TU I) HMO (Ml AT FRIDAY AUGUST 19, 1S7. 4tl erliiiiJJ ZSsitcv. ; ,-,U;inu a year ; ,(,' nun a yerr I ,-,,; mm a year r a yi ar . I n Vli-li' - sso.oo - to. CO - 2.3.00 - 13.00 4 .:! i ., , -; i ;i-t t r uno: man one year ntty . r , ( :i' r.dded to tin- prorata yearly rate. 0 ,.; aituvc from these terms. LOCAL ITEMS. . Sap tobacco is always the best. y, -t. M. G. Hoffman left Tuesday N -ith. I P. A. Pay and wife, of Murfrees 1.,,;". arc -visiting relatives in town. r ,';l at N. I'. Jo-cy & Co.s and get a , -., - . :" Wine Sap tobacco. t' ' - (',;. :i crops are somewhat damaged 1 v ':: ii'.avy iains, hut a full crop will !leli'nan will oon have in theiinest 3. ; .-tocii of goods ever brought ;.. .''and Neck. i .1 y., V. ). I!i:i and Miss Nan Shields V M - lav morning to visit friends at If v,;a want a good chewing tobacco !',r Wme Sap at X. 1$. Josey & Co.'.-. There will he foui ba'cs of cotton made : vvir i:i Halifax county for every three tuade last year. ' i; i- "is and umbrellas we have got .. a bv t.. ?!. all the newest patterns at . 11 ;i':nan's. '!;!'' will he two barrels of corn made i:: I ;i 1 : x c unity this year for every one k, . 1 la -1 year. la ten days the neatest and cheapest la he.- goods ever sold in Scotland Neck w:'A at M. Holl'man's. M;. rs. EdmonJscn & Josey are the t,;hv -a i chants who sell the Celebrated j;d:".e C..'tton planter in this place. Mr. .1. I.. Whitehead and lady, of this pace, are visiting Mrs. J. E. Lewis near K:: ".v.i.d. Mr. ft. C. Josev, who lias been spends i:u i i w days with his family at Panacea, retained this week. .i'i-t received 1 ,."'") pounds of the best cu ia'i v inale hams that we will sell at a ie price. M. Hoffman. V, -are glad lo ?ee that Mr. .. L. .hr.hmhas returned, after an absence of I i:i"ve than a month. M. lioi'fman and Gerson Hoffman left Tucs hu for New York to buy goods. M. !h".l!':nf)n for Scotland Neck, ami G. lh ::':a:;n for Hamilton. Mr. it. E. Hancock has gone to join Mis. II. who has been spending several v- ' at the popular Panacea. i'"-ne and see M. Hoffman's new spring !!' . !; ir is the largest and best assorted Her brought to town. Mr. II. C. Williams, of Murfreesboro, i- -pending a few days with his brother, lie i"eMi"t .avor you, George, hi white goods and hosiery we have the l ire: -' stock this side of Baltimore and v- w;',! make pricf S lower than ever. M. II oil in an. M----rs. Jesse E. Hancock, TV. II. and J s. ;.. .iosoy are oil' this week the f. ::::. .r I'.-r Panacea, the latter for Mur-frec-hcro. 1 1 v.ci v, ant the best and cheapest shoe or a-..., ever bought lor the money, come ruh' 1 '.vi; to M. Uoll'u.anhs stoie, and y a h ,e 'jt it. Dort forget it. h ' . '. L. !o-.ve'l. of Wiiliam.-.ton, is c ia ia,' a aeetins this week nt Sta- - a . I house about eight mdes l: Ta : ,v:i. V". it- e g ; i 1 to earu that Mr. Jno. T. ho has been ;uite ill for sev ' wi e'..s, is now eaavalescent. h .-'.la non Mon lay evening hattered j ' :: branch and tore into splint-tr- t c- two large white oaks in 20 feet '- : at of 1. Lduiondsfii's dwellnijr I r whiiig in the hue of events dress :cid ladies. i:ii:n a baby's hiyse lo - ' y -.,,. will be at I!:h"n ans in ten uy till yt:u call and see ' ir-t boll e l cotton that we have s reason was shown us Thursday. ' t Mirprisrd, when we learned t;,!l' v''i erow:i on the farm of Iir. W J. h:,.v, c:;.,. ; ' -t A uni VKD. A car load of tine "i." 'I. I hriri. "t r.vi.'..o t. will t !.. 1 !.;" Will sell tor e:H;. ''' , ' ' -".e.iire. g-..d stock are invited to ' 1 - ' - i -i nil! e ours. '' '. Pi'ics A Johnson. -' i:. r""k". who has been vis:t 1 .!;' :v and iVieiol-. returned to I '" s. C, :,:s inuiu. on 'I'liexiay. ' ii.-- n new siity.'enber of the '1 l-eforu he lel. 1:1 ui has seven of the best sales y t-ie iii the State, customer. f lie-y will 01113- coni'j and look w; can beat the world on v U'id grade, of trood.s and on 3t J, t-.t T'; 1 I'.'if . , 1 'or -nce Smith and 1 e 1a Uot -' i.n have been spending suveial Vl w.:h Miss Kvr Kitchin, returned lj i di'ng, their licme. 011 Monday t.'ii.- 1 , ,. ,f ... . r f rnr vOIlt)"- He. ' "boii e La viL-uce, who has bpn y ' ': - tl''- 1 1 . r at .M.n eheaH, ai d "'. u., r -turned hon Vondav j. ' l" the dcPght of her many li"u U .S"ot!ai..d Neeh. " v 'i her dull hi iu'ii on .Sunav, r i ill - i-jer tat V.'h.Va. Kobmson, " 'lu Li-useopal chureh w as cdf on his summer vacation, and Rev. jr. Lynch of the Baptist church was away on a short visit to his home. M. Hoffman's new fall stock of goods will begin to arrive in a few days and then the girls and boys can all be sup. plied from head to foot and from foot to head with batergoods and cheaper prices than ever before. Quite a large nut.abi-r of our citizens were over to the picnic at Pleasant 11,11. Of course it was a success, and thorough ly enjoyable. It is chaiacteristic of our good people m that section of Edgecombe ?c make a success of whatever they un dertake. Our laces and embrf.nl prmc ..o ,,ri .. latent , lesigns and were bought to match mi e.,s goous which comprise new vei.n.gs, trirots.crinUh batistes, lawtw satms, gmjrhams aiid so forth. M. Ilofl.ian. It is truly refre.-haig to drive out in the country and sec the bnght prospects for a tremendous harvest this fall. May the farmers' most songuine expectations be fully realized! We wouhl like of all things the best, to see our community once more thoroughly prosperous. We are bound to sell, we bought to sell, that is our business and we have always attended to it. so come rirht down to M. HeHman's and buy the cheapest and best bargains of your life. The Scotland Neck Temperance As sociation now member near two hundred. At their last meeting, they decided to admit visitors to their meetings in the lutur, only through special invitations which must be presented at the door. They aie doing a good work. M,y u never cease! At M. Ho!'mans a httle money goes along ways and buys a great many goods. He has the largest stock on the way and will be in store in less than two weeks ever bought at one time by any merchant in the county. Come and see for your self. It will cost you nothing. So9i-:iii), .V Mk. Eimtou: Crops are finer in Edgecombe county than we have ever seen them. 1 visited Dr. Majo's, Mari on p -pc's, Gray Bryant's, McWeathers bee's and Dr. Baker's. These are all first c.ass farms. Mr. Pope's crops on the Blocker faun is the finest I ever saw. He has 230 acres in cotton and will gather if no disaster overtakes the crop, two hundred ami fifty bales tins year. Mr. Pope made on this same 2o ) acres last year about 22'J bales of cotton. His com crop is as good as the heart could desire. He wili have to build new b sins to house it in. Mr- Pope is one of Edge combe's best fanners and most prosper ous citizens. If all the fanners in Edge combe and Halifax counties were in the same condition as Mr. Pope's and were under control of such managers, both counties would in a short time be over flowing with wealth and abundance. W. I). P. The time is ri po for the removal of Republican clerks and subordinate odicials of the liepublican faith. Postponement has ceased to be a virtue. Too long hae these subor dinates or their chiefs offended the better sentiment of tins district, State and nation , and tried the forbear ance of those who ought to represent it. This undemocratic course is in defiance alike of those principles which should prevail in tee public service of a gre:it and populous country. Greensboro rut riot. There is a wide difference of opm- j ion as to the n umber vt' apples eaten j by Adam and K-ve in the Garden of j fvlen. SoniR ay Eve 8 fate) and ! Adam '2 (too) tottd 10; otlitfs, Eve 3, and Adam 8, total ( ; others say, if le 8 1, and Adam S 2 ; the total is 103 ; if r:,.' 81 and Adam R 1 2 , the total U S'Jo ; if Eve 8 1 1st (ate one first) and Adam 8 1 2, the total j is l.Cl'3; if Eve 8 14 Adam, and j Adam 8 12 4 Eve, the tolal i 8,033 ; j if Eve S 1 1 Adam, and Adam S 1 U 4 2 oblige Eve, the total is j 2,0jG. Still wronz. Eve when she 1 8 1 2 many, and probably felt sorry for if; eo Adam in order to relieve her jjrief 8 1 2. Therefore,! if Adam 8 1 8 1 4 2 401V Eve's de j pressed spirits , thy both ate 81. 89C.SC4 applet Kx. i Crops A Tier Pests. Ir addition to the good things al reedy mtnt'onel about pens in the S jirfhi'vu Cultivator, it may be said that after taking viT the iiKS vvhie!: make exelieiit hay, capable ot keeping stock fat wi'h th- ad lition of a very small (juMiPLj o'" corn he land is left in good condition. Flic routs have broken and mulched the soil to a great depth, while tht growing crop has sha led the ground, which its attendant conditions is the best jisrt of the results of pea cult ure. Three pecks to one bushel ot hie preserver peas is best for hay making, because the crab arass will then race with the vines and make a good mixture, which shortens the time of good curing. Mown in the morning after the dew is off, mked into windrows the same evening, on the next day. and put into cocks tli. e: i;d eeniug, it will be ready for ho-i dug on the third day. To insuie lie: feet safety pots tx'tzUt be r r nig al for insertrig bars as rh-j hny i.i .-to red, wi.ieh will give air-pss-3 l ueuj'n the hay. Dry fodder or" Htr.-vv may le inter- laid between the bars (which may benefit sll round.) Fine crop of oats or rye may be gf own i after peas without ad Iition of fori- j ilizors. I know of a patch of rye I following peas that was grazed all J winter and till April, and then made; the Lest crop of rye I ever saw. Any I crop following peas has the advant age of a considerable application, of ! itiiiZ-.T. i My first observation of pea culture j i is a benefit to land occurred the sec-; ond year of iny experience. Not ! having enough pens about two! acrCi of corn were without a nea j crop--that full I sowed oat using about seventy-five pounds of gcaao per ac;ie. Where the ens hud grown the year before I gathered twenty to fort- bu-ihtis of o tt, while the oats a Her com al no were hardly btout enough to 1 e cradled. In a certain lield, which was part ly a corn and peas and partly in oats las year, and which u now in cotton without fevtiliz r, the differ encc in appearance of the plant is the difference of a moderate applica tion of fertilizer in favor ol the peas. About 2')0 pound j of ash element is excellent for peas sown after small grain in June. T. N. I. , in South ern CuV icutor for August. A I"l:ilon?ii';l .niwer. The value of .-ervictis rendered b skille workmen should not be calcu lated by the time it takes to perform the task. J llowance fihot.l l be made for the weeks and months spent, by thorough workmen in learning how to do their work weil. This knowl edge has its money value. While Judge. Tracy wa on the cir cuit, going from court, his trace broke. The judge spent a half hour trj-in to mend it, but to no purpose. His patience was exhausted, and he expressed his vexation ir. words. A negro came along, and the judge told him of his trouble. The Negro let out the trace, cut a hole in. it, and the joi) was done. "Vh ,"said the judge, ''jould I i'ot have theught of that?" "Vu I' , niarster." said the Negro, "d'K.'i. "jOu know some folks is naturally smarter than t'oth ji s?' ' 'That's so ," said the judge. "What shall I pay you for fixing my trace?" 'Well mars'er, fifty cents will do" said the Neuro. "Fifty cents '.''said the Jude. ''You were not five min utes at it." "1 do uot charge you fifty cent for doing it," said the Negro. UI charge you twenty-five cents for doing it, and twenty-five cents for knowing how to do it." Savannah Ntas. 5Sv Asiirrl Sotlscr. There's a laud beyond the river. Where the skies are evfr fair, And I have an angel mothcu, Vv'Lo i, waiting for me there: She went o'er the silent waters, At the set.ing of the sun; And I know that she is happy, For the Christian" course is run. Tn tleu land wiire she is waiting For the oif ? sue loved on earth, Sin and sorrow ne'.e- enter. i . . ... !.;( tl m.t eienuu m Wherfs the loved ones gone befoi e via, Wait ami watch beside the tide- For the fi icnds they left behind them, Un the tier's earthy side. When the solemn summons calls us To the man::ins of the blest. We s'mill lose our earthly sorrows In a sense of blissful rsi. There eternal peac and quiet, FiP.3 th iieaft forevermore; And no paia can ever enter On the rivei "s further shore. Come, O boatmnn. row me over To a fairer land than tin. For my heart grows weary waiting For my angel mother's liss. -Ex. A FAMILY IiLFSINU. Siinmoos Liver Regulator, the favorite ; ' . . w , Forest, CoPvC' home ren.edv, is entirely vegetable, and ( . , i-5 the t-urst" snd best family medicine j Thanking the putnio lor their in tt.at is comcouuite!!. r-o vror 10 oe r'nv f-cnl I s of time. ; feared in administering: no in ... ;'"ter takin1': no los exoosuie i-. , . 1 the best preventive meuicme aim a fe t take HO mruier n nai ; mav prove to he. and. in any ordinary j a.ose. will effect a speedy euro. He-j maud the Genuine, baring the -stamp on Wrapper. Till-III UrSlNESi HOOMLMJ. ! CoT-e taku- pleasure n ;-eurii g P.obanly no one thing has caused such! .cS.i,TOuy to the eueees-i IK and a -eneral revival of trade at L.T. White-!ix,,mi,jiry -indent ll!e ot .Mr. F. held Co. Drug Store as their gtvmg j :.iUfin!u2. He receives at rYe-ll' 1 -i'l r"-!:,,-' -.'-2t, ,ht S feA 'is simply j degree of A. M. , and u b-.-ed enormous u! this very valuable article ; cuV 1 to g0.cr,l respect ,1 .. .i.r.i tl.fli it nlwavs cures audi . ., 1 from the fact that :t aiwajs cu e, never disappoints. Couglis, Loins, .v.- thma. Bronchitis, Croat,, and all thioat and bin- diseases quickly cure, xuu can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size 1. Lvery bottle warranted. A HUSBAND'S GREATEST BLESS ING is a strong, healthy, vigorous wife, with a clear handsome complexion. These can all be acquired by using Dr. llart er's Iron Tonic. FIELD PEA AND BEAN HARVEST ERS. Five acres) arvested shelled and sacK ed 111 one day. Address a'.l orders to B- 0- SH'SGE, Scotland NecK, N. C. jullS. LOOK OUT! Couij.are this with jour purchase i III .IJIfj-I m ,sV rn --jj- it-Jin Restlehsncss. A STUICTLV VECITLt Al!k.TLC3S FAMILT MtDlCIMC. PHILADELPHIA. As you value health, perhaps life, ex.vniu- each packag; anil ! sure you gi-t the (itnuini'. Sc ti;e red Z Trade-Mark ami the f i'l title oni front of Wrapper, nnd on tlx Olde the Deal and signature of ,f . il. ellln A Co., as in the above fac-simile Kenieniher th h no ether genuine Simmons Liver ReulaUr. i U U K L II -N S A II N ! C A S A L i ! TilE BE.Sl" SALY i.i thj w.-rllf.T Cuts, Hrnises, Sores, I'lcers. Salt Ilheuin, Fever Sares, Tetter. Chapp-j 1 Hands, t,'hilhIa:n- C-in-s, an 1 all Skin Krup tiuns, a-i i p isitivj'y c itjs Piles, or no uay require 1. It is g rtranteei to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price Ji) Cent.-i per tox. SALEKVKT. AYUirinVn XOTICK. NOTICE. LAND POSTED, All persons are forbidden trcpassin? on my laud a lioming, the lands of I. H. Smith. It. L. Hancock, . N. Smith and T. W. Fenncr, either with gun. dog or j in person. All offenders will he dealt with according to law. Mr. C. II. Cocke i ihe renter has full power to act. j Aug. sth, 1S7. A. h. SMITH. ! aug 12-1 m. ! THE VAN WINKLE COTTON GIN. This is the best gin made. It was awarded the first premium at the At lanta Cotton exposition in completion with oil the leading gins m the country j It gins fast and cleans the seed almost equal to a linter. Send for circular giving terms and price. Parties at a distance wil' please send reference. F. S. UOYSTER, Agent. July 23th, 18s7. Taiihoko, N. C. aug l -J-4t. VLNH HILL FEMALE ACADEMY-' ScOTI-AiJO Nkck, N. C. The next term begins August 21), "PS 7. Tuition per term of twenty weeks: PiMMAltY - - - $8.00 INTEItMEDI .VTE - - 11. 00 IIICilEP ENGLISH - - 11.00 MUSIC ... - l.l.OO LATIN - - - -J..-.0 FltFNCII - 2..-f) misses smith & McDowell. Miss Pkkkv, Principals. Assistant. au:i2-:;t. . j h ,f) caU altention of the nb. ; I UJ ' j JhiV Academy found elsewhere in i t his paper. I li.ive iissoeiated vriC 1 ni! as as- ! Sistant, for the ensuing yc.it I 1 11. Maiitiin:, of Gates County, N. j C, who was graduated Master of, (Art's IrolM ' e.Ke rorest Lnl ege :t ! the last Commenceiuent of that msti- i 1 tution. ; We .?!:ail spare no pains in making t!ie shool all that eon !e desired for the eomtnuMiy. a;ious improve ments in eonvcuienee and methods mil be introduced. U-gardin Mr. M.;ii::--' jualifications as a teach - ,r. 1 subioin Ins tcsi.'.Toni:i! fro;R the 3 oril! P-ronage (if four and a half sue cessiVe ears, I earnestly solieit a , contil, uation ot t he same. Po,i oetfuHv. i:. I-:. ll!l!iard. Tk-i biOMAr.. The yaculty of Wake Toivst , H., is Vcll .,lCiared fo eum. -. . , ,hc ork ,,f teacher, to which he ex pect i to devote himse.t. Y. L, Poteat . Secretary. Wake Forest, N. C, June 2, 18s7. BRACE UP. You are feelrng'depre-.sed, your ?ppet ite is poor, you are bothered with Head- up spr lor an then le fore -il' . - (- vanr ... 1 ;..JV,.i Ki.lnpvs. resto: e vour , , r,nPWft(t health an-1 at 1 1. "i 01 iji i . " 11 . i ..ppjj Such a medicine vou will imd in Electric Bitters, and oidv 5.) cent- a bottle at E. T. Whuth -al a Co ,..ug !store' m JPrice, QH E Dollar I ache. vtu are nu-.;ei . 11 . t hr. 1 .1 1 le V to oresent mem 10 ; generally out of sorts, and want to nrace j authertic&te-l o- or b;-."ore 1 Tr-iVtdm-' troop.- would do well to remember that we have a Jar - h'-i.Mtu h id up. Brace up, but m-t with stjinalants ; J ta en ,c t 1SS with L'i''i stage and well arranged srenery. ..;atin, canity of Had 7 , , mj ir.wucuu'. 01 i-iiai.-. - . - , . 1 1 iihii,iii.inmi aioi'i'irmiwi K '"' Uieir very cuap. au ( yj UKl .' " - 1 1 wv .,iu the Pir.l m'i.n 1 r ai u a-)'.o, ir.ii.i it .. . d which -t'.inulate you tor an nour, aim h ,iur of recovery. Ail S.-ersoln in- . T..,. V IN SHIP t'OTT )N GIN and the Al. I r.il A. AH ) v h4 leave ?oa m worse conuiuon l! , ,lebt.e-d to said deceased at ih.' tune 1 - , , v cn al.-o furnish yoj with mceopm bugK.-s i uic 1.0.1 t.si priee Wl-at you want is an autr....e , , - ,.. vet.icte wnrranteu ii:on.J! II.. W. A. DU?m ATTtT.NF.V AT LAW. scor lasd yt: 'x. .v. Practices w required. r. vt-r li'- - i v WM. II . LKWIS. ATloIlNKY AM' '! N I. A o . t,ij. Practic-s i i all 'he c-ur! v! h. d- -rai. i. t-d. Pr.mij.t a tice cr !-- t.-tltl'i!! t ' :- ,' i " m wi niiiio on Sisr liiu Mil ua i ii . i u . . uiui i Khhue li". in I'iifi A.ttf:it:on i- eiil i t !: Uuee 1 l.ite.S d" s:.hr- The Daily Siar. ;r- yt-ar. Si u :.t',-. I il !'(. -V Ili'lJitliS, ' 'no iiio::'.h. 1 ,Vt ."ill THE WEEKLY STAR. '.e year, -Six months, -Three months, - il no hir Telegraph News service h is re cently heen largely increased, and it is our determination t.i keep the Siak up t'i the highest standard ot new.-paper e- Ad lres, w.m. il i;i:i:nai:i, Wilmington, N . P. ltvWIWI'ill',8lMi'W;iB-'SI AND WOOD COFFINS. In vk:y of the fact that we haw no regular esiiiiH$;3:i:iieiit in Seot and Neck, and realizing the neees sity for such a-i establifthtr.et.t for t!iC convenie-icc of the public gener ally. Wc have decided t kei'p a full assortment of Metallic Uurial Cas3s and wood Collins of various styles and prices' Orders by mail or wire promptly filled. N B. Josey Co Cor. Main & 11th Streets. IV. TED Lull 1 'J a Wgm'B Fr ff IhS Will t.u-lf'- ' r! OTi-J rfrii!.ifn M IS t:-e L:V ii. rl KIDNEYS ami --s i. - i-i!i i ... HhauH umi viu. .A OH of YO-JTI1. lii..ii'i.Viint t.f i it--, Ji..ii.-pr.ti(,n.I.i.ck of St.. .....I. .....I !....,. ..h. FiS'iT'a 8..i!t-.-iy riir!.i: Kui-s, iau- frrMK Tvrrivo new ft-Cv-x I I iT'l'ii".". lirr.in Pownr. LAOIEI Sulf.'ritii' fro;;. cu:r'KiTits ppru-ii-r to tt .r rV7 will linl in DR. HAhTEK'9 !PON TOKIC eafe, ppely cjto. C iv. .t r Im r, l.pal t iiy ccni It'i ion. All Rt tempts Kt. t our: trfr.;: i t r. iy iif'.'i:' to it i-opu-larily. lo not -v;priiMi , t e ioi . r. ANl BKbT Dr. HflRTER'S LtVSTR PILL8 h Cnro Coiisu&;iHoii.l.ivr Com-Iatni -:id 8:ek d Bj Headache. .Ssnpie Dnse aid I'rcam Hooka "mailed on V'eiiii of !;voro:s la poHiaee. ? THE CR. HARTCR ML'!Citi'E CO.. ST. LOUiS, MC. r Jtitt:';.? ps Oso Uxor, sf rocrlIi- pi 7? i . n .? v i;i r . . ? :. F: : : ; .em ' 'liif j T", -, o.'Ik-;--:- 1 Til OS. V. 1UOLKV, WILMINiiToN, N. C. ' CoAL jOL VSsi:s. Salt, (.kncine German Kai.mt ami Ndv.v Scotia Land Plastj:'.:. Quotatious on a j 1 1 leation. Feb 11-lr. I i " 'j p3 ; $yAt .,.... V.,,' .JSzi, 1 n.-. rbni' ?n-HKY i? kSp .u-:.. - y. -.cr . -i4 :., ,.,:. .;r-o. :icvx hi i..,-r-.v ,hr,M.i!ar.', - :'"-'"r:T:-' j Motion. -.m r :v-h; p...,,:,. -r 1 - j 1-.. . ..... i.nrulic -..-iniin. r ... VI.J-irii-Sl;.lt ?;.i..tT h.sto, Kt. AD y-1 NISTHA'I US NO ITCH. Having qualified as the adininis- trator of the estate of John V. Wiiley j deceased. Notice is hereby given to ij pcnor,s having cl liu s a'aPist i navmen: lO U:C. , 1 ' ,la. T. IU - - TI- r'xa N. C ? ( July 1st 18S7 $ h ood, start i! .-c:i uy - au. WILMINGTON & WELD ON R. R. AND BRANCHES- Condensed Schedule 1 11 AlNS '.nlN., l 2 11. Dated Aug. 1st. P N.i. i:.. dai'. . Sun via - ;i:.r.rM.;" . . i. . t iirrnt' .iw:u. i Arn 1 ai 1'oro i ! l m! Kr-. "riNoTi i.. U sN..n A; 1 ;c Sc'.in. Arrive l u- iKs- . LvMVe ' .in!d-bir l. -i e W:i:;l I , :-v M u.; m i i a At rive iliiiiuctoii.. S .( ) In o.l 1 !i.Vl. .No. 11. j lal',, I . 11 .V.i P. M. I i it; a. M Leave ' limi; ptt li Leave Mnolia Arrive W ar&aw ! Arrie Cud llioro ' 2 b L'avc Fayctteviile Arrive Stdma ,;" i Arrive W.l-on Leave wils--" Arrive Kx liv Mount Arm c Tartioro Lc;tve I'arhoro Arrive W'eldon Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck P.r:i:ich Xicka! ;) (i0 P. M. J let urn inn i Ttain It iivch TarU.ni. X '!, via s 10 1. M., i 10 P. M. K. tniii!!! ccpt NiMidav, 7 P A. M. Sundav '. .'.o A M.. Anive Tarl .uo, N. O. '. !" A. M.. 11. ;5o A M. Train on Midla.id N. C. Prai.ch haves ( loid-buro. Daily evccpi S;in iay. 7.00 A. M.. arrive Smithtield SV.O A. M. Kcturnii g 1 aves Smith ti.d'd t(K A. M. arrive (loldsboru HK'.oA T, d rain on Nashville P.ranc h leav s Koeky Mount f..r Nalti!!e l.oo P.M. arrives N'a-i.i:L 1.10 P. M . S. 1 1 t g IL.pe L !' M- K--Miruii g hives Spnnj IL-pt- 10.40 A. M., Nashvi'h- 11.! A. M , LN.rhv Muiin! 1 1 ..'.: A. M.. daily, ( xcept Sunday. Train o- Clinton riadch leaves NVarsavv for Clinton, Dolv, except Sunday, at 7:0 P. M. Keturninu leave Clinton at 7 :'" A. M. Sout hboumt Train on Wilson & l 'ayet lev die Po.aiu b No. .' 1 . N r t ; -bound is No. .'.o. i)aily -. ejit Siirobiv, Train A;.1. 27 South will stop only :it v'ils .n, (I dd-boro i'i 1 Magnolia. Tr.'.iu No. i S makes elo-.o coii ;,t'c'i io;i at. W'tddou tor all poin'-i .North raily. A 11 i Mi ! via Kidimo id, ai.il d:'.ily cxcej; S::iday ia I'a v Lo.r. 'Pra:ns make close coni.ee! ion for all point North via Kb-'t nor.d pud Washiii-ti!:. All 'i'ralir- run solid iudween vviimii 'jtoti :::id vv:t-l i ; ti a"d l ive Pulimau Pa.hiii' Sleepers atlaeiied. J. K. Ki:m.v. .L.i.N iV D: int.. S'.iii't Tiaus, : a-rat ', T. M. Emi:i:son, Gi ; rra.l PasM n r Au-nt. yifiE HILL MLE ACADEMY, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. FOR VOL Mi MKN AND HO VS. The tenth term under jnescnt niana;j na nt !. ii.s Aug . TI'ITION VVAl TKIiM CLASSIS UXDKIl COMMON SCHOOL AIM THAI 1' IK", $12 5o llNC.LlsIl with COM. SCHOOL or IlKMIKIi A1MTH.M KTiO, 15 00 lllOHKIi ENGLISH with A K1T1IMK 1TC and AI.KPPA, 17 5o II I ( M I K I ' ENGLISH with AIM TIL. ALGKJJKA and L 1 IX, 20. OO IIIGHLK LN'G .witli AKIT1I .A L' ' Ki'.KA, LATIN and i K 1J.1 2 CjO For FUKNCTI and Gi:U d AN per l-rni each '.:J extra. Charges made fi,m time ot e;i(nine-. No deduction c. cpt i:, - i, of protracted sickness. On.' half tuition due October 7th; b i!ance due I -ember Pith. BOARD. Poard with fu: nislied rooms, students fuini-biiig tin .1 own wood an t ights, $10 cr nio-itli. Corivspoiiding deduct ion- iimdo w hei r .(but furnish their own rooms. Tor catalogue or further part ic: d.rs, Addic-sthc PiiiK ipaU, E. E HIEtlAKU, A- E. F- II- MANNING-, A M Scotland Neck, N C- June 21 I'm. GOIPETIlllN-IOE A word to the wise is sufficient, lor here they come to Edmondson & Josey s to get the best goods for the least money. No eiK-ap -hoddy good-? in stock. Va! given foi every ilollai as oar uici ase of patronage wanan s. YY- I: op GlNlRaL i.liLRurlAhui.r. ?r.d vou would do well to ca'l ,n us I'-iiiv a b ttt r lim- of 'both Labe" I orices than anv ther ho-:e in t'wn. Our sho -s no? o:, y t,: w. !!. bui r .,Vci;two csentiai points. V- are t!..- on.y hirn th.i' .d;M the 'Jli f' an 1 K VtfL'C iiAN'lJ MAIK SHOLS. L.erv p.Kf vv.nantd. " UenKiiiber 1.0 shoddv goods. No papei .oIrs. n ' in i.-to a .on, to,nor:o. and cannot atlotd V, ,, -iv,. out cit,,ers. naat, what e say and w,l. do .hat , a-'r- , , We mie u,i to come and 1 . .r ; ,r, of U. I I I Ls . . .. ai, ., 11 v W e sell the 1UA.I"i ..11 u. I it.t r..-. v,: ui..n an l !...,( raw- HAL'S. I ,- -.'... ..r the money. , l,.t and a l'oo -Ju-i re. vi.. -. -;- ' We keep a foil line ot r G 11 O C on hanfl at tve LOWEST prices 1E ALK. If you wish a good .MOW Ej. ei II DMOKDSON $. JOSEY. E Main No. -J.:. Dailv. Nil :t. i'4! Mail, Daily. :. 3 r'.M i j :. 1. M. I :: I $ .Mi P.M. j K .Vt A. M .. .;.7 iv si T m i:, pm ..: p. m . A. M. i r. I ', ( o 17 1" . I " s . . n '. ;. ia;!v Mi::d:. . t.t'i.N'. .NiKl !1 N. 7 1 .oi . o A M P. M. j !o p.1 t J n : ..:.) a. ...P.'.i M. A. M i p: ,'.s p. m. ! 1 12 I t :.n P. M. 10 .Vo A. M . : 2 to P. M I Load leaven Halifax for Scotland haves Scotland N.kal '. A.M. Allvim arle Hal. i-h K. IL D.olv v M., arrive W llliamsto!:. ,Y. (' h aves V. illiioii-tnii, N. ( ., I'.ulv ev, I. is OP TWKNTY WKKKS: IIFE OF TBAU in lor anything b do.-o bi!V ing. V.V and (ie ds ; .-h .-s at LOWEST .... av,rtrne:it hi 01.A--; a-.'i i t.r.- A E K 1 E S A L HM INK V r;i:N lwv' f-r -r. 1Ni MALI! Li h ap,., to u. ALL ! f St. , SCOTLAND NECK , N. O. 1 TT