1 DEMOC m i ; . X. I f 1 XV. II KITOIIIX, OWXKIt WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. srnscuirnoN ni..-.o iki; v i;.u VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Fill DAY .MAY 20. 18S7. NO 2S. TOWN iO VKRNMKNT. Wiiitk, - - - Mayor CO. Yor ! -1 . A II I a vp U.-inoe fe- .;ie-t'-d l! :D! - 1 do darknes of his .; i th hat t i . -. t tt l II r. If i i -get i n id the r K.tn .is i:i hi nut). Jr ) I . V. Suva pre, ' hh M -Johnson, W. . Dunn, j" I Commissioner i METHODIST CHURCH. otg t an ! u ir. d ".lie i :ch. i , du. out x lieu w .is ?,! jj m. 11. a. 1st Sunday, William's Chape! 11. a Palmyra :'nd -i Scotland Neck Palmyra :'i i i'-'i'ivra ' iK-l-good's 11, . 1 IV 1 . t h n . W el exery night helping my chap to to the some pob; o-al par' y to d;fer. j I u II ... ii won't priz it open, but we generally pur- an 1 forthwith tV- V-,,, ,ays I e .i..t. M p it." e,eeu ani i reckon it is all the better represents the Democrat of Noifh j Til pay To- all th. d-rn age I do," ,rd ha 1 I .t n b!e t d.vingu.sh t! hot way. I do hate to have to sur- j Cat lina and hi attitude is un- 1 i-tid the I itt I man. brin m-i-t l is ..nt r-d frm f 5. I 1 .r.'.- V, ..f u, f render to these chil Iren. It is n'wor'hvof them. I)o,.s the Il,,,,r : knif- h-u .IV .h.arn . t .,,,,., i.o. L- . i i , ,i,t confrMion ofj-i.l.jment when I can't know jhe tentimMit of the !) mn- J "Y.,u"li yet out of the car If joo ; whit- puper n;iht shine ith 5l li! t a hum or parsH a sentence orjcrataof the State b.ter than Sena, j h:.'t quit : that what you'll b," o' it u . Prob sr Van lu-ry pro- ,o:ir.Wal thai. t;re,ce. i-l VI t tra-islate th.-ir Latin. When I et j tor Vance, who not only read the ; .p.oth tbe exasperate I h-akemati. ' re.l a u ore cr.tical test, m.-i I mi m !, to ll a elev u':n.- an A len-unj ! p.m. , ----- .i me r.i..ie, mil h ii j no, i ii.ii.k , faitj u.e !;is servtxnl ti p-ooure a p c ot intl uer.c of com rverce. ar,.I oi.l in I uin.iijjjt anci sa3', 'Well j constant co.ij-ouiiie.ati.il vitb rep- little nun. --I'll try to nut up with ; charcoal ami a small I oanl. Af!T ' tin 'uihe.l herself in th wtrhl ( ' an,! I 1 1 i 7A p. m. ! li uiefce "iurn books are tli rcsci.tative men from every section? the ii.juiv to the car. lean stand ; waitii-r in vaiu foi his oven to -.ei mi. d aft, r thta 1 eeomio conn., 11, a. in. ! ""w '-f ni--. We don't fi 'lire now i What evidence has the Phiht thst Lt" Anl he hnn.id rh l.rsL-.!!,, ! nfc,l n. ti,,..i..,t.J' -..;..!,. t... tu- ... .1 . .. - - ' ..... - . . . . . w.....:...f ..v-..'(L.vii.iirwiii. ill VI. 1 int LIIlHL ll 11 i'l dw. I. 1 - .a y o l;i.d U . it!i 1. Ko'ne. in I r origin andfsriv rn r. r. irori' role, warlike sod a t - ' l. .tic u in , m i i ; 1 , i I! ...iv l'h.!i ri .l.i, L ilrr,inifil ll.!.' w itij.'t r ;t and the n : n o 11111 he . fi. ml nir -fid ur it . 11 :.i ts 1.0 of couisr , !'.- h,. i.:trr .,,. tnonor. 1 A i v T. i'. liONNKK. I'.C in ls- .".ami. v - -1 the oc'.jao st ran. '.vas hi my hat.-J: wi't' u j : 1 t!., I L 1;:::. t'l-t h V- j j'lst exactly like we used to. I stiulied Sin h-y76 arithmetic , which had irrc h:i;k' rule of throe ani double rule o: tiirpe that did most every sum in j th;- wo: !., and I studied Mjrr J grammar and Da's algebra, but ! I'ow-;.- bjjs they have jrot new books i short cn:! i.n 1 t. in winders ami j all -sorts of readers and electiea and d.iaiecti-'-s aod cpdtjvtics and o:ler j lojili -;;!ed o;a;tt;ii -s that I do:j't j ao:.ly understtind-. A:,d kj uci ! or-', id' it witiiOul io-iiie; i mu !; And he hamied the brake man i ued to the darkn ss " wiiel 1 : end ef five minutes, seemul f,! p ' l.-e. Ibit toe f .et is I loti about as mndi as 1 ,1 a 1 r ; : 1 1 1 1 1 1 c -:ai:ic 1 L-irt'. ''.aps more p pefiinj- aw a asd Kill . Ex. a '. t rack ..l t r;u VAXCK. ! !i icm who cimuiI the sands th-; waters i;i iiis hands, a la r m iteor 1 stan-is h'.-d a-aiimt mv name: . ii- mortal pait has wroiiht. this thinking soal has thou.-ht, 1' .i . 1 ii niii 1 nese iii.'elinr liiianynl; mmt ,t " "e " ' t hoi' i-'lory or for shtcie. eleorire D. Prentice. J 1 h. nor to '. bul. in Iiaird Vance! i.i.; v. oat others say of him, ' '"' iiiti) to the -Ultima i car i o -.' ihi?tl thus : ': .jay iain.r, : New York. ' I b y your Jjard. n, Mr. Gould, She's a tiii t and he knows it, Kxpvrt, and she shows it In each won! and aet. She han;j1.s ami ht; chatters, She chtdiV and she Hatters, Mankind t j distract. Her shy litile elances I t i v as da: To f)!!o.v in vain! bo h n:r.n .-he entrances Who can her advances Kiich.niiiiir disdain:- she is tender; ,- v, detv nd her I"r v.: trouble r harm. smiles, and I woo her, s ii -s itrmj n e to her. S :h hi,' i by her charm. She's a witch, and she knows it, She's rich who'd suppose t, So simnle her ai;:- I lov-d hr-r e-..:ifouo A no i.i.vt r aiiou M 1 o i- c.i r ivc vvid t.i.l-j"' 1 i' :: c political woild, 1 need be. Nor will we denounce him, no matter what other do. We regard him the jireat Democra'-io Mofefi to I a l u-, out id' the wildenes into whi di we have been (Vl-;elv led b- a Mowump President ami his lesser dopes. We believe that the great mr.sses of ti e. people are opposed to all such nonsense. We believe that X P. Vance alone can lead the peo ple to victory in our i.ext election. By following the lead of lesser lights all ! political ai.d editorial fledtflin.s the Slate was nearly lust lat eii ctlon. We do not say chat Vance should be retired tV in the Senate and put at the head of our ticket , but we dolrefoim cay, Ibiit North Carolina must nut; both the Democrats of North Carolina d not agree with Senator Vance on tl. National i-sues that divide him and the President? The people of North Carolina love Van -e tor his frankness and coiir arc He las never deeeiwd them alii they have neer turned tneir oai ks 011 him. He represents truly the Democrats of North Carol -na, d.at 1, a lare majority of them, and his conduct is worthy of the highest pr.i:-e. Ne w Jlein ' Juttrwd. - ' At the cotichiMon of his spe. eh on th "0 h of July, 1880, :n the United St ite Sen ite--theqne;tio:i beinjf the adoj ti. n of the Home resolution to apph a portion of the surplus in the treasury to tie payment of the na ti' iial debt, Hon Z. B. Van je of North Carolina said : They tell me that this is mv ad ministration ; t hat I helped to make it, nin responsible for it, ami should sus; an;, it. So I 00 w terever it is j right, but never when the Chi. f ex-! ecutive is wrong. His best, friends woiihl lie "lad if thev could endorse' huu oiteoer. But, I claim to lie not C:lrrirs a l''K',iet fl11 of card - with J.. only a Democrat but an h nest man." j Owuhi's name on them. Been giving 'i he man who ;aui u'terance to! you one, has he? Oh ! Aha!" sucti true sentiments as the above,1 A wild-pyed brakemuii on one of North Caroltnia.is can atfo;d to tru-t. Fs yi tt eville A'e-s. as ah- mo-t lasting re-suit of Homan t iu! . iJ . I , . t- n . - !.,... .11-1 1 ...... . .1 1 . .1 . 1 r l . ..uiu- ji iir , i.v i'ik iuc iiaiu 00 a i .on, a 11 v e .,. 1 ov me al. I - l I o 1 111 ; his knte and sftly maike l it w.th an 1 necessities of comajerci. Wl atl oii kn w touiteen b ack spots &u then held remains no - Yes". Wrll. Ir-thcr P !l h. i:. of ck's lif';:in and Uuichf f ! h.t Id v.i 1 ot . , .i re 1 :;o ,. 1 it up over his lead ; i oh. Hakim." " Half a of o'd Koine thus at- inni'lit It back b: o 1 10 C unt th it. tst? the en nobli mj:, dlrifym and sdd ;f to ll'il tor s joit o -e and a vivifying spirit of comruerce nf until u lf. dis;io 1 h.ii 1 Ul I s.) t v hn I for it. No ''it doon't, then," was the rep! y. j the sge v hen mind first nean to no mo -. f..ls-;(Mi(r(.l j "J'-. withdrawing one of t!ie aha a K I throw off fetters that'had wcighe I it I ' ' b I'Ne-ota 111 -H.-Je on th i tlie w zird admi ted buht e .oLih to down for ayes , and to lbi aire tip lot. " ( dual. 1 M'.,-?; our tiut', 1 i . . ' ...... 1: v .1 . 1 .. , ' 1 , . . . . i'Xi' aiiica me eino ov, mm r hLin- his cap a:;d turni.red j ( ( lleen spot aid t h- seer : I In d.scov cry of t he India pas... ot th- ioi and ! I it to .l.ltk ale t v torrm i 1 li ' " I':liiS 1 uli ;' r ' " v l' siiinatai.d the utiil un-re ' M"'.. mi. Jut Ih;n- Thtt is all ri"ht mv "ood man e'1 il ver-v ljL'aI ' l'Uhed th" pro ' t.rdd.int discovery of a no and u r. - ; more f,u ,,,. - jt Vou weie only doin your dutv. n'o I ,VK"' "l'ut ,hfre aie on,v b ttrleen, trie 1 world by the adventurous uor j "But what MTtir ty hae . 11 to ! " - I' me liw.mori ..n ti m .1.1 M I. 1 . . f A . I. .'-. . I 1 . 1 UPPil (id-tvrar,l,in I Ii.ivd w '" "uiu.'i j at i n i.ol. . 10 . :t u l a u o U 1 T ig aio r O I Oi'BllH, III U T K , s:.ot iim . I .Ills if II .1.4 k I ttt r r i i b i to abu-e t ho property ot j the road than any other woui i na-. e. Aiwas ito regardless of persoos. I'll kee t.Ii eye out for you." An hour later the ureat railway magnate left the train. "Do you see tlu.t little fellow?' siid the hrakcutan to an ae.j'i.ii nts aiue. '-That's Jay Ooull. I'm solid w.th him and my fortune's made." "Tint Jay Gould?' was the reply. "Not much. Tnsit's Smith Henry of Bushne'd . III. He looks lik Jav (iould, and whenever he trav. Is he i in: l a i:h. reveal the disputed fifteenth sp.-t a ' o. igm fmolern commerce may h -u all knot h(do in the cen'er of the as-igned. Si a n and Portugal, to n ' board. The sect n 1 a.d thirl time ' losing the Lad which cirenmstanceo 1 1,1 i e discounted that cer t r ?u,t , a nd h i l given lhem in the commercial : h n Professor V.tmberv left t b. I world, were reached and Kiiro.-.! I ' ' ' a 1 ,r' ' v r I ab i. 'mil vnii naie b- f.pitcl b.r V.tmbery left t h. I world, were reached and Miro.as-cd ti nt he admitted that its proprietor t.y uso:e fortuuate rivals. must have either a gift of divination The sturdy Hlltin ler hsd not or a pair of owl eyes. Felix L. ()s- only enrich, d a country by ti e tri- wald in Cincinnati IJjiur?r. a! i n on h . e to d. al Willi turpris.- Ik in. B'u- n es t ike c i rc of iV.eod-', hfiiHli ot til. or i 0. ll;e- of t! e r coin. trie-, I la k of M lUt V. ;oom: plea- ii! - K ;i!.d i:ii i n of I'M ill I their gr-iy t heir I.e. "I want to tell you a little story a I'i.i: i i i . ar:iisi the Wabash lines travels back and T h.we a p!i i:,iit mjI you. lll darlll g." he sal I ilbii an he r..r o ' forth on his run, p'rformin his al lotted duties in a mecianical way, and possessed of one absorbing, i. on&u ning desire. He wants to uitct Mr. Smith Henry of Bushneil once I . t., i. uisier iv. rsunu.er, cir.et or rt:C j m-,re before he dies. Chicago Tri records division of the Pension ! lJllne .Hi-. E'n ik-i 's Aii-jcr. ii'i r. ie i pa nit nt . OlH -e, is an Indiana Democrat, ami as a consequence is not in harmony with t he advocates of civil service 'n fect hj dislikes the servce and the ESri!il'l aVoni:tti in Elusion. ne r he a hi ar: - (...-. - 'y it i oliticians, follow in his lead. He h .th nctr made a jolitical mistake, ami the hearts of the people beat in ,11111 -on VSllli CII'J go-n u.io isj.j., ! ha t of V:-n .e. So unite the party j at once. Firu hot shut rm. -.J j to the rar ks of Mug uuifiisfn; o.p i en! if vc wish to succeed in 18.ss i j we can only Jo so !;y a Straight-, ut m-H Iy 'h-h', and not by the atteiiu ;dod mconshinf of di'ute 1 Dem c- rc.. iu'.isoi j,etiy?r. V, We are drawn and attracted to throw cold water Hi her great Sen- ; commission so heartily that he nexer ceit .i i pe 1 , ar.d we at once invest ator. L-5ten to him, ye editors and I neglects an opportunity to show it. ! tl em with those ot alities v. Inch M. Faulkner calls tlir c e;k- in his ! pi ase i.s, for nothing is more natur division 'them hands of mine," a d al til an to see the best in t ose we works them -ill.r the manlier of a like. I r is unconscious fell' Hitters mate il ck hands on a Mississippi inr . One of t he most brilliant Bos isteamc r ; with the exception that he t mians, or rat her , e i- inopolitans , not drive them by cursing after li big .L over the world and, Commissioner old American .e.ifein..R f?f tu turned here not ion iijo i Soine xv i eks ago o r p. : c K . Lie ail o I. i. . XV ( Ii I ds in I'll : the 'n si: i: F'C gal -tio- let tin- -e' t iVO til; V( !! t rein 1 . i rf. . t 1 j . . . . I . : i , -.I.... s ,n i.. it- ionise mi iima, u.ec numerous :eau- t- i i ; -ociety homen who have been en school. lb; wea.su sdk hat 111 .;ccou after the pattern of fifty xu-us ago. ; nos struek buteb of commerce, but by the xvrv wealth fi. IMished by th; ea. ha I proteeb d aid defend d thut Countrx fri in the sea. W.th the wreck of the Armada dis.ijp'ared the nav:.I Miperi: it v and championship before b.-ld b -abnat my boy out in Xebrask .' ' j Sp:,,... And f.om that period dnle sa;d an obi fara ei in t: e smoking-! tie ,ndern life ami awakening of car to the pi.ty of rummers who ! i.;I:C ,,, yommerce. Fngli9i m, r had been tellinf him om nrpHr i ..m i- i ... . ... quants, suo more man r.ng.isn 1 1 . i(, ),,.U.rcm.,. ,...,,.,., tan TM'lis. V boy is a g d tl al ! .ul,li, rs pavt earned the inet.or . i .1 i .. .... is , t.trrieo nit ll" 1 iniui s J nketb iik : sou.et hio that at ;l (fp.aiij m l.u c-o- 1.......... ..'! ........ .... ' , ' tpc g ol r.i g ami around the gh.he, ; , ,,, w ,p ,, ( , j , , X'otl and none of, m o-oto otojtol ..' . . 1 . . , 1 - ""'" anu s name i i no r.ugnri lon'i.e j ,.eiiial 11 III. 1 ( I If r O II 111 i iruui nit ! ; i t . . I . t - -' i' am i i u ro.ir oi . 1 1 seas a' o wi. r-. ; .. i , .. .. . . .... Itjvastlw bt.-gest kite Id ou,,,.,,,,- propeity. orin oth, r j t,c!M.,fu! eve, dta.esoi' " Pn1!' tt l'0 llll If orOt! .llinlif tiv I i . I . v 1V .....s ,.. i .s,A k, orus . otiesiions 01 commerce, or.-' u, i.. r.. o, ong an' on n n.1 o l the igren t revolu io s which j p- i, . ..... ,.,.v. hive given shape ai d valuy to the . ,.- m p-.t,i K.neli-h I'nntt'liitifin. Whilt " m i . .. i . " j i i ii ne. ii ii i i ii ii i ne pas any in.r ii.. .i lit.- Iift.titt l' . flitiltlii tii't-'t iii nwiti ii'uii iiti... in. , jo w i if or,,e ciiant of Boston raising the first cry forAmer'can Independence, hear I ; ' from Faiieml Hall, and the mei-'a urtit c 11 ii'ini mxtixe Hew that kite up in the ai-, a..' Ilts ,- Charleston tht andfoic-' stood watcbin' of it fra longtime,1,,- t among the "rem 1 of 7G." The' -Aod do mo, hoc m- s , d. x . lb, , xvl. n I saxs to him: You'd b tt r j Fl Vo!u, ,tll ovcrj ar,(l nulepcnde. ee ! dear.' he said, d,at wm gue ,! P-ilI that tin gdoxvn, now, an' j.et j achieve I, it was commercial neees- ! home and friend, a.,', all that maHc to 3 our work.' hLemine al-,ne,dad ' , sities ail( l!ie rocogniz id need of a i , (il!r s , ., g i:,c br K W and h,ppv to he rcjil ed ,.P;1 git thai-yet.' Ard, ! ,-, jrolated sy.t. in of a foreign inter- i ,,',, my xvib. ml go ib, me to by g.osb ! lie did J he next time I i feet xviJo, an twice as !. the tup of it my boy j laced a few gren t ranches which h'd c ut from a Cottonwood tiwe. Wha.'s them for?' I inquired. 'Never you nnud. dad,' Kiys bo: -I know what I am about.' And b,- go I ! he di I. 11 in surr t e nt. r eorge ? Ne w ar th. 1 a . t.-d worth kiowug. He was ntal r diysteal last a y the . His liiien is faultless and his neck , charms of any of tlu ni. a.. stock euch as Web-ter used to wear, qub t, unobti u-.ive bttle pefsoriiWhosO In deport me. -.t he H dignified, and hi- ; uushand carried tins citizen of the wit has iho flavor of old age. It is! world home to dinner one d iy, Lc---rnished by ant qtiot .'JcJ:;? from ' caine sud.denlv elevated to the rank otiier author-', ot me ting- ieTi woman in iiostou. IbrsaxiUis were quoted far anil U.i ih.-W s i wide 5 wJitic, Tr un one else man Senittof Vance s Kteivic' by a repO.t'-roii the t Administration, find as s ; i-..l v. :m ti.io ,1 ;,t ; nun ; w 1 1 . . . 1 tit.tM. i hakesiei;fcftn an ii -.. ! ii i .ti.--, r ii u ' jin'i .-t.lt.T j - I , i 1 : ! . .. .I it , i l. ....... 1 1 i, .. ii .,. l.i -.'ntii.. ar.u mi ooe toea I 'omocrac, lie '1"-' i" ai oei no-m t'li ' pr. ss; d his ;infon in unequivocal ! b'' by linn. He . . .1. . .-.'.- A JAI ... course inai to g nrtceu t e cousin o-: iim ut erm' S tooc a look at him be was a haul- i liollf so tii:it our ,,re sent .jIjion Ill:iV !H.,e.s,n p i.igmoii in,' ki e iino,witn a he cans bred ns pled-i:,g the Mates j sio iron M.siiicea- nniiia as a nirrer. . first, foiming it to Mie digniiv VIM .1. i "i .s ... .. 1 . .1 ' "lien i ue kiic c-u.ie uown near the . p!,rt ,.8 un, igIK.nce ofcornne.-c grotiod I saw xxbat be was a stnil- i;x. ing at, ati' it xvaa enough to mik a i smile too. Any you fellers! tends o I ! b if boo A int;e r "I'owti. i nas t i o i 11 r'. !'!)( Ot 0 It has .,!,.; sod f-oiiii1 of the "ften that his friends know them by aged to iM faM parl n. bnCirenof the Slate press j heart, and know, too, when t mos.l s of iM.t.iic r-ctv'ce are 1-ect. them in his con Vers .t:on, .o . r d by the wars of his i When Mr. ran!!: tie" et In ; off ;g crated s, t-"ohcS as -natch- ex 'edup and fa-tened to iief nly "- -:est wiu ff0ese ye ever saw. Yes ; quired reputation for making !! ch,n m -em, yuu s e tjM. xvkut to.-ntss wlrat jt was t;t kite?-' 4 . c.i j ... 1 to r-fgro wrh an ax in his hand,-. None of the drummers? watii. "h , . , , to id to sid tb-; highway wkirtbog .' gu ss. a dt e old man coiituuh'd - - - - j,j,sorv. iMiW.,' "a'''l flr"l aswecarre t.x.-aii o itfii.' o. ....! ni, he said : ,t til i , ru , l Cllllll ll t:o.7 .00 o'that kite wa-i eleven o' tb pur 'Ves, ('eorge,' shp whisn-r.il s-,ft. i l in-, lv, w 1 n I am oor v. ,lc our ' thoiibl shall be nr.- t ho:i .; -i' , your LojM-s my hop. s, oir 1 rt'igiou iDV J-bion; and if on j nhouhl waul i.i. to go t ithe utfr- un t ends of the W(r Id n I i ll I will go, ah, so Kb4.ii , (ivorgc. I do , so love to t r -i v. 1 .' --N i . ot.k.- issue vith the! 'iiiin- Civil Serxi.-e (h immission i , i d bv i Ids citizen of the cans. t,t,t ! as prevlou-i? stated, the folloxvin - ' world couldit i fl lure fits natie ' nt v a 1 not t : e sort s . o p i e of i liriff Imt aoiritp.l conversation oc- : bind longer and he flew lack fo ;i -- . , - 1. Said Xr, Faulknei ; ii O-e cong. niid Fur oe, leuving the ' ... . .. . . t i . .. - . t : II gut on l lios em 'Ctm'h-e, h run?d up dat ur' gum tree.'" "Whnt did?" ' A oorr. Hsh. If you has po! pislcL ii.'etibe you km Meh hun i Ii.. P t In r- - . w . i r Th,, n.i.'t ,.- laoxin jur ... i e . .oo ,y . gc-Cs-e was 11 y i if north putty thick an tilt iio nan loi up nn- M.iionr WILBUR VOTED AYE. The Minnt ap bs Jour mil l !Is thi for a tin.- story: FviT'. bodf in Da'iot i k-iowrf Wil bur F. Steel. lb- xv n a nimbi.-c-f cunci tier's out o r xvay, an 'oose hit Uru f I in' purty steuly the Leg-lature from St.td count v". altera f. ' ful hard up lor inrat jist now. li,, , e is an inc;det,t i .st.-.d. . leg t X' C Oisrnou uco ami uok j hU " islat ivc; career 1 Ii it. o- s riy l rto An animal of tome sort could ......... -i ee - v :.,..c .-..;:-. he and li , Tlio.yi no (( vn,rii C.-nm su I O O nu I MS Vll'l. I. I Mil, Oil I I IOS i . . . . . . t . . l l i Cvf'V. ' ' : .0;: us alone, as!.,tMi a hkc-U ' bct'Oi it fU,M " ' i" a I dur Hcgr.skMJOiiini i kc an . - , .! ; it. I w,nt ote wJ:,.;;,:.',;,,.,,.,,,',, be i:-'grto,a.Uf!,,t ibeyrtiv f. ; .,h!e of w it y her-elf. Tin con.e . ;o.kar for a ,lHrP to s t nown i o. ,hv.y made out huggmg a bmb hjfi w p, Hl. JiK, ol. fi4,t . - ,...,'i h.ve to te m-d, up.son.e! pr;:;;;.:,, tq.;fD " " he.' Thev'e ali Frong, and you o.igfu ;t!nce obvb.,1 S .e ceased to ; Tat-S j , ttthat my boy j "P- V1 h,lllever, H- takes nt -took in woman . , tiia doo't huee to So u-u.L-1.; ' Y,-P ,t ' .ftPr tl,U rtld "l them-" j say smart tfdn, Her inspiration j conltiu, ou lien ll t llUt. without iioing any daroa , and a. : MlfTrJl .efx,,.lt nUou ,s obliged .amt.sruat dou'f have lo tie''ibr -i-raiYs Wordor Vnce "It i Just possible." saM the C.-, j had flown ; the mind had acted ! y ollVrp the geese a I mo.e! along the hmb, tl (.olonel , to. ( , oeca-i-n ... qu.-t ,., th. b -::d a bookcase that the chib, ou -ht to -a to" to Gombroon and res missichicr in hs lightest, and dig:ri- j on others like flint on steel dispd st p r. st-cn' by - inea, in i ob-rvc d: . Woi.an SulIVa-ge bll wa. tef.uvth, ,. in'c get out of order. I want fled manner, ''that yod d, not umbr- .tself in other circles -d diew, , the kite with tar ,o their ' I ha. may be a coon, Un. I do , Major Pn k.ey wa, chain;,, . 7, o. h,.o , ,,.i., r1 1,11 V.1 " t.od .the- rule,.' You knw-f-Wfc from quick wilted Partstans I J f fa . couM ' oel.ex e ,t. 1 d sooner think ,t w a, a on5n., tn, ,au,e of the fa.r sex in Sf'Ill li II I H " . , ' 1V.I.I " - - i . . I .o-..-hes Uj) and stay there until lin y ;kre nehdedj ahd spinel J;::('o! i ook that won t h.ide and scatter. f.tnui.d. want a pino that xvoii't lure to be tuned every tin Mr. Fryer Comes atouii 1 one that prac- i . . . a-Uingion iity if repre Sfate, as ift.v'her citizen has done i .i . f.T n,im.t. so xv i j nnu as a majoi i is e. i eon.. , rats beiit vc, r.rt fdher citizen c: r ! do so satisfactorily, 'i'liat this yens j b in .n who has personal aeqaaint- o i,.. iiim'i tnnw ins.o -..1 i hnvo Iwav burmipeo . . . i-i i.c;t. ' possum. ' fdr.ownt. words wt.cn a call watt rauiKner, mat cvn " - n. - . . - . - i nut fer axvay ii" in.-iov , -1 ..,i-,.ti,in ! this tewmorary clevciM -ss of . Mrs. ; - . (. 1M,p "lltl! but if dat am t a coon you rnd for a vote , and tbe Cleik pro- . - - j I,Y "IIMI. O... X ,., . , , .. .. 1 wo iti. t ip i v r. b- 11 r.i 1 is en ie cra.v . lepneu ux t hr in tr-fSf! 111. " "v I don't Know ever thing, just a-j reflections of this tiorotighly w It;- j , ' , , . kj;(j au pi)1 h(.T man. , steein s name w as Rachel he roo . ... iv..,, ten t u werooeawnv ici.o.- nu ": wlth the Uignit v o: a l lemoine nm itovvn agtiin mm 1"-,M "That's so," retorted Faulkner ;! Humdrum roi When you say ; but I'll tell you bow it is, Kdgerton. You and me together do know everything. You by yourself know it all but one thing, and that it that you are ad d fool, ami I know that, and that's how me and ar ce with nearly every Democrat in tie make, perfect and neither n'ibf its (in. stat- ami whose Opportunities por iu-t doth corrupt, I want a knife j ,,f flndiii2 out. knowing their sentU find pencil thd the little chaps will .nc, ts and who pos ,ses thpir con- r. 1 ... .nl, Km. K-rrM' I 1 . . . - t.. ,loirr.-vti ortbblV TiPVPr . i ,,i i j ' vou together know everxtnino. ii ii 1 somp ink that will stay ou the :,tt ai : ed bv an v ot her leader could iJuu . . :. .: . or woidl rwisrep eser.t them is simp ly incredible. Judging bom tbe tone of the Mate ptess and the uts lerances of our public men, we should fiv that the Senator w;s right by a 1 tble, uml some pins that will stay in t'se cushion and a towel that won't show the marks of half washed .hands. I wMi't a cooking stove that ' I r a -v s w ell all the time, and a ccok a I i t! :v ilon't ooit. irl.tui she siets ready, !arfrfl niaiontv. Am as v - - - - ' I " v O tJ at. 1 n-ver "fets sick or his a misery j 'Senator Vsnoe srepr s nts the l)emotr:.ts of N r I. Carolina md us attitudt is unwortliv of ill in. Upon this these two distinguished Indianians parted in anger. The entente cordiale at last accounts had not beevi restored. Ex. r.lh.w We thounht she said tie brigiit tilings , while he was really the perpetrator. At all events, it was one of the curious psychological studies xvhi.-h now and then creep in among and e. bven the common pla.-e facts and issues of the day. Ex. ton to h e rone awn,, iC1.i:i5 .o.u "; with the Uignit v o: a j. I. -l , ..i . ,-. IM) r ret flow.'. ii n .nj-fui, .i ...... t r, ..i...,. . dozt'ii "ce-e, ati in tour nays wto-r - -- .( . ' I'm tak : three hours " oore we n-iuium, an..; 3i r. Spra k r, 1 un oiry tnal stU. ; then we fotin 1 him seated on tbe , canrM,t -upj.trt thin l.i.I . tod ' captured six carloads, un . . y 1 ' . . . i . n " .m Tn I 11 II ll v I a t" s-tory te'l" fel- fabpu trunk, beginning at thftop; At that ruoT.ent a w.l -di,ssed in v.,.,n i mi . ma t r ii i un ....... .. , ' t,. i-ooW what of his head ml cxt.nbng to his v Wus M.f.n u 1. . I over the lrs no:, i ii'i ' 11 1 ' o i ; o nrb now in tbe WHO LL'-r.x. ... . , f ..... ,1 . . rhuago maik. t, do ye?"-ChicaSo i H.s garments were r. .. - - McIaur.e.I : j his hands were c overto wnu ( . -id h-u r . and he wa, trvii.g to bind eemei jpe ea,lCwJ upward. ankle t;ones were bio. dy f-crelches. j(-r. rH jna ioU j viici; she It gb IX- wa, A OnjurcrS luir oyaiie S'to where , nor takes t..e pouts, a-.d -Nili scour the kitchen door with . being told and will L'ive tie 'log Mce of the scraps from the table. I want children a -id grandchildren H'ound me who don't know how to . r ..nd h-rJlv e ver nt mad, n A -lay ouli a:al Ili Ursilioinssn Lot how shall w explain the ''second sight" of our dark cabioe , - i... .n....li iti..r 1 1 n i'l 1 1 ll S t . wizards, or coat mm-n ."- "- el faculty of" seeing in leaves on a bad wou: d on hi, htii. f'"t- enough. L'e turn -1 a.vl sni i : the dark' For the lar d's fake , but did the , tree full on xou!'' exclaimerl the Egypt, by common consent and tradition the mother of art and sci-; " . . , a.ll , i not .t... J Mr. Speaker, I vote axe.' 1 he lady was Steele.". wife . winch a Samaikand conjurer proved uees. was also the mother of com. ; The aVoe si ntei c.c is the cloee of . c bunn ai d a had' leader in the :nt issue of the TJt'ivct Plait on 1 Cleveland and Vance, and the only i - . .....l.f..,..o u lllf. don't tell tales ami are e srairp as I .Pot given ov i- cruiuio.-e . 1 . : f I l 1 I thnr 1 X. n i or T A t i Oj Se U - th. Uooks thev have to stu;;v iiniiinin. an ...c...m. ti ev are not th.it smart , ti-en 1 ; 'tot prais-. i. ,,,;i !(0,u made easy. Pr..u Por i Vatre does not N :' eO i s !.:S al lt'lOietlC has no is , 1 I r. .... i Miianoir hicti was iiience amuse.. b teio-T tn-'cr. t eli 1: Presi.ent Cleveland, av "me too." . . . x t Senator Vance i as "Sid tnat ue t luT-. . as widely "Can't allow that, my de ir sir.' 1 lir.iboinn nn One. of the W a sau. o.... i,r.ooi.n ol a rather skept- m rce, w pah line, the otaer n. rau.e. , - rrofosso, along th-shora, of the Medite.ran- .harpW, to a passenger who was try-,-al -de ? .Ur i w 1M 4,,lician commerce gave Americus uuoci.,, . ,-.,. Orientalist of our century. The 1 -tiers to Creece. and Greek trader a tent erected end merchants creaceo oo.in. j ani nursed the men that fought at j Which was il--a 'coon or a po9- ; ;n i the Presid lit r. i os uo key it oughtn't to have any on several National issueis as it is k. a kits sri till ten o'clock ' possible for two persona belonging car seat. The offender, a small man of quie' demeniior, looked up and remarked that lie was not hurting the beat ; he wa, hammering; on cast iron. I can't help that , sir,7 sod the brakeman. -Suppose we let every body crack nuts on the car seats ; don't you ste it wduM deface them? sum?" i " Neither one. -ah ; it happened i to be a wildcat !" Con. wizard's sanctum was ti.o i. .47 rs of the open mar ket place, bu so well dr-M-l with ; Salami-. T, e sphndil career of shawls and mats that not the faint-, Prides, the eolden age of Grecian could nenet. al. i art und "er.ius, wah cae est gleam of ligtit the el ioai of the interior. Au F. g hsh'officer, who had thous'.t it woith while to invest the siuali en- Another Fortune Mod IN THE coi. sequence of conoHeiciul enter prise and progress. It was Athens, the most commercial of the Grecian Omaha man Are you making a lair living out of your Kantai farm!" DEMOCRAT.