1 I I i I I f - 4 a 3 II 1 i?i e 31 1 1 ill : m Mi U ; 1 ,4 -a : Hi m 6' 1 I 1 i I 1 - ) f . ii A .. i o"Y3 I' ; j V i 1 1 tt, , i V. i 1 1 i -t i J i i j' fit I l: JTllE DKMOCH A'i E. E.HILLIARD Editor Chnirmon, It- M. Furrnan. of the AsV-vi!le r;t;z n, and VV. G Burke- 'I"!m- Z e ii ' r: : If I' r r ! r in to1 1 ! l:ile t i i ! t i . I thfrsda v .n nk t. i vere app''i f d r:f-'i ' he f.-.' ', -iwir.2 oiilcr . i:vT;;i:i;n at tut: In.st-oitkt AT SC(iTLAM) Nr'K". N. C. AS Sr.roND ri.Ass MArrr.K. DEMOCRM !C NfjfYlF.'EES- i on fiOVF.T:V'i: : DA NI FL G FOWLK, of Wrde. i di: uriT. .o rnv !! r THOMAS :T. HOLT, of Alamance. Foi: aouatk ip-tp r.s spppfmf oi'f:T : .KS. .1. DAVIS, f Frnnlslin. I-FAMFS F. SHFI'UFKD, ALl'IIONSO (. AVKKV, ff liiirUt'. for: "-Ff i:f.t.i:v of state: WM. h. SAUNDKRS, of Orange. 'Oi: THKAST'EEP. : DONALD W. RAIN, of AVakr. K'K SI I KKINTF.NDF.NT OF I I P-I K I S I Rl CTHtV : SIDNEY M. IT NO Fit. of C.itawba. vol; ATTORNEY Ol NKFiAh! TIIFODORF F. DAVIDSON, of Rnncombo. Fon ArniTon : 0. V. SANDFRLIN, of Wayne. i:i.r.( Tfiis-i on the state at eap.e: A. M. WADDELL.of New Hanover. F. N. STRUDWICK. of Orange. THE CONVENTION. F. I"- A vlMt , F. (i. Woolwir'k i A. 15. Wi'liirn". T. 1 . Allen , L T. Morel ("til, J. I". I. irmil, H. '.Vil!iarn, W. T". N'-winl, F. F. Divi'lo-i. Hon . W. H. Cv ron'ln''t' 1 f ,,'r' r'.tn;rn v F. R. McDo-.vr'. of M'klnrv',ir? . '1 C A. Mof.ro, of Runrohibe. Mr. Cox polo h-K't'h and s'iowoiI innch en lni'iasra in the cnuso of Deinffraev The committer on predentin re rfirtel that, every eountv in tfie state was thfironjrhly , ahly , in? Imn'lsonu-hi reproapnterl. Tl.o row mitt op. on platform from the dis!rie? in order were appointed : C. F Parish, C. R. Watson, W. -L Yates T. V. Caldwell, I',. C- Cohh, Ceo. A. Shuford. The prelimiiisrios heinsr over, the nominations for Governor were made. W. A. Rranch, of Beaufort, in a short, eloquent speech nominated D. G. Fowle. II . A. Oudger, of Run combe , nominated in a handsome speech, Chas M. Ktcdman. W. L St-ele , of Koekinirham , nomin ited in clear and beautiful terms S. R. Alexander. (Jet. Coke eloquentlv seconded the nomination of Darnel G. Fowle. W. M. Rontl forcibly seconded the nomination of ('has. M. Stedmr.n. U, W. "Wins' on seconded the nomination of S. R. Alexander. nomination. The convention proceeded to ballot for Governor at 2:15 p. m., and con tinued for twelve solid hours con cluding the sixteenth ballot at 2:lf . m. witn no nomination. The con vention adjourned to 10 o'clock a. m. Thursday. Tin ksda v. At 10 o'clock t'e convention was . v LARGEST EVER SEEN IN THE STATE THOUSANDS OF DEMOCRATS IN A J'.ODY THE THOUGHT FUL AND PAINSTAKING COMMITTEE MUCH EN THUSIASM THE NOM I NATION S T W ELY E HOURS RALLOTING AT FIRST SITTING 1UG SPEECHES ODDS AND ENDS CON CERNING THE OCCASION. .orriuatc 1 Wni D. IV" F. Stnu! wj.-k nominated .bVi 1! - 7. I., r. I. r.'.-:- vv. ra. AM ; " : ''- ' " t " 1 . ' ,.44.. frrtf.n nominated J'..itte D. V ;.l : r ,. .... ' J',r?fre the bal!'f inz cn: nu Ii ed . - ;, u : :i u- :ii ! v a 1 I a-, f W. M. JV.'.d. .f Chowan. w:h v. ', . - . .-.i." r rom e..:.r.- th- :. '.' M- ' N- " - ' ' "; : " ' IVnden. : ' . " : : ' t .'. , ' . .'- iaf ion "f Jid'e - i . ; T ' A vera. Richard P.altlo, F-q . .! S "'. Iq. . Hon Pa d p.. Vq ... , T U . strange, -'p. were eh"(d - 1 ra'es to the National D-p-.o r ,: Con Onti'in . The alternates were Col. V-:v U Cox, Hoi. W. R. C..x. A. R. (ial'o vay, Esq- ST A l'K K h I El. Col. V. L. Saunders was Loiiiina? al Secre'ary of State by acrl an, a tion. Messrs. Pain, Tinker, and David sou were also rc-noie in .t . d re- a t ively for the oO'ces of Tri:urci. Supt. Public Instruction, aiid Attorney-General. Messrs. W. P. Roberts, ( ; . W Sandorlin, I). I-:. Mclver, W. A. Dar Icr, II. C. Roiirre , and T. 1 Cahooli were 'aced in i.oi: ;,.at o; for St ate A miitor, J Do ballot it united in the noinination of K v. (. V. S I'-.derliii. He at ta 4t d t nomination in an eloqucitt and hat p style. Report of t;c connrni tee on p'at , t-w n v ,:,c anl etV, lent trar.ar- - LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF BOOKS. Li.,'. cr?v i t r t U .T i r :, r . .. i . . D i ; : a :, V.t ' e. 1 I V Hon. A I ..." ttr:o''o, a r. , '. t. . ' ; hiiii'.-i. ".!- ... - e. orr-. We i ! ': t ; 1 1 v , :i ' . r i : -v . e- t . x r '. '. ' t': ! ' ( -' . (.:,-- o . v a ' i : i T i'r- h ':T : va iat. i h..v" v o i:.t r -' - 1 1 t'-e t o-i . ' r '. e : ; t ' rc-:.::.! i a:, ! 1- r. -.-'. r a : - r- iHi: a;:1 iitti: n. 1 ' I) I S A S H j v o r w Hi the fi :.l ' a- : i'a I' : - v 1 f II, ; i c t in tT- I I ; j. ;!..', i . ! .. .VLnlie of th- ) ,;!! aM -e,:t: i 1 ill 1 , ,ri:u., of ! i. ? .'.o 1 , mo.-; S-t e I i i rn, i i. oil . at : r c-' X I De:i:fcra' !;j pr:"c:p:.- :.s h-nt- to j ii ' ; 1 1 i . I . . t ii'. t'.i. rial !!;. i o: t i-art v . it is ht-r. by A'--, '. 'That tiO er:r e n! ha.- j ., . i re r t t"-:r. litncn'. ar , ' the cm: t to burlen its p -op!,- vv t j j.,:;., r a:id r -n jratal.d .1 t- tax' s It' . :t.d f.e amocn' reqir:- u i i..iv it- nt ecs;.rv exit, n-t s :mM -'ra ;.: 1 1' i e v o : o t i '. c h ,v heard .-w r;d comoT.. n ., th-' ttd- C'.iou td w.- !r.ie hear i BLINDS, DOORS, NI! II! I! bill I'IMI M A 1 l.i; I I FROM Yiim-:ncRsT owfn. ' v ' ' ' ' ' i " ' ' " Kil l I K ). I). '.. ile I 17 Iv. : U'.r'lt iti 'Ml. lie- b'1 t: r.l.-'i Mr. S'hilahr i- a wide-aVVi,', flsat vv!i"! oyer the IivhiII. laitver nan. I u 1 i -i' t n- i lt V an ai-.e oia v ei . t; i a 1. t-xa . 1 ! 1 . oa; t, in id ! he reduce 1 "ii 'i" i'! a ' i . '. 1 1 :. ( c- ! ,!., vv. h, .r i 1 . t i. , ,.l 1SG7 1 LI.!. 1Mb ' r-. ihat i.n v. hieh n", c -si :t j re..,;;i;n d' -iirpitiS ill I he lie: sy-aem of taxat.o ta't t!ie !' ay ment -270 by 'die iV. r:an-n' n each l,e0O of itt bomD, t-dcfn up with f aiiTv, i-t- ; and paid to il.e, r , 'ii: r, h ! a- Ci !' :: t. r!i, ::.';ll:o?:". thai v id'- m its vaults Wfl . D A F F R O N , i?s:t:-:" i. ins 'IM I 1 1 Mi:.: FURNITURE AND MATTRESSES. 1 '..f. 1 t .- Mai . V ' ' a N. Strndwick spoke for Fowle's j was mb, and uTort a b.p' , d. dd.o.Ur, who i-ed .e Col. A. M. Wa.ldell and Mr. F. N : :- 1 -l- ." ; l Strudwick were rioinir.a'ed tjy a elamation at electrtis b r the St.ati in dt.-n.ocrnt c . .. re .-s;'. e an I ir iqu to i- aad :.., ! I i . r. : .n l !. I ra o : r e f our i in tor a '.; Pepre-er,t T!it f;air!h 1 ' ts rtS :l Hi al diilrii !.e!d i! s con en' aoi in lia.le'h o- 'J-.h. and !, luiio t al that steH- '.u t.,rv :ta 1 ' h I -leiae. ' t: .' 1 7 o'at. : d 'J? oo e, vol -a -e, i . . l!Mi i. i Hj; i M 'day nation for Lieutci'iant-Goverr.or, (Yd T. M. Hob, was :o:n;i:;.'.ed, and i e :te; present api-cared ';n ti e tlie Democra.tic party of this State ami we npccll!l'iy rccoiunifr.d that i.it asure prt'Senteil m will allbrd a prr t 1 platferm and accei tcil the nomina tion in a handsome s; eet h, saving lhat lit.' was in the Stab: Legislature j jijo'i ex'-tin burd- a when t'no couniy overnia; ri1 law ' That v : .-na in,l l.t.l1 no-,.r 1... ! tllC UlcHjOtls l)V V.d.i.' ! to ::.!' p 11... ....... t i . . i . i : ,.... ,n v i i ii sorry ior mc bianti r.e iook on un- ipaeslion. Mr. J. H. Small movcil a v.de oi thanks to tho o'diccrs of the .ar.vcn- ! ' i-ai Mada-... ",e-.ea n.KA i t PAH, t" alwaS ''IV . si'KKl-V i'.ud ::kta!N if lief. S:ti-(ac- our pcop ' : ' ! tiou ''' -anter- i r inncy retunu-l. Sent ti!i' i:.--leil 111 nhi;i writ 1 1" ,iU: '. o.Li u I'V.- ti.4.i i t ;iv in.. :. v ' ... I t,, .el'na. v., il.inl; l'', riN!,niu ai.diptr. t ' ' .- ' - I 'of PA k; three ra'luallv l'eaci.c!' .: -a r-u!. the ivpre;!entati the naliol!.-.! caiiiud :c.i5 -t be llu.-.'i i i by m:. '. t" The State Democratic Convention as-ioniblfi in Kileifjh Iat week, or raMn rthe convention ncaemb'cd in i I'oiU on v,'eb r sdav oOth of tav hi.t .-, to a lion the nieinbt r? oftlie ronvontion roached Paleiil.i few! pnn'd say--we suppose that the trains were carrying in loads of D',Hf" -icy for several days before ?he convention came together for business. again called to order by Chairman Cox, and beyan at once balloting afresh for Governor. Soon after the announcement of the 22nd ballot a telegram was re ceived by the Mecklenburg delega tion from Mr. Alexander. That delegation asked to retire and eoon returned and withdrew Mr. Alex-j ander's name from the roll. The supreme moment of hope and expectation was now upon the friends and supporters of Fowle nod c invent ic-i: S ted man . Tim -Vr.l f.nllr.t woo tilri-n nnd 1 3 d 1 1 5 U f I) tai .-. (II announced at 2:15 an follows : ' tuMi-Mmv ,mhi. ! tioe. and confer i he :r.-at v -l r.od on .rj .-r Fowle .1? ! 10. Stedmnn -135 9-10. T.vo ntleinen while .-peaki usj j t lie -re: ! -s! n un:'.ei. ! Alexander 2. r b a . r-m. " n f Mm m m m I.n.'.tr.a.. Ib-n.!".. II . 1M , n . ... j J H A A A L L U iM b H A V Na.-h. The district and the Demo- i 'Tat ic party Ml" to be congratulated! 1!.A1.1. Mll.i.v. ho lectiop, .bdtti Nlchtils wollei : TiTnii'Trnn tTTDriTVT A as well sav ooi-i.y- t. Ids Keput. Lv lii i-i v nui ax. lican brethren in Cotigre-- win n hi- :er:n 'pire,; for VrT wd! b. i - a V ! fPotpnt ' - ,1 t oF: im i 1 vFloill. iV'iVV n-d'itntiossd to Vi- toP-i- him or lor an. one lik bin 1 -n--l-leali thc:e! - - d- ; : !, t!" ""VX ''V'A I ;u!:i,,l heard and to' I ov d . i ri A I , tin ci .M I l.L-l l-.hl . at large. atives in Cotigr '?, in tin-ir eilbrts t A i -h"' r:rn having be a received j love relict to the people ln.m i,ur-;on r , l.Iensoiue m erna revenue and tanl! frn Mr. Alexander aiinouac iii; i lL" . . . . , " : taxation, meets with the approval ot mat. nc necnucn hi accept me i.ui,i ill! nl.f! v the oartv with elU h 'i i a - v HP.bAVS .Viii-; i ' A N - b K- : 17 iv. oi's: re's Female Pills " . ,, ,o i ii i-yi V ; K. P.. Id. I tion; and Mr. King, of Stokt.c, uvov - ! du: iea should be levied for U--prod nc , , , , ,. .. t . tion oi pr.blic revenue, aa ; the el a vote fit thanks to the citizens ot ,, ., , ,. ,,. , i- .. , I ( :I i Mi 1 n ..' 1 '11 - ill I : i 1 1 cllU tllC:!' K:deigh i!i their enter'ainment oi tht ; ; , . UJA : l 1 place tiie higher t, rates on lusurie- 1 va )0-('S I'll i . i i .... i ,.vus. run it. n ' ai m i- i o i .01 Mv ,. i , r. i.o .01- N. I. ilVLAND ,V LEF, Si PIANO ANDOItdAN At 1 :20 u. m. the c,nvei.iion vv. . :ind Me: io-v-t on ncesarie- of lite, di-t ribnie as ei;':a' r.-is a va.iibi'- ! burb. ns ot l a.xa- j j" ' r,..-3A6ro'C TfIC ith.vut t-'l .y. a-, no-,-1- . , , ;.,,L,, v,..,u i a -t .il'. i. fi.-ll. in ;,!i;.''l' !' ' r-i ..,! 'f; i 1 1" i, a-- , i fe,.-. i- :-, 1 -:i'- m b r,5 r p T)..i .;m-i- : nii.l In-; ci:ri' t:.-i vo. i:i:?iii. ns. .-. t r a t. t f- A A A LA CORNS, : Jidili'es-ed the convention, ''jrenlh-i A1- vo'--' !, ' hat wc, a-- horeiolore, i uJln v,,n'"LuUlr- p.m'ii..i't t.. 1 1- i.-.'t. n.-v.-;- hi-k- ! ! ,. 1 ;: .,- .. , o I o-. iao.'nt.oit.Ji'Jl.-t;a-t". 1 Us-, .jx jc Cm.. -V V . t en of t I i.irv ' : : V I i- ;, 1 : , I y, I , , 1! v ' V ; ft';iS',' to uC- . J I .n rose to ; ' .) of th- jurj. , . ,,( ,on. i lt I ! i. .n of i o 11 N" 0. H F. II T S N I HW.n! UoudnT.t- , ,:, ,. hho ,vob ..f r....l revenue ,Voem,;' ! -Uu w I ul 'The entire eonveii'i their feet and sent up : ing peal cf applause; ami as soon as m"' 1 t;W,r wn11" sl""5,KiI,-I r' mormon P.,t o1.1 l.o 1..,r,l ,o oo ' ?U' CO: ea!:On, I I refenill ' U th. pointed to w r.b fn Judge Fowle. 1 S. Iluske, F. P . McDowell, and Geo ' hu'cn oein. o II. Brown. T- wait on Malor Sted- mhU iu Tf (":;iM ,! . c. 1 t : i i ... . i 1 1 ' 1 v ' ' M , man, J. B. Sawyer, Ii. P. Peebles. pyiani' t-, .i'-:M,MH()r m, l;t pui.l.oan l.a.-U antl I S Car-- ' turned to stime gentlemen near i 1 8 M a i nl S t -. lx i ch m on (1 V i ri ni n s a v. ;i r t ; x mo ! o t e j .: - t : ried in i ! - f ;i" . ; as a , i .. . i u ! n rd c u ' ad verti-r ',! lit of th" P.'-ckw. 11 'i o ! to .!ir t.eo ! and a .io::ri , of annov- : ' 1 ' : . I . i . .. , : v, .. : v "I net not , iin- pvra i ' ,,; 1" -mi.-. v , Scotland Neck. N. ( . , . I. . e:d ' :" al'' ;' n 'd 11, e pee'tie oi : v III !!(,; HOP AM Ivf.S I Al liA 1 ' 'pen at All Hours, tiasusf;.! 'n-n guaranteed to Patrons. Mam Streets, OiCHLn. iv Oi 1 ... X - 'V! v. fmnnM.'c rnO wirol.rMTOo -no t- TIT , . 1 fldlll atltl ilskcil, 'Vvi,attlo OU Cal Mronacli s mrge wareliouse was, Soon Major htedman came in and , ,, J , J . h,,p t iniiii. ant i,T,' nn in, h til i si ' the au litonum for the speaking and prfiutnls for the contest among the candidates 'or nomination. More than two tiiomand men were in the ioc tbniL'sout tlnTeon the olains:" addressed the convention under try-. i0COiving the information desired, ing circumstances ; bat his speech ! he proceeded with Ins speech, was clear and his enthusiasm for the '. nominee. Judge Fowio, was warm j It was -said that the com cut ion j t'-' reprise:. tat ives td' tlie i K nn t rat-; ri..,.u-lXa j,, i5oah 7-. p:i( prete- - . ' . ' sri:s AiUH !.. their platl-ms that thev are in f-i 9 ' " ' hmW)) vt.r oi" the r. p.-:d of this ...n run , r : UlldiUiilOUU te:n ot taxation, e:"cit d by t hvr "' party, wlu:e the Kepubhca! in ',: By virtue of a dec-tl in trn.-t executed mess are taxing 'he r energies to oh- t., K. ;,v cha-les Fit. P;ttrn k an I vvilV. i i r " Mr,-,.T ' '-. ,i li .tall-Siiliill. I i jstr.ie.t all iei-slatioa i!i:.uj:ur'.-tcu t-y ): t ; di lav .! Sent'jmher. 1-7. and oi tiie house whcD Chairman It. II. Battle, j and his bearing under the defeat i ' the tinest looking body til" men 1 i" l:,rtV tore'ieve tiie pvpte ! ; r - ; i. ;'- cr s f i ! : I ifa.x cunt y. h I W S. was sablime. At the concl'.Cn of ''v, r ;is"'1"' 111 ,ri" aronna. his speech. Judge Fowle entered the hall amid deafening applause, and The Democratic pi -it form adopted . Cf , a :l , j by the convention shows some of the w ,vo 0 (i...:rp,. LiUleten m .anl e.mty, notin-len bv the Major Stedman gracefully mtroduc- i),mocrilCV ,.f tilo.e tvvo sterl 1 ;,r ' rah',,!, the snua-aud warehouse of A . P. ed Judge Fowle as the next Govern- ; iPg democrats W. II. Kuciin, of!:; , ' ' ' he'p-' -e ' t ' V'i ' L"" h" 1,u' ston' f,f W- I?- H',,hitt ai"' nor of North Carolina. Judge Fowle j S.-otLiud Neck, and W. J. Vates, oi ; 'v-,!t .;.,pS far as it c'.p be' ileti' U'1' ''in'is ''' 1! !i- 'Jrtivviiinjr. known a made a very eloquent spcach, wittily j Charlotte. p.t hurdur, Ahe' peo'pl'c. be' eV- ; th y" K' ,,r a'"1 1,eu- U"; referring to -h S ,n Oliver," and 1 j cessive taxation. s,me conveyed to said iH.I'atrcK .y - 7 'i- ii.it ad sfii f(U-eah at trie eonrtdnn..-t: d"r pr.rt of 1 1: l - odious sy-' , m. A'esa i ; ; r .t . ..i jr-moeta pa ..j , to e.uuv,, .i, . , ;( . piece or parcel of land lying m lopuiar ei'.ai -l.oii, t-s ; P'-t Ic; c .mi s ot ill: I - . 1 1. .or..,. t... t ii, I.,,- ,.c ir. ivs-s wrn vw v .. i.' i . .r -: : , in ii:i..o. on uh; i v 1 1 ii.iy i-i .i-n,. i. . j.i, n j i . ivio 'i . 'Teat, art . -.t ! Ii.' . I ... .... v i f -,il . i .. ;.. .. l I. I.,, fl... : v. ' '.. . ! . i i . I , ( I o , i ' l-lllil- LI'illU;0'ili"01t1 OOIIU'O. HU L,0.i lL,JK.lMJt. JVw.v - ' ' adre'i'l. the store and warehonsc ofd . P.' n-c. ' -' l a -o nf the State Dtmocratic (Committee ealhal tlie convention to order five minntcs past 12 o'clock. Mr. Battle iu.:dc some appropriate and cheering remarks to the couventic n, and then announced the temporary chairman d the Convention Hon. J. Tamer Morehead, of Rockingham. Mr. it , .ri, :,i..i,l a,,, ,l.-n t,r!,ifl 1,., s I . . . . .. P.. : I P. .. ... .7 'P. .. 4 t n .. . i i t - i I N 1 1 d 1 "i"' "l,u' ,,u lhu jii us promising tiie nicnios is ot te con-., vt h poiut u. -.oniu tnuiuMun in u '.", -e..i. 10 iu..,.- .u v.s..; , nnw -pj peet of Democratic viot.-.r ;thenthe vontion to m-et them all at their t' convention, a gentleman rose ing evil, we will accent tor educa-j '"V,;;;, ' roll ofcountie, was called, and for 6oVrral homes before iu xr November i TiU' ttlC t'"" t nveiitu),i at j uonal purposes, Irom the hedera : -- r . . . ! uiiiiivs 1 Si".. Lou i s wouhi mot t and ail. mm i "avt t finen', our rr rn, share ot,-l.t. the hrst time m t..e history cf the! Hi9 speech was one of the finest we t,ef)-e deloorates toutd be appo'inted I the surplus in its treasur-- ; Vror'i ' x v, ; ",.,.,; WM ;MNlI Male every county as personally have hcardjn which he paid due and , ai tne present lale of procedure. ! th .t i be r!ibni-etl through State i , ,, o.,'!, v y, ,f Kredcrick-b in-V:! ripresented in the State Democratic ! .rhlnc, t-iK..t.. t r a' ent s and the 1 ill !' r ma disttibu- : ' " t . , f i .-i a 1. 1 iiric:. i e . t TALIATKUIiO 6c CO., "i I !,'st- i.nn ii :!." 1 a ,1 IIAFID )N. Kich an i Pov : :'.i! in . i in pi ic iti:!; i . -1 t s- v.- i a.o 't r;i 1 r ."' I ear Se V' n ' ' ti v t ' n - i id f ir t i 'i,"i c . I lo 'no I I - t. 1 .' I II O I . 1 i o he , l 'i i no 'in ' e mar " o v ' : : : ' o 'Th' balloting was so stubborn i,eii! s and th tion be free from objeetbuiable fen's . ., i i i i x - i 1 nn never At the conclusion of Judge Fowlc's j f nm! V 'f "n" LM v,.,v-7 Th- r-dtl states! "-opxkkvp-, h in , .. , dl I betore we got through the conven- : 1 u "l,,s ' i held in speech, Hon. Ihos. . Mason, of!tioTK Mr. J, C. L. Harris, of tht. : beiug one gov rr.ir.cpt a::d t,urs a n-- . roMPins-iu:! il ;h! Yw'.i' MtTclmilS. re, were Northampton, took the rostrum and i Si'ptnl , said he did not care if it , t-onal Pty, we denounjp ? c tibn-ts N,, niI s ; v.l.th St.. i i i i r m-x i '.v. rainfall ; nominated for Lieutenant-Governor, ! was. Well might he say so. for the : ut hv 1u 'M::,';i: :l r ' . " -tri, ; i', !..n:d Attention liivun to g roof; s.B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg nominations of the convention -'l iu-s m v,o.:r . !i' r, ; s-tiv of b-o.th.-r.To'iaeeo.rain.Tb.ur. layedby Hon. Kope KUas, ofMacou, second I c U'C CT? tl,' ; w r b! ZX Z X' uX- -- f r.,i , , . ' : doom of the Kennblican part v. wpi -..- t . . , .t it ... . liuicom eu the nomination. Mr. Mason's: ent -c t:o i- i-i "n:n .; c -u .tr, . . , . . ', o t.hp in- ! onoMl, fi,,.!, mo.in .i .i:.o,.i )! ,-,,,' To.-.t iris - oi,. to '.o : : c- I- nl , Mi-'. v o, nn- .'t".-, ? 1 a-. ripresente.I in the State Democratic glowing tributes to the farmers of: Convention. About this j tincture 1 North Carolina. ' many or the Uelegates who never) At the conclusion of Judge Fowlc's attended a State convention held in Stronach's warehouse before almost startled by a heavy upon the loudly resoundili; but their terror was soon allayed tllf llifSeriVPrV t h nt t ho f hnnrrlif Till nnm .1 .i . .. s . j .u .uvugu.iuiujuijeu iue oorainaiion. vir. -Mason s mittee had arranged to have the in- i speech , thfugh made under ditlicuN tfinsfi heat nf Hip rnnm mn.lo tnloral.U 1 e. c 4. . , nit uairis i. . 7 , , ue3Ul eAeueiuL'i.L ana eniuusiasm was iiominale-l just like the rest of ,.i ,., j uutu luc j oi me convention almost uncontroll- t he white men. water sudd!v of the citv throntrh o" , vu, vao uuv , auu wivtiavi duuj lt'VlP t rt s hose prepared for the occasion.Every j headed men who had not heard him The mot patriotic soul this scribe !'m d co..snt v Tew minutes throughout the day ses- j speak before the compliment that, it met d.ning the da;, s of the co sions of the convention the showers afinn rtn.rt : :,s., ...... m-.- i"- .. uv v..,i, . y .UM j, .HI?. I . ,,- '.III I II, OM) "'I ' ) 'IV t'll'l t' erc repeated much to the relief of Mr. Alexander's nomination for priet ress .f the Fxehangc I I-Pel. Sue ' !'(? Z XtX'-Xu-iXc':"' Ij;" the great throng of Democrats under ! Lieutenant-Governor was made v ,rave board to deleiates for si a dav. h sa such exteusimi sh.-ai hav e' hrst - I"---JT o - rl j" ilITo.! s' l Til F lo' ,:hh I" !'. A a i ' R . T t if is o.i, Ltte Harri? ImrrnJn l when Fo-vlt ,,,,,,! (1-r ,,.,.,',-., . t. fav ed V !;, , ieind and j r enpt'y f it o'ir eoi:i ei t a r o, u ! i i . .- . . . x . that the n v or - ' H:o i ; : I': : ! V , : j c ' ! '. ' s v - - i" : : tre-r.'. sli di be atnt a'tied. lb .s-..v., Thi't the Democratic !7 ly. 'Tlil IIFSLUVFD in;; ". UMiT, it H 1 1 1P)N !. '.. Adv c r'.i-nir wdl ppnear I-'. Jn'K-, Si ION I NG Fit. vo;d ::i t . P "'1 -and i i FAKKAN D ,v V(I'FV. A new !.. to,". D :T i ,fp .V.oth Carob Pi. "1 'en . ei ; t e 1 ! fir . i, n ' '' ; r v .'or o, v ears. N"-' ' ; 1 I n . a i': Ci A fr- ! and b tr-ains v' met vour v. lie -Wo"s 11 for Ca- o! io !! Id, ad I' S,'t;d Us v ' ' i or i - C: ,p. Mi I I )-: a:, .'.':) f. - " I s .' '. ,1 '. a j rie : a d m i n - ta! 1 m C p. -i !o"i! s an ::c J .! the roof. The committee on per manent organization was appointed: 1st district, S. B Spruill ; 2nd dis trict, D. Y. Cooper; 3rd district, C. C. Lyon ; 4th district , J. A. Turren tine; 5th district. W. W. lving; Cth district, P. E. Little, 7th district, T. B. Fldridge; Sth district, S. B. acclamation. The convention took '. and gae as her reason for furnish u--'.i authf.rized by a in .j .rity of the ( recess for one hour. ! in such cheap boar.l, that the cn. 'l"-'''"!-'l voters within the territf.ry i - i i .i i- i , , , to be atlected t'.ereby. At 4 o clock the convention re-j vention was for the jood of th.e , s,,,ao T, at the I )err oerat ie assembled. Speeches were limited i country for all and that the dele- ,.ii'tv hns over bc-n tho nirfv of the to r minutes. ! gates got no pay t'o- their time and vvtokinmnan, ai d has nov. r fostered , I . a V; " . , u - O!' 17 1 v. R Y L A N D A coiiniittee was appointed to in expense, and she was w iil;;:' io UP ' la i u i e ! 'f - np. i r at ;o;i eve furiri Mr Alpvaodor of l,w nominn. holi.tlm iioiioo ut ' ) , on , Tn , . nil iio ''' '' ' '''' '' 1' "v' ' ' ' ' , r , o.v o i , , o . , , . r P i ' i , , o , i P - it t tion for Lieutenant-Governor. conid. Sutno nf the other Indelists T . . ' , f, ' i T n.l. .1- - ,s , ., ' ' I'll v-i,iiil, ol l .tones ; .'ui oiHincL , u . it. i. inner. ; Sppki mi: Copkt. oajjht to t.lu-h, we s.p.eet. The committee on crt dentials was j W. L. Steele nominated Judge J. appointed, and upon the retirement j .. D;.vis to till thr vacancy caused M" Mr. Gudger"s sp-reh it, tionP- of thesi committees, Gov. Scale 4 be-: ,v the death ol Judge Ashe. lining M 'n r S'edtnan , e,-,u!e:iPMi RICHMOND LocomolivB l Milii Wa RICHMOND, ?c L E , V I K( ; I N 1 A 1 7 'an. wc 'ii a rotated c.ipital, -.".king t ni di tnp all entep ! a. aii t th" lli- F- 1 e 1 . nap. -rt tf.e 1) i ,v ; 1 nt ' ! . : ' ar i :, as i h 1 h " l.l'.e t d i st s ton i.i e"' ; !, -rt" ; 'tenia was iipule by t.e 'bi ntltioii. For the that if ever he --.hould want an ;.' i'.e c;.: ctmen' ' ' ia-' .s '',-i'. will . State of North Carolina assembled j eVV Associate Justices, K. P. 'ne wanted Mr. Gu Iger to !.t.u:ie;1t0 e.piuily up.n all. in a Democratic convention. He j Glean , of Forsythe, nominated Hon. him said the wnite man must rule this j j. y. Graves. B. II. Bunn nominal- : couniry. ed James E. Shepherd. Wm.H.; The Convent.on w..s t:. .u. wuim,,,,.,; , i.ciuiaucui ui- iay , ot Ilalitax, nominated lhos. f-ober concern of tiie ki el that h s Kt ip tiie est e : es d enr p tooo , ganization reported Hon. W.R. Cox, Ln. HUl, t,f Halifax. J. C. Buxton ever been seen in North Carolina. stttutious at the iowc-t limit cona-l-i 5J7 lv vr ' oc n , a 4ap: t ;nnn.l f. s 4- ,-i . i . .... . - - - - . . . .... ' 1 one a -nins m, n .11 ; . ' " " 1 '"" 1 tie it 1 1 in 1 n ;t 1 10 1 1 01 .moire iijvis oi 1 mvi" preiei ei ee it; iit.eip.n s-..io r Ir;i,.,.; . ..... ;-.,) ,,i,t said he was glad to see the whole ti.j' ', 1 u-e. as a, I t a xa' ion I's mo-f ticavity r i.on 1 !: 1 ..:.. r-'. - i I." d .1 01' t ii : le :i - inlor, f; s a c an t il.r-ct bene lit t tu-.- .voricinu"iUl, to Tjn'iiMOTiVKS. KMUNlN. HOILKHS & HEAVY M.Vi'HINEKY. RICHMOND, VA. a'P'- 1 jt,'!' ,.:- Ul "Viti S!"L'.--Jj iPtvid A . A -robe. pe'.er A ::iaa. uv m urn mw ninuDiD u Diiu., ; '., (..-.. A . A i.n.-.be .V ,!!.. rAUKiAiii; i;hlijer. KICIIMG.M). VA. Lart:e tmd Complete Stock at '.BRANCH IK'L'SE, PETER AIXSLIE& III10., Lyntiibpko, Va, o 17 ly.