bum in your ears, and anti-dp-ite, I all the little serpents in your dis position will becom-. nnwed out and ; begin io recoil within your soul till ! you will feel like shooting yourself Fourteen minutes and fifty seconds i by way of relief, after tne events narrat -d in the pre- j A crank can never be convinced ceding chapter, while Aurelia was of hi , own wrong. He will argue sitting on the stove, contemplating I ten hours over a question after every the possibility of obtaining another j body else sees the point. He eecms in al from the ham tioiie, -viu zing ; to think that his persistency will to and fro by the gentle biv z as it ; turn other people's minds into the hung sus ended from the chandelier 1 channel with his Own. If he fails in how to write shorthand. In the first place, to be a good short hand writer (and a 9econd-rae one is not worth the room he takes) requires the firmest, soun lest nerve. No business that can be named takes so much out of o ie as short-hand re porting. Hearing , efe-sight, hand and brain aie called upon for their highest work, aud ttie most intense attention. Sandy-haired boys of sanguine tempera'tent. or pale lipped, dark ones should choose out- i i ! 'U. ,d It t v i i ! U !'i t h. iU . ne e r i i x i.!' sr. inch have a span of 210 fei-;. Ui'Lft r of t netM girders, pla e 1 ut urer al of C8 le.-t , will suppnl 1 1 roof. I he mae.iinerv ga.If ry, which will cost T1.2'J'..21.' to Mill I, W il run.- I o -.v . r. all I the whole si-nes of xhib.' son t'uiMirgs wiU compo-c a gig -' io apo'heOiis of iro.i . 1 ne l.il'el Tower, 000 fe-t high, wili be n-1 in the middle of th- garden, at tho end ol the Champ M .r-, n xl to tiie river. It will be i.il.o i-. 'I h arciiiteids, artistv, ai.d art cri'ic-i arc ail opposed to its con-'ru t on , Some twelve or fourteen years be t the foundations have I r b - to i in that town. The drummers have j ago the wife of a Captain Hall, then gun. and t h- lower win r e r-uu. ir..j made ihe store k" eptrs buy what living in Darlington county , S. C . ,. the approval oi i ne m.oI i an- v.u., i a ! hn k.n-n cft'l onf) ron'i O T, . t" ! heart, in the exact words oi iue ivxt, my un c t. D i.,., j h - an correct-1 take it or go wuhout. it stems ai- writer s ecretaris , cta-stdl know what you are bout, for live I should call good ones, w ho this country survives I do not see how njrrjl... tint tv inuld not be oih the existence er .Hn riends. Euh was iadebt- ' Pare w,n" !'y ,;"',"'ti, ' ' letter i of drummers . You go into a small ed to the other for his life. Thev spelling or phrase ' ; tel; you find in the ofhee sii'een It i no uncommon thing to find a ' coats hanging up on the wall and short-hand writer unable to make i sixteen valines in a row on the floor, out his own ieport, from the same j and sixteen men sitting with their cause that remW a ty e-writer's ! thirty -two feet up on ihe stove, tell eopy incoherent, the want of a haoit ' ing sixteen lies about their bu-i-of fixed attention. In lack of this 1 ness and their adv futures, all at one ri,.t- ri.,, ujid words L'o wild, li time. You can't ei what you want i ond training for either work g. o L.niT n.9iie; of anv au thor bv i made 'he store keepers Duy irai ii x ' j 1 1 -" - j they are engaged in the bandit b-irsi ness togel her in the Id iho f istnesses. Chicago A ?'.'. a i'oit;'ri i: ( itnn: tiking no more than o ie c lv rt member at a time, repeating most impossible to bdi-ve fill ; rg the rOi w i , : lt- dr licious j this he will ihvariably seek satisfac- o br of t.y gone days, a terrible : tion in teliing ou figuratively that c iniri oti n was heard in the chimney you're a tool. Of coarse this dues that a ! " . . j ..-.. til! ti... ' .1 m ui iripr sni.t;'d f.c-r lie ab'e to dis- door work and let reporting in every ! and repeating uay an .... - - - wiiole page is photographed on me t gune u. i-"ntj nv; a, .u.t, i ! , : . J -...,rs i, i , , brain. There are plenty ot people ; aimne -m i uu iui.... case alone, except for amusement. Hundreds of such men are carried to the.r graves every year from ihe the stove pipe fell from its place and 1 not in any way Serve to nourish j offices and newspapers of the city, out bounded into the centre of the ! your esteem for him. You certainly who might be hale, long-liven men room the figure of a man , simultane- j will find it greatly to your discun- if they had not mistaken the?r voc ation. Lean, wiry men and women are best for desk-work, and stand the drain of indoor life with least loss. The young men and women oualy tiie scuttle ove'r her head was thrown back with a loud crash, fort to be made the play thing of one whose very face diffuses about you something dropped from the roof to ' an atmosphere of gall and bitterness, the floor, it was another man, and' In true society there is no place who probably never made their firi-t effort of clo-e attention to anything in their lives. Their minds pickup what impressions they will, right or wrong, and the rest is void. They can rattle the key of a type-writer or copy long passage" from some familiar author, read aloud by a care- was found dead, under suspicious ; regard it a- a "-y rr b .l of m iu tii d circumstances, and it was believed j civilizition in oppo-ition to t w.t that she had been murdered by her like and sae rd t d n I1 ' ' n f husband, H.o was the n xt day ma.-- t e pa-l.'' Tii" K'ffrl l""r i .s ried to a lady living in this county, j -ueo"fully res-stc i a l 'h- -'i-uear the South Carolina line. Prool -daughts ol 'that nd'u ui', win If you see a man come into the j positive againt the supposed mur- cording to tht I arisiar. trad . m office of a hotel and step up timidly Ideier, there was none, but suspicion kill anytnit g. ihe to ;u io-i ..i , ,ie against bim was so strong that be i exhibition building, exclusive ,e at once fled the country, followed ; Eiffel Tower, will I e 5,:t4. 42 : To by the officers of the law and a mob. j judge from the plans, the genera! as- He wss chased to Wadesooro or j pect will be very elfgair, ar. l very hereabouts where ever- trace of him Babylonian like xirlii'Jr''f'' Mofk- to the counter and ask the clerk if there are any letters for him, pJeate, you may know that he's a humble private citizen and a plain guest. If vou see a fellow bang open the j . door, stride in and leave it open be-! was loet, and he has nercr oince'y.

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