A RAIX OF BULLI'T' A TerriJj--' r-c- -no -it tho Battlo of o : ln,y I v -i n i '. Tha Pivrcj A:.;-." ! To k."cn up iha s : i r i v of rtmTnu.ihi'.'i ; p.'ick-.nu'e- no-:-.; lr.u -o' into i:, .:. o'i ; anivnii! c.rrvi -j -5. ') roun stiys :i writer in tic- (.' -i:i;ir y, 'I- rlb'.i the fic'm it! i!-c ":! ly . :.'' At the 1-at- ' tie ol S,.'. ...!.,!:::;. '1 ho l..;xos wire : Tr f j i ..- I v'. -:'i.'.n 1 tho tro ;i ' JUl''-tl, ".h-'M; t!"V Vf.T'J -liOii ! 0;' TO"! hy tin: t'Jli:'..T-i Of fi c-;cs' I's who M:rV: J i the :mn:.ti;ii J";-. to tho nio'i The j writer (!'! 4!) ) iou'mIs r.f ai'imij-iiii'.-n, ;tnl many t;tl or-, as m irv or i;.r'. hi this lifiaii- r :i (' i a i! in :.n-l r II f.rs was ln-cn: . ite.-l, to v.!;; '. th etiomy rej.Ji-.Ml v,-i!b vi.r..r :"'; v.vh. Find th i ! v.c v. r - ;;o 10 'no 'Invert buck, the Cii .U'i' I;,! "S hOa:i tj uso imr. li-cre; i :i, -.;,.-.irt'4 tin in -dives . but litth, u:!i f!f l-..-;.-ii..'os in th' ir work- to tir thr 1:14! , ..-el at tiiu -s inciirr th.; iniiZ.;- ': 1 1. .: s-;;I -h on the top h.if-t, ii:r r the nigger P.nd small of th.- stock, ami elevating tho lo f f-h wi'h on L-upI sui'i' iorit iy to reach u-.. D.iuii ti. 'lay ae of our batteries took p .-itio-i oohia i u, f?nl ing shell aft' r -h -'.i (:-: ov: r our healths to ex!otl it s .ic the (J !i:o-ic-rate work-. Ia like m .iit'.er Cot-horn mortars fr.'J yards in our roar ent their she. I- v. ilii adoiirar-'o ; r.v'-ti'Mt racefullv u v !i ; ovoi u-i. So;i! "im---. llie enemy's tiro ( wouM -i-.ckt r, inei the in in nts wouhl bee. nit; ho mono; on. us thai Minicthing had to be tloiic to stir tliom up. 'Mien some n-Moluio ;Y;l!a' w.-ual scizo a ft 11c -rail or piece, of abatis, aiel, creeping ; close to tho brc-iHtwork, thn.-t it over ' anion y tho eo.-mv, v.:u tleoi tiro:, on the 1 groun-l to uv'.itl tho v- ioy th:it was -uro to follow. A tl-,r:!i.r lit u! 1 ti-isit ia ouo of t-ur h'fl c 111 . 1 n i s K-apt i ut-on 1 he breastworks, took a rifle that was haii'Ied , to liim, ale; ii-eh u -jj.-il it anion;? the foe. , In like man tier he tli-charo;'-! anotli- r, ': ami was in lie- ac. of firintr u thinl shut when Jiis K i' ii -'.v up in tho air tin 1 his both- pitclit; I he.eiion ai;ionr the enemy. 0.1 '-ever . 1 ooca-ioin stpials of dis-Leaiteti'- I C i.fe h-rntcs rai-eil ph oos of shelter t. :r,s ok v-.i tiie works as a tlui; of truce; upon nr.' shi; kie.o; tire ami calling to theni t cotne in they wtui'-l imuio diately juei-p t':o Irea; wt.rks ;.n 1 sur-renU-r. One p tri v of 2u or :30 thus sn? nitie.l tii.-T w. i:i --.e-s i- -.u'oinit, 1'Ut owing to tie- f:.et that their eomraih s ocioi-ion-i! ly t' ! k :el vao i a of i;.t- cshu tioa to io''-- a voili-v no u-i, it was some till!" b ::! we COlo- i; to eiV'" tiifiU a cliiini'-. le'.eho-l i-::as we c:;'h-l to them to (o .e; Spr-io o, ; u;. the lu :itwoi i; ii; a body they !ooi it r an instant ji;:i:ie trickeo at :ho tt nioh; array before th - :i; ti-at t:: jmeate.rv lay wa--th -i ::.!; t. r tit -ir le-ti uetion. "V hii-; we with t.r i!"o-rs -:esi:!;; .he trig;eis t;oi;t--.l to ' 1 in to j .inns, th.-ir troou-. i:i.-:s,..-l in the roi.r p or- u ao'iev into t:t-o--, kioinir or wou:olio- all hut ii few who droop, -d with the r---l a:i i craw led in u , i . -.or pi .-c wdi.lo we icst.tnt'h,- 1 .-in !i; i;"4. 1 he b tt !e, vh;(;li onrioi: !:c oo'l ini; rao;l wit h m.-re t-r h-.-., vi a the ri.j.-lit ;n-l l-.-ll of t':;: p...it! .r.ol uaiiv -:aeoi.' 1, a:i att-or. i. w.s ccntia.e : upon ti,- .dile. o i.;:.;::--u- and heavy was e;r sir" th 1! heat logs of ti.e '.( a twa-rk ' ,t- out a-'d tor.i until they r. -oiub; -d is:- k-iv brocin-. Sevoral l-irge u.i ; t: - . n oil grew yil n tho rear of t;. w :i, w ru COniph tt Ir inawed ST fy our av g ing tir- , uud ab u; : ..'clock i;; ti: .lay fell anion. 4 ho ( irar,-.- wi: .1 a '.ou t t ra-iii. Miali-gic Kiliuu "To attcmot t- e u ral ; r a ' s 01 by poi-oning them -u 1 ieioo wo b !.ol," said r.n ' i 1 r o e : oh -1 r. e - n t i i o ,t t - port at f..r th" A 1 u and Exo; s. '-() Tats kii. w to- c an i , 1 e : i.i only lv k n i n --. 'i' . i -; r. -.- t ia. at, give t!.: in a g---i m-.-...' c r- ry .a.-. I) not iu l any p-.-o:i ti tie- ',,-. :, but, simply 1 r pai - a d:-h f. r tie-in d iilv, a a free iunch, c'-m-. . -:-l of la in, m,.-al, moi-tene i widi mi.k, wliieh one egg with a iittitt sail to -c.-lso;i has be ii bea (-ti. Ai h-.-t th-y miy not t.,uch it, bill keep ii, f'-oiv iht-i.i, liiiki-t; it frasii every da v. Tm-v wi-l s.mui t v a idtle, and if not in i .: . ous t i e.r susj-, ,- . ns : " 1 be a hived. In a v.-ck r Sen davs ts.. y will exp -v t it itnd ev-.a v r .l n the htcJ wid b. at ti in"'"'1 i - 01O f,o the treat. G.vc ph-nt v of it so .as to in luce' all the ra.s in the i.eit-.hb- sh to j on in. Da not bo in n ietta w to 0 io,n tie If they cat ;;'i the f....d -jtiv ih-uu a larger poitit.n a. x; f.m . A - - .n as they have thrown if ait .-u-oicb-u get some ph-sph.or..s pa-te or other rat poison, mix it with the lo..d ami he sure to give them t to. 11 -h and -omething to spare so as to in lu- e a.il to eat. '1 hey will either i.- kiii-'-.i , r l. come so sus picious of a.l foo 1- liuii not a rat witl re main. IV In lied I! la ins. Petrified clams . ave been 1 u;n 1 in the South Cat. ii inn mountain-, in Arizona, at a height of nearly 10 0 11) feet above the lev.-, of th sea. Prof. Proctor ad vances tho then ry that .after ( limbing to such a height tic chains b came p-t-rified with ;-t.ui-l m r at finding themselves so far fi.-m to.-ir native ele ment. Tio s who h v.- tii i to ; at these clam- av '.li y a almost as indigestible- its the (' .-.t-y Js.;i,.d variety, when ror-;e h i X. iri-town 11 raid. Two 'A.nl rs. Inilignaio a : -o a .0- Look here, I've b '-n w thiing : r f-.r the la-t. half hour. Waiter That's nothing. I've been waiting her..- for the hi-t two years, and I ain't kicking about it e ther. Siftings. Lie mioiasi. .uides. I'et-tlln lsiitlrrni ik to Buttern.dk is a hi.d.ly nitroqo-' e us foO'', while c.-rn meal, ou tho foutru: v, is hi'h'v oarh-.oiaceou-. I.u f..--d:!;g Pro!. Henry, of tho Wi-corniti A-r: cul tural Exp'-rini-oitai Station, recommends one pound oi coram -al to each gal. 0:1 of butlermilk. As the pigs advance in size, and fat rather than growth and mu-cl-1. is tlc-iied, more corn meal may be abided, as it makes tho ration more carbor.a- C'u- i.n 1 ca i-'-h the hog to lay on mo-e fat. In some experiments made on 'he Ma-ar inw.-tts A..u iculturai Ex perira - at d Station , c ounting ccrnmoal d buttermilk at 1G , p was found th;il 1 G eentl. At first, cents per 100 pound a pouri I of !-'-:k c-o-' in tho U 4 per cent., twelve ounces ol corn in 1! gallon of l"f no . i. led to eaeii quantity of 1 !i meal gra u , ly inert. a.-i, (nosing with five an I thr-c-cpiai tor poun ts or corn meal and thro:.- ga ions of buttermiik to each hog. Treatmri-I for llloTt In Cattle. B.oat.ng i call- -i by ii:;pro.er feetl inir, and c p;t :it in digestion; the food f.-ritioi'-ts in the stomach, and pro dives a Urge quantity of gas, which cau-.-i such it distention as to interfere with the lung; an 1 prevoit breathing by the procure. Ti.e iiiomd then dies of suiToeauou. There are .w.-rai ways of reii' virig the animal. A pi"Co of woo l about one and one-half niches in diam eter may be put acro-; the mouth in the maimer of a bit, and tied to the horns; this hi I jvs tile an. ma' to discharge the accumulated gas. if this is not effective it is best to op 01 the stomach .and let out the g-i.s. A sharp pointed smali blade is pushed into the btonvich through the skin on the left side of the animal at a spot , qnidi-lant from the point of the hip an t the hist rib and ab. ul dx or eioht inches beiow the loin. The knife should be pu-hed in in such a manner as not to woii..d the kidneys. The spot indicated is when? tho stomach is most swollen. Toe gas 1 -capes in a stream and it is weii to put a quill or a smad tub of elder wood in the opening to keep it cue ,i. No alter treatment is j Deeded; the wound soon heals, but soft food -ucit as bran masii s should be given u .til the stomach is restored to healthiu. action. N -w York Times, notations i f Ants on .5 Aittlitlv The great :.-n- fits derived by ants from plant lise have long been known. Many species oi an's obtain a consider able pr oi.ort.oo of th--ir subsistence from ppliids .ond a'lie I in-ccts, honey-dew Ciistiiiuiti g tie- ci fpir: of their food. In a eircu'.ar reo -iv. i :10m th-' D-nart- merit mi la ty. Pr.i'V-s the . b'-ve, pra fi -- bv o a : . 1 o r r C ou-;- (.'rneil U:::ver-i-k, coinnieiiting' on war the phtnt-iiie ., ? iir-j w a . 1 1 , j ' tin-. a-suciatioii is oniv part hi. iy uu ier-too'i. Th" slight amo'int of proieetion j alt t.lad i-y ihe ants in occasionally dn!e j- in ' : 'V-.r in-etusawav from Coa.ei n , 01 to a-, co'.mt apparatus 1 fner, now v o-l- casi h ir-liy be sufficient toe ! ve.opnvnt ol too x reti'ig hoiuy-dow. The i;n-). '!, that ueilain ants e,v i:i th'.ur nests the - ho ag th' winter, in li ,,r. or r-- im o irtant rt.la- 1 1 t . o group- of insect - Co. left egg- oi ca:- - ti 1. tiitio a ::!':; : P. -it.Hi-e i This a tiiO pin the v. i in the lu;a v tie -o 1 ) a 1 d.t. And this I i so 1 very b I'-; ti r F : lie'. , in ; at tue corn plan oej ,-; It V nt on an ant. i . ag in inc, ai a; g 1 : the e oi !' coi le t : - : t 1 .1 : at i o'.vv - htijernao.l ielli itito 11- w.ilc'ue-. an i protect.-iii-iii at that the .- to e-iabii-il tleun- Kxi pi ant-! c Se i v s the ai 1 ir 1; t !1 O ie y if',.-) 1 f corn w.tiiout is, evoii when placed in gret cor; nuni i.'i's .it the of the hill ol Slugs tt ground a Peter lie Salt is . smalie-t Olatti : ai' tie jo -01:1 ot.tU in tho open i III the greelihoU-i, pjivs i r-o:i ;ti liio Agriculturist. 1 , 1 to them, even in and whui in the ; T r i 1 kl ing of stii t ii i t u ti ; but tiie be remembered. .little-, a -ii. U 1 i I not -hot ; as -a-kiii over Ine fcpt'iilkdii must, bo : v . a 1 - lit, if put on 1 is Dsn dly sown on a mo t ;.!!', ivttid of (even a ti. ii flo-.r) wi Veg-'tat ion. slugs usual . y In our green. i'-us -the-! ' 1 at. ;ii lit. getting under th.. beach; s 1 tiring ihe iay. We have found tt most t-:;e, iu d r m-.-dy in strew ing a thin line of .-alt on e.tge of b.-neh; this makes a lomph-ie "-te.il i i:e ' for the slugs and -nails, for they cannot crtxs i and live. An ih r plan is to 6lice up potatoes, carrots, c .bl.age, or lettuce leaves, to feed on. for which thev will leave all other plant -. Ex imitie thes t traps dailv, and destroy the captives. Oi all ta- 0; p --.ts on law us, or san I -,-soils, ants arc the most troiiihcsom-- and when these are on Mich large are , a".; remedy as yet known is almost futile to destroy them. When on small areas, outsitle or in the greenhouses, we fi id about the best pi .1:1- are to lay fresh bonps or pa., r cov r-d with molasses around their haunt-; these they will Come to in lar ' numb -us; they should be removed daily and burned or other wise de-i in e I. Another method that we have I", uu 1 moic destructive to them than any other, is to puff Pyrethrum or Persian las- ct Pow ier from a strong bellows among them. Tiie smallest par ticle of thi- powder nt once chokes and kills them, though it must strike them dry to ' .1 . if c ive; for wc find that when the ;-o -, ii damp on the floor, they a I ,1 v. r it an i even burrow in it wi a iuipunby. Nothing I have ever tried will "poison'' ants. Either I their instinct causes them to avoid it, or else they are uot affected by it. Ilen-dersoo. Farm and rilen fote'. Provido the animals iu pasture with shade. The 1 1 : -1 bath to fow's is wLiT water is to man. Ii-peated ho'dng hadens tho growth of sweet corn, oabbige and cauidlvwer. B'cs give a v:iiuab!e .roluct and cost little for keeping beyond providing shelter. Inc .nveniencc is often caused by losing the names of fruit trees in young orchards. A good zinc label is desirable. An advocate of free access to salt lor sheep says they will not overeat, as when baited only occasionally but freely. M-. I. D. ii mington cla;ms there is no animal k 'pi. on the farm that will begin to pay as much money as a breed ing mare. A woman who ha3 had success in rais ing turkeys says it is always best to keep young turkeys oil the grass when the dew is on it. Allowing fruit trees to overbear per manently injures them by the load, af -fects the quality of tho fruit and lessens the fruit product. Gardeners say that in the larger vines of j.j -as there is a better succession of bloom, giving a longer picking from the sam'j seeding than the dwarf pea3 afford. The best way to set a hen is to do it at nirdit. If she is to be moved to some other location carry her on the nest, as .she will be better reconciled to the change. It is claimed that more damage is done by the gentle bulls than by those that are vicious and the advice is to watch them, as the g. iitlebt of buds is a treach erous animal. Western farmers say that if they ap ply petroleum to their seed corn it pre vents its disturbance by birds and squir rels .and does not injure the corn or re tard its germination. When a contagious disease breaks out in a llock of fowls, it is better to destroy tic on all rather than have the disease get "rooted" on the farm, as the germs muv remain for years. White clover is the best grass that can be grown for sheep. Sheep are not partial to tall grass, and the white ciover will always be selected by them in preference to other kinds. Potatoes with deep eyes are objec tionable. A smooth, even surface ena- 1 bles the housewife to pare the potatoes J with little waste, and if combined with j elongated shape to bake them impeded, j Teach a young calf to be led by a ! rope, and if it ii to be bred for a cow the I accomplishment will greatly increase it3 : value. Tiie sooner this docility i3 j h a: tied the better for the animal and its I ow .; r. Grain fed to cows should be properly mingled with cut and niui-tened fodder. so that it may be digested with as little strain to tiie system of the animal as pa-; ure grass, and wear her out no faster. A correspondent of the Country Gentle man says: "corn will endure, wiiea wng, a pretty hard frost without in jury a harder frost than many farmers imagine." F. r that reason he advocates early planting. It his been ascertained that the well- j known "lady-hug" (with a red spot on j each wing-cover) preys upon rose lie j and c.iinch-bugs. Mr. Hatch of Suiun, i Cai., oil' red an ounce of gold tor an ou..ce of lady-bugs, and obtained them. ' There arc few farms in the United i i b ates which would not be better for i j having some sheep grazing on them. , j They eat the rcfus" feed and they mil- j mi re the groim i. Siio p manure is lav- j oia'-le to the growth of heavy wheat j ' and corn. j Itissugested that the first litter of a : v. ung sow will never be a large one. ; j They should be taken off when six j j weeks old and fed by themselves, though j j one or two of the weaklings may be left j j two weeks longer. With this help the ! j litter wiil make a more even lot of j ! shoatS. ! G e-e do not need a great ileal of j waiter, .and often do well with only a trough to bathe in, but tho water should ' he pure and ciean all the time, and ttiey i need good pa-turage. A shady lane or an orchard is cxce'.i.-Mit for thorn. Dis-a-i-s are few among geese and they -ouietiiiies live one hundred years. The largest yearly record for any Jer sey cow for one year is recorded to the mod it of Landseer's Fancy, tsG pounds 1-1 li t ounces. The second largest yearly io or 1 is that of Canada's great cow. Mary Anne, of St. Lambert, bG7 pouu Is i 11 o-4 ounces in eleveu months and live J day-. The llolstcins have the largest I uilk record. j Uei cher's Prompt Approval. II. W. ltipley of Portland, Me., who I lias passed forty-nine summers iu the j White Mountains, tells a story about ! Henry War.l Beecher. Mr. B -echer j once drove a pa-9enger-wHL,rori fr'Mn '.) Twin to the Crawford, just for ft turninej areiutid his t-t;.i 10 . . gied up nd his wacon bid fair to tip, when a Porihm 1 & Og-Jensbtiro; con- i uc -or, looking out of a chamber window of ihe hotel, shouted: "Let go your lead- ers, you old fool." j "That's good advice, young- man,"' i was Mr. Beecher's calm reply, as he fol- ! lowed it. i A New Industry, j "Where did you get all the fish, Jo"hn- j nyf'a-ked a little urchin of his chum, j who had a bio lask"t on his arm. i ' D wn at the market, to be sure," re. turned Johnny. ",'m going to take j them out in the country and sell them to the fishermen coming home." 1 Judge. i NEWS AM) NOTES FOR WOMEN. Gold predominates on the newest 1 1 -linnet?. e:;t:r !v covered with small -hov Vorfoik U5. acket is u-cd for both t o'Toii tin-; funnel drosses. E.utdish niai.th-s lor carriage wear arc of white silk, braided in terracotta or in velvet. Watered silk is fashionable, and used for skirts with lace or gauze draperies. It i predicted that scarfs with hooQj, whi.'h were pop dor several years ago, are to be "'or;: ;i.ain. The it'.-wc-t ribbons show heavy cable edgi s in pi 1 .- of the lcped edges hereto fore hi-hioi! ;il a Fail i'loe t-s, with round or pointed yokes, an-alike worn by little girls, misses and sh-ath-r ..dies. A Mexicm mother of twenty-eight children has been pensioned by the Mexican 'lovernment. Pen. hint ear drops are coming in fash ion again. The solitaire diamond earring has apparently had its day. I'ins simulating clusters of orange blos soms, bedewed with diamonds are used to hold bridal whs in place. Of late there has been a revival of coral of the pink variety in t lie shape of rows of beads and plain polished ear drops. Very lare round h its are in fashion. These are f rimmed with multicolored rlov. era trailing over the hat like ostrich feathers. Tiie use of fancy bonnet pins, to secure the stria gloss bonnets and some hats upon the head, is on the increase, and many unique de-igns are seen. Some novel para-ols are entirely cov ered with bows and loops of very narrow ribbon. Ticse may be stylish, but the effect is decidedly ragged. Corn color is miili worn on leghorn hats this season and makes an attractive ba k ground for many colored flowers, part ictiiai ly the brilliant hued ones. Th.: pics-nt tendency in children's clothing i- to ad just it to the figure by foi l-. Tibs stylo is generally becoming, actor digg well with the ease and grace Of chihik"od. Linen collars and cuffs are again fash ionably wo n with wool dresses. The collars are high, straight bands, or else they are turned over in points in front in the Engli-h shape. Mask veil-w ith scalloped borders may be had in tulle of every color, and also in gauze or grenadine, dotted with chenille, aud with lows of dots, set closely together, marking the edge. A new way of wearing a locket or handsome pent hint is to attach it to the left f-ide of the dress upon the breast with a dainty bow of satin ribbon matching the trimmings of the costume. Trouville gloves stitched with white instead of the color of the glove, are the stylish wear for this season. There is no embroidery on th back, arid the wrists are whole and five-button length. Kli-e P. Buckingham .successfully man ages a fruit farm of several hundred acres in California, and urges other women to take up the same kind of work, for which she thinks women are well fitted. The Cjueen-liegent of Spain is a skill ful embroiderer, and has just com pleted ii iirignif cent Hag for a new iron clad aamed af ier her. The standard is over eleven yards long and six and one half wide. An orche-tri of women, who are all players of bra-s instruments, is making a sensation iu Dresden. The ladies have an engagement for Vienna next winter, where they will play at a scries of balls among the aristocracy. A guide who has conducted many bridal couples through the Capitol, at Washington, declares that they are his best customers, because "if a man is ever going to throw away money on his wife, it's when he's first married. A few years ago it was thought im prop r for a woman to be a foreign mis sionary unless she were a mi.-.-ionary's wife. Now there are 2,-100 unmarried women in the mis-ion held, bes'des, prob ab! , , an equal number of married ones. At weddings where there arc only two or four arid -m aids, they usually dre-s alike, cither i.u white or rose-color, but w hen t here are four or six each pair wear- a different color, ami t's o no of each pair -lands tin either side of the bride the t fleet is very pretty. Wide stripes of velvet, gauze, beaded sill-: o- crept-, alternating with these of lace, in black, while or colors, are the la'c-t novelty iu liics- matt rials. Al though expensive the-e Muffs are used e!en-ic!. upon tea gowns and walking and evening dres-es. A style recently inir-idu ed i- that of rex ers at the si h - of -kirt -. These are produced bv a pie. of matetial reaching from 'he w;ii-t to the edge of the shirt. or Solo -times ih'- edge of tho iiuiic is so p!a i'.i il as to h ia-: on ,o -.'. it The hi-ite ; sentative o: nitiii. She is !!g lo'ee end tail in zigzag . a tanor-al lining, o'iiecr in I lawodi, the rep 10 King, is always a wo apr.ointcd by the King, aud holds her position at his pleasure. The nloa-iin! inetiinhent is a hantlsoma nat ive tiiCtCah pro: ii itt wiiitian of thirty-five years or '.t-. the wife of an educated and io man. Ihe Pistol in Mexico. Almost any Mexican v, ouhl as leave o o. it -doors without his o ;t as without li - pi-t"l. He weir- it to church, to the opera, to - o hi- J.e-t ; 1 1 - in short, wherever he io. you may see a gli.-ten-itiy; hit of uichci-plale-l steel -ticking out from under hi- coat tail. Every day when my tciclcr of Spanish (a swarthy yotinef man in aeket of yellow kid and pointed-toed hoots w i:h enormously hih heels) comes to Liive me the customary lesson he is obliged to unbuckle his belt am! ie!t-it .a bio- revolver upon my table before he can sit down to business. Mrxit-an Letter. Amos Keoter. There's a livelv litt' ; ei tsder which is known as .-eos ;,.. ... ; it couldn't be d o it tr. , . h v sw. -tly sinptin w hile about you, sv. it ; 1 .- winsriii";. seeking out a j.lace lor stinging through j-onr hide; In gore 'tis everwadin lanced from grandam and from maiden, till its veins are overladen with the stutf, And yet, though ri : i its diet, the small erector n-'er is quiet, and you really can' i come nigh it which is tuff; You think you're sure to lam it, and nains the wall you jam it, but you'll sadly mutter "blame it," as it skips; Oh, smart is Amos Keeter, on your very nose he'll teeter, and he says "this my rueat er" as he nips. Confound the wo'etehM creature, he swells your every feature, and he h'eeds y,,u like a let t h or diiieth oil your face, Oh, if he sansj in Eden, no stronger prtof I'm neeihn uf the cause of the s.- edin'from the place. Cleveland Sun. Deadly Effect f Dynamite. A terrible accident ccurre i at .Ta-' iiertiiv. r -ar Pesth. who k r'-sulttd in a :;io-t -eri, us ot A b 1 lv iftv-two engineers, fiutn the llu: g i I oi v-d. wita -evera 1 r- w- - iviag iti-tructi . in th-' Use of Hp'. -.yes. 1 bey were ummii up ra a e:nt irele, and the instructor, for the pur pose of illustrating an experiment, f-t tire to nfu-e. Thi-he threw axvaj while alight, and it fell upon a pa- kct of dy namite weighing not more than a pound. A fearful exploM"li immediately fol lowed, and th.- in-tructing otli-t r and the surgeon, who stood near, were liter ally blown to pit. ccs. Several other tH t e rs and .-even men were kill- d on the "pot, wail-t tt a other- died iu the eioii-e if the day, cither fr-uii their wounds under the operations, which, in tinny ca-es, w. ere act . ---ary. A iicuieitaul had part of 0:1 b-g blown away, and wlo u the doctor-arrived two of tin in proceed ed to amputate it, he meanwhile com posedly smoking a cigarette; but the p..or tellow dic-1 two hours after the op cru! ion. Twenty -seven perso is xst-n-killed, while forty were severely and eight .-lightly injured. Woodkn sho. s for children haw been introduced with some success ia London. They are .-o cheap that they cannot be pawned, as leather .-hoes frequently an-, by the parents of many poor children to whom they are given by charitable people. Above all other earthly ills, 1 Late the bi, niil-la.shii.ne.l pills; lie Mo.v deiTi-cc- Uiey downward weml, Aiiti olteii .aii-e. or ujovant tend ; With .-noli discomfort are they fraught, Their ion "1 eilecis amount to naught. Now , 1'r. Pierce lu'eiiarc.- a iitl Thai .m-t exact 1 nil- the bill A 1'eiiei, rather, that is all- A l'le.i-ant 1 'urnulix e, and xma'd ; Just t ry them a- 011Hcl their need. You'll mid thiit I spoaK. truth, indeed. Cineiimali has nuhscribed ,.t"H).U' for tho cel ebration of her centennial in ltss. loidr.-ii Slarvinif To l'itlii On account of their inability to ilit,re-t food, will lintl a most mtuweloun lotttl and remeily in Scott's Emulsion c- I'ure Cod Liver (Oil w ith Hypophusithites. Very palatiiblo ami easily digested. Dr. Si. W. oni'.N, of Yaco, Te.x;is, bays: " 1 havo used your Emulsion in Infan liio wasting with kooU results. It not only restores wasted tissues, but isivcs strength il inerea.ses ihe apiietite. 1 am Klatl to u.-e siicii a reliable article." Ia tiermany the law forbids the salo of to bacco to youths under Is ears of age. The -MoriiiiiK lr'M. It is said that a lady's stand in;,' in society can easily bo determined by her tires- at the bit ak-faoi-table; an expeiisi c, show y co-t nine indi cating that the wearer has not yet learned t he proprieties, but no one need be afraid ot bene,' called "shoddy" if her lo.eliue i- as apparent by daylight as at the hop-. IVriect beauty is never the attendant of tii-ease; abtive all, til those diseases peculiar to women, and which find a ready cure in 1 r. 1'ieree't. "Favorite 1 'ri scription." l'rice redu.-ed to one tluliai-. To druggists. Tho French people will erect next e.ar a bronze sUituo ot .Mirabeau at Le ljignoii. Olk pill boxes are spread oer the land by tho thousands after having been emptied by BUitVring humanity. hai a mass ot sicken ing, disgusting medicine the poor stomach ha to "contend w ith. Too much st rung medicine, i'rickly Ash Litters i.-rapidh andsurel tak ing tiie place of all this ela-s of drugs, anil l curing all the ills arising from a disordered condition of tho liver, kidneys, stomach itnd bowels. It Lit l-'nct, That Dr. llarter's Iron Tonic iscoolina to the blood, controls exces-ive perspiration, and wiil safely ti'ie you over that period etc. rac ier!. ted b' headache, faint ing spcii-, cx !i;ne-t : e spiisnmi.'iilic alleetitins. iiml will gie .-i length and new life io tiie entire system. I'll, as CiiicmI Pt- M-t tU'iiiis )n. Walton's t lint Foit In. is is l-uo.oi- ti ed to cure the wur-t cn-e ol piles. 1'rtee -:t cei, I -. At druggist - , or ma i a d t-l a mi p- t a k . i ) bv I :e' Walton Hkmedy o., ( i.i.vi i.a.M), o. I'roplt" ! Trnvcl. 'haage of climate or water very oft en a ITeet the liow eis seriously. If on t ii-' Ins I s ie.pt.. lo ot any tli-t nrbanee you would take I ;-. Ligirei-.'" il 1 1 - . tebei'i'V t 'ortlia! much siiilering lutgtit be sa.-'-l. iiKi'.t ers, Wivt-s mitt 'inllier-.. sail tor l'aniph'.et on Female 1 M-c.ascs, free; securt-iy sealed. lr- ' 1- Mareiiisi, I'litat, N.Y. The number of religious sects in England and Willi - now number Mi io. Tho "old reliabU edy. Dr. .-line's Catarrh Uetn- The owner of false weights is like the Arab he silently steals a weigh. . liioiii h-" lif.atment for aOc. 1'iso's Ii for ( 'at '. rr'n. Sold by Druggists. Uyspepssa Uakos Ttnin.- lives iMis.-r;il.le, anil t.ft.Mi lea.H to (tolf destruction. Histress after eatins, sick headache, heaitii'irn, soar stomach, mental depression, etc., arc oaa .! bv this very common Hid iuci -eiising I i s-ciiM-. ' I " !'- t;.ir-a pari ll.i tues ihe st. uti.-.cli, creates illi a;: ot.-, 1 1 1" -in. itcs tlt'illliiv tl'.scst ioa, relieves ;..cl; ;. i..-. eiears t'to mi ad and cures tin? most ol.stjia't. .- . of il.vs;.. -jisia. "1 li;. -. a-i 1 1 . aialc I with dysponsia. I had but lili!.. ojaiciii,., and wliat I did eat distressed in.-, or did mi- let!., good. In an hour after eating I would experience a faintne-s or tired, nil gone feHing. Hood's s.-nsaparilla (ltd mt an imimens? amount of good. It gave me an ttppetite, anu my food relished and sriii siicd the craving I had previously :;, eri enced. Ii relieved .me of that taint, tired, ail gone foo'luu." t;. A. I'Aiiit, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by nil dnarcrists. ?! ; six for $f. Prepared only by C. I. IP t Ii .v t a ., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dolla: A Kl It K l K K KM! INDIGESTION and DVSI'MIVSI A. Over "i.( i I'll yiei:i!is liro sent t: i in-ir ;.,: ,r. ,v;d tif Pitt EST VI. IN, Pii vi ttu tii.it it is t!;e I t pr.-p.-tration for tin I is'' -t ion ! h it t l,.-v hav e ever I 1. We !.;.-.- n.-vcr hear.' ff a ca-- ..I" i'vspepsia where l'IUEh.'1'VI.IN was ti.kfii that vv.i- cured. FOR CHOUBA IHFAHTUM. IT WILL Ct'RK TIIK Mi is r At ii 1 R V ATK! t ' A SF.S. IT WII.LSTid' V.iMriiNii IN 1 O'.i . . S A M Y. IT W ILL UK1.IKV1-: t a .N-i 1PA1 ! N. For Summer I'omplriiiits and t'hr..a:c luarrii .-a, which re th.-direct re-aits of imperfect digestion, I'll rKsl YI.I N w , il e-t". . t nn imiiici i.ii.. .-are. Take OYUK.-I "VI ! N r.,' all pains and disonler of the stoi.iacli : thev ol come f r. i;ii itciiirestion. Ak your druuicist for luoKsTYMN price ?t p. r liira l.ottlo). If he does riot have it s.-i:d on- .l-.H.-.r t.,us and we will s.-nd a iM'.rtle to yon. expn tio pai l. i io not hesitate to send your mon.".. our nou-... is tellable. Kalli-he. t. ent v riv.. yp.tr-. V1I. I". K I III I.U I O., Hannfactu riawt ( Item i si v.j ,J ,,li n -i ., N.Y. One A;ent ( Merchant only) want.-d m every town fur We are - inns' .our timrs a, man. "iHtuMil's Pu c " ealn-t any other C var and have oulv ha I taei., in the .-a- a -.v ek. i. A. ToiF.a, lirngi?.st, Br x-kp rt, N. Y. Address R. W. TAN-ILL. A: co., C'hlcmt". HDsMU Habit Cured..- Uriunri er.r. j. .ji.b.bto"i. 2i:h "m cwn..u. o. This rpnrepnt a hpalthv lifA Throughout ita various scenes S. . Smith's BILE BEANS pnrify the blood, by actlnir dlrectlv and promptly ou the lilver. Skin and hl.l Jiey. fhejr coiiMsl of a wtablf tomi.lnaiinii that lia no qnal in medical ieiicc. They lire 4 onoti na tion, .palarta, and lpt).i.ia, and are a -alcmiard SS!i,lViaI0,?, ot fev'r -iills and fever, irall Monc, i?ili,ri,eut J'a,ifi' eiend 4 cents poMaiie ltr a. nam- fcill W t,t ; . V , , 1 lUe rHl T" or wtial ' ' 'riee, 25 renlm per bottle, BiaUedto any address, pontpald. DOSE ONE ItKAN. Sold by druSit. x. saarrs et go., pKOPHXEToas, louis, mo- fci mi The brt and furfi HrvaMf tor Cr f all dUe cu-d by any C-ri .cnt of the Liver, ZHofr, Stomach m4 IiiawMit, Sick lively. Constipation. FUiocs Complaint and MilarUof U atnOs j-teld readily to the benefieeat lnflacncc t-r j It Is pleasant to the tast, tones np the srstem. restores and preserves nralta. It ia purely Vegetable, aad cannot fall to prove beneficial, both to old and yoaER. 8 a Blood Purifier it Is suierior to all other. Sold everywhere at $1.00 bottle WMLht fill cut. rxiia. i;v.t I'li'i-Ii syrtn . lieii " K- -. "I. I In '!Ti-. S. i-l 1-v il-a-i . FOR HORSES. U VILLA. W- Va , ) OV. 17, lNti. Recently 1 bou-ht :i vouii'-; horse. lie was taken vt-rv ill with Pneu monia. I tried to think, o! something to relieve him. Coiicliiileil wliat was oouti lor man would be erond for the horse. So I got a bottle of Piso'n Cure ami gavo him. half of it thiaMigh the nos trils. Thin helped him, ami I continued giving same doses night ami morning until I had ns d two bottles. Tho horse has become per fectly sound. I can r -commend Pi-so'rf Cure lor the hor.se as well as lor man. N. S. J. Stuidkk. CURtS VVHLKt ALL ttbt t AiLS. LJ C-t 'mi, ii Syrup. '1 ii-tes iroo,!. IV.. f f in ti'.i... SoMliy t!ru:'ei-t-. J j i iirt'r tlie BLOOD r ,:ii!.-.ti e LIVER and KIDWEYS nml irsToai.- the HFAI.TII i.u IVIO- :f YOUTH. I7tl Hia.W lint i,.ait, 1 n.Iletl(.n. I im-K .,r rt-nK' n urci 1 1 tea t"-iuis' n'i ilcOjly t-ureii: lto: t.iuk cica and xirrvrn rt-tfivw new force, r tdiv..n- t ht- no ol . ti-i.i puii-li'-n Iiriiin la i-. ii'Lirina frtn r.nn I'l i nt r..,r.., I .-tr r thfi r Kr-x vail find W it: 'OR. FAHTEK'B litOrt TONIC a ;f at. d t - . I 1 'tr. ' Ov.-t. e'ear. heal thj co-iii l-ei iin. Ii . , . n r ait. n.t ft ronnt'-i fit in oniv .!-lrt to tho i ..i iiiitrity of the oriritinl. lo aot eir-'eriaietit ;:t Lite OiOCINAI. AN1 Bf.sT, II,. HlflTFU'S L IVKP PILLS V Cttro Coiit-tlpalton'. Liver Com. Hint and Sic 1 Uedacht?. ttamplo l)o? and Dream noon a mailed on recr- ot o f two cents I n potai;e. f THE DR.HAR1 ER MEDICINE COMPANY 8t . Louis. Mo. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE. s$&f The only 93 SKA M I.KSS rRlfe Shoe iu th world. f tJ- f J-inet alf. perfect fit. and ' Tn-.irrar.t -il. I ongi es,. tiu: ton p t ar.d I. ace, all tOy'ies toe. As y V r " tho-.' ro-oihir i' or $'... jT v. i.. norci.AS y So e'i.r.O SHtr. excel tne f f Slices adttr tiM by other firm. RoTKs'l wear the AV. I.. nOI(i!.AS84 SIIUK. If vmir ! ii', r d..et not ke.-j, 1 he:u. fenn your imine en postal to W. L. UOL'tii.AS, Brotlitun, Man. ; a:::!U m. ih:ivict.ji.nt. mm UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA. ForriHr'y, 14Tt -l-'I, i I Tiii.'t k ty f.'";i-i:jia. It h a! v Tir.-i'- or .iK'iii' .1 itii i ;i ' 1 : rr 1 jh iy in : ( ii is mscs ul t : i S f , i - -a - t :i i" ti n j i ;i . ! , s ! !i Mjil!" ! s : .'1 1; I :; l.t i. I ; i M I ' T : 'j , I r . r ; i t ' i KT-:i ( 'tia r; y 1 1 .Mrf ' ! w i : i its " Hf t i L , i. n I '; h' ;it h iu..ivi ly. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii iV" u-i l,'it!T"t! t j t( i ' n'-:;.! iii'-U net .ri i- .t;iiy I v -' i i,i-n.- th'J -.(., j:s mi no iTiiT .u, hr ;.it a ! .true or ill ; mat ii ;n 1 l-it. Sv !.. II .. Zrrv. o. n.ie.v. ,, t!..i. ., H. IJ.. IO nil, Ne-.v Orlt-ii ik, I.u. A SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES 1 1 1 nl t ii v Jo-'fit i'.n ; i h ir:-, il li.'hi. i h Mi l i 'i (-in. r: - ; 17 r ii" C i"i'li''i ir-.I v- r.' .., h rs ; - : utoij urou.'h ru, .-. . ii (j . i rfurse ot ;-, i - ;.,!.'' u .ii . . air. i ft-. Jl.Lf HTkAlM (. ATAl.'.L." Kill. ROBT. D. SMITH, Pres dent, Columbia, Tenn. ,-Y-CTs. HTS t;5''l . , VT J-t i - si A VCIhli CKt C I r Ul" .s -1 Iron i-on., si.c. U,riCI., BrJ, r. ? lomt nt ciuutqu IHMiH VlTt. N. V. Central University R I C H M 0 " J . KY U- ,t Ss-. o ofter.sb.-p 4, I'l'H ic-.av. tlf.i "ifl: ta-tru. ti..n. h-tltny h..:..ti ic....-rnt- . !.:. ... h..r it.f.M in a r.n io.,i t at -.i i Mi'i-ly t . I .. ji. l.hi nt on, !l. i;.. t taiiH-ei!.,r II I 11 I - I'rl i.;ie- cai-. oi u. OliK. ;.... t -l I ! ill pro v et -. M ., i- -a-. -f.arK - ROOT BEER ' ii----. iit-. .-. .1 hy orui K HIKhs. - . ,... A a-, amiie.l I'ai i ., t'5Iit9 OJ5i G.ea! En.i!ish Goul y.slEr 3 r I IIS. Kneumat.c Kerne Ual bx,t(li round, ; . r out ana tied,. 0RI3BGU9 MoTMnn HnMt COtrd In lrt &jSftf " "-SO dt. .o pay till rt.rrd. 8 l4sa lir. J. MtDhttiii, l.t-lianuiiOiliii), Sr--.- FINK d (.'-if 2fi5T' u try. i .. r ,ri., mBToi a .s , ff. f. . i'. i .over i - Sheep. lia-'S. .'...i-tie- ah ivj .oat svi.lc, i a. Just pneh a lifo a thev pnloy uo use me smun s Kdc Ileans. Tio f.rU'inal Photograph, fia: I size, of this tueture s.-i t (.n rei-;I,t of lOc la -t ail. Ti-. A0dreH it I l.t: BEAX1, Nt. I.IIUll, MO. Jfif THE ONLY TkDB r,r. WI mm : : Oft H -r LVr-' -s7 ""11 SJU.:. rrfM GQL XGYCO.tS uvfe LIVER 0 0 VK ttWOb PILLS. i f rr flE Ol' SI TA rOVS. A I VTA Xs itK I'lrntrrs ri 1 1 i i. u LiTTit: 9Vo.iti-oit.iTrn ru 1 .. Ilrliic entirely c-mble, t . cr crte itaout d:wHrbn.t t. th. m.i. : .. i,r. .u-tition. IMt Jn -. ' -rt: u t-atlv -!.-!. AlwuTd tie-' :' A. a laiailve. lieratU r, i-r j'irMn,r, thee mil. VluK't K' til'' U'" Pert -t m; faction. SIGK HEADACHE, Ii!loii lledaet, IHjIiiC tiP tiou. lndlKt ln. lilliou Altrk,itii ! dentin !.:'". ft t.'u- o'tot.t neh !U 1 Ki'.. A"' prompt lv n tses.-l nd jH-rn..'.te'i' , ,.f., (.y tt.e liw- Ol i.ipr.r' IMtntnnt lurgil- IV-f. In . to 1 t lie rcia.-o.ot: 1- ximv uuthfuliy sin ' f'' '"-ir ,' Hi,.' i -tern is lliov .-nsul. r " A tt-uiio - ' .'iil'ir.k' '-T sft' atiy ' . . . ' .Iritk-h'.MA.-.. o'tits tl ia' M.im...i. Oi.-unoil Uli'rali.rv,.r. r i o - , s , , Mtinoil. AhSK I A i ic v. Ihil. tio. .N . IV, r o (ti'T . . . . , . J Jt w xrs&zpfzxs, frtv ofT r-tt ty t.'ie t. a: ' ' , Ur.J ,rN,f Dr. Mt(f' l.Uitril, . . v ItMlK-lT, f. i :i t.---. ' t i-.r.it-.u. N a.-4-O t it o t i. : Ihfv ai.iK.t v i.t. svTirriPis or cat. mm. tli'Hl V tleaitHi II'-, olt I to ' !.!-. of I i-iLsagct,, dtrH'liiirtied P't'lliin' iu into the tliroat, fo:nt t imen I t snd in-rht, at ot her, thick, toiacio,. j uriil. nt, PlotHly an t pntti l. the eak, watrrv, nii.l intaim.dt tli.a i iti the cur. desfne-. Itncklnc or .: taenr the throut, p. torai .. n .1 I: ait tor, togetber with wh ficin i; out1 i chitntf.ti rod Iih- n ta.- t1 1 e t'l-cath L olTliMe'. rVncM to "t ta' oiinil: there is H scl-rtat , :! "1 1 I u-tltAl 1 prt hsion. ti bit. kiog ooi.t a ,o t . th! tie! dny. I'nly a fe ot ti.e ul-n i ' Fvniptoms are likely to be ; rt - i I . " 1 i -caw. Thousand of tam. t auuo.-t.!. . laitmfcsting half of tb" aW've n:. ': . mil in ooiiMiitiption, uc.d end m ?.o disease is so t ononoii, moi .loo. t r i tilimrerollri, or less iilldt IT-to. ..1 b '''On a ll- its mild, eoothini.'. uml b tiiniK I ' -. rr.'sn.--es Catarrh lteine.lv cot. - 11 v -t eases t t ( alar rli. " coltt In llie ti. a-1," Cr;l, ami Catarrhal lfcad.it In . JSold 1.V tirucgifcts , ci t h- le . i.t- " I mold Ak-1")' from Caiarrli." Prof. W. II U SM.lt. ihe fitneai l:;.'ir..lit. of y.OVi.ai. A. V.. wi.I's: " . -me f 1 1 .o 1 sorTi. red untold ar-.ny from . to ot a- te. oti eatiiiib Mv faiiiih pliiiiei (.mh' me op t lilt liiable, and s:od I inn-'t .he. Hiich ii t'lld one. that ety dit),i.M n..t uu- voice would li-cme s-' b-'.-ti 1 - Silll I , o-.O l barel v Kpet.k u!. i' a w lasper. In !. "' -my coUK'ting and cleat aig of my tliro.il . o: l ulinost Uranle me. Ill the ll-.-ot In ;-- -Ciit.irrh K.-mctly, in three month, I w u- a 1 man, and the cure has been p ruiar.i ;.(." "Coiittantly IIakin and NpiuiuK." Thomas . I. K'ouimi, ' l'' f ''", NL .oiii.t. -1o.. w i it. s : " I w iis- a g: . at .'! o: fn.m catarrh lor three yeur-. At toa.- I ' . oi l lmrdlv breathe, and was const oai fn" : c and fipittim.'. nod for the hu-l ici.t e a:.-. .M.nld not breathe tbronalt lie -u -a- I thotoi bt not hi i or otiid be . lone I. r i... . I o -tly, 1 was adi.--d o try Dr. t-.i,'" .- a' o ' itcniedv . and I itn now a well man. It o it to bo ti.e only sore remedy ! r cut m t it i manufactured, iin.l one lia only t ii'' ,t a fair trial to eipci ieiiee astounding l .-ii.i.t io.U a icrmunciit ciire." Thrt'o Ilottlen Cure adirrli. T.i. I ltoniiiNrt, Jf lounri (., Co' o'i.n . J'lt.Siivs: "My liaiitrbtii- bud taliiitb w I o 8he was five v. ars old. vi-rv !!!. I haw In i, 'u ( i.t-.i-l-b lli'Illiilv leiveltl-i'd, iCi i I '" ' cured a Uotlle for her, and n-.ou taw il ,i a helped le r; a third Lottie . tlcfe.l u - n.a licet cure. She is nuw t igidci U t .Utl oi-l aie I ; eound and la arty." Letur on F f ROUGH ON RATS." 'fe'!Ti 'JhisLs whatkilhsl V"uriKM,rf(ilher. Shiif.i. Aveid unythiiiir wntiut.iiiK i tiirnirn- " .- f aturH t.seiia IV) c.-ir-tirs. We older heads ob ject fO llS tjpeclnJi 'KolIKU 'K'SH, it. InLiiO i.fTortS wiUl ittfeet w- der, iivmx uc wh;if, not, urt-l at miido'ii nil over the Iioubh t" wt rid of Ivitiehes.WiiUr-t.UKS.Il.'.-t-i !es. l'or ii tr 8 tiiirfiM Hn.iKif3 "KocoiioN IUts' t!rylowder,L , r .ti oof- 1.11. 1 down the Hink. dnilri t ine. First t tun:? la tn niortiiiitf wa-ti away lnwn the Hitik.t'.i-ain iiij'. wli.-n nil the insetitsfnmi jrarret tt cellar will tibJi;'i-er Tho stx'n-tls in the f a t that whwver uiwt-U ure in the house, they mutt Pfj ApiJCO firink tiui-irirT t nixht. (lU M V II C O Cl-ars: out HntR, mi.lKxi-lrtifrs. Ii-etl. :c "Kort.iios liATs," in Hold ll uroiirid th.. worltl in every clime, In the rnoxt vxtw.v ly Gdvertist-l ami lias ttio lurtv-t stUo jf any aitlele r.f its kind on th fac cf tn nUt- DESTROfS POTATO BUGS t or l't .tato Btiprs, Inalti on ines. etc. , n t.ttn Fl)ohfui of the jro--vdT, well Khaketi, in u k K of water, ai.tl ni f.li'-.l with Birir.klii..' I-'', Fliray svrinif , or whisk, firtxitn. Ke-j II RUrre.1 hp. ir.n., and gl l!jxa Acr. fu. 'pnUSH-RAT' CLEARS OUT- '2M BED BUGS, QgrS5 FLIES. Tiftachen, anta.water-buKB, tnotlis, niti, jrriarruws, jack ruhl.its, tfjUlrntlH, K'-I-I' J- EXlfi&OSTEfl VITALITY A Graat Mcdicil Work for Young and loiddla-Agj Men. r ". LIFE KBOW THYSELF. i i v 'i f 'f 'f L V A U.tllin Y -t Ii:i.i.:n, IhKt. WM.il. I'AKhKH, d. (onsu 'e.z I'tcnl'-lan. Mn" than one mil ' " j f . It : r-a'-s a .ou N.-r voa-, ;in 1 !'(,-! ' i'-e r at-,.-.- i.ec,,. K.h; i.li.-tl Vita 1 , . " : : f All I iii,pui I 01 i 1 MW J ri. . I r-- ; -s .-oijH.-,,te.'it. t'trfoin. Coi.ta ii. ' i.-" - i . IO I a I rill ' fnm ' . i Mil . il.. ..... . ... it., o.-sT r.f.t,lo'..r me o.-M TleailHe o, - , rn .in fani jHi-e. l'rice oDly : I j it.ai! ' ' ! i .,,,1 ,,nr-, .,1 li, n nliiin wrn. !. r . ' ' j 'lnr Ihla ln"T. J. P. STEVENS h D30. JEWELERS. Atlanta, ba. 4 for C atta.1 )PIUM an 1 Wll l-K I II 1 1 1 I .I'll at. a a. 15 ..iw oi i.ro : B. M. Wodii' y. 1 1 a n t n , I - h . 1 1 V I) Mnti'.n t.'o- -r . BUSINESS Kd-i.-.ation a .jn-cua; at IKIIIIU.'- Ill I MH.ItMl'l, Ml 'I f V I am (fZttY?'" at . ol .1 in il h'- --l. ...i ' ' r',. iii.-,. lv-nl.-i i -c. ' S.'.4l' i.,rt;co ar- A -:-; -. ' AI'IIKHS WANTKH : Sn-irvi " v - DUI'.f.Hri, vritti f.ia.:, -win I ti- ru l';,'u'' '-.n-y, I'. O. Box UO. I'.ticvi oai -: p P to S a day. Smpf wc I.itie tiOt un It tho I.-- ?' S3 I'-re.v-ier baffty ft--in O .tor' By rtnrn ir.all. Full Deaeri.'" a 2 bmi attlai XOODY t CO.. ' .a PENSIONS '-U1:-;: 1 i:. ii. iiei.M'0 a- i n., w,. OPIUM?, O Piso'i lablt Cur! Iltl.ASF It!.' ..I.: 1 ". Piso'n Rfm'xlv for ratarrh U tf ii lUiHt. Ijuiinnt. U V.fw. and ' l.e.'.i--'- . I m .-7s Holfi hv (Irni'tricfs or i-eut liV itifni. 50c . T. iiazituie, V.&iren, i'a. 4? 4 r I a; or . N. I .Thirl-'""-