THE DEMOCRAT. TilLKSDAY MAY 24, 18. 4lveriiins ICnlew. 1 column a year - $80.00 I column a ytsr - 4.3.00 column a year - 25.00 J column a year ... 15.00 1 inch a year - 7.50 1- or shorter time than one year iifty m cent al'lel to the prorata yearly rate. "u liparture from these terms. Local Aiivkki iskmk.nts. Th cents a line for each insertion. HOME ITEMS. NoTK'K. .Magistrates. Superior Court i l- i k, an 1 all other persons can buy all kinds of Law l'danks and can have sll i. mds of pi intin done in the best style :i -1 1 at the 1 wet prices at HARRELLS i'i:L"TL; iiofse. Welix, '. c. 5 : it. I lower pots of all kinds for a little money at Edmondson fc Josey's. Latent st le of shoes scy-'. at Edmondson & Nice line of f( It and straw hats at Ed ni"tidson A Josey's. We are agents for the Deer Cultivator. Call and see us before buying. Edmondson fc Josey. If you want the best cook stove made, buy the 'Excelsior" from Kdmondson it Josey. Kdmondson A: Josey are agents for the Domestic sewing machine-bist made. We st.ll have a lit" 1 e lime on hand for sole. Kdmondson it Jose'. Wanted. Country Mams, Chickens and Eggs at Wilson Allsbrook's. Mighs est Cash Prices Eor all Brought. LOCAL ITEMS. N E W A L VEKTISEM E X TS Notice F. M. Parker. Itemed' Mrs. Joe Person. Cheap Boarding; House Mrs. F. R. Faucttt. Henderson has electric lights We learn that the train killed two cows of Capt. week. ran over and Kitchin's last " The Demockat is much improved re cently," said one of our closest readers 1 it week . There is a stately oak in the town of Halifax whose shade at midday measures :" yards across. The foreman, of this oilice, acknowl edges the treat of a line basket of straw bnries at his home presented by Mrs J. . Perry. We ;-ee that the streets towards Green wood are still bein worked nicely. Let the good work continne till the town is made as pretty as it ought to be. The (iol'l speaks of land so poor near by that they have to mix guano with the dirt to make brick. Next! The farmers of t.'ie community say that the crop prospect thus for is very llatter. in,:. With good cultivation and good rains we may hope for a line crop. Can't you give us the news from your locality.- Where is "Will Tom," and " Cicno,'" "A fnerd." and others who ocei-ioiiaHy give us the news!" Send us a can!. I? or n 11 ("nvfnr Universalis wil 1 preach in Edmondson Hall in Scotland I another secret of a different nature, but ! E E- Milliard was elected pernian Neck at 11 o" lock A. M. and at s o' ! one which will bring you as much money ! cnt chairman. P. M. on Tuesday, May 29th. The Charlotte Democrat has at lat reached this oilice. We are clad to we!- ! c -line 1 . It is one of the neatest nnners ! tint we sec. and shows that its editors ! know how to work. j The Commissioners of the town; t would do well to look after a broken ; down bridge at the crossing of 9th and I Main streets, between the stores of Mess i. Kelly Jenkins and E. E. Powell. We learn that Joshua Peters, a colored t-:;:i?.t -u the farm of Col. A. I'rescott, '!' U.i county, had his houe and its cnt'-i.ts burned Sunday night. The iiiii;!y barely escaped. They did not eye:i .ive their shoes. We have not learned the cause of the lire. A man writing to a religious paper says: "We invited brother to come and preach two excellent sermons, and he did sc." I,,eshe mean that they specified what kind of sermons they will ed him to preachy A i.akck j:alisii. Mr. Jas. A. Pilt- imn showed us at this oflice Tuesday a ladi-h I.j inches in circumference and! a'xoit " ir.ches lonjr. It was grown in the garden of Noah Biggs, Esq. v.S me tf cur sub.-cribers at Aurelian Springs sa- they do not get their papers sometimes until Monday or Tuesday. We mail the Bkmocrat every Wednes day afternoon and we see no reason why paper-; shoul 1 not reach Aisnl'an Springs Iv Fi i he report of the primary convention j fi-.m Poseneath township would be an , unnecessary publication, as we prict e'-ewh' i e tin- mines of the delegates re presenting the dill'erent townships at Halifax Monday. We are under obligax turns to Mr. M. P. Pitt for the report re-f-ire't L . The Family Eoucato;:. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary is a great lain ly j cduealoi", and no family of chil hen ought b be brought up without having ready :.eees to this gry lid volume. It will an swer hundreds of questions to the wide awake child. It is an ever-present and i-i ln-J,!,- tr to the whd i famdy. Kink tkawhekkies. The .-ti aw berries We ever have seen were pre sented at this dhYe last Thursday by Mary J.:-ev. the sweet little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Josey. They were highly appreciated at the od:i r"s ic;!:i-' both in ac-'ount of then super, i.r ip.aiity aui the source ot tl.cir earning Dfeuvixo compliments It is aj Mr. and Alia. 'A.M. Crump, of source ot piide and pleasure to the editor , Tillery's, were in Halifax last Fri of this piper, as we attend the courts and j j mix with the people generally, to hear it j said of our townsman, W. A. Dunn. Esq., I Mrs. C. W. Gray returned last hp is nr.p nf tbi rlverpst mfn find ! t r . . ... - 4. 1 . . 1 1 111. .1 1 most level-headed lawyers in the coun try. These compliments, a while paid to one young in years and comparatively so in the practice of his profession, are de serving and well put. Died. At 11 o'clock on Sunday night 20th inst. in Scotland Neck, Thompson, the little; son of A. S. and Jennie Dunn, age 0' months. He was buried in Trinity Church yard on Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. m. according to the service of the Catholic church, administered by Father Price, of New Heme, who arrived on the afternoon train Tuesda'. Indian mound. We learn lrom Maj. J. I. Neal that some hands recently found, on the farm ofG. W. Gralllm. while making an excavation, some hu man bones, supposed to be bones of Indians. Every in dication about the place is that it is an Indian mound. Frequently the men on the farm pick up Indian tomahawks, some of which are very beautiful. Makkied. On Wednesday, the lGth at the residence of Thos. J. Hackney, Esq , by Rev. W. li. North, Mr. Alfred W. Arrington to Miss Bettie Hammond. The Phoenix joins with the multitude of friends of the happy couple in wishing them a long, joyous and prosperous life. May the bright sunshine of happiness ir radiate their pathway through life. I' 'me nix. A cood place. We are glad to learn that Mr. J. Ii. Neal, Jr., will soon be put on the Atlantic Coast Line as general rt lief agent. His work will be to go to any point as agent for the company when for any cause the agent at such point is oil' for a time. This Tvill give Mr. Neal a large and varied experience and will be the means of introducing hina to the pub lic in quite a favorabl e manner. We congratulate him and the Coast Line. A clipping from the Arizona Kicker puts one paragraph thusly: "We can'c brag on our subscription. We have thirty-seven subscribers, but they all love us, and all have paid in advance. Tne New York Herald started on three. Our advertising for the list quarter has brought us in six boxes of pills, two bottles of stomach bitters, one dozen capscine plasters, one keg of paint, one box of soap and over two dollars in cash. This may not equal the income of the New York World, but it is a strong proof that brains are appreciated in any section"' Early closing. In most of the ! - , . , . j small towns ol the State and m some of ' the cities, we bel.eve,tne merchants gen. ! erally agree and do c'ose their stores j aoout 8 o ciock tnrougn tne summer ! months. June will soon be upon us and ! let the merchants have regard to the op- j portunities of the tired clerks, and close, at S o'clock, so as to give the clerks some j time to read and rest a plenty, the night trade during the three summer months will not pay for the oil that is burnt, j Will you close? j , . 1 home time ago we published in this i paper that we had a nice little secret to tell any one who had a little money to invest, and that the secret would be of great value to him. Only one man has spoken to us of that secret, and we had let it out to him before. Now, we have the same secret yet, and it is worth just I as mtlfh AS it WHS then. We slso hVft as the first if you will look into it with some capital. Come, let us tell you. "Roys IN Black." This very amus- ins pliy was rendered last Thursday i night in Edmondson Hall to quite an ap- preciate audience. The play was in two j parts "L ncie oen, 'ana-uanuy Aiuiy. The audience was hinhlv entertained l and the young men sustained their parts well. The proceeds, which we learn amount-; ed to about $30, were for a payment on j the piano of the Temperance Associa. ; tion. A young man from Wilmington said, 'Repeat it and I'll buy four reserved j seats." ! Com m exce.m ext at Vine IIit.l At'Ai'EMV. The commencement exer- cises at Vine H'll Academy will occur m; , on the tvennigs ol M st of May and 1st of ; r - -,, . 0 1 June. Exercises will commence at b ; Vlteil. i We are glad to state in this connection i his diploma , Dr, Spruill was pre that the schools have been well attended t nared both by natural sifts and this session, both male and female, j the prospects of the Academy were never itfor Now, a word tD the patrons: If your ch 1 !ren have done well during the ses sion and you think the time has been well spent by the pupil-? and the money well spent by you in paying their tuition, make it yowr business to say as much to the teachers. Don't wait for a chance to Pay ! so, but make it vour business to say so. I On the other ban you think your hoys and girls ha c not made the ad- vancements uesirai le, uon t blow a norn about it so that every body m ttie town and community will know your feelings about the matter before the teacher does, but go at once to the teacher and tell him or her what coinpl.iints you have to make and they will doubil jss give you a satis- factory explanation about the slow pro - gies of your boy or girl. Encourage if you can; find fault with hesitancy. PERSONALS. " Mr.J. B. iiatehelor, of Raleigh, was at Halifax court last week. liev. Dr. J. D . Hufham preached j in Halifax last, Friday night. Mrs. li. A. Tope, of Weldon , is 1 remuneration. visiting h.:r relatives at Crowells. ! Fears of constant companionship j with the books he loved so well en Mr . Bunn, of Koeky Mount, was riclled uis mind with a store of eru attending court atHalifax last week. ,aite knowledge, which only the Jionaay irom a visit to ner relatives in Littleton . Judge Graves spent Sunday in Scotland Neck, the guest of Capt. W H. KitchiD. Mr. Lee S. Shields has been spend ing some days in town, the guest of Mr. Frank Shields. We were pleased to meet Mr. Treadwell, of Norfolk, in town last week. He says for his city that it is growing rapidly. Mr. R. J. White, of Oxford, is in town on a visit to his father. He is looking well and has gool words for Oxford. Rev. J. D. Hufham is awav this week attending the Raptist Chowan Association near Suffolk. We were glad to see in towo Tuesda', Mr. J. C. Lassiter, of Rich Square. He says good words for the Democrat both to us and to his neighbors. We had a pleasant call from Rev. Mr. Harrell, pastor for the season at Nahala. Mr. Harrell preached in the Baptist church here on Sunday nignt 13th, and we learn that his sermon was well taken. Mr. C. C. Allsbrook paid this of fice a clever Monday morning call this week, and favored us with his subscription to the Democ rat in the proper way. He says he comes to town frequep.tly before his Satur day's business calls him here simply to get the Democrat as soon as it is out. His good words were highly appreciated. We are under obligations to Sen ator Vance for sending us a copy of Senator Voobees speech in pamphlet form. The speech s one of the most entertaining and pleasing of the kind to the Southern people esoccial- , . ., . , j iv butit fu nave uvct ica-i. ,,, , , , , . LveIT -Vun3 man should rea lt an man oo. At a meeting of the Democratic shiP held last Friday delegates were selected to attend the County con- vention which convenced at Halifax last Monday. The executive corn- , 1,4. Hunt: 101 ouuimmi i.nt.-i; tutviisuip were appointed as follows: B. Allsbrook , J. Frank Brinkley , K. S. W. Davis, Chas. H. Cocke, and E. E. llilliard. At a meeting of the Executive Committee on Saturday following, I n .lleinoriam. Died, in Scotland Neck, North Carolina, March 14th, 1888, Dr George Evans Spruill, in the 61st vpar nr n;8 aye Friends scattered here and there, from whose busy lives, the quiet life just ended had been separated by years and the cares that fill them, will recall, as they read the above name, the gentle heart, the kindly hand, the sweet courtesy of the ne who bore it. Born and reared in affluence ; con- nected at nr. early age with the ciJUrch ; educated at the best scats P1 f i;, e,f of learning of both his own State , , . . . ,. . and lruinia : finishing the course ' of medicine at the University of I tUUStlvauiD, nuclide uc icwucii mental traininjj for tho broad arena of life , with the prospect before him of ) ears of useful work in the service of God and man. But being the eldest son of a widowed mother, into whose large household there came long years of protracted ilN health, such demands were made up on both his time and skill as a ' physician , that only a short period of his professional life was given to public service. UTillingly putting aside all thought of self interest or wordly ambition , he took up the duties that lay nearest, until finally his own health tailing, he became a life long sufferer, wh , bearing his : own pain uncomplainingly was ever rPariv to extend a heloful hand for the relief of any and all other pain around him. No form of suffering appealed to his sympathy in vain. from the cry of a dumb creature , to ! the many phases of human distress i. that come into the lives of all. lie leaves behind him affectionate grateful memories of endless ser- I vices rendered without thought of cultivated few could appreciate: but; no casnal acquaintance cl,l fail "jfR,,.' oe impressed wnn me iuni oi gen eral information displayed in his ready conversation , that flashed here and there with sparks of delic ate wit and kindly humor; always kindly, for as there I iy no unkind thought in his heart ttrtre could be uncharitable word upon his lips. To all , from the highest to the lowest, his manner was soon marked by a refinement of hiih-bred courtesy peculiarly his own. One of the kindest, tendercst purest hearts that ever beat with the pulse of time has passed back to the (Jod itworshipel Into the rest of eternity. S. Varrnton and Weldon papers please copj ICICIIUO.MI. A I!uy City ntl CI'Vr I'eoplc. Some ten das ago we left the tedium of our sanctum for a shori visit to the beautiful city of Riclf mond. A day's ride took us to our destination, and after soma dilticult by reason of the great number of visitors in the city, we obtained comfortable lodging in the Ex change Hotel , where everything was well served by polite and atten tive servants. We coul 1 not even sketch a pen picture of the many interesting sights and the thousands of court eous and polite good people of the city ; so we must be content to men tion some of those who showed the Democrat special favors. We first mention the popular firm of W 1 1 1 teiiu ust & Owen. The writer was shown through the large manufactory of these gentle men, and pronounces it a mammoth enterprise in their line of manufact uring of general building materials. The work of the factor)' is run by 150-horse engine, which furnishes power for running a 1 the modern and improved machinery. Among the things that struck tis most were a fan that throws all shavings from the different machines directly into the furnace; a machine for cutting mortises; a pulley mor tise whose work has been done till recently by hand ; the sandpapering of doors by machinery a3 they are made. They dry-kiln of the factory is immense. The temperature when we were in it was 194 , bur the re- gular temperature is about 183 This factory is furnishing the material for a new hotel at Ashe ville.N. C, costing 80.000. We were much pleased to hear it said that the North Carolina Tine is the best that is used. Messis. Whitehurst & Oweu are particularly favorable to North Car olina, and oay that they have less trouble in collecting from North Carolina than from any other Slate in which th'y sell their goods. We bespeak for them a still larger patronage from onr people. See their advertisement in another col umn of this paper. The Richmond Locomotive and Machine Wop.ks We next visitd and looked through them by the courtesy of Mr. Jones, the clever proprietor. Here everything is manufactured from the largest engines of all kinds to the smallest farm implements. This factory 13 immense in every particular. It employs steadily 400 workingmen, and is the finest and best equippe! establishment of the kind in the South. Mr. Jones, the proprietor, is one of the cleverest men in the city of Richmond. lie is courteous and clever in the highest degree, and makes yon feel glad you have seen him if he had nothing else interest ing to you. We hope our people will patronize these gentlemen when they want to buy anj thing in their line. These gentlemen are partial to North Carolina, and so they favored the Demockat with au advertising. See same in another column. Here wo must stop our notice ofj our Richmond friends for want ofj further space ; but .we will take an-! other glance at them in our next I issue , 1 CONSUMPTION SUREIA" CURED. To the Editor Please inform your readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above named disease. 15y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my rertedy free to any of your readers who have con- I sumption i! they wil! sen 1 me their exs press and nostorlice address. ! Respectfully. I T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., lsl Pearl St., THE REV. GEO. II. T PAYER, of IJourbon, Ind., says: 4 'Both mvell and wife owe onr lives to SIIILUIl'S COX SUMPT1UN CURE."' For Sale Uy E. T. Whitehead & Co., Scotland Neck, X. C. Ladiks will lind relief from tt-.eir Cos tiveness, Swimming in the Dead, tJolie, Sour Stomach, Headache, Kidney trou-dlt-s, etc, hj taking a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator after dinner or supper, so as to move the bowels once a day. .Mothers will have better health and the babies will grow moie robu.-t by using the Regulator. If an infant shows signs of Colic, nothing like a few drps in water l"r relief. The Genuine has the red Z on front of Wrapper. ARK YOU MADE miwiMf br In- ihiloas Yit- alizer is a positive cure. For Sab. By F. T. Whitehead A Co., Scotland Neck, N. C. WHY WILL YOU couh when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cents, .i) cen,., and f L For .Sale Hy F.. T. Whitehead Co. Scotland Neck. N. C. Job Printing: Agency at this Office. Contracts tor job printing can be made with the I) MvU'RA'l. Cheap wotk and satisfaction guarantee I. Orders srdicitt-d. SHIDOH S CATARRH RF.MLhY a positive cure for Catarrh, l:phthena and Canker-Mouth. For Sale by E.T. Will 1 EM HAD A Co, Scotland Neck, N. C. PERSONAL. Fiohbchstfin. Mr. N. II. of Mobile, Via., writes: 1 take great plc isiiif in e couimenduig li. Kind's New !;covery for Consumption, having ued it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catanh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not b en atHicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other reined 'cs with no t.l result Hae also u.-ed Electro iJittcr nnd Dr. King's New Life iMls, both of which I can n commend. Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Cold, is sold on a positive uarantee. Trial bottles free at E. T. Y hitehead a Co.'s Drug stcre "II ACKMETACK," a lasting and fra grant porfume. Price 25 and do cents. For Sale Hy Lawrence & Shields Til lery's, N. C. A RLESSING TO EVERY WOMAN ol our lady readers who would like to know how Chixd-beakino may be made Painless and Safe can get the information in a sealed envelope by send ing four cents in postflgo stamps to Mrs. E. REVERE, Box 233, Jersey Citj N.J. j an 1 3-1 y. SIIILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Rronchitis. For Sale By Lawrence & Shields, Til lery's, N. C. WONDERFUL CCRES. W.I). Hoyt k Co., Wholesale nrd Retail Druggists of Rome, (a., say: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dis covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for two years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Sevcra cases of pronounced Consumption hav been entirely cured by use cf a few bot tles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by E. T. Whitehead it Co. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Corns plaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitahzer. It never fails to cure. For Sale By Lawrence & Shields, Til lery's, N. C. Old papers for sale at this oflice at 25c. per hundred. A NASAL INJECTOR free with ach bottle of shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. For Sale By Lawrence it Shields. Til lery's, N. C L ADD & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Dyes, Varnishes. Orders Promptly Executed. No. 5 Governor ft,, RICHMOND, YA. 5 17 ly. 1888. N. B. JOSEY & CO. 1888. SPRING AND SUMMER poods in every varitty and at all prices. Ladies Dress Goods a specialty this season never bas this town of fered to the public such an extensive stock of white goods in patterns and at fuch pnce3 as we are ottering this Spring. HAM liU RGS, S W I SS a n d N A I N- SOOK E.MlJK01Dfc,Kir..S in lare nn!ntifip sud nf handsomest nut- tern?. STAPLE DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES always in stock. Our Millinery Department under j public m h Tally, j the supervision of Misses .lennicj VI LS( N A LI.KI'IM " )li. Hammond and Annie Robertson !." 10 4t. ! was never so complete as it is at: present. Miss Hammond is recently! from Uul'.imore and is thoroughly j posted as to the leading styles, and i will cheerfully give our lady friends the benefit of her knowledge and ex- perience. "Faith comes by hearing,'' but we do not a-k or desire our friends to take our word for the statements we make but earnestly request that. Miey will call and be convinced by the evidence before their 03 est hut we are carrying the most complete and cheapest, stock of goods cer ex hibited in this town. We are sole agents for E. P. Reed : & Co.'s CELEBRATED LADIES FINE SI 10F:S. Every pair wir I ranted. In addition to our regular stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, We carry a full line of j METALLIC and WOOD colli q--. Prices to suit the purchaser. Orders b' telegraph promptly ; filled. N. H. JOSEY & CO. 5 17. nnn find BIGGS & JOHNSON have recently brought a car load of Mules and Hoks KS to this market. Their customers wil! find quite an assortment. lis ana nor XOT1CK TO Jl STICKS oF 11IF. I EJJ'L. The J utire of the Peace cf ' ?led ! iu- Haltfa I at the . ' .1 H e . . , . 'euri-H next, at Ii nes.s. May -'Is:. 1 -n M -tuiay t' r i c. XI. .-iv rno tri: K. M. PAKKI K, NOTK'K. The undt-r-iznvd havia,; s';' . as admiiiistratcr of the stirc t f , ;,, Dixon.,u, heri'i'V nn:;!. ',, p,r sons' hul In p claiits agaii.vt the estate to present the same to run m one vur fr m the publication ol this notice -r n will b plraded its bar of a reco vcrv. Those ovrm: the ctste d! ; 'uf forward aint settle at !... IT.NKV Dl' ' Eiwaki T. Ci M;k. r C. Attorney fr Administrator. 1 i t. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND All Kinds of Jewelry. PROMPTLY RKPAIKKI). Satisfaction guaranted or money re funded. Orders sol icited. W-L ALLEY, KNFIKLD, N. ('. 5 10 lm. UNABRIDGED Ylth or without l'atcut luilex. IN fJlCrtOAAjfyT ITSELF Tour Attention is inriisii t" tin fact that jn pi:r ehaaiug tho Utmt uuv uf this wurk, yuu get A Dictionary containing :i'Ni mnre words ami nearly 2000 mnn llluitrationii than any ott er Amorii-an 1 iietn .nary. A Gazetteer of the World containinc; r.rer ,.'',i'i 'I'll !-. w;th their ;.r"rnnal ation and a va.t amount of "tni-r inf rnaUun, ( recently aUl-(!,) ami A Biographical Dictionary firing pronunciation ( names anl hruf facta onoerning narly ln,iio Notrd Ir. n; a! no Tariou tables giTinj; valul 1 ir:furn:ition. All in One Book. WebstAr's T'r.aljridpc'l I'ietii.nary i recrmmnd ei hy tlie Stato Sur'f rintcnii nl ( S'-Ik !m 111 Htates, and by leading diii ci- IVsi'i' rit i f the I'niud States a!il Cuua ia. It l-StAiidar-l Au thority Willi the t'uit'd SLt-s Hiif rf me Court, ani in th Guremment I'r.iitinr: ofti'-'. It han bepn selected in every where State I'nrrf.aso liavo been made for Sr.hfo'i, an 1 is th 1'ietion ary upoa which nearly all the echotl bocks are based. Get the Latest and Best. It is an invaluable c.ri,fAiii j:i in every School, and at every Fireside. hp.;einien (apes jn 1 testimonials sent j repaid on apfWieutioii. Published by G. & C. MERPIAM A CO., Sprinafleld. Mass.. 0. S. A. C II E A P boardim; norsK AT . F. B. FAUCETT'S, MAIN STIlKK'l . HALIFAX. N. G. tra ysiuxT no a u i) n ESPFJ1AL LY SO L I C I TF1. MEALS FOR 25 Te ts. im. 5 j 1 TO MY FIMKNDS. I have locatf 1 mys"ii : w..u I lirnrik'H Obi Stand for th minor of condm-tin:; :i Firt-Clnis -i-ifv store , whr re I will be plrr. el to Uorve mv former cu-tmprs r.nd ti e - ' T p, IM!', JAiNi l4 () K' )l Ij, ikai,kk in' MAItKL7: M M 'MI'.NTS. ! UK A l NTS. 1 li.IN' .. ,v ALL KINDS OF STOXF. '. HL ALL ORDERS I'RMI'TL SATI-EA TPN (il A, Nos. Pj5 A. l;7 EastCiii-x ii ik::ki, Opp-i.-ite St. Paul's Ciniu'i, NORFOLK, v ... sep30-ly. MR .rymZ sJ i' I- t ' - NOTMa CII IT i No Home stEnii h Withcot IL It Ukr the ' ,vv ' A - I.t r. , j .-r: y. .. , . : . I H : f i ! s i i . . : . v . 01 Nt flT n 1 i'uth ; 1 ti .1 1 k r 1 1.-1 . (, Mr l i Ik, Ililiotxrir . l'llr ui 1 Mnll lrriili.n. . . ,M ft llli.e. !.: .,' r . . j. M , ! w h i.- .ik i t I . : ; -. .. ., . t . .,. Ii. -t : . '. h . ! ; : ; i , N ( i i . . f -. , r j. . tfr 4 ' . ; i :, ( nrr, l.-ll. , I l - Brili. ra. Il..,l I ..mpl tuli I ci i il.t, lir mi.l I . ii C t M, ! 1 !, : . .i'.- . ... :!,. . . A t r .. :.! .i ! 1 ., tV. . ,t t. . : . - . ii m : k : . i ' . ? 5 . ' - . ' . . , A 1 1 t . 1 ikI :t i i ' - I I , . . 1 the n - ';. , . ., t ; . t :. tv.. t !. 1 . . I !l s, i lit Mi iN 1. M ih- M nl. .1 I. Tia 1. V , S-.l u-i ! s ... , reJ. on 1! it i - ( . w . : ) I! ; si-:i-: P!'!V s hat Mr .IOK i: i di i'V ' 1 XI. IS KiiijHv'-' Mh-. dm: Pn: t I ICI.St I V V"ii my n.i!u- ( i i, . i, li :iMi!j' t ) 1 1 - 1 ', 1 1 1 h i-, etti'i'tcd (Hi Hi'' 1;: !i Keiiied y. 1 ft t -. : 1 , t- . , ny wli-u si- :a. .it.l.. 1 : ,. 1 1 T ii 1 1 ' j . t id.- ! 1.1 v t'.r i-. r .! ml 1 '.', 11 I u ! 1 it : j : . v !.. 1 I ': ! Willi I 1 1 v'. Ill ti Ii 1 11 1 1 an I'hl.ilcuiii :i. .1 1 ; , .11. 1 u i- r, ;i t ; 1 lid 1 v. ! a : ',. 1 M'iiat mn; an I '1 . : . 1 tli'- :il!- -led (.I i , i l- '' (illll.-il J v Mi I -:,-. ti i-K-i-p. "l:i t .rii.- 1! v. , 1 ! but ,,t ;,u 1 i, . ; ., 1 ' 1 if 1 :i r 1 i u: 1. . 11 I 1 ' , f !ir inif -r -if :i-. ..iid !! I'l t '..,-. I . i ! !m ii a I 11V . . ,', I I.-'', it ii'- lit' . . 1 . :, wim li I i ,ii: 1 :, ,1 1 1, "-:ir:iiif v 1 -n. n L-1 , v ; ., , strawbt 1 1) . Mi l fi If! 1 the p!,u t- i-; 1 1 : t ' 1 1 .-, . of (-.-iiift-r. I I" , ;ri !'i '1 - . fif snh-i-s l l.i-a! n ;ij . I. it on til ed w itli pS v -1. ri - . . 1 p eni-e: th-y aid ii I i a lid advi-fd t . i, -i lit mii'i'. ! ', I . 1 and In-:: ji . : , I u--1 lvi- i I been I rr, m. i , 1 I ' 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 t ! I ' ' 1 : ! . 1 w e I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . , , . . - , , l il li'- hi- I ,-. 1! .. : , 1 I. Pvl-n- I : ,j , i liiij't IV. .1 ;, ! ai : 1 ,1 ; Wee'.. -. the sni ':! s I . i r 1 : i .- 1 aii'l 1 t Hi'.' a m . .'. : 1 1 . i "ti s n. I ! ! " a .'! ' . i .. v ; ut . 'ii : !i v i' 1 : if tin- i r. .- w !l --,r , ...1 t Ma I . It 1 1 ; I 1 it -siii '., h i,: k j-. . , 1. 1 !..,-: 1 be 1 !.i v 1 . ' 1 ! :ii .. ; 1 a 1 . 1 prosperilx ! ! 1 r; i. b I 1 . . ( . . t t 1 1 IT. I t V I -. i t 1 1 1 I ! i waif Ml'.., V it . I - Ml I I I . n- ii 1 , :r;,t i 1 . 1' ' ri 1 : . M'l- - I A V KS 1 ' A !; I. 1 tf .1. I Ml' I b I i-l-. pi if : 1 1 ' bu'.ti'- Wa-l. , i . .; , p-r bail :-. j a , a . ' , f ill ! a li. 1 1 , ' - I ciirt- ma. !' n !.', i m ' i III i n , h S 'i ' ' I : 1 1 Ii lipi id .b''-! t ', l ... Ad !r s-. Mrs. Jihj P. u 21 :. KM i PAT A PS CJ- FLOUSIiil! II b II E5II3LIS-I-3I-I r r. T clIHt'l- Ifr ' Prri.iii'i L'L'"JL l IJA TLr4 I CAAMBRIUMrs Co. AMERICA. It GOOD r r J UN APPRO A CHA 3 IX YL A V:. R . a:.: i a A I' A T A I'-rn R')LANI-' RATA PS !' : ! O . i A ' n . i : P,A 1 1 s M A ' 'i.r 1 " 1 t i 1 A m:t f.i !t r i ! 1 21 1 (::. fu r : lift 1 v. i ' O 'ii.'- n.-.d.-r-:.-t!i'.- -:i I diy : .' ".:i .ri'.,:; . , ; 1- r.t'.r '. tii: 1 1 If arn-tl M. 1 1 , ii't' ! ; .s ii i I j'' i -..11 ; 0 ' En 1. ! !. v;. . day '' 1 " -I i-i Lai All : -are I.-1 i' 1 1 j ment. Tin. Muv ' ' hi v - i" 1 .i' 1 . - ! i: "1 1

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