THE DEMOCRAT. Y. II. KITCHIN EDITOR - FRIDAY AUGUST h. llTCivU Sr-rviec Reform. - Vf pr for a Democrat TO a Re publican of c-qusd i harficter. ind r.oru ether should he letained. In tin South a sweep with a clean brcero is demanded by all Democrats. 1888. ron president DAVID B. HILL, OF NEW YOKK. Foil VH'K PRESIDENT. JOHN G-. CARLISLE OF KFN'l I'CKY. i " MARYLAND CONVENTION. It 19 astonishing how the adminis tration orizai s lie about the popular ity of Clt v. bind ai d his civil servic; policy. We Ihlicve ifa State cn- ver.tion were to (ien.)unce "... tinti.-e feature of the administration, his organs would twL-t a d dis tort it ito an endorsement. Now read what the New York Stor sa;. s about t v Mi land contention : 'The .Indorsement of the Presi dent rnd his administration by the Democr -its of Maryland is no lcs hearty and enthusiastic than that voted by tho convention in Ohio. The Maryland resolutions are also eoupd in urging a reduction of taxa tion as the first duty of the Demo cratic House of Representatives. There is yet to be heard a single dis cord ant voice in any delegated body representing Democratic sentiment The chorus of approbation of Cleve land's policy is unanimous, Mid will continue to be so until tho. close ot the convention that renominates him for the Presidency preparatory to ti e ratification of the choice of tin Democratic party at the polls in November, IS S3." N. Y. Star, Now read what the Maryland con vention really said about his civil service : ""While the- Democratic i arty in Maryland believes ia an upright and efficient civil service in the adminis tration of the government, it is, nevertheless, opposed to a system ol life tenme Mid to civil pension list: and while it upholds the President of the United States in efforts to ef fect an honest and ecmpetent civil service still it believes that the ser vice should be composed of officers and employees who are not antagon istic to the success of the Adminis tration under which they serve, but are in sympathy with it: who-(-he-iris are in their work, and wl . helii'c that upon the continued ai d just success of the Democratic paity rest the safely and security of re publican institutions and the liber ties of the people." Now if this is not a b-ickhanded li. k square in the. pit of the stomach we cannot re-ad correctly. If this is not a severe condemnation of his civil service policy , we give it u . Yet 1 1 the Cleveland organs con strue it into an endorsement. And this is about the kind of endorse -mi nt he lias received in all the con ventions. No c inventio i, nor any Democr at has endorsed Cleve land in a square manly dignified way. Some have endorsed ids hon est, his firmness and his ecoDOmy. lut no man has i.ttempted to endorse him, without first apj.olizing to the public. There is not an unadulter ated Democrat in the party who m -dories Mr. ( L'v eland all the w:iy through his administration. If a. Democrat snys lie endorses ail Cleveland has done, va should set him down as H i idiot or a liar. We have no sort of doubt that we have men in the party who endorse him all the way through and would en dorse him if he should dec'are him self a Republican, and daclare in favor of protection , pension frauds, and against Local self government, and against silver and in favor of waving the bloody shirt. Hut we are u jt refering to tint class of me n worshippers and time s rvrs be cause we believe that set of fools are prefectly honest in behi" fool?. U is significant that the Democrat ic State Conventions which are en dorsing the President's administra tion are not saying much about Civil Service Reform. This is one of the subjccis of which "the boys" find it very painful and distreeing to speak. Wilmington Messonjcr. Yea that is so. Rut there is a preat ma.iy significant things trans piring in these degenerate times. The most significant thing we rjo tive of late days, is the stupend ous and desperate ef fort of the administration organs to boLter and bull up their boss. From their stand point not a convention has mt, not a prominent man has opii"d his mouth since Cleveland was elected, out every word spoken or written was in commendation and a glorious and grand endorsement or 1 h iTPKinnnr v rwxr t-i- 1 , u. iW tll uiivuniisn-, ea uutnot tue whole matter is, convention or pubhe man nor any Democrat has ever cordially and in ringing, jingling sparkling words and thoughts endorsed Mr, Cleve e land's policy. There is not a pur Democrat living, who endorses al urrvrn half I e hns done and said s. nee he was elected. The truth is tie Democrats are in a dip'.hong and are doing the Lest they can under the contract. They cannot as a part rej udiate the man they elected be cause that would d feat ti e party, from Hit ir standpoint in t Ii3 nexl cirnpuign. To i re tend to endorse him is the best thing they can do, .vliich we know is very humiliating to fill sound Democrats, so much so, that we can not ever pretend to en, dorse his administration as a whole. The President has done many tilings th;:t wc do heirily condemn and wi will never stultify ourself by endors ing those things which we condemn, Y-Y know in our mind if renominated lie will be defeated, ar.d for that icason we should be unfaithful to the paity and its principles, were vvc to endorse him. For the bent fit of the new readers ac would sav that we toiHider b would be fjuile as proper to wiite to i he members of the n- tional admin ister ion asking w lather they are prosed to the W'orbl as it is to ask u.- if the Worhl is opposed to lb adiiiinis'. rat lor. Mr. Clevi land and the members of his Cabinet would no doubt sa3-, if they replied at all that they approve some things in the policy of the Warld and disapprove of others. That is our attitude to ward the administration. We de not oppose or sustain it as a whole and i.i everything tht it does, Thai voik we leave to the organs or either paity. N. Y. World. This st ttlcs by the force of its own admis-dou all claim on the part o;' the World to be considered t; Democratic paper. It w ill be notid that it does not class itself under ti e category of "Independent Dem ocrat," tint as "Independent" only. N. Y'. S7'(?-. Of course we must gulp dewn all that the administration d es right or wrong, or we must be kicked out of the paity. Well kick all out that don't endorse all that Mr. Cleveland dots, and soon 3 oil will not havi enough in the party to do the kick ing. Of all the abominable , con temptable, intolerable positions a fel low can assume the independent position is the mod coutemptablo , odious and sickening. We have a thousand times more respect for a man who says he is a Republican than tor the craven hearted soul who says I am an independent. Now we don't know what the World. means by independent. If it means that it is independent of the Demo cratic party then it has lost its standing rightly in the partj- and ought to he ignored ; but if it means that it. can not endorse all the i-ai in the White Hou-e does and that it intends to think for itself instead of allowing the heelers aud elaekers of the administration to think for it, theu we agree with the b,,-,. In fact there is about aa much in the World to endorse as there is in the Star to endorse. The Star is clean crazy and gone mad on the adminis tration , and denounces every one woo does m t proclaim from the house tops that Cleveland is the greatest man born of Woman. The only honest, manly, dignified and safe course is to applaud the right and condemn the wrong iu the ad ministration. This course will do the President, the country and the party all justice. The Scotland Neck Dkmockat b violently opposed to Mr. Cleveland and, in it- dniinciati m oflntu, uses language that, ia our ooiimm. U scarcely within the bounds of fair eritieiom.even when u-ed hy a strong partisan against a strong partisan on the other si ic. The main cause of the Demockat's opposition to Mr. Cleveland is the Demockat's own belief that he is not a "Democrat -v tliat tie does not representee bed- 7 oacKsonun - ,Jenersoina,. - 'prin - tiples which the Democrat affect so strenuously to i.hM ..,i -i..i. because for the lack of them it ex. j communicates Mr. Cleveland, we Uhe lor giauteu that it is ready and willing to exemplify, illustrate and explain, w nat was our surprise then, to read. iu the last number of the Demockat. the naner! by Mr. Kitchin, the Apo.-,f le of pns- tine Democracy ami the Defender of me ia.ini once ueiievered to the saints." the following admission, "Our the Democracy's only hope and salvation is the color lint?'' Lenoir Topic. Yes, we said it was our only hope and we still say it. Don't j-on gay it too! If you don't we can't under stand you. Rut you mispresent us, when you say Vb are opposed to Mr. Cleveland because we don't think he is a Democrat. We have time and again pointed out the differences between him and other Democrats in other days and times, "We have exemplified , illustrated and explain ed one hundred times, but we have never expected the dull stupid wors shipers of men instead of principles to understand. An Etheopian can't underst-ind wh his skin is black and his wool kinky, but it is black and kinky all the same, nor can the leo pard understand or expbd 1 why his ncir is spotted but it is spotted all the same nor can a mugwump new naper editor either see or explain the difference between a mugwump and .-. I . . i. A t a aeujucraL. i lemocrnr can the difference. The clcr and see un- varnished truth stripped naked is j this the editors end politicians a J any cheaper. To take tie tax eff ! ' . . 1.,1 ami cfiur.lnfmw mrriwb will n;.' li-f 1 .-H 1 1 n rjie liive no; inanu - - aoe e liouah to assert and maintain 1 their honest convictions country. Ifpul.bc opinion in this should turn against Cleveland, his present worsbii ers would desert him quicker than ruts could deai rt a sinking ,hip , which will be the ease before iie is ever re elected l'resi.Unt. Where are your principles that have been handed down from Jack son and Jeirerson? A party with the Glorious history of the Democra cy and cunsei vina the vital pimei .1, i ot.ular sovere- rntv that it does, to ue nuuiw ..nnC6tl' Ot OOlllllHi with cue iiiv-vviij . . pride" to a "color line" as its or. v cable of safety, is a pitiable sight indeed. And the worst of it is that this heresy should t e preached by a nigh-priest, a Pharisee of the 1 hur is'es and one who glones in the tact that he serves before the shrines of Jackson and JelLrson. Did we in herit the " color line" from either Jackson or .Jefferson: It not in Ukmocuat is a heretic. I he truth s there is a color line and there !was will be one as long as there are men 01 coior , 1 ic party does not draw the line it sees it drawn and manipulated by unsten fingers and it gives titneU warning to the people, but it has no hand in drawing the line taut. 1 he ne-Toes themselves, impeded t ignorance or by the influence oe: them of white Republicans, are solid ly Republican and the white people i-i self defense combine against them. That is all there is of it. But because this is so it does not wipe out all the principles of the De mocracy. Len'tor Topic. Oh no, and we never said it. You ask where are the principles of the Democracy. We will tell you. Cleveland, his mugwumps and those who endorse him have trampled them in the dust under their un hallowed feet. He has appointed a negro carpet bagger over the, white people of Mie District of Columbia as recorder of deeds, a thing denounced by every Democrat between the oceans when done by a Republican. He has appointed the governors, judges, marshals and other territori al officials from the State of New York and other States, a thing de nounced by every Democratic orator and newspaper wriler.when done by a Republican President, lie has done all in his power to disgrace and demonetize silver, a thing done by the Republican party in 1873, and denounced by every Democrat on the American continent. Now please tell us why all these things were wrong in Republican Prcsi dents, and all right when done by a so-called Democratic President. Maybe if you will answer these ques tion 3 honestly and candidly you may shed some light on our dark side. We just want to know why a thing is wrong done by a Republic an and right when done by a Democrat. The tariff, the internal revenue, t lie insatiate corporations, the high salary idea.the centralization scheme as opposed to home rule, the Grand Army of the ReDublie and its pen sion steals, the land sharks and land grabbers these and many other vicious systems and schemes we have, like the poor, always With us and they have the Republican party behind them, boosting and helping them along and the only bulwark be tween them and the people and the people's treasury is President Cleve land, backed and supported by the Democratic party. "Under which King, Iiezonian?" Will you stand against these outrages and public sle ds with our brave President and the party of the people, or do you : leb r to stand off by yourself on one side of a mythical 'color line" a:.d shout all alone? Lenoir Topic. Nt ither under vour king nor lord. Your brave President stands against tV steals does he? Let's See. He dgued more bills for pensions than :my other President within the last tAelve years. More mony has found it way out of the Treasury uu- der his two years administration ; ,han dld un1er Hays or Arthur for Ult f'-luJe I'111"" More money has I louud its way out of the people s Packets into the pockets of the moneyed lords than under the two L revious administrations for the previous same length of time. Ye shall btand against all the evils you mens ' tion ! vm Now in conclusion say we are a heretic. Well, that is all right. Wc would prefer to be a fool on the color line than a fool on all subjects. Who ever said the Democratic partv drew the col ir line? It was drawn by God and handed down to as an in heritance to Jefferson, Jackson and Kitchin, and we are going to stand by it until hell freezes over. Y'ou say the whites are combined in self defence against the negroes. Now have you not confessetl that the color line is our oaly hope! TtiniT A Tariff for revenue is the sound, hone3t Dem oratie p Mitio i on th's question. To beat aroun I the bush and disguise and cover no your meaning in a mojn' of words is unfair, unjnst and h percritical. Any other kind of a Tariff except for rev enue is not only unconstitutional, unjust and undemo .'ratio, but is rot tiery aud stealing under cover of an unrighteous law. To take the tax off of whisky and tobacco will not aid the consumers to buy nece3?ar:e8 ! - - trie masses of the peopD one d. 11 r. It will increase the profits of the trution more tuan Grant in his eight manufacturers to the amount of the . years ; and this is true. The Dem rcduction taken off of the raw mate- jcratic party is responsible for the rials thev manufacture. If on j enormous amount of money that is want to benefit th-- peopl?, the la-1 borinj; ppi-pb-', the :oor people, and the ron-mrors reduce the tariff on their blankets , hats , shoe?, woolen ! ar.d cotton fabric, farmiug utensil of i every kind an 1 all necessaries of lib-, so that they can purchase these I law, and if the southern Democrat articles at a reduced pnc-. Protect-' had not set on their seats like duiu n means to compel the consumer- j 101 of manufacturers to pay to the man- j ufacturer fifty or one hundred per- cent profit on his goods, instead of! fifteen or thirty per cent. Protec- j tion in a Tariff sense meacs that we j shall pay the manufacturer for his j goods two p:i ea instead of one , it j means that the people must ne kept poor and the manufactures must be kept r'ch at the expense cf the peo ple and the eon -timers. It means in this country that the government will take without compensation from the pockets of one diss to put m the pockets of another clsss. It means here in America that the gov ernment will under cover of law, rob the poor for the benefit of the rich, the many for the benefit of the few. Protection means low prices for what we have to s. 11 and high prices 1 for what we have to buy . It means we shall sell our farm and mechs id eal products in the lowest markets in the world and buy our supplies in the highest markets. It means a rich ruling class aod a poor misera ble ruled class. It means master and slave both of the sane race and blood. Jt means all these things and more besides. The Republican nartv will never correct this evil, 1 this wrong, this outrage, this rob bery and this stealing , because the protective system is its own child be cotton on a Lemocratic wench. The Republican party &U author and defender. The Democratic party is its proclaimed enemy. Yet so-c di ed Democrats enough voted with the Republicans to defeat every effort to reduce the amount of protection. What ought the Democratic party and what can it do? s omething ought to be done and that quickly. Shall Randall and the traitors who act with him be kicked out of the partv, or shall they be allowed to re main with us and defeat every effort to lighten the burdens of the people. If they remain in our ranks, it holds the party responsible fer the fuilures to reduce the Tariff. If they are kicked out of the party it puts the responsibility where it of right be longs. Well we don't know what is best for the party , but we would drive all hypocrits , traitors, spies and euemiei out. of the party, if we had the power from heal to foot, With Cleveland and Randall in the Republican party, both the Demo- - 1 1 ' cratio party and the country be safe. would The biggest unaccomplished hum bug of the ae is tli.- co-ist defense theory to empty the. treasury. To vn,,n.l fiffi- op i hundred million 1 J , .. 1 1 of dollars in coast delences wouid , . ,, , , , since the world has been created.! Nature itself has protected this on tinelit from the aggression and inva sion of all the rtorid. Not less than three thousand miles of water sepa rates us from all the world. We art rplv shielded and orotect- , , . . r fl, f.l froin all t he oowers of the eaitb by nature, th in any other nation would be with a wall a hundred feet hhdi and wide built around it. One hundred years ago, when we were in our infancy, with only three million onmil-itifin-whilR Eii 'and was in the , . , , i i c ho orht. of her oower and "lory, she! o -- 1 failed to conquer U3 with all her armies and navies. Now with our sixty million people; our experience in lighting, our ability to light and our goographical position , we are in no danger whatever from anv source. Enjilaud. France. Germa ny, Aistria and Prussia combined with Italy could not subdue Amer ica and would never undertake it. Beside" there is no possibility of a combination beiw.-en thcoe powers, and if there should be a i-trong Amer ican fleet at our own ports and on the seas, could destroy their armies before they could ever effect a landing ; aud their mvi.'s coubt j never get near enough to bombard our cities, if we have as we ouht j to have a irood iron clad fleet. This j talk of speuding 100,0'JO.OOJ in coast defences is simply a flank movement to got rid of the surplus and retain the protective Tariff sys tem. Let no Democrat be dec- iv ed. It there is not a slop out to thi pension business and that soon, wt had as well make up our minds to work all our days to foot the pen sion bills. The Ohio Democratd are now boasting that Cleveland signed we private pension bills than all the Kepubl can 1 residents comi-in- ed except Grant and srue hundred; ... liHy 'a ins two years a.iav.n- 3 I i P id ar:n ia!!y pons:o:i. Rico ; ..I U!iio is t::- lat .er and of the arre.-.i -i nei:-i.:i cVamr:on ! i bid t!i i : i ma !e such a slum at th-3 Treasury Without Ine aid of Northern Dem oerars it never could have necorne : mies in Congress , afrid 1 to open ha e their mouths, it never could become a law. It is the object and purpose of the. Republican party to jet rid of the surplus by pensimirg the thieves and blood suckers of the Noitii, in c at defences, Blair edu cational Hills an d rtmuiri'; the tx from tobacco. They think if they eiu do this; tiuy can still hoodwink and blind the people and retain the present or a higher Tariff. And they are not without help f;om many Democrats so-called, in New York Inhanna. New Jersey, Connetticut Alabama, Louisanna. and SciP.h Carolina including Sam Randal! and Grover CleYelan 1 who is doing all in his power to help the manufac turers by removing the Tariff from uil raw materials. Jast here we would say that the people want the Tariff, except for revenue, off of manufacture! goods of oil kinds, but Grover Cleveland don't- However he smashed tne thieves both Democratic andRepubliean once and may be he will do ir again. 4 In adjiK-ting a tariff for revenue we should not only have a regard for the incidental protection afforded bv it, but should also keep in view the development of American manufac tures and of our foreign commerce. We should seek to cheapen the cost of production of our manufactures m order that we may compete in for eign markets with the products of other countries. Rew materials therefore should not be taxed, so that the manufactured product m iy be sold as cheaply as possible. 1 hese are the general principles on which wre would have the tariff framed : as low a tax as possible on necessaries, a higher rate on luxu ries : as low a t;tx as possible on raw material, a higher rate on the m tnufact'.ired product." iYews intd OOstrcor, We don't know whether tha Xews (oid O'crcjr is a protection paper, a free trade paper,or a tariff for rev en ne only paper. It sas it is not for protection, b:it if the above is not Sam Rand ill's doctrine we are mistaken. The Ntics is iu favor of incidental protection and would keep in 'ew American manufactures. Well we are not in favor ot in iden-t-,1 nor any t ther kind of protection. Raw materials says the AVe:.s ami Obs'TCol shell Id n. t be taxed. Why not? we would like to knotf. The Net's and O' says they woui 1 put a hih rate o.j the manufactured . Why would you? that is exactly what Sam Randall, Pig Iron Kelly, John Shermaa and Jim HI dne sa s they would do. That is the Republican doctrine. What will it advantage the people to put raw material 0.1 the free list and at the same time put a higher tax on i the manufactured product.' Ihe 1 people want the manufactured pro- duct not the raw material. And yet the News and Observer would put the articles they dont want on the free list and increase the tax on the very thinga they do want and are bound to have. If ou furnish the manufacturer with raw material free (as Cleveland, the Neic.s and Observer :v ' and Sam Randall and Jim Blaine say they would do) ?nd at the same time put a higher tax on the manu factured product, would that not drive out all competition as to that manufactured product and give the manufacturers a complete monopoly ' 1 ' ot the markets r it Inoks so to uj. How does it look to a man up a tree or in a ditch, or peeping through a keyhole? The manufactured arti cles are the things we want the tax reduced on, so that foreign countries by competition with our manufactu rers will com pel I a reduction in t bo pric of the goods we are compelled to buj If the Xei'.s atid Observer means what it says, and say what it mean?, we should consider it a very strong protectionist. We hope we are mis taken, and we Lope the Nev;s aud Observer did not mean what it said, as above quoted. "1 71 Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Mrs. Frist-ilia F:th engain deceased, I hereby n--Jj all persons having claims against said decedent to present them to ; me on or tefore the 2oth day of i January, 1SS-S. All persons indebt j ed to same will please make pay- i incut, mis January 25th, 1S87. ILSON ALSBROOK, Administrator. ADVERTISE' DEMOCRAT. o For Boys and Girls. J. H. P. LEIGH, 'n Garysburg- N- C The next Se.-.-ion begins Ki 1KMUKK ", )s-7. The desipi cfthe school is ; I ; to prepare students for (.lhre or I n- iversity. (' j to g:e boys aid girl- practical t'UMiie-s education, 3i l re pare young men and young hi 1'es f r a j isirui life, if, to tram teachers for sir--; cts-.ui urK in me scnoui room. Ti.e course of instruction embraces four departments: I. l'Hl.MAHV. 'J. i'KAMMAK Sc1Kk.iI.. :i. for i.K.iiATK. X. blslNSS Location noted for heab.hfulness. and the coiuinanity of morality. All boarders under special care of the I'KINCll'AL. Terms moderate. Send for catalogue containing full formation. ju'rJ'.'-.iin. I. J. MERCER, Kini.MOM). YIKUIMA. bbMHFlt COMMISSION MERCHANT loves personal ami prompt aueniion roj all consignments of lumber, shingles,; laths, Ac. I Til OS. F. HACU.KV, WlbMlNuTON, N. C. Coal, Iolassks, salt, (Ilm im: Oekmas and Nova Scotia Land Plaster. Quotations on application. Feb 11-It. ADVERTISERS or oors.who wish t' ewrUr th.s pspti, or ol ta.n cil.rritM n advertising space when ir, Chiccgo, will find it on f,i at LORD &TKOMS. I III. Garyw Gradefl VINE HILL MALE ACADEMY, SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. FOR YOrMTMEN AND HOYS. The tenth term under present management begins August I, 1 TUITION PFliTKRM CLASS1S UNDER COMMON SCHOOL ARITHMETIC, - ENGLISH with COM. SCHOOL or HIGHER ARITHMETIC, 15 00 HIGHER ENGLISH with ARITHMETIC :;n 1 ALGEIiRA, 17-fx HIGHER ENGLISH with AR1T1L, ALGEBRA and L VI IN, 20.00 HIGHER ENC.witb ARITII .ALGEBRA, LATIN nnd GREEK 22 Ou For FRENCH and GERMAN per term each sj..') ixtr.i. Charges made fr-yin time ot entrance. No deduction except in ca-. of protracted sickness. One half tuition due October 7th ; balance due December hdb. BOARD. 1 Board with furnished rooms, students furnishing tlu-ir own wood .t ights, $10 per month. Corresponding deduction made wheie Ml. ;: furnish their own rooms. For catalogue or further particulars, Address the Principals, e. E- hiilTTard, A- B F- H- MANNING, A M Scotland Neck, N- C June 24 2m. COMPETITION A word to tlie wise is sufficient, for here they come to Edmondson & Josey's to get the best goods for the least money. No cheap shoddy goods in ttock, Value given for every ! X. .: our increase of patronage warrants. We kep GENERAL MERCHANDISE and you would do will to ca 1 c n us tor anything before buying. v e carry a better line of (both Ladies' and Gents) shoes at LO WEbT prices than any other house in town. Our shoes not only lit w. ,1. t wear well two essential point. We are the only firm that se'.s MILES' and EAGLE HAND MADE SHOES. Every pair w ' Remember n shoddy goods. No paper soles. We are not h d.y and gone to-morrow and cannot afford to decent- our cu.-' .'ii: We mean what we say and will do what we agitfe. We invite you to come ard look at our stock of CLOTHING, st;!', straw HATS. We .sell the MAMONT) SMUT the best wealing L- " made for the money. "jrjt r r , , , M , - . Just received a large lot and a good assortment of GLASS and lL LbN-' A '" We keep a full line of G 11 O C E 11 I E S on hand at the LOWEST prices. ME A L, I10MINKY and COUS a;.'" '' SALE, lfyou wish a good OVVLK or SEWING MACHINE apply tn u HALL! ' Traveling troops would do well to remember that we have a larc lie-!.--'- with good fctaye and well arranged scenery. Seating capacity of Hall 7"". I). Edraondson's mill at old Greenwood grinds daily. We also keep the PIEDMONT FARM WaGONS, DEERE WALK IN1' ' 1 '" IVATOR, WINSHIP COTTON GLN and the WALTER A. WOOD M"wU' or SALE, can also furnish you with nice open buggies at the LOWES I' i ' " vnd every vehicle wajrranteu EDMONDSON Sc JOSEY. . Main St. , SCOTlXntD NECK , r I wish t cal! at?ent'..n .!"',, lie t my n IverttM'tner.t of 'r. Ma'e A'-n demy f- tin 1 oNow;.. tiii" papi r. I hive ai'oia'.ed wi'.h n.o 11 s.stant for the eiis n.i, Y. 11. Mai.nin.. f ; i't s ( ' (., who whs gradual' d M 1 - Alls fn :n Wake Pore-: ( . ; . : tho la-t C 1 m :i 10 : i c e m c ; . I of , : tut ion j We -',-1.1 -p:re r.o pnir. in t: i(;ti j t.10 !m. l.tHd all that can t e de-i: coir.munitv. Vacuus ; l-i in conve-tlom'e :ui 1 : will be introduced. Kc.rl, M :iining's ipiabticnt i '.is a-. ;i er. I SU oiu !.! t- : !'..:. i 1 ' Faculty of Wake pore-' Thanking the public for er;il p.itronae of four an I ct'ssive M'us, 1 ear: . s'!v 1 1 1 eon tin uat mi ol t ' e -:. n... . Ke-t Cvlbi.U , P. P. Hi in- lY-llMi'MAl. The Faculty of V ' ' I . . , . . ! . . . . 1 . :i i e HI Y. eo.icjje iawc pieri.-uic in ;tir '.es'.iirony to the s,icoe--.f nl texemplaiy stil lent life !" M ; 11. .w annul.. iie ieo ,vi -the approaching comu.enci nu :.t t degree of A. M. , aid i- b,-!.'vd be entitled to general r-pt et a:. confidence. He ii re p. ire ! f the work of teacher to which be . lects to devote himself. . lj. 1 o.eai . rrcr Wake Forest, N. C, d line 2, ir v 1 - - bKl ASTK A V. 'IKKMNAM', Na--ua I'o.. 1 .i Mareh :. '1 hue u-ed Dr Sinnnnii- j;, ulator and always fjund it t A ., chinned f..r it. "The last h!th- a., i ; pai kjim - lid nic no ami ui s w than in. tiling: I s-e it was not -., r; .1. H. Zeihn V ('., and mt pi no :nt-. a waste of money to buy it. I i;lad to lift the pure iiihI eeinnnr. s. -linu- fioni honest hands (with n 1 Zeilin A 'o.s signature mi Wt;,- . I lie nl H KHIS SI uu soki T 11 1 injnii I ... . .. . 11. . 11 : j one hadlv. Your Oht St n "t, bb.N.i. I . i;k H. OF TWENTY WFFKS: I; 1 THE LIFE OE TKADE ! !

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