!;,,.,.. IJoy, Stny on tlic Farm. r-irmcr boys, you ikuu liui, the ynnna rM-n who simw : :,t( is of the city shops, l ou the cur. mi.,1 not envy the youcg men who arc making ready to take the places t-flh'i urcat array of lawyers and pet lit 'gts who are subsisttnu by tlu' li'i' at ions f quam 1 oir.e ami con tention clients . And certainly yu ought not to envy the toys wb. have no employment fit all , those who ary growing up to manhood witho: t a.qnirirg industrious habits uptn which to rely i i tim-s of 2reat ueed and pressing i mergeuces, . 1 r J whose i lioness ni.ue to tetopia- j tiwns which so cftcn lure to mental ; and bodily ruin. Your cloths maj not be so finely spun and mad the city boys hut you arc the peers of them all, bronzes J faces and horny bunds, however pretentious their em ploy merits. Four 1 uslness is one that an ted at. -a ewry ot.cr voiution j Sae.(),lr dwJ'ing on K an in the world. I h farmer was plow. ; a (il sixth streets , cottage, four in,; and scwirg and iCiping Lis hai- I moms, one hah, c ok roo:n and din vest, lor." before a merchant, or law j irg room, stab'ex, garden at i. . .mv. t,,l l i tatdied, good water n lot. vnr r-r it-tr U'.r W.-.S knOWll . 81111 ' " Htill stands foremost at the gates whence i-sik; to the millions of tin world the teadj, necr failing streams of pUntrousncss and idie life. A jjc.eration or so ago 'die brigl ttf.t ova oi t:ic larmera larain were :isd-ocd to the professions. j The did; !' li ws were sent to thi J fields Nu.v a day 3 a different orue of things :evai!s. (bice tlu idea was po a! .r that ordy musculai Btrenth was necessary u a farm. the fiintii to guide a plow, b to wield :.n axe, or hoe or a sc!h'. the etnturance to j;o through v, ltL the sweltering taslts of summer ei the exposing duties of wi iter. Tliost laipoitant r uisites given, a boob might fdl the dace just as well a. any one else. So some folks used to think , but what say you, working farmer boy-? Do you not ploe a higher estimate upon your skid, and ipon the value of your services? Look up. then, and vindicate your selves. You are getting health and stiv.-.thftora the wholesome exer cises f the fields, and that you may have the necessiry inteil gence to combine with tins strength for the proper prosecution of your calling, apply 3 ourselves diligently to ac quiring knowledge wheneer respite fiom labor shall give vou the oppor tune v. rinhter ami Stockman. W 1 li E (PLATE) SOLIO SIKKJL HAKlIKD FENCING- This Wire is unrivalled Karbs 1 inch a part. For sale ! by Cill ami examine. Thisllat; .trip of steel makes a cheap I v '. and lasting fence. t.... i. it.. ,.y, ' ompanv.S ) u"HtuL i. PKItlXTKXDENTS I'KTEnsaiTKtj, Va., Nov. 2:, iss. ! Trains on this Road will ru i as follow GOiXG SOUTH. BOSTON ANT) SAVANNA A FAST MAIL. Leave Petersburg daily (Wash'n st. depot) at 3;3, p u (Ltops only at Bel field) Airive at Weldonat - - -5.16 P n Mew York Expres leaves Petersburg (Washington St. Depot) daily at 11 .54 P ni Arrive at Weldon at - - " - l -)0 P m Mail train leaves Petersburg, (Washing ton St. depot) daily except Sun. days at ... in 50 p m Arrive at Weldon at - - 1 (K) y m Freight Leave Pltersbur daily (except Arrive at V eldon 1 ." A m i SeSlK! CtCFS ill l2am ' Arme at ehlon at - 1:02 P. m. I Boston- and Savaxn'aii fast mail i Fast Mail leave Weldon at - 2; 45 A in ' " arrive at Petersburg 4:57 A in j ........... cmoii uai- - - - o; j i- m Arrives at Petersburg at - - 5 13 p lsJ Mail train leaves Wtl Ion, (daily except Sundays.) at - - 7 21) am I'r.-'ht Leave Weldon daily7 (excep Monday at - - . 2 55 a m Arnv at Petersburg at - 7 00c m Local 1 1 "light Leave Weldon daily (ex cept Sundae 'at - - 2 IS p m Arrive at Pe.. rSburg at- - - 8 0!j pin Sleeping cars nd first-class coaches in night and day trains. No change ot cars between Wilming ton and Washington. Throrgh tickets sold to all Eastern and Souther u points and baggage checked throng! . Pass ngers going South will purchase tickets and check bagage at Washington street epot. Pass gers goinsj North and stopping at Pet r burg, will claim their bag"ae ... . , ... i . at V asu 1 ton street depot. .r.triiL- a uoi required to open their vyvi in uie ooum. offices foi ti sale of tickets for freight! The following hbc-ral rates are offered-trains- rt'a bound Freight Trams I TO CLUBS, will stop il K-'ghtat Mt. Airy, and i subscriber and un.k r live, 1 yr. $-2.00 pointpasse.nge 8 w 11 be discharge i subscribers and under ten, 1 vr. 1 .Go -. ' ' lo obsciibers and under tifu-e:.,l yr, 1.50 .. j 15 .subscribers and unitr twe it y.l j r.l.2o f Riro ' JWl!iCg PAY8th?FREICHT ft Ton Wagon tSoalen, 1 wt, dkh nthrlngt, arm Tkr Baa oS Bram Box fur 86O. BTry iIm Scale, ror trm prle Ms ntlm thit ppr and tAArrt JMU OF B1MQHAMT0N. T FOR SALE , ale--Oi. larjM two f-ioiy on Main Mie.l -i - au. warehouse attac. ed. For Sale One dwelling house on Sixth street, Scotland Neck, four room cottage, cook-room and dining iooin. goo 1 well oi water, yard and garden a'.tachcd. Also dwelling on same street four rooms on first floor and two on cond floor, well, jard and -arden attached. Large spacious halls in both dwellings. For Sale--One dwelling cn Main tvtit. -i - lit rooms, three halls, jiU;n:r and cook looms, s'abics, l,arns, and two r.eies of land and the best well of water in town. For Sa'e One dwelling on Roan oke .street, four rooms on first Hour, t o rooms on second floor located on lot loO fe.t by L'UO leet. Two halls large. For Sale--One dwelling two rooms, cook-room and dining iooin garden, stables attached, well in yard, house located en Main and Sixth .st rev ts. For SaieTwo :irge si ore rooms ,1:lt.r om. ,((of , each L'i by 71 ie-t on Main street . For Sale One machine shop two stoiirs liigh, the rooms both up and down are each L". by 00 feet en jine on liist lloor and gi i saw, cut oil saw a..d rii saw a. id two lathes on saiiK' 11 or shafting swung over heal. Saw miil, gnvt in ill. Hour mil!, store ro' in, "otttm gin all lorSALK. The buildinj; is li'J by 00 feet, thre. stories high, built of best brick, cover d v ith t n , best 1 cation for iiiinding corn , wheat, sawing lum ber , and ginning cotton. The whole machinery is driven by two 10 hoi ye power engiii' s , and supplied with steam from a 100 Lorse poy.er boil r. Th;s building can hi converted into a factory lor almost any pur pose without inconvenience to the business iio-.v carried on. Three rooms .'52 by GO are unemployed and can be used at m.ce. Terms ea-y. For further infi.rmt'tion app!y to V. II. Kitcihn, Corner 10th &Maiu streets, Scot laud Neck, X. C. 100 Acres FOR SALE One hundred acres adjoining the cot puration of the town with twelve tenant houses. FOR SALIC Sixty vacant town lots. Terms easy and prices low to suit the convenience of purchasers. For terms and conditions apply to W. H KlTCIIIX, Scotland Neck , X. C. Ottiee at corner of Main & Tenth Sts. 350 Acres j FOI! S.VLh T'nree hundred and ! fifty acn-s of land for s do in out ! tract, 200 a:re.s in state of cultiva tion, loO acres m wood land, good ttuildin.s on the place for one family. This tract is located within t T0 miles and a half of the town of Scot ) land Neck. 553 Acres FOR SALK- Five hpr.drcil !tii(! j fifty three aero ;-i tin Scutbind : Nei k brancli K k. o-.it mx mile KDMONDSON' ,v JOsEY from i.I.e town f Scotland Neck. ant . a mile trom Spniio 1 J i i 1 . fwo hundred ?.nd ti ft v aotos of t.s land M L''C b; lMKe bered land. 390 Acres FOR S ALL Anotner tract of land of 3'.)() acres, 160 acres cleared good buildings on the place for one familv. This olae- is within le.s.- tii;Ul three miles of town 1000 Acres l-OR SALE One thousand acres j f land, three inds 1'iom the town of j Scotland Ni ck, ."njO aces of which .re eh-.'irv.i. l ue S:.t.laud Neck !: anch R. R. run through this place. Thi- one of thr iinat grain and stuck farms in this pait of the S.ate Lands bought and sold for other parties strictly on commission. All correspondents promptly answered and stis fact if 11 guarantied. This is the healthiest section of the State, and the finest farming portion of the State. Our county is out of debt, the Stilfps' nblbr'itifinv linvn 1., ,, .;,.... bcen arranged to the satisfaction of !;er creilit.-s axcs :,ro 1 )VVer 'lCre than in any other State in t he Union , and t:ii is the garden soot of the earMi r-t - " 1 . ' i ' i -'iiii. I' or turt her i, Tmt ...i.i - - - - o .KiTCHiry, SCOTLAND NECK, HALIFAX CO., N. C. THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER HAS MOVED TO RALEIGH, and will he improved in many important particulars No change in its policv. No change hi editorial management. '''The industrial awl eiiurational interests nf our people paramount U idl other considerations of State policy." shall continue to be our watchword. The humblest farmer in our State, if he be without our paper shall also be without excuse. We intend to make it one of the lent Mid one of the ch 'a next. iXMio.cin.iTs ..r nine. 1 yar, 1.00 S'rivtlj iu alrance. K'''.V lr"" 'ls c,uU ' '' t c "i")'! d scl.d ,i a ; oi c ul. i. ci r.j I-. "... ro: k ,,,, i ' . 1 . . i- 1 1 . - ) i) i . . iiLiru.t , N. C. r T H I S "1 -A IS RESERVED DEMOCRAT. the price of which is only $1-50 a vear DENNIS & HORN Keep constantly on hand Lugies Wagons, Carts &c, which they will sell cheap for Cash, or on time to re sponsible parties. We are ths.nkful lo our friends for past favors and hope a continuance of the same. DENNIS & HORN. Enfield N.C. 1NU1 n 1U o o I am still ahead with a" full selection f tine and pure hqaors of ad descriptions f which I oiler for sale at roe.k bottom prices to suit the times, pure MALT V 1 1 1 S K F. Y , K E N T U C K Y, Clay co un t t UYE (7 years old) WHISKEY, best of tilN'S uniiortcd, and donitic fine 2 j years old X. C. APPLE B II ANDY and many other brands too numerous to mention all of which 1 oiler for sale at reduced prices, also fancv C.KOCEKIES, FLOUK, Si: GAR, COFFEE, &U., TOBACCO, and CKiAltS of" the best selection, CANDIES and CONFEC ilONAPJES. Call and examine for voursehes and sate your monc-. JL W. HA11RIS, At my old stand, Main st, opposite Postoiliee, Dec. 1st ISSU. A. Newspaper supporting the Principles of ii Democratic Administration, Published In the City of New York. WILL.IA3I DOKSlIEIMElv, Editor. Daily, Weekly, and Sunday Editions. THE WEEKLY STAR, A 1 6 page Newspaper, issued every Wednesday. A clean, pure, bright and interesting FAMILY PAPER. It contains the latest news, (Iowd to the hour ol joing to press : Agricultural, Market, Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Editorial Departments, all under the direction of trained Journalists of the highest ability. Its sixti-en pages will be found crowded with good things rroni beginning to end. Original stories by distinguished American and foreign writers of fiction. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY STAR to Sib iCBiBERi, 1KEK op postage in the United Suues and Canada, outside the hums of 'ew York City : Psryear SI 25 Clubs of Ten 10 00 Clubs of Fifteen (and one extra to organizer of Club) : 15 no For THREE MONTHS, on trial, 25 CENTS. THE DAILY STAR. The Daily Star contains all the news of the day n an attractive form. Its s-(eri:;l correspondence by cable from London, Puns. I rlin, Vienna and Dublin is a commendable feature. At Washington, Albany, and oi her news centers, the ablest correspondents, specially retained by The Star, furnish the !;itcst news by telegraph. Its literary features are iii;st:rpass d. The Financial and iia-ket U.-views are unusually fnll and complete. Special terms ami ex t i iii.nl inary induce ments to agents :ml canvassers. Send for circular" TERMS OF TKfc uAlLY STAR to Scb BCRIRBRS, FREE OF rosTV.K in t!:' I'llitrd StatCS and Canada, outside the Limits l Mew York City. Every day for one year i:n li:i'.in Sunday) 7 03 Daily, without Suiidav, one vear 0 00 Every day, six months 3 50 Daily, without Sunday, six months 3 Ou Sunday, without Daily, one year 1 50 TIIK KTT.VXJ, Broadway and Park I'l.ioc, New York. J. K KITC1IIN, 3IILL WUIGIIT MACHINIST & FOUNDER. Will keep up las old business of repairing all kinds ol" machinery; sewing machines exeliar.fred for old ones, or sold for cash or on tfre installment plan. feb-4. 1S87- 1887 $4.50 A 1EAU THE DAILY WHIG. THE CHEAl'tST DAILY I'Al'ER IN THE SOUTH. THE WEEKLY HAS BEEN ENLARGED AND THE PRICE REDUCED To 75 Cents a Year. THE CHEAPEST WEEK I. l'Al'Ei: TUB LISIIED. THE SUNDAY ISSUE AND WEEKLY EDITION $150 DAILY SEN f t KLr. TWO WEEKb and W EEKLY O.NE jklONTil Yli EE. Sp-ii'l o;.e c. in tor a postal car l ami vl'ik T oi.e r t!ie o.oeron trial. A DORKS THE WHIG. i;lL'LUiU.MJ, V A. YILMINGTON & WELD ON R.R AND BRANCHES- Condensed Schedule TRAINS f;oiN; MF Til. Dated June 11', lSS7. No. 15, No. 1.M, daily. Daily, Sunday. rJaTedThTrTZ. 7Z7Z " j u: F. m Arrive liockv .Mount Arrive T arboio Leave T:iboro. i Arrive '-i,v. Leave i L-on Airue St' m a An ie Fu te illf i Lea e (.in Id si .-oro.... i Leave :.t ; aw ... A. ... 8.00 S.13 " ... j 10 00 " Leave Magnolia Arrive W iludn-jton . j It A I X S GDI No. U, Daily, Leave W limn utou j J 1 o) F. Leave Magnolia 1 10 A. Arrive Warsaw Arrive GoMsl oro j 2 18 Leave Fnyeilevide Arrive Sehna Arrive V7iF-on Leave -wlls'-" Arrive Rocky Mount A"i ne Tarboro L. ave Tarboro Arrive Wcldon I "l)ailv except Sunday. j ri r.i.isnKb in wiim l no i n . Train on Scotland Neck Branch Iload leaves Haldax for 'Scotland , THE MESSENGER PUBLISHING COMPANY Neck at 3 CO F. M. lletumiug leaves Scotland Neck at J u0 A. M. , s.7;7 ;,y (,A ; Tlirvc m,iIiU,s 0 daily except Sunday. "Vrain leaves Ta-boro, X. CI, via Albemarle & Ilalcih 11. K. Daily ex eept Surdnv. GOO F. M.. Sunday, 5 00 V, M., hi rive Wiiliamston A. C H 10 F M G 40 F.M. Eelumii! leaves Williamston, X. C, Daily ex, ocpt Sur.dav, 7 10 A.M.,, Sunday 'J 50 A M., Ariive Tarb.ro, N.C 0 45 A. M.. 11 ::!) A 31. Train on Midland N. C. F.ianch leaves Gohhboro, Daily except ouu- day, T CO A M nrrivf Sinithfield O tieM 9 00 A. M. arrive OoMstoro 10 Train on Nasl.vil'.e Branch leavt-s Retnrnusg leaves Nashvlile 11.15 A. Tmin on Clinton branch leaves N sUMirtV &t 7:'-0 T. .M. Keturnin leave Clinton at 7 :0 A. M. ' Southbound Train t-n Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. North- j bound is No, ,r,( ,r,(. Dailv exeejd hunoay, 27 Soutli will fctop only at Wilson, Golilslioro aud Magnolia. I 7S n;;.kes elo&e connection At Weldon for till points North I Train No. Train No tally' All rail via Tvichirond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. ' TraMiS make close conLect ion ft.r all points iXorth via Uiehmond and Washington. All Tra".ns run solid between vi!ir.':ngton and wasLmgton, and have Pullman lViaie B!ce ers attached. J. li. KENLY. F' IRVINE, Sup'tTians. General up't, T. Al. KiEi:tON, General Tjtencr Agent. RICHMOND, Va- RlCHMONO Al PETKKPHUK0 1 I KAIEK VOD COMI'ANY, C(VSlrMl-ti M-M-Y.-July M.J Trains on this road will run as lodlows; LEAVE KKUMOND-SOUTll U:?0 A M dailv, connecting for Aortolk, j Kalol-ii. Charleston, avannaq i and Florida Stops at ry's lilulf, Ccntralm snd Ches ter. Pulluiaa sleeper New lork to Savannah. -"i0P M Fast Maie. daily, connecting f(,r Charleston, Savannah and Florida. Tins train makes nc .cmI stons. Puliniati sieepei Vashington to Charleston. j G:08 P M Acco.mmoda'iioX, uai.y icx- . ceptSun-liy.) 6:3S A M freight, dady(csecpt Sunday.) j !):1S A M Sunday excursion LeIvE Mi.ETEBSr.CIWi -NOKTII WAIWJ- FKOM Al'l'O-MA TTOX lEl'or. I 1-58 A Nl Fast Ma t u daily Makes no local stops. Sleeper Cn urlestor. , to Washtntyn. . 7-3U A M A ccoM ii oi at i on , daily (cx ' cept Sunday.) 3-27 P M daily. Stops at Chester Centra liaani Drtvrry's limit. Pud man sleeper Savannah to New York. , :08 P M freight, daily (except buhday, 7:3S A M Sunday excursion. 4:.';; P M J J , , All daily passen-er trains make dost connection at Kiclimond far .11 po north east and wet. lllhU.N Lt ALL Ft V1L ltOUTK TO NUUFOLlv. Leave Rwhmonb li:30 A M daily. Arrive at Norfolk at 4 P M. Leave Norfolk 12:43 rnvt at Richmond at 4;2!J P. M. J R lvENLY, Cen'l Stip't, SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manage, fti. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Ag't E W T 8 Obtained, and all l'MESt Ll'SIXEtiii atteuded to I'll UMl' TL 1' and tor MUD til ATE FEES. Our ottice is opposite the U. S. Patent Otlice. and we casi obtain Patents in less time than those remote irom AolllliG 1 OX. Send MODEL Oil DRAWG, We advise as to patentability fiee of charge: ami we mae M LfiAJUib I'M LESS I'A TESTIS SLCl'ILLLK e reler, here, to the Postmaster, the circular, advice, terms and references tol'-' i)l - 111 it defence of tue pnu actual clients m vuur own State or Coun-'ciples 1 Dciuoci acy.tue rights ofla ty, write to a. n.'iv & :., Oiipssite Patent Oirice, Washington, i).C, BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sares, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corus, an 1 all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is gaarauteal to give perfect satisfaction, or mouey refunded. Price 2 cents per Ijox. Is ALE ill' E T.WIlf fuE V.D &Co Take time to re id this an t make your airaiigei-t lk;4 aecndi! gly. I am bound to cu.l j:, cvt-ry one who owe ioe to c iii o;. or oeforo JanMir 1st and pay tue all tho 3 who tail t io will tiaiJ their claim 10 tae Uau is ot "Messrs. Ka'ii . : Dunn on tae 2n I f Jauuar , io7. .NtJAii BIGGcs. sjf veverykiud cured in 30 oiinu :bv : V iLO l 'S StN'ir.t'U' LOTION. Lst w.) otiiwr. Itiis never fail', bold bj K. T. aiTEUEAD 6; Co. No. Fust M i l, Diily. l r.s F.M t i JL 1 I M .'0 l'.M. 10 . A. M :T.'.' i 3 7)7 1. M. fo."F7 M. Ta i r ivNi i ... 7..21 . 7..r" M. 7 40 1' bo o 10 " t C I 0 " j 7 10 " N V i NOKTII No. iS, No. GG, Daily Sunday ; oui,7m! G 50 Daily, M M I 8 :o a i I 10 32 " I I 10 I '-' " ; 11 ..0 1 rsT;vij aTm. 10.50 11.50 ' A.M j 12 38 F. MTT f 4 Z0 F. M. .. 10 o0 A. M. ,.,,. ., . C.V A . Al . ltcturnitiu leaves JSiuith- i 30 A "I, ! liockv Mount lor Nasliville -1.00 l'.M. j M-, AvAly. except Sunday. j ar-uv.' for Clinton, Daily, except; Al. The Best Newspaper in America and by far the Most Readable. Agents wanted everywhere to earn money in distributing the Sun's Pre miums. The most interesting and advanta geous offers ever made by any News paper. No Subscriber ignored or neglected. Something for all. Bos,utiful and Substantial Premiums in Standard Gold and o'-ber Watches,Yaluable xtookfl, tbo Best Family Sewing Machine known to tbo trade, and an uncqnalod Ht of objects of real utility and iaatructioa. S&tes, by Mail, ostpid: DAILY, per Year (witbont Cunay) 56 00 ' DMLY, per Month (-without Sunday) 50 SUNDAY, per Year . . . I 00 FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR 7 00 WEEKLY, per Yc?.r I 00 Address, THE SVN, t Tork ntjr. The Biblical Recorder- lU'lH.lSjlKD IJV F.DW A.11DS, HROUGIITON & CO. RALEIGH, X. C. HEW C. T. HAJLEV, Editor. REV. C. S. FARRIS"?, 1 Associates. CIIAS. L. SMITH, OIK; AN' of NORTH CAROLINA BAPTISTS In il .fills 'sir. EVKUV IAPIIST SHOULD TAKE IT j A'A an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. Only $.0 IVrVfiip. B I BLICA L HKCOH DF.n, r.rdeigh. N. C NOTICE iiick" Pomeioy is not content with laying a loun iation for a fort une in Co.orado, in connection with the Atlantic-Pacific Kail way Tuib nel, hut has opened un a new odice at L'.U P. road way, New York c.ty, ; from which he is issuing 1'omeroy's ! Democrat, a handsome sixteen naj.e paper, in better style than ever be- Ui ami its opposition to Cleveland in all that pertains to the Mugwum piness ol' his adtninistration, and to his renoniination, Ponieroy's Dem ocrat is as hot as the rear end of a hornet,' and as .solid as the front end of a buffalo hull. Ami 1 lie pa per is having a widespread influence- The price of the Democrat isou ytwo dollars a year, and a vaiuable present in additional, to every subscriiiei. Agents are wanN ed in every town to canvass for the paper, and to make mnnrv liv . doing. Sample copies free. Address M.M. rOMEHOY, L'3l New Y'ork citv. J-L. KITCKIN MUSIC STORE IN r.ST-OFFICE BUILDINC. Call aml.examiue sample pia ao-. es ami oran, anything not ton hand will be promptly ordered. J. L. KITCHIN c5 CO teb i. I am still in the market t buy your cotton nud will pay y0j the high it price each tUy bar plenty -of c irre icy to buy ail t lat come to car Tie Wflffliton. KKIHTTIOX IN PKk K. Attention i c!Ul t- tin- todow .v.. iue 1 rzU i !" sub.-r:ptio:i. c Hie Daily Star. ;h ye ar. -I Si v ir..''.;t-. -; thr.c c. - :s 1 1 1 ; I .. i THE WEEKLY STAR. 'no y nr, MX 111. I.li; I'!. fee !:i n 1 ir T-!-raph N-w st r - h i s e :ri.iy Ju.i;, largely iti-TvI-n-; i :t is ill .ii-tiT!:i;.i:atio:i tokt-cp t'i" MAU'r.' t.) t;iv f i . jr i t-Al.ire.-. s'aivliru i-t i-.ewipa j-.v-r t-- VM. ti. Id UN Ai;i'. Wr.nm.srton, N. i.t. ins: 17. ILMlNiiTi N M I'.SSENtt LK" U'l.MIt;Tt. A. ('. i lleiuovvl !r Jin G: UK.r . t" Wilmiivb ") Sen. 1 your name and the name ami a ! dr.ss of live of oiir iK-itr!d-r or friends cti a postal card an i l'r i fur viii.rsi '.r an 1 eacn vl ih. in a .-pcciim n cup) ol the ni;w daily i a r k i : , THE "WILMINGTON MESSENGER-" A LARiiH j Complete Teh iirjphu- I "lspiiW'hes. Kifillf FA'iE-' P.--t Viiu k-t bi p rts. A Li-.e 'Wide- v iikr PA IM".IL i 1 'eiif oi :;! io .b una!. The Pride of the State." Trial f-r ?.00 In Advance. THE WEEKLY THANSCHirT-MKSSl-NCKK. is; a i.Aiii;K.i:i(;:ir paok I'ai kh. un: I'.KKili I KMl' AMI iirsr vi;t!;iA . flkaks tvi.uv . '-t lnvt.lut.cu m .Nutti, t aiui.n... VKIVK $i .:, ) A iCAK. Send I'.-.-tal For j.f.-iiiH'n c.-,y. Free ..nip M.-Ft;r!r .. . . v .. V 1 1 .2,1 in i:. - I'lI'dd) I'iOA AND UK AN MAKYHV! F.PvS. Five acres hai vested .d:.!!,, j e.hui one .l..y. am Aa u'ess all oiuers u B- C SAVAGE, b'eothtii I Nefiv. N. C. jd !" lTANCI.N(i SCHOOL. Miss Novella lliggs will give l.'ssons at IO. 15. HL'gs vt CoSs Hall. For particu lars call on E. IL 11 1 CMS, Scotland Neck. X. 0 vi. HOFFMAN ?C0. I Have just received their new fall stock of G-ents furnishing Goods. Fall and Winter Clothing I)rt':s Hoo-'is of every tls'seripiion. ; 0 0 7AVA'.a:s Shi mi:ans 1 iho ! !' , 1 I MOST ML UAP.LK i:. the inaikcl u -) ' :ia!'.y. .0--0. 1 j Our Hat Department is e-.ti.pkt'. an-1 . remember that we hav the nicest assort i uier.t of Piece (ioods in the mui ket. also Carpets, itugs, &c., Ac. EeCT When iu need of un.ylhjM-, ,!. I certain i"d pj've Us a call before huvii' 1 j elsewhere, and votir call will he appreci ated and mutuailv satisfactorv. I M II OF F.M AN i's CO. n uUUH:;di jldl UUhsgc Lexington, xy. Cheapesl 8c Best Business Cclieno in ihe World. Tilfjlifl If, nw'ii! C;,.1I Mfdj! .-t.r a'.l -v'.r C :.. t. V orM' f'ij.iU.,!i. f. r S:a cf Ho.-,U-K rnln ml y'K'Tei i.ttnc.H K.Jurutl'!,. H. ;- tint. la JiMlaw. i T -,-!. .... . :. w; ,ull li...1"- C;u. .. .. :, v.,.' , . ..r u .,. m'sfiK t.'Vr"1"""' ''Tp-WrStinr i Tfl.i!r...Tli , f c ia.-.i'.i. For c.r-juLr. r i1r,.. tpb-rn V. milS. !'r.;,':i! ..r Wilbar IL. !u.it... 1;kmA:ui, ;,i..Tli,t(,.:i, Hy. ATTETIOf. 0 0--0-0 Members of the Iron Hall wid please remcmher that the hr.-:t Thur-day niht in every month is t' e regular time of meeting. All members are requested to attend. The Hall over the Pot-of!ice is the place of meeting. Resp-y, J. C. PITT. MA N, Accountant. NOTICE. Th 1 -.-v.. .'..ij in 1 t 101111 r: tjs .'Lweea Kitciiin A; Dunn is I lsl,n-r " 'en Kitohia & Broadway ! Uns la' "uiuul consent dissoh I ed. Ail business now in hand will be atten.le I to by us joi.-.tl? Both I lam enrcsenti:i' t:.e o.uswni coDvintn the pra:ti-;e law. Jar.'v 1, 187. $ W. II. Kitchin. t W. A. Dunn. ADVERTISE IX THE DEMOCRAT, 3EAD THIS Iff ! N i-c f : hi r : ,.-.:r ! i ' .' 'M i'l.TITIi N IS j I'.iAl'K. A ' .'. I : N k' It - .'. ) ; " k' it -t i i ) r . A 1 1 - : - :vt iu a ! l' u 1 - w i. lu , ;. lu ll .,.. , -.tv ..f it'u-, 4 . A: i ! I ,!'.!!, r t i c oi t ' i . ,n-r ! hvw i- t lol. a;.a ;i ,'i:i v ; l : : i- i t i ' I t ' ' 1M ii SM' a - llia'iv i l.ll ! til IS ' . 0 LOTH IX (i ! CLOTH lX(i ! MKN. Y'l"MIS. lb' I w S1.IOKS I have the l.nrif-t stek i . r i tit s.n'.land Nook. A ..ir.ro : ,. .t tho o( i'-'oi :',o. d '.oi' I ii: "! , t ,' 1 u!- Keop a la re a.---ttm -i;t : HATS. TR NKS VALISES :i 1 1 1 a L'l'. at in:uiy ot! . r art:. '. . !... ii..-l iins to luvlitiMh. I a. 'j i i:! ll.e .'!: lion i' COUNTRY MERCHANTS to the hu't th'U I :n -ll thriii ;, ..;, ..hi-aper than 1 1 i - ti; li.iv t!., ii. ni N i : ; fin niiii'ivfts. i v in.- a e:t'.!, ( . , in v st.'n'k aii'l e.'iiV'.'o'e'l. a it . I'U 1U. .tllill l look. M . it V d " .v ' 1 i tr. 12(!i and M uu St-.. S,-. .:!.,, : , AND WOOD COFFINS. J5r In view of the fuvt thvl v. no regular esi;un.ini!ie;it ..1 I .,v. : and Neck, an I retil icin :. ti..' j sitv for such an . t u ' ! i m 11 1 v 9c ' the convenience of II. e iu ; ' " : -r-ally. We have deeid.-d a full assortment. 01' Mt.t:il:c I Casos and wood ('il!i:is of v styles anJ prices' Or-U r-. h; or wire promptly ftllcd. N B. Josey Go Cor. M iin cv 1 1 1 ii !. jAMl) A. MAiHii, r.iiicK man civ cm: Will Inks r it! arts f" f i r n !;; as che'ip as th.- nt-xt lu'in. Mi'i .: work. Sati-fi'-tiMii L"i;.t ! bvst brick i:i the market ur.rl , ' owest prices. ir hi"i M 1 T V .X . Vy Ti.;. C, i 1 t V. i '1 1 i;rl : . : hJft&X u:vtP . - 1 i n. t- a it" i C'iri:.u.ij,i'l-,...I.i 'i ...,.,. ' , J THE DR. HAHTER MVjicn-'s CO'.CT. U'fJUi st n n M 1 W M H i If 5 : r- r 11 il f 1 t- 'i ' - ' ' ' 1 j si h' n - r? - i r ? j . ;.!.t'.lt Ijohi'I'i, iiti iirv.' t.:.i.-...ii i. In tnalaii. ' ) K: rli is I i: '' " r.r(.ir.ii..r,it.-. ; lllir l' r !.!. ; ;. i,i 1 . ii., Irom ctii.S f..-.;.-5. 1 . i Hi' , c Jr' i Office, -14 y,., of ' niost liberal, prompt a: ( companies .11 the IT. S. d'h ;i- : oUice, take out a policy ' ".'T," i your property. A policy in : h ; Life Co., is more secure tl'- l ! Banks in the Union. J. II. LAWHKNCi:, I Scotland Neck, -u MONKY. Persons wishing to ne 'otKite i n .j apply to me. I can secure 1 ans more than a year. Nothin but Halifax county re al will be taken as security. W. A. VlSSJ