BEMOCBAT 11 LI ZA AV. II K I TCI I. IX, OWNER WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. srusciuiM iox i..")it i'Ki; vi:ak VOL 3. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. F1UDAY AUGUST o, 188' TOWN COVKIIN'MENT. - - Mayor. am 1'T. A. WlIiTK, I!. II. Smith. Jr. ( ,i. v. Sav.-iL'c f K. M. JmI, n-on, i V. A. I Minn, j" ;. I . A i .'.si;j:ook, - - em-e t!.' hay (h.inuiis.sioners j the Loads ripen, the percentage of riti up the su'ar in that tt n vent j unity for hay making ; and numer ' tin. i-iure from th woody fibre in the plant steadily in-' glass of gin, let. me give yu a Let os tests, both in the chemUt's lab-i us ;t eoneHience creases. Cut as soon as the earliest j to wash down with il. You say you ! oratory an 1 in feeding ex perim jut-, i the tnoro rea hiv to a a ! become mu-t v. It is always bet, i r.v; v r, t huvc water-proof : mi is uri in c.t-e vou -hoi:: 1 find !H't'5.Vt' for c-i z i s.on, mv ir.CTui". H urviv i a unu- j rare;i.w n i . .-. u i , w.;;. a ; n'u'. e-.o-i. You'll earn a'! vu get fro r L.n.-r .!' I v bbng u wort':, t' fe I METHODIST CHURCH Suiehtv, William's Chanel 11, a. r.i V rahiira Scotland Neck Palmyra Palmyra Scotland Neck 1 1 obgootPs Scotland Neck blossoms begin to turn , it is more ! have longed for years for the free, ' confirm the practicability of thi troublesome U cur thau if cut later ; . independent life of the farmer , but ; vie-sv. '?, ,,ol i-Vrt- but this is more than compensated j have never been able to get enough j Town Constable. ; tor by the greater value of the sesi money together to buy a farm. P.ut j conu crop, whether it is cut for hay j this is just where ou are umta.ien. or seed. When cut at the right j For several years you have been season, and well cured, the nutritive ! drinking a good hundred Let at r. A p. n. . 11, a. in- 7 p. m . 11, a. in. 7 p. m. Il, a. in. 71 p. in. gulp, If you doubt this statement figure it for yourself. An acre of T. P. KOXNER, P.C. The following have been drawn as jurors for the next term of the I ri ft rior Court, which convenes on the third Monday in August : J. K. llazzel Hell, Y. E. Mabry, 1. Hot h.-ehibl , Joseph C. Arrington , T. N. Harrison, K. 11 y man, Charles Clark , J. K. Johnston, S. W. Edward-, IL L. ALbrook, Mat Lucas, L. C. Shearin. W. 1. Wilkerson, J. 1 '. Morris , C. lb L.rickell , W. I. shields, Wii'. Armstrong, C. V. Vtson, Y T. Jones, M. K. King, C. W. Hunter, S. A. J. Glasgow, J. T. v't.njeron, Carey Anthony, R. J. ILrvey, AY. B. Dickens, Joe Johns ton, li. IL White, V. I). Johnston. 'To attempt to catch rats by traps value of clover hay is fully equal to that of Timothy, and is greater m many good combination0, on account i land coutaius forhy-three thousand of its higher albuminoid ratio. Clover is injurie 1 by too much sun . A Very hot sun is not desirable, as it 'bums' the clover, making the leaves to brittle that they will break otf in handling. If allowed to get too ripe before it is out, or if cut when the dew is on, the effect is of the same nature. U will cure not a little in the cock, and this curing is more desirable than sundrying. The less handling necessary the better. The best weather for elover-.hay making is when the sun is not very hot and the air is dry. The worst weathei is unfortunately, not uncommon hot sun and moist atmosphere; then the hay 'burns out,' and sudden showers may be expected. Clover hay will i; t keep in a stack, unless the st .ck is protected by better material. In the West, where most of the hay is stacked , this is is accomplished by putting timothy on th Lop. Large barracks open sheds are often used. These cost but little, and ail'ord good projection. But nothing eLe IS-de-iiiin Worn-out I. ami. it. I o: o w , t:i'.-m. in h!.u:i elovt r iiuv c t:i a U ' U n five hundred and sixty square feet. Estimating, tor convenience, the land at $13.50 per acre, j ou will see that this brings the lad to just one mill per square foot, one cent for ten square feet. Now pour down ti:at fiery dose and just imagine you are swallowing a strawberry patch. Cail in live of j our triends and have them help you gulp down that five bun die I foot garden. (Jet on a pro longed spree some day, and see how long it takes to swallow u pasture large enough to feed a cow . Put down thai glass of gin ! there is dirt in it one hundred quare feet ot good, rich dirt, vorth $43 50 per acre." P.ut there are plenty of farms which do not cost more than a tenth part of 13.50 per acre. What an enormous acreage has gone down many a homeless drinker's throat. No wonder such men are buried in "the potters fields ," they have swal lowed farms, and gardens, and homes, ami even drunk up their own graveyards. II. L. Hasting, S3 anil. - i . . i . i 1 i ' ... I i'..,ll1h! 'I Onill t I '.V M I"! i I 11(ir I' i O v f O , . - . ... . , 111 ...Ml M.l4 C i,-",-, ....t , ..!.. or uy poisoning inem suaueniy uiui , : ...... '. , A , I the value ol clover hay depends u - tad. sai l an old rat catcher recents j . . - . , .v, , . on its curing and keeping. Amcrt- Iv to reporter. ''v)ld rats know! . , ' . , , , . i o i ii A trie nit to is. too mucn .'.r.d can b-e caught only by ! kiii'.nes. To destroy them give, a i good meal every day. Do not put an- j ;.ois; n in the food, but simply pre- j pare a dish lor them daily, iii a free : j .. . eomr.osevi oi corn meal moist ened with milk , into which ( lie egg n-ith s:d: i; sea.-o hax been leafe.i. At first they may not touch It, but k op it before them, making it fresh !' -o ions liriiTily. every t! iv, They will soon try o is, ur ou ineii- sns-; . . . . . r resecs:i: it ilksto os: a cut:. In the last Tiumoer of the Sovtltxvit Cnl'irilr n'l Dixit- Former, Mr. C. i. Ferrel, of Montgomery , Ala., states emphatically that lie made three bales of cotton on one acre of land last ear, averaging 500 pounds each, Mr. Ferrel says his land was andy with clayey subsoil to which he applied 2,000 pounds of compost (Furmm's Formula) and 200 pounds of what he calls Alabama fertilizer. il! be allayed. In ys Lie v will expeel ... ' y.i i en u every rat on U;e pi ace v. nl be appointed spot Ir the treat. a week it ailu ;t the (live p.eiity c" il so :.s to induce ail the 'n the i.eigiiboriiijod to join in. 1 "') not. bo in a huiry to poison them, If they eat sll the food give them a 1 -lger po! Hon next time. As scon r- t''?v h-i ve thrown .--tr all suspieioti g-i x.-ico phosj horns p..Ste or other r:.r poison, mix it vvitli t!;e food aM.d be sure to give 'hern enough an i i. i io.r to spare, s.i .is to induce to cat. 'i'iiev w i i I either be kiil- e i of become -o -,t At Bam well, S. C, Saturday. Judge Hudson sentenced Axey Cherry, a coloied girl twelve years old, to be hanged on the third Fri day in September, for the murder of ; the infant of Mr. Amos Williams, ot i Allendale, in 15::... Iv;1 county. The : child -.vas sen t by her mother l a'5 nurse for the Williams baby. She i poked around the hdusc r,nd attend- ! ed to her duties in so negligent a j manner that she hael to bo constant ! iy scoidC'l. After a scoh'.ing one idav s.l'rt was ovfrheard muttering to! before I took fiv i hers( If that she was nt't going to j sandy land an : bother with that babv much more. , ed if; and mad ! A few days after this, concentrated i 500 pounds each. I plant my cotton lye wa used in scouring the doer, in cheeks and cultivate exclusive! ! an 1 when Mrs. Williams left the with the plow, except in bringing it He pv. " The comport stable manure, cotton acid phosphate fer the n e d. to This is the most important ue tion to be considered by the farmers them, w oi jortn Carolina i or gtmorations 1 our lxit( has yielded crop af:er crop without having returned to it but little, if any, of Ci!? elements that constitute plant food. I f we con tinue this system, inevitable bank ruptcy awaits us, for "in all the range of inorganic minerals, we find no evidence of any self-renewing or Sclf-urigi nating.'7 "It is the all-pervading law of na ture that the mother that feeds us, requires in turn to be fed.'' And net content with robbing mother earth of crop after crop without re turning any feed , we have tortured her by the cultivation of hoed crops year after year, forgetting that na ture leaves no land uncovered ex eept the desert. Farmers, think on this If you will examine tiie histories of the sat!ons that have precede i u. you will find the de geiieracy of the peo.-de was caused e.'i - e g i I rie m.oL ;;i 1 of wv.uher. in at -r i ro of in :te: i.i course the !:.'-:. but ut:b coarse cott'.n .vi'l au-wcr t' at i -t down lulow, nark mv word " I be!iee in Cultiva'iti ; to a m."l- jrs ug. S I tea crate 'lepl. 1-nr 1 t i l.oi lv eaiiiti an I tee i ; r t - lieve in having a g 1 deep s.u!, toil j -table, !: ro I ul got .t . 1 do not believe in thi- i :i ' i-er l :; i j ; ra ' i-i. 'I rv it, ar.d o.i nate a Ivoeaey of dt ep cnl :i at ion. J r- . -r mll.'h ol ivrr ; w . r I o:r.e advocate tti-' plowing .f all v l' e ', f ti ree i i w ... y i e L. !: Itnos to t lie tl.q t a ui tweiro 1 :i o ii - 1 - f or eve n more. J i iimr. S'"in . soils Now si itne crop, mav demand fueb it isi:itt: ivi: i: f :i ur j deep plowing, nn 1 for other crops j Many p .p . I ! ;v , er A. If niiili' upon ot&er soils su.-Si fhliowii-g often j h'ie a fo, pose almo;-t equ iil,' we of the lnter, procure it five let I proves ir.o-t detriment and injuri. j ''-at s K-gli,! wide, i. e , she.-tiug cotton ; tear it j ous, Tne wheat crop, for mstftm-o j s Amori.-an. .H'.Ih ) o f.lld dee Il i .-a: :'.z io ! i i n t - it jve feet length, aril with :i sew- I needs but a shallow soil. ix incho J Lngb-h u-nun. r, fingi i-i or, n io into ing machine', hem ii a goo? stout j of cultivated soil is a great plenty cord along each edge, leaving a small loop at each corner. Then make four pins, some eighteen mchts in length, of any kind of hard wood i tor each cap, and, after adpiiting these coverings in place, tin down for a cr p, Tue addition of mo;e Jo tins would not only add to th: a pnse of the culture, but would prove an injury to the crop. S ime sods can be cuhie.ati d to the depth of a foot, or more, while tion an i ; ilNh u mbrei; ;,, .; hh b-ok-i and L-hli h:i!.i: d. . . to tn thair i-vr to t..- soperno' to ot.r own. 1 l ev 1 inov i v rv line in !. takei for F U ' : s In ; 1 1 n.d of lite is e i-n f i each corner securely to the ground. ; others cannot. Our deeji Leiin i to remain until all danger of rain is stand deep cultivation. over. Baltimore San . BAD NEWS- One day last week Mrs. Nancy Allen, wife of Joseph Alien, Esq. , while ascending tho stairs of her dob- oar sandy loams cannot. Tne soil prop er in many localities is not over MX inches de-?p. Now what will bp th result if a furrow tea or twelve inch es deep be turned Ik re 7 Our inches of good sarface soil is thro vn under, and from four to six inche- of worthless ubsoil brought up over ;t. V, b. t ' b n , i - -.-, nl' ! 'i V 1 V I v !oi t oi t r.i v eibng in L ;;i i Ni i I v t' ere :i gr t iko. W e has e nr f.dt s eoui se ; but t !. : r u re i bk-' ours, in all t lie w nr car improve- f!.e eon di'imi if f! e A mi rieu n t r.i v e! h i , :1m u i m 1 1 !ei in wiiie'i we nmu n at len-t our eqoa' right A woman who tr:vds ty ! d m A u;i : ica -v j m l fi i t ! v s:.'e .u- 1 i itii- il is worse than w or! h - j bI t at le as much -o, at house-, fell and broke an arm. The by the degeneracy of the Soil. An sa:ne d:i.' Mr- l: Staton, while driv- j jt sometimes ruins a field for any man n. Mi- i- in i. .!.. easy way to redeem land is to plow in" Ml ,'rom a wagon loaded with J a t.roJ for , irs lo co,,u,. n:,t.a. j h ing in-u'.ted, be. an-.- si.,- m two or three times and harrow after' oal arul an arm. each plowmg ; then spply three to! The wiod, accompanying the rain, four hniidied pounds of guano j)er j was terrific Tues h.y night m some aero and sow in rye and closer. The ' potion , but the only serious dam- ' I I of ... .- ruby we:.k and shallow od eannid fie p'o'eetio.i of v-r ! a s s i ! ,d age which we h:vr heard of v. f s 1 . ! n.'-nr New : orestville, 1 elow Ld s j vilie. Too darn of .Mr. Adam Clerk, I a most substantial structure, wa I blown over arul a valuable horse j was killed. Ex. rye shoul 1 be sown (both rye tl1(( cK vet ) during tue month of August : 1 certainly not later than the 10 h of Se; t ember. The rye can be cut the year after ani the land should not be cultivated again for at least three or four years. No clover should be cut, and the land should not be past ured. Then it could be we'd .lowed ' ami well harrowed end seeded to' wheal and clover. Alter that, with ' One day last week, while Jerry proper care, it shouH yield cjual to' 15ra''y was harrowing in one of Joe. my land on the place. The rye:11' Stnck'er's hill fields a mon sliould more than pay for the feri. -"trous black snake jumped out of a liters. If each farmer wotiLl take ' stu!I,P an1 proceedc to attack tin' five or ten or twenty cres of waste date Mil tYrii':.' sueli a do-e of col 1 M;ur Milwi'i!. It i, in.b ed . iii ru d of le.dp it-ib', jurhap-i. to i, dp it we iijl! iive the oii. -ix ii) dies of -oil more p'a'.t in the form of manures, inde id diftl;ng and overwhelming the in ti.e car. If -I:.- a-!.- a .j -!. vv d! d iu'i', I. -. i e -i ei VI i :t V. I f -I nee U a ! - t i - ' !! . rv 1. .'.ii l'o Ii o - ii .III 1 o I lid t V f , VV I i! I il .1 1: :r: ot T a i - in much moo FIGHTING WITH SNAKES- SOU). read v s -ant soi raw subsoil. Vet t'.e fact remaiiH, that soils needs deepening, and sueh, of coarse, can be dc-pei-ed t th: fann er's advantage. 11 rnt r ami St-, L-urtn. i ir mules. Tiie mules kicked and puvv b'.i.d each year and sow ir. rve Ulij ' ed alter the snake , and .Mr. BraMy . ...... ,. . e!u eh-, aed "ho.--" i u-', . , i ... i -. that no new iiiendsun.s are formed. .r ' osed was made of clover instead of letting it "lav out," threw a lump of ground at it until it I , , ,,rt. ;. ,?! ,. , (-, , , ,. t t. - ' i i M . i. i jlti-; a rather niornlu! fact that most 1 ,x , meal, in ten or fifteen u'-rs there would ' turned upon him: Hq tro to b:s Tn.-to i- ro w:.f. r o . n . -i. , cotton SCe.. ' : . , . I ,, , ,,. , : p.To::s wi:o pass lilt v veari ioe i he : waetc bin. 1 .'old fields in North :in1 ranpmuubly t went ) aids i 1 - a monthful for a f.iutH; i ami katn't, r3 I pro- ov, . v .i.ijui, ui!t of pleasing, i ue sparklmo ee , , r.,roHn Tue reason for sowin- uuU ln reached a pi.e ol stones, l . 1 , 1 : :i station, one mav a the seed. a liC year i t:it oiina. , , 3 , i - I'he merry laugh, the nearty s ;eech, ' ,i . f iv; in ,. ..o; i when he stooped and began tiring ! j i iirii-" -ut. t !, i j . ., -1 ive acres Of verv poor the clover in AnuJ "v to ce. tniu- ' . i the symi.athetic manner are all gone l'' hr'' " M' ' ' i . i. - " r-od -.iv -upon his b.ack enemy tliat was com-1 , J , , . j j;i l . ,. 1 . i i ., e;i'ieis 1 fed it as I cultivat- cicnt depth of r;0?, to vviti.'"1"1 . ; ami m place of these a guarded bear ! i-.,iaii i, uo -m-u i- , , lr.g nearer and nearer. One stone , 1 , , vf t-hlmt ev n a her on r four bales weighing "dry sp If the next summer, w e , . , iim and a sober habit f thought and lr'l,h-' r 1 "'' ...... . .. ' ,'n-! "lat-elv landed on the snukc - - - n. ric-m on! ! m h. I plant mv cotton feat of the sun never killed a stalk ; ,0 u- - , . , judgment. ( loodlookmg vouii i A AU riL tn " "' ' "' soi.k i: soe: s mi: v;i:i. ( ' In! ..! I . , w!i-.!i'vt r. ' In F'.ghind t! e :.p iihi.di'- e. ache-- of a t run o. , t ki i ; few people , a;.d an- b-i d I ; gu ai d n in oai ri-s I 1. . i ' A ! r.-.v v. i ; l"g ;b..: in - II.' , Mid hit f or a ! ulfiae. ; ci i a es, i ... I u tin" ii. ii 1 1 eomuiitted 1 i tio'-c !.n h an V Ir v n jiit. Ho a ; i.:. ',-. i a I o.'. I tht re a re o , i ,i can :-.' down a ' i to hi rugs , 'oi - All s. 1 1 s of b r, h i V boi ll eo ,r r -( , m. I One ol tne laments ot ol l age s Mor ova r, 1 h r so suspicious id' all a rat (' on- will remain. IJ.i'i'V'.'S". room '.'ot a few minutes she told Axey that the lye was poisonous and r lost, she mstu't touch it. On her return, M rs. Williams iiOri-fied to find her baby's mouth full of con centrated lye . Axey ran out of th" t to a stand, it is better never to a I.. 1 1 i i: . lot ;. At : :rd" if.'i- I d clover in North Carolina. But tiie heat, of the sun and the wind have dryed the earth hflow the jUUUILII I . .'.'MiU'JIl.l.' I.UII4 peoplewith their pleas up. faces and r. ir.dia:ia fame r Pavs !n the York IV'.ri' : "Farmers not un til at ttiy can 1 ?i..n,i. co, i,,.r ou di-a P. ft -l Ai,-i'i ' land and cultivates it to.) Utile. Aiy U 'Kt Vi .11,', t' s. f - r V'"' . j j ri ckn:i i'l! have to nurse that 1 much 1 ngt r no v."' Tie' v ung irmr permit a hoe in it at all. Thin oui young clover roots and caused th by hand. It is the hoe that eats up the profits of cotton." 11 says also : "The troilblo vfith the the Southern planter is that he plants too much ;,.!.- ft-wnicti it was noon ki in. u. Our reporter dia T' know l!iC 0X!U'r length of tiie snake. Hu'f' t!i0,'Kht il j was about 12 feet. He aLo s.a.i , I that out of ten snakes found by Iv-ii. i nt husias in, win fiiend olf hand, buf the saddened and mature man g-t- TiiOS; ol young plant to die of thirst. 0,11 ui l(!n Kl,a,:s 1,,U!'" u , u own kind give only wind tliey re- liowdecp, pulverize the ground Urady in the same locality, ,li,u' c,'h c and the young shrink fiom well with the harrow, and you need j vvere kd'.el, some of whieh were j llhn " Jit !o,t the (low of uniii, have no fear of not getting a stand, ! copper enaues. i lie snakes are sam j f(( ; ii . lh :n;in ri t lie -am.' ( o e n v. .jio ,o, . such as an American would r baeiidy. he would re;c:ve no i pi'., or, at best , a cold ' 1 1 .pi I - i- . I 1 ' guard.' The fro.'-n eonvtii' nv'i ty of H igl uid ri.piin.s that a i th -man shall know aieeher I f. t h babv. de:e s iii through her trial teemed unless we should have such an un-!10 L,e '-u"a.V Penmui inrouguu... ...... i.i i i. i. -i i . , t hr nart. ii r-e siii'i ni s n. s suui- i . a . . : ., - i i ,.iu.'' i ri1 i i " i ,, s ' i i i i;iii . i t-. i : t . iv nr. i ti.i. i t t i rri.ii.o .1-- - - 7 " -. . . w . . i 1 1 11 i O. I V III.' I v 1? : .m:iii.i"ii v . j v JState Fair, one stalk of cottoli eight g vivacity o! I mer . Middletc-wn Press-. Noxi.s ri;M Endi:i:lv. i feel high and eight feet in diameter! with 110 open Polls on it. If. was seen and examined by thousands of 'po ;;t.y compiion t grow Calves economically, and j v often acrificc lo the tin icker hials if would iay them better to ot exi't ricnce w u n fo have no id"a of the terr-bie n a lure ot her deed, dad when She ?:i s,';it.'!!Ct'.l to to be hanjed . she azed s'upi.ily at the judge, and ! visitors, who perceived that some of ,.1 s kU plnved with the but- ! H.e nous --vuie neany u. poie as 1 . .. ,1,... ...r. Kx. griiit: tons on her dress. As siie v. a 5 e r:r carried l.-ack to jail she saw her la Any o: ek wbi know befo-e a heifer is a thcr , and made an ( Ifort to go to . k dd who' her it ? bct to fatten ; !lim She cried for the first time : a veai or l'ai.e lor a good rnilcii : lv!;,;:i s'' t,,1?l n? could w. Kaeli oalf should bcTexainined I S hnt ,n 1 b 1 tr b rui and mark, noted before jj-1 to wail liiC Ia" rr ,ier cxecu- i 1 THE WICKED TWIN BROTHER- CURING CLOVER HAY. youth. He (S'.imates lh pur-uit ot life with frigid skepticism, -'"el those who st i.l dt light to coll. ct the dust in the raei? course are oifemb-d at him. He may P.: evt r so ju-t 1 I. I ... l.iu r. t i. .! I .. .irj t ! a no u . a o , .mil ij : .s . i . . i' ...... i v . . i scar a o i' .uin, and the average man aks to hii Si .er bm. if e m i et, e. u ;i or woman ;n -itinctiv a ly draws aw w ! iC in; tie ooiS and Ii rod int-eio-Oi and make liicu 1- 1 in;'"- and its merits decided ut 'i'i'eti, if it icJ to bo kenh erger for immediate profits and Hie t rai-e it as cht-apl" as iossi i.or.ld not be allowtil to lead tion. I ; i c h m o n d Whi'j. The question, '-When is the proper ime to c'dt s-rass?" is one that has iiiims.I too much in a,,, a !.., r ;,,.). t There is no lausible reason un d; r 1!,e 'lopi'C'S w;iy Kepubliean subordinates should be retained i.i otilce under f Democrat :c adtni: ! iii. . . . . . . t . ! 1 o wo; m .liiri' AM rration tor I.wo vears l ie. I ine tovu at i j worth growing at ! iion iti which tiie Democrats gain 'a s ' : ! . t I i i e ': d ho i c . L .'ui'. ut at 'bis stage of the anim i xi-tei.iec will be counted in li'ol on ebcited volumes of disct?sin in the agricultural iress , and that lias been subjected to elaborate scientific ex periment, and yet would seem that thi time ?n;ty be located Within a very narrow margin, fit Last, by any well-informed. TaC.ical farmer. The i ! ...-sVi., oee which all grazing animals . I show for grass which has not yet come to the blooming period hr.s led , to the adVoCacy of very early cut- Ai amo a, la , has a case of twins ! that is exciting a goauoeai "l rr(J,n an invalid- If h r . . i ... . . l .. . i . . ...... : ......! ; .. t i.n I v,iover nay, wuen piujuuiv euicu . iere-i. a man i-t nninuio o tn wjp p ca. upon at:il tiliien cure ol, is one oi ti' jptentiary there for the crime o! ! ! tines t articles of forage liKt ':u' l) i,igflrin who claims that he is tie-, grown, but when poorly made fli.d vctjrn circumstanees. He says' musty is not fit for a I o-se to eat. i t;.at t,c oiLmse was not commitud ; Now, while it is true that very much J iiV (.jra ( ,ut oV ! S rvvin brother, depends on the weather, yet it is S w!i,, 0,,-s so ,r.ur; like him that equally true that food clover hay j l!iev Wt, 0 :dwa", s compelled to go may be rnpdc altno-t any year. It ; :illOUt, hdel I so tiit could tell i? impossible, however, to make food .;mseic f,-0m the other. Tne wom-n clover haV with-jut having to clear :,, think tiiev know what sp, co: r. .! ; 1 i . t .t. tn I:. t;r, vi I 1 Hi t "jtlard ' nui with s.Ler. of oar o.a due 1 r J ''nl l.eing en I : ( ue w n - i ., ... ,,,, 1114 t ! lie e be o!! r. d -t v o i . r .. s J mag la e a i . d ii. .a - p .. : rv '.: v le i e r : i . j . ' i i.i ill. !l 1 : O pd .l I IM I I C t in heaven , for hi- chance of n.akn any down liere i -ljc d-diy slei.dc PitW,'i.)'i Chrmii-il . it Is '. I.I: u i i le, a-.t ) i I n if. v. " ! i .1 v e on: b;g i t ha n I.i in t ! : : 1 1! le one : ! tie . i ei. s oi t he load are a km r r t, o V -: u I l.rr, or; a !.. that he 1 1 :. v e.ei a i !.i u i own an I iie ir neinoor . . 'i an amount ot c It - i n r at ;o i j po'. i e ue-s, .iud l" coiii'e-v vvotu -n, never drea:::t of m L : N. Y. L-! i- r. , o i.. ..i e days m the. session unless you pio vide yourself with water' proof caps. List say sou have two fair aueecsdon fn.-m the time in cutting--and which be when ab.-ut or.e-'nlf of tin ou co:.;.- r't they are t-dKing at out, t;ut a great many I eople ti; :;k they do o' , aad that really .1: babi Iiiirc'fi (i i ill M t-t ;i I. . m e i ' i ; e 'ii.. x-. i. rum i are turning browr. the i; a Is mower th.- i:ea, ! i,.-. ( rv prat iced is io !:ik a- o .v inifi soon as trey i should be started ns soon tn : l...t ....oii.t'l Idle i r A i f V i a 1 1 . i I . . . i . : ii- We have always claim-! "u" "o"'01 J " " j morning is new u on, ami ..-i-. . . : i...r,i f .et tint, unless two r more i i.,. i,.,rni.- t;.n I P.o.l ami e,,od treatment ; ed that the lb .mocrctic patty bad ; ' ,f , ruunu.g .tu ou ... cuiunu aiu liunsi: tut uiU3o "'to nut it ai: in winrow nciore Miui ed' : rt.-rs have h a written to the v.aui n from part.ej v, ' o jd-ad p.r th twin , as they ao, who is un! a wfu confined, and cou- -i.oul lit- kept str'idily gaining ! the viKory. de m the lie art :e .-s! of the other am ered ele- Ke- ; n; i beginning. A plan I the enlightened a wuh satisfactory re- ment m its ranks : ;! o calves nwnv from nublicans learned the great (?) art . 7 t Ihiee days old. As ; managing "Uncle Sam's." affairs, n...o In r n tJlutdil to or-iv t a-1 i US U ii 1 . VCs. Jll,C3ni twin, who has e-enp-.d. Some letters nurnortin" to be fiom the mis.-ing great loss of fceoing material, : the larger the wir.niws the better, as ' l)ro:!lCr jlaV0 a;0 1 een received at of there has certainly been no suflicient j Uu.y ,, !Col0 heat, and it is ti e penitentiary, bit experts say taughi to r: ;ia;:.'-ive them three or.arts ot mt;K , IJelllocrals, alter eweivo ui cis'""" iojri."n.j and night, using new milk . months' training under Hess very for a month ; then for a fortnight j etHeient (?) and trustworthy (!) He take one-half new and one-half skim, j publican-, Lain the same? If, after ' t;i a little meal ; then for a time j ail this ti'finiug , they are so druin :oi kim miik Mid a larger amount of headed that they can't learn, and n . t the end of two mouths give j the heada of the departments can't r m:ik barley, hay, grass, etc." h t the t '.. tr a a .-oon as you c .n any he a is lurid: g bro'.vo. (.'et a tiiis stag. , tiie cb.ver hii1. urdi : a le-s weight then if cut later; but i1 L have a gr atcr food vabi:-, a ''arg. v of it being digestible. Aa show them, in t lie language of John Lolo, "bring' in anoiher horse," Mark our prediction, one of these days you are going to hear something "drap." Greensboro Patriot. pviiienee furnished tat there i sufficient superiority in such ven early-cut grass to comensate the great additional cjst of an extra harvest. On the other hand, it is a fact patent, to every oi e who will give the subject a little thought, that there must be a time between the first appearance of bloom an 1 the hardening of the seed, when the plant heat that does the curing whi in thov are all in tin.' same handwriting. Don't I;ilnre on l our ( loo r Lot. ' When once you get goo t set of clovr on a piece of land, you may make thitpie; rijh. by judicious management, with very bt'le ao b Hon:-.! cxpeu-e. lb.t if, as rooa .! il is i .rge chough f-.r a cab' to i .a it, vou turn upon it and k --. it grazed clos ? , all-summer , in-P-ad . improving vo ir lol , ;. ou have lrnpov iahed it , aud at the tame time ou have not realize ! o-c uau oi me oen-, , or san., ,,r, etit from it you wou! I have done had ; ( r ,H Wl jj Vi . you kept the stock olf, and had imoT- u,.re tj;fct :irt; fo u-etn ed one good croj and f d to them, j takes . jt s a great mi leaving the second cn.p to plow uii- ,,our owri s.ui.d .rd of to I, In. ne'oodv ha an c.u-ion ti:e:.l. I Ir. - S ol J I I e :. ;t Me llr-V told the tr i .'. no b m . t to Hi'.: i 1 t'ney were i i k : t i on i :. ii i v.-' at : ! Wo ., lYi-. i . !: a f t a V.I i ; ' b .1 r. it- ., . . .-.-..1 1,-.-: M . o 1 1 .i t. ( . 1 1 v -r i . 1 1 r it t- der for ds'P food. hen continual- ; wr,.r. .,". .,.(,.,' When the cron has been cut wit'i . r.arraheo in beha t ot the prisoner, " . . . wronc. u.,i ju i p ,.. the Let sua shining thereon for a 1 3ni uftrr consider ing the he refused few h(n;rs, it will have ab-orbed , to interfere, althfjiigh admitting heat enough to almost cook it dur- there are circumstances which cast e i :; ; a re I', rial t take to r iji.t. nceor ri :, 1 O : .- rn. i- ing the night. Tue.i in the morning j oubt on the justice of the as soon after breakfast as possible ; iaent. Omaha iJeyeot. the winrows should pe gently loosen j ed up with forks to allow lie air: puni- ly grazed upon, the tender dints, j. . ,,f in..a,ure t,:,e nj.,yme-.t of being da'ny nipped by the cattle, and j eri hv our own t,, xoot u'.;r bruised by their force trying to heal lv o(- ,q)tU,jn Ui tp;, vvo.-l !; to b.ok the wouii Is thu3 to fre'jueritly pof ju. jr., a!li e p. r ince in the votilh, to endeavor to urn 5 a!i dis- will contain the maximum amount ot j yce acccss through them until noon, M'il.HOII.S. ' My homeless fiieml with the chromatid nose, while yoa are stir- nutritious matter, and when that matter will be in sueh shape that it n . - 1 : !.!,.... ll 1, ' may ail oe rciuir-eo in me u-v3 no- out the loss which occurs from the shattering of the ripe s( ed or from the hardening info woody fibre of the soft tissues of the stem. Tuis. as viewed from the theoretical stand point, is eertauily the golden o poil- mvie. Jduchaamage is !.no i ue u.t ., ajtiors :,Iik ; to Mel t imu.aleriu land by being trampled close 1 7 when t,u- ; to worry ours -Ives an 1 o'.h .rs S very wet, rendering the surface ; w.pj, . eannot b- rt-medmd ; not iquite comoact and incapable o. ; to lievia'.e aii ttmt needs ahevit- L)o many are liatterine themselvefc , sorbing much valuable material from . tiou ts fuc a, in our r-owc r ; not less ra- is very imminent, never to' that they have another farm under-. e an. j v.M-- to make anowancv Mor i ae n.nrmas J......... Kt hol irlnnth tht thev can draw upon at i acre of clover cut and c vrri-d to the tivej of 0Ui,r; t. o,u,ider overy. put ui'.n ei u iy m-.u .i, u.t ....... j in diHM- from the winrow. The cur- any time aLer th?v he exh misted j stable, wib keep two cows in better in, is li:en done in the winrow over the One now on top. Th- is, d mbt-j condition than it will one cow x x nf-ht. No salt should ever be used j less, a pleasing thought t , the mm zing uroti it. Besides the quantity k .il.r h,n n,.t. who is rroooir.'i his land v i -1 1 w...-:.t of valuable manure that can bo accu- UU CIUIC1 lia), t. oi.J f' " t ) I ting away in the mow. SIi draws ear alter v eu by which time the hay will be ready to nut in the mow. It is belter, un- ilut It IS thing irnpossitde that we cannot per form : to believe culy what our finite minds call gra-p ; to expect to be able to nil iers'.arid t r t htng.--N. delu- inulated loin two cows, wen lea, ana l . blur. le,