i s I didn't think thai was quite riht, At tke Mara. In fcuch a plnco yen know. Such tricks would sailin b.tttr fit A dime museum how. WILMINGTON 6z VjLDON R. I AND. BRANCHES- I wait in the dunk at the bars in the lane, W.itng and watchinjj at close of day; When the world in stilled in the solemn hour Then ram the meanest thin- cf all A.ioke that I call wr.-ng f. I i I 1 Condensed Schedule N0T1 A man close hy the topper drum, As it yields for a ?pace to ic n.s..v-, Suuck up a i,otel tfong 1 brief power t And the moonshine etiases me u. away. In the mystical purple of twilight the hills And valleys are wrapped, and the forces ot night Have conquered the day and driven him far And all the other started Men, ::.;i. . 1 )..,,, . i j ( ;;d N". -". ArA made an awful din; SS RESERVED The leader swung ;p both his hanus They didn't care a pin. o' 1. M. 1 . I' M ! Arrivf iv.'K - A- . ! a: . r r ; . i - You couldn't hear a bit of tune In such a cater wan'. 1 didn't care to see such thinss And so 1 left the hail. Musical Herald. I : '.::. j 1 ! . ) 1 . i. y To the wekt. where the Fentinel evening 1 1 U LJ . star Keps a watchful ye on his sullen flight. From the darker.in; mea lows the tink ling bells King low and clear on the perfumed air, Where a thousand delicate odors blend From flower and hud that to Heaven ascend, An of'ering purer than human prayer. The querulous plaint of the whippoor will. Hiding away in its lonely nes. Quivers and thrills with a note of pain, Like a lover mourning who loves in vain, Or a lost soul crying to Heaven for rest. Why cometh she not, my beauty, my Hes-s With the tender eyes, so gentle and kind; JShe is late; even now with noiseless fall O'er the dull earth settles a goossanrer pall. And the I at darts by on the rising wind. With a nannies- dread that 1 cannot quell, And a fai.cy filled with doubt and feais 1 peer in vain where the ghastly trees Frolic i d play with the wooing breeze, Atd the winding path on the hill appears. At the bars I wait, though the dews are failinc, She will surely come though tht hour be late; Hark! there's a step on the path ceming near, Aha! and a call that I knew, low and clear So well does my brown beauty know I will wait. She is coming at last! How the glad earth smiles And the breezes of Heaven grow sweeter; Sec the clover heads bend in a dying caress As they tremble and bow 'neath her foot's light press, On the path where I'm waiting to meet her. Her fort falls as light as the dew on the grass, So quiet and shy as she conies to my side, As her brown dreamy eyes look so softly in mine. They rival the low of the calm star shine. Whert is any can equal my Bess in her pride? All day she has gathered in meadow and wood. Sweet grasses and flowers and huttercups white; Ii.it now, in the gloaming, when the mis s lie low. On the river brink and the faint stars show, She comes to me here in the fading light. So I let down the bars and mv pet comes through. With a st-p that a duchess might envy, and now With a grateful moo and musical low, She enters, so glossy and stately and slow, My three-hundre '-dollar prize Alderney cow . Alma Thystro. IS I X W J 11 E (PLATE) Till: Bl'CKTIIttK.' SOLID STEEL BAHBEI) FENCING This Wire is unrivalled Barbs 1 inch a part. For sale by EDMOND.SON & JOSEY Call and examine. This Hat strip of steel makes a cheap SfM and lasting fence. Tin-: DEMOCRAT. A Ml ' i ' Li :-.Vi: V,':.r-a-v L-.-:ic ,Mu.m otb 5 .c 1887- 1887- $4-50 A YEAR FOU T FIE DAILY WHIG. THE CHEAPEST DAILY I'A PEIl IX THE SOITH. the price of which is only $1-50 a year- ! A. M. i s.i.; ! : Jo - I i it ( ) " 17 -a' " ITTaT n s7o t n t ; v h 1 1 i ! 1 l'Mily. ,4, s ?, Leave V iitniiijjtDii. Leave Miigr.tj'ia Arrive 'r.-.:ivv Arrive Gol isi orn... No. H. Lriiiy, t)il No. i s I 1 1 4 r. m. I 12 ,V2 A. M J 1.08 ' 1 o'j '. 47, j ( !t " 4 . ! 1:V2 10 10 42 1 1 OUR MACHINE SHOP IS NOW READ": v y i v w j jj R A 1 u l MiT IN' LfaVC KllVrltrVKic, Arrive Selrua Anive WJ-on ..':.) A. "i. ..IOiO ..n.Vi Leave "W"1'"'- Arrive U-kv Mount T 2 45 A.M j 12 A -rive Tiuhoro La ave. r:.n--ro Amvr Y'oid''.i DENNIS & IICK'Cr ::. . 4 i.. jAAAi't-A.'v. ''"'A',' v.. n J Work done at LOW EST figures and on 'AAv-rAI ;A,.' A A ', ;'A':',: A,-;-.s.. a;;:. w.u,,,. c- 'Aii, )Av. . A.; v.v. ,'!:' !:;V(; 'A A AAA A; A';' A'u 1 1- J ' , j m :-o v. Si. l io r. a. m. t 2 so r. 31. 2 12 M A. M. 1 27 A. M A. -M. 1 1 avt-s . 1 : t .; i A ' ... : . . . 'i .1 I. i r.- ., I. ... 1 U: e !' A " T. o: !-.V ' 'I ii k vei;kly HAS BEEN" ENLAKOED AND THE PLK'E KEDITED Ti) 75 Cents a Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPEP. PUBLISHED. .SSTJE THE SUNLV A N 1 ) WEEKLY EDITION IiTII FOR ONE VEAPv, FOR $150 DAILY SENT FREE TWO WEEKS and WEEKLY ONE MONTH FREE. .Spend one cent for .1 postal card and i ikr one or the other on trial. A I lilt ESS THE WHIG, RICHMOND. Y A. Woman. Most flattered and least trusted of the race, 1'ropt l-r a whim and followed for a face, Loved for their follies, their devotion 8cornet, In presence slighted and 111 abserce n;o lnifd. Their hearts, their charters, by men abused; Who never think then help should be refused; Sealed by kings ai d trampled in the rcire. The best and worst they equally in spire. Cursed for their weakness, hated when they're strong; Whatever happens always in the wronR Tact id taeir genius. Add yet one thing more. Woman it lost, when woman proves a bore. I). A. A. in Ttmple Bar. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER HAS MOVED TO RALEIOll, and wiil be improved in many important particulars No change in its polie.3. No clruiLM' in tdnona! manazemeiit. '"The industrial and educational interests of our people jxiramount to dl other considerations of State juilicy A shall con time to be our watchword. '1 he humblest farmer in our State, if he be without our paper shall also be without excuse. We intend to make it one of the fcfjsf iid one of the cheapest papers in the South. The following liberal rates are offered: TO CLUBS, 1 subscriber and under live, 1 yr, $2.00 5 Mib:-.;nbers and under ten, 1 yr, 1 .0. l" subscribers and under fifteen. 1 yr, 1.5' 15 subscribers and under twenty, 1 yr.1.25 20 subscribers or more, 1 year, 1 .On Strictly in advance. Every Farmers" Ciuh i 1 the State should send us a good club at once. L. L. POLK, Editor. P. F. DUFFY, Ass't Editor JNO E. RAY, Bus. Man'gr R i :r i 1 , X. 0. A,.., . v.M-;ti r, 1.1 mi A. K.;;..?.:;; i .-. '- ru.ri '...1. . 1 ' . Wilsons, (':uis ., whii'li tvpy v. W i.-ld s, li !;.;;! I'uv Ca-m. ;r o-.s thr o t re j T. i.-.v- :: !, si!..h- i.::rti'-?. V.'f nro t!' !-k:'-il ! II l!" 'x 1 Io imr frieiuLs for ;.:i-t iiivf!r an' !i'e a coiitinuance of the Sfune. DKNNIS & IIOHX. Kuflchl N. C. SIIOKTKST TIMK. 'IV. V, I . I.-'. ,.t ' liC r i ,v:-' v..---. ) A.M. "'AlAAA'A;;; ., AAr i.;;,ce;.:vii.. .:riir.c, ... Nor,;,. h,.,-n i i- Xo r.-c. i:;i:iy -.'PU r-.i!.u.,. H I am still ahead with, a fall selection of line and pure !:y.:ors of all descriptions or which 1 oiler for sale at rock bottom prices to suit the tm.es. 1 i;r MALT WHISKEY, KENTUCKY, Clay county RYE (7 years old) WHISKEY, best of CIXS impcrfed, a,.d domestic fine 2 yenis old X. C. APPLE BRANDY ai-d manv other "nr.itid.s too numerous to mention all of whi, h 1 o,ir li r s 'e at reduced pri.-. s tlU; f it cv l IU C E UI FLOUR, SUCAE, COFFEE. &C, TOBACCO, and CiCARS of the best selection, ('AXDIFS :,u,l COXFEC TIOX ARIES. Call aii'l ex: mine fur vourseh es and save your money. R. W. H A I'.V IS. At my old stand. Mam st. opposite Rostoflice. D-c. 1-t ssiV '":,',J!.i'"-.,-A..AA i AA . v .'t ,,.,v A.'. A ;,A'A ,i L, .t w,:.i..,. .-..r ii ...!. ,,i;y. i : ,,,1 ;-H-.-"'-.;;; 'A::,iAA.AA:'1AAAA;AAAA;;A- ,., ,1;. ., vvr cr- winning' t'-n r. ' t.rA was!i!i!;to-). r.n-1 have 1 . l ;! tlC Ji.:.. ,1. K. KkMiY. s: ,, , .'t Tiiin,. ' n T, A, Lmi:::sox, General I'at : t A-en ,T(;iX I" T'ivin r, J;K i A-'( . N ! Y Ri:-1':5-N! A. TI l'.-i.fKvi i a 1 i.ii am. ! iJ.'ii'ANV. C;?!M ! i 1 ' -1 t ! ' 'i rao'.s . C'i loud v.'A I.KAVE UIi HM)N:' I :.. lite. u i4li !..!' V !..-. i':.OV.. i -! -1. -.. ' M . ( : i y. .' t; A wpaer supporting 1 1 1- lMi ni j-lrs (-.,; L . j 1 of a Dcmooratic .Vtlmini -tr;t iu, i'."" ', , - , , : t 1 ..... 1 ; ;1's 1 . 1 ': 1 , s if i II lor A. c:r!ol A Ul !KoA- .ii 1. A- r. e-S IK. 1 - Iclh el UM :--tl i". d,i!y (ex- Steam always on; ready to grind your com I bolt your flour: turn your shaft, bore cylinder The Bt Ncvp.prr i:i Arncr.ca j a-,d by far t:,c fo:t Pead:!. ! fit your pipe, coupling: or Steam joint. TA ' ; ' ' A . coccus r-" "or. i-l-..s 0 by any 1. Published In the C'.N of Nr- v Ycrk. vki Krs'i;i'Ki N'li-'niv.Ahir WIT.I.IA3I I)Oi?SIIEI3IElI, A' KrM a-.tomattox nKiw. I;,cai .st..i's. Slcepu-Ch.i:!o.-;tor. to Was'.r.a.ton. t ' 1 NoS-jbscnMcr; S" C n"i " Ai i 1 f ' r . ' ! . j i. !'.". :' : 1 r : : ' A :. : : J Prnjr iS in 1 Htrr.lar! On!.l ?.! '.!): rWr.tcli:?,Va Suable ! ?.ooks, the jtwt Family S--w:Ag Mi'viino known to tnf? trade, and an in.cvma!!d list J of objects cf real utiiity and instruction, j Editor. 7a, Yeekly, and Sunday Editions. 1-oS A THE WEEKLY STA J 7-;?0 A M A'cni::i)A : i;N. daily (ex cept Sun lay.) ..)r P M (tjulv Stoi.sA-i? C't-s'cr. C-i-.tr!i- A 1 6 page Newspaper, issuea , 1; an i Lrcvry -s ;;. 1 --i.i every Wednesday. j r.tn t-le,- er aenait to Ne A clean, pure, bright and jiils-resting orV. FAMILY PAPER. j :0S V M fViil.c, d.ily. (-v--It . Suhuay) A M Is, .Rat ps1. ij' ittaf.s, .f '. stpr.id : DAILY. Per Ysa? iwithr-'.t Pi-.nday) $6 00 DAILY, per klonth (without Pnndsy) 50 j SUNDAY, prr Yanr . . . I 00 i FOP FVFF. 1' CAY !N T -i- TLAK o:j WEEKLY, .-a- Yc-r ... I 03 a,- - . -. Tl-v. : : a ..f-- T.rk c;ij. For all kiiuts of Marlrne vrrrK , Httins or sui.lie, AIM'LT ! It contains the latest news, down to the honr oi j ' :;;A V Sunday oxcrfsion. All il' PHsACiiirer ti :U:)S ma as " J 1 ; ..11 co'.no'-tion at llics.m.n'.a u r ..: p-.mu ,,;,,th. east an dwi. TiU.OM.V Ai,, itAiU Kiff'IH TO NOi.! vH-K. i.esnt 1 Xlie Sj in phony Orchemrn, AUNT JANE'S EXPERIENCE When I was up in Boston last, I went to hear their band; They called it some oulandish name I couldn't undei stand. It plays in their big Music Hall Law sakes! it made ne mad That that red curtain back o' them Needed a dust in' bad. They played a piece called Opus 10, Whatever that may mean; Such a disturbance as they made, I never yet have seen. Thr started in all softly like, When oh! it made me start A fellar whacked a copper drum 1 guess he thought that smart! The leader shook a stick at him. At angry as could be, The more he shook, the more he 6trucL "i'il break this up."' thinks he. And then I thoueht that I should die; But, sure as I am born, A fellow with a long brass tube Swallowed up half his horn. F KT K HA H I ' Hd lUlLtUHII ('OMPA'-A "J OfficeGen'i Sfpekintendents I'KTKKSKUK'i. Va.,NoV. il, 1,M. I Trams on this Koad will mil s.s f( r;oiN; soi "! u. BOSTON AND SAVANNA A FAS': MAIL. Leave Petersburg daily (Wash'n st. aepot) at F n (Ltops only at Beliiel-l) Alrive at Weldonat - - -5.1 P v Mew York Expres leaves PetersbuiAT (Wahintrton St. Depot) daily at II.aI'P ii Arrive at Weldon at - - - 1 ;" P n Mail train leaves Petersburg, ("Washing ton "St. depot) daily except Sun days at - - F f0 P t; Arrive at Wellon at - - 1 00 y n Freight Leave Pltcrshurg daily (except Snnday) at - - OlP 11 Arrive at VYeldon - - 1 25 A rr, Local Freicht Leave Petersburg 7 2 an Arrive at Weldon at - 1:02 P. in. Uoikc NORTH. Boston and Savannah fast mail Fast Mail leave Weldon at - 2-4" A ii " " arrive at Petersburg 4:57 A iu New York Express leaves Weldon dai ly at a:1 5 P 11, Arrives at Petersburg at - - 5 13 Pi.: Mail train leaves Wei Ion, (daily except Sundays.) at - - 7 20 am i'r ;iit Leave Weldon daily7 (excep Monday at - - - 2 55 a tr Arnv it Petersburg at - 7 00 e in Local bi-Mght Leave Weldon daily (ex cept Sunda "'at - - 2 IS p in Arrive at Pei -sburg at- - - 8 00 piu Sleeping cars nd tirst-class coache in night and day trains. No change ot cars between Wilining ton and Washington. Throrgh tickets sold to all Eastern and Southei 11 points and baggage checked througt Pass r.gers going South will purchase tickets and check bagage at Washingtor. street ( epot. going to press Agricultural, Market, Fashion, 01 1 M-hv.-rb li::ji A M .itilv. Arrive Political, : 1'-lc!! l v- - r ( i- Poetical, Humorous and w Editorial , Pepartment". all under tl.ii d!r,t:.n of traiu-! Journali.-ts of tlie I'ihist alii;iy. bs .-.xit.-Mi i pages will ie fount! crtwtted with tlcnirs From lx-t'!!!n:!iir t end. Oricmai .-'.';. t"- by iislin;ui?ht-a .Anifrn-.-.n n::d foreign writ.-rn of lit Aon. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR to S; r.- ; K'Hi kki:. I nv.F. tr '',-t.i,k ;:i ti.r L 'I st-.A-.J tiul a.'iri' AA, oii Ci AAf The Biblical Recorder-; l't i'.r.isii ::r r.v EDWARDS. DKOr-JHTON & CO. ; UA i I. N. C. i who has charge of the shoj ana will order nn tiling 1 1 L uu Laud HEV. C. T. I5A11.KV, E.litor. i: i;v. v. s. t'A ';!;iss, ....u. , . 0 0. Am. i , : i:m.ts i f Ni-v York l'n , 'i ! t o Per vi mi- Clubsi tf Tt-n Club of Fift-'en (iie-I ti cs:r.-i to !':! 1 r c f 1; .: r- !-o . For THREE KONTH3, 01 tr!n, 25 CSN73. l-'l v.W.lW PA As AAv : f. r. 3 v ! ; A I ' ! :'; s f.! TAKE IT lit uAlLf v-IAiA i ! I v ..'. ', I ' ' A ! '' A i'l Lie I,'i.s.:. . S''i- f ' VV . i I ii The IIaii.v Stat, contain:? li'l tuc Ticw-t . f 1 . :,v ' mi :.:;r;:c!: vt- t.irm. lis j'tT.-;! '! '! :o'.i.:i by ci'iA- iVom I.t-iitit.n. J'.-.ri.-. !i.-r!;n, icun -. ;i:..l rjubhii is ii ft.n.iin-mt-ibU' iVti"f. At V;s-;.ii:wlt!i. A;!)..:.y. r.i.tt lAirr f-ntt-r--. the j.!i!.-st cortTi-iioistift.s. rjfiady r.:fw uy Thk M'i'-. f;ii'!!Au t:.- : 1!. -t 11. '.' i).. I A .-t; U. Its !'A r.: -v f.';.i'i!v.s- ar-- 11 r si i ,! . 1'ti-' h ri.-i.-il :t::.! ..;,, kt-t ii. vims sire nr.-.s:m"v fnV: iiv.d roi.:: Spvriitl ti-rc- ::m1 rm-j ! i n:t vy i:m". i: -nifiitis 10 itji.-j.l-. nil,! r;in,.i -( is Seutl for oiit ol::'- TERMS OF Ti; ,A!i.V -'T.'r. t- Sra :.A; . ! : pcuibeks. pi:ks -f c .0.1: t ? . .,. .: . and Canaan, tmlu': ;i. i.i.Ats , ' A i .v Yo.k 1 a; . ", '', Every d;tv for or.i-M ar 1 i't !i: . j- ; '.r.i'.av i. . . (;0 "'.A' Dailv. wftbo.a fuvuti?. .no v ;.r " ; (A 'ir .i-ncc w Every day. -:x iiioici.?. S W , (M.icc :t i-t .'A f,n 1 .,!'.! OUIIUU) , W 11 UUU L iM.iV, I.r i Broadway ami I'aiA-- i'l - re. : , w Votk A A" A'lii ,s ;;, -ti:Ji : IIVE US YOUli GKIXDIN , A V I N 1 ' , (.INM.NC; 1 ni H'N, ' l'A I i;ONA( ; i ( A A LI N IA j r j t J-1 s Jill i KIH' ii! l ud: A-i ) . ill ;H!UM't 'on it li i!i Ati.uifif-.VriH - 1 -1 i : nv ; Tim. i!fi, ! 1 a r h:s' o a iK'U up ;i lit av o'l't r i-: 1'!'. j at -' lUo;i-.lw;iy. .-v Voik c.ty. tSwixr3.3S!::asi I ni v tneii I if I ;u;5i i'tfiA-i-ty '- ! j ai -,!!!, ii i:;'.;:i0!:rf mx'c n i;t . .! & A , j ,ilA ill i ; m'i If 1 ihiii f t-1 oi f . a A 1a a !. '('s.-s , , j , r . ji 1. f ! ACS 0 i ) KiMA A..,,- .! Iss: !. .1 iii. A ifS i A A A s ; ; A A ! tO !-"tAA!Ai i-.. ui ir.i-?7A"(i-, in ail th.U j.-rtiin to t'.if inn 7 OA". iiiinr-sol'iiA ;;!!iiii;is.tiA! Kfi. ;i!it to Sfi.,i MfU'KL (;: '.nrAf;. Wo ' ;ljs ,.(H, .,;iP;T,, .... i...:ii . n-iM- ka :V ii-- hot a Af rr at' f n 1 oi f 00 A y.A .v.. : . i - a., r v p . !,-)M ;!,A; .-Ii . t ' A A ', A iA',' A A (; A H'S A N I WACJONS lU'Ii-TON SHOlt J. Ti. KIT'JIUN. ;Viv;s,- i - ; 'A . A . A A"'i VV '.. A- A " ' l'A TLW 1 ' '1 ' ''!' c- r t 1 r. ir it. 1 - il At l .J(I ::. V '!'; i A' '! i : V i . . i C T. 1 '.; t'fl ! 1 t t): i 1 trout , A!.. I !f His ; aaa' ' ;f ,- ! ii-sv ;iu MII.Ti WnKfllT 31 YCIIlNIST A- Viifvnrp ! t VA V ! I i o Will ktei up In oM 1a;ih of! a -;!.-,, repairing all kinds ci' u i'-':n-'vy; . sewing machines .r li;u pnl for! r ( old ones, or sold for rn-Ai (: s.is tnc- cdaa i;. installment plan. t -r feb-. ;h:.:-.a. ' V ! L s i ! tt. t 1:1- " A . ' ' it: V'Vii'OVl! ! l H Miff , A A j - ; t ; UHi't-i.-t 1 A t A l!AI'.f.!AT is fiii v two if I Pass.!! eers eoine North and stODDint; at Pet r urg, will claim their ba?;gagt at Wash 1 iton street depot. Agents a " not required to open then offices f'01 t' sale of tickets tor treighi trains- i tin bound Freight Trains will stop il ft'shta, Mt. Airy, and pointpasse-te s w !' be discharge Bof veverykind cured in 30 minut :by : WOLFORD'S SANITARY LOTION. Use no other. This never fail?, Sold pj J. T. Whitehead & Co. . 1 V I. JLVA The eo-partuorship herttofor cx istin4 between Kit-chin & Dunn is r.his day by mutual conF'-nt dis-olv-d. All business now in hand-will vio Httende 1 to by us jointly. Both of us will continue the practice of law. JarAy 1, 1887. C W. H. Kitchin. I W. A. Dunn. !-;.;.- vi V ' 1 ft- ! .- :'.i A';ha . -' l'ru'f .'v ' if I''--' S A I . K I A :. V 1 . V.A ' . 1 . i i i A A'' A A! . ' -A 1 ) ; 1 1 ) . s vt .jifl ;i v: lAiiilf ; I'fs.-At Ai ;i-!'litio::Hi. to everv iAf! ii-f. . .jr:!f s f;ro want i'A cm w- ' aai ,.1 c invass Ti.r :.- : a a t - : ; a ; a u . A a v t ' : .'; ' a : - a ):( .-. AA !.' T. T. . .'.iliN - Ai V Mi'-i:' -'!'- JUL r. st '.rrn'i; jiriLDis', All niider charee ot Ml T!i !Ai Ad, T . U A ! AA ' O 1 f ,t t t H Cvl and f:uni:if sample piano (.s mill orjiuis, ainthmf, mr on i ko.l aud will ' pron.'ptly ord rjd. 1 .' KM. I tl' 1 - - 1 ara bound to c:i' 01. evt -y one wh, fc-b 1 owe me tocdl on or before Jaimary 1st and lav nie n!i tho- who !V.t to do so wiil Q.id i'h'-r f'.:dm iu tU J. L. K ITCH IN 4- CO. I arn fit ill in the war&ft to bay ,-our cotton and will p-y yo.i thehih . A. A .,- L -r- . , 1 ..f hnn 's of Mfssrs. Kitthni x Uuna on e,t price tutu luj ,,..u,j w, the 2nd of January 1S87. ' currency to buy all that come to our KOAH BIGGS, plact. OAlIBIGGb. M. S. PITT !SCOTIAND NECK. N. -

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