DEMOCRAT r I 1 1 Nil 3 ff-4 ji H 4 W. II. KITCHIN, Owner. VOLUME III. SUBSCRIPTION: 1.60 I"KK V V. A K. ('.. tr, .rgarme costs ;it whop --ale thir teen ( '-rits a pound, and sells. -it ebditeen. lv. Tit v live, ami somet hues thb.v (.,,tQ V'v'.'r.i m. sudden death in;,y I,,, t raced . It- ,.,.. it may ml be whoh-.onie for 'Lit. A -t"ii man s.avs: 'It in m h-h- rihm- tenths ,f all the o!e 1 ' !" '''os- wU., , not wish it : i ir o w n use. i .astcst '',kM"i''-i' steamer is ! to i the Queen Vieforia. which is be! ween Live ; po and tie- J-lr of irom Creenoe-k an aviT.-r. .(' ll the trial tl ip 'pool, -he made ... 1 iai ami une-Lmrt u Knots or hv- ami om-half miles an hour. A IS ':( ( ,1 j' 1 )' j-. I ".ished l!i bad weather m:iins; a rattling gah Ir-MlTl' h- wo,!, of the various Repuh are, for tie- mo-i iart 1 - - . iP-ait tin: midil e m ri .,1 ,.f I ; tV. - th-'iii are over sixty, ami for va- r ;i-o:is, mme of them are ., voiinc ;iv monarchs have been when they ' I the t hroiie. The oldest is the of France Francois '. Juh s who will finish Ins sevent' i year in less than three months in-.' pie-eht time. Our own eecu Mr. ( i.-veiand. completed ids hah' rv s-,me months a- 'o. .ti a- tate of Ili-l-ium, sav . his always been the the ittle I oi l-urope. More d Ueesi e - nive f m-i-u lou-ht on i;s soil than oil,,-,- of e.jU.-d area in the world. I ,i !' i Id i',y. He!- afilet. ur hetwef-n France and ! mm must take the brunt i Th'.- -mall nationaiiiv ; i's ;o n a . ; ..! ::,! f ! t " i c i 1 our its hh,.r nei-.ld.or- ! Mi:-: Iio'.v the Jieomc HI -lie ai!,!!) er."aT .UtCl', in ' Hi l.erman pontics, thm-di 1 do anythim-- in either , cent !y .await th - turn of events. i i'd rain s in ( 'bin ; Circumstantial details havi-ap- i t'toin time to time with ac - 'iu-s i ! :!" obtain..'.! and with pre- -iis as to the time when that count ry i be cove re 1 u ith a net work of rails, at. -t account is Ltivin in the 1. .:,.!:.! f''i-' '!". based on news from kui. wiiich declares positively that , .in. i is at la-t to have raiiw ivs The ! rt is tin n ti-.,. Chinese omi! h.i- a.' I the empr -s- to order the c -at rm .-d i :t ra; el iii'in Ktiipum to ' ;ik'i, , .... .... ot i icntssn. and a l..'-- ! i "in id-led in the to ie :c thil ts!U. It l- the coal mi ' 1 ' -Mi'!. t-o ity by rail, thus permitting ; d to be che ipam d. The b !'' 'ie is. and 1 ' isi i el V oil t ' ii 1 1 n g" ' i "is, is I 1 tl by Finish iron nd steel o.n tui'ers as likely to open a large l"l- P.! it ish goods of this character. cential provim.a i ci respondent f T'TIU I t II 1 tile i.ouili.-i I s:lyi a e bc"tl Vsi!e-l nv m a plague of lo.-usfs that w hoi s a:- ruined. W ithin th - s.,ac v ti. airs ; -t- i,.-, ,- , j - T race ' -f eg' i a ! n -n gr a i c d "lives. Ive," i a, - i '. i ...itit ry m t a v est jg(. ( .f ' s. en. at.. I the reports state I'.e s , ; u i , : , - I,,., n o . , s c u ! e , I tri id p- s; have b.- a w i u h r I loiu place- to j Ti.--'. i ti.e i rain' have bi--n :. r-' e i . ac-it, e r 1 ' lie g i cell n.i: ar w Tim j J ' ' i In La d i.v , i gs i., W -a , i. , iass..;).;er t rain- iu - !' .!: tin ria is of a h -i upon them. I: s ha ve lain . t hi, k ne to .ill a: i t, been - ' r than t n !'( or bur m 'hie ' ' e t is al'e aboil' to ea . I : .aid of the s di'i and. to ' these il til illis of . ti'i'Vi: li see ts. ha ag' If -IV i-orre-poiident of ihe .New t hat N imi Van Zatidt. ihe f A'l USt Spies. t he ( on- .. .. , i .v.-,..-t . i I h ieag, , , na i ciiis' , is h ei led- .1 ''- :.'oin her family ami is ha-- i ig a i.:ne. "I lie e-oiri-s pon-lent rej rts ' m .an. It saving: "Oh, thi- worry eg me. .ot oniy the ,-nixict vabout ' - i,i t he c..-e. but th,- intoh-r- ol ca!:e: curiou - only to i the armv ol h'-ggars wm t ! i cad th.,t I w a ri e li : and i iieii the -. i'U-hejs "f t h'-m. from ca-ry e'on--I ,,f p'opi". some of them ' ' ::ig my lib' and sonn- a.-king for . ma n v a I ming' me, and no i-nd to 'lia",- propo-ais from unknown T'i- who sav they are much better tv Anarchist; that Mr. Spies will .'d a n how. and I had betlercon ! accept th'ir oiler. A great i.a I eh- plmtos. so that I can see " i looking they are. h. 1 did a--A rhe world was so full of silly i- it sei ms to be. 1 am nervous, s and nearly worried to death, a i.a tern suit cost me a great deal v. and my income has b en shut . ' i hand. I hav e nothing now ir . -uae of my book on the life of l ies, :,.,d the attacks of thepreSS ' eh jt- -ales very s,,v. I have I'okeu to mother or father for t'ni n eiine that cruel edict from ' a that I should not be allo.ed to . .-spies even thiough iron bars." NATIONAL CAPITAL DOTS. nun is noise ft riii: unrn: IIOLSI: Alt til.I'.illl Ml. .s. lreiili- ,t i. . . - 'i-Hiu Jim i. on Inte.-ate onnui-,i..- . y . ei imi, ,,i Ai ai .:,i Will. NA v v i o The Si-cjctai of instructions thai th-Meame.- Michigan j.),.,;; the Hth and l.jrh of , part in the e-ereinohb-s , the Army of the- Tern.-- Nn vy ha- i' i;i i l'ii'r.-d Sa: - he ;.l J ..t!(.;. ,,,, PP-niTer to ' tie; p-uni-m of e. an ! at ( ! ': Cairo Irian th ,. ca ... i , i .... . f,,,?, l;: "ctoo. 'noiiaiy ciicanipti.ent. WATKIHVOliKS 1)1.1 .( 'Ho. t . . . : iinri ,111; (,i (H ,. . ,. ., , verc adopted a-kiiiLr x,,. j move the District ( " mmi-i,.. , -f,,-, . , ( i o : i i i l !', r- for ie ii,.n ahout the a ' , j b'.-e fu::; - ll.dtt' oi .'fioote ; ""li l" 111 (Kit j;ul.if, n;i, ,r!,, the admitted d.-talcation j:; j partment, and f,r uo-..:- p, lor private pu; p,, . . T,;e c,,i 'i:c hundred of the Di-tiv r ai l' so.utio-.s ca'diim- on the i',, .i '''vestio-atv d,,. ,-, o,.rt' d wat r .j.- meiiL ueiaication. and to remove t... cii". im er otiieers inehaiio- of the- water works. TIIK ATLANTA AM. I'. The report of the board of naval ;li 'ars appoiitted to examine the wais'iip Atlanta and to a-eei-tam th , m,-,-tained during th" n-c-nt tr-'-t .-: . ,-t ;. yas received by the Se n tiU'y of tin Navy. It is too for ti new spa per article for many readers, but S-ca:-t;iry Whitnty say- that the de'eets , ported a:id the damage- -ustaim-l bv th---ship are trill iim-, as colnj,aied to iti-.-e rumored to have: been discovered and t.hat they are such as can tie easily an 1 p' edily reLiieilied. Tin-: iki-:mii..niV yisittno. It is probable that President. Cleveland will leave the capital dm in-; the last daw- V1' rVi'u'l",".'r lirectiv to St. Loui-, and from there to Kansas ("it v. Paul. Mini:.-aiolis. Milw.-iukee cid- ca ro, Nashvilie and Atlanta. Tim St. Ji'.mi'.s ami Atlanta dates b 111,1 i:e practical. 1 to deviate much ii 'mi mis prolamine. i he journey wm I oe made by the ot-.iimiry l-mte of tr:iei j In tweeu the cities naun d, a, id the bbpo a is an old sit'im ih.- !'..;.!.,,' ,. ;it i... i.. . i.. "Ill I'.-V' ,,s much of tie- count rv ami the eo;ic on ri;"!e as will b.- i mtriit with iim- j iieii time ami iiiiuvc en-i-.meinent-. ' I.I-'.AF TdHAi i ii .:,( !-l-'X. I As istant Stciifiiij Mayiiiid e-iw a I ii(ci-i-e; in r .:ar 1 to ile- cla-siiioati-.n i.f i'.:t iiMiia-ii which v. ili h-,- , f interest to th" toi.aico trade. The .pr-non aro a decision (.f il.e colh-i tor at Kl Pas.,, Texas, assesin. duly at the rate of 1 ''ei'ts per pound on ci rtai:) leaf too a c . imp tie. 1 irom Mexico. ,.f u hidi .-u; ol every Pm Irn'.i- w'-n- of the reoulspe . i Me and lineiiess for use as w r iimer- ..m! . . i i iat . a l"o ol w Inch iea e w emued h-ss than pound. Mr. Maynard ihci'led t!:at :h t;i referred t' leaf tobacco, ami no' ? bales, bundles of !acka es. and ties' therefore, every h a! .-! m " ra'.e-.. e r eti ' He, therefore, di of the invoice was dutiable at b"i ce:: - -jier pound ami 11 r cent at :!") i-u,:- per pound. 1 lie cniii ctor at Ll Pa-o is instructed to ivliipiidate the entry ac cordingly and to refund the excess ,d duty. nii'Kovtxi; sun iikun ltiviins. Col. A. Cilm. ue. Faiiel States en gi nee i's, in his annu i! r.-poi t avs of the work of imiuovii, the i-ntranc;' to f Ch.-uies.ton, S. ('.. hl'iior, that the IV, : ! 'pr .pi iations iai a- im n ina-h-ip:aie to ail absurd degiee. for the - icces-fui pro-cCU-i lion of operatic!:-, h i v img in view th-- coinplctio:. of t in- project withill th" I pias, nt u-nl'iiv. lie reciTumen b an ! appropriation en- ; 1 1- i , - ir of ' 7 s . 0 o. Ih- ask - for s f 1 1. 1 a d i f,.;- Wa;.poo Cut, S. ('., f, r Ldisto S. ('., and for Silkahatchie river. S. C. He asks f a- sis. o n) Het year's expenditures iu S iv ii.u.-'h harbor. of the p;-oje;te ! lmi ioann nts ot Savan nah river between Augusta and Savati- , "j j nah, the origin il estimate of sg 1. oi iu w i . I ; have to be in Teas d ; o s ; u. ii I. Till -: '"'s j is i wing to meagre : -ppropri ,i ion- in t h-icii-ts j past. lie is comi'liTe that if the pr--s tmiuy 1 pect be nos" c irried out, a chanm-; oi n," leet depth at low water W:U lie -''iliiel. He asks s- l,o, in f.,r m-xt y -ar. lb ,-U-mates that sl.oiio can be profitably .-x- oemied next v.-ar a! R mmev H ar S;h(K)K jn Altham-dia river, Ja. ; inn" m jirunswick haio-.r, .a.. ami si.oo.otio on entrance tot south., f la Capt. W. M. P!a-k. United States en gincer, submits the following estimate for exjiemiituies during the m-xt tisca vear: I'ptu-r St. Johns river, Fhu, -lo, 000; Key West, 1' ia., -S-.'U""; - aloosa- j hate-hie river, Fla.. si:;,oto: Manatee j river, Fla., .?!-. .; Tampa Ray. Fla.. ST-., UUU; lt!ll.',coo,-nee UM-r, I'll., 000: Ce-dar Key, Fla., io.ixid ; Sua. a . . .. ll'. 11 1 I " I nee river, Fia.. S'JO.ooi). MiTF.H. ! Mrs. Cleveland has gone to Marion, j Mass., where she is the guest of the lam - j ily of' Ge n. A. W. Greely. j It is estimated that the reduction ot the public debt during flu- month of July xvill amount to So. nun, 000. The President has virtually decide-d to make short stops at Columbus ami ln eliamipolis on bis way to St. Louis in On iober. A delegation of citizens, of Memphis, Tenn.. headed by Senator Harris, ar rived iu the city to urge th" Piesideuit to visit Memifhis during his western trip this fall. Iri.i, e lleV.-lWongse. of ShlUl. .'Old l,!s party, twenty-two in all. including a. ol il'ie children f the king of sbm. have arrived. They have been and w il continue to be subjicts of much offi- i t attention. The State Department is inform.' : the death of Yiee-Coiisul Ge m ra! John T. Miller at Ri" Janiero. Consul 31. C. Call, at Santos, has been directed to take charge of the cohsubgemerai's oflice at Rio, the consul-general being ab-ent -n lea"e. "Good bve is a simple little phrac," says a writer, "I'.it alii how much there is "in it." Trim, indeed, and we never realize more fully how much there is in it ihan when w-'see two women bidding each other good bye. Motion Courier. WE MUST WORK FOR THE PEOPLE'S WELFARE. SCOTLAND XKCK. N. ('., FRIDAY, AUGUST K 1SS7. RAIN! WIND! FIRE! HEAT ! ALI' count i.i, -ma; tui: im or M ,11 i . i , - i;s II 1 v. I'ho Keporti Whl, h (j,,- Wire-. I la-li Hie fbonniM, , ,,,!;( r All Over I In- .inn' ry. A heavy etotm i-. ti:; !:i-.,-.i-.ta:!;s ,., caused a hi- j., ..pp-.-r Te-.i,...- 'iiver. Th .us:ir: I- i lvi-, in th" liver have e-e.-.p.-d. Th. ?u.tu r Citico. a mail boa! pij.iri'i het'.veen Ki;!!,,:, ;o.d houdon, wii, a.i;;,! hr a raft at .ii.e iihiif, hear Lo , !,,!, ami dasle d 'he hluil witii -iic:. f.-n e a to ! i: "; t!ie cylinder he i 1 and tear away the sri. ,,);,. -tack ar.d j.ilot house. Capt. Wihiam Adi-.ou and oiiicer DeaimoTid w re thrown into the river. D.-armoml ).a i'een i.adly Seahle 1 by the c.-aj.i:.u team. The Annsfron.r Furniture romj. ,nv" himber utrds and wmrks at Kva.e-. i ;';e. 'no., wire ciiKci'Vercd on fire a ! n i wei iestr y. d, t L'e:her with several mille- :'et ot lumber and a number of cais. t he loss is ovr .fKiO.i'O'). The wa'er -Tj-,ply be.-ame exhau-ted and the fire had 'pi.-sit!OTi. lea cars of wheat. ir and u-rain were totally ilestroy.V, na several empty c.-us, and one secti- I: of the Peoria, D.-catur & Fvansvii:. Railroad round house. A severe wind, rain and hail Pterin swept ovm Louisville, Ky. It rained in 'i rents, and lar-e hail-stones fell, eov riiavr the streets. Th" storm on th river did conii.-rable damage and !tf.--s aing crews and harbor boats ware Kept very busy. A terrific rain storm swept across Yahobusha county, Miss., leveling both tt"u and com to the ground. Young e-un is ahno-t tuta!ly destroyed. The trestle at Mount Madison, on ti; Air-Line railroad, U( miles from A than -oi, 'i t., was washed out and the pc-v - !' tiains we;-,; badiy delayed. i A Pitt-i!)!irg ilispateli says tin' a fire 1 oceuried by a hicli tL glass mi'mb a t u -ig firms of McKey & Co. and Kin. v. S -a ' S: Co. ust lined heavy losses, 'i In- i. cal lo-s is estimated at .$1.5;),im'm), of v-. i.; I McKey & 'o. io-e KJii.oUi) a -d Kinj'. S"ii 'c (.'o. ")0, i .'Of). The im uranec v.'as about NTodii'-O. !''.riag a heavy thundersfi rm one f the tank- uf iiL. Atlantic i! il linery. ::t I'oi.t Ihee.e, near Phila id phia. Pa.. wti s;ru,ev i,y hghtning, and ."mo barrel - j i l ".' Were d- stloyed. i Ih - .Tenth ol July goes on record as ; the hoMcs- ever kmuvn in Phil eh- phi , I Pa. The highe.-t number of d ah- ;V"ni 1 tlie t llvt ts oi the heat in any one da , v...- t'uirty-tUree, on the 10th. mid th h ive i -ecu but few days when thcr w.a oor.e reported, the numlx r- rangiii" ; i .' om i hre,- t i a do.'Ti. ' The --te-iiuer Umbria. of th,-' Cun.ird 1 Lu c teached her im r in New Yor! in very 'iiiapelat.-'l ondition. Her f r ward dei ks were swept clean ami iu-i bridges were washed away. While go ing at full speed, in heavy s--s, t w-. i.uge wayes, said to be about lift . (Vet nigh, struck her and broke over the dec:, ahead of the foremast. The cabins ami steerage were lloodi d and a panic oc curred. The passenger-, put on life belt ; and prepared for the worst. fhe vessel ! trembled violently when the masses of wateT deluged her decks. Unioti City, S. ('., reports a singular j circumstance of a clomibur-t, described I as follows: ''The w ind, wdieu first noticed, was from northwest to southeast: and cx- tended about a mile wide across the ( country; blew over the country about two, then turned exactly in the i oppod e direction, southeast to north , wa st, bio., in down considerable corn l in opposite di .-"(aliens and in the dilTer : eiit iue'aliii. s through which it passed, ; injuring it in some places seriously. The' : same cl ud came down suddenly while : the ground wasdiy, ti.e c.-ttoti withered, and the sun was so hot that the cotton I was i-Cahlea, from top to be.t'oin. j The oldest inhabitants .'ay th-y never know anything like it, and there are ! whole .acres that apparently look dead. pre-e nti g the appearance of frost having fiillen en it. it is realty a r urlosity, and j is w aiith coming from V " ?ce'. j uric !- i "What will be the outcome of tain. Tiie forms acel stalks oth alive, but the leaves are as crisp as when ir td. son them. ()ur crop lOoRe d unusuiiii;. ; line before this and it would have beer, i best for us not to have had the rain at I the time it came.1' I At Haled on village, two mih s :i,-rtli i from Patterson, J. hum W. C; p.qp a xvc-;iitliy milkm.n. sat it "M" de ivlS NMWS FltO.M C'Ml.V. Over 1,000 telegraph poles belonging i to the Munaman-Mintzng di.-trict ami the ! TCw,.iel..xv T..-.H.. in imib:.- '. .vebeenl vil,,rt down bv the people, w im. say tin telegraph is a diabolical Euiopeau arTblce. Eighty-eight persons were summarily ex- V ccute.1 near Minhghai b-r l.eionging to se-ci. t societies. I he most hat rowing account are given of at t hu Chu j Fu. up the Wenehow river. Over l.oilti ; persons were swept away, and the- de- ; struction to the o ,-.:. ing crops is im-: mense. S. S. PopolT, Chinese secretary to the Russian legation to Pekin, has just 1 published a pamphlet on 1 h" Ciii!n-r , jiopul ation, in wiiich he state- it to be ; 3S2,0'JO.o(io against 41o.b0o.no0 in the year 1042. A plague of sudd-, n death is ; ranging at Nanking. Tee p. ople ate i dying in every eiu o'ter, : nd there- are j many instances of very sudden deaths, j The people ar appare ntly well .11 ti.e j morning and dead in the afternoon. ; V 1A1 BREAKS 1 A ii.1111 burst on the side of the motin- tain not far from "Wilkesbarre, Pa., let 1 ting wattr down into the village of Paisoiis. The who'e town was nooaed j and the p- oph had to lice for their lives. I little 111 . .-lTTi-.'d Annie Ouinn was i ! caught in the cur rent and drowned, and i mmi live miles away. I i her boeiv was lo Four bridges were washed away and 500 feet of tin Jersey Central Railroad track carrie d oil. The Melrose House was car ried dow n stream, but the inmates were ! rescued by a party of men in boais. Al Latin 1 Run the med waters caugbt titty loailed coal cars on a side track and ! .ia-hid them down the m-'untaiu like kin ding wood. The loss to the railroad company is about $.5,000; to town prop el t v. ab..ut $r.0,00U. Th" waters of Coal Rio k carried oil two bridges in the northern pa:t of the town, between Whkesbane and Parson. conflagrations. The Eire J uiel in Hi dory in this !ri: Wi-:i I li r. A fin- b i- )u : extensive Tack TV I. :1 ry . : .1.);!"- I) Ma- m A t -r p t. i.ear I.i'ht. B lit i .'Ti Te. M i. . v. 1 ich v a- ntirc.y u.-trnvci, : "a i'h al. it- ( ' T.te: ! - a' ; ' xten ied on ti.e : : ji t t an .iinerv. 1 It i'..e buil.l- I iao o.-cupt. d ! y 1 I t d.-r-o... J. ;w, & Co., : u kt r. (-.;:.' :f d ' d v factory, which I also de-u-.,'. . d. iiliam Schuite, i 'i(Tnat'. . ! ( );':: .. l'J. was buried bem-'tih ti.e i:.i:.- . KTiidneer , e;j;, ; ami killed. Ch'ef h, .: the fire depart- ;dy injured acd hU Fiana s tontinued to IK-!lt, W H- -,T. dentil is feared i pi'-'a'i to ti.e iiiif to the stove ware- j house ,,f Lh br.-mdt. M- Dc.tvcit & Co., v.hich was Kst:o'd, and to the ayricul- i tural warth' use t.f J-,. Whittnan & Suns, I the upper part of :.i,h a a burned out' i I - t ii i ' i .1 - t i ' ) , e r, . e , I ,t h-t v; n . u-in me ,e jiounnir mills sit- uated on Chestnut street, JSaslivillt: T din. 'I he heat was S' I intense that dwclliim hoiist-s on the other side ol liesiniit str- et were smoking, Rtul the eneine at the nearest u-rs had to be re inovi d io pi-event its i,, ii;-.-darnae-ed. Tf ! t.-ok pei-i-t.-nt mid wed "directed work -aye Nashville Canrdiir Company's a 1 1 mills m om dde, and the New Era w areho -e on the ether. The oi n.iils si-, lu'-.j in danger at one time, and one hundred and fifty cars on the Louis- i.i"Mid Na.l'iviile Railic-id s-.J,. tracks would hae bee,, burned had rot the yard master moved them wvh remarkable ra- idity. I he mills co-t al-out 00,000, but ''!"' l,n'l'-''ty wt.s not considered worth tnai amount, ot money. The building, -, . . , ' 1 1 . a c j 1 1 n e i -, and stock were m-und for ;?. oi-o iu small amounts in a score of ompames. The tire is supposed to have ' i . h :'e-i from a hot box. The- sixth i-o'-mpt to burn out the New York Xeiii.iig was frustrated. The tire -i'.iti'l on the third floor in some old tiles o! the Deniokrat. None but employes ie all--wed in that part of the building, i'd the own. i's of the paper are at a loss to know- how tie- bia.e came about. The watfhmaa had found everything right ' only fifteen minutes before ihe alarm. ! The were ipiicklv extinguished. : At Tampa, Fhu, a serious fire took ; pi-i , destiMvim;' all buildings on two . oioi ks except three. '1 hirt y-live business Ill ms w. re burned out, w ith an aggregate i 1 o-.. of s;;i,llii!i and only l.liOO insu- j it: ce, "wing to high rates. The fire oc- ; ' . ie-1 n the blocks snrr aiudcd by La- j r a; -i te. st H t ts. J;e kson. Tampa and Monroe j The origin of die fire is Tin- I.eou ii TI,,. 'l,,u.t IT..,. I.. " ' . - u. ,iv t ., ,. i . in . ''l" i j mit.e Is on file at the sixteenth level near j (annuel-, alici. Immense volumes ot j sinoKc are is mug from No. 8 shaft. . li.-.i.. l l. ,i :. : i in .... i-eiu-. il oi lit. itillie, llillll l.- have gone down to shut oil the fire from black hole- in a portion of the mines. A lire damaged the extensive saddlen haidwan- manufactory of the A bies company at Syracuse, N. Y., 100, oii'j, which i - covered bv an insurance of ' ut ' b.' Tin- t- f Winus- oi', S. ('., I'M-'i.tly di-tuibed In' the fietuiercy i f fires, apj.arently incendi.irj", is now iuucii excited over the burning of the residence of R. F. Kliis .n, a l.rcini- nent citien of tie- town. The house and content s w e re iv consumed, the inmates es aping w ith their lives. The lire vs as plainly incendiary. DEFENDING THE FLAG. Tin- Wuy in YV liirli an Irisiliiiian in New Vol k Sli'.weii li!.i t r i . I i si ill . At 12 o'clock, noon, an attempt was ! made to burn the Uritish steamship (Jin-en, while she was lying at her eloek at the foot of Houston street, New York. Tin re we re: goo people on board the stcanu r, and she was loatbal with a cargo worth half a million dollars. The crew were getting the vessel ready to start, when .suddenly a bottle of phosphorus v.-as thrown from the river on to the te-atner, and instantly after the elee-k was envelop. -d in fiames. The fire was quick ly sub.iued, but notm.til it had burne ick- 1 a iiol" m the u. ck twenty feet long and ten fe-et v. ide. -V man on the iier volun- teercdtlm information that he had seen a man thr w the bottle on the steamer. He pointed out the man, who was rapidly rowing over the river. George L. An- drews and Detective Vail, of the Nation- al line, beiarded a steam tug and folio wed the man. He was caught and taken to court, win -re he described himself as Thomas J. Mooney, 37 years old, of 2G7 W;:iiv:i stieet, Erookiyn. Andrews (barged him with having attempted to Lurn ilmstcainshipQueen. Capt Nelaud, "i' the barge Echo, said that he saw Mooney in the mw boat with three bot- ties wrapped up in paper. The captain asked what was in the bottles, and was tohl that it was whiskey for the officers of the Queen. hen the prisoner was searched there wa.s found on him a Smith A: Wesson revolver, dagger, new, and a number of clippings from newspapers re lative to the fishery question in Canada. The'i'e was also found upon him a West ern Union Tth'giaph blank, upon which was wiittcn the Vrdeh semg, "M'-n of Ha; 1. . Ii, march to Ra.ti.-." M-.ouej" said that he w as born in County Clare, Ire laud, and had been in this country fifteen years. At one time he w is in the clothing-business In Sixteenth street. When asked why he tried to -el the ship on lire he said: "The fact "f the m dter is I neither adiu-t nor eleny anything till I have le-gil advice. Ishou! 1 like to know if it is law! ul to haul down the American il ag in Canada, why it is not lawful to haul down the English flag in Ame-rioa." TIIK DI KE'S KET.ATIVES STIIVI;. A voung woman .." refine-'l and pleas- ihg manners applied to the New ork -i-' lodging lor m-rse.f and two children. She gave her maiden name, Mary Morton, but investigation reveals th t s' i- is the wife of Arthur Wellesley, a distant relative of the great Duke of W el.ington. Welh sley "s miner owns a luge sheep ranch in Lotnceston, Aus ir dia. and his family is wealthy and well enacted. Young Wellesley married dau -.liter of a well-to-do captain who 1 -,-.- 1 near i.;s miners laueu. a. 10 uieii it, I niovcet. Willi Ins wiie, o.i .m- jeaiauu, 1 . 1 - . i- ... v- ... rw . , 1 1 ( e England and attei wards to N . v ork 11. is sod to 1 e acting as a ok in liostem, Mass. SOUTHERN BRIEFS. cosm:ssATios Tin: u r Jt il'I'i;) I.U o A n 1 I K: ;ool Crop Aaun il orial. K lialono mill T nip rorv l.ui hi riim-Hollr.l Mown llrni t ouniry 4.i ni rnlU IlritllliT 1 he ."Nlont; merv, Ahi.. St ret-1 t'ar uii'.ar- etrmk for 14 u v. e.-k a:.d ia, ,t ho ;Jr- a day to oi.-!i;ute a dav' crk. The I'ir't I tint . -t lrun-h .t m-vki struck bj liirtitnlL;.', t.-aiit. the uhole of the north side of the stcvp x" l'i'-ces. Tie- Ikard of Ib .-.lrh of i C.i intend to close up all th.' wdls of th city, as it is found tho water is impm fp ;n sew.i--'. Maxwell, the condemned St. L u'n mind. r(-r, will imt be i xecutctl at pn -ent. 1 . a- a.- case has l.een a! alcd to rnir,., st ,i,.. , ..... A man named Fergus. ,n was killed mi the Fa-t Tennes-ec Haili-oad n. ar Iha--v.'ell. (ha., while attemptniLr to jump uti a train, w hile in motion. A flue of the ammonia chamber vf tin '--nt i :ti City Ice works blew out at Ma n: creating ureut l-alof con-ter- nation among the employes. W. J. Whalev, a clerk for (J rant. Mum dav Co., contractors of Savannah, lia. has been arrested charged with inisin a check from 4:M to $4.o:54. i Charles Ii. Jones, proprietor of the Daily Observer at Charlotte, N. C, made an ittsignment for the benefit of his cred- itors. He places his liabilities at -;,. '.Oo. t,, , , , f ,f , . ,,, lieiMirts received from Manchester, (dav i,. -. ., ' e-mi.i, III lliv MillUH.lltlJl COIHi'l oi Kentucky, state that a riot occurred dur ing the election in which six men wen killed. Hon. E. W. Robertson died at Raton Rouge, La., aged sixty four. He served three terms in Congress and was elected in November last a member "f tin- -Vcli Congress. The Chattanooga. Rome A' Columbus Raiiroad have located its line and woik AV'W he begun on the road within the m-xt ten days. The line will be 1 ili miles long and will pass through a i ich country. The capital will be furnished by N-a York and London bankers. The choking of the great si w.-r on Loyd street, Atlanta, (in., has pu.ied the city authorities for several jeais and it has just come to light, that the gas company had tapped the sewer in several plai cs and run their iiies through it. to ....... 4l t a: .i .. filVV 111. Ill lie. ill oiggoig "J ii.' Sill 11, All the women and' children have h it City, Rowan county, Ky., and ri, c no a,...,, ,.v,,,,i'il,". .,!. i - - intend to engage in the light, if one tak- takes place. The Tollive r gang arc armed with Winchesters, and the Loganites would have little show of holding out against them. Joseph II. Rainey, once a prominent colored man in South Carolina, has just died at Columbia. He figured extetisivelj in politics, his superior intelligence and good stock of information giving him prestige among his party followers. Re fore and during the: War he was the bar ber at the Mills' house in Charleston. At a depth of 0 feet, a small How of gas has been struck at the Logan well, six miles from Chattanooga, Tenn. The gas was lighted and blazed up live fe e t high, and the How is continuous. There is considerable excitement, and a stock company with a capital of $'20,000 has bee-n organized to sink live more we lls. The son of John Playe r, of Kershaw y"untj S. C, aged 0 years, accidentally shot his little brother, aged 3, inflicting a sev e-re and perhaps serious wound. A gun had been loaeled without the knowledge- of the father, and while the elder boy was playing with it, it went oil w ith the ii'sult stated. Ry the breaking of a brake beam on a freight car on the Georgia Pacific Rail road, near a station called Henry Ellen, several cars were elerailed whih- on tin Cahawba mountains. The cars went dow n the mountain side and were knoe ked about badly. Conductor Dooh-y and Rrakcman Tucker of Atlanta were- i.a dv hurt. Dr. W. IL Saunde-rs, the physician ,-.p pointed to make examinations of loeumo tive engineers and other railroad em ployes. under the new law which went into elfect recentlj", abandoned his work at Stevenson, Ala. Ib- was arrested on a writ e;f mandamus, wiiich requires him to complete his test as to color blindma His reason for abandoning his work is said to be trouble v. ith railroad men, 20, 000 in number, who dislike the new law. Gen Samuel Jones, of the judge advo cate general's office, died at Red ford Springs, Pa. Gen. Jones was bora in Vir ginia in lb'20, and was- consequently six ty-seven years of age. He was appoint ed cadet at the Military Academy at West Point, and after graduation en te-red the annj', where he -i-tvi-iI with credit in the Mexican war. He cumin ued in the service until th breaking out of the War, when he re-igm-d to enter the Confederacy. DENOUNCE THE MKASI'ItE. A large meeting of white and colored citizens was held in North Russell street Methodist Episcopal Church, iu Rostou, Mass., to protest against the enactment of the bill recently passed by the Gcrgi . House of Representatives, prohibitin the mingling of white ami black puoi.s in the schools. Addresses were mad" oy the Rev. Dr. Woodworthy, trust-of At lanta University, against which it is .-a.d the bill is principally aimed, and E. C. Cairigan, of the State Board f Educa tion. Resolutions were ad'; :ed de-c ar ing the bill unconstitutional, am! I k -'y to call down the judgment : If .a upon the head.s of ihe people - f .. Ui iTE en;i.i-ii. vor know." About a year ago, a low-sized younc man with fine eyes, hanelsome beard and I ri-nzed faee. went behind the prescrip : .on counter of Dr. Samuel Prioleaux at Sumnierviile, S. C, under the name of "Dr. George Simons.' Recently, he married Miss Mary Frances We, the i-elle oi th-- place, and assumed Ids real name and title as ''George Richard Si- II "t s 'iss-r. Earl ot Ilarinxsma." The happy pair went on a bridal tour to Richmond, Va. EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS. rrf l,kll,f t p. , rfi'li.Tillc was ri-ited by an ( nrth.j'.iakr ' shock wha h i.'.-; ! ! sec mis iili I j passed from s,mt!t to nrrtV. Fiurt- -n . vibrsTioT-.s wcn f . it and the r.!-io.Mij, noise v!is dis;i:jct:y heard. Hau--s it: ' all parts -.-f the city were jn r p'.ib'. shaken ana hundreds t f wople m t awakened fr iu ti dee HTl r:!hed into the streets. The plastering in the signal oth'. e w as cracked v.d articie sn the ros-m were nii'pla.-f i. An e arth quake shoe! was felt at Cnirksv i.le, Tenn. The dire t: n stHtnel fr-.-m southwest to nort: and the duniti -u was fi.-rty or ity t-e ::d. 1 1 ' ' peerned to be only one ho k uil a 5'is ceJ!ion "f waves. It was the severest e ver f. ;t tin re .'md i r. ted mm h ah. r:n ; from some building the Indie- ;aa screaming into the street tind m.'i j vcattd th'ir housen fiT the t:u, being. The sir k win- felt at C lnno bia, Miirfretb in, Fr.inklin, (bhthit::1. and thcr place"! m T. ma j-e A slight e.Ttlepiike shock .i f.-.t at St, Ma. It w.-keup the mo: pants of house-, but no dani-iuc is im ported. The inovi m-'i:t was irom m.u'Ii to north, and the ideation- lasted !r :u five to eight seconds. News Irom .be k : sonyille, CeMiaba and Jones! oi... Id imlimtp tli-.t lb.' i-jiriv i-h? t hnmikr s!i - - - - i noteel at Nadiville, Tenn., St. Louis and EvHtisville, lad., wa re general thr ugh I out southern .and central Illinois. , t j vcksoi! ilh' the ib'at ions s--e-med to be from the cast to the west, but io Jon s boro frcci the northwest to mutii. A ruinbiiiig noit.0 was h.-ard, and the sheicks were of sutiiciellt for. e' to cause- picime frmn-- to fdl from the walls. Tie time wa.s FJ-b' a. d. A severe shock of tartlnpiak. w is 1. It a! Cairo, 111, in the morning at '2 producing nausea w ith sev. nil p r suns. A distinct earthquake sh.-.-k was felt in Hunt-vibe, Ala., nn-iei -. sloepers by the noi-e ami moti -n . , vibration was from south to noitii, a a-; was followed by a piotractcd ti n..c . having a duration of about twelve omls- ;iO(.l LAWS. Governor Gordon, of Gei rgia has signed the f' 'How ing bills : To amend section 4MKi of the code re lating to the sale of lands by commis sioners whem the same' are' sold under pro ceedings i ,f part i I ion. To repeal, part o, section i ,,f the code to make an amendment in lieu theieof. To incorporate "Williamsburg in Cab ! houn (iiimtv. To amend section Kistl (N. N.) of tin code by imerting after the words "paid in" in the fifth line, the words "if the nee es-itii s of the road requires more than erne-half of the amount of capital st.x'k paid in to the amount of !!,000 per mile.'" A bill for the protection of cemeteries and to prevent ami punish unauthorized trallic in deiid bodies. Abo for the promotion of medical science L the distribution and use of dead bodies through a boaid I'-ated for hat purpo-e. .hist iiavi: kik im;mtion. An invitation has b' en issued to all German-American Catholics to meet at Chicago, September Gth. National Cath olic conventions are mi ohl custom in Germany, but the one held next September will be the first one in the United States. The object of the convention will be, it is said, the consid eration ef (bllerei.ce-s exi-tinc between German and Irish Catholi..-. It hasoitcn been the complaint of German Catholics in this country that they are neglected 01 evt n intentionally slighted by tin- highest dignitaries of the church. Complaint has been made at Rome- and the propa ganda has recently decided that German Catholics in the United Stat s must be treated as equal to the Irish. Theobjeit of tin: convi ntion is to demonstrate the strength of German Catholic- and tiki '.eps to -ecuie recognition. It is claimed .hat there are nio ,t 2. 000,000 Germ m Catholics in the United States. t'UA.Y MdTIII'K- Mrs. W. IL Lisle, of Lansingburg, N. Y., with two small children, Mt for Glen's. Falls. The train flopped at Fort Edward, and something occurred to ex cite th la iy, and she attempted to jump from the- eoaeh to the platform, she threw om- of the children firs' und '-hen sprang after it with the other child. She fell und'-r the ears and was kil'ed, with the chih: sh- h h'-r arms. The other child was hau'.-d out i'r-uu under the mov ing cars ju-t ahead of the wh' f-l". CHINK!-: HANK. The earl of Roseberry, in the LTourc o! Lords, asked Prime Minister Salisbury U confirm or contradict the report tehj graj.hed from Shanghai that an American eompanv of finat,'ii-rs (Jay G'aj'd and otheisj had established a bank in China, w ith a c.j.'tal of 'g"'.0oo.ou'l, and Ice! o!e,;ihe 1 irom the ('!.;:... government a h' 1 e -e ' . e li -a 1, I t th- corriora- T 1 e c . U ' i ' e c o n ; t 1! t 1 '1 the hnancial de mp,re. Foid salisburr 1 ' nt of -in d- i.i d that .sj.c'i Wa t he case. THE COTTON PKOSPEC7. Dr. "W. L. Jone-s, of Athena, Ga , the well-known writer on agricultural sub jects, says that upland corn wa- i j 1 r- d but slightly and on branch bottoms it w a not materially hurt, but em the rivers i d creeks it is disastrously damaged. A- t . cotton, Dr. Jcn-s said, he thought id. ti blooms that have appeared since the rain Degan will fall oil, and a- tie- crop h .s but about two weeks longer to m ,k . he thought that f iners l oiild only .. , ount on the fruit already' on t (.- stai .. I 11 :. I I. la! I JO . ' Apjie-aranee's indicate that Gen. Buck : e-r has In-en e.-, t. d Governor of Ken tucky by a r.-due-ed majority. Th- exc tmg impaign in Texas as to heth.r the -bit'- should go "wet'" or dry.' his end'd iu a huge majoritj ag d nsf p: ;. ii-i t ion. Ti,e feel 1 eg em hot h -id. ha-s been quite bitter, eveu families. Nl'.MBKK in. GENERAL NEWS. frunzsr i a i:t nil- . i7.M..vr.i.Mi .i( i;i" I'fTrrta ! Hal rather I tr l . fcanl m4 Ullri-l r. ,Jr..l I be Or.itl.V I ikil"0 rir., (!". A htatii ill i-. .r.itt 1 -.' 1. lb :r Krujip. tb.- gr. u! .-. r.....n i:f:ct-,jr.-r. ; ol A : . .rtb.piuk. sh the m- : n.: g 8. Fx i c i . lad It -i r .i.e'.ai. ed .r. d 1 ! d .d- .t i .. h . i p r .- s e U 1 s Th- IV: n- l uni.i R . b - . t c c m ! - -p plj ci. Ut-h f: :. hi -te. ' ' 5a T Pitt-l-ar, Pa. ; t- .! is CO-;. I -..- -. - I'l.ere h.1 i- I" 11 1.- ( a. f ih.i'ii an 1 !.' d. ath from . h.-h ra Mid. Tl 0 da ' quar 'ill! ilii- agi.uM thit p..w has be n e stablished at iitbta d-r. At a meeting the b- .rd of trust. . , of the New York Sold., r- ant oi -i" Home Ht Rath. N. V., TuasUt.T R ' whs ousted. His acc-nuT- wi ! ''b""" -I, rt. hii ti frii :i-l.i iu !!'' I.'" d All the HwW it hive I- . :i oubrt-d to pay the .tr.,tis atli ti--n ! ' the elle-i tiv. ni ss of th' ti--. p . r. 'It to ensure a proper workin pi ih- .on-, iu the event el an outbi...s 1 -u Europe-. The Sitngerfe-t .omuot:... .C '.-'.urn bus, hio, ha- Cell l-.pc 1 th- f a. t. th ,' the loss n the lad s , n . il.-t will b slightly iu en esv of ff",ii,ts.o. (iaii.Uiti su s, ider will l- i.-ill'd upon to mas.. Up I he deficit. The bill to allow tU t .-n-iiu. te n . f a tunnel under Ih'- English ( ho. mi !. mating Eliglnnd A ltii Fiance 11 n.tio dm i-d ui the House .,f i .m'.ioa-. b Sir Edward Watkiu, W as . i. t.-.,t , . I bv .1 -of lu3 to 107. Crown Prima- Fic.h rn k illi'im un derwent another op. ration l a . Mr Keiizie for the- r.-wtii in n.h l Ri .t , :ii London, England. The resot ol im oj eration was go..i that the piinc-- i turned to ('owes. His g. 11. rai hra.ih i exi i Hi nt. During the naval ma:.o-ucrs in ti c British Channel, tin- Noid. nfe dt i ut board the Curh w burst, m ii"H-i) o.en ing severely several si aim 11. ( hie ; ih, cuiih on the Rla k I'iiiih , "i.i ! il. gieat iron-clad, iihn buist, in jilt in , three men. A beer kettle exploded 111 Rain's Li. a cry, at Gp-eribaj, Wi--., -c.ildim; 1 m-n, li el whom di.-d duiiiig'l.i- nudit I ! cause of the: expl .sjo,, j, unknew n 1 he kettle he-Id 70 bands el boiling A.iPi, v.hich poured ovi r the unb-rtun 1 c m n, literally ce.oking their lh .-h. I luring the fi-miv it i' s nt a pi- nic .1 t h hod cat 1 i.-rs' union at Ais.-nal p. ok, 111 Pittsburg, pa., a gasodne lamp mi perilled from the celling of tin dining halt exploded, scat t -l i ng tkw binning fluid over a number of p. oph , ma iv of whom were 1 i . 1 1 1 y mjuied Mrs. Fannie Hal m- w a-- g.u d and 1 1 .on .lc ' to death by a mad l ull at I'u-'ol i, III., while- atteiuptiiig t",liicf!e brut.- out of the front J.ild. She foil dd t he animal as long as h. i -ti.n-dLi h. I I out, but as no om- cam.- to !e 1 a--i - t on e she WHS killed before the .es ,f ie 1 little children. Tlu re are now seven Cm idem 1 , on the mackerel gtound in Nova Scti i, looking after tin- Anr man h-i.'iiii'n The mackerel are vciy p'enidui m "hor. , and Aim ricans very daring, but with tic presence of so many ( nu-' P '-n th. l-.ok-outpqijiortuni'ty for tin in t" get 'ana ban fish are not many. New from Abakan, Minn., i- to the 1 fleet, that a Kpiaw ", mi: n,i I m jn! th.ic for threatening to kill a while woman has belli released, a s t he a 1 1 ! I.'. I 1 1 . e . Aire in awe of the Indians, w ho h id a -i iiilil'-J in large-number. Curb rs have arrived at Aitakan from Willow river, healing the intelligence that the Indian are kill ing stock belonging to "he s ttl.-r. 'Iliree children of Martin D-pp, a (i'-rman i-hoeinakr of Huti-burg, Pa, were poisoned by eating mu-age whi'h their father had pui ln-i-1 in tie- mai her. The youngest e hild, John, died m r a . hours, and the others w.-o- sav. d with great difficulty. The fath-r, who P- 1. some ef the m-:it to hi 'hop for hin'-h, iiotic-d the epiei-r ta-t'- ..iid did not i-.,t it. Prince Krow Luang 1 1 .w one-i ' . r -prakaw, half brother of tin- kuj ( Sium, and nut' have nrnvd in N v York. 'Ihe party n-i-!- of b- -ah - de-Prime-, his 'ou-in, Primis K iiija IC"bi, Pranit an-1 Ciura: ih- hew s-.m.'-e Mm ister, Count Phra Dean Rak-i, --veiid aiels, three tutor, Nai Chit, a - i nt and an inte-rjirePr. Tie- prime i- about 31 yenrs old, and speaks Kngli.-d f adiiy. Moloney, th- mail who acted a Jake Sharp's tool in bribing th- New York ahbrmer, whin- out in his yacht with a Jiarty of friend- at Moiifr'-nl, Cfinada, m w t .vo men nt ruggiing in 'he wat.-r just above Eachine l ipid-. Ihcr boat had cij.siz.' d on !. om.t of h. strong 1 .r rent, and they w ! in dang'.-r. Moloney head'-d his v .,.. f-.r them and succeeded in getting th-n. aboard and landing the-iri a' La- nirn- While worship was progres-jfig at f. John's Catholic (.'hure h, at STaiit.n, pa., Mrs. Steele, w hose- home wa m it bv, rushed from the dv-lllr:g wit!; . r hdh ing in flumes, and -rii-bo.!y in he n,;, gregation s-irig her, 'li-.iitol, " tie woman on fr.-g At the m-i.tnui' f tin-"' the coT.gregaflon uni. in a-i u r ,p A wild ru-h for 'he i-i, -'i'-l, : - d a any JKOJile W'eie tramj.ied Uj.o'i an i - v o y hurt. Mrs. Steele die i s-.o-j alPj j!i great agony. Delegate to the ev it' .nth i i pi convention of the Catholi ''ol d Absti nence Union of Ame-rp i at Phd eh Iphi i. Pa., before . r ring upo ! a-a - which drew then. o", .. ; fioa ..ipart-o( I ),, country to th d ity. pro. . del i-i a b--dy to t'ne t- eg ,g.- m tie It ma service-, of high lui'. It." d'''gd's. miiiibr'- l :.b-,'.! : 'P I.'. .b' . Tei .nuong them .-e.r m pr.--- '. no a tiv- m'-mbe-r- ! ' ' I .', A !. 'p.. u e - a i.-tie- Rh-b-on- V'"ir:g Rigsbv I aid to ro w r, i ,-t." Immps. v --I' don't think lb- hat been owing me 10forfif en months. MiTlujt'sn Fne iVe-.

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