Minir"! i7i SI fei 'mA 1 j. f ''A U. II KITCHIN, OWNER WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. srnsauiMioN -si.r.o pf.i; vr: ai; VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FRIDAY JULY 22. 1SS7. NO i TOWN .;)VKUN.MKVT. i .m i. A. White, - - - Mayor, il . Smith. dr. i we.iro wenving here a wondrous i Fx ib tors of mirhinprv ; .... ' anr.t ...... r n.a..ip r.., .;..,.., T.-,...;r-..n oil n..h,.v., .it i,. , r. .. .. ;.. i . . t . . . . 'fori f ! i ........... v. . . . i . i i... i,.-l.:.,i,. ii J w .in iv..-,.. 10. iii'..ii;s.l...7l nvm iiloi4lilli:l,i,.lvi..ivl..-.-.l. ii ".n in ' l : . r. I . c . I . I . !t i 'O f I I I I V il 1 ; rape'Siry. Will rli run hf onini.r,,1 I... ! . ...... ... i i I., ". J - ' u.' ; - .nunf. .rcutt oT l-air9 can readl- Hon t in ha e Lot air. or him -s of mv ?;h-um! i I.-k-os in t!,i fi. i i ; a very tain there water lrom .1 touch con I'r l.n.if i..nUf . Commissioners. Town Constable. HEfHODIS I' CHURCH. A. be .... A ; i.M:r,(i K, f nil. a ii'iw. ... ... i i . . . i . ' ol,t y arrange to display thc-ir Koods t : "vUU. Don't fill the sash with soot, goo i w.- v to restore i i 1 j ntv weaving thread after thread in ! the Encampment of Alabama, Ten:.- ' ugar or a-,v anything tUo to arrest I l ave give,, a el.erp a: fVarent COnfu9lOU 5 but !, wLo has e, see, Georgia. North an.l South -J:e hemorrhage When vju cut vour- nomical ;,hli of re s'o-m t : li binned ti n t'.cL- tl... I...- ... , i , ..... . " i ,. ' ur7S "-igrieu ; aroiiiij, to be held at Spartanburg. ' stdf. but trin ' the parts t e ther worn oi.t erex.ansted . i t- i . . . i - : . . . ... - - -- I 01 r ie y.vm us me moral law that wo are j hundred miles distant (rorn Mount prohtbh !i :i e (llCCted with tbo poll I by 1 l f ::. ! f;)',: ivk-i-X. I i O.'lio m ! h of ( I universe, in . wnlch is r.ot rvt o.limr .m.. iviii, , f .1,i:i;,.n ,.!..j'rli,n'i i.t-l i.-.v.. f...... i ' . 1 1 1 ear thin ho5i or lilitoleit shots, on t- it h In U wo ; '.! 1 v u o Palm yra S'-'.thm.l Xcck Pnlni yra iV.Inivra Scot!;, iid Xock 1 IchiTOD'Ts SCotlaiiil Neck - i p. id. I ,vi O, a. in. 7. p . in. II, a. in. where some time, somehow, the tap- eitry tnat rtr fre evin(, ni,aii j,e id' 'li flMr.r fti.Ar in K. . .. i -I . e cannot see its Holly, on luesdav, W f-lriesilay . ' u. cohl or wt we:,tluT. Don't s'rain .ive. i lu- b s t U-, .. . I h:. i , WiH;.!T..c I 11 bill nnrii.on .1. 1 r . 1 In, ..... . : ' ' -'"i"-' "' '- u-neuceni end l nursMav and 1- r. av t he week .nsr (.v. ron.lin.-' on i.n rn.otv o;:t i.s I in 7.1 p. ii.. -that it is ultimately to attain, uid J celir:- r Kn .aim.n.ent. m. 1 .t :'..nm..,i, Hi tw'r r,,,,-. :!,im o- v..!1 .. - ' a i v... , i r Lii il'. P. wi ii.i iii. ........... II, 3.!!!' i IIS (til 1,1, in r.nrf.,,.f f.,'.il. .1 . L i i il . , , . i . ! . . .... .w Vy.x. latui mai sonu - i Atlanta, Uj.. t tie week H.t mr Ki n.r I,r r....,lin, op mwhvt .. - the labor - r'o-.iM .f. lamptnen'. iu-k, bv . .Iitn l?i,r"t, or Hickering Crozi.r, f Teinieeeo. Tnere will .- no admi-sion fee to i candle, or when u-rv tired. I)on?i ilaced ni its proper fratiie, aiid even the gfonmN r charges on entrance ' -in' or helloa when your throat is ... o.,.t., ut timuitii io see ttic per-1 ot stock r afliclefj exhibited b sore, or vo i are hoarse. Don't drink i t. - fisll top. "Ihi ii.f.hol t'fiin''i .- or. water to a verv t r,t, tosi it ! . T i i i . I i ii u vt-ry y;rcail . to it t-urity. f.-r t ; i;t when'e s-..j 1 ia the j o id d-.v .. v- i- ' by day in a t nnmier, it is o:.! ii-t.-d i !icer f uifftin to cer. v wh.o'i n I ave noir.i:ia;i-d iat.' tu-ktt. lion this wil' nlbrt t.? r. r.!t wo cant'.ot'anticipate. Wr wi n 1 ;.os,. Ij it t ! e 1'; o:. i! r. h-., j . f v w ii i ni ur.'.v r .or.' no" i' .im in :,i .. ! ;, t t h p. III. T. I. I.XKIi, P.( b:i:i; Vosss si i.ib;v (Vet .beauty of the 4c?riii, the -won drous work of art, the wondrous farmers. There will be a very mod-' ice water whe-n you are very warm, WHAT OOES IT COST? i Js- "otrjir, !M'i ol 'I' imp; 'I'Ju i;':!l5!y of I '5nie. ..... i . . I i . t rcuuoi. inn snaii hate beri made ! ma''nnery, eating houe an.d res-taur-by human beings in humbl-, lowly j ant ireeels . i'Ht "nouaf. to aid in fulfilling; of the tasks that have lucn I defraying tli-3 necessary Cpi- i-es. eratc charge made on exhibitors of j and never a izb'sf il h. a time, but ' K' p 1 I ! ; io. .1 j p Is them to d' li.k t, and I do i:ot ; l-c trt n'!t t - d t!,l....r .rtv r j think it is so wh-deso iv an water e cniiot Arc'. . b. , b,;t w,. i. II. j win Ti." ca'.'Ie have r.ot itircct .".'.'(tss. nnuLrui ss lht- 1 t m. j r the rervoir. I n an u ohilatii. district there i no ditli-;ult v, fir it is by n means tavt'arv that V.v pond should be at the lowest place. j and if on the side ofa hill, and thr RJISING HGS1E SUrTLIES. In a.bliJton l.i ;:,t 'vc s;i- ,,f , llr . ... .11 ... I How many farmers in North Cam- lr,,u5l1 a uw 'ara;i ueiow. u is eaniy j people raiiti- Hot- ov i, ,.nhl .,. dimply dp it slowly. Don't ake j lina can tell whst it costs to produce nsn?:t'd . meat, it is still m-.r.- nM io- t; ,-m sotr.e other person's medicine be- ' tho various crops of their firms? If! In a vcr Hat di!r.t it would be j to make t in ir own .,,, J rnje. assigned (o them by duty. caue pu, are simihirly :.lllicted. ' they te wanting i this important in- I l I. . 1 f - 1 am promndly impressed with.! '" ' ' p" 'amuy is com- is charged tiy owners ot yrournls for rhe co'.nparative nothingness of time, j 1 in an 1 I2rf,r,ni"i? a rijanitfi- their use, and c oncers' salary to which will I o very lilit, as no ren , Don't in !-: than two hour formation , how is it possible ! v, i 5 ' i t!ie comparatively trifling char- (! . of t!,; thiols, the tov?. cent oratorio that is sending up a pay, as Mr. ,. V. Patrick, Co!nmis after catinir. Don't m !'-8 than ; know what are the losses or t r.dit more dillicult t adojt this plan, but j Hut thi.-, too. i.ju:.-e-i thoil.t and it is net at all impossible. A er j yteui. Farmers nii..; M'?t! d..w:i large quantity of water is :d o wnst j , r ,.n ht ir ,w u 'nu.'. i i o-j I i, Mi oo) liners ami ii:(ui:im. i ,n i ca; i ot t u f irin ' pooo( a r,pr.. iniI i" niwi-.. ii.u . u . m i .i-t r . .ni;ov nn: i.- i-.,, .i . . i so frequently on your bi.'k friend as 'should be ur.'ddt: to tell what h, . ; -vluch ,i! codectcd into reservoirs ,! I'or.vo- plar tel. ie.eli a the no!:.-t wondrous ascription of praise to the sioner of Immigration, has ki ndly ; to make yeur company ::d I convers joods cot him. How could wuhl supply the cattle in any con i and Korghuui t udn d :;i d s playtiiin4, the child's ' Cr'"x"r.- Tu- l hnt p rforma-c of consented to do all the clerical work. I ation a bore. Don't make a pi rat he. the s iar stick, that men call I 'h,.l-v' tl,e huil,l)U; !ve of" spir'liml ! and desring special in.-rin me and business and politic- oinship, and dignify w it 1 ! ; :;!"-: e-. ;i!! tir?j except o frtr as all th.'se things that busy the brain an-1 toiincnt the heart and engross ti:e fancy of men are feigns and sym i s.t et:intaal .hlny. tioii should address hin fir Ualci'-di N, C. A'ery truly, Commitiki: of Ahi:an;i:mi:ts. tuings ot time and sense have i -o v--due, except so far a they are iie oatwar.l manifestation, the re-i!iv-ndjri5nce and tl.t jrf;jhetic ex i i e -5 ion of the t!uns of the Rru! , ' 'he ti,iigs of eternity; The idea! is t!-e rerd , the eternal. The id; all trntn and justice and goolness and j beauty are the real. And these j "'tfgs t hat seem to us nlcrte real are i bid th? imporf'.'ct and transitory I ov.tward manifesti'd-jus and cxpres-! sio is of t:,e eternal reali'y which is intt.emdil of God. Things here j f.:-- tp'f not beeansii tiie.v are l ore, I i;!r 'noca'.'se Hie are tr-'iseiipt ofi il. j eternal idea m the mind otdod , ( ' ir knowledge of these thinirs is j tin; r wfij iroin tne things themselves, B'oi- iy:i 3itiiui;i-:?iiost. Ought some restriction to b: i things , the tenr.tation secrctlv and successfully resisted, the charity to others not l.icanse of the loval le ness we iMay ':nd in Hem. bid be cause on every human being we find stamped the Image of the Creator; J all these things lend a grace and a i dignity or lives d give a readv answer to tiie skeptical 'jtte.-'ion. j placed upon indiscriminate iininigra- "Is li'e wo:th the living, is Hie bat-1 t'-on; is One of the subjects proposed tie worth the fighting, is the burden for investigation and dirjctis'-'on by wrth the bearing?" j members of the Grange in. the United Yes, the b.-dtie is Wir.b the fight-! Sta'e-; during the summer months, vv i Aiid. to those who tiiidfrstand j that they rnav bo prepared to take niagntfien? objects that are to be i intelligent and cotlc't ri rd action at ained by the vtctoti-ius fi.rhtiio. i ttie mctirft of ti c National and oft lie bsttle of life, the very strife: State (1 tangos next full and winter, - n . . i a rac- know what hi s losses wou'd I e until I ''guoiis pasiure. i ne va.ue oi small iiui; ana esp, ci:i.iv . the hew i r ..p ; i .... 1 i . i audal, or 't'Ties h.inkrntt.' sl,,.ihl suddcdc shmr I 'prings is very mucn un icr-rau o. , oi .rat. and o.Ucr co-i.n.on ..ta-s . calcidale.l to depress the sjdrits o! : tliIT1 rn -xhii,it in whose dark face 1 lice ot relating itbe;iL'k. Don't forget to cheer and ; the won! rniiud is wiitteii. We gently amu.-e invalid i when visiting ; knew of no raro useful or profit al le a!thoui!lt thev are in some sei se a n it il ra 1 t?.ipnh th-y would yet 1 e useless un'eiJ cared for bv artificial th. in. Don't call on o i? sio! friend lesson to le tanirht by the clubs j ,m ans- I'm"f V pastures I and advise him to lake some other 1 ;d;i;necs and granges , than the one j liave u sina11 Pri" ' running ieto two mediei: e, get another doctor, eat tnev may give in farm bookkeeping. ' trm:.-;i9 ul ' firteen g.nlons each; it more, fat less, sit up linger, go out ' What does it cost to fence laud? j riIns :lt t!'(1 r:ll ,f al",nl a I''1 1 :1 more frequently ; stay a week , or 1 What is th( cost of raisin" wheat . I ,llinuto- ""- il sld"Piies twenty cat- talk him to death before you think lord, clover, potatoes, the grasses. ! t1'' n,! 'I"' ''"ntm r, and with a larg- fdiow iug sa.-il! gtam mi c.rii. diouid lie g it!. ere I f ir I. i c. A 1 now is t: e time to pr j a:e or mum wo: k. Arator, in Charhd!-' It'., .-. i i: Ei i in: i.mie. i d ni: i i i i i.. of leaving. lax. ; lie .lit I o Sil:iiia 20 ;;o;.'iI S.;vi:. i There are various degrees and stag, s of ; xhausted or worn out iand..Souie i wi iters rrcommend clover as a re- corn, tobaetM an.l rye? What does ! -t'T-'V tr-a j.'n would . of conrs . ; it. rod to raisp s!sf n. bo-w. c.-it tl... ! s"l '' more. Hut if ties.- small; - - - 1,' r 7 . ..... colts to a eei tai n age? What doe-i it (t)3t p.-er t ui to aiuhe a g. oil lirt- dizer for the various croos? "i t o ( ; iv e v o a ' a ! I.e. -.h fd.ea " " ! tn n. Teach th. in to w ib, to no , springs al e alhovid to i u i po:, ! to which .al'l' have dio- AU .; ,1 n .toehlli ;s , to s -A ,,. acc'-s they arc , lite useless, mi t: ey j (,..s and t . make l-read. l I mi ! i itself takes on .q Rpr bdir.t . and ?o brin" the. mattr with mone " ( 1 ! .a..;.. .... p.- ia t i . . i...f eel that it is better to battle, to; vr-!-bt Congress. L. ..., .., : , t hese important matters. A pi.oint 1 at N M u Mill I .l.'ll lYIli "IIIVV I I ii I'l I ""4 l V III ' ' trian.tions re f, .Ted to could ,!n. iv .os, m fhe mu.l trodden up ploy thoir time in th-ir winter nieeti,m' l':ittK- T,R' ri'ljn ,,H' I"1" ' ings in a most prof:t,bIe ad interest- 1 " 1 :, 'u ' s :l!,!M1, ing discussion and inve.-t'g.tioti oft!li"k 'l ,';", ir I ',(r,':'' " ireater attention bi-ing i aeii k . ' e in n receive mny a wound, to bear upon 1 I' ;s c -f .tsaf ed that upwards of our souls and upon Cat bodies and o00.t )0 foreign immigrants will laud upon our souls the sear of many a out shorr3 t.ds year. In some conflict as well as we shall enter the! cities tiny are Camped ou waiting i-ortals 'ef "ur Father's kingdom to for steamers to transport them. i, , - , fa;d to small sor'tigs as a in i committee lo consi ler and digest 1 1 " means exhausted at ail events, it is ! not the exhausted soil we shall al ,! 0 best ' pimP!t "dst meth. j I hide to. What we ! old. fields that have Ieen turned out ! of the fdrT,, an1 kt thj . .i,..,i i.., ......r ai, thoroughly discussed and consid- hcar from Him thO actr.yrtlcdsmcnt ! In every Anarchist meeting or out- j ' - " ' ' "' - " ' ored until the bet nnsible thin is ' ! t belli t liat a well in iikil1 it" . lis t he doeloi 's aeeou'i'. 1 ;o diem he onl eail I iV I,,. tn e, v whoso epen,es ,1,. ,.s b.i , u me nu. and t h.r all gt . -a o-. . ,,, ba e Io spend uio , j, n , 1 1,,,,, portant w:rer sn.-plv , sappl-uood s f v. , , ; (( 'l',..ri, , PV'f .'ol or form lor keeping the accounts ! t"1 bv' ;M ond regarded as a resets j ,..,, ,lrs ,,, p,, lit s bej Jo, than shall nder to is in ! . ,..i...... ,i... o. i ... . I.,.- in e rtd ! lies0 t h"'iJ3 5 -! n at mseSviS, bur in their conform' ! of our well-earned triumph for hav- j hreak every otlieial statement on i iug lought his battle. Tiie burden is j coming the e audition of labor or the . j worth tho bearing 1 coring Hie heat j inmates of our almhouses and ay-j of the day; l!irovh He arid wilder-i Ioms !'4'r thc insane, and in every 1 ness mspPeof hunger and thirnt , repo.t relating to dague spo.s m lliei i-h-.d in tie mind of the Creator. , " f. 4l . , un-ns of opp crrea' eitie ma- be "!L,ct,Ml ".n,H' licr- 11 il t!1:11- r i-is ',. t-.aehM,, t f i.lMteoi the mocker ot those who, slu n ef .a r ?rt.a. (ite. ua. c , -r: . VJV-U - " ;'nll'n !, elf indulgent, lie in the shade and uiid somet lung to remind t he peo- m..o , ,, ,,-u a. (i.o , . t ' r ; nn..-- : . . . tilsion, lui.ure re. out aiudies lir-r , , :Uo t:::;. .lot o:,i, ... a. nci-,- , , lM pie of the United States that emigra-! ' ! .rv t ' i t t 1 e- ' -!-,ouM be an infio're , . ' ... ,w . i Iseahng powers to cure the wound, i i i .i i . t i .. .io inn.. ia. j ..f f , sl foi which t!on !s r r t a blessing. A bill abolish- ' ,a -U wis.- (" rpat ri ' oi a .a .v hjivviulh I So it is also with the vegetal) e kit g- ...i . e t...... ai.d -11 Lienor in f . j. j ns tl e a.e Uu oi Immigration; , , , t ,,rd r t b nv.b---.t ciw-ll h"ve he-; i - rMom. If a tree or shrub heed (f ord r tb u anv'Ih.g l:..e be- nfrronital The ! of isconsin passed both hou -es of , , . . , ae:i P; be: but i ! Iiriers. nine bushes or sedge grass ! Even these lands can be reclaimed,1 perfected. Publish d for the benefit and be made orolUal.l- while being of a11 Ulp ra'n,r-s of the S'ate' T,lis restored. Nature makes an effort to i ln:t members and farmers gen erally Uj thinking, and let thos : who practice it make repot ts to the eiubs, and in this way a pr per iutii'est may be fo' t'red which will lead to the lust results. We suggest that a , i voir ; or, where there art no spnug 1 i- i j: i ue 1 .. . .. ii; : . . i .. .. l Il l . . niai a iiiueieni s.ippiy miohhi in Stored in tescrvoir ponds and used in troughs. KmiUsi qricnlt nntl CORN ftNO MlflL FOR COWS- Corn is a fat-pio iucin jt food: and if a cow in milk is fed on orn or co'?i meal slie will gradually :Uo that there must it iiic con'ant, r.ever faiiin" cbn i .i1 rence of th.e Cicator in order to pi vt ;d all thing fr. in in-tantly fali i; into i.otiii ngness. Tticre i i only reing in the w llt- universe that 1 s i" .son of !;ts bei wz in llitus !:'. and that is o i things w il' f -it-' f burden is worth the bearing if 'we : the legislature without a dissenting i ers in proportion to the constiufion have the a-Mirage that sr.mehoW, ! vote thi last winter. We do tad " . . ' ' aavc int. a .oo.t. -t. - o " , iofthe t)!ant. So if the sod :e ex (1.,.t;,rP we s'-all be able lo ay it ! wunt criminals. e do not wan., somi. aita , e ot, .uut io 1 1 y , I haustea or wounned by baa fe.rmiu"r ... r. .. i.v.,1.,.. J inenii . tirf-'Hii or nauocrs. lie: t it r t 1 i ' i 1 a td .i o ..iil.l I.-. . v 1 - j i i nmaii, pnia vita ' l" iw i u it , i i ' t . I j 1 1 fallen , ai d ditnuisa in tne v lei i book with a debtor and crtdii i:op i ... , ,. , . 1 i of milk. 1J. member this and do tor every fit Id and every interest on the farm. Charge it lo everything' credit for all , o.'.vv;i a the leet OI inc railicr, m - - i r.tnrP vv, ! oovnr it will., ,.P Vi !'. Xtnln .".."I : r- learn from 1dm the seen t why he lias ! fttrnsu. - " 1 ' I n nftirCf of time most nrohanU ! asked us to bear It , and to receive ! tail eo lit 10 no .ess .ve. v :l M.e. t.i, ... ,.,! lvi,l ,.13H O.ronli the do ' ' l , 1 ... oo: i'i process of ' lorn .i4.,i ! I 1 tne buslu'S, sdlje grass or h r i -is. done for it and it yields so the entries tn ay be mule oyer evening after the dry's work is , lone, and then let the son or daughter . . . i .t , . i j .v miu not pain i o . I oaea them that a tub ! ea'f . btc , plays greater Ins'ei it: 1 1 1 liliy ... Ill die beaut le v Teach t -! t ha' ait hones- f i-mer or m hauie m bin W.aklllg die; ; Is a be' or ohje. I of o.sfe. an t ban a doe.i batightv, till dy d ressed id l s. i . oe i 1 1 m tit that the happiio-s if in t ' t i uioti tlopends iieo In a on o e-nil up pea ra-ctv- n.: on w . b,' nt on ip,. man's ehaia: tor. I eaeii I li'-i, tha' go d common sense. hoi i and illdtisl rv bliltli sniee.. .,. II r. tan make the mistake of feeding b o i ., ' r n in ml a " . tnucii corn. It in been found by experiment 1 1 i tl t to lliiiorltt'i ii i Flo ir H.o'd 1 be sjfi, All o y lh their neH:re, fall copy the entries pioaerly in th i-.i in-iantlv itlie ?.-:$ur'di..'e that, havih-g Ixd'ue it. foreign-brn Inhabitants (d;C for- f ; awn ur) with briers 'well and faithfully for His dear ' eisMi-horn iinuper ib Kvefy f'ue'gn " V ... -'own in t!;e iy l:e verv ; , . i . of pi"e bushes., ec.f .J!"n - . , c. ; iv e , inn :i i in nit i-.:nu o ji n.iu i " j - o ' . .- ; i , . . r A t -1 ,r;.,d. l,t,PV,!l,pr nvb ,ho live to every 17G of the native ,)o.!"!0,"n m "r 1 ...,m.,' ' of business, which ma y be :stf ;:o . if i Jod shoul 1 but fr, ' '. , , '" . ',' . I . . i there are probibly oullies Iri th-1 " , .,'f( .. i.-r,, a a,,,,i- , , ... , ,,. i eemp!'tr , th" teacher of humanity i pnhdlon. ; 4, , of ffteaV value in ,,,n 1"ll- 1 l,!,'k r . I VT. . i ! I ; rm ! f ) i i , i . . v - " .. !!lJI1IIII!liiTTll W till Ilia I r CId lit il'.. ' i tilt: s ' i l , 'ili ', ili T i . . .1 1 t il I)'. I IMI l'it ill no ll-u lUW iiiv. --.; book. Itrwiil t 'ach the child, in a moat sting way. the habits aad . i ' t:ag hand. 1 oflh:s though, oi I si phy of (he teachings is'.ian m.' trp!' , sun, i'iip'fstal w! ii ;i ov.r- we shall deser' a n er lasting Farm: rs bar t''e btirdeiof the geslive organs fjuiek. r than hay, and j lint if the meal is fid to h anim-d j or, an orr.t't V stomaclt, it parses awav j r , ii l . i . : r e i i Will ivi '..) 'ei' la before It is hilly ibgc-ted , but if fed i - after hay it beea m mingled w : h I j; tu j p , ... d- r -hoti id it, and more benefit is derived. u. ljxill ,. ir ,pv not alhov -.niinaD h take loo mu' b ' : ,i. . ,rt... r i ' To cV.n a -;! -e a . ; i ..... i i . : i i eo i . i i .i.ii i. oi nr. a I a a lore oi the i: e.-rtance of dig of eternst v, of the i nia-rt-.. die idia; work', o th.e verei . i 3 evrard. Key Dr. K-Uard McGlynn. taxes to se.ppoft H.e'e ta.'rpff?. We ' do r.ot va it t ie tlioasauds of labor i ers who are coming heae with the in- tention of ii-. ing here for a few -ears upon frill ti-a?, the ::etve laborer ie jects, o" working for v'iy !m wages and then reteraing to Eurojte to spin 1 the remainder of their das We do ( ot want those whose chief aboii' it. Fal?m's JM:,W mo ' 77,,. A'.o.d. and "iiess less about ti eir busin-..- iiienl ;t:il k-'si riiipo. SosJiJiIl-e. To be held at Mount Holly, Gas ton Co., on Weduesd.r , Thursdav. i'istici' ond truth Mi'i ' Fr'day and Haturdny, August t'bh. bashes. leaving any balance that mrtv !;e . tho around. Tee next s the native "r.'iaa frf tl-.o roun- ' , .. V . to ls Let us tne more brain-woik How t Prjvv'it Sprint Billiotisnes?. ti v wid I'.rt b ,b!v begin to makeit."' xxjw 1 -v. t 3 appearance : if it does not, it will the Let us have better business meth on ihe farm ard ii mav lessen the hauii' il of raw 1 o thronga it. St I'll- on X.. w ; ado a s ra .1 b 1 1 UloVed by ddah d 1 S.ot. ,1 i.iv- 1 llr ..ill.iili.w .. , , , . . s I f . III! ,-Hl year er. Hat whenever it appears ; and gcdH a start, pasture it with . I'"r""'r' sheep or cat: le. The fill from these; . vi 1 add. greatly to the soil. I'l.e second vear after the bashes r fi ). I'e.s.s' ( i' Several corresaond-nt who area"- l'o i x'.ng .:-'t the ho;v.e fiicte I with what is t- rin.-d k pn ug icero 1 e e -e !l or prohiselv of ft o il uj on biiiio',,"- ar,. ;.,t, rested to know , tia and brie.s have hem ut down, thev -y i.. bea"V; and find -1h. l2th and lHdi 1ss7. The (1thif(, ir lo destroy our institution-,! le. i he 1 1 r nits o main t.ui'oose of this Kneanifiment 1 :1i .,1,,. i.mri ' . , , . i will prooat Iv have beer, sidiieieiitl v i.s . uev are : . e Mgn- is; ! ask' d what tit ket he was going to . . .. , .... " . . roiien to pujugn me tniiinn. 1 nt-n or V i'J fi35SI Ai A i Ti.i: li.-N IA Ml' it US . how it m av be p 1 entc 1 . Hlioa--; ness is ,:o, as manv people M:ppo-... : a di-t ase of ihe l.vl.but pf itait.sal most al'.og. th. r to t h ' slt na.'h. It s an 1 means ;it !' the ! hi,. lor the ae ;.s ofetctli ri,.- relh'ioii. I his 1, the leaeh ( ii: i-tiati schooi-. This hi ng if 1 he Ch' i -t. . " - i . t , br '!i poo, near- It is well know to all of i.s that a . js chitflv the result of ove.aating heavy harrow plentv supply of water is ir.dispen- eating to freely of f,v. '.. asty. ! die. . . . I mnst 1 ear me on 1. .i . , 11 r.a.h nfl ..i.ii.inro ' .. . , 1 ... At : tlOWIl 1 fl ,t ,k ,o wa u.. ... . -..y ; r:il3 cl JSS cause ----:i!ew.trr wilh sheep and cattle down to grass has. shaking months a.tidotes the ba 1 mWn.e expei iiMices - a o ih-.h ,-... v WhiUdiCMo, Jti'.r'i Horn practical mm, who have given j ,;,.,,,... Hr.sT.--Io enab.e the la; mens I ; ,., SA.,,r, ,i i.v ti, k. t that :s Vi.rtl, C,r,ll: ', ',1 nllM'Mllv IVOettO- ..... C . -n . .n .v. , . , " l.'n r .ir 1,1 11 R C!'lter . . - . k ti w. . - - . - II "1 1 I 1.' IT!, I tl iill-V HI . A III 1 11 1 . . . . . . . , , , ... , , . . j t ir.wiir i n. nrl ii A 'ii. list sow u .a i e or cat' ie. arid as a targe 1.10- -as ure ingntv sea-oti rdens of tne troubles . ' . .. .. ..' ...... .... . -.... ,, . . " . ' :. . .. .. rye and pasture :.h tnrougn portion oi ttie iiua rti:ei.i:y tai i , ne coet, lone; a;r o tu.- ...... . A brazil-broom i iust tie tli. 'g'o odea i hor o .-radish and ati or. Indian meal shoa! ! !i purcha.-d i i s-nad 'I'.'intii ies and 1. ,'- c v r- gethT at a time when there is little i iitiuil'tl W h flag or a rr mo ! I in ,oeeial study to some pa:tieu!a' when the westher is dry, and so eon no natural water sut ply, it has bs of the-e .iigr. s. o ,s la da t ia some is pt. f.-ra'd- t . tinne until August, then plough or come a mat ter id' gieai itepoitanct degree ; b..t as t fe warm, relaxing wi-elows or puiii. la- w i. r eh-aai' g bri :g bai'ii religion branch of ag'ieuiilhfC. harrow again, turning the ground how a s'diicient rpianti'v e Ai : lo teacn men tr fii 1 1 and ot t Ski on d. I o see tee latest !u- DON'T. f h v p t r of time htr- oroved macliire'y u el on the farm-, tiie , e.hich will be exhibittd m 1 rg. Don't o to bed with cold fo ha over and sow again in rye, .-at d pa-t- prod need art i tic are as b f ie. Tae result will be. pumps do fable liter several Vars oi . uis proeess are otuv a o v n same under:ar"l P"i vdl have a soil that will pro bice it g 1 irg- her is idly. Wilis m !! wh" o t i; !i , bit for - uj ::I'lv or more to b' i'l weather o; sprit i cotaes t - . i - - . 1 .. J . . -iil il.s..,fl.i.iV ! IP .;-. : i uro!ea-ant 'nr. lens, o.i ities iv ui itiun.auois " i " . , ... ... . , , t- n ., ..,..,,,,- .. ,. ,r p.- .. i .... . r, r.,,in:i.,f btonan life - i rv scti ,n of the Unoa. ments that are worn during the day. clover, and tlnn will l e eas to make , not at al. , lf ,, ,V, ,.,,. rn ahquate p'Ms. nP, -To exhibit their stock, ; Don't sleep in a mom that is not it P-duc ; wheat or other grao. In th.. la; o-ol pumping s h . ,. i,- .. ,r ... , . , , L l a -d"''- P1 ; iniui). .oi-x.i .. , : ,, n ino cif . c!,..,'the meantime, the pasturage of vour quantity is costly and the cattle are r ,s altogether ov.rv.n , ..,.;,,. .a , . . Wc-e i d i'orss cattle sheep, hogs, fowls, well ventilated. D an t sit or sl?iV int ua a..u . " 1 , ., .., ... ' , ,. " " ' ' "'" '' 11 (' ' 1 borses , cauio , c ! . . , . n ,if, , n t!, Vft 1 land will more than coinpinsute or apt to he uegii ct. a and led t with an . , ,;,b.t d and the d.ih.m , ; ... .,.-..! ,f"e.,-to and m-ik'1 sal- ' - m or to ex- in a draught. Don t lie on tne ait am" ......... , . "' - ''u '; " ' "l e 1 1 ., and m . k , u . ,; 1 for rd! the lanor be-towed npon it. nsutlic:-nt tj-jaiitdy ot wafer, gam m a bSl.,o;,s s ..a,. ,, m j, . , e .,,. f(ir some bed i u V think side too much. Dan t he on tta 1,11 1 , . , '"'' 1 ,,-,-n-,e '.niin,ii. :'.,tn. ior , mpqw,. up in sedge m some geological formations , such notmng :v.ur; or ! s t .an -; . -1 : -r cross ",,h i ::; :;i :z:z ' ...;..,,,; ... , , , ... .. . - - . - .s am: t.cauty. So that we. their own. , - " , , ,rri;,K, -mc of luliu r manes of tte ;,tw ac!, 'J he overwork.- I or t-'k.-f u.,,P; I.'...'KT...-T.. M f.r,, who or ,.,., ..ours- ,!e,P .mt of Uuy , nl; js . A ,,. nlonoi e.e m A ,m...., a.lack c .......... . 1 ; r t i ... 1 ur.r.n.vH i. Ill' k four. Don t lllmt) Olltof lKt 1 m- . W..I.II I at "'' r ' .... .. s'o.nt cii begin'-!, t'.n more prt t ; re tin! v in r. - e'fort- '. aeeou ob-h t '. nun. c-ssary a id r oaons !.ttj-r i-u "V po -i i upon i' . Iii - If spritih'i - i o- or an ibing I m ! u-Ti Ii : on th stove ill pr - lit anv til .igrce:ihl odar . t ion is h . r si ).n. . .r!: that i a i Oi,:;,: haii i- C ' - s 1 - A v. j i Ue o M-ia'oe a : I 1. a. oa c i b-r , is -ai i t i ( , hei a.ed o-a.l) a of ti a, on t i . .- laesei t a .a .oving tt.aini;" oi b us that the Father h-.f a r, , by Hi voa-t u.t treat! d iv e.fie- .lav in the we.rv wav V showing them breeds and in this way cneonragt ng ing. lound at sucti a deoin mat :i is 1111- i i . .. - . -worse i or a n tie'1 niacK can :u a - ,i - : . . I n ie rt-verraai t'V' giving in- sio nae i re-t tiy fisting fr a m'-il or two -pr. .h ; t-r m -' 1'. hi -s s'loa 1 1 t r b g!'i.-d wale, as tii-' vita-gar pois acn coiii(iOin i w;'!i zing. . ' i a be tn , a the gia- No ii.ave tii.i i ri - - i .-.,-, i.- tn,-...-,ra,.,o t'.,r. .si ..... ,inr,.rnt iai.,tnl,. ..n :i!i!.iio in the morn- pasum. n ......... r,-.... . . .... L-..., it tr..m .o'i to i.os-i h o or the or.linarv Dumo n....v rr.r.,t rn i diirsp i veai. .. f i- , - ... . i .a.. ... lata.,, ..o dr.- Iii if t . t hp snrfiife. S t!ia. oi l..f,,n. fie lbi.d cra!i comes . . . ,. . ... . . i i. i -.-,. . spii . .s ol n i jut i .iii., v . fc... - - , the pureha-ing of goad ,d veed witu crasn out, oa. . , , . .. the wllole . I do not regard the v-ell r,an ,a the b , ly wdi en lure more ' .y, no mat'er how i nmble or cattle, sheep, swine , &c. fore dnssing. 1 on . rf 1 . wiii'tvCn m -rease The How of mdk as a very satisfactory means of sup- abuse and still patiently continue vu::u tine,.,-!,, lit may I e. are F.kth -To annually stimulate a good drink of pure watt- U (;r which .id make plving pastures with water on a its work than the stomach. Hut P rfonning duties whe h when itud strengthen the farmers organize breakfast. Don t :a- 1 ; ; j Ir t W() or lhrce vear3 verv ,3rge s ;ale. The next and finally forbearance ceases to be a r 1-d from tic moral side , wi on atioms throughout the Stat-, by put- when tae -tomach is em, ; iVl,mr iln ; cornmonest method of supplying wa- virlue, and the faiM.ful se-vaii" re- b. t o-e who look down from Umg new energy nnd determination Don't start to do 'V- f. ,1 a, t,R.n c5ovo- v Ur to pa5ture? is ic p,; , or r,ser- bels against abas a Correct ard into the breast of every farmer who out i atmg a gooa and ' nring the rye whenever the weather , voir where t he w.tei ,s collect- d in pronely regulate Ue did, and aUends ,eac..n n.. - prevent the ground i the winter for the simmer use. 1 ; will be no iLore t.oub'.e with bilhous Accr.U..g to the rccen, r..O ....... -". : bL, CTt ,.y V., ,atl.e . Kn..-.v . ter ,.!., I.ut I k it al-a.-K. ,,. ,ry ,oa,..n ..r O, y.r. the Farmers' insutuie u.a-tu .... . . ,.:,.: ... (P;(;na , n, d n, I.vthe first olace I think To remove grease f otn e at' t '. lar-an I t he gloiv 1 ok :i '.' t ho elbows and s- atr.", rub 'VPh a eio'.li dipped in amm inia. I' a 1 Kttrgdom of (Jrd, take on a dign 1 x a jra -e. a charm, a benediction. '" ' n. ver toui 1 be hi the thing oi --e, except so far as tiiey have re '''!."!. ee to fh; thing of eternity. tor those of u who take this x o . every fct, p is louidedby Ihe i'.gtls of God, ova ry cross becomes i; xiressitjly prtcioiis , every task lls eternal reward. W'c feel that Advertise In. thi e ,,. ill hi-snociallv pause uneasiness nt mealtime, uou t it is .,ut..i. , nil 1 11 1 u ran aioiiiiii nu v v . . . - . 1 vi ' m. - under State supervision. All those desiring to make dis plays of machinery, stock, stoo.h, should apply at an early day. eat the smallest morsel uuDss hun gry , if well. Dou't try to keep up on coffee or alcoholic stimulants, makes very good hay if cut when in 1 there should be a larger storage, and j bloom or the grain is in the milk. Horses eat it nearly, or quite as secondly, thai the pond should al- j There is a decided pro: abj'itv wavs be regarded as a reservoir and 1 now that in the Presidential election DEMOCRAT.

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