Til K DEMOCRAT FRIDAY AUGUST 1887. Advertising Rates 1 column a year, $80.00. 1 column a year, "i column a year, i column a year, inch a year , l-'or shorter time - - - $45.00. - - - ?2.r).00. - - - 15.00: - - - $7.50. than one year j; tv per cent aaled to t lie prorata yearly rate. 2s'o departure from t l.t'sc terms. LOCAL ITEMS- ll.n'?.NIV(iS IX AND AROUND moTLAND NECK OUR PEOPLE AND THEIR MOVEMENTS. m J -J- 11L N K WAD V I : R T I SEME N T S . I!. 1. Albrook for sale. .1 il.n Wood is in town. To much rain for cotton. St ..- I. 1. AUbrook's notice. Fiii! line of white goods at N. B. Josey Co's. Miss Kate Fcilds is in town. Lawns in abundance at N. B. Josey i Co's ft 5c. Dan EJmondson visited Littleton Mon-d;iv. Halifax, the guest of Miss Maud MEAL! MEAL! MEAL! For sale by ! Oregory, ban left for home in G-or-". 11. lviivmx at Brick Mill. j (rj;l Mr. Milliard's school openfd on Mon day last. Call to see the new goods at N. B. d.Ki-y A: Co's before purchasing elscs wiiL-re. Mr. Jim Harvel, ol Enlield, called to! sec us yesterday. 1'arasois and umbrellas Ave have got fn.-i, in- to ?l't. all the newest natterns at M. 1! oilman's. Mrs. Bud Wood Wood's family. is visiting Dr. Messrs. Edmondscn & Josey are the only merchants who sell the Celebrated Eclipse Cotton planter in this place. Mr. O'uilford Cooke, of Conway, S. C, is visiting his relatives and friends. Complete line of Dress goods, and worsted goods in endless variety at N. B. Josey & Co's. The Female school at the Academy in Scotland Neck wiil not open until first Monday in September. Just received 1,50) pounds of the best country made hams that we will sell at a reasonable price. M. Hofl'maD. Mrs. W. A. Dunn and Miss Annie Dunn returned from Littleton Monday. Come and see M. Hoffman's new spring stoeK it is the largest and best assorted ever brought to town. Dan Edmondson's son-in-law and daughter, O. Taylor and Minnie Taylor are m town. In white goods and hosiery we have the largest slock this side of Baltimore and we will make prices lower than ever. M. H oilman. It rained Tuesday night until it stopped, and when it did stop the earth was cov ered with water. "'( pit cos Dress ginghams just received .it N. B. Josey & Co's which they are svllinj at Se. per yard. Cum crops are now beyond danger and n.oie corn will be made iu this county by double than any year in ten. I'lease keep jour cattle oft our grass i t- These lots don't bftlong to the pub- W. II, Kitchin. Judge A'ure, of the iirru of Eure, Far-; nr ;v Co.. Norfolk. Virginia, was in to-.vn this week. The judge id a clean c.-.-ar cut gentleman irom neaa to iooi. X. 15. Josey & Co. hare a large stock ' f iteeJ's celebrated ladies' shoes. They u: the best and moa't stvlish on the i:. IU-:i iary always gay and happy, sent a 1';. manna centelope, some under four i :onr. and live inches in diameter. ..ir.ks. do us so again and we will take We h-ive in our Den Smith pasture j v -dee!! head of cattle; owners will and make arrangements ioi pasuirs n,' (n or pay damages and take them ;s w ; y , W. If. KlTCHIN. 'I In lct.!er of 1). C. Thrower is puL 1 -!ivd on business pririciples. as an Ki rtisement We do no, eadorse Vi !, controversies and are noway r. .: .,;, il.l.j for it. turage furnished for cows and colts j 1 ,.v until November or Deeembel ; o .uars ner head. - o v stock ta-' r than two dollars for shorter Ca'.tle wiil get f t in six weeks. V. II K rrcn in. ; ivage had watermelons m town Wi '!.! v wp"rhii'.T fortv nounds. That J C ' i- ii.'ld Doctor, sow chills and fever i i' i l cr.vf. and rem a harvest this fall, the b'tiie fdiills are 111 proportion to litis t'icv will be yerv large ones J i' -T A kki vki. A car load of tine ' and horses at nrices to suit the t.u Will sell for ca-.li. ire good stock are invited to 1 an 1 i xa.nin e ours. ft - Ke.-p'y Dkh s A: Johnson. '1 h'. Srot'.iind Neck Military Company I.1' elected Captain Whit Anthony its That is rieht bovs vour captain i. .- -:,eh 1, !,.,,! r nr.wrr mixed. He lav U.u.i vhe b'ooming of the cannon, J the rattl.- of the musketry, and both seen ! 5'i.d felt the c'ash of the saber. He was ''or trotu sizty-one to sixty-five and if ty rail he wiil be thar again. Three ( ,' . r 1",. ii .. ...... onil lnuv tbev be .ra-.easthew-Uuum. and Ko where ! A , he leads. "ur laces and embroideries are of the ' dc.Mgiis and were bought to match ,J " dress goods which comprise new Ulil"gs, tnrots,crinkles, batistes, lawns. hatm jiii'hams and so forth. M. lloflmau. xxALIFAX GLEANINGS We are having pleuty rain in this sec ion. Crops never looked better. Farmers are in erood stiirita. and rh ; harvest promises to be abundanf Crime seems to be on the decrease iu our county, as our jail his only lour inmates, three of whom we learn , were imprisomed for insanity- Halifax is on the improve, Messrs Froelich Bros, are now remodelling the H Fancett ton preparator? to the opening of a lare stock ol fall goods. The beautiful residence of Mr. Fred Froelich, on the corner oppo site the depot, is nearing comple tion. The gaiety of Halifax bus about suosKiea since the most of ti nninr la(ly visitors hav returned home a number of our own a-e oil on pleas ure trips lor the summer. One of our young men. wTio has fur some years leen boarding at ti e iiotfl has stopped and is now keeping his own house and table. Doubtless he has matrimonial as pirations in his head. Miss Minnie Battle who has been spending the summer thus far in Miss Emily Gil'iam is visiting friends in Greensboro, where she will spend the rest of the summer. Miss Lou Hill is on a Iriends in Chapel Hill. visit to Missi Urn Jim! Vlnn- V'ltl,- r j ---..j.. ...... A in , v 1 1 i Ilioksford, Va., are viseting Mrs. C. W. Faucet t. Miss Gertrude Grizzird, who has bceti on a short visit to friends ;n this place, returned to Jarret's, Va., her home, Saturday, accompanied by Miss Minnie Carraway. C. II. B i'umocitATir ai i;:wei:- flllll.ICA. Is a life-tenure in oHKio democrat ic or republican? Is it m accord with the genius of free institutions that a set of niea should go into of See under examination .13 to qualis tication and then continue in office for twenty, thirty, forty or even fifty years? Is an aristocracy of of lice, holders a thing to be desired in a free country? Mu?t a law be en acted that shall deprive the people of the right to change their own of fieials? Shall the power of selection for cilice be taken from the people in that government that is of the people and by the people and for the people? This is precisely what Civil Ser vice does and proposes to do. A travelling Commission to sehetofV fleers is substituted for the will of the people. In fact by the Civil Service law the whole business of regulating and selecting officials is for ever taken from the people, and is given to a rovirg commission. Let it not be forgotten that the system proposed is British is alto gether undemocratic. It destroj's the whole underlying principles of a representative Government. Public opinion under our system is the great corrective of abuses and wrongs. But the B.itish life tenure uttCiiy destroys and denies all this. The hnuia ilnCourier-Juiiral states this great principle in a very few words. It says : "Party is the agent for executing the will of the peonle, and office is its vehicle. The divorcement, then, of office and polis tics means the abandonment of represent ative government. '1 hat is the wlule idea in a nut-shell, and all the clamor about fitness end mer it as if parties were not eoually inters j ested iu obtammir them cai.!ot m&k. i out anything of the Mugwump vi w but a purpose to take the Government ii.r ther Irom the people and nearer ta the plutocrpcy, which is seekin to establish an imperial oligarchisin. under the name of a republic, and on the ruins of our j admirable system of National and State federation, with its coequal powers, and just limitations resting directly on the j consent of the governed that is the pub- j he onmion of the people readily ascer-, tained at the poll." The new-tanitd BrUish system 13 utterly and irretrievably undemo cratic and uruepublic.an, Wilmmg ton Star. Then my dearly beloved brother in Democracy , how can you support an administration which says it is pledged to and wedded to this al ominable and odious system and U determined to fasten it on the COUi.try if such a thing be possible, e ,i5o,,lr. even 11 11 snouiu coi hic '".i"- mei.t and disolution of the party to which 3011 and I am so strongly at tached , and to whose principles we j,aVe d.eroted the best years of ur lives? We know 011 are honest and siencerc in all you wrj'o ard say. We know if you cein u.t au error it is an error of the head and not of the heart. But we ask you in candor and all sincerity if it is not wrong morally and politically not to do all in our power to defeat the man or party who is pledged to do, and is doin2 all that is possible to fasten the new-fangled British system'' which " is utterly and irretrievably undemocratic and unrepublican" upon the country? This is our idea ()f tue matter ; we may be wrong, you may be able, with your enlarg ed experience and accumulated wis dom to shed some light upon our as yet darkened understanding up on this odious dananab'e humbug, viewed from our standpoint. We believe in party discipline and party obligations. We beiieve as a r lie and under almost any circum stances we onffht to stand to our j friends and our party. We believe j the cause ought to be very great j and very serious which should iu- due one to withhold Lis loyalty and j fealty to his party, provided he is at uearc a io voiee ana ueiieTer m its principles. But in the case of Grover Cleveland and his adminis tration, is not the cause great, and serious and is it not a departure, at right-angels from all the doc trines, customs and traditions of the builders of the party and the expounders of its principles? And if so is it not our duty to do all in our power honorably and openly to repudiate and kill out the influence of the man who is endeavoring to reverse the order of things and to establish an oilicial class for life to be handed down from father to son, with special privileges and prerog atives over an above the balance of the American people? And tins is not the worse feature in Mr. Cleve land's characters as a ruler. His theory of governing the territories and the District of Columbia, and his positioa on the siher and gold question and his position on the race question are all more odious and contemptible than his civil service ideas, but as you did not refer to those, we will not ask or trouble you now about them. OPEN LETTER NO. 2. Deak Bkkthuenand Fkiends: It again becomes my painfull duty to appear before you in vindication of certain statements made in my Open Letter published last winter about the act;oa of Turkey Branch church and its pastor. I write this with the firm belief that the best way to build up a church, pure and undefiled, is to expose its errors, and wrong doings so that others may see thereby compelling them reform. I have endeavored as far as l'eth in me to keep personal feelinga out of this controversy. If you should think that I have not, then please remember that this Old Adam Nature is very hard to controll in such cases ; and pray for me. In re gard to the resolutions said to have been passed by the church I shall have but little to say, as they have been publicly declared to be false by Bro Daniel in the Democrat of June 3rd and contradiction challeng ed which no one has dared to meet. As to Mr. Kivitte whom it is said drew up the resolution, I will eay but little and thaf little with prater. I have heard those who are best ac quainted with him say that the) believed that Judas was a perfect angel to him. For further inform ation I refet you by permission to Dr. I. T. Bellamey, of Enfield with whom he lived and done business for several years and to Mr. S. II. Eure who left a bale of cotton in Mr. Kivitte's possession and has never seen it since, and to statements made in church conference about tlus cotton and about grinding corn on Sunday, I refer you to members of the church and to church records I invite you to see the above named gentlemen and learn from them the facts in the case. Mr, G. T. Saund ers is the same man that I alluded to in my first letter going to liing wood gambling : for incorrect states mcnt3 made iu church conference I refer you to James Boon, Sr. , and Samuel Taylor both members of trie same church. There is one statement mado in the resolution that 1 will notice briefly viz: "The church records sho.v that fellowship was withdrawn from Bro Thrower at the September meet ing a rut the action nf the church j proccd of at the next confer uce meeting by a rising vote of the largest meeting of members ever held in the church"'' f refer you to my first letter tor the answer to the first part of this quotation it is the last part t'aat 1 wish to notice. Bro W. D. Saund ers was kind enough to shov me the records and there was not one word on them to show th:;t the action ever has been approved by the church. I called Bro Saunders' attention to this and he remarked, "that they ought to have been alike." Bro Boon informed me that there was but seven or eight mcmbfrs present at the "nest conference" alluded to. Just such statements as this setins to be the " Loyalty to Christ" that they boast of. May the good Lord have mercy on all such. I hopa no one will understand me a3 saying one word about Bro Duke :the church and Mr. Wilcox are trjdng to hide the whole affair behind his good name. I learn from good authority that he said that he was sorry that he ever came to Turkey Branch at all. In a letter to me he says "As to in' being moderator does not say that I approed or disapproved of ..ri., ,i;,i'' i hv ihe utmost confidence and love for i ; i 1 1 - ih ., th. mA timp I ITIRIL LUC LOWlLl.in. UlU. M. v cannot let Mr. Wilcox and Turkey Branch church hide their wrong do ing behind his pure Christian name, As Mr. Wilcox h-s verbally denied the statements that I made in inj first letter aud "says they are un truths" I will give the certificates that is in my possession and you can decide w!. it is that ins to'.d the "untruths." ; Enfield, N. C-, April 17. j This is to certify thai we the under signed members of Turkey branch church heard A. i. Wilcox say at our house on February L5th, s0 that L. B. Daniel and D. C. Thrower were the only mem- ! oers 01 lurKev jrancn cnurcn wn nad 1 sense enough to make a church clerk. Mr. Wilcox went to see Mr. Daniel the same evening to get him to become clerk. Sirs an D. Tjiuow ek, S. G. Daniel, II. S. Thkowek. Mr. Wilcox now say that he never thought of saying such a thing calling the above persons bar?. State of Nokth Cakolina, Halifax: Cocntv. I March ."!l-t, 17. This is to ccrthy that 1 was with the Rev. A. i. Wilcox at C. T. Sau id.rs in the spring of 18Sj. While the church contravesy at Turkey Branch was joing on. And while Mr. Saunders was out getting Mr. Wilcox's horse. Mrs. Saund ers said to Mr. Wilcox (alluding to D. C. Thrower contradicting him) Dro Wilcox I did not think you would have taken it. Mr. Wilcox answered "No if it had been under different circumstances I would have put my knit's into his guts."' C. C. Carlisle. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st March, 1SS7. K. WlLKINS, J. 1'. Enfield, N. C. March 21th, ISsT. This is to certify that we the under signed members of Turkey Branch church have heard A. (J. Wilcox sa' that he would not preach at a church if he knew there was one member of that church opposed to him. Elizareth Caklisle, Sam c el Tayloi:, Susan D. Tiiuower. I have been informed that Mr. Wilcox bitterly denies this and his denial has been so general to the three above certificates that I deem it unnecessary to give any certificate to that alfeci, though plenty at com mand , Enfield, N. C, March 21th, 1SS7. This is to certify that we the under signed members of Turkey Branch churrh do be'ieAe that 1). C. Thrower has been treated wrongfully by the church action in the present contra versy . James K. Boon, Elizaheth Taylor, W. II. Judoe, L. B. Daniel, Samuel Taylor, Charity A. Williams, Elizabeth Carlisle, Bat Williams. This shows that the church has never been united about this matter. Enfield, N. C, January 27th, 1SS7. Bro Wilcox. We the undersigned members of Tur-ke- Branch church after carefull' look ing at the condition of our church mem bership do believe it will be for the bene fit of the church and Christ Kingdom for you to resign as pastor. We therefore kindly ask for your resignation. Hoping you may find other fields of Labor where your service will be more acceptable to the entire membership. We remain your in Hope of Heaven. L. B. Daniel, Susan D. Thrower, U.S. Thrower , Gertrude Thrower, Grace T. Thrower. Enfield, N. C, April oth, 1SS7. We the undersigned are personally acquainted with D. C, Thrower and take pleasure in testifying to his honorable and upright deportment and his Chris tian character. B. F. Whitaker, J. P.and former ly Mayor. T. L. Whitaker, P. M. at Enfield. S. S. Alsor, Attorney at Law. G. B CuRTis,Merchant at Enfield. H. Bond, Depty Sheriff. W. F. Barker, Treasurer of Hali fax connty. 1 S. Fetwat, M. I). 11. WlLKINS, J. P. Boons Sunday School, March 20th, 1Ss7. We teachers and scholars of the above school do cheerfully state that we have the utmost confidence in the Christian bearing of our superintendent D. C. Thrower and believe him to be a Chris tian, and we wcoild not exchange him for any other superintendent that we know. Mary A. Eure, James K. Hoon, Nann.e Roon. Maggie Shaw, Arthur William? Charles Vick, R. L. Williams, Li.zie II . Hoon, Oscar Eleanor, Maggie I). Ifoon, Pattie I'oon, Mar- F. lioon, Griee T. Thrower, S. R. vViilioms. I now invite one and all who have become int'-Tested u. this matter to examine for yourselves. I could go on J.ml give other certificates and hard speeches of Mr. Wilcox. Such as saying that he "hoped no one would ever spe. k another word of consolation to me," but I deem the above stillicient for the present. In closing I desire to say if I have j shall sell at the Court-house door in written anything that is incorrect : Halifax on Monday the 5th day of Sept fhnt T am willing to take it back. ember, 1S7 the following tracts of land .i i,..u , r r,rvp l thB cn for I desire to be just and right , tor j me "one nan uas not ueen ioiu. But 4T will wait a time with pa - . . I I A I l , i.l.l II I ! tience" before I say more. May I I be saved from all fanaticism and ilintly set niys.lf to learu and do inr matt i s will r . i n i i m an Amen, j V. C. THRO WE I? . Advertise In the DEMOCRAT. if PURELY VEGETABLE. It act with titracrdmary tffcaey ol W rivER, KlDNEYSf - and Bowels. kH EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR Malaria.. liowrl Cnmplalnta. Iypepia. .Hlt'i Ilruititrhr, Conciliation, JUiUnutnrxa, KJdnry A fraction. Iaaniire. Mental Irpreaioa, Collr. Ko Honsenold Suould be Witboct ii, and. by teini kept ready ft t imrm'tliate u. will save rnuny an linur if surT-'riiin and many a dollar in time and d'X'torV billi. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Sae that you gat tha gaauina with rad ' ' 2" an front of Wrappar. Prepared ealy fcf J.H.ZEILIH 4. CO., Sola Pr.priatoc, Philadalahia. Pa. Fit ICE, LOO. NOTICE! ! 4OAK GHOYE MALK ACADKMV. SCOTLAND NECK. N. C. The 3rd session of this school will be gin on Monday the 1st of August. ss7. TUITION PER QUARTER OF TEN A EEKS. LOWEST grade (Spelling, Reading and Writing) ... $1.10 SECOND grade with Arithmetic and English orammer - - 3.25 II I(; HER English & Mathematics ';.50 Latin (extra) 1.25 Quarterly reuorts will be issued and charges lor tuition will be due quarterly in cash, or its equivalent, or closed by note bearing interest. No pupil taken for less time than one quarter, and no deduction made for loss time; except in cases of protracted sick ness, or extreme necessity, or by special contract. Very reasonable board can be obtain ed with the Principal, or in town or vicinity. All who contemplate sailing their children are earnestly requested to have them present at the n r br:i,tuiug of the session and thus save much embarrass ment and inco ivenience. For further particulars apply to It- E. OWENS. Principal. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA I CHAPEL HILL. IT. C- The session is divided into two terms: the first beginning the last Thursday in August and ending at Christmas, the second beginning early in January and ending first Thursday in June. Tuition, $30.00 for each term. For room rent and service, 5.00 per term. Those uns able to pay tuition are allowed to gk e their notes, secured if possible. Tuition in the Normal Course free. Post Gradu ate instruction also free. The Faculty is now sufficiently strong to give instruction in a wide range of studies. For terms in the Law School appi' to Hon. John Manning, LL. f). For Cata loguesapplyjo W. T. Patterson, Hursar, Chapel Hill, N, 0. For special inform ation apply to KEMP P. P.ATTLr:, LL. D. jul 1-1 in. iitoi'i:siio:Ai,. ATTORNEY AT LAW. SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Practices wherever his services are required. feb IS-ly. . W. H. KITCHIN, Attorney a counsellor at law Scotland Neck, N. C. HITOtfice corner of Main & 10th Streets, ! WM. H. LEWIS. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT , LAW. 1 Practices in all 'he courts Slate and Fed- j era!. Loans i' irotiau-d. .'laiun colic. 1 ed. Prompt attention to luine-. Of- lice over Post-office. Scotland Neck. . . ; WM. C. FINCH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. KING WOOD. N. r. Practices where cr his s-rvices are required. Spec'a! autntiun given to col lections, and remittance."-promptly made. mar. 25. NOTICE! i to satisfy State and County taxes due for 1SS6. lOO acres of lanl in Conoconary town- shjp listed for taxation by L j Pr bv j. t. I D. Adkins. " ' ."." acres nnta oy o. i. i''. ."5 acres listed by W. T. P.akcr. :t:s acres in Palmyra township listed j by A . J Curry CO acres listed by TVnitha Hopkins. SO acres in Scotland Neck township listed by Mack Smith. Aug. 3rd, 1S7. R. J. LEWI: IJ. I. Alsiik x:; aug5-4t. Sheriff. Dtpty. NOTICE. OUR MACHINE SHOP IS NOW READY FOR OPERATION- Work done at LOWEST figures and on SHORTEST TIMK. Steam always on; ready to prrind your corn bolt vour flour: turn vour shaft, bore cvlinder fit vour pipe, coupling: For all klnas of Machine work who has charge of the shop ana will GIVE US YOUli GRINDING , SAWING, GINNING COTTON, ad J'ATliONACJr: 00 CARTS AND WAGONS BUILT ON SHOIM NOTICE. M S. ADMINISTRATORS NOflCK. Havin? .qualified a the adinuus- ' trator of the estate of John 1 Willey deceased. Notice is hereby given to all peraons hav,n2 claiu, a?.io.t j the said Willey to present them to , me duty authenticated on or be. ore : the fifhenth day of July 188. i Otherwise tlna notice wiUb pleaded; in bar of recovery. All persons i. j lebted to said deceased at the time , of his death , will pleas make early ; pay men!, to me. .las. T. Dawson. Admr. J P. W illey deceased. ; Halifax N. C. I ) July 1st 18S7 S VITALITY OF GREAT MEN is cot always innata or born wiih them.bat many instances are known where it has been acquired by the persistent and judicious use oft)r. Harter's Iron Tonic. or Steamjoint. , fitting", or supplies , A IM'LT t order nn tiling not on hand IN GUI i LINK. PITT , Ji'n, Neck, N. C., hare recently become preat- y eXCjl(.,i cver th astonishing fartn. that several of their friends who had been pronounced by their phyl um as in. -able and J-: lJel,n completely cured by Dr. U)g ,-cw Discoverv f. r'oriurrotior., only remedy thatdoea poMtie'V '-ur ail throat and lo:,g "Trul Trill Co ds Asthrna l ) W 'i utiles il. Yf ONDERFUL CI RES. V. D. Hoyt X Co.. Wholcvile and Retail Druggists of Rome, Ja.. have been selling Dr. King's New Is coTerr, Electric Hitters and Iurklen s rnica alve f'r two years. Hare never handled remedies that sell as well, or eife such universal satisfaction. Therw have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. SeTera cases of pronounced Consumption hav been entirely cured by use of a few lot ties of Or. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electr.c Bitters. W e guarantee them always, bold hj i. Whitehead & Co,