EDITOR- ri:nA m iv i w M 7 1 S.S7 KxTKKKI) AT THK Post-offh'K: AT S ' T L A N' I ) , 't. N E ' K , N. C, Sj:coM Class Mattkk. AS giy Civil Service Reform. k.-We prefer a Democrat to Ke- i.ubhcan of equal character. toTNo honest and tru- Republican n,ks to ho retain .1. ami -on.- oih-r .-hou d be retained. In the South a -o,ep ' ft ckan broom i, d,ma,.d. d by a'l Demo- crats. toy Turn t) c rasea out , .1888. F()K l'HKSIDKNT. DAVID B. HILL, OF NK.w Y(j:K. for vk k pim:sidknt. JOHN Gr- CARLISLE, OF KKNTFCKY. We are not for Thomas .larvis for governor, and don't forget it, hut we are for Col. Wildam Saunders and please ren. int.er it. On:; time added to another is enough for one fellow to h governor. His L'.riShi and IKr Ladyship are now n x;dbition in the great West and the New South, all the Crio-it'. -in kers and fools can now be s :ti-!ied who are willing to p -.v ri .Ml 1...-. ..At I u i ii exjii ihc. i uey win nac iuicui hours to o o;i exhibition at each place Jin 1 you must he on time or your money is los'. However we never expected to see the day that all the South would go in to spasm? over a Yankee iil and a Northern Mugwump. We see it a'l the same. Why don't you pay us for tin Democrat? Your cropi are now coming in and jou c; n pay m for the last year and then we can afford to wait with you another ye -.v. We ae not hard to settle with. We will take money , cotton, corn, po tatoes , peas, onions, eof on seed, fodder, grass, or anything ou can spare, in payment for the Democrat. We will take wheat or oat straw,pine straw, oak leaves, chickens , ducks, turkeys, socks, eggs, an 1 if you cun not spare any one of the above en umerated articles and wiH come to us and siy you want the Democrat and are not able to take it and at the 9-me time feed and c'othe your family. ie will send it rny how. We will take anything else that shows an honest intent to pay, if you never pav. s:t :A5. Come ne , come all to the farmers m eting to morrow at Iviiuondsou's Hall at half after two o'clock. R H. Mn tu. Sr.. Mr. Alexander, Sr.. J. 11. Allsbrook. li. D. Cray, Renj. Harrell. W. IL Shield-, and many others of our farmers will ojve their experience in farming. Tins will b the most entert ai uina:, interesting aud instruction meeting wu have ha i since the clu was org-i i.i.ed. Fall plowing , deep plowing, shallow plowing will bj discussed. Tne time ror planting suiaL eratn vvili he dis-j cussed , also the best crops, to plant to aid us in becoming sell sustaining and independa.it. Everybody is in vited and we hope every b-.dy will come. There is no disguising the fact, wt are all pooer to-day than we were twenty v ears ago. We are more nn-skilb-el ix larunnj than our father. were. We -oe behind in profitable farming, we ouht to move up. We have labored for othi r long enough. We ought to labor some for out. selves , We have been in the s ,tin old rut lonu enough. We ought to pass from tir.-t principles to the solid truths and realities of life. Life is too short to be wasted and thrown away. Time is too precious and valuable to be allowed to lip awuy without improvement. Time is money , experiepce is valua1 Ie, let both be used for all they are worth . A day lost is lost forever. Time once gone can neyer be caught. October is now upon us and will soon depart , and November will be upon us, and then December. Have you planted your wheat, your oats, youj rye?Have you cut your grasses and winter feel r.nd put it up in your barns? If not, dont wait a day longer. We all know that our cotton crops are short. To contract debts now will be very unwise. We had better do without many things we want than to be in a strain next spring ana summer. The merchant will encourage you to trade, that is his business to sell goods, but you ought to think three times before you con clude it is your business to buy them. Teu .lobars cash will buy more goods from jew or gentile th m filt en on time. Credit under the mortgage system w.ll break the nciiest man in the country aud keep us poor slives for all time to come. Make every edge cut ami prep ire to run your farm next year on the cash oasis, or don't run it at all. You can't pay fifty per cent for supplies and clear expense ou the finest farm W. H. KITCHIN in tit; CO'.' It 1 T . n ." free independent mi:, with one ooi ..... :., no -Lit. thin t) bo : i - 1 ... . i slave with one thousan-I dollars m.ernai I ... .... rt n(. ,nr,.,Ltt h,dorwinL' to some one : , '...,, tr. :, dv, 1 ,.roa,.r Uml iinencurahert-d than ... . t w n:n;i w " " ti ve hundred slnn"'ed over with 1 ujorta s What has l,eome of the Winds-. r : a cnl'3 of t!::'t vain::h' in s -me s-ven MU!11 f-plCV p:ipM wet k-. I lai the brother changed his principles an cut us olT, or is he doing us like our j fric rid Logan Harris, abuse us and then not exchange w ith us? Hy the way will some friend send us ti e Raleigh S'tijwd published about the twelfth or fi t t n t i of September in which we have been t d I that Ii gan fl-jved us from head to foot, because rould stand neith r .Jim lilaint urn John Sherman as l're-iident. Wi would like to see tiie paer, but we would prefer the Devil or Tom Walk er as President to dim liluine or John Sherm n. We woul 1 as lief have Little Foraker, a id we under hand that the Devil has declined to reeoguize him. P' that is so the old boy oiuhtto reconsider his rasln is I'o.- he certainly collld 11 t S(Tiie up a meant r scoundrtl in hi-iOvu do mi ion with a harrow, a tine tooth j comb and his grappling hooks. No we don' endorse Cleveland We do j not I i Ice hi.n. We dou't think he is I a Democrat. We know he is not our ...-.".. I ...f , l... l..f io .... ' good and sulhcii nt reason why we - uould jurxi) out ot a com irying pan into the lite, or but our brains uuv against a stone wall or clime a -1 iny tree and come down head foremo.-t. Still we would like to see the Si'jiKil, we might have a word to say, if we don't dot our i'a or cross our t's or make singular nouns agree with singular verbs. The proposition is nelib -ratelv 'uadt to induce the Pre , ident, ar;d his girl to remain oyer a short while at Greensboro and run special trains to that point that the peop'e may flock from the North and South , from the East and West of the State to behold His Lordship an I Her Ladyship. It seems that the South ern people are the biggest fools on top side of the earth. What sensU ble man or woman in all the lnd who had no business with the Amer ican King or Quee'u, would travtl, at his or her expense and loo-e the time, nine miles to see either of these her. tof re unknown and uir cared for people? W hat is it about i this King of finance and this j Yankee woman that all the land j should follow after them and o cr.i.y over them? We see MoClanimy h ish. e-, .-usi. ! 1, i rtri r t h.. (Tf.. I,... I. i oi.o(riiii'irre'iiess. i'i.o(i'ii.iinoi n T V ; purity t drover Clev. 1 .nd. Our : i people are a gu .hi ij o ..!.. the di-! j ease seems to he cmit.t tm, and ! they had as li. v; ' u-h over one . i : shed over they gushed thing a3 anoth er i Lincoln's sre itn over (w ran t's greatness, they gushed ! over Garfield's greatness. Now they are gushing over Cleveland's! " , . " s'nu' people. If we can't find an alb'el to . ,, gush over we will gu.h over the devil It we can t. find an ImniNt find an honest man (and we admit this is hard to do) to gush over we will gush over a thief. And if we can't find an honest . .Lit, ill. .r.irr.. iiii. .....m . .11 iu'mii n -u-ii oei ve ui gusu over a Mugwump Pepub iean Demo crat. We are tx.und to gush. Me Clamtnv lias seen no such a reat man in his day, yet we did hear him say he was for turning the rascals out , but that was before he got in. j Maybe he has changed his mind, i since he has changed from a private citizens seeking votes to a full fledg- ed congressman , with no contest for j his seat. .lIiE'B'f :so ltvis and a beUer Democrat than Cleve- land, though we may be mi-taken. The gran lest and noblest specie - But we are not alor.e. You are mis men of human character and human ' taken. There is to-day more than gre.itness among all the nation- of; fifty thousand Democrats in this the earth to-day, is the lion. Jetler- ' State who do not endorseKing Grov son Davis. Without a country or ! er. We meet men daily, and have home he can call his own, he is more j talke 1 with thousands of Democrats than t. e Per of any man living. J who are not in love with Cle.-elaud Cod has spared his life for some no-I as a Democrat. And we must be ble purpose thus long. He has al- lowed him to live tosee the end of all the so-called great men on the other side in the war between the States. Lincoln, Zack Chandler, Steward , ; Stanton, McClelk-n, Scott, Greelev, Grant, Burnside, Hooker, Meade pope an ! a thousand more of equal prominence, and actors in the late war have all answered the summons of death and are now receiving the reward or punishment for the deeds lone in life, while this "grand, noble, 1 oeloved Curistian gen1 h man. sehol sr,orafor. statesman, and soldier isper m.t'e I to live among us as a monument of his own nobility of heart and soul and Ins sou1 bland, and as a true i type of Southern eh v Ir . manlTood i and honor. Olae' , n.iictie) t to kis ! the rot! that suiote then., he bowed not. Otlicrs hastened to the kiu apt,olo ."z -' f-T I . . , . i t heir in.put.-d cnm-.-s. lie lite a tow - erinj m .uutain, based on iod' s , .. i r. .. I in oil Lis .'r;,nf - Mir ami sublimity soi.tary anM r a n eu r ana "MMmj ..Innc'the wonder an! adaiiratton of all the world. Disowned and (lis-! inhentea nv oh n luotwei ianu, in ' whose dettT-CO tie drew HIS swoiu land olfi-rc-d his hf, lie i- tixed and! 1)J(1.a iu tl e tlf.arls Jtn, ..f ,.v,.rv hi.liest. true oithern mut.. i ' woman and child A victim ot malace and vi IlgaUC-, dei-rived k. physical power of the riht to vi f)Wa h()n(jC an(l e.tHbli-h n the supreme court of the land his innocence, ami the Wod given rights for which he contended, he is more thin a king, grander than n Lord, ml more l.o ioreJ and loved ti a.i a Ponce. Yet there are those so in-.-a i, -io ba""', so lost to the noblest senti neuts jf the heart, So dead to act .f kindnes3, to the deeds of virtue, to the noble sacrifices of a grand and zreat sojJ , so devoid of respiet for tie dead or living, or for the era He r the grave, that tli"y ssem to tak.j .ih a-u-r in alandering, and i ii ii1 1 li g this ireat and good mm wliosr virtues and goodness t!.ey can iu4 ippreciat-. the strings of whose 'hoes they are unworthy to untie, ilia me upon the heads of su :h de :raded wretches. Cursed, thric-ur-ed be the pen that will dare to i-p'rse his good name, damn he the tongtie tliat will utter o iglit against i.his nure. noble, holy, brave, ralhin! ' "J victim and sacrdi e to the cause of . , , , , 'itimaii ".ndepenlcnce and hutrjnn freej()m Brother Ruck Kitchin, of the Scotland ock lEMo'KAT bless his plain-spoken old picture has eschewed pulities for the present and devoted his p8,r to the dis cussion of agricultural topics. The ed itorial lingo f the last issue of the Dem ockaT contained five and one-quai'tT cduiiiiis of reading matter, all of which treated of farming except one short article ah'uut tlie public schooi system nd a little political clipping front another papvr both occupying the space of little over a half roluwn. Rrother Kitchin is a horny-handed son of toil and has hay-seed in his hair. Lenoir Topic. Yes e ale not in accord with the party if Cleveland is a true type of its principles, and this we regret, but it is so. Therefore we concluded o softer draw off and write on nub- Ijects more in accordance with our feelttrgS and principles ; but this we rind hard to do. We love the tradi tions and Drineiples of the party as we understand them, ami regret to see it go wrong , but we can't help it Nor can we help aecasionally speak ing our mind , but. in this we reckon we are wrong. We prefer to have hayseed in Our hair , than mugwump principles in our nature. We pre f,.r to be a horny handed son of toil th ui a h poerite, a gusher, a civil service tefot mer, a mugwump or a Hepuiilioan. in fact we woul 1 pre- i fer to go to the devil, hungry, naked 'lM 1 ,,i;,",it'-"r 10 ,1,e KTbliean lMl UI in J'llll V,M li .-1.1 I I J J .....T- j.iiii t hn it ii ii-.r..-!,..! ..... . I nil-, so ou s,te we Hie ivitimi to 'H n borllysliauded son of toil We l,,,ntJ vvili 1,01 ht' tr, :loll lt' 8.e I 1. !...!.. O e. t i 1 1 1. 1 j . ii. rci!ii (jKi r I,ow Still ioodlneM dlraeiuii Iun'me. There is one ' emocrat in North Caro- hna who does n. .t march urderthe Clev- , !'!!l ':n""r ,I,S ,name ' -?Pl,l,c,K ,vu; Mtn- mor or me .-scouanu iivk , Pemockat. He swears that Cleveland ; -had be no more President, provided ofl corse tln.t he (Captain Kitchen) can. heipit. One thinir about the Captain, : stands up straight, tho' all alone, and -; i Ut s with all his it;or. We admire i- indepeiicence but pity his judgment. I'm. I le moerat ie na rr v. from Mime to tlu I - - -.. . . i '. . ...i .1 . I .- i - . i "o i uas -am ime ining, i apiain rvuenen s another. Hot then it he thinks he s light let him howl and shout. That's ms privilege lhe party, no doubt can -land it and so can Mr. Cleveland and so, 'e i i - " e can Capt. Kitchen. .Vshuboro 'iri:r. i'he only exception we take to the above, is in the spelling of our name, i I We are no Kitchen, our name is j K itch in with an i not an e. Our j judgment may be wrong. We are ! not infallable. 15 it we think we are i as good a Democrat as our brethren allowed to say it seems very strange ! to us that other brethren of the press I never meet see or hear of any but ! supporters of the present adminis - I tration. We heard that a gentleman ! in this county told a leading civil service reformer the other day that W. II. Kitchin was the only Demo crat in the county opposed to the renomination of Cleveland. Now this is very misleading. We a ad better acknowledge tlie truth and. meet it like man, than to blind our own eyes and deceive and mislead oth -r-. i he truth is, not one-tourth of the Demo crats in this county would prefer Cleveland as the next nominee of the pattv. But if nominated all m vote for hiio. B altosay that our i o le aie gushing over Cleveland would be false. He is not a Demo- crat and our pouole feel and know . i.,. ,,.-,!.. r. .. ., :iii nz ' 1 ; I IT. . - 1 1 1 c i ' - s 1 i . i - ;-, i- b-.-s f t: tV : i - ! r"' M - . i ..... I, .... :. .1 .,.i .,t.. ie - i we ma an ' .1 " ;"' him down, but it fiui-i be rather ihnifPrniU tr th Kiro if a hf-',tt T ....... . ... - man sun uir t.t agam-i ui:n. v nre deeply mortified tint wo are not m accord with Pie n-ea:l 1 leaders of in- j. ic , .'- "c nii -ay we are ieu i ii utii. And we think it is h t'er to te ho: f-t : ti 1 cor.-!i-t'-rit til m to I e acting a lie. At heart we are agains. Ceveland. We Ui" ro faitii i-i his !) moeraev ; we luhev he is Ml enemy to the American ! n l We belieVe hi- sympathy and interest are with tht kings of finali.-e. We bilieve he is in sympathy with the ' nifiliu acturers r.ti(.f t u ir ern oees : ... It. A tht u e teilevelie is an enemy to uniu;.u. at.n ai; ne un-.-ses u:.a :.oo I farm r arid the poor man. We an hoi.e-it in our op nioi of hi- want ot ! interest in the success of the party, j Therefore we cm not t ike ally stock in such a man. Mr. CieVelaud cai i i stand this. The party can stand it.; " . . ' , and we a-sure you dear brother, wt can stand it and no done to either. harm will be ii;uM id ne ra. 1 1 iojiti or i:u" vt:cu. "Tlie taxes to be first reduced or al together removed are those m iuipurted raw materials, which now as-it I'nd promote foreign ruinpe itii.n with onr se:ve in our own mtnket, and prevent or hinder the s:ile of our -tirpbis pruduets in fore gn markets. N, Y. Star. Tins is a clear uneq uivocal de claratlon d' the Democracy of New York and (..rover Cleveland (for the convention Was picked by his friends in his interest,) that the manufactur- Daniel-? If we can not be a Dernu ers must first and forniost be cared j erat , becau-e we believe m and a l for and that no other manufacturers vocate the doet-ines of Jelf sxiii, in foreign countries must be allowed J Jackson anil Jerry Rlack, how can to come into this country and sell in j brother Daniels b a Democrat and compctdion with our industries. It is a clear, lucid ringing" declaration that the laboring i cople , the poor people, the masses of the people in this country must not be allowed to buy their supplies from other nations at low prices, but must be forced by the CJovtrnmpnf. to buy all their goo Is from our own manu facturers, at a pricj from fifty to one hundred per cen'. hili -r than they can buy them frtjm blncr nations, i The New York Democracy insist! that the very fit si relief to be given by the Democratic patl.V illtlSt be iii favor ot the manufacture is to the j amount of twenty million dollars by ; the removal of the tarilf on raw! materials so that they can the better control the American uiuli.O.ts and j keep out foreign compe' ition. And not only this but the plaCirm pro poses to levy a bonus upon the American people sutlh ient to enable the manufacturers after they have supplied our home iii trkets to ship their goods to England, Germany and the world a id undersell the pau( er labor-mai'e goods in all En ro e. Is this Democratic, U it He publioan? Is it dealing honestly with the people? W hy take tweet , mil lion dollars tariff oil' from raw mat erial to help the manufai tur V3 be fore you hae L.k nfi.'te millions off of manufactured goods? Why not continue to raise twenty millions on ! raw material and take the taiirfotf of manufactured good--, so that foreign male goods woul 1 come into this country and compete with home ' made goods in our lome markets? 1 bts Would bent fr tlie people, the n, ...u0 .!.! i.u,wtl, i j tactnrers. I he people are the sut fen-rs from the high tariff, and need ti e relief but. Cle c la.-.d and the ' Vnur VurL- I 1.di.. nr u.,.,.!A , J IM n Jl. iii.ivi UI. lU'.ll'.l first put twenty mil ion dollars mere j in the pockets of the kings of fir ocketsofthe kings of fn. Of course the kings of finance i I ftnce j will sinile. Why not? A clear bonus jr. , -o r .i.,. oi tweuiji iiiiiuoiis lAiui it u iioui ine hard earnings of the people annually and lodged in the pockets of these kings of finance is enough to make them sinile. But this is only the echo of Dan Manning and the reecho of 0 rover Cleveland. It is only carrying out the policy of the ad ministration to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Put maik what e say. These kings of finance with Cleveland at their head are walking above a burning scathing volcano. The Chriinitit wants Carlisle , the leader ami biggest brain man in the party defeated for speaker. He is not only the head and front of the i party so to speak, but he is its ! soundest and ablest defender of its, principles and doctrine.-;. Not only ' this, he is the leader m the reduction i of the ilamnable stealing protective ! tariff. Not onlv so , he is the clear- j est headed , and by tdl odds the abl- j est defender in all this land ot the rights of the Statrs. And in addNj tion to this be i- a Southern born- and reared gintb-mnn to the manor; j bone. He is a true and tried friend j fo the South, to the people and to the Democratic part. His onl y crime is, he is m favor o? taxing the ' . luxune, of the neu and oisipated and exempting the i: eessaries of the poor man's living, We have t een ! charged in substance time and again j with ties.-on to the grand old Pern-j ocratic party because we could not) euioriic tac ruaDing of a Democrat I . -I'lii.ii: 1 t v. ee an - w : appo: - t si e a cr; 1(SL' II T'l ! w ay fr. n t tv a '(i-"Vi . ... me u.!iv.Tfp D. n 1 . o rat. a Keeord..- of Peed Ui-trlct of Co!vin,hia ov. - '- ' - - -1- imii un vii'i'i. c iii u-iunvi tl'.;.n o. .-hvit. !i..c:u-.- e i ! t.dor-e the a; opi tn.vr. t o goernors , m rshaU ard n the U rr.ti r,e- fmrc tie.' rotor." !or:2 iioo 1 ar.d ton ; j., t'ltjt in. r could te found in Ui-' l r r . t ( : r ; e -i n b.rse :.t o:;, :. i: ,i because we could not p i cy of t!ie jrowinm th into the open markets. ; ri . i i t i tioti wun all tlie s,eou!:a its o; lae i r I t ! -ackers to b iv its owr, b-n 1- at a j premium of twenty live doll irs in the hundred, lieeause we co .1 i not ano i cannot endorse the-e aits a- Demo- ; cratie. we have bi e i a!-j most if not quite ruled out of the 1 ........ , . ! party, ny the Lie.e;and organs. ,ow i we neer for a mo?7M.t U-pCCteii i we w'ere guiitv of treason t the ! party by our cour-e, and we wid de n lunce any man as a li.'.r and a scoundrel who wi 1 make the charge direit. Nor do we tl. nv the ri:ht of brother Darnels or atiy other man to oppose the ehction of .lohti (1. Car-li.-I tiS Speaker of the next House. Rut John C Carlisle is of more lm porfaiice to the sal at ion of the party and fo its success than Mr. Cleveland. Now if we are miiity of treason how far behind u is brother advocate the defeat and ove; throw of John (i. Carlisle who as Speaker of the House ha more power In shapillg and contrrJhng the legisla tion of the country and in reducing the tariff, and building up the party, than ti e Presiduc, hi nsei!: I'Ol.l J'H'll,. The political lightnings are begin ning; to Hash dimly and the political thun lers may be faintly lieai .l in the distance. Fir.-t o o and then mi' other of the Conventions of the polit ical .arlieft ass.rnole and set. forth what they call the principles of the part es. 15-.it neither party has as n.- i rnn t 1 1 n ixoi n t VtT n i r filnul'! r I define) clean cut platform to stand on before the American people. Tie Kentucdy pl.ttorm, the Yirginia i platform, th" Xew York platform all floUuiU'red iti the mud. The only State thflt s.oke out with any de gree of lit niuess was Massachusetts, an 1 she w is very nerveous t but did say indirectly that she would almost as lief hive a Democrat in .-Hice a"? a Kepubboatii John Sin rman has as ! many platforms as lie has audience. i ! Jim P.laine is as rvise : s a serpt nt i and as hartnle-s ju-t now . a dove i and a silent as (-!am. Wail street ! and tlie bold holders both Republic i ans and Lerr.ocrats have (,'leveland I pinned to thtir coat tails, they be : ing the kite and he the tail. Liney pofr fellow be wanted oflice so had he began to taste it , and jined the niggers. We speck his wife will sue! for n vo-eemp.il t. ours would we know. i ... . .. ,i. . roor i-rice ne j nen the niggers years , Thr,.c imUhs, ago and haint got his part y it. In fact j One month, -my son Oliver has been weid urn all de time, and haint never been axed j THE WEEKLY STAR to the first table; and Charlie Cooke iiiiimtlis he too went over and jined the ebony Three months, - band. They gin him a cup of hat tea flavored with nanny berries and pto- mised to make him attorney general, but he run so .-slow ami got so far behind he never cotch up. But Charlie says he 1 1 come y it. He has been on probation several years, and! ma' pass to full membership, but suppose he does what reward can the colored brethren give worth haying. But poor Liney how we pity him. to have to wait four years as a proha tioaist, as bad as he wants to serve i his country, is too bad. He started i over to the nigger party some year 'or so ago, and got ashamed of him 'self and returned an! not Ixir g I ........ ,i . ii .t; t ; iiiiiii.ii as tot i i 1 1 i .-.ii ,-'""ii : of in sacred history, he has df parted the second time. Well, goodbye ': Lin. y, uncle l-Zphriam's got the coon . an 1 gone. Come Liney, did you ; not know the coon was yinjf,t and ate up before you went hunting? Lord, you ought to axed us we coul 1 told you tlat fore you went. . But great heavens, Liney. how you will be pealed from head to foet in the next campaign. ' ( M JL N J 1 iU Tl H Applicants lor certificates to teach the white public schools of , f lie county, will be examined at l Il.ilit'av mi 1'll iof ami o m .1 . .. . , . ' . .ll 1V-"UL lor cert. heat s to teach the colored ,,ublic .hools ol the county, will tie examined on 14th inst., at same place. WILL A. DANIEL, Co. Supt. Pub. Instruction, Wei ion, N. C, I Oct. 4tb , 1657. W N J i i Y P1 o !;. LUTHER SHELDON i;um. M ht.dinv.s SI AIR K.II NKW Kl.s. Wi.uh MAN l i 1 VL A IK M 1 I.KS I'd" II DKKS If AKDW AUF. UN Mil IMOTTliMGHAm & WKENN, Mam i i t i: i.i; : n 1 M m !.i; - ACKKTLl I'RAI. iii.i.i. li AtiKK I . CO IL I.oU Ls 1 m.-.rket U nm;ai. ( rl I. I 1.23 :5:n. ':. r:oe an I : ' M a a S- r . T LI 1: Clil-AT VELLINE Veni, Vidi, Vici. J0Z&K pup i:. 5 CTS. A A K K. WASHESBLEACHES WITHOUT FACTORY. l.")l & ljd WATKK STK KKT. N ( ) 1 M;( ) ! .K . A ALL GROCERS SELL !T! sepj.'l :!in. ATum iron ma. Io. IS A -Jl' W.VTEK SlKI.KI Norfolk, Virginia- IV. A. AM)i:iiS(). Proprietor MANUFACTURER CF IKON AND I'.KASS CASTINOS OF KVKUY DKSCKIIM ION', FoK MlhhS, ST K AMI!') A I S AND DKFJX'.INC, MACHINES, AKt'll 1 f KCITKAli IKON WORK FOR I'd ILDIN'JS. .o i:lri 'luti-;j' or in Sio"l. I:itl"iii Highest Cash Price Paid for old Metals. Your Order- Solicited, sep'i '-'lni. 18 Wilmington Star. KtDUCTION IN I'KICK. Attention is called to the following re duced rates of subscription, ca -h in advance: The Daily Star. One year, - i'i ou ;i on Six months, - id on Our Telfgrnph News service has re cently been hi r gel' increased, an- it OUr determination to keep the Star u to the highest standard of new-paper ex cellence. Ad Jriss, WM. H. HKI.N A KD, W iliiiiiiL'tmi, .N . C. - EIlTSIDEUPWIIHCAEEil;:;;:;;::!:,:::;;'; Ifvoii wa.,t fuinituio repaired oi i ' a coilin made, (io to ! .J.C. WILLIAMS' boo at. t he liin-K nil I. r.vcrv km .-bop at tlie 1.1'cK mill. I.vei i - know.-? that he does good work and after January 1st, 1S83- lie w ill occupy the blue shop and will be manager at this place i , i u e i GLOBE COFFIN WORKS. All kinds and all sizes of collins will be ket at irice.s to wake up; Z . the natives and tell them to buy j v' r , ' o 1 1 1 i from WILLIAMS a coifin lor $3 QQ that will cost $6-00 anywhere else. ft Headquarters for furniture . Call and see him after January 1st. 1888 and examine his goods, bis work and bis prices. J. C. WILLIAMS, Scotland Neck, N. C, oct-iVm ; s -. l . i W ; i . i i -iir in: !.; IN' I M m ' A . lit i N """ . i: w :: .. hii ... i'A i t :. I 1 t l mi:. . 1 1 i:.vi. M . I . i.A.M 1' A i i;. a A ' ' :.' :o ib '. NnKl-'ol.K. A. LALOR SAYKK. i in; i;ir SOAP ! iii! Un;;i RUBBING, msmsm AND WOO!) COFFINS. -tJ I , vll' -V of f '. 1a" ' ' I " !.-. no re.Mi ! ;ir -1 :i ' ' , i - ) ' ' and Neck, an I r.-ali.m t : to '-- sit y for such a i 1 ib'...- .i.ei t :r the Con e iie'.iee ill t !. 1' i' i li r ally. We have decided t , hi . a full assort in. -nt of Met-.d I', .r.-d Cases and wood Oothiis .l ,ji..us styles -unl p. ie.- ( ;'! i- t mad or wire pro.c; il 1 !W led . N B. Josev lV Go ( 'or. Mam A lit sir.-, t -. Til OS. F. KAOLKY, W I I.M I N I'l 1 1, N. '. Coal, M'i, ssi;-. s m. i . C im i . i: ( ; i i: M K ! M ! -i d N " S( ..I iA LM I'l '.-! i i:. t.'uota lions i iii a f 'i ,1: FIF.l.D Pi-: A AND Dl..: Kits'. Five ne res hai v -t" I s h ed m one day. Ad lre.-s all order-- to B- 0- SAVAGE. m I N-.-i. N. e s;. jf'i 1. IM TICE LAND SAI.I1! Py vir hie of a d-.-d of Ti n-t c made to :ne I y I. W. Ba--. I ' -ell at I'I'I'.LIC Al t I ION, (' J.s, at the I'o-t ( )Me d..'d -otl;uid N' t k. on I b ii sd;i , ohrr l'7t ii, ls-;7. a? 1" A. M the following tinel i f l.md 1 1 ut-l i I i 1 e 1 la! i hi i iili ' . ( ). ; -hai t i. 1 N. a jag-. J. '. P.i-s an 1 1 tajnliig ;Co ;t loO ( ioo'. ii as 1 1 e I. W 1 i i( - 1 1 - Ice Ii. I'.A i Locky Moiiiii , N. ( - pl'.i P.v. 1 W. A. DU; . -i U 5 A 1 1 rrvCecs r 1 : i i-d. for y jj j j . 1. J ' J ( K ! v. ! ' ' ' ' ' s ' ' d LliSViS. l."i: ! I'l act ices in all 'he c ir is .- a ie ,1.. , i. t , ;. . , i erai. Loans negot;a ;ed. Prompt atten'ioi. t. tiee. over Druj -tore, -e- bu-:I. --. 1 ,1 1 1 i N r. . j AxTf'KNi:v T I. A Scotland Neck, N. (. riTtJtfice Streets. U1M . . V ton.er of Main .'v. B'tii VM. C. FINCH, A1TOKNLV AT LAW. RL(jwooi). y. c. Practices wherever his services r--' re'pi'red. Speca! atttntiuu given to col lections, and remittances promptly ma Ie. mar. zo. 1 1 r .4 i ! i i il ; ! 1 , :i ( 7 or V

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